States of Matter By Brandi Waters Matter is all around us. It makes up the air we breathe. It makes up our food, our homes, and our pets. Even our bodies are made of matter. If you look closely at the human body, you will see many different kinds of matter. In all of our bodies, you will find hard bones. You will find soft tissues. Blood flows through our veins. Air fills our lungs. In our bodies you will find all three of the main states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. 1 Solid matter always keeps the same shape. It always takes up the same amount of space. Some solids are hard. Other solids are soft. Metal, rubber, and feathers are all solids. In your body, bones and fingernails are solid matter. 2 Liquid matter always takes the shape of its container. Liquids do not have a shape of their own. Like solids, liquid matter always takes up the same amount of space. In your body, the blood running through your veins is a liquid. It takes the shape of your blood vessels, large and small. The water that you drink is also a liquid. It goes to many places in your body to keep it running smoothly. 3 Gaseous matter also takes the shape of its container. Gases can take up different amounts of space. A small amount of gas will spread out to fill a large room. It can also squeeze together to fit into a very small space. The amount of gas does not change, but the amount of space that it takes up does change. In our bodies, we breathe air into our lungs. Whether we take deep, full breaths or short, shallow breaths, the air fills all of our lungs. 4 In our bodies, and all around us, the three main states of matter are everywhere. 5 Copyright © 2010 edHelper Name _____________________________ Date ___________________ States of Matter 1. What state of matter will you not find in the human body? Solid Liquid Gas None of the above 2. Solid matter ______. Is always hard Takes up different amounts of space, depending on the container Always keeps the same shape Is only found in the human body 3. ______ is an example of a liquid inside the human body. 4. ______ matter always takes the shape of its container and always takes up the same amount of space. Gaseous Liquid Solid 5. What two types of matter always take up the same amount of space? Solid and gas Solid and liquid Liquid and gas Name _____________________________ Date ___________________ States of Matter Write a paragraph that describes each of the three main states of matter. States of Matter By Brandi Waters always hard matter blood change large container same other metal even short kinds room shape Directions: Fill in each blank with the word that best completes the reading comprehension. Matter is all around us. It makes up the air we breathe. It makes up our food, our homes, and our pets. (1) _______________________ our bodies are made of matter. If you look closely at the human body, you will see many different (2) _______________________ of matter. In all of our bodies, you will find hard bones. You will find soft tissues. Blood flows through our veins. Air fills our lungs. In our bodies you will find all three of the main states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. Solid matter always keeps the same (3) _______________________ . It always takes up the (4) _______________________ amount of space. Some solids are (5) _______________________ . (6) _______________________ solids are soft. (7) _______________________ , rubber, and feathers are all solids. In your body, bones and fingernails are solid matter. Liquid (8) _______________________ always takes the shape of its container. Liquids do not have a shape of their own. Like solids, liquid matter (9) _______________________ takes up the same amount of space. In your body, the (10) _______________________ running through your veins is a liquid. It takes the shape of your blood vessels, large and small. The water that you drink is also a liquid. It goes to many places in your body to keep it running smoothly. Gaseous matter also takes the shape of its (11) _______________________ . Gases can take up different amounts of space. A small amount of gas will spread out to fill a (12) _______________________ (13) _______________________ . It can also squeeze together to fit into a very small space. The amount of gas does not (14) _______________________ , but the amount of space that it takes up does change. In our bodies, we breathe air into our lungs. Whether we take deep, full breaths or (15) _______________________ , shallow breaths, the air fills all of our lungs. In our bodies, and all around us, the three main states of matter are everywhere. Copyright © 2010 edHelper Name _____________________________ Date ___________________ States of Matter 1. What state of matter will you not find in the human body? Solid Liquid Gas None of the above 3. ______ is an example of a liquid inside the human body. 2. Solid matter ______. Is always hard Always keeps the same shape Is only found in the human body Takes up different amounts of space, depending on the container 4. ______ matter always takes the shape of its container and always takes up the same amount of space. Solid Gaseous Liquid Date ___________________ Name _____________________________ (Key 1 - Answer ID # 0570238) Circle the correct way to divide the word into syllables. 1. bo-dy b-ody bod-y body 2. c-hange change chang-e ch-ange 3. l-iquid liquid liq-uid liq-u-id 4. differe-nt diff-erent dif-fer-ent d-if-fere-nt 5. h-ard ha-rd har-d hard 6. spa-ce space spac-e sp-ace 7. t-hr-ough through thr-ough throug-h 8. larg-e large lar-ge la-rge 9. m-ai-n main m-ain ma-in 10. e-ven even ev-en eve-n 11. solid sol-id s-oli-d sol-id 12. rub-ber ru-bb-e-r ru-bber rubber 13. sma-ll small sm-all smal-l 14. other o-the-r ot-her oth-er 15. bloo-d b-lood blo-od blood 16. hu-man hu-man human hum-a-n 17. ro-om room roo-m r-oom 18. fo-od foo-d food f-ood 19. breat-he breat-h-e b-reath-e breathe 20. sa-me same sam-e s-ame 21. whether wheth-er w-hethe-r whet-h-e-r States of Matter - Answer Key 1 None of the above 2 Always keeps the same shape 3 Blood or water 4 Liquid 5 Solid and liquid States of Matter By Brandi Waters Answer Key Matter is all around us. It makes up the air we breathe. It makes up our food, our homes, and our pets. (1) Even our bodies are made of matter. If you look closely at the human body, you will see many different (2) kinds of matter. In all of our bodies, you will find hard bones. You will find soft tissues. Blood flows through our veins. Air fills our lungs. In our bodies you will find all three of the main states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. Solid matter always keeps the same (3) shape . It always takes up the (4) same amount of space. Some solids are (5) hard . (6) Other solids are soft. (7) Metal , rubber, and feathers are all solids. In your body, bones and fingernails are solid matter. Liquid (8) matter always takes the shape of its container. Liquids do not have a shape of their own. Like solids, liquid matter (9) always takes up the same amount of space. In your body, the (10) blood running through your veins is a liquid. It takes the shape of your blood vessels, large and small. The water that you drink is also a liquid. It goes to many places in your body to keep it running smoothly. Gaseous matter also takes the shape of its (11) container . Gases can take up different amounts of space. A small amount of gas will spread out to fill a (12) large (13) room . It can also squeeze together to fit into a very small space. The amount of gas does not (14) change , but the amount of space that it takes up does change. In our bodies, we breathe air into our lungs. Whether we take deep, full breaths or (15) short , shallow breaths, the air fills all of our lungs. In our bodies, and all around us, the three main states of matter are everywhere. Answers to Reading Comprehension Questions 1 None of the above 2 Always keeps the same shape 3 Blood or water 4 Liquid 5 Solid and liquid Answer Key 1. bo-dy b-ody bod-y body 2. c-hange change chang-e ch-ange 3. l-iquid liquid liq-uid liq-u-id 4. differe-nt diff-erent dif-fer-ent d-if-fere-nt 5. h-ard ha-rd har-d hard 6. spa-ce space spac-e sp-ace 7. t-hr-ough through thr-ough throug-h 8. larg-e large lar-ge la-rge 9. m-ai-n main m-ain ma-in 10. e-ven even ev-en eve-n 11. solid sol-id s-oli-d sol-id 12. rub-ber ru-bb-e-r ru-bber rubber 13. sma-ll small sm-all smal-l 14. other o-the-r ot-her oth-er 15. bloo-d b-lood blo-od blood 16. hu-man hu-man human hum-a-n 17. ro-om room roo-m r-oom 18. fo-od foo-d food f-ood 19. breat-he breat-h-e b-reath-e breathe 20. sa-me same sam-e s-ame 21. whether wheth-er w-hethe-r whet-h-e-r