Stephen G. Davenport
1. Compare the location, microscopic appearance, nervous control, and functions of the three kinds of muscle
2. Describe four functions of muscle tissue.
3. Describe four functional characteristics of muscle.
4. Describe connective tissue wrappings: fascia, epimysium, perimysium, endomysium.
5. Discuss the necessity for blood and nerve supply to muscle.
6. Describe direct and indirect attachments: aponeuroses and tendons.
7. Discuss the structure of the muscle fiber as to: sarcolemma, sarcoplasm, myoglobin, myofibrils, sarcoplasmic
reticulum, sarcomeres, transverse tubules, triad, myofibrils, myofilaments.
8. Describe a structure of a sarcomere. Identify the A band, I band, Z line, H zone. Distinguish between thick and
thin filaments and describe the structure of each. Which protein is found in cross-bridges? Describe the arrangement of actin and myosin filaments and cross-bridges? Describe the arrangement of actin and myosin
filaments and cross-bridges as seen in cross section of a sarcomere.
9. Explain the sliding-filament mechanism of muscle contraction. List in sequence the four steps involved once
the binding sites on actin are exposed.
10. Describe the structure of the neuromuscular junction. What is contained in the vesicles of the nerve terminals?
Give the function of acetylcholine. What is a receptor site?
11. Describe the events of excitation - contraction coupling. List six (6) sequential steps.
12. Describe the structure and importance of a motor unit.
13. Define: muscle twitch. Discuss the three phases involved.
14. What is a graded muscle response? Define wave summation, tetanus, and muscle fatigue. What is multiple
motor unit summation?
15. Describe treppe.
16. Discuss the difference between isometric and isotonic contractions.
17. Name three pathways which generate ATP; especially during periods of muscle activity. Which provides an
immediate source of energy after the first 6 seconds? Which pathway of energy is dependent on (and may be
limited by) the availability of oxygen? Which pathway may continue to supply additional ATP during periods
of oxygen debt? Which pathway can the provide quickest energy for moderate periods of strenuous muscle
18. Define: muscle fatigue. What are contractures? Discuss three causes of muscle fatigue.
19. Define: oxygen debt. Discuss what happens when an oxygen debt is incurred.
20. Discuss four (4) factors which contribute to the force of muscle contraction. Define: motor unit; hypertrophy;
series - elastic elements. Discuss the relationship between muscle length and force of contraction. When does
a muscle develop its greatest tension? Its least tension?
21. What are the four differences used to classify muscle fibers. List and briefly describe the three types of muscle
22. Briefly discuss the structural characteristics of smooth muscle. What is smooth muscle tone?
23. What are the three ways smooth muscle contraction parallels that for skeletal muscle?
24. What does the effect of a given neurotransmitter on a given type of smooth muscle depend upon?
25. How does smooth muscle respond to stretch? Describe the stress-relaxation response of smooth muscle.
26. Compared to skeletal muscle, how much tension does smooth muscle produce after being stretched?
27. Briefly describe single unit (visceral) and multiunit smooth muscles?
1. Define: lever and fulcrum. What are the body's levers and fulcrums? What exerts the effort and where?
2. Define: prime mover (agonists), antagonists, synergists, fixators, origin, and insertion.
Complete the labeling of superficial muscles for exercise #18
Complete all of exercise #19
Complete the labeling of superficial muscles for exercise #18 and all of exercise #19 at internet www.linkpublishing.com/interactive%20exams.htm