Clark County School District Facility NameApplication Existing Facilities or Portion of a Facility Periodically, namesare submitted to the School NamingCommittee to dedicate a school building or facility to honordistinguishedcitizens andeducators. Prior to a nominationbeing presentedto the SchoolBoard of Trusteesfor approval, the administrator of the intended facility mustbe informedof your request before you submit this application to the School NamingCommittee. All nominationsare madeavailable to the public for reviewand are postedon the Clark CountySchool District’s Website at EXISTING FACILITY TOBENAMED: Football Field LOCATION: Cimarron-Memorial High School ADMINISTRATOROF FACILITY: ~’o~e~oh ~O PHONE NUMaER:799-4400 NAME OFPERSON CONTACTED ATTHISFACILITY:JosephCaruso, Principa~ PROPOSEDNAME: Greg SpencerField at Veterans Memorial Stadium NOMINEE’S OCCUPATION : Teacher I YEAR OFI~IRTH:11/27/56 CITY: Denver YEARS IN CLARK COUNTY: 35 PERSON SUBMITrlNG THENOMINATION: Calvin R Valvo ADDRESS: 10401PrimeView Court CITY:LasVegas, HOMEPHONE:306*7285 EMPLOYMENT IN THECLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT(list I STATE: Colorado I COUNTRY OFCITIZENSHIP:USA STATE:NV OFFICE PHONE: 799*4400ext 4120 positionsheldandlengthof timein each,attachan additionalsheetif needed) Pleaseseeattachment: #1 positions held, length of time in eachposition, andimpact onK-12education inClark County. Attach anadditional sheet ifneeded) EDUCATION-RELATED POSITIONS HELDOUTSIDE THECLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT(list Please seeattachment: #2 INVOLVEMENT IN ORGANIZATIONS ORACTIVITIESBETTERING CHILDREN (attach an additional sheet if needed) Pleaseseeattachment: #3 GOVERNMENT SERVICE (please explain howthe nominee’sactivities havecontributed to children or educationor to the bettermentof Clark County,attach an additional sheet if needed) ASSOCIATION WITHTHISNOMINEE ANDTHEEXISTING FACIUTY (attach an additionat sheetif needed) Please see attachments: #4 and #4a WHATCONTACTHAS BEEN MADEWITH THE SPECIFIED FACILITY/SCHOOL/ADMINISTRATIVEOFFICE/PARENTGROUP.DO THEY SUPPORT THISNAME CHANGE? (attach an additional sheet if needed) Please see attachment: #5 SPECIALATTRIBUTES OR CONTRIBUTIONS NOT LISTED ELSEWHERE (pleaseexplain their t TALENTS,ACCOMPLISHMENTS, i m pact on children andeducationin Clark County,attach an additional sheet if needed) Please see attachment: #6 On a separate sheet of paper, please provide five (5) namesof references, including addresses and phone numbers. References maynot related be to the nominee. In addition, the committee will consider no more than three (3) letters of recommendationfor each individual or joint nominee(s). Please provide documentation of school/parent support of requested change. Clark CountySchoolDistrict Policy 7223,whichgovernsthe naming of District facilities andportions of facilities states: ¯ Seniorhigh schoolswill be named for the locality or region of school ¯ Middle, junior high or elementaryschools will be named for pioneers, educatorsor prominentcitizens or Clark County Schoolfacilities or buildings, whichinc!udeslibraries, atNetic fields, multi-purposerooms,theaters, etc. may be named for former district employees or citizens whohavemadespecific contributions to educationin Clark County,provided the high school is not named for an individual ¯ Names of district personnelwill not be consideredwhile actively employed by the Clark CountySchoolDistrict ¯ Names of 8oard members maynot be consideredwhile actively serving on the Boardof Trustees, in accordancewith NRS338 200. ATTACHMENTS Greg SpencerField at Veterans MemorialStadium-Cimarron-Memorial High School Clark CountySchool District Facility NameApplication--Existing Facilities or a Portion of a Facility Attachment #1 GregSpencerwasa High School teacher for 30 years in the Clark CountySchool District. following schools: 1. 2. 3. Chaparral High School 1979-1987 Valley High School 1987-1991 Cimarron-Memorial 1991-2009 Hetaught at the (Auto Shopand Weight Training) (In-house suspension and Weight Training) (Wt. training, In-house Suspension,Auto, and Driver Ed) Attachment #2 Greg wasthe President of the Southern NevadaFootball CoachesAssociation. This organization is designedto recognize Clark Countystudent-athletes in the area of football. He wasalso a major contributor in establishing a high quality of play for SouthernNevadaHigh School Football. In 1989, Greg wasthe floor tournamentdirector for the State 4A Wrestling tournamentin charge of maintaining a smoothly run State Tournament. In 1993, Greg wasappointed to chair the Health Sub-committeefor Northwest Accreditation at CimarronMemorial high School Attachment #3 Greg’s involvement outside the classroomwasextensive. Hecoacheda variety of sports over a course of his 30 years in the CCSD.Gregwasa headcoach in Football and Track, as well as an assistant coach in Wrestling. His contributions outside the classroom were enormous.Manyof his past athletes have comeback to tell how instrumental Gregwasin their lives. It is easyto measurethe markof a person by the effect he has on people. Manyof his students have chosenthe path of teaching in a large part to his influence. As of 2009, four of his past players are not only teachers, but also headcoachesin football and are teaching the very samelessons that they were taught by Greg. Attachment #4 As previously mentioned,Greg’s influence can be seen in a wide variety of ways. Manyof his past athletes have chosento pursue a teaching and coaching career. Not only have his past players goneon to be productive citizens in the CCSD,but also all of the coachesthat he coachedhave attained higher positions in coaching. This is due, in large part, to learning the dedication and work ethic that Gregdisplayed in the classroomas well as on the field of play. I for one learned so manyintangibles about work ethic, dedication, social skill development, and love for students and the career. Thesethings help meachieve manyof the successesin mylife and I have beenin the CCSD for 25 years. Attachment #4a GregSpencer’sassociation with the football field at Cimarron-Memorial High School is quite extensive. Greg help openedCimarron-MemorialHigh School in 1991. He wasthe school’s first HeadFootball coach. He took this position very seriously and had a vision for our school. Manybelieve that howyour football programis run can help dictate howyour school year will run. His programwashighly structured and he held all studentathletes accountable. This structure led to less behavior problemsfor classroomteachers as well as helped increase the successrate of the athletic programs.Greg built the football programfrom the ground up. When Cimarron-MemorialHigh School opened, there wasnot a senior class and the struggles were many. Greg had a vision for howwe wouldplay and for doing the right thint~s for kids. His commitment to his vision culminatedin 1998 and 1999 whenCimarron-MemorialHigh School Spartans were the best in the State in 4A football. Following his retirement as headfootball coachin 2001, he cameback as an assistant coach until 2009. Attachment #5 Thepresent principal, JosephCaruso, and former principals, Karen Stanley and Janice Rowland,as well as the entire staff, are in full agreementwith the namingof Cimarron-Memorial’sFootball Field to Gre~SpencerField at Veterans MemorialStadium. In the fall of 2009, weheld a celebration gamein honor of Greg’s contributions to the school and football program. 75 players from 1992 thru 2005were present along with another 125 family, friends, fellow coaches. Attachment #6 The attributes that Greg possessedare what wefind in the best educators. He had an undying loyalty to his school and his players. His love for kids and delighting in their achievementswassecondto none. Hehad an uncannyknackfor developing and nurturing the values that are necessaryfor kids to succeedin life. Hard work, dedication, always "do the right thing, even whenno one is around", are the values that we all want taught from our teachers. RECOMMENDATIONS Dustin Tupper (former player) Lewis-Palmer High School 1300 Higby Rd, Monument,CO 80132 719-488-4720ext. 40707 Cell: 719-339-2306 Larry Miller (parent of former players) 7820 Waterfalls Ave, Las Vegas, NV. 89128 702-429-4436 VernonFox (former player and 9 yr. NFLplayer) 6740 Willow River Ct., Las Vegas, NV89108 702-324-3958 Ronald Michalski (Commander of Post #40 American Legion) Commander,Post #40 The American Legion 425 Van WagenenSt. Henderson, NV 89015 702-565-5433 Cell: 702-241-0923 Preston Goroff (Former player, Assistant Coach, and present HeadCoachin CCSD) HeadFootball CoachDel Sol 3~-00 East Patrick Lane, Las Vegas,NV89120 702-799-6830 702-371-1776 The American Legion Henderson B.M.I. Post 40 425 ~n Wagenen Street Henderson, Nevada 89015 702 - 565 - 5433 January 23, 2010 To WhomIt May Concern: Re-naming of Veterans Stadium Field, I am the Commanderof the American Legion Post 40, Department of Nevada, and the Post has no objections to the Renaming of the field at Cimarron Memorial High school It is and still will be an honor for a High School to name a stadium for the veterans of America. I think that re-naming the field to Greg Spencer Field at Veterans Stadium is honoring both the Veterans of America and a wonderful tutor of our youth of America in Coach Spencer. If there is anywaythat I can be of assistance please do not hesitate to call on me. For God and Country, Ronald Michalski Commander, Post #40 Department of Nevada Cell Ph. 702-241-0923 To Whom it MayConcern... I wasdelightedat the opportunityto givemytakeonthe influenceof a certainindividualI like to call a departedfriend andcenterpeiceto the successandprogressionof both mylife andcareer. Let me further explainwhoI amandwhothis individual is. Mynameis VernonFoxII1. I ama native LasVegasadult malethat hasexperienced a peculiar life that hasbeentouchedby manypeople.In particular, GrogSpencer wasa manI cansay that deeply touchedmylife. It is so that I standin supportto defendandseekto memorialize the name of this man that it canalwaysbe remembered. I wouldimagineI neednot point out the manyprofessionalaccolades this manachievedin his workingcareer as a coachandteacherat Cimarron-Memorial High School.Of coursehe wonstate championships and helpedmenand women get to college, not to fail to mention,help themlearn many life skills andtraits. ButI wantto approach this in a different fashion.Fromthe standpointof a former player/friend of Grog.I alwaysinclude the friend because beyondmyplaying daysat Cimarron-Memorial, wemaintaineda friendship that wentbeyondwhatI could offer himandwasmoreaboutwhathe could offer me. This type of talk wouldsoundabnormalfromyour everydayworkingindividual, but I amandhave beenfor the past 8 years,a professionalfootball player in the NFL.Greg’sinfluenceandethics he helped put in mehavealwaysput a staple in the type of player I wasandhavebeen.Therewasa toughness about Grogthat stuck inside of meandpushedmeto be tough andnever give up, whenI watched everyonearoundmebackdownfrom challengesandnot play throughpain in tough times. Yea, the good Lordblessedmewith a drive andsenseof perserverance that I believewasinnate. But I believeGrog nurturedit andmade it cometo the surface. Speaking by wayof cliche’, "he broughtthe best outta me." Grog,or Spencas manyaffectionately call him, wasthe onethat suggested myjersey be retired at the school(the first andlast upuntil this point amongst football players).Hewasthe onethat brought beforeadministrationat the schoolandthe onethat sawto it that it wasdone,ceremony andall. I’ve alwayscalled himCoachbecause he neverfailed to coachmeas a man,player, or individual evenafter I waslong gonefromCMHS. Hewasthe inspiration that kept meclose to the football program,doing what I couldto aideandassist, evenafter his coachingtenurehadended. I’ve heardtoo manystories aboutcoachesthat useplayers up andthrowthemawayafter they no longer needthem.Coachnevertreated methat wayandalwaysreferred to meas "one of the special people."It wouldbedifferent if all this werein attemptto gainfrommebenefitsof whatI couldoffer himor the school, but I canhonestlysayhe neveraskedmefor a thing (exceptto call more)...LOL.Heeven supportedmein myNFLcareer, comingto one of mygamesmy rookie seasonand bringing along a cheeringCMHS section of coachesand staff. Greg’sinfluencecanandwill neverleave me.Somuchso, that recently at oneof myspeaking engagements at a local high school,a janitor sitting in mymotivationaltalk poseda questionduringthe questionandanswerportion. He, beinga formerplayer for coachGrogSpencer,in his daysat Chaparral High School(waybefore mytime), askedmewhatimpressionhad Grogleft on meandspokehimself whata great individual he remembered Gregas. I wasin awethat evenwhenleast expected,Coachwas alwaysthere letting meknowthat he wasproudof meandwhatI wasdoing at that very moment. Eventhroughthe emotionof mewriting this andrecalling that recentmemory, I amfull of joy when I think on Mr. GrogSpencer.I amrequestingandaskingin sincerity that considerationon the allowance of Veteran’sMemorialStadiumbeingcoupledwith the tag GregSpencerField be reconsidered.Thereis no intention of disrespectto the valiant menandwomen that donthe name of VeteranMilitary status in our great country, and wejust wish to memorializethe nameof CoachFOREVER. Coachbuilt and pioneeredthe football programat CMHS, andno current or past coachwouldstate anydifferent. Grog SpencerField at Veteran’sMemorialStadium...That’swhatWEwant! That’s whatI want! I oweit to Coach andhis family to let it be known frommyperspectivehowvigorousI am concerning this matter. Thankyoufor the time andthe opportunityto reviewmyrequest... God’srichest blessings, VernonFoxIII favo r4fox C L A R K C O U N T Y 5-; (" H O O D I S T R I C T ~100E. Palrick LaneLas Vegas, NV89120¯ phonc: 7(2-799-6830¯ fax: 702-799-2235 Del Sol HIGH SCHOOL 2-22-10 My nameis Preston Goroff, and I amwriting this letter on behalf of GregSpencer.Coach Spencerwasone of my high school football coachesat Valley High Schoolin the early 90’s. I knewthen that coach was a special person. He was very demandingand had high expectations of all his players. Coachwas a guy whopracticed what he preached. If he asked you to be there for summerworkouts, he was there pushing us. He never let us concedean inch, his workoutswererelentless and he madeall of us better people for it. After graduating from college, ~ cameback to town looking for work. I had myteaching degree, so ! went over to Cimarron-Memorialto ask coach If he could use somehelp with the team. Coachimmediately put meto work, and eventually helped me get a position at Cimarron. During my 3 years at CMHS,we had gone to two state championships.During that time, coach taught methat being a good coach was being a good teacher, there was no difference. He believed in doing things the right waythe first time and all the time. That wasthe type of person Gregwas,he was a no nonsenseguy, what you saw is what you got. He had a way about him that you would not want to let him down. Players would give anything and everything to makecoach proud, and that is what madehim special. He loved Cimarronlike a family member.You would never catch him wearing anything but Cimarron coaching cloths, he was always proud to wear his colors and he bled maroonand silver. He would also do anything for his players, if there was a way he could help, he would no questions asked. He becamea very goodfliend and the loyalist personyou ever met. After leaving Cimarron,I still kept close contact with coach and got together from time to time. He was eager to listen to mewhenI ran into obstacles in mylife, and helpedsteer mein the right directions on several occasions. When coachwasdiagnosedwith cancer, he did not look for pity, in fact, it wasexactly the opposite. He never wantedto talk about himself, just howI was doing and howwas my family. He never wantedanyoneto do anything for him, he was a giver not a taker. Evenin his last days, he did not want to makea big deal about his health, he was always upbeat and never let an’tone knowhowhe was really feeling, that wascoach. Greg Spenceropenedthe doors at Cimarron-MemorialHigh School, bringing a brand new school in 1991 to becomea state championin 1998 and 1.999. He went to 3 consecutive state title CCSD gamesduring that time which is unheardof. He madeCimarrona dynasty and his legend CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT ~100E. Patrick LaneLas Vegas.NV89120¯ phone:702-799-6830 , tax. 70_-7:))-__.’,~ Del Sol H I ~ 1-t still SCHOOL remainsto this day. I think it is only fitting that the stadiumor field be named in his honor. Heis, and alwayswill be, what SpartanFootball is about: toughness,work ethic and pride. It is the right thing to do he was a very special person who deserves to be remembered always and forever as a CimarronMemorial Spartan. Sincerely Head FootbaH Coach Del Sol High School CCSD