Oklahoma State University-Okmulgee Course Syllabus & Schedule with Due Dates PSYC 1113 – INTRODUCTORY PSYCHOLOGY (On-line) Fall 2015 This is an introductory course, which presents the principles, theories, vocabulary and applications of the science of psychology. Heredity and environment, development of personality, behavior, learning applications and life span development are discussed. 15 week Theory Class. Completely on-line No synchronous meetings are required. Credit Hours: 3; Total hours of theory per semester 3; Total hours of lab for the semester 0. Prerequisites: None. Instructor Name: Danna Martin Office: NCAT 314D NCAT 311 Classroom Preferred Instructor Phone: Cell number (918) 756-8461 Office Hours will be posted on a separate power point within D2L next to this syllabus, on my classroom and office door. Call my cell and I am happy to meet students year round as needed. Instructor's email: danna.martin@okstate.edu It is easier to contact this instructor and get a prompt reply using e-mail vs. phoning. *Please identify which class you are in to get a more prompt and specific reply. During weekdays, students can generally have their phone calls or e-mails returned within a 24 hour period. Division Name: Arts and Sciences Division Phone: (918) 293-4768 Fax: 918-293-4662 (Send needed verification here.) REQUIRED TEXT, REFERENCES, AND MATERIALS Texts: Psychology, 7th ed. Davis & Palladino & Christopherson 978-0-205-84684-9 References: D2L On-line Study Guide for Psychology, Danna Martin Materials: Notebook paper, pen, pencil Uniform/Tools: None Estimated Cost for Materials: Current OSUIT Bookstore cost approximately $85.00. You may also check on-line to purchase hard copies of the textbook. It is possible to rent an electronic version of textbook however the required Respondus Lockdown Browser will prevent that electronic resource from being accessed during the major exams whereas students may be able to access their traditional textbooks. Estimated Cost for Uniform/Tools: None COURSE OBJECTIVES ASSESSMENT OF OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this course, students should: Date Modified 9/4/2015 1 1. Describe the role of psychology in daily human experience and list the goals of this 1. Internet Exercises, Examinations social science. 2. Evaluate and synthesize major approaches to psychology 2. Internet Exercises, Exams, Writing Assignments 3. Explain how biological processes, especially activity in the brain and nervous system affect behavior and states of consciousness. 3.Demonstrations on-line, Internet Exercises, Exams, 4. Describe the impact of heredity and environment (nature vs. nurture) on various aspects of human development and behavior. 5. Apply principles of learning towards management and understanding of behavior 6. Describe how behavior is initiated, energized and directed by motives and emotions. 4. Demonstrations on-line, Internet, Exercises, Exams, 5. Tests, Writing Assignment 6. Exam, Internet Demonstration COURSE ACTIVITIES In this course students are expected to budget at least than three hours of reading each week. They are expected to check their e-mail and log into the D2L system at least twice a week. They will apply the principles of psychology to every day experiences by completing short writing assignments and participating on the D2L discussion board. OSU-Okmulgee Grading Scale A = 90.00 – 100.00 B = 80.00 – 89.99 C = 70.00 – 79.99 D = 60.00 – 69.99 F = 0.00 – 59.99 EVALUATION: - Grades will be based on the quality and completion of these tasks: (Approximately 860 pts.) D2L Orientation Quiz …………………20 points This short quiz may be taken anywhere and doesn’t require a proctored site or a password to access. Students should read this syllabus and the document, ACE THIS COURSE before taking the MANDATORY orientation test on D2L. Attending the face Date Modified 9/4/2015 2 to face orientation session on campus is optional. I want to make sure all students understand how the course is laid out and what the requirements are. Instructor’s D2L practice Quizzes 12 @ 10 points & 1 @ 20 points….....140 points Students may take each untimed practice quiz once. No password is required and students will see their responses with corrective feedback. Scores are automatically transferred into the gradebook. Writing Assignment 1 @ 100 points = 100 pts. On D2L under “contents”, students will find detailed instructions on how to complete the self-reflection paper “Who Am I?” or an alternative research project of their choice. Detailed instructions, a grading rubric and the due dates are posted on D2L the very first day of class. Students will always receive an e-mail confirmation their work has been successfully uploaded into the drop box. A student saying they were unaware that their work hadn’t been received will not justify a due date extension. All writing assignments must have at least a 70% originality report to receive any credit. Generally students can expect to receive specific feedback with a grade a one week period. Please feel free to contact the instructor if you have questions. TESTING 6 @ 100 points with the lowest test score dropped = 500 points. Five Unit or Module Tests and one Cumulative Final- - - each is worth 100 points and the lowest test score will automatically be dropped. All of the unit or module tests consist of approximately 50 -60 multiple choice questions and there is a one hour limit for each exam. Five grace minutes are allotted to wrap up one’s work. To prepare for all of the unit exams, the student will greatly benefit from printing off this instructor’s study guides posted on D2L and filling them out while reading through the textbook. This will help the student be a more active reader and focus upon the key topics. However, completing the study guides posted on D2L is not a required nor is it a graded activity. Also students are responsible for the material presented in the Power Points posted on D2L. These study guides will help you take the major tests confidently and comfortably within the time limit. The student may take these open book exams at home and Respondus Lockdown Brower is required to open these exams. That free downloadable computer program will prevent students from surfing the net or printing off exam copies. Also the instructor has set up the tests so that no two students will be asked the same 50 questions or questions in the same order. Students will be able to see only one question at a time and should save all of their responses as they work through the examination. This is to improve the integrity of this on-line course. The password to open up all the exams this semester is INTEGRITY. When a student wishes to use OSUIT facilities such as the Lasso Center or library, they may be asked to present their student ID before taking the test. When a student completes the exam they will immediately see their test scores which will be automatically recorded in the gradebook. Discussion Board Questions 10 @ 10 points …………………………….100 points Date Modified 9/4/2015 3 Deadlines, rules and the grading rubric for this activity are posted on the first day of class. Students can expect their work to be graded within a week. If you think there is an omission or error please bring it to the instructor’s attention. Bonus Opportunities A. 30 Day Challenge – 35 bonus points. Bonus Writing Assignment describing a behavioral change program. Students must follow the specific instructions posted on-line. B. Evaluation of Course …….…………………….…5 bonus points At the end of the semester each student will take a screen shot of their computer screen which documents the fact they have evaluated this and other OSUIT courses. They may also just cut and paste the screen’s information and upload it within a D2l drop box. The specific feedback is never known or released to the instructor until the following semester and cannot affect a student’s grade. It just provides valuable feedback to improve courses. Optional Resource (Non-Graded Activity) Students may print of the instructor’s study guides and power points made available on D2L and use them while taking their timed examinations. These resources will greatly enhance your understanding of the material and most likely raise your grades. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, each student with a disability is responsible for notifying the University of his/her disability and requesting accommodations. If you think you have a qualified disability and need special accommodations, you should notify the instructor and request verification of eligibility for accommodations from the Office of Academic Accommodations/LASSO Center. Please advise the instructor of your disability as soon as possible, and contact The LASSO Center, to ensure timely implementation of appropriate accommodations. Faculty have an obligation to respond when they receive official notice of a disability but are under no obligation to provide retroactive accommodations. To receive services, you must submit appropriate documentation and complete an intake process during which the existence of a qualified disability is verified and reasonable accommodations are identified. The LASSO Center is located on the 3rd floor of the Noble Center. You may call 918.293.4855 for more information or fax documentation to918.293.4853. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY Academic dishonesty or misconduct is neither condoned nor tolerated at OSUOkmulgee. Any student found guilty of academic dishonesty or misconduct shall be subject to disciplinary action. Academic dishonesty and/or misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following actions: (1) Plagiarism: The representation of previously written, published or creative work as one’s own; (2) Unauthorized Collaboration on Projects; (3) Cheating on Examinations; (4) Unauthorized Advance Access to Exams; Date Modified 9/4/2015 4 (5) Fraudulent Alteration of Academic Materials; (6) Knowing Cooperation with Another Person in an Academically Dishonest Undertaking. Students are required to actively protect their work against misuse by others. For details, refer to The OSU-Okmulgee Student Handbook available in the Office of Student Support & Development, each Division office, and on-line http://www.osu-okmulgee.edu/handbook/. STUDENT CONDUCT Students are expected to cooperate in maintaining an environment conducive to learning and log onto D2L on a weekly basis during the course’s duration. The student can see all assignments with their specific instructions and due dates, their respective drop boxes, the entire semester’s grade book, and a fairly current GPA total all throughout this course. Should the student have any questions or problems whatsoever, it is their responsibility to contact the instructor and express their concerns. I have an open door policy and want all of my students to be successful. I will can arrange to meet with students year round. ATTENDANCE Regular online participation is essential to the successful completion of this course. The student is responsible for all material assigned. Students need to contact this instructor if they are experiencing difficulty in completing the work. They should also contact their instructor within a week if they do not see their submitted work credited in the on-line grade book or a zero when it hasn’t been completed. . Statement required for inclusion in all ONLINE course syllabi Attendance Policy for Online courses: A primary component of OSUIT's Mission is: “to prepare and sustain a diverse student body as competitive members of a world-class workforce”. Regular and consistent attendance not only aids in academic success, dependable attendance is a requirement in today's real-world employment; therefore, regular and consistent attendance is a requirement in all OSUIT courses. Definition: Absent: Failing to actively participate in online coursework during a standard week timeframe for a given course. A. Students must demonstrate attendance through active participation in the course at least once every seven days. Simply logging into the course does not constitute active participation. B. Active participation is defined as the completion of required activities such as: 1. Completion of online quizzes or exams 2. Submission of assignments 3. Participation threaded discussions, or 4. Involvement in discussion question as determined by the instructor and indicated in the course syllabus. Date Modified 9/4/2015 5 C. Calculations for weekly to percentage ratios 1. Missing 1 of 15 weeks = 6.67% 2. Missing 2 of 15 weeks = 13.33% 3. Missing 3 of 15 weeks = 20% 4. Missing 1 of 7.5 weeks = 13.33% 5. Missing 1.5 of 7.5 weeks = 20% Procedures: Early Intervention: A. Any student, who misses 10% of an individual course (or earlier at faculty discretion) during a regular fifteen-week semester, or the equivalent portion of time in a shorter session, will have their name submitted by that course instructor to the OSUIT Early Alert System for retention intervention. B. At the point the Early Alert is issued, the student must meet with their assigned faculty advisor or designated faculty/staff member within seven (7) academic calendar days for counseling on how to improve their attendance and academic success. Excessive Absences: A. The University reserves the right to administratively withdraw any student from an individual course that misses 20% of that course, whether excused or unexcused, and, in the opinion of the instructor, the student does not have a reasonable opportunity to be successful in the course. B. Students should be aware any of the following may impact their financial aid: 1. being administratively withdrawn from a course 2. dropping a course 3. their last date of attendance in a course Please see OSUIT Policy 2-021 for full details and procedures LATE WORK will NOT be accepted late unless the student faxes the necessary proof of required military, jury service, is on a sanctioned OSU field trip, or there is a death or hospitalization of someone within the immediate family. Having personal computer problems is not an excuse for accepting late work. If a student experiences computer or internet problems, they are expected to use another computer. They can use a friend’s computer or go to a public library. They should seek help and advice from the OSUIT technical staff at 918-293-4700 during regular business hours. Due dates for homework and tests are located in D2L the first day of the semester. Students may work ahead of the schedule but they cannot fall behind. Students are also are strongly urged to not wait until the last day of a cycle to take their tests or submit their work! Date Modified 9/4/2015 6 There is one important exception regarding computer technical difficulties. Should a student actually be in the process of taking a test, and lose internet connection, the instructor using the D2L tracker will be able to see when the test was taken and how far they progressed if they have saved their answers all along the way. If this happens please let the instructor know. The test might be reset by the instructor depending upon the circumstances or the grade may be based upon the percentage of questions attempted. Missed exams will NOT be allowed or accepted late unless accompanied by a written excused absence for an OSU sponsored field trip, required mandatory military or jury duty, or a death or hospitalization within one’s immediate family. Documentation should be faxed to 293-4662 which is the division’s number. Please note: The instructor will drop every student’s lowest test score. A 0! Has been place in the grade book where the cumulative final score is. That 0! indicates that your final exam score has already been dropped and allows you to understand your true current total GPA from the very first day of the semester. Each student can decide whether they want to take the final or not. Should they take the final exam, the 0! Currently listed there in the grade book will be immediately replaced by the actual score earned. The final can only help raise one’s GPA since the lowest test score is completely dropped and not average in. UNIVERSITY AND COURSE EXPECTATIONS It is the responsibility of each OSUIT student to read, abide by and maintain a copy of the syllabus for this course. Syllabi are available on the OSUIT website. Students understand that excerpts or portions of their work may be utilized for institutional assessment purposes. The purpose of institutional assess is for verification of student learning and program improvement. Every effort will be made to keep this information confidential. PSYCHOLOGY COURSE OUTLINE AND SCHEDULE All the deadlines are found on D2L the first day of class under quizzes, in the drop box area, and on the home page of the classroom. Although it is highly unlikely due dates would change during the semester, the instructor reserves the right to make changes if deemed necessary. If that were to occur, students would be given notification through e-mail. Students are expected to look at their e-mail and visit the on-line classroom at least twice a week. Each assignment and cycle will end on the dates listed below. Students may work ahead in this class if they have read the material. All due dates except for the orientation quiz, work following school wide breaks, and during finals week will be due on a Sunday by 11:45 P.M. Central Time. Date Modified 9/4/2015 7 Week 1: Unit 1: There will be an optional face to face orientation session for on-line students in my classroom NCAT 311 on Thursday 9-3-2015 between 11-12:30 and again on the same day between 5-6 P.M. By Wed. 9-9-2015 at 11:45 P.M., all enrolled students should have taken the mandatory 20 pt. D2L orientation quiz. If a student hasn’t participated in the course by that time, the registrar and financial aids office will be contacted as required by law. A hold could be placed on a student’s aid or they could be administratively dropped. Please don’t let this happen to you! The last day of the semester to add or drop a class and receive a refund is 9-8-2015. Week 2: By Sunday 9-13-2015 Read Chapter 1 - Introducing Psychology and Its Methods Make your first posting on the discussion board (5 pts.), reply to two other postings (5 pts.) and take the chapter 1 Practice Quiz in D2L (10 pts.) Week 3: By Sunday 9-20-2015 Read “The Brain and Physiological Basis of Behavior” which is posted on D2L. This reading assignment includes information about brain structures, functioning, health, intelligence and abnormal psychology. Students will complete the 10 pt. practice quiz in D2L, then participate on the discussion Board 10 pts. By Sunday 9-20-2015 the Unit I Test Ends 100 pts. This first test will test the student’s knowledge of Chapter 1 and the summary entitled The Brain & Physiological Basis of Behavior.) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Week 4: Unit II. By Sunday 9-27-2015, Read Chapter 5 – States of Consciousness, then take the chapter 5 practice quiz in D2L (10 pts.) Additionally read the short summary posted on D2L entitled Important Drug Trends then take the related practice quiz (10 pts.) Participate on the discussion board. (10 pts.) Week 5: By Sunday 10-4-2015 read the summary posted on D2L about the film entitled 1-2-3 Magic Child Discipline Program: Seeing the film is actually optional however you may wish to check out this film from the OSUIT library. It is quite popular and found in many county public libraries as well. Students will then take a 10 pt. practice quiz in D2L, then participate on the discussion board. (10 pts.) Week 6: By Sunday 10-11-2015 the Unit II Test Ends 100 pts. (Chapter 5 and 123 Magic Child Discipline.) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Date Modified 9/4/2015 8 Week 7 Due By Sunday 10-18-2015 11:45 P.M. Who Am I? Paper or Research Paper Midterm 10-20-2015 Grades will be submitted to the registrar Week 8 Unit III. By 10-25-2015-2015 at 11:45 P.M. Finish reading read Chapter 6 – Learning (Classical and Operant Conditioning and Cognitive and Social Perspectives on Learning) and complete the chapter 6 practice quiz (10 pts.) and participate on the discussion board (10 pts.) By Sunday 10-25-2015 Optional Bonus Assignment Writing Assignment, 30 Day Challenge Part 1 is due in the drop box for the instructor (5 pts.) Students will describe and journal their behavior modification program utilizing the specific tools mentioned in chapter 6. Tip: Within the 3rd Module, read “Behavioral Change Cheat Sheet” to get ideas about setting up your own program. *** Should a student wish to establish a plan of action which deals with health/fitness, they may wish to read next week’s power point. Week 10. By Sunday 11-1-2015 read Chapter 7 Motivation and Emotion then take the Chapter 7 Practice Quiz (10 pts.) Additionally, students will take the 20 pt. practice quiz over the Power Point entitled “Health, and Fitness.” Participate on the discussion board 10 pts. Week 11. By Sunday 11-8-2015 the Unit III Test Ends 100 pts. (Chapters 6 & 7)____________ ______________________________________________________________________ Week 12. By Sunday 11-15-2015, read Chapter 9 – Human Development across the Life Span. Take the Chapter 9 Practice Quiz (10 pts.) Participate on the discussion board (10 pts.) 11-20-2015 is the last day to withdraw with a W from all OSUIT courses Week 13. By Sunday 11-22-2015, read Chapter 10 Sex and Gender then complete the Chapter 10 Practice Quiz (10 pts.) Then participate on the discussion board. (10 pts.) Students will also read the very short summary of the popular book entitled, Five Languages of Love written by G. Chapman which is posted on D2L. This book is often Date Modified 9/4/2015 9 required reading within premarital counseling. Students may enjoy taking a quick personal inventory. There will be several bonus questions regarding this short reading assignment on the chapter 10 practice quiz. Additionally, some students may wish to comment upon their findings on this week’s discussion board. Also I have created an optional reading module at the bottom of the “Contents” Section entitled “Marriage and Relationship Information.” I hope some of you will find this helpful. By Sunday 11-22-2015 the Unit IV Test (over Chapters 9 & 10) Ends (100 pts.) _____________________________________________________ ________________ Week 14. Unit V. By Sunday 11-29-2015 read Chapter 11 Theories of Personality (Traits, Biological, Psychodynamic, Behavioral, Social Cognitive, and Humanistic) take the chapter 11 Practice Quiz (10 pts.) Then participate on the discussion board. (10 pts.) By Sunday 11-29-2015 The Optional Bonus Assignment, 30 Day Challenge Part 2 is due (30 pts.) Students may describe their successes and challenges associated with a behavior modification program started back when studying chapter 6. Week 14. Sunday 12-6-2015 Read Chapter 14 Health Psychology. (Stress and Illness, lifestyle Influences and coping with stress.) Take the Chapter 14 practice quiz (10 pts.) Participate on the discussion board. (10 pts.) By Sunday 12-6--2015 Read the following summaries posted on D2L: Positive Psychology & Happiness research, Factors Strongly Correlated with Happiness and Factors Slightly Correlated with Happiness. Take the Happiness Practice Quiz (10 pts.) Week 15. By *Tuesday 12-8-2015 the Unit V. Test Ends (Chapters 11 & 14)_____________ ______________________________________________________________________ The cumulative final is available until *Thursday 12-10-2015 and is optional if the student has taken all of their exams. It is required only for those students who have missed an exam. Taking the final can only help not hurt one’s GPA since the lowest test score is dropped, not averaged in! Before taking the final, it would be wise to look over the final study guide which outlines the core competencies of this course. Also looking over the power points and practice quizzes that the student has utilized throughout the entire semester will help. Date Modified 9/4/2015 10 By Thursday 12-10-2015, please drop box your screen shot demonstrating that you have evaluated all of your OSUIT courses. Instructions about how to do a screen shot are located near this syllabus within D2L. Also if you don’t know how to do a screen shot, you can just cut & paste this verification into a word document and upload it into the drop box. This is worth 5 bonus points. The fall 2015 graduation ceremony will take place in Covelle Hall at 2:00 P.M. Friday 12-11-2015. Finalized grades will be submitted to the registrar’s office by the following Tuesday. Please contact your instructor if you experience difficulty or have questions. Please ask sooner than later! Students are the reason OSU hires faculty. It’s going to be a great semester. Date Modified 9/4/2015 11