IDBOA Y, = MARca 7, .1111 rd HIPPle Is th ~ e anno at The Englert -bttJ Girl 0' hi toulCbl!. III oe'''?Ir q ng, handsome ath . IiIPIie wolt fl t ted In' lelle 'eIIr every" r.ray tIle a uthor' ~ the Irish patrlot_;oe~Q~iYlj with his fellows to th "ho ~ Oppression. But ro" Of h We do ero I·n many s n« eenea of raete r, tor early I n the mes Involved In In l' = .' THE DAILY ' IOWAN OWNED AND CONTROLLED BY THE STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA » IOWA CITY, IOWA, THURSDAY, J\URCH 8, 1917 VOL. XVI-NEW SERIES, VOL. I. SCHEDULE EVENTS FOR 200 DENTISTS TO DELTA:~~D:;i: PARTY TRACK ATHLETICS, AMES SWIMMING MEET PLANS FOR MECCA DAY EXHIBITIOMs ATTEND MEETING 'ter~:ll~:d ~~I~C:r:lt:~:!t~u::~ TO BE CONTINUED sw~~:~ng a:eetP~~~t~~S~:es AS VARSITY SPORT NOW BEING R1DE Of ALUMNI HE RE s!::a6 PRES. W. A. JESSUP COMMENDS ])()CTORB FOR INTEREST IN IMPROVEMENTS nr. W. S. Hosford, President of As· tte r.U.. 80cJ a ti on, AppeaI S t or Be tendance at Alumni 1<1mctions and Starts Business Se88lon (O:h::= day evening. The folIowlng guests were present: Dr. P. P. Thomas, Minneapolis; Dr. J. H. Calder, Cedar Rapids; Dr. JOINT MEETING OF STUDENTS James Prothero, Chicago; Dr. F. B. AND BOARD l\1AKES TIDS Kremer, Minneapolis.; Dr. and Mrs. DECISION C. W. Schwartz, Chicago; Dr. C. M. Kennedy, Des !d0lnes; Dr. J. A. Hal- Student Organizatlolls Pledge Them· S Traek -"'""_1. lett, Des Moines; Dr. E. W. Howard, se1 ves to UPl)()rt .....e Des Moines; Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Suggestions for Better Conduct of Sport. Spence, Iowa City; Dr. A. D. Clark, Charles City; Dr. J. A. Graham, Oma- With some 200 dental alumni reg- rua; Dr. L. C. Dow, Marlon; Dr. L. Iowa wlll have a tnack team again Istered Qnd others still coming, the V. Cookrun, La Belle, Mo. ; Dr. R. this spring. This decision was made twelfth and , from all forecasts the n. Temple, Titanka; Dr. R. F. last night at a jOint meeting of fifty grea tes t ,annua I meet Ing 0 f th e U111.vere ity d en t a 1 a Iumn I aSBociation started Wednesday morning. By 10 o'clock the old dental building was crowded with doctors young and old, renewing acquaintances and forming new ones. At that hour they went over to tile liberal arts assembly room to hear President Jessup's address of welcome, an address by their alumni president, and to hold their tlrst discussion and business session of the meeting. Jessup Commends "'fhe state Is to be congratulated that you, probably one out of ten of the dentists ot the state, have left your businesses to come here In an errort to Improve your technique and to catch a new vision of the posslbilltles of your profession," declared President Jessup, after referring humorously to his first and painful meeting with a dentist, and commenting on th~ respect and fear which he has borne members of the profession since that time. President Jessup gave a brief raview of th~ development of dental training from the time It was a mere craft or trade to the present, when the dentist must know how to reHeve distresses caused by certain bod- It is ~ ever s. ramed eas In ·oung. .: .: icago lontreal NUMBER 188 ,I .::.:xs:(t:r;;-::·:::tr:\:r;;:,:"w::J;:~::xa.. ; lIy abnormalities of which old den· The modern 'Usts knew nothing. dentist must be a student of sltuaUons, and not merely a craftsll18n who knows how to do certain things. Competition Keen "You are going to have compeUtion In the future," he told the alumnl. "In spite of the miserable bulldIng In which the college Is housed, and In spite ot the constantly railled entrance requirements, t~ enrOllment of the dental school has Incrsased 100 per cent In the past four years." He also \X>lnted out that Icholarshlp .had Incr,ased 200 per cent In the past two Yl!ars, due to the new vision which th~ etudents have of the Importance and possibilities of their work. "The whole University bids you welcome," said Pr9ltdent Jessup, In closing. HOlford 8peab Dr. W. B. Hosford, president of the dental alumni association, gave a brief addresB following Dr. Jeesup, In Which he uade an appeal for a better attendance at the general alumnl &BBoclation moeetlng of the whole University next June, and gave a atatement of the dlfflcultieB Involved In holding · the present clinic. He opened a discussion which led into 'the business Bession. Exhibit AppUancee The junior Infirmary room of the • dental building IB given over to manutacturers' exhlMts of the latest equipment and appllanceB. A com· plete operating room IB fitted up In one cor~er. and at numeroul tableB and booths demonBtratorB Bhow av.. erythln. needed by dentiBtB, from (OoDtlDaed Oil , . .• • ) Kunz, Mason City; Dr. H. R. GUlltavisoon, r-.ewlon; Dr. and Mrs. H. L . TrlJIlble, Urbana; Mrs. . Whiteside, Schaller,' Dr. G. M. Schneider, Des Moines. ENGINEER L. A. GAME ,TO BE fiNAL CLASH EACH BASKETBALli TEAM HAS FOUR VICTORIES TO ITS CREDIT . The engineer and teams will play the liberal arts championship game of the Inter-department basketball league Saturdlay afternoon at 2: 30 . Each has won four games from th .. various other teams. ' The liberal arts team has the pharmaclsts to play yet, but it \.s almost certain that they wiil win the game, according to a statement from 01rector E. G. Schroeder. " Both teams are playing good basketball," said Mr. Schroeder yesterday. "The people have had a chance to see the engineers play against the freshman team at various times this year, and it Is known that they have a good team. This Is the same team that won the championship last year. The liberal arts have been playing good, consistent ball this year and this ought to be a good game to watch." There will be an admission of 10 cents to the gam~. The money wUl ~"t b be us"" 0 uy swea t ers f or th e wIn'nlng team, the same as last year. The halves wm be twenty minute periods, Instead of fifteen as In the other Inter-department games. N . A. Kellogg will referee. UNIVERSITY TALENT IN R'E CITAL AT M. E . CHURCH University talent will be generously represented in the recital at the l'f{ethodlst church tonight. Six Unlversity students and two members of the faculty will take part. "It promises to be a very InterestIng program," said Mrs. Anna D. ,Starbuck yeBterday. "Almost all of those who are to have a part, have a])peared In our Music Study club. I conSider It well worth hearing." The program In full Is as follows: Solo, Prof. W. E. Hays; Quartet, Dorothy Yetter, Mrs. Beeson, Ingalls Swisher, and Ward Abrams; Solo, Neva Smith; Violin aolo, Cla~re ' Hoover Deaton; Solo, Frank Maras· co; Reading, George Emerson Da· vis; Solo, Nellie B. Ellla; Organ, Katherine Jones; Solo, Mary Louise Sporleder; Reading, Alma Swigart; UnlverBlty Glee Club qUartet, Messrs. Dodd, Mayne, Thomas, and DaviB. The program beginB at 8 o'clock. Adml.sion, 10 cenu. repr esentativos of different student 0rgnnlzati-ons an d the athldilc board. . Plans were made fo.· a permanent organization to be called the Student Athletic associJation, whose object is to create Interest In track athletics. "Stub" Barron was elected chairman of the society, which Is to be com· posed of one representative from each student organization. The first meeting will be held next Wednesday evening at 7:30 . Among the suggestions of'l'ered the 'athletic board, upon which favorjl.ble action will probably be taken, according to the statement ot-Professor Lambert, chairman of the athleUc board, were tbose for t he hiring of 'additional trainers and coaches to take care of the greatly Increased number of men who are expected to come out. Each organl,ation has pledged men from its ranks to swell the Hawkeye squad. will take place here Friday, Marcb 16. The events scheduled are the 20yard dash, 100-yard dash, 150-yard ENGINEERS WILL HAVE ENTIBE PLANT OPERATING AT back stroke, 200-yard breast stroke, FULL BLAST 220-yard easy stroke, 440-yard easy stroke, fancy diving, plunge, and a relay race in which four men will Tours of Inspection WID Cover All Departments••Testing Plaut, POunswim, each swimming 40 yards. dry, Wireless, and Electri~ LabHanapel and Stoner wm represent oratories WUI be Open Iowa In the short dashes; Pillars, Mlller, Deppe, and Jacobsen will comPlans for the exhibitions of Mecca pete in the distance dashes; Deppe Day in connection with the celebraand Tyler will ta'-e part in the .l\ plunges,' and Pillars and Jacobsen tion by t ('l~ e students at applied sclence are ;Oel::'''' ..... perfected by the men will swim in the back stroke contest. wbo have the various stuntB In There is still a questf.on as to who charge. Paul S. McCann, chairman will take part in the fancy d lvi n~ . ) f the committee on the exhibiUon, Several men are trying out. 11as the tour for the visitors outlined apd the presentat.l.on of the work of the different departments of t he college will be under the direction of members of the department under which the work comes, DODGE'S INVENTION IS NOW ON MARKET Machlnery to Operate NEW R.HEOSTAT IS EASY TO It Is planned to have the ShOpB open and the foundry In oP!8ration. CONNECT AND IS ALMOST FOOIJ·PIWOF The testing plant \n the basement of the engineering building will be A ttni.que improvement In rheo- breaking Its regulation number of stats, devised by H. L . Dodge, asslst- bricks, Iron rods, and pieces of Bteel. ant professor of physics, and known The tour will stJart In the library of as the Dodge Design rheo\tat, has the college, and from there will ex.. been placed on the market by the tend through the building, showing manufacturer s, ~ntral Scientific the Instruments used In the engln· company of Chicago, James G. Biddle eerlng profession and the drawing of Pbiladelphla, and the Leeds and departmeflt. The steam laboratory Northrup company of Philadelphia. will be the next place to be visited. Among the speakers were Irving Among the advantages of the new Barron, Lawrence Dutton, Coach type of rheostat, Mr. Dodge says, Is Jones, Keith Hammill, rand Albert P. that It is easy to connect and nearly fool-proof. Both series and shunt or Jenkins. potentiometer r elations are secured by the mere opening or closing of a PROFESSOR ROSS TO The rheostllits can be rated switch. LECTURE ON FRIDAY according to the maximum voltage IN N. S. AUDITORIUM and current capacity. The combinaBecause It was feared the liberal tion of these features in a single inarts assembly would not seat the strument makes a rheostat which he crowd, the lecture of Prof. E. A. thinks will be found most deskable Ross of the University of Wisconsin whenever convenience and flexibility on "The Changing Social Position of of current and voltage regulation Is Women" lilt 9 o'clock Friday morn- desired . lot will be good for student ing will be given In the natural sci- use and extremely valuable In reence auditorium. The nine o'clock search and testing laboratories. dtvlsion of psychology will not meet As experience has shown, the orbut will attend the lecture Instead . dinary type of rheostat, rated 'by curProfessor Ross will lecture again rent capacity and reSistance, nearly in the lIb~ral arts assembly at 3: 3 0 always fail s in three ways. It canFriday afternoon on "The Ethics of not be used at rail in shunt relation, Professions." Professor Ross Is one or If it can It will nat give overlapof the best known American socioloping ranges, or else It will give more gists, 8S well as a writer of Interthan enough overlapping, which nJational reputatkln. He created such means loss of current capadty. favorable comment last year In his With the Dodge design rheostat appearanCes at the University that all this Is avoided as the wlndin~ of he has been engaged aga.ln. The lec- each size Is carefully arranged so tures are free to the public. that for any load there wlil be complete overlapping of current and voltENGINEERS TO HOLD age ranges a.t the same time the maxMIXER NEXT FRIDAY Imum possible current capacity. Associated stud~nts of applied science will hold a meeting and mlxSIGMA XI TO INITIATE er In the students' room of the enThe Sigma XI initiatory ceremoglneering building at 7: 30 Friday nies will take place In the parlors of evening. The tick!et problem, re- the Unitarian church at 6 o'clock, glarding the "Mecca" day show, Is to March 14. The ceremony will be be discussed, and further plans for followed by a banquet, compllmentthe parade and exh~bltlon are to be ary to the new members. decided upon. After the meeting light refreshmentB will be served. IOWA GRAl) IN HOSPITAL Floyd Thomas, B. A. '11, LL. B. MAKE NEW RULING '14, Is III at the University hospital. All men who are abaent from Since his graduation Mr. Thomas c~asses In military training and phys· has been actively engaged In training wlll have to' report to paper work. He has been on the Dean Rlenow hereafter aB for abo start of the St. Paul Pioneer Press, sence In any other class. It waB the Associated Press, and was polformerly the rule tha:t the two de- Itlcal editor for a newspaper In Alpartments had charge of all absenceB bany;, N. Y. He has now ~Iven up ,and the men were required to report his neWBpaper work and wlll praconly to the departmentB. tice law In Ottumwa. • In l ~ shope the mechanical side of engln®rlng will be shown. The foundry will be In operation, exhlbiUng to the visitors th,e method ot making iron castings. From the shops the Itinerary will take in the phYBI~S building, where the lelectrical ~a boratories will be open and the ' practlcal side of electrical englneering will be demonstrated. An explanation will bie made ot how the electric light companies can tell by meters how much current has been used . The production of both alternating and direct electric current and the ell'E'ct of lightning on transmfssion lIr:es will also be shown. To Send Radios From the electrical laboratories the tour will next Include the wireless room where messages will be sent and received. A !arm lighting plant will be placed in the same room II.IId Its practical value to the farmer will be polntled out. The last place to be vlBited wlll be the telephone laboratory. Here It will be shown at ill close range how the "Central" works the switch board and the method of tranBmlsslon over telephone IIneB. NEW YORKER TO GIVE TWO ADDRESSES HD.E Fred B. Smith of New York City :wlll make two addresses at the Unl .. verslty 'on Thursday, March 29. At '6 o'clock he will speak at a dinner b f the advisory lroard. At 8 o'clock he will address a masB meeting of the men and women In the natural science auditorium. Mr. Smith has been very promlnent during the past tew years in Christian activities. . He organized and put forward the Men and Rell- • glon movement and is at present 'chairman of the Committee of Fedel18.ted Churches in North America. Ludema Williams ot Currier Han Is III at her home in Eldora and will not returi to scbool thlB Bemester• PAGE ,TWO THE DAILY IOWAN 'handling our bank account, would we be r eady to take the balance Uwued aud coutrolh:d by tilt: sheet and mail lot home to show wbat I;TUJU;lI/'rl; A:r TllJi: Ull/JVJ!lHijJT~ OF IOWA we have accomplished in t he past l:'ubl1shed every Ulorulnll excell l MoudilY months? by ~'hll Dully Iowun l:'ullshlng CO lli lluuy What would that balance show? at 20S S. Clinton st, Iowa elly, lowli. Try to make your own balance sheet; Eutered at the post otHell. lowu City, put in one co'l umn all your expendi- Iowa, as second clUBS Ulatter, tures in time, el'fort, and money, In Subscription rate $2.50 per year. Single the other your successes,failures, and copy, live cents. accomplishments, and then balance BOARD OF TB~STEES the account, Check up. How do Faculty Student C. H. WELLER, Cbm. R. W. CLEARMAN your assets and liabilities com pare? M. F . BOYD MARY KINNAVEY E. 8, 8MITH H, H , NEWCOM!! W. J, McCHESNEY, Trells. WHAT ~mN LH'E BY Editor-in-Chlef.. Homer G. Roland Business Manager .. H, G,. Davidson There will appear In tWs column from day to day, quotations trom OFFIOE HOUB.8 Edltor·in·chlef ......... 1 :80 to 3 :30 p. ro , modern writers 811(1 speaker's, letters (Editorial oftlce, room 106 Old Capitol. Phone Red 1276), from almnni and f.'lends of the Un!Business Mgr .. 9 to 10 a . m" 3 :30 to 6 p, m. ver.sity, and statistics relative to men (Business oftlce, 208 S. Clinton street. Phone 1876) , ~ .institutions, THE OLD BOYS ARE HERE You see him walking along the slippery, wet walks of the campus carrying a grip In one hand and strlvIng to retain posse88lon of 'his cady with the other as the March gale whips around the corner of the dentistry building, blows his coat tails awry, and threatena ~1t h each renewed blast to aerebs,lane his hat Into a puddle In the W1alk. Of a sudden he drops his bag, forgets his hat, and with both handEl outstretched rushes up to a man who Is approaching, simlolarly burdened and braving the gust with precaution, and then there Is a clasp and pumping that would rival the most muscular farmhand applied at "ye old wooden pump near the cow shed." And the frustrated imps of the March blasts carry naught in their blustery clutches but these words: "Hello Bill, old man." "Well, if U Isn't old Mac." "How's everything in Davenport?" "How's the tooth business with you 7" And by these tokens the passerby knows that the old dents are with us again, -...... -.. ~-----.-.-.-.-.-.-.--- t1·»N ~ GARDEN P rot. R. H. Sylvester of tbe chologlca l clinic will apeak 10 Woman's club at Waterloo afternoon on "The Mental Heall.I the hUd." In Sport or Study, Work or Play "The Masked Rider" Th undering' Metro· Drew COMEDY " They build th\! roadway over which the Pullman car runs, but they never rldoe In it; they cut the lumADMISSION 100 ber that gGes into mansions, but they CHILDREN lie live in vermin-Infested shacks in the woods, and In ten-cent lodging houses In the city; they gather the wheat that nourishes the nation, but they waste away into nameless graves from under-noruishment, exposure, _.___._._.______..........._...._ ...........----.............-.• ...::._ •• and vice; they harvest the ice that cools the sick child in our homes, but they have no family of their own." So writes an American minVICTOR ister of our wandering seasonal laLADIES' TAlLORING CO. bar group. How much better off are they than a similar group described Showing Lat.est Women's by an ancient poet? and ~Usses' High Class They go about naked without clothWearing Apparel long, By Saml)les and Fashion Book And being hungry they carry the Satlsfllction Guaranteed sheave!. You Are Pleased or Your They make oil within tbe walls of J\Ioney .Returned these meni They tread their wine-presses, and - J\ffiS. E. ~I. HUT HINSON suffer thirst. Art-Needle Work ShOll From out of the populous City men Phone R 501 groan, And the soul of the wounded crieth Englert Theatre Bldg. out. -Job 24: 10-12. -Adv, ~---------.-.-.----.~ _we._ ..•••• g)~ The acme of deliciousness and refreshment whether you're "burning the midnight oil" , or after a stiff game. A treat nt any time. ............ ' f f ' f f f f f .f f f f '.f QUA 1"1_ Den.nd tM lor full name-niWwnoi ."""ur"i8 IUbolilu\ioa THE COCA-COLA COMPANY. ATLANTA, GA. f f f f f f f f f f f f W] RAe For 1 • • Englert Theatre •• •• 3 DAYS • • •+ Starts THURSDAY, March 8 • + • 11-4 • • • • fr.=== • 'Relieve R' :\=::== + == 0101:101:1 +9 ~ i+ ~ DoD" '"' Shorthand' +1 IR .0 Make the Iowa Dairy Lunch your Headquarters "A Daughter of the Gods" HOME COOKING MATINEE DAILY-2:30 EVENINGS-8 :15 MATS.-75c, 5Oc, 200 CHECKING UP The first at March is the time when the business man checks up. He then balances his books, squares his accounts, and makes a stwtement so that he may know emcUy how he stands financially. This dat<6 is so important to the business and professional world that the legislature takes a recess of ten days so that senators and representlatlves may go home and check up thoelr accounts, This is the time when farm hands start on their year's work. It Is the ,,~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ time for moving. This is the date when public business and private accounts are balanced and has become a OF DES MOINES, IOWA sort of "checking up" date tor huDuring the last twelve years bas tilled thousands of the best man affairs In general. teaching positions west of the ~l1ss1ssippi river... Its terms are the How many ot Us as students are most liberal offered, and through the confidence and respect 01 the now ready for the balance sheet to be made o'u t and a statement made at employing officer!!, it Is able to guarantee utlsfactory service. Write our account for the past scholastic todal tor plana. year? If we could let some unseen O.... 10&80011, Proprietor and .&I1ag_ banker check us up with the cool, calculating precision !,hat he uses in The MIDLAND SCHOOLS TEACHERS' AGENCY "'t.1~ +0 TODAY PASTIME "Always a good show" The Big Screen Star •+,. •++ PRICES EVGS.-$1.00 75c, 50c, 200 + + + + + + + YOU'LL NEVER SEE IT ANY CHEAPER COMPANY OWN ORCHESTRA . MARCH 6 MAKE ORDERS NOW and FRIDA yl 'The Man Who Forgot' very interesting story special . Also Tour Around the World DUNKEL'S ORCHESTRA DUNKEL'S ORCHESTRA I Admission 1 Join our P Two suit: sponged a.: Goods ( Phone 93 *'=== + + SEAT SALE TUESDAY Robert Warwick Summer E .8.0==== Only Stars Appear at the .. : : ++t ......++++ .... Two doors north of Interurban Station ,. NO'IJ( toJ Th r will be an Trvlng-Ero dance and parly at the MajestiC hall Fri· day veiling, All members and gradna tes Invited . TODAY and FRIDAY Uarold Lockwood and May Allison WEDNElSDA Y, M WFJDNElSDA y, MARCH " II\! THE DAlLY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA + + t TYPI t t Notebo t t ·t· UNIVI t tt ....._ __ :........... ~ t t t A OOOJ t • •• •• ••.""~~ ·t PIl PAil 1.'_'4'_._._'~ '. lNElSDA Y. MARCH 1. Ill! ,I. R. H. Sylve.ter of the !Ical clinic w\ll apeak to Itl's club at Waterloo oon on "The Mental Heal~ PAGE THRlllm THE DAILY IOWAN. STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA. WElDNESDAY. MARCH 7. 1917 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• +.+++++.++++++++++++++++++++++++.+++K + + : • ..................................... , ••• + ••••••• ++++.++++.+++.+.++.+•• +++++..+++ I +....... ++ .++++++ :.++++++++++ ... +......++ ••••••,. :• . UNIVERSITY PANITORIUM · · • KNOWN BY THE SIGN OF We caJI for and deliver • ... .• QUAL~TY-SERVICE-STYLB Cleaners, Pressers, Dyers and Repairs CLUB RATES • ... '.. MIKB MALONE Tailoring SHAVI~~:~~SITIES San-Tox Shaving Lotion .. .. San-Tox After Shave Talcum .. Found only .. a t " Phone 466 Comer Dubuque & Iowa Ave. .. .. WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. .. .. ... ++++++++++++++ •• +....................... of' +++ ............ ++......................... ••• • •••••••••••••••• +..............+........ .. ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .,. • Professors-Professors Wives-Students At the high cost of living. Plant the garden. Seeds are oheap. Ground is oheap. And it's healthy work. Profits are big. Get ready now. • RACINE'S CIGADS' ~ SECOND-We use high grade coffee. THIRD-We buy the best meats in the market. We have three cooks. thus 1-nsuring prompt service. ... Fourth-Our Prices Meet all Competition $3.00 tickets for $2.60 We will try and merit your patronage. 210 E. College St. 10w8I City, lao • For the Fastidious Smoker . :· ... .I • t ... ... Believe Rheumatism, Kidney troubles and ... ... and other ailments Special treatment for Neuritis 11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ ~rOl:lO 01:10 01:10 01:18 I: au::: :I t Summer Session WaehingWn oao S~ ~ 11 11 11 : Typewriters for Rent a 01:10 01:1010 II b:::r:::;h::: .. .. · it .t .. .. STRA .. .. 10 cents ~ it 01:10 1I + . : 01:10 0" ol:loen • 01:10 + + .. B • ()on't you feel a Certain Amount of Selt When You Are Well Dressed? 121 S. Clinton St. •• E. E E • • •••• a.a •• .aL.. ..... + + + •• wish to announce the arrival " Pl'i11g" ,\~ooltlns. " MEET ME AT Notebook Paper and Theme Paper of thell" Come in & look them over while the BUNT KIRK'S CIGAR STORE .aL.. + 203 E. College St., Cor. Dubuque • ••••••••+ BVERY BANK CDCK Ollie Hungerford's Billiard Academy No better equipment in the world. In connection with Bunt ·K irk's. IIUT NATIONAL BANK 116 E. Washington Street rARMIRS TRUST COMPANY ..... •••••••••••• ~.~~~~~~~~.~~-~~~+-~+-.~~ : .. WHILE YOU WAIT A GOOD NAME TO BB rOUND ON • . Expert Shoemakers will rep8JJ' your within 15 minutes •••••• •• E ah oes BOSTON SHOES REPAIRING CO. 125 S. Dubuque •••••••• .aL.. ~ Make your old shoes as good as new. Phone 810 •••••••••••••••••• ~ + : r::r Your favorite and tobaccos are in our stock. Also soda grill and candies. !!:..... .- !:!took is eomplete. UNIVERSITY TYPEWRITER CO. ..... ... ... HUSA & SON • + .L .. 116 S. Dubuque Street a. '" Come in and Make Yourself at Home , 8olR\l _•••••••• : owling ,arbenng' _ CENTRAL CLOTHING BOUSE "The B01l8e AcoolDIDodatlna" TYPEWRITERSRJ~p~L.lI .a.a + + This Place is Your Pla.ce for illiards ., .. ~ ~pect Of course you do. Come In and we will fix you up with a large amount of self respect. So much of It that you wm be surprised. Our suits cannot be surpasesd in quality. workmanship and style. Come in and see the new spring styles. We are handling Mayer Bros. Suits and Overcoats. S ld + • .. UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111 III III U11111 111111 1III III IIIUUUUSlUIIUIIIUUIIIIII: F. SOBlBEN Phone 93 :++ 01:1 0 T. W. WILKINSON, Prop. oaoe • : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. + + + + + 0a •. 11 ++ NEW BRUNSWICK MANAGEMENTGeo. R. Hanley, Prop. r 11 •~ 01:10 had 'em the times were punk. People have to purchase and the geezer was wise, for he knew the way to ,.. .... ,.. ,.. : him the Merchant Prince. Some say it's luck but that's all bunk. Why he was doing business when t \: t . .. + + THE GLOBE HOTEL Join our Pa.nitorium club for $1.00 a month Two suits and overcoat or three suits sponged and pressed. .... ,.. 11 ... get 'em was to advert~. 11 • .. .. Banner Dairy Lunch . :s O~ Goods called for and delivered free. 11 11 9aloao ::.:1:; ::v: O:::I:'inc::~l~ ... ; .01... ..... coming and he never quit' and he wouldn't cu~ ,.. 11 0 11 lao 11 he had to Ml8tle for a regular store. Up on thet square where the people Be gobbled up a window with the best that he had. A,nd he told mI8B'S BUSINESS OOLLEGE 203~ .01...' • ~~~N~ ,. SOOI1 .. .. 12 to 15 Days Moderate Prices. All Home Cooking :o:d~pa:~na~: 'em about it in a half page ad .. Be .01... ..... has a long life 'at the corner that was all plate glass. He r!.xed up the Shorthand and Typewriting Course at .. The Average Meal Ticket Lasts The customers flocked to Ws two-by-four. And soon ' Don't )'on tb1nk you had better register for a it $5 00 he pla)'oo that system with a smne on his face. S. U. I. STUDENTS .. . The dollar for stock and eighty for an ad broughCi ::g::r:::e~::lI:: ~ ~ .. There was an old geezer and he had a. lot ot 8enSe. He started up a buslne8s on a dollar-eighty cents. 2 E. College St. ... ::: • • I' . . SMITH & CILEK Your Seedman with all kinds of fresh seeds in stock • t t t t • Sulphur Steam Baths TURKISH BATHS . ... orgot • The Largest Restaurant in the City WE PRIDE OURSELVES ON THREE THINGS FIRST-We use nothing but the highest grade creamery . butter.. ... , • TAD A SHOT .... ,. AY' • EAT AT THE MERCHANTS' RESTAURANT • ,March8 • • : •.... WHY WORRY ' . NOT SMOKE t>e-nd tM II"'ulno ~ fuJI name - nU:Jonu. _ r _ l"boUlu\ioa • Pbou Jl.ed '-'0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• +. +. .. .. ~ !Xi ~ ~ +++~++.~++++ •••• ++++++++++.+ •••••••••••• =-~--.~~---------------------- I THURSDAY, MARCH 8, THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGB FOUR *t I Dr. Blanche Jones of Davenport is E rica Riepe was called to her visiting at the Alpha Theta house. home In Davenport on account of the Theo Christenson of De Witt, a death of ber sister. 'ormer student In the University, The Komenlau ~odety will meet and her mother are visiting at the a~ Close Hall tonight at 8 o'clock. Achoth house. Me mbers not attending will be fined . Dr. F. A. ;aoe of BurJl.ngton Is at- HE best things in life are the T commonest. Thar's plenty of friendships - plenty of sunshine - C ~ ~. ~,r---------~I[]P'--------~I[]r'--------~It:!l pJenty of landscape-an' yo' can get VELVET at any ~ tobacco store. ~t1.- T " OPERA CONFECTIONERY DON'T FORGET- , To Y.M.O.A. t;ea8Qn Ticket Holden! The Lawton recital nert FrIda, evening Is an extra number In course. Present )'our final coupGI fo\' punching. SeatH will be 1M) _ to EleRSOn ticket h&lders. On uIe ThufElda), at Wleneke'8. VOL. XVI-NEW tending the uental cUnlc aud visiting ~OO DENTISTS TO his daughter Ethel. ATT'~ND MEETING F.J I C un A soda or sundae each evening at the Opera. All kinds of Ice Cream, Soft Drinks and Confections. By the Englert. Tony MarIas Rooms for Rent- Very nice single or double. One exceptionally large, fine front room. Very light. Ftted for three. E lectric lights. Close In . A. R. Heath, 114 N. GUbert st. 133-4-5 Large, modern furnished front room. 515 E. College. Phone Red 133-4-5 344. ROOMS WANTED: A sul-te of two J r three rooms wanted by young married ' couple to do Ught housekeeping. Phone 1875. 132-3-4 FOR RENT-A large modern front room and single room. 505 Washing. on St. Phone Red 1368. LOST-New Waterman fountain pen. Price ma.rk still attached. Return to Room 106, Old Capitol. Reward. LOST-Pair of spectacles In Englert Theatre. Call B. 953. Cumberland Dorthy Dalton .'Charles Ray Louise Glaum .The . UnusuallJ Excellent I I l The languorous charm ot the Ha- HEW YOBK South.,•• CorDer Broad...,. ...d PIIt,.-f.urth 8. Near IIOth Street station and I18rd Street Elevated Kopa b,. a Collowo IIIIUl Hoadquartou tor Collowo MeD 8poel.. Bato. for Cell.w. T _ . Ideal Locatien, near Theatre., Shop. and Central Park HEW, MODEBN AND ABSOLUTELY nB&PBOO:r Most Attractive Hotel In New York. Transient Rates, $2.50 with Bath and up. TeD MInute'. Walk to Twenty Theatree All Out.ide Room. Send tor Booklet HABBY P. STIM80N, Formerl,. with Hotel Imperial JUlU)QUABTEBI ..OB lOW"" ION waIIan naU,ve instruments-so moving In Its appeal-so observedly In vogue-Is brought out with new dis- Brunswick Size--$90.00 \.JVJUJ. ...,.!'! for I<'lrst Methods. Brunswick Phonograph THEATRE FRI. and SAT. NOTABLE GRAM AN» ~x--;xx~;xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;xxxxx~--;;xxxnuxn:~~ 'txxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~ HOTEL WASHINGTON SHOFj • REPAIR SHOP 226 E. Wash. St. Joe Alberts, Prop . a paper was read by Dr. F . B. Hartzell of Minneapolis. ..........~............--------................ STRAND . VISITORS COM LEAVE·TAKIN GS ASUCCESSfUL Alpha Theta w\1l dance Frldayel enIng at Sueppel's. Mr. and Mu. R. (Continued from page 1) A. Kuever and Prof. and Mrs. F. G. Higbee will chaperon teeth to large electrical machines. . On the third floor of the buUding a moving picture machine is in pliace. This Is thought to be the first time For first class that motion pictures have actually been used for teaching In the west. SHOE REPAIRING The afternoon was given over to cHnlcal demonstrations and dlscusgo to slims. Twenty-four doctors of uote were listed for a part in the program, with subjects varying from "The Tooth Brush" to "Somnotorm Anaesthesia." At an 8 o'clock meeting "'''''''''.''''''''1 tinctness on the Brunswick. The exodus of the 300 alumni and otber doctors been. In attendance for days at the dental clinic afternon. Ever since Ing tbe balls of the lIave been crowded with " exchanging handclasps ettes. Other State8 RP..,N,....,i The alumni register Of 243 names, and It that at least 75 others resented, and, many alumn schools came, attracted usual excellence of the gram. Minnesota, IIlnols, and the Dakotas were all ed. Authorities OolDOleoded "It was the best clinic I attended uywhere," said DUS. In "THE WEAK· ER SEX" Also 2 Reel Comedy "BRAINS'fROM" with BILLY MASON The Art of Such Masters as Joseph Hollman, Muratore, Caralieri, Thibsub, and Ruffa, is given' faultless rendition. The Brunswick duplicate perpetuates their performance in the very spirit of their genius. -Come to tHlr Studio and hear the Brunswick play any of your fav· Q.I·ite records. ' THE BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPH SHOP Iowa." "Prosthetics and the COASTS' : {,(XXXXXXUUUXUXXXXX%: :xxxnxXXXXXXXXXXXUXXNXXXXXXXXXXXXUXUXXXXiXXXXU RALPH LAWTON ( has become one of the WORLD'S GREAT PIANISTS ENGLERT Stuart Walker's Tuesday March 13 One Night Only PORTMANTEAU the country. HANOHER'S ORATION In the F?llowing Plays "Six! Who Pass While the Lentils BoU" "Its charm is indiscribable. "-N. Y. Times. Hear him Frid~y, March 9th at j , 'j Unreservedly SCIENCE AUDITORIUM Nevertheless" amusing.' '-Chicago Examiner. Lord Dunsany's c, The Gods o( the" "One of the great plays of our time. "-The Bookman. "One great play in town. "-N. Y. Tribune. Seats 75 cents at WIENEKE'S--Thursday Reservations Saturday Marchl' lO Englert Box Office 50 cents to $2.00 ............,...:..:..>'........................ ~.~.• SPEAKS ON Mu Witte, luperlntendel State hOlpltal for the In un Hnd" wlll Ipeak on "lnlar lore the .tudente of paychol, O'clock Friday morntng. a _ted In the aubject may Prof. G. N. Merry apoke b Commercial and Ad clubs ( tort Wedneaday on "80me bl a hooeIItul BUllne.. Cc