Animallike Protists – Review



Animallike Protists – Review

Instructions – fill in the blanks with the correct word or words to make the sentence make sense.

1.) Most protists are ___ single cellular __ while some of them contain many cells.

2.) The Amoeba belongs to the phylum ___ sarcodina ___.

3.) Paramecia are pretty much all the same, in that they move by cellular projections called

____ cilia ___.

4.) Since these organisms have no definite shape, it is difficult determining a posterior (front) and an anterior (back). These false feet or ____ pseudopods ___ extend out in the direction the organism is moving.

5.) All protists contain a nucleus and other membrane bound organelles. This type of cell is called __ eukaryotic __ because of this characteristic.

6.) Amoeba and its relatives reproduce through the process of ___ binary fission ___.

7.) The __ contractile vacuole __ are used by the paramecium to pick up and get rid of excess water from its body.

8.) The zoomastiginans are organisms that may infect or help several species of organisms.

African sleeping sickness is caused by the bite of the __ tsetse fly __ and injects the

___ trypanosoma ___ organism into the host.

9.) These organisms are called zooflagellates because of the presence of one or more

___ flagella __ on their body.

10.) __ cilia __ are hair-like structures used by organisms to move.

11.) The phylum ___ ciliophora __ is named after this characteristic. The Paramecium is the representative organism of this group of protists.

12.) Each Paramecium contains 2 nuclei: __ macronucleus __ and the __ micronucleus __.

13.) Of the two nuclei the ___ micronucleus ___ is used during conjugation.

14.) The hard outer covering (not M&M) of the Paramecium is called the ___ pellicle __.

15.) All the organisms in the phylum Sporozoa are ___ parasites ___.

16.) ___ Plasmodia ___ causes the disease malaria.

17.) In order for the malaria parasite to enter the human host, it must be placed there by a(n)

___ anopheles mosquito ___.

18.) Label the following picture of the Amoeba.



19.) What disease would the above organism cause if it got into the human intestine?

___ amoebic dysentery (beaver fever) __.

Part 2 – graph the following data, then use the graph to answer the following questions.

Table 1 – Temperature effect on protist numbers.

Water Temperature (℃)







Amoeba Number







Paramecium Number

1.) What is the independent variable? _____ water temperature ____.

2.) What is the mean number of amoeba in the above data? ___ ≈ 8 __.







3.) Why do you think there is a difference in the number of amoeba and paramecium in the same pond? ___ they may feed on different prey and some are more plentiful or different predator levels may exist and some prefer one protist to the other ____.

4.) Give several viable reasons for the decline of the two types of organisms in the above data.

____ water temperature is climbing, killing off prey, protists are poikolotherms (cold blooded) and can’t function at cold temperatures, predators are thriving at higher temperatures, or unable to reproduce at higher temperatures ___.

