Customers' Attitudes towards Marketing Mix Affecting Purchasing

International Science Index Vol: 08 No:07 Part IX
Customers' Attitudes towards Marketing Mix
Affecting Purchasing Behavior of Starbucks Coffee
(Thailand) Customers in Bangkok
Polamorn Tamprateep, Warapong Thakanun
Abstract—This research’s objectives are 1. To study the
customer demographics that affects the purchasing behavior. 2. To
study the marketing mix that affects the purchasing behavior 3. To
study the relationship between purchasing behavior and customers’
perception of Brand Equity. Population of this research is Starbucks
Coffee (Thailand) customers in Bangkok.
The tool used in this study was questionnaire created from
concepts, theories and related researches. The study showed that, of
400 respondents, overall opinion received high score. (x̄ = 3.77).
When consider each item, it was found that ‘Staff are knowledgeable
in providing service.’, ‘ Staff are friendly.’, ‘Staff possess good
communication skill with customers.’, ‘Staff know all types of coffee
well.’, and ‘Staff are enthusiastic in giving service.’, all these items
received high score with a mean of 3.92, 3.87, 3.77, 3.71 and 3.63,
Keywords—Attitudes towards Marketing Mix, Consumers,
Purchasing Behavior.
FTER economic recession occurred all over the world, it
has dramatically changed consumers’ behaviors.
Consumers become price-sensitive. Purchasing power
decreased. They are thinking more because buying anything.
As a result, business entrepreneurs are competing more
fiercely in order to attract customers and make profit. In an
extremely competitive business, with more intensity,
entrepreneurs must find strategies and adapt the most
appropriate strategies to the situation to be able to stand
against the competition.
Coffee business in Thailand as changed immensely, both in
terms of products and services. Coffee making has become
more sophisticated. Premium products are introduced, along
with innovative products and excellent service combined with
unforgettable experience. Since coffee became widely popular
among all consumer groups, be it students, and especially
those of working age who are drinking coffee more and more.
Coffee business has expanded enormously since 1998.
Competitors in the arena are striving to differentiate
themselves by selecting unique products, quality coffee roast,
as well as coffee machine or even their signature coffee cups.
Service is also key to success story of coffee business.
Dr.Polamorn Tamprateep at Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University. 1 UThong Nok Road, Dusit, Bangkok 10300, Thailand (Corresponding author
phone: 66 2160 1180; fax: 66 2 160 1177, (e-mail:
Mr.Warapong Thakanun at Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University. 1 UThong Nok Road, Dusit, Bangkok 10300, Thailand (author phone: +66 2160
1180; fax: 66 2 160 1177, (e-mail:
Therefore, the researchers aimed to study Marketing Mix of
Starbucks Coffee (Thailand) Customers in Bangkok.
1. To study the customer demographics that affects the
purchasing behavior.
2. To study the marketing mix that affects the purchasing
A. Population
Starbucks Coffee (Thailand) customers in Bangkok.
B. Sample
Calculation of the sample size. Sample of this research was
calculated with the following formula: n = Z2 / 4E2 [1].
Giving Sample size of 390 from 400. Confidence level =
C. Tool
The tool used in this study was questionnaire created
from concepts, theories and related researches. It can be
divided into 5 parts.
D. Statistics
1. Descriptive statistics: Percentage, mean and standard
2. Inferential statistics
2.1 Independent t-test
2.2 One Way ANOVA
2.3 Chi - square
2.4 Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient
2.5 Multiple regression analysis
Marketing mix analysis for Starbucks Coffee (Thailand)
composed of 6 elements i.e. product, price, place, promotion,
personal and power.
A. Product
The result of customers' attitudes towards marketing mix of
Starbucks Coffee (Thailand) on Product shows that the overall
opinion received high score (x̄ = 3.97).
B. Price
The result of customers' attitudes towards marketing mix of
Starbucks Coffee (Thailand) on Price shows that the overall
opinion received average score (x̄ = 3.06). When consider
International Science Index Vol: 08 No:07 Part IX
each item, it was found that ‘Variety of product prices’
received the highest score (x̄ = 3.39), followed by ‘Worth the
money’ (x̄ = 2.90), and ‘Reasonable prices when compared
with competitors’ (x̄ = 2.89).
C. Place
The result of customers' attitudes towards marketing mix of
Starbucks Coffee (Thailand) on Place shows that the overall
opinion received high score (x̄ = 3.94). When consider each
item, it was found that ‘Convenient locations’ received the
highest score (x̄ = 3.99), followed by ‘Large number of
branches’ (x̄ = 2.90). ‘Opening hours, 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.’
(x̄ = 2.89).
D. Promotion
The result of customers' attitudes towards marketing mix of
Starbucks Coffee (Thailand) on Promotion shows that the
overall opinion received high score (x̄ = 3.80). When consider
each item, it was found that ‘Starbucks has a modern website
giving complete information about coffee.’ received the
highest score (x̄ = 3.93), followed by ‘Starbucks Happy Hour
promotional campaign giving 50% discount for Frappuccino
on Tuesdays and Wednesdays during 2:00 pm – 4:00 p.m.’ (x̄
= 3.91), ‘Announcement on Facebook’ (x̄ = 3.86),
‘Advertisement on Facebook’ (x̄ = 3.83), ‘Advertisement on
Prachachat Business Newspaper, Manager Weekly and
Positioning Magazine’ (x̄ = 3.73), and ‘Advertisement on PR
News Network website and other internet websites.’ (x̄ =
E. Personal
The result of customers' attitudes towards marketing mix of
Starbucks Coffee (Thailand) on Personal shows that the
overall opinion received high score (x̄ = 3.77). When consider
each item, it was found that ‘Staff are knowledgeable in
providing service.’, ‘ Staff are friendly.’, ‘Staff possess good
communication skill with customers.’, ‘Staff know all types of
coffee well.’, and ‘Staff are enthusiastic in giving service.’, all
these items received high score with x̄ = 3.92, 3.87, 3.77, 3.71
and 3.63, respectively.
F. Power
The result of customers' attitudes towards marketing mix of
Starbucks Coffee (Thailand) on Power shows that the overall
opinion received high score (x̄ = 3.85). When consider each
item, it was found that ‘Starbucks Coffee is a global quality
brand.’ received the highest score (x̄ = 3.98), followed by ‘The
drinks taste the same at every Starbucks branch.’ (x̄ = 3.74).
A. Product
The result of 400 customers' revealed that customers'
attitudes towards products’ core benefit received the highest
score (x̄ = 3.75). When consider each item, it was found that
‘The coffee helps stimulate central nervous system keeping
them awake.’ received the highest score (x̄ = 3.91), followed
by ‘I feel alert after drinking coffee.’ (x̄ = 3.79), and ‘I can
concentrate on my work after drinking coffee.’ (x̄ = 3.53).
B. Price
The result of 400 customers' revealed that ‘Reasonable
prices for quality and quantity’ (x̄ = 2.93), followed by ‘Clear
price indication’ (x̄ = 3.19), and ‘overall marketing mix’ (x̄ =
C. Place
The result of 400 customers' revealed that at customers'
attitudes towards place received the highest score (x = 3.94).
When consider each item, it was found that ‘Convenient
locations’ received the highest score (x̄ = 4.03), followed by
‘Large number of branches’ (x̄ = 3.99). ‘Opening hours, 7:00
a.m. – 10:00 p.m.’ (x̄ = 3.79).
D. Promotion
The result of 400 customers' revealed that at customers'
attitudes towards promotion received the highest score (x =
3.80). When consider each item, it was found that ‘Starbucks
has a modern website giving complete information about
coffee.’ received the highest score (x̄ = 3.93), followed by
‘Starbucks Happy Hour promotional campaign giving 50%
discount for Frappuccino on Tuesdays and Wednesdays during
2:00 pm – 4:00 p.m.’ (x̄ = 3.91), ‘Announcement on
Facebook’ (x̄ = 3.86), ‘Advertisement on Facebook’ (x̄ =
3.83), ‘Advertisement on Prachachat Business Newspaper,
Manager Weekly and Positioning Magazine’ (x̄ = 3.73), and
‘Advertisement on PR News Network website and other
internet websites.’ (x̄ = 3.53).
E. Personal
The result of 400 customers' revealed that at customers'
attitudes towards personal received the highest score (x =
3.77). When consider each item, it was found that ‘Staff are
knowledgeable in providing service.’, ‘ Staff are friendly.’,
‘Staff possess good communication skill with customers.’,
‘Staff know all types of coffee well.’, and ‘Staff are
enthusiastic in giving service.’, all these items received high
score with x̄ = 3.92, 3.87, 3.77, 3.71 and 3.63, respectively.
F. Power
The result of 400 customers' revealed that at customers'
attitudes towards power received high score (x̄ = 3.85). When
consider each item, it was found that ‘Starbucks Coffee is a
global quality brand.’ received the highest score (x̄ = 3.98),
followed by ‘The drinks taste the same at every Starbucks
branch.’ (x̄ = 3.74).
1. There should also a study on the feasibility of operating
Starbucks Coffee franchise in hospitals or educational
2. There should also a study on coffee consumption of
consumers in various regions of the country.
3. There should also a study on the feasibility of Starbucks
Coffee expansion to the rural areas.
The authors would like to express their thanks to Associate
Professor Dr. Luedech Girdwichai, President of Suan
International Science Index Vol: 08 No:07 Part IX
Sunandha Rajabhat University; Dr. Wittaya Mekham, Vice
President for Research and Development; Assistant Professor
Dr. Suwaree Yodchim, Director of Research and Development
Institute, and the Research and Development Institute, Suan
Sunandha Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand for
financial support.
Kalaya Vanichbancha. (2003). Statistical analysis: statistics for decision
making. 5th edition. Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University Press.
Boomtham Kitpredaborisut. (2006). Research Methods in Behavioral
and Social Sciences. Bangkok: Wattanapanich.