Defining Issues ® April 2014, No. 14-19 FASB Retains Fair Value Option for Financial Instruments At its April 4 meeting, the FASB continued redeliberations on its proposed standard on financial instrument classification and measurement (proposed ASU) and discussed the applicability of the fair value option.1 Key Facts The FASB reached the following decisions: The ability to elect the fair value option for a financial instrument will remain as it is in current U.S. GAAP; and At a future meeting, the FASB will discuss whether the change in fair value that is attributable to an entity’s own credit risk should be recognized in other comprehensive income (OCI) for a financial liability for which it has elected the fair value option. Information about past FASB decisions on the classification and measurement and impairment of financial instruments is available in the section on KPMG Publications on Past Redeliberations. Contents No Change in Fair Value Option .... 2 KPMG Publications on Past Redeliberations .......................... 3 1 FASB Proposed Accounting Standards Update, Recognition and Measurement of Financial Assets and Liabilities, February 14, 2013, available at ©2001–2014 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative, a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. KPMG and the KPMG logo are registered trademarks of KPMG International Cooperative, a Swiss entity. Defining Issues® — April 2014, No. 14-19 No Change in Fair Value Option The FASB decided that the ability to elect the fair value option for financial instruments will remain as it is in current U.S. GAAP. At a future meeting the FASB will discuss whether the change in fair value that is attributable to an entity’s own credit risk should be recognized in OCI for a financial liability for which it has elected the fair value option. Rede Clas of Fi Background and Observations. The fair value option under current U.S. GAAP allows an entity to irrevocably elect to measure a financial instrument at fair value and recognize changes in net income (FV-NI). This election is applied on an instrument-by-instrument basis and must generally be made upon initial recognition of the financial instrument. The proposed ASU, including prior redeliberation conclusions, would have eliminated the unconditional fair value option in existing U.S. GAAP and instead permit an entity to elect (irrevocably and at initial recognition) to measure at FV-At its Fe the prop NI the following assets and liabilities: measure A group of financial assets and financial liabilities if an entity both manages the characte net exposure relating to them on a fair value basis and provides information on assets.1 a net exposure basis to the entity’s management. A hybrid financial asset or liability that contains an embedded derivative feature otherwise requiring bifurcation and separate accounting. Key Fa The FASB Financial assets that otherwise would be measured at fair value through OCI. A cash f At the April 4 meeting, the FASB decided to retain the fair value option as it classific stands under current U.S. GAAP because of the project’s current direction and ensure t lack of obvious practice issues. However, this tentative decision could change in measure the upcoming discussion on financial liabilities for which an entity has elected The fair the fair value option. an embe Contents Cash Flow Characteristics ............ 2 We previo and measu Fair Value Option for Hybrid Financial Assets.......................... 2 1 FASB Propo and Liabilities 2 For more in for Classifica IFRS Conver Instruments, Measuremen network. ©2001–2013 2 ©2001–2014 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative, a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. KPMG and the KPMG logo are registered trademarks of KPMG International Cooperative, a Swiss entity. Defining Issues® — April 2014, No. 14-19 KPMG Publications on Past Redeliberations Information about the proposed ASUs on classification and measurement and impairment and the FASB’s previous tentative decisions can be found in the following Defining Issues articles. Financial Instruments: Changes to Financial Assets Impairment, Classification and Measurement (14-14) Rede Redeliberations Continue on Impairment of Financial Instruments (14-12) Clas Divergence Increases on Classification and Measurement of Financial Assets (14-5) of Fi Redeliberations Continue on Classification and Measurement of Financial Instruments (14-13) IFRS Convergence Not Probable on Impairment and Classification and Measurement of Financial Instruments (13-56) At its Fe the prop Redeliberations on Financial Instruments Classification and Measurement – measure Business Model Assessment (13-53) characte assets.1 Redeliberations Begin on Impairment, Classification and Measurement of Financial Instruments (13-43) Additionally, more detailed information is presented in these Issues In-Depth articles. Key Fa The FASB Applying the FASB Proposed Model for Classification and Measurement of A cash f Financial Instruments (13-2) classific ensure t Applying the FASB Proposed Model on Financial Asset Credit Losses (13-1) measure The fair an embe Contact us: This is a publication of Contents KPMG’s Department of Professional Practice We previo 212-909-5600 and measu Cash Flow Characteristics ............ 2 Contributing authors: Enrique M. Tejerina and Michael A. Gaiso Earlier editions are available at: Value Option for Hybrid reporting-network Financial Assets.......................... 2 Legal–The descriptive and summary statements in this newsletter are not intended to be a substitute for the potential requirements of the proposed standards or any other potential or applicable requirements of the accounting literature or SEC regulations. Companies applying U.S. GAAP or filing with the SEC should apply the texts of the relevant laws, regulations, and accounting requirements, consider their particular circumstances, and consult their accounting and legal advisors. Defining Issues® is a registered trademark of KPMG LLP. 1 FASB Propo and Liabilities 2 For more in for Classifica IFRS Conver Instruments, Measuremen network. ©2001–2013 3 ©2001–2014 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative, a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. KPMG and the KPMG logo are registered trademarks of KPMG International Cooperative, a Swiss entity.