T e s t Yo u r s e l f T e s t Yo u r s e l f R e o ll w a S m A r e Yo u t ar H y? you may be a whizz at cryptic crosswords but can you sense when a stranger is upset? take these tests to find out your intelligence type H o w t o p l ay Take our trivia test. Try and rank these celebs in IQ order, highest to lowest: Sharon Stone, Hillary Clinton, Albert Einstein, Carol Vorderman, Sir Isaac Newton. Answers on page 61. ow clever do you consider yourself to be? While reading Alain de Botton in front of University Challenge: quite clever. Discovering a ‘mystery bruise’ after one too many malbecs: not so much. IQ and Mensa tests have been the traditional barometer of intelligence to date, and though researchers at America’s University of Rochester have H found that those with high IQs are more visually perceptive and have higher self-esteem, Ohio State University found no link between IQ and career success. In fact, research has even shown that people with average IQs outperform those with the highest IQs 70% of the time and experts now speak effusively about our EQ (emotional quotient; the ability to read emotional signals and react appropriately to them) too. Research by Rutgers University in New Jersey has shown that a high EQ is a better performance predictor than a high IQ, as we’re likely to use our emotional skillset every day. There is no known link between EQ and IQ; IQ is our ability to learn, and stays the same, while EQ can be improved, but it’s likely you’ll be stronger in one area. Let’s find out where you sit on the IQ vs EQ scale. ST SY TL Y ILSI T S .Tc. c oo . u. u kk 44 9 9 t e s t yo u r s e l f Test your IQ Spend 25 minutes answering the following questions in our taster IQ test to work out your level of intelligence (answers on page 61) 1 Which of A,B,C,D or E is the odd one out? A) b) 6 Which word in brackets is opposite in meaning to the word in red? 11 What number should replace the question mark? SIGNIFICANT ( O R D I N A R y, S T U P I D, M O D E S T, DULL, PETTy) 2 4 8 7 349, (21), 763, (45), 299 (?): What number should replace the question mark? 29 1 9 ? c) 8 d) e) 2 ‘Susceptible to attack or damage’. Which word below most closely fits the above definition? D E B I L I TAT E D VULNERABLE U N S TA B L E E M A S C U L AT E D U N P R E PA R E D 3 Change one letter only in each word below to find a well-known phrase. Create an anagram, using two of the three words below, that is a synonym of the remaining word. Eg: LEG – MEEK – NET. LEG and NET form an anagram of GENTLE, which is a synonym of the remaining word, MEEK. T H I N - S U I TC A S EKEEN ON TIE WINK 4 Arrange the words so each adjacent pair of words forms a new word Eg: word, game, pass, point = pass, word, game, point [password, wordgame, and gamepoint]. S H O R T, G R O U P, WAT E R , L I N E , S TO R y, A G E , F R E S H , FA L L 5 Upon glancing through your morning newspaper you notice that four of the pages are missing. One of the missing pages is page 8. The back page of the newspaper is page 28. What are the numbers of the other three missing pages? 12 Find two words, one in the first grid and one in the second, that are antonyms. Words can be read backwards, forwards, horizontally, vertically or diagonally, but always in a straight line. Spiral clockwise to spell out a 10-letter word that starts and finishes with the same two letters. You must also provide the missing letter. o d t 4 6 1 9 p 18 3 t e d y t h i m s p r r u l s p r p m a y a a p a a a a t s s h r p l t r a t s t s f a b t e m a s 13 Squares: which of the following pieces, when fitted to the above piece, will form a perfect square? e n a 10 Identify two words (one from each set of brackets) that have a connection with the word above them in red. A) b) c) ABDUCTION ( W I N C H , K I D N A P, RANSOM) LARCENy ( T H E F T, D E C E I T, CRIME) d) e) S T Y L I S T.c o.u k 51 T e s t Yo u r s e l f 14 T est yo u r EQ How many lines appear below? Answer ‘agree’ or ‘disagree’ to the mini EQ test below to see where you sit on the scale It angers me when people walk slowly, or get in my way on the pavement. 2 I get annoyed or overwhelmed when others express their feelings, positive or negative. 3 4 Once upset, it takes me a while to feel OK again. I find myself replaying conversations in my mind, thinking about what I could or should have said. 15 Which circle should replace the question mark? 5 6 I often find myself flitting from one task to another. I find it hard to concentrate in a noisy environment. 7 When I’m distracted by an unexpected event, like the phone or doorbell, I find it hard to get back into what I was doing beforehand. A) B) C) D) E) W H AT D O E S YO U R S C O R E S AY A B O U T Y O U ? 1 3 -1 5 E x C E p t i o n A l ( i Q 1 40 o r h i g h E r ) Really? Really? Well, if you can say hand on heart that you hit this category, you can consider history’s geniuses as your mental bedfellows. It is said that Einstein’s was 160; Galileo’s 185. But, once again, really? 1 0 -12 E x C E l l E n t ( i Q 1 20 -13 9) Hello clever clogs. Any human with an IQ over 125 is considered to be highly intelligent. Recent Stylist cover star Hillary Clinton is said to be hovering around the 140 mark and she could, quite possibly, take over the world. 7-9 V E r y g o o D ( i Q 1 10 -119) Hey! You’re at the top end of 52 S T Y L I S T.c o.u k average. In fact, if you scored 18/19, you’re above average. Well done you. People with your IQ do amazing things. Like Godfather director, Francis Ford Coppola (117). 4-6 gooD ( i Q 10 1-1 09) Friend, you are fair to middling. Britney Spears is said to have an IQ of 104 and she’s a very successful businesswoman. And a cracking dancer. 1-3 g o o D t o AV E r A g E ( i Q 1 00) Don’t feel bad. Roughly 95% of us have an IQ between 70 and 130. So you’re bang in the middle. And that’s not a bad place to be at all. Test Your IQ, Philip Carter (£7.99, Kogan Page); koganpage.com 8 When tackling a solo project, I prefer to work in the quietest place I can find. 9 10 11 People consider me a good judge of character. I like to spend time just watching people. I often feel I know how someone is feeling more than they do themselves. 12 I prefer to talk to people face-to-face, rather than over the phone. 13 I usually know how I’m feeling, even under pressure. 14 When making a big decision, I go with my gut feeling. 15 I feel that I very much inhabit my body and feel at home with it. HOW TO SCORE: Score one point if you disagreed with questions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Score one point if you agreed with questions: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 W h At D o E S yoUr SCorE S Ay A B o U t yoU? Q U E S t i o n S 1- 4: BAlAnCE 0-2 points: You feel anxious about events and overwhelmed by feelings, which can cause you undue stress. 3-4 points: You are resilient and deal with emotions with calmness and composure. Q U E S t i o n S 5 - 8: FoCUS 0-2 points: You can allow your rational thinking to be overpowered by emotion. 3-4 points: You’re good at screening out distractions and staying present – an important aspect of EQ. Q U E S t i o n S 9 -1 2: n o n -V E r B A l intUition 0-2 points: You live in your own world and risk misjudging people from first impressions. 3-4 points: You pick up on subtle cues easily and are good at reading others’ emotions. Q U E S t i o n S 1 3 -1 5: S o m At i C AWA r E n E S S 0-2 points: Watch out for hidden emotions that can lead to illness and stress. 3 points: You’re in touch with your body, which is essential to knowing how you and others are feeling. Dr Barbara Mariposa runs Mind Mood Mastery, a course teaching mindfulness and EQ; and monthly Digital Detox Days; mindmoodmastery.com WORDS: LIzzIE POOK PHOtOGRAPH Y: GEttY ImAGES 1