Note: This is part 3/7 of Marc’s NMR lecture notes In general: • chemically equivalent protons have the same chemical shift! • chemically non-equivalent protons (often) have different chemical shifts Recognizing equivalent protons with 1H NMR • thus NMR easily tells number of “different” types of protons in a molecule… Examples: Cl H3C C-CH3 (a) H (a) (b) H3C CH2-CH2 Br (a) (b) (a) (a) O (d) (b) (c) (a) (d) (b) (a) (e) (f) OCH3 (e) Cl (c) O (c) (a) (c) (d) (b) (c) (d) two sets of non- three sets of nonfour sets of non- five sets of nonsix sets of nonequivalent protons equivalent protons equivalent protons equivalent protons equivalent protons Recall: cyclohexane rapidly interconverts between two chair forms So far, we have talked about integration and chemical shift. The third important information in 1H NMR is: SPIN-SPIN SPLITTING 0C At 25 chair flipping occurs faster than “NMR time scale”: thus Ha and Hb become averaged at 1.36 ppm. But at -90 0C the conformations are “frozen out”! thus we see: Hax (1.12 ppm) and Heq (1.60 ppm). SPIN-SPIN SPLITTING Often a group of hydrogens will appear as a multiplet rather than as a single peak. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane The two signals do not appear as single peaks, but rather as a “triplet” and a “doublet”. integral = 2 Multiplets are named as follows: Singlet Doublet Triplet Quartet Quintet (5) Cl H Sextet (6) Septet (7) Octet Nonet This happens because of interaction with neighboring hydrogens and is called SPIN-SPIN SPLITTING. H C C Cl integral = 1 triplet Cl H doublet These “multiplets” are due to spin-spin splitting and are predicted by the n+1 rule. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane integral = 2 Cl H H C C Cl n+1 RULE integral = 1 Cl H Where do these multiplets come from ? ….. interaction with neighbors this hydrogen’s peak is split by its two neighbors these hydrogens are split by their single neighbor two neighbors n+1 = 3 triplet one neighbor n+1 = 2 doublet MULTIPLETS singlet doublet triplet quartet quintet sextet septet octet nonet EXCEPTIONS TO THE N+1 RULE IMPORTANT ! 1) 2) Protons that are equivalent by symmetry usually do not split one another X CH CH Y X CH2 CH2 Y no splitting if x=y no splitting if x=y Protons in the same group usually do not split one another H C H H H or C H EXCEPTIONS TO THE N+1 RULE 3) The n+1 rule applies principally to protons in aliphatic chains or aliphatic rings. CH3 CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 or H YES YES but does not apply (in the simple way shown here) to protons on double bonds or on benzene rings. H CH3 H H CH3 NO NO COMMON SPLITTING PATTERNS COMMON ALKYL SPLITTING PATTERNS ParaPara-disubstituted aromatic rings often are recognized by a pair of doublets in the aromatic region! (7(7-8 ppm). ppm). Why a pair of doublets? X CH CH Y (x=y) - O CH2 CH + N 7 6 O 5 (x=y) Cl 4 3 2 X CH2 CH2 Y 1 (x=y) 0 8.40 8.30 8.20 8.10 8.00 7.90 7.80 7.70 7-8 ppm Ortho and meta disubstituted aromatic rings have their own characteristic splitting patterns! … the chemical shifts vary with the different substituents though (focus on splitting) - O F O F + N SOME EXAMPLE SPECTRA WITH SPLITTING F O Br 7 3.5 6 3.0 F F 5 2.5 F 4 2.0 3 1.5 1.0 2 0.5 1 0.0 0 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.70 7.60 7.50 7.40 7.30 7.20 7.10 7.00 7.60 7.50 7.40 NMR Spectrum of Bromoethane NMR Spectrum of 2-Nitropropane H CH3 C CH3 + O N O - Br CH2CH3 NMR Spectrum of Acetaldehyde O CH3 C H INTENSITIES OF MULTIPLET PEAKS PASCAL’S TRIANGLE offset = 2.0 ppm PASCAL’S TRIANGLE Intensities of multiplet peaks 1 The interior 1 1 entries are the sums of 1 2 1 the two numbers immediately 1 3 3 1 above. 1 4 6 4 1 1 5 10 10 5 1 1 6 15 20 15 6 1 1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1 singlet doublet triplet quartet quintet sextet 50 % of molecules octet opposed to Bo -1/2 H HA H HA C C C C Bo downfield neighbor aligned upfield neighbor opposed HOW IT HAPPENS septet PROTON HA SPLITS INTO A DOUBLET DUE TO THE SPIN OF ITS NEIGHBORS aligned with Bo +1/2 THE ORIGIN OF SPIN-SPIN SPLITTING 50 % of molecules EXAMPLE: one CH next to another CH one neighbor n+1 = 2 doublet one neighbor n+1 = 2 doublet H H H H C C C C EXAMPLE: CH2 next to a CH3 EXAMPLE: CH next to a CH2 two neighbors n+1 = 3 triplet three neighbors n+1 = 4 quartet one neighbor n+1 = 2 doublet (note: error here) H H C C H H H two neighbors n+1 = 3 triplet H H C C H H H THE COUPLING CONSTANT H H J J THE COUPLING CONSTANT C C H J H H J J J The coupling constant is the distance J (measured in Hz) between the peaks in a multiplet. 1H 50 MHz J = 7.5 Hz NMR @ 100 MHz Coupling constants are constant - they do not change with strength NMR instruments Why buy fancy and expensive NMR machines?? 7.5 Hz J = 7.5 Hz 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 100 MHz J = 7.5 Hz 6 1H 5 4 3 2 1 Spectra are simplified! NMR @ 200 MHz Separation is larger but J values are the same! 6 5 4 3 J = 7.5 Hz 7.5 Hz Overlapping multiplets are Separated! 3 2 1 ppm 200 MHz J = 7.5 Hz 3 REPRESENTATIVE COUPLING CONSTANTS 6 to 8 Hz trans 11 to 18 Hz cis 6 to 15 Hz Hax Hax,Hax = 8 to 14 Heq Heq Hax Hax,Heq = 0 to 7 Heq,Heq = 0 to 5 OVERVIEW OF 1H NMR Information derived from a 1H NMR spectrum! 1. Each different type of hydrogen gives a peak or group of peaks (multiplet). 2. The chemical shift (in ppm) gives a clue as to the type of hydrogen generating the peak (alkane, alkene, benzene, aldehyde, etc.) 3. The integral gives the relative numbers of each type of hydrogen. 4. Spin-spin splitting gives the number of hydrogens on adjacent carbons. 5. The coupling constant J often gives useful information about stereochem (beyond this course!)