Lesson 1 Valence Electrons

Lesson 1 Valence Electrons
Objective: Students will distinguish the difference between valence and non-valence electrons. Define
the driving forces behind reactions.
Teaching: Review previous concepts atomic structure, periodic table, -7 min. Show Bohr model of atom
Define valence e- and contrast to core orbitals.
Define Noble gas- get examples; ask why used in lighting, etc.
Demonstrate: By placing different # of e- on plastic model ask what group what are possible
atoms. Have students pick an element and place the correct number of electrons on the model.
Model of atom is layers of clear plastic balls with Velcro, electrons are ping pong balls with
Velcro attached.
Define octet rule- why it is driving force of reactions.
Show 3 min video of valence elecronshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSwnODMNULI
Activity:- Desk model kits to model the valence electrons for each element up to Argon. Fill in on sheet
provided, turn in.
Homework: Read handout on valence e- and ions for tomorrow. Students will keep a log of the events
of the class for each day, in addition to lab notebooks for the three full lab activities. These logs will be
brief organizer of what the topic was, what was done in class and key concepts one or two sentences
each. Students will complete these each day and turn in at the end of the week as a way to keep an
overall view of lessons. Graphic organizer.
Track Class organizer- For each class fill in the major topic, a few sentences on what you
did in class and what the main points were. To be handed in at the end of each week.
Week of __________________
What did you do in class?
Major point you learned?
Valence electron activity
Draw a Bohr Model for each element listed. Include the number of protons, neutrons and
mark electrons with an x on each orbital. List the name of the element and the number of
valence electrons below the drawing.
Lesson 2- Electron Shells in Atoms
Teaching: Ask questions about the reading assignment. Discuss electron clouds electron
density. Demonstrate atomic collisions using Nerf balls. Atoms collide but cannot penetrate the
electron clouds surrounding them, and the like forces repel each other. Put Nerf balls in clear
plastic bucket and shake. Show slide of electron cloud orbitals of H and Na. Ask why is the 1 s
shell larger for the H than for Na? Number of proton larger and pulls stronger on the 1s
electrons with Na. Show slide of electron cloud of Cl and Cl2. Define bonding radius and
nonbonding radius. Define Angstroms. Demonstrate 1 mm piece of paper. If this is an
Angstrom, 1 mm would be 6.21 miles. Introduce the concept of as distance from nucleus gets
larger, pull is smaller on electron. Show slide of atomic radius comparison of elements.
Introduce the concept of bond length. Show video of electron cloud animation 2
Lesson 2 demonstration: Discuss electron clouds electron density. Demonstrate atomic
collisions using Nerf balls. Atoms collide but cannot penetrate the electron clouds surrounding
them, and the like forces repel each other. Put Nerf balls in clear plastic bucket and shake.
Define Angstroms. Demonstrate 1 mm piece of paper. If this is an Angstrom, 1 mm would be
6.21 miles.
Activity: Hand out uncolored periodic tables. Supply students with 4 shades of red. Have them
color the periodic table with darker shades of red to indicate increasing atomic radius.
Instructions. Use four shades of red colored pencils to show the relative size of the atomic radius for the
elements from H to Kr. Leave the smallest size white, and increasing in red color to darkest being the
largest radius.
Assessment. Hand in sheet
Home work. Changing an atom worksheet, graphic organizer.
Lesson 3 Ion Formation
Objective: Students will identify the properties, charge, and name atomic ions.
Teaching: review homework and activity sheets. Describe the process of ion formation, and
nomenclature. Have students demonstrate this on the atomic model in front of the class.
Properties of cat and anions, metal and non-metal. Ask class to predict what element will form
which type of ion based on valence electrons and atomic number. Discuss naming ions;
introduce the concept of a free radical: free electron throw ping pong electron. Ask what they
know about free radical damage and how antioxidants work.
Lesson 3 demonstration
Have students demonstrate this on the atomic model in front of the class. Properties of cat and
anions, metal and non-metal. Ask class to predict what element will form which type of ion
based on valence electrons and atomic number. Discuss naming ions; introduce the concept of
a free radical: free electron throw ping pong electron. Ask what they know about free radical
damage and how antioxidants work.
Activity: Desk models and
Assessment: Hand in sheet
Homework: Ions and their charges worksheet. Graphic organizer.
Ion activity
Names ____________________________
Activity: With your partner, using the desk model kits, build and name the ions which are likely
to be formed with the following atoms.
Ion type
Ion Charge
Lesson 4 Ionization Energies/ Electron Affinity
Objective: students will be able to define and rank ionization energies.
Teaching: Review homework and previous lesson. Demonstration- have students
pull a magnetic Bucky ball off three different larger magnets of different sizes. If
they were atoms, why would some take more strength than others to pull off?
Define ionization energies – the amount of energy needed to remove a valence efrom an atom or ion. Define first and second ionization energies. Show slide of
chart of ionization energies. Q&A why different atoms have different levels of
electron affinities. Show slide of periodic trends. Q&A periodic trends.
Demonstration: have students try to pull an electron off the teacher. First ball is
secured with minimal Velcro, second has much Velcro. Q&A how this applies to
ions? Slide show chart of ion ionizing energies. Define electron affinity- energy
change when an atom or ion gains an electron. Q&A what kind of energy changes
can happen when atoms ions gain an electron?
Lesson 4 Ionization Energies
Lesson 4 - demonstration - ionization energies
Demonstration: have students pull a magnetic Bucky ball off three different larger
magnets of different sizes. If they were atoms, why would some take more
strength than others to pull off? Define ionization energies –
Demonstration: have students try to pull an electron off the teacher. First ball is
secured with minimal Velcro, second has much Velcro.
Activity: Stack the deck. Assessment is the record of the score sheet, just the
completion gives a check that it was done.
Home work: Completion to come write the best definition of ionization energies,
electron affinity and electronegativity- must find on their own. Winner gets 10
point all others get 5 points. Turn in tomorrow. GO
Lesson 4 Activity:
Stack the deck. This activity uses a deck of laminated element cards with ions in
it as well. Lab Partners work together. One picks out 10 cards and shuffles the
deck. Using the class timer, set for 3 minutes, the other has to arrange the cards
in order of first ionization energies from weak to strong. There is a scoring on the
number of correct sequences. Then it is the other partners turn. This goes for two
rounds. Assessment is the record of the score sheet, just the completion gives a
check that it was done.
Lesson 5. Lab Exploring Ions and Valence Structure
Objective: Student will examine the properties of different ions by conducting experiemnts
with different materials.
Teaching: Discuss ion formation of metals. Ions can be formed by adding energy and exciting
valence electrons to a higher level, when that energy is released colors are emitted. Draw
diagram on board of excited valence e- of Li giving off light. Set up Bunsen burner and show
different burning substances Show video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNojS6ZZ4og
Different colors for different ions. Hand out sheets, go over lab instructions.
Lesson 5 Demonstration Ion Activity Lab
Teaching: Draw diagram on board of excited valence e- of Li giving off light. Set up Bunsen
burner and show different burning substances Show video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNojS6ZZ4og - Different colors for different ions. Hand out
sheets, go over lab instructions.
Activity: http://www.lopezlink.com/Labs/Flame%20test/Flame%20Tests.htm
Flame Tests
Process Objectives
 To experiment with flame tests on different salts.
 To predict the identity of an unknown metal ion from a flame test.
Learning Objectives
 To list the flame color of three Group 1, three Group 2, and one Transition Group metals.
A number of common metal ions (Li+, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Ba2+, Sr+, and Cu2+) give a distinct color to
a flame. Therefore, a flame test is often used as a confirmatory test in identifying an unknown
Compounds of these ions provide the beautiful colors in a fireworks display. When glass is
melted in a Bunsen burner flame, sodium ions color the flame. A copper wire inserted into the
flame often results in a striking flame color. While the light emitted from a few excited metal
ions is beautiful, in the laboratory a simple flame test is often very helpful in identifying an
unknown metal ion.
In this experiment you will observe and record the flame colors of several metals of Group 1 and
2. Review the section in the text dealing with alkali and alkaline metals.
Take the necessary precautions before beginning this experiment. Wear safety goggles, apron
and gloves. Read all safety cautions in your procedures and discuss them with your teacher. It is
important to use good safety techniques while conducting experiments. See pages 8 through 11.
Bunsen burner
16 well plate
Nicrome Wire
Hydrochloric acid, 6 - 0.1M known solutions
1. Obtain a 5-cm length of No. 24 nicrome wire, sealed at the opening of a glass tube 10 cm
o Use 0.5-M solutions in distilled water of the Lab grade sodium chloride and
0.5M solutions of the nitrates of barium, calcium, lithium, potassium, strontium,
sodium, copper, and magnesium
o To obtain good results in this experiment, your test tubes or well plate must be
exceptionally clean to avoid contamination. Make sure there is no cross
contamination of solution by exchanging nichrome wires.
CAUTION: Before you use the burner in the next four procedures, check to see that
long hair and loose clothing have been confined.
2. Clean the nicrome wire by dipping it first into some 6 M hydrochloric acid in a test tube
and then holding it in the colorless flame of your burner. Repeat until the wire imparts no
color to the flame.
3. Place 5 drops of sodium nitrate solution into a clean well, dip the tip of the clean nicrome
wire into the solution, and then hold it in the flame. .
4. Observe the color of the flame just above the wire. Heat only the tip of the wire. If you
heat the glass tube into which the wire is sealed, you will break the glass. Write your
observation in the table below
5. Clean the wire as before and then test a solution of sodium chloride in the same manner.
Repeat the test, dipping the wire into a little dry sodium chloride. Describe what you
observed in the appropriate space in the table below.
o Observation of Dry Sodium Chloride __________________________
6. Repeat Step 2, using solutions of the nitrates of lithium, strontium, calcium, barium, and
potassium, magnesium, and copper. Clean the wire thoroughly after each test. In the
cases of lithium and strontium, observe which flame is more persistent and takes longer
to burn off the wire. Also note the difference in the shades of color produced. When you
have tested the calcium flame and then dipped the wire into hydrochloric acid and back
into the flame when cleaning it, you often get an excellent flame of sodium momentarily.
Record the color of the flame for each metal compound in the Data Table.
Strategy for Predicting Be sure that the wire is clean. If you are not sure of the identity after
testing the unknown, retest the known solution of the metal you predict.
 If two metals are present in the same solution, the color of one flame may obscure that
of the other. Record the colors of the flames in the Data Table.
1. Flame-test a mixture of the solutions of the nitrates of sodium and potassium with a
clean wire. Observe the color the mixture imparts to the flame when viewed without
the cobalt glasses. Repeat the test, but observe the flame as seen through the cobalt
glasses. Record the colors of the flames in the Data Table.
2. Secure an unknown solution from your instructor. Test it in the flame as you did with
the known solutions. Place your answer in the Data Table.
Data Table
Metallic ion in
Color of flame
Sodium and Potassium
Unknown Metal 1
Unknown Metal 2
1. Is flame coloration a test for the metallic ion or for the nitrate ion
2. Why do dry sodium chloride and the solutions of sodium nitrate or sodium chloride all
impart the same color to the flame?
3. Describe the test for sodium ions and potassium ions when both are present.
4. How would you characterize the flame test with respect to its sensitivity?
5. What difficulties may be encountered in the use of the flame test for identification?
General Conclusions
1. A student recorded the following results when testing three unknowns. Identify the unknowns
by referring to your
Data Table.
Unknown #1 yellowish green________________________
Unknown #2 scarlet _______________________________
2. Several of the flame tests were shades of red. What should be done in the laboratory to
correctly identify one of these ions?
3. During a flood, the labels from three bottles of chemicals floated away. The unlabeled bottles
of white solids were known to contain the following: strontium nitrate, ammonium carbonate,
and potassium sulfate. Explain how you could easily re-label these three bottles.
Assessment: Completed lab work sheet.
Homework: finish lab turn in on Monday. Graphic Organizer
Lesson 6 ionic bonding
Objective: Students will demonstrate ionic bonding through models, name and identify
properties of ionic substances.
Teaching: Quiz on material covered last week. 10 min.
Introduce bonding, why is it important to know about it? Overview types that will be studied,
ionic, covalent, and weak (H-FON, dipole, London). Q&A through how ionic bonds are formed.
Demo: have volunteers build a Na and Cl atom with the atom model kits. Ask class for
approvals. Show slides of NaCl and other types of ionic substances. Discuss and show notes of
ionic properties table, and naming ionic compounds.
Activity: Have students use desk model kits in desk partners to show how these
Assessment: Hand in sheet
Homework: Finish sheet read handout on covalent bonding.
Ionic desk model activity.
Use your kit( includes several 3”, 6” , 9”, and 12” wire rings, play dough for subatomic particle
dot representation, green = neutrons, red = protons, white = electrons, cardboard charge signs,
white string for showing electron transfers and covalent bonds) to show the activity when the
following elements are reacting. Draw a circle showing the valence electrons, activity and
resulting charge of each element in the first two columns, name the resulting compound in the
last column.
Element 1
Element 2
Compound name
Sodium Chloride
2. List three major errors in the demonstration model with respect to relative size
shape and movement.
Lesson 7: Covalent Bonding.
Objective: Students will demonstrate understanding of mechanisms of covalent bonding.
Teaching: Collect homework. Review Nobel gas configuration and ionic bonding, naming, properties.
Introduce covalent bonding. Why important- most substances are made of covalent bonds. In class
generation of a list of covalent substances on board. How are these bonds formed? Demo- get two
volunteers to be H atoms H stuck on their shoulder, Give them each a string with a rubber ball attached
at the end. Have them swing it around themselves. Describe proton attraction for the need to have
Nobel gas configuration, draws together and has them sharing the electrons by swinging around each
other. Show video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wpDicW_MQQ. Typically a Show slides of
notes for properties, two nonmetals, and for basic naming.
Activity: Desk model kits of covalent bonds. Substances H2, HCl, H2O, CO, O2.
Assessment: activity sheet handed in.
Homework: take home sheet of listed compounds asking students to name the compound and
identify if it is covalent or ionic.
Covalent bonding desk model activity.
Use your kit( includes several 3”, 6” , 9”, and 12” wire rings, play dough for subatomic particle
dot representation, green = neutrons, red = protons, white = electrons, cardboard charge signs,
white string for showing electron transfers and covalent bonds) to show the activity when the
following elements are reacting. Draw a circle showing the valence electrons, activity and
resulting charge of each element in the first two columns, name the resulting compound in the
last column.
Element 1
Element 2
Compound name
Lesson 8 : Lab Comparing and Identifying Properties of Ionic and Covalent Substances.
Objective: students will compare and contrast physical properties of ionic and covalent
Teaching: Turn in homework. Q&A review of ionic and covalent substances, properties and
formation. Discuss the purpose of lab, lab set up and go over procedures. Review instructions
for a written lab report, introduction, procedures, results/data, discussion and conclusion. Lab
report is to include a data table showing results. Modifications to this printed lab is the
Measuring time and temperature for melting points. Instead of conductivity tester students will
use electric light bulb and battery setup, larger amounts of substances will be used to ensure
conductivity. Students will get 30 min of this class and 30 min of following class to finish lab
work as there are two components to the experiment. Due one week lab period.
Activity: Lab testing melting points and conductivity.
Assessment: Lab report
Homework: Lab report
Lesson 9. Ionic Covalent Bonding Lab
Objective: Students will compare and contrast electrolytic properties of ionic and covalent
Teaching: Review with students what was done previous day, where they are now and what
they are finishing today. 2-3 min. Let them complete second part of lab testing the same
substances with battery and light in a solution, to test for conductivity. Tie this into ions from
last week. Have clean up and ensure all have finished. Allow 10 – 15 min to go Over lab report
Write ups, Q&A the information they should use from their lab data and how it goes into a lab
report specifically. Allow time for questions. Introduce the new unit on Hydrogen bonding.
Assessment: Review lab notebooks to ensure that all parts of the lab have been completed and
students have the information necessary to complete report.
Homework- work on rough draft of lab report.
Lesson 10. Weak Bonds, Hydrogen Bonding, Dipoles and London forces.
Objective: Students will demonstrate their learning of chemical bonding material covered in
Teaching: Give a quiz on the material covered so far; 20 min.
Quiz: Ions and Bonding
Fill in the blank- write the term that best completes the sentence.
1. The electron orbital where most of the chemical activity takes place is called the_________
2. When an atom gains or loses and electron it becomes an ___________.
Multiple Choice- circle the best answer.
3. What is the distance between an atoms nucleus and outer electron shell called?
a. diameter
b. electron affinity
c. atomic radius
d. bonding radius.
4. What is Cl- is an example of?
a. Isotope
b. Cation
c. Neutron
d. Anion
5. A substance that is hard and brittle, with a high melting and boiling point is most likely made
of what type of bonds?
a. Covalent
b. Hydrogen
c. Ionic
d. London forces
True or false- circle the best response.
6. Most of the substances we know are made from ionic bonds.
7. A free radical is an electron that is loose from electrostatic attraction. True
Use the diagram below to rank the strength of ionization energies for the following elements.
8. Rank the atoms, Li, C, Na, H in order of easiest to hardest to cause ion formation.
9. In the above chart which element would take the most amount of energy to remove one
10. Explain why group 1 alkali metals and group 7 halogens often form ionic bonds.
Lesson 10 continued.
Teaching: After quiz, ask, how does water go up from the roots of a tree up 100 ft to the
leaves? Weak bonds are strong enough. Demo the covalent bonding demo of two kids twirling a
string with a rubber ball to represent hydrogen atoms. Have them share for covalent bonding.
Teacher comes in as a greedy oxygen molecule, Q&A the lecture bigger and more attractive to
the electron. Still sharing, but O gets the electron most of the time. Since O gets more of the
time with the e-, it is slightly negative, H is slightly positive, creating a dipole.
Notes on electronegativity, polar bonds and their properties. Make a class list of substances
that made from Polar bonds. Show video of H-FON bonding..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGwyBeuVjhU Introduce the concepts of London forces
Activity: Use small test tubes and droppers to try and fill the test tube as high above the rim as
possible. Try to do the same with alcohol.
Homework: Write a paragraph about why one was able to go higher above the rim than the
Lesson 11. H-FON Bonding and Multiple Bonds
Objective: Students will demonstrate understanding of H-FON bonding by building model
Teaching: Return graded quizzes, go over correct answers, completed corrected quiz can get 2
extra points. Review H-FON bonding, dipole moment and trends in H bonding (N-H less that OH less than F-H. Why?) Discuss phase changes Why Ice floats – distance between bonds. Demo
difference of a covalent bond vs. H bond with atom model kit showing where electrons hold
one together, the other not really bonded but attracted. Show slides on properties and
distinctions of weak bonds, H-FON vs. London and Van Der Waals Forces. Show video of all Van
Der Waals forces. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1jGeeSWhXY
Introduce multiple chemical covalent bonds, polymers and how to notate the. Demo: build a
large methane molecule from Styrofoam balls and sticks. Ask students how they would write
this, write it on the board, add to make it ethane, propane have a different.
Activity: Build several molecules including hydro carbons, alcohols and simple carbohydrates
and have students write out the formula on the work sheet together. Have them mark where
possible H bonding can occur.
Home work: Pass out lab and have students read and do pre questions.
Lesson 12. Polymers and multiple bonding
Objective: Students will create polymers and explain different types of covalent and hydrogen
Teaching: Review lab instructions and get students to set up with materials.
Activity is the lab
Homework – Write a paragraph about Gilbert Lewis.
Lesson 13 Lewis Dot Structures
Objective: Students will be able to represent valence electron in atoms and basic compounds
using Lewis dot system.
Teaching: Introduce Lewis dot system as a way to represent valance electrons. Demo: have a
large sheet of metal Approximately 2’X2’ painted black. Have atomic element symbols cut out
form poster board with a magnet attached to the back. Have marble size magnetic ball bearings
that are painted red. Have students place appropriate number of valence electrons around one
element, then put up another and have them do the same. Use Q&A to discuss the process of
writing Lewis symbols for covalent bonding. Show note of proper format, using a single line to
represent shared pair.
Activity: After Demo of a few, have students work independently on a worksheet with the
symbols. Give time for peer corrections.
Homework: Have student’s complete second side of the sheet at home.
Activity: Lewis Dot Symbols
Use the sheet below to complete a Lewis dot structure for the element or compound.
Lewis Structure
Complete this side of the sheet.
Lewis Structure
Lesson 14. Lewis Dot Structures Continued; Introduction to Bonding Geometry.
Objective: Students will draw Lewis structures of structures containing three or more elements,
multiple bonds, ions and indication of dipole moments.
Teaching: Review homework from the previous night. Have students review each other’s, then
check to ensure all students have a good grasp of the basics. Not all of the topics in this lesson
are required of all students, so it is worth a smaller amount of points. This part of the lesson is
to introduce higher material targeted for differentiation to those seeking further challenge.
Demo, using the same magnetic board as before, place more complicated compound on the
board, call on students to finish them in groups of three. Introduce double and triple bond
representation using progressively shorter magnetic bars. Discuss bond length. Have magnetic
symbols and introduce topic of dipole moments polar bond representation.
Activity: Have student’s complete sheet in class working in pairs.
Homework: Read handout on bonding geometry.
Activity: More Lewis structures
Lesson 15 Bonding Geometry
Objective: Students will demonstrate knowledge of molecular geometry by drawing Lewis dot
structures then building stick models.
Teaching: Go over homework from two lessons ago. Give students a chance for extra points for
corrected mistakes. Introduce Molecular geometry, Bonding angles and why they occur. Show
slide notes of the shapes Linear, trigonal planar, tetrahedral. Demonstrate this using stick
model of Styrofoam balls and thin dowels cut to different bond lengths. Q&A what compound
would have these shapes? Have students list these out on the board. Show video of molecular
geometry animation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRG-4GPz6Eo .
Activity: In pairs have students first draw Lewis structure then build stick and Styrofoam ball
models of CO2 = linear, H2O = bent, BF3= trigonal planar, CH4 = tetrahedral. For the second
part give out three shapes of balloons, oval, round and long twisters. Have students try to build
the same structures using the balloons as electron clouds.
Assessment: Teacher sign off on sheet for Lewis structures and observe partners’ products.
Homework. Take home balloons and use them to create one of the structures using tape string
or whatever needed, Label them with element symbol and dots for proper amount of electrons.