c) Politicalsystemsmay be organizedin a democraticmanner Democracy- Greekdemos(people)kratia(rule).It meansa stateruledby the consentof its people. Briefly identify the major types,characteristics,and featuresof democraticsystems: ._t Page 5 Types: . Direct Democracy- A statein which all politicaldecisionsaremadeby all the qualifiedvoters,asin a t.t referendumor plebiscite.Thereareno democracies thatrule exclusivelyby the useof directdemocracy. I a (small town Emerged in the its and surrounding area)of AthensGreece. "polis" t 'I r RepresentativeDemocracy- A statein whichthe legislativepowersaredelegatedby qualifiedvotersto their representative in a legislativebody,suchasparliament,senate,or congress. Thepeoplecontrolthe representatives throughperiodicelections.ProportionalRqresenution meansthat the numberof you getin powermatchthe%oof thevoteyou get.In Canadawe haveRepresenution representatives by Population,meaningthat eachrepresentative is electedby an equalnumberof votersin a specifiedregion.In eachriding, thecandidatewith mostvoteswins. . ParliamentaryDemocracy- Theexecutive(PrimeMinisterandCabinet)needsthe supportof the parliament- or legislativebranchof government- to makelaws.ThePrimeMinisterhasno realpower without his or her party'ssupport.Canadais an example.It is in contrastto the USA'seconomywhich gives the presidenttheright to veto legislation,or France'swhich givesthepresidenta broadbaseof power includingtherightto dissolveparliament . PresidentialDemocracy- A politicalsystemin whichanelectedoffrcial,usuallythepresident, wieldsthe constitutionalpower.ExamplesaretheUSA, France,andMexico.It's alsocalledRepublicanDemooaq. : Characteristics/features . Majority rule - Democracies follow thedecisionmakingpolicyof whicheverdecisionis supported by a majoritybeingadopted.It is fifty percentplusone.It is not a synonymfor democracy.Onedrawbackof democracyis the "Tyrannyof the Majority" which meansthatthe minoritycanbe deprivedof their rights suchastheblacksin Americain thepast. . Citizen participation - DirectDemocracies providefor themostcitizenparticipationasthey areallowedto voteon eachdecision.Representative give citizensthe rightsto participatein the process democracies r whenevertheyelecttheirrepresentative. Citizenscanalsobeinvolvedin majordecisions throughvotingfor ' plebiscites,referendums, representativis. speakingout throughthemedia,andlobby goups. . Accountabilityof governmentto the peoples- In a democracy, thegovernment ruleswith theconsentof thepeople.In a representative democracywe canvoteour representatives out if theydon'tpleaseus so they areaccountable. However,somepeoplebelievethatour politicianshavetheright to do astheypleaseonce we votethemin. . Minority rights - Thetruetestof a democracyis the guarantee of minorityrights.Theseareoftenreferred to aspolitical rightssinceeveryoneshouldhavethemin a democracy. Minority rightsareprotectedby the constitutionsanddocuments suchasCanada's "Charterof fughtsandFreedoms"- in democracies. In order to operateeffectively,democracies andcompromisewith minorities.If minority needto useconsensus rightsareignoredtheymayrejectthe lawsmadeby themajority.The ryrannyof thernajoriry is a phenomena that occurswhenthe majorityrule discriminates againstthe minoritygroups. . Guaranteeof individual rights and freedoms- Minority rightsareprotectedby the constitutionsof democracies. The constitutionsof democracies oftenhavespecificsectionsdevotedto outliningthe rights andfreedomsof citizens. . Opposition - Democracies allow for the freeandopencompetitionfor poweramong variousindividuals andgroups.In a parliamentarysystemsuchasCanada,the largestpartythat doesnot form a governmentis calledthe Official Opposition. . Limits on dissent- Peoplecandissentor disagreein a democracy aslong astheyfollow the lawsof the nation. . Provision for changesto the system- Democracies usuallyhaveamendingformulasthat enablethemto '': \ changetheir constitution.Theseamendingformulasinvolvedemocraticprocesses. Political parties - Democracies lr,J usuallyhavepoliticalpartieswhichareorganizations formedto represent goals policies. parties certainstated ln Canadaour main arethe Liberals,Progressive and Conservatives, Paget parties In are Republicans main the and and Bloc the Reform Party USA the New Democrats, Quebecois. the Democrats.The partieswith fewerinterestsandlimited supportarecalledfringeparties. d) PoliticalSystemsmay be organizedin a dictatorialmanner .l U'l political Dictatorship - A systemof political organizationin whichtherightsof thosewho do not possess person group possessing on or powerarenot guaranteed. Theycanbe classifiedin differentwaysbased the in Egypt. Theterm werein 3000BCbythePharaohs power:autocracy,oligarchy,or majoritytyranny.Thefirstdictatorships republic whentheRoman todealwithnational emergencies; created wasusedin'ancient Rome where it refened toaposition dictator powers withabsolute to solveit. theywouldappoint wasthreatened by warorcrisis, someone and featuresof Dictatorships: Briefly identify the major types,characteristics, arepolitical systemsin whichthe right of thosenot in powerarenot Types of Dictatorships:(dictatorships guaranteed). . Autocracy - Thetypeof political systemwhereall poweris heldby onepersonor an autocrat.Autocratic actionsarethosewhich do not takeinto accountthe.opinionsof thepeople,only thoseof the leader.Tsarist Russiawasan autocraticstate. . Oligarchy - A form of dictatorialgovemmentconductedandcontrolledby a relativelyfew influential members.Most dictatorshipsareactuallyoligarchies.For example,the Politburoof the formerUSSR basicallycontrolledthe communistpartyandthe entirenation. . Majority Tyranny - A form of dictatorshipwherethemajorityhaspolitical poweranddoesnothingto ensurethe.politicalrightsof the non-majority.SomeMiddle Easternnationsareexamples.The majorityof the populationis Islamic,andthe Islamicreligionis reflectedin the nation'slawswhich do not respectthe rightsof the minority. \ . Minority Tyranny - A conditionin whichthe ruling minorityunlawfullyoppresses the majoritygroup. \ SouthAfrica usedto be an example. . AbsoluteMonarchy - Absolutepoweris that which hasno limits placedon it, thus,the monarchhastotal controloverthe nationandperformsall four functionsof govemment.For example,SaudiArabiais ruled by King Fahd. . Military Dictatorship - Whenthe military leadersrun the countrywith total power.For example,Haiti was is oftenhow military controlledby its military. A'coup d'etat'(violentoverthrowof government) govemmentsgainpower. Characteristics/features: . Authoritarian - A political systemin which oneperson,eithera monarchor a dictator,assumes total justification constitutionalpowerunderhis or herauthority.An authoritarianpolitical authorityplacesthe justiff their powerthroughthe supportof the people.Hitler andthe for powerin itself, whereasdemocracies Nazi'sin Germanywerean example. . Totalitarian - A political systemwhich triesto maximizestateor govemmentcontroloverthe actionsof its individuals.An authoritariangovernmentbecomestotalitarianwhenit bansall opposition,andthe citizens surrendertheir civil rightsto the ruling dictator,ruler,or party.Moderntotalitarianstatesaredifferentthan pastnon-democratic theyindoctrinatepeopleto their ideology.Stalinof the USSRwasa statesbecause totalitarianruler. , Useof Force - The dictatorialtechniqueusedto gainacceptance of govemmentpolicies.Associatedwith terrorandthe threatof force.Usedprimarilyto gainpowerandeliminateopposition.A "coupd'etat" is a violent or illegal changein govemment,andis an exampleof how dictatorialgovemmentssometimesgain power.For example,Chinausedthe military to violentlystopa peacefulstudentsprotest. 11 . ft. . . . Page 7 Control of Media - Dictatorial and Authoritarian governmentscontrol the media. The media is usedto spreadpropagandathat indoctrinatesthe population to the government'sideology to the exclusion or detriment of other ideas. Controlled Participation - The dictatorial techniquewhich directs and controls citizens activities in order to maintain control and give the people a senseof belongingas well as a senseof contributing to the decision making process.In the former Soviet Union , the election processwas an example; in Nazi Germany,the Hitler youth was also an example of this technique. Limits of Dissent- Dissentis the actof disagreeing with the majorityor governmentactions.It is usually peacefulbut canbecomeviolent.In dictatorships, dissentis not permitted. to the peoplethat elected electedoffrcialsareaccountable Accountability of Government- In democracies, the govemmentis usuallyaccountable to no one. them.In dictatorships, Provisionfor changesto the system- Only the authoritarianleaderscanchangethe system,but the leaders can make changeswithout the consentof the people.