Beowulf Study Guide: Questions & Analysis

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Beowulf Study Guide
Lines 25-27 foreshadow the outcome of the battle between Grendel and
Beowulf. Grendel has been successfully attacking Herot for years. What will be
different about this visit to Herot?
In lines 41-56, what details describe Beowulf’s superhuman strength?
Refer to lines 76-81. In what ways is the battle between Grendel and
Beowulf really a battle between good and evil? What details In the description of
the battle make this clear? (Cite specifically)
4. Why can’t Beowulf's men harm Grendel?
5. How does Beowulf defeat Grendel?
6. How does Beowulf prove his victory over Grendel? Why might he do this?
7. What has happened to Grendel?
8. In Part 4, what is Hrothgar asking Beowulf to do?
In Part 5, describe how Beowulf comes to the lair of Grendel's mother. What
details remind you that Beowulf is not an ordinary human? Be Specific!
What details about the battle between Grendel's mother and Beowulf build
suspense about the outcome?
How does Beowulf kill Grendle's mother?
What is Beowulf's final revenge against Grendel? What actions of Beowulf's
provide a resolution?
Response and Analysis: pg. 32. Complete 1-8
From Beowulf: Part 2
How is the older Beowulf different from the younger Beowulf who slew Grendel
and his mother? How is this symbolic of the Anglo-Saxon belief of wyrd?
In lines 288-296, how does Beowulf's acceptance of fate show his deep sense of
responsibility to his people?
Standing up to a fire breathing dragon is an archetypal image in heroic Western
literature. How does the dragon Beowulf stands up to differ from Grendel?
In lines 329-350, what goes wrong during Beowulf's battle with the dragon?
What are you led to believe about Beowulf's fate?
5. How do Beowulf's men react to the sight of the dragon gaining power of Beowulf?
What argument does Wiglaf use to convince the men that they must fight with
What is the purpose of an epic hero? What has Beowulf to his people?
What are Beowulf's final wishes?
Define elegy:
According the final lines of this epic poem, what made Beowulf a great hero?
Response and Analysis: pg. 40. Complete questions 1- 9.