Mr. Boothby KEY
World Geography
Lecture Notes CH 19
Read pages 214-225 in your textbook before you begin to answer these questions. Remember to always answer by using complete
sentences. Keep this sheet in your notebook. Remember these must be in order by chapter to receive full credit on your NB Check!
For more stats go to:
I. Central America ans the Caribbean Islands:
1. Central America and the Caribbean include 20 small countries and more than a dozen terriotories. The
countries of Central America lie on a natural land bridge between North and South America.
2. Which European countries developed territories in the region according to the text?
Spanish, English, French, and Dutch introduced their laws and languages!
3. Which neighboring country has been the major influence in recent decades?
4. What is the major “drug” cash crop is grown on the humid mountain slopes?
5. Is Coffee or “caffeine” really a drug? Explain and justify your response.
Yes it is a mind altering stimulant. Anything that alters the normal functioning of the brain is considered a drug by definition in
Websters dictionary. It stimulates or awakens by releasing more nor-epinephrine or adrenaline into the bloodstream and increases BP
and heart pumping (pulse rates).
6. Are you addicted to the caffeine or “Starbucks”? Why is “Starbucks” so popular?
No, Drugs, Fat, and Sugar! Very addictive and tasty stuff…Think about it-Brain overload!!!
7. What country is the most populated in Central America? Explain why this is?
Guatemala has over 11 million people (see page216) Nearly half as many as Canada, Very fertile lands. Soil is great due to its fertile
volcanic ash content and plant debris from former eruptions!
8. What is one major export of Guatemala besides Coffee?
Cardamom, a popular Asia spice used in MESO Soup and dips for egg rolls/ Very good and spicy!!!
9. What was the former name of Belize and why did it have this name?
British Honduras/ A colony of Britain.
II. Facts in Brief GROUP PROJECT Page 216:
Get into groups of 3-5 and look at the following statistics form the text. Decide which stats stand out as surprising ot you. Which
ones seem as you would expect and which appear different than you thought?”
List out at 30 things that you have found from the book and your discussions in the group. We will present these near the end of the
EXAMPLE: Which country listed (besides the US) has the highest literacy rates?
Where are people living the longest?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Why do you suppose that people in Dominica (who only make 2,500 a year) are outliving people from
the USA (us)? List at least 10 reasons and we will see who gets the correct response!
11. Why would most of the teacher at WHS not want to work in Haiti?
Most are over 47 and would be dead already!
12. How may Mr. Boothby’s children be related to the people on page 217?
13. What is “Pura Vida” and why do Costa Rican teens feel they have it, while their American counterparts
feel they don’t have it? Is this a money or time thing?
Life is great in Costa Rica Look at those kids!!! They are happy= US Kids are depressed and sad and say life is Pura Crappa!!!
14. Explain the origins and significance of the Panama Canal. Who controls the Canal today?
The US needed a man-made NW passage they had been looking for since Columbus to make shipping easy and a way to bypass the
horn of S America/ Initiatted by T. Roosevelt and completed many years later due to malaria and disease down there 1914. In 1977 a
treaty was signed to turn over the canal in 1999 in the Panamanian government!
15. Who are the “Kuna” and why save their sissy little “rainforest”? Explain on the Back in ½ PAGE!!!
16. What is the country of Cuba most famous for? Why did the Cuban economy collapse in the 1990’s?
Cigars! They were communist and dependent on the Soviet Union for support and trade/ Many went to the