Chapter 1.3 Foundations of Democracy Today, there are more democratic forms of government in the world than any other style of government? Why? Types of democracies Types of democracies Direct democracies Laws may be made directly by all citizens Example: town halls where public citizens vote on public issues Representative democracies People elect representatives to conduct the business of government for them. Example: City Councils, state and federal governments. 5 Basic Principles of Democracy Give people the opportunity to make choices Recognize the dignity and worth of each person Promote respect for the law Protect the rights of the minority Produce policies that promote the public good Give people the opportunity to make choices In democracies, citizens make choices in free elections by voting for who they like. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Why? Good or Bad choice for Leader? Good or Bad choice for Leader? Good or Bad choice for Leader? Good or Bad choice for Leader? Good or Bad choice for Leader? Good or Bad Choice for Leader? Good or Bad choice for Leader? Recognize the dignity and worth of each person By allowing all citizens to participate in governing, Democracy promotes equality. How? Any adult, regardless of education, beliefs, or ethnicity, can vote! Therefore, politicians are forced to recognize each person they may represent as an individual Promoting Respect for the Law If citizens participate in government They are more likely to follow the law. Citizens have right to challenge the law How? Speak opinions at town hall meetings! By teaching that the law is good… You preserve democracy to live on. Why is that important? Democracies keep anarchies from being established Anarchies = a state of political disorder resulting from the absence of government Protect the Minorities Rights Most decisions in a democracy are made by a majority rule occurs when decisions are based on the desire of more than half of the membership of the group. How do you protect the rights of the minority?? Develop a Liberal Democracy Liberal Democracy Form of democracy where elected representatives are moderated by a Constitution that emphasizes protecting individual liberties and minorities rights in society Minority rights Political rights that cannot be abolished in a democracy even though they are held by less than half the population. Is it possible to guarantee rights to minorities? Promoting the Public Good Theory If all citizens participate in government, decisions will better promote the public good than if decisions are left to just a few people in government? Agree or disagree?