P E R T H L I G H T S # T P F F 2 0 1 5 U P 2 M U R R AY ST R E E T 3 G RA N D ST A N D RO A D 1 F E ST I VA L V E N U E S FA S H I O N PA R A M O U N T, P R E S E N T E D B Y A LCO H O L .T H I N K A G A I N P E RT H CO N C E RT H A L L , 5 5 ST G E O R G E S T E R RA C E , P E RT H ( E N T RY F R O M T E R RA C E R OA D ) T P F F FA S H I O N LO U N G E P E RT H CO N C E RT H A L L , 5 5 ST G E O R G E S T E R RA C E , P E RT H ( E N T RY F R O M T E R RA C E R OA D ) FA S H I O N C E N T R A L , P R E S E N T E D B Y A LCO H O L .T H I N K A G A I N F O R R E ST P L A C E , P E RT H R O S E M A R E E W H I T E feath er bolero, W H E E L S A N D D O L L B A BY top, M A R I A E L E N A ne cklace Detai ls are cor re c t at tim e o f p r i nti ng and are subje c t to ch ange , for th e latest p rog ram, visit telstraper thfashionfestival.com.au A S COT R A C E CO U R S E 70 G RA N D STA N D R OA D, A S COT A S COT FA S H I O N LO U N G E 70 G RA N D STA N D R OA D, A S COT 15 SEPTEMBER T U E S D AY / 7.0 0 PM 16 SEPTEMBER W E D N E S D AY / 7.0 0 PM 17 SEPTEMBER T H U R S D AY / 11.30 A M OPENING NIGHT: DILETTANTE EMPIRE ROSE MYER FASHION LUNCH FASHION PARAMOUNT PRESENTED PRESENTED BY EY ASCOT RACECOURSE BY ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN FASHION PARAMOUNT PRESENTED BY ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN 18 SEPTEMBER F R I D AY / 10.0 0 A M / 9.30 PM WA DESIGNER RUNWAY #1 BY ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN / 12.0 0 PM FORREST CHASE RUNWAY #1 FASHION CENTRAL PRESENTED BY ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN FASHION PARAMOUNT PRESENTED BY ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN 19 SEPTEMBER S AT U R D AY / 12.0 0 PM THERE IS...A GALLERY, NORTHBRIDGE BY ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN BROOKFIELD PLACE FASHION CENTRAL PRESENTED BY ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN / 2.0 0 PM SIGNATURE BY ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN / 4.0 0 PM BY ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN / 1 .0 0 PM FASHION CENTRAL PRESENTED BY ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN / 3.0 0 PM FASHION CENTRAL PRESENTED BY ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN MELISSA SHOES BY ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN / 7.0 0 PM AE’LKEMI AND STEPH AUDINO / 7.0 0 PM FASHION CENTRAL PRESENTED WA DESIGNER RUNWAY #2 FASHION PARAMOUNT PRESENTED BY ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN / 6.0 0 PM RESTYLE RUNWAY #2 FASHION CENTRAL PRESENTED CITY RETAILER RUNWAY PRESENTED BY POLYTECHNIC WEST BY ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN / 11.0 0 A M FORREST CHASE RUNWAY #2 FASHION CENTRAL PRESENTED / 4.0 0 PM S U N D AY TARGET FASHION CENTRAL PRESENTED / 2.0 0 PM 20 SEPTEMBER PRESENTED BY TAB ASCOT RACECOURSE / 9.30 PM CLOSING NIGHT: WHEELS AND DOLLBABY ENEX100 RUNWAY #1 / 9.30 PM PRESENTED BY TAB FASHION CENTRAL PRESENTED AKIRA ASCOT RACECOURSE BY ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN FASHION PARAMOUNT PRESENTED BY ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN / 7.0 0 PM FUTURE RUNWAY FASHION PARAMOUNT PRESENTED BY ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN / 9.30 PM INTERNATIONAL RUNWAY: PHUONG MY PRESENTED BY SINGAPORE AIRLINES FASHION PARAMOUNT PRESENTED BY ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN 2015 CALENDAR INTERNATIONAL PATHWAYS INDUSTRY FORUM BY ALCOHOL.THINK AGAIN ENEX100 RUNWAY #2 FASHION CENTRAL PRESENTED / 2.0 0 PM JAIME LEE FASHION PARAMOUNT PRESENTED PRESENTED BY COMMONWEALTH BANK RESTYLE RUNWAY #1 FASHION CENTRAL PRESENTED / 8.0 0 PM TA B L E O F CO N T E N T S 1. C A L E N DA R A N D F E ST I VA L V E N U E S 6. DI RECTORS’ FOREWORDS 11. HIGHLIGHT EVENTS 12. E V E N I N G R U N W AY E V E N T S 16. F R E E R U N W AY E V E N T S 21. I N T E R N AT I O N A L P R O G R A M 22. I N DUSTRY EVENTS 23. L I G H T U P YO U R N I G H T 31. CO M M U N I T Y FA S H I O N E V E N T S : T P F F S E R I E S 35. CO M M U N I T Y FA S H I O N E V E N T S : I N D E P E N D E N T S E R I E S 36. C O M M U N I T Y F A S H I O N E V E N T S : C U LT U R A L P R O G R A M 4 0. SWIM + RESORT SERI ES 2015 45. PA R T N E R S 48. DESIGN E R DI RECTORY 7 AU R E L I O CO STA R E L L A blouse and trouser s, K AT H E R I N E D U N M I L L nec klace , P E T E R L A N G bangle , G E N E R I C S A CC E S S O R I E S bag Designer Fashion Grants Harness your creative talent. Find your market. The Department of Culture and the Arts’ Creative Industries Grants Program provides funding for projects that enhance the design creativity and market potential of WA Designer Fashion businesses. For information visit www.dca.wa.gov.au/CI Image: Telstra Perth Fashion Festival 2014 Opening Night, Ae’lkemi. Photo by Stefan Gosatti. HOW WILL TELSTRA TH NKS REWARD YOU? ® As a Telstra customer, you’ll get access to a whole range of exclusive offers: $11 movie tickets, pre-sale music access, great sports experiences and offers, a movie rental every Thursday on us, bonus flybuys points and more. Your rewards are waiting at telstra.com/thanks Telstra. Proud sponsor of the Telstra Perth Fashion Festival THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW: $11 Movie Tickets: Tickets subject to availability. Not valid on public holidays or after 5pm on Saturdays. Surcharges apply for Vmax and 3D screenings. Unless stated, tickets can’t be used for Gold Class, special events or in conjunction with any other promotion. Check telstra.com/movies for full details. Movie Rental: Offer is to rent one free movie from BigPond Movies per week from a selection of three movies. Data charges may apply. Available for Telstra customers aged 18 or over, who have registered for My Account and BigPond Movies. Each week’s code is available through telstra.com/movies from 12:01pm Friday to 11:59pm Thursday. Offer can be used between 5:30am and 11:59pm on Thursday. For BigPond Movies to function correctly, minimum download speed of 3.5Mbps is recommended. Compatible devices include Telstra T-Box and some smart TVs, PCs and tablets. Find out more at telstra.com/movies DIRECTORS’ FOREWORDS MARIELLA H A RV E Y HAN RAHAN THE HON CO L I N BARNETT MLA F E ST I VA L D I R E C TO R LISA SCAFFIDI THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LO R D M AYO R PREMIER OF W E ST E R N T E LST RA P E RT H FA S H I O N F E ST I VA L.COM.AU AU ST R A L I A It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2015 Welcome to the 2015 Telstra Perth As the founding sponsor of Telstra Perth Telstra Perth Fashion Festival. Fashion Festival. Fashion Festival, the City of Perth is proud to This year’s Festival will inspire and excite The 17th annual Festival continues to you; with more standalone designer shows, grow from strength to strength, putting a bigger and better Myer Fashion Lunch, Western Australia on the map as a vibrant TPFF 2015 will see Perth City light up a revamped Windows of the City: Food, fashion destination. with a cavalcade of local, national and Fashion, Art initiative and a star-studded International Program. The Festival provides valuable exposure of WA’s emerging and established designers reaffirm its commitment to supporting WA’s creative capital in 2015. international fashion stars, elevating us on the world stage. I am honoured to welcome two as well as models, photographers, stylists, Our unique fashion landscape will be international style icons to the Festival make-up artists, hair stylists, retailers, paraded at Fashion Central presented by as part of this year’s International and creative professionals. Alcohol.Think Again in Forrest Place, Program. Legendary fashion illustrator David Downton will release his latest exhibition and book, and share his insights at our International Pathways Industry Forum. International burlesque star, designer and model Dita Von Teese will close the Festival when she walks for iconic WA label Wheels and Dollbaby. I am thrilled to see TPFF making fashion more engaging and interactive with the launch of our fashion forward mobile app in partnership with Telstra and our new website. We also welcome Healthway as our new Principal Venue Partner for Fashion Paramount and Fashion Central, presented by Alcohol.Think Again. Through this new partnership we will spread our Fashionably Responsible message. Join us as we light up Perth with the most exhilarating week of fashion Australia will see in 2015! TPFF is proudly supported by the State Government through Tourism Western Australia and the Department of Culture and the Arts. Events such as this are vital for Western Australia’s economy and form an important part of the State Government’s strategy to increase the value of tourism to $12 billion with free shows ranging from top international designers to local boutique independent labels. Save the date for Perth’s new Sunday Best Market to buy direct from WA’s up-and-coming designers and a chance to win yourself a professionally styled ensemble. by 2020. They add vibrancy to the State, The WA designer showcases at Fashion help attract visitors and raise the profile Paramount presented by Alcohol.Think of WA through media exposure. Again on the Perth Concert Hall concourse Last year’s event attracted more than $61.8 million of local and national media coverage, and was attended by over 140 media including journalists, bloggers and editors from Australia and around the world. I would like to congratulate the organisers, volunteers and WA’s fashion industry on what promises to be another successful event. will be spectacular with views to our stunning Swan River; and exploring fashion, food and art will be made even easier with TPFF’s new app, guiding you through the Windows of the City - showcasing local artists’ fashion-inspired windows in city shop fronts, bars and eateries. The City of Perth is committed to supporting new business, innovation and start-ups. We recognise the immense value that creative industries bring to our City and 6 are proud to support TPFF again this year. GUY CHAMPION TRACEY H O RTO N GEN ERAL FA S H I O N MANAGER T E LST R A A R E A CO U N C I L WA CHAIRPERSON This year we have lifted our focus on The Telstra Perth Fashion Festival was the WA designer industry, through spectacular last year! our program of industry events and We are very pleased and proud to the rebranding of PFCI to the Fashion again join forces with the dynamic Council WA. We intend to seek out more Festival team, as the Naming Rights opportunities to embrace and support Partner, and build on last year’s success. WA fashion talent. 2014 was the first time that Telstra has entered into the fashion industry in WA Telstra Perth Fashion Festival 2015 is and we were simply stunned with the working to more closely involve and enormous and boundless opportunities support the impressive skill of our that this new partnership presented for domestic talent. We are proud to offer both organisations. a showcase that presents some of WA’s incredible designers and producers. In Western Australia, Telstra has a strong passion and long commitment in Further giving back to the industry is our supporting local businesses; encouraging newly introduced Industry Forum Series; and assisting talented people to reach offering rare insights into the many facets their full potential. Through this unique of the fashion trade with presentations partnership we will again be committing from nationally and internationally the power of technology to project the renowned guests. extraordinary talents of WA’s fashion We are confident that we are furthering on the success of previous years with a calendar filled with positive and supportive collaborations with local, national and international designers, industry far and wide. An example of this is working with our partner, Alive, to build the Festival a mobile app this year; just another way we strive to keep our customers connected. businesses and personalities within the As Australia’s leading telecommunications fashion industry. company, we are the digital driving force Fashion Council WA and all involved in TPFF are sincerely grateful to all of our generous stakeholders without whose continued support we would not be DI RECTORS’ FOREWORDS designer opportunities together with to display WA’s home-grown talent to a national and international stage. We encourage everyone to embrace, enjoy and connect with TPFF 2015! able to nurture and advocate for the WA fashion industry. 7 VISITPERTHCITY.COM THE TERRACE HOTEL BLUES AT BRIDGETOWN Bridgetown / 13-15 Nov ACT-BELONG-COMMIT AUGUSTA ADVENTURE FEST Augusta / 7-8 Nov MANJIMUP CHERRY HARMONY FESTIVAL Manjimup / 12 Dec RED BULL LIGHTHOUSE TO LEIGHTON Rottnest to Fremantle / 5 Dec MARGARET RIVER GOURMET ESCAPE Margaret River / 20-22 Nov Ignite your senses this year in WESTERN AUSTRALIA See more events and plan your trip visit WESTERNAUSTRALIA.COM/EVENTS 10 A E ’ L K E M I d re ss, R E N Y K E ST E L he adp iece , P E T E R L A N G bracelet T E LST RA P E RT H FA S H I O N F E ST I VA L.COM.AU HIGHLIGHT EVENTS O P E N I N G N I G H T: D I L E T TA N T E AKI RA ME DIA PARTN E R T he Sunday Times ME DIA PARTN E R T he West Australian WH E N Tuesday 15 September, 7.00pm and Channel 7 WH E RE Fashion Paramount presented by WH E N Saturday 19 September, 9.30pm Alcohol.T hink Again, Per th Concer t Hal l WH E RE Fashion Paramount presented by E NTRY $99 + booking fee Alcohol.T hink Again, Per th Concer t Hal l D I L E T TA N T E F E AT U R I N G : E NTRY $69 + booking fee 33 P O E T S In his WA runway debut, iconic Australian designer Akira Isogawa TO N I M AT I C E VS K I will showcase his Spring/Summer and Archive Rework 2015 YA N G L I collection. Embodying 25 years of Akira’s work and reinterpreting the past by moving back to softer, more feminine shapes in a WA boutique Dilettante will present three of their contemporary reinvention of romance. The result is a collection of contemporary, Australian designers at the TPFF 2015 Opening Night; representing yet timeless pieces. combination of 33 Poets’ experimental pieces, Yang Li’s sharp, monochromatic designs and Maticevski’s mastery of feminine silhouettes through his expert construction will capture the artistic imagination of fashion design in a single runway event. C LO S I N G N I G H T: W H E E L S A N D D O L L B A BY PRESE NTE D BY TAB VE N U E PARTN E R Per th Rac ing MY E R FA S H I O N L U N C H VE N U E PARTN E R Per th Rac ing WH E N T hursday 17 September, 11.30am WH E RE Ascot Racecourse E NTRY $170 + booking fee Spend an afternoon viewing the latest Spring/Summer collections from Myer while you enjoy a delicious two-course lunch accompanied by the finest Australian wines. Looking out onto the green in the new surrounds of the transformed Ascot Racecourse, the showcase will feature Myer’s leading Australian designers ME DIA PARTN E R T he West Australian HIGHLIGHT EVENTS the very best in local, national and international fashion. The and Channel 7 WH E N Sunday 20 September, 9.30pm WH E RE Ascot Racecourse E NTRY $99 + booking fee Rock ’n’ roll meets fashion at the final runway event of TPFF 2015. International burlesque star, designer and model Dita Von Teese will join iconic WA label Wheels and Dollbaby on the TPFF runway in this dazzling fashion event that will leave guests in awe of the signature Wheels and Dollbaby style of sex and glamour. including Aurelio Costarella, Morrison, Alex Perry, Maticevski, and many more. 11 E V E N I N G R U N WAY EVENTS EMPIRE ROSE JA I M E L E E PRESENTED BY EY ME DIA PARTN E R T he Sunday Times MEDIA PARTNER The Sunday Times WH E N T hursday 17 September, 8.00pm WHEN Wednesday 16 September, 7.00pm WH E RE Fashion Paramount presented by WHERE Fashion Paramount presented Alcohol.T hink Again, Per th Concer t Hal l by Alcohol.Think Again, Perth Concert Hall E NTRY $69 + booking fee ENTRY $69 + booking fee U RRAULN PWRAOYG ER VA EMN T S E V ECNUI LNT G Jaime Lee returns to TPFF with her adorned demi-couture in a Empire Rose will bring another theatrically disarming runway dazzling showcase that will be a truly unique and captivating show to TPFF. Never ceasing to amaze and surprise, Empire Rose’s experience. Inspired by Japanese theme parks with an impressionistic SS15/16 collection will bring grandeur, romance and old world feel, her SS16 collection features new hyper colour digital prints and opulence to the runway as the bourgeoisie are thrown into a an exciting collaboration with Perth-born, London-based footwear utilitarian world in a mash up of high end glamour and uber designer Kira Goody. cool street style. F U T U R E R U N WAY WA D E S I G N E R R U N WAY #1 WH E N Fr iday 18 September, 7.00pm PRESENTED BY Commonwealth Bank WH E RE Fashion Paramount presented MEDIA PARTNER The Sunday Times by Alcohol.T hink Again, Per th Concer t Hal l WHEN Wednesday 16 September, 9.30pm E NTRY $69 + booking fee WHERE Fashion Paramount presented by Alcohol.Think Again, Perth Concert Hall Get close to the future of WA fashion. The most promising design ENTRY $69 + booking fee students from WA’s leading fashion institutions and universities Eight of WA’s most talented designers will showcase their latest Featuring a range of categories including ready-to-wear women’s and collections in this spectacular group runway show. men’s, eco design, contemporary evening wear and costume design; will showcase their original designs in this annual Festival favourite. the winning designers will be announced on the night. ANGE LANG C AT I N I D E S I G N S CDQ DESIGNS I N T I M AT E S B Y M O N I Q U E J O M AY C A O C LOT H I N G K A R O L I N A CO U T U R E SAB FIVE FIVE 1 26 TO K AY B O U T I Q U E C A R L A Z A M PAT T I coat , AU R E L I O CO STA R E L L A blouse E V E N I N G R U N WAY EVENTS PRESE NTE D BY TAB PRESE NTE D BY Singapore Airlines VE N U E PARTN E R Per th Rac ing ME DIA PARTN E R T he Sunday Times ME DIA PARTN E R T he West Australian WH E N Fr iday 18 September, 9.30pm and Channel 7 WH E RE Fashion Paramount presented WH E N Sunday 20 September, 7.00pm by Alcohol.T hink Again, Per th Concer t Hal l WH E RE Ascot Racecourse E NTRY $69 + booking fee E NTRY $69 + booking fee Vietnamese designer Phuong My brings her SS15 collection Two of Perth’s leading evening wear designers will whisk you The Petals to Perth as part of TPFF’s 2015 International Program. away to the most dazzling red carpets of the world, from the The collection will turn heads at every angle with cuts, techniques Cannes Film Festival to the Academy Awards. Featuring Ae’lkemi’s and detail that will feed your seductive side alongside flirty floral modern elegance and embellished sheer gowns alongside the patterns, sophisticated feminine details, creamy romantic tones and beautiful hemlines of Steph Audino, this pastels and floaty silk chiffon. capsule runway show will take your breath away. WA D E S I G N E R R U N WAY #2 MEDIA PARTNER The West Australian and Channel 7 WHEN Saturday 19 September, 7.00pm WHERE Fashion Paramount presented A E ’ L K E M I A N D ST E P H AU D I N O E V E N I N G R U N WAY E V E N T S I N T E R N AT I O N A L R U N WAY: P H U O N G MY by Alcohol.Think Again, Perth Concert Hall ENTRY $69 + booking fee A stunning fashion showcase featuring 12 of WA’s brilliant emerging fashion designers: ALEXAN DRA KI NG B H A LO B L U S H E D B Y T E A G A N JA CO B S C U R I O U S B I R DY HOUSE OF SKYE J E S S I C A B R AT I C H JONTÉ DESIGNS K AT H E R I N E D U N M I L L MEGAN SALMON MORGAN MARKS P E T. T H E L A B E L WILD HORSES 15 F R E E R U N WAY EVENTS R E ST Y L E R U N WAY S I G N AT U R E SUPPORTED BY Lotterywest PRESENTED BY Polytechnic West PARTNER CHARITIES Anglicare WA, Australian WHEN Friday 18 September, 4.00pm Red Cross, Good Sammy, RSPCA, The Salvation Army, WHERE Fashion Central presented by Save the Children, and Vinnies Alcohol.Think Again, Forrest Place RUNWAY #1 Friday 18 September, 10.00am RUNWAY #2 Sunday 20 September, 11.00am WHERE Fashion Central presented by Alcohol.Think Again, Forrest Place You don’t need to max out your credit card to look and feel a million dollars! Check out the best looks from #Restyle2015 on the runway in Polytechnic West’s Centre for Fashion collaborates with local organisations and councils for SIGNature; a high fashion project upcycling cloth and vinyl banners from textile waste to create dramatic silhouettes of art-wear and gowns. SIGNature promises to be a dramatic showcase with an exceptional sustainable edge, highlighting a vision of collaboration and partnership. this celebration of opshopping. Be inspired by the stunning outfits F R E E R U N WAY E V E N T S styled from recycled clothes from our seven partner opshops. F O R R E ST C H A S E E N E X 10 0 RUNWAY #1 Friday 18 September, 6.00pm RUNWAY #2 Saturday 19 September, 12.00pm RUNWAY #1 Friday 18 September, 12.00pm WHERE Fashion Central presented by RUNWAY #2 Saturday 19 September, 2.00pm Alcohol.Think Again, Forrest Place WHERE Fashion Central presented by Alcohol.Think Again, Forrest Place Be inspired by Spring/Summer fashion at the Forrest Chase runway shows featuring Nine West, Portmans, Pigeonhole, Cue, and more! Be quick to get your seat as limited gift bags will be available at each show. Plus snap your favourite runway looks and post them to social media with the hashtags #forrestchase and Celebrate the launch of Spring/Summer 2015 with enex100. Be inspired by the best looks of the season from retailers like Calibre, Gorman, Marcs, Politix, Lululemon, Seduce, and more. Be quick to get your seat as limited gift bags will be available at each show. Be sure to visit enex100 on Friday 18 September to shop the runway looks at the one day sales event; with exclusive offers, entertainment and bubbles from 5.00pm. #perthoriginal for your chance to win a $500 shopping spree with a personal stylist. BROOKFI ELD PLACE WHEN Friday 18 September, 2.00pm WHERE Fashion Central presented by Alcohol.Think Again, Forrest Place Take a break from your day to see the latest Spring/Summer collections from Brookfield’s luxury retailers including Anna Thomas, M.J. Bale, Rhodes & Beckett, Daniel Hechter, The Horologist, and Montblanc. The sleek menswear and timeless womenswear looks 16 are sure to inspire your new season wardrobe. MELISSA SHOES WHEN Saturday 19 September, 4.00pm WHERE Fashion Central presented by Alcohol.Think Again, Forrest Place Established in Brazil in 1979, Melissa’s innovative footwear leads the way in technology, sustainability and design. Famous for collaborating with iconic designers including Karl Lagerfeld and Vivienne Westwood, Melissa’s covetable designs have become a fashion favourite across the globe. The latest collection Wanna be Carioca honours the city of Rio and celebrates its lifestyle, people and joie de vivre. TA R G E T WHEN Sunday 20 September, 1.00pm WHERE Fashion Central presented by Alcohol.Think Again, Forrest Place It’s back! Bigger and better than ever, don’t miss the Target runway at TPFF. Featuring this season’s trends and affordable fashion for the whole family, the 2015 Spring/Summer collection will rock the catwalk with a special guest AU R E L I O CO STA R E L L A blouse and trousers, K AT H E R I N E D U N M I L L ne cklace , P E T E R L A N G ban gle , G E N E R I C S A CC E S S O R I E S bag , T H E M O D E CO L L E C T I V E shoes appearance, the latest trends and more. 2 22015 Ernst & Young, Australia. All Rights Reserved. P1527938. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. © EY is proud to be a Presenting Partner of the Telstra Perth Fashion Festival EY recognises the leading role of the arts in contributing to our vibrant and diverse culture. Visual and performing arts inspire, challenge and reward us. It makes our work better. Our support of major exhibitions and performances allows galleries and organisations to make these events available to the community. This makes art accessible to everyone. EY: Building a better working world #BetterWorkingWorld ey.com/au/BetterWorkingWorld PHOTOGRAPHY: PENNY LANE / MODEL: TIAH ECKHARDT STM’S OFFICIAL FESTIVAL GUIDE IS OUT ON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 The Sunday Times Magazine STM, The Sunday Times and PerthNow support all sections of the WA fashion industry and are proud once again to be an Exclusive Print and Online Media Partner of Telstra Perth Fashion Festival 2015. Don’t miss your exclusive TPFF Style Issue in STM on Sunday, September 6. Get The Sunday Times home-delivered so you don’t miss out on your fashion fix. Call 1800 198 051 or visit perthnow.com.au. FLY THROUGH SINGAPORE. FAST-FORWARD TO THE WORLD. As a proud sponsor of the 2015 Telstra Perth Fashion Festival, Singapore Airlines invites you to enjoy exclusive fares from Perth to the world. Visit www.singaporeair.com/tpff for full details. Flights out of Australia are operated by Singapore Airlines, as well as its regional wing, SilkAir. I N T E R N AT I O N A L PROGRAM DAV I D D O W N TO N - FA S H I O N I L L U ST R ATO R - T P F F I N T E R N AT I O N A L AMBASSADOR It is an absolute honour to be appointed as an International Ambassador for Telstra Perth Fashion Festival 2015. This will be my second trip to Perth and after having the great pleasure of experiencing the City’s effervescent energy in 2012, I am incredibly excited to return to launch not only my new book but also my latest exhibition featuring new works and never-before-seen illustrations. Having been blessed with the opportunity to draw some of the world’s most coveted labels and fashion icons from the front row, I am looking forward to seeing what Perth’s established and emerging designers have to offer and hope to inspire WA’s immensely talented fashion creatives at the International Pathways Industry Forum. DAV I D D O W N TO N F R O N T R O W W I T H DAV I D D O W N TO N WH E N Monday 14 September - Monday 28 September 10.00am - 5 .00pm Monday to Fr iday WH E RE TH ERE IS...a gal ler y, 49 Stuar t Street , Nor thbr idge E NTRY Free Legendary fashion artist and couture illustrator David Downton will journey all the way from the United Kingdom to Perth to unveil a new body of work, for his latest exhibition Front Row with David Downton. The exhibition will feature illustrations drawn from the front row of this season’s hottest international couture shows, including Saint Laurent and Dior. ILLUSTRATION - David Downton INDUSTRY EVENTS FA S H I O N I N A D I G I TA L A G E T H E B U S I N E S S O F FA S H I O N PRESENTED BY AMP Capital PRESENTED BY AMP Capital MEDIA PARTNER Business News WA VENUE PARTNER Business News WA WHEN Thursday 6 August, 10.00am WHEN Thursday 12 November, 10.00am WHERE Telstra Theatrette, WHERE EY Seminar Room, 80 Stirling Street, Perth 11 Mounts Bay Road, Perth ENTRY $15 + booking fee, from eventopia.co ENTRY $15 + booking fee, from eventopia.co The power of the internet and social media continues to grow. In The Business of Fashion forum, our panel of industry professionals Fashion in a Digital Age will give you all the skills you need to stay will share their experiences in navigating the economic environment ahead in the digital world whether you’re a designer, blogger, of fashion, creating a scalable and saleable sustainable business, retailer, creative professional, or just looking to broaden your retail trends, and maintaining strong business practices. knowledge of the digital world. INDUSTRY EVENTS FEATURING: FEATURING: MICHAEL ANGHIE - EY JONATHAN MELNICK - The Strategy Agency MARK MAJZNER - Kailis Australian Pearls ELLA WORTH - Red Tiki CHRIS HOFFMAN - Flower Clothing CLAIRE MUELLER - Fashion Creative I N T E R N AT I O N A L PAT H WAY S PRESENTED BY AMP Capital MEDIA PARTNER Business News WA WHEN Friday 18 September, 2.00pm WHERE TH ERE IS...a gal ler y, 49 Stuar t Street , Nor thbr idge ENTRY $24 + booking fee, from eventopia.co Taking place during this year’s Festival, International Pathways will feature acclaimed industry speakers from around the world. The forum will focus on a number of aspects of the international fashion industry including textile trends, art and fashion, styling and the Gateway to Asia. FEATURING: DAVID DOWNTON - Fashion Illustrator PHUONG MY - Designer and Stylist 22 BRADLEY QUINN - Fashion Industry Strategist LIGHT UP YOUR NIGHT V I P PA C K A G E S A S COT FA S H I O N LO U N G E We are thrilled to offer tailored packages for TPFF 2015, Perth’s OPENING TIMES Sunday 20 September, 6.00pm until late biggest week of fashion. A networking event like no other, WHERE Ascot Racecourse, 60 Grandstand Road, Ascot immerse your guests in the glamour and excitement of the WA fashion industry, watch the beauty unfold on the runway and The popular Ascot Fashion Lounge returns for TPFF 2015 on Sunday join Perth’s A-List and industry elite at exclusive pre and 20 September. Offering delicious light dining options, a selection of post-show entertainment. Fermoy Estate wines, WA sparkling wine and Matso’s beers, the Ascot Fashion Lounge will be open from 6.00pm until late. For more information or to book your exclusive Festival experience, please contact Andree McIntyre at andree@perthfashionfestival.com.au. The perfect beginning and ending to your evening, the Ascot Fashion Lounge will also be the home of the official TPFF Closing Night after party, for all to enjoy! OPENING TIMES Tuesday 15 September - Saturday 19 September, 5.00pm* until late *Bar will be open from 6.00pm on Thursday 17 September WHERE Wardle Room, Fashion Paramount presented by Alcohol.Think Again, Perth Concert Hall, 55 St Georges Terrace, Perth Join us at our glamorous Fashion Lounge, TPFF 2015’s official bar. Open LC I GIUN HLD T UUR SPTA RLYYOP U ER V R O EGNNRITA GSM HT T P F F FA S H I O N LO U N G E before and after each evening runway show at Fashion Paramount, presented by Alcohol.Think Again, the TPFF Fashion Lounge is the place to start and end your night of fashion. Anyone looking for a dose of fashion is welcome to join us at the TPFF Fashion Lounge and enjoy our premium selection of Matso’s beers, Fermoy Estate wines, fine WA sparkling wine, spirits, and light bites. There is simply nowhere more fashionable to be seen 2 377 W H E E L S A N D D O L L B A BY dress and neck lace , VA L E R E bracelet this September. e r e h W n o i h Fas s e m Co t s r i F ERTH O CROWN P SCOT RA AY AT A PENING D BER 17 E - OCTO CECOURS You’re invited to join us for all the fashion, excitement and first-class racing that Perth Racing is famous for as we return to Ascot Racecourse. Showcase your favourite designer or milliner and try your luck by entering the Myer Fashion on the Field competition on Crown Perth Opening Day. There’ll be fabulous prizes on the day as well as entertainment. Perth Racing boasts many outstanding venues in one location. Our dining and function rooms offer spectacular views of the racecourse and Swan River, which are ideal for intimate gatherings through to major events. We have a package to suit every occasion, for details visit perthracing.com.au WOMEN IN FOCUS Creating opportunity for women in business Proud Partner of Telstra Perth Fashion Festival for 2015 Don’t miss all the glamour of the 2015 Telstra Perth Fashion Festival in West Weekend Magazine Print media partner of the 2015 Telstra Perth Fashion Festival. D O W N L O A D T H E T P F F A P P F R O M T H E I T U N E S A P P S T O R E O R G O O G L E P L AY. STA N Z E E ve st , S A S S A N D B I D E headph one s 30 E M P I R E R O S E jump suit , M I U M I U sunglasses, P E T E R L A N G r ing T E LST RA P E RT H FA S H I O N F E ST I VA L.COM.AU COMMU N ITY FASH ION EVENTS: TPFF SERIES S U N DAY B E ST M A R K E T SUPPORTED BY Lotterywest SUPPORTED BY City of Perth PARTNER CHARITIES Anglicare WA, Australian WHEN Sunday 30 August, 10.00am - 4.00pm Red Cross, Good Sammy, RSPCA, The Salvation Army, WHERE WA Museum, Hackett Hall, Save the Children, and Vinnies Perth Cultural Centre, James Street WHEN During August ENTRY Free The popular Restyle is back for 2015 but not as you know it. Perth’s Proudly supporting local independent fashion and design, TPFF’s large community of fashion personalities, designers, bloggers, and Sunday Best Market will feature stalls from WA-based creatives, creatives will join TPFF to show you how to work opshop finds into offering Perth shoppers unique access to WA designed clothes, your everyday wardrobe. Get your family, friends and offices jewellery and accessories all under one roof. Come down, buy together and play along with our August style prompts. yourself a new outfit, a ticket to TPFF and get inspired by our local fashion talent. Make sure you share your looks with us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook with #Restyle2015 for your chance to walk the Restyle Runway during TPFF 2015. W I N D O W S O F T H E C I T Y: F O O D. FA S H I O N . A RT. PRESENTED BY City of Perth MEDIA PARTNER The Sunday Times and Network 10 WHEN Friday 21 August - Monday 14 September ENTRY Free Watch Perth City transform as food, fashion and art come together. COM MU N I T Y FA S H I O N EV E N TS: T P F F S E R I E S R E ST Y L E Fashion, food and lifestyle retailers will collaborate with some of WA’s leading artists to turn their shop windows into installations of art. Download the TPFF App to find the interactive Windows of the City map before getting your friends together and checking out the amazing window displays. Vote for your favourite window through PerthNow.com.au to go into the running to win one of four $4,000 shopping sprees! 31 NETWORK 10 IS PROUD TO BE THE TV MEDIA PARTNER OF WINDOWS OF THE CITY CU LTU RAL PROGRAM: FEATU RED EVENTS LO O K I N G F O R K AT E PRESENTED BY Fashion Film Festival Australia and Carillon City WHEN Wednesday 2 September, 6.30pm WHERE The Backlot Cinema, 21 Simpson Street, West Perth Tickets are $48 from fashionfilmfestival.com.au and include drinks, food, DJ, a Kate Moss inspired fashion showcase, and film screening. Further event information on pg 36. P R E M I E R E : E L L E R Y I N PA R I S PRESENTED BY Fashion Film Festival Australia WHEN Thursday 3 September, 6.30pm WHERE The Backlot Cinema, 21 Simpson Street, West Perth Tickets are $48 from fashionfilmfestival.com.au and include drinks, food and film screening. Further event information on pg 36. WA B O R N PRESENTED BY Colosoul Group WHEN Friday 4 September, 7.00pm WHERE Whipper Snapper Distillery, 139 Kensington Street, East Perth Tickets are $20 from events.ticketbooth.com.au and include three runway shows featuring emerging and established WA fashion designers, raising money for the World Wide Fund. WEB colosoul.com.au Further event information on pg 36. F OA A M A G A Z I N E L AU N C H PRESENTED BY Face of Africa Australia WHEN Saturday 7 November, 6.00pm WHERE Curtin Stadium, 1 Kent Street, Bentley This event will launch Face of Africa Australia’s new magazine FOAA. To register for an invitation please visit www.faceofafricaaustralia.com.au. Further information on page 36. PAPER. PATTERN. PRINT PRESENTED BY Propel Youth Arts WA WHEN Saturday 5 September, 9.00am - 12.00pm Sunday 6 September, 9.00am - 12.00pm Monday 7 September, 4.00pm - 7.00pm WHERE Paper Mountain, Upstairs 267 William Street, Northbridge $65 per participant from propel.org.au including all materials for designing and printing your own patterns! Further event information on pg 39. FIND SPRING FIND AURELIO COSTARELLA COLLECTION AVAILABLE MID-AUGUST COMMU N ITY FASH ION EVENTS: INDEPENDENT SERIES POPPY LISSIMAN FOR AT L A S P E A R L S L AU N C H AKI RA SPRI NG/SUMMER 2015 E X H I B I T I O N WHEN Friday 4 September PRESENTED BY Claremont Quarter WHERE Atlas Pearls and Perfumes, VIP OPENING Friday 18 September Bayview Terrace, Claremont EXHIBITION Monday 21 September - Monday 5 October ENTRY Invitation only WHERE Claremont Quarter, Bayview Terrace, Claremont ENTRY Free Western Australian Fashion Awards Fine Details winner Poppy Renowned Australian fashion designer Akira Isogawa will officially Perfumes will be launched at this exclusive event. Joining forces, open his Spring/Summer 2015 exhibition at Claremont Quarter Atlas Pearls and Poppy Lissiman have created a contemporary with an exclusive meet and greet. The exhibition will feature original pearl jewellery collection infused with Poppy’s famous left of re-worked archives from his 25 year career as well as an up close center designs. and personal look at his designs straight from the TPFF runway. KARRI NYU P ACTIVE LIVING LUNCH T H E J E W E L S O F FA S H I O N PRESENTED BY Variety Toybank WHEN Sunday 13 September, 11.00am - 1.00pm WHEN Friday 23 October, 12.00pm WHERE Mosman Park Bowling Club, WHERE Astral Ballroom, Crown Perth, Bayview Terrace, Mosman Park Great Eastern Highway, Burswood ENTRY $60 per ticket + booking fee, ENTRY $165 per ticket, from toybankvariety.org.au from ticketek.com.au Enjoy an exquisite two-course lunch with beautifully matched Step into the sunshine and onto the green for the Karrinyup Active wines as you view the latest stunning Spring/Summer collections Living Lunch. Set against the unbeatable backdrop of Mosman Park from WA Designer of the Year One Fell Swoop, new resort wear Bowling Club, guests will be treated to a game of barefoot bowls designer B Wicked and beautifully crafted Linneys jewellery before a fashion parade featuring the latest sports-luxe wear. Sip on modelled by dancers from West Australian Ballet. exquisite drinks, eat deliciously healthy bites, take away a gift bag COM MU N I T Y FA S H I O N EV E N TS: I N D E P E N D E N T S E R I E S Lissiman’s incredible jewellery collaboration with Atlas Pearls and and get inspired to start the summer right! A MORNING WITH DAV I D D O W N TO N PRESENTED BY Emporio Armani WHEN Friday 18 September, 10.30am WHERE Emporio Armani, Wesley Quarter, 93 William Street, Perth ENTRY Register your interest to rsvp@perthfashionfestival.com.au Emporio Armani has the pleasure of inviting you to A Morning with David Downton. The legendary fashion illustrator will head this exclusive morning tea for the launch and signing of his new book Portraits of the World’s Most Stylish Women against the fashionable backdrop of Emporio Armani’s AW15/16 collection. 35 COMMU N ITY FASH ION E V E N T S : C U LT U R A L P R O G R A M FA S H I O N U N F O L D E D A ST Y L I N G WO R K S H O P P R E M I E R E : E L L E R Y I N PA R I S PRESENTED BY Fashion Film Festival Australia PRESENTED BY Fenella Peacock, Duxbury, WHEN Thursday 3 September, 6.30pm Sophie Kyron and S. Rush Millinery WHERE The Backlot Cinema, 21 Simpson Street, West Perth WHEN Tuesday 1 September, 7.00pm ENTRY $48, from fashionfilmfestival.com.au (includes WHERE Nells Emporium, 15 Glyde Street, Mosman Park drinks, food and film screening) T E LST RA P E RT H FA S H I O N F E ST I VA L.COM.AU ENTRY Free WE B nel lsempor ium.com In September 2013 Kym Ellery was the third Australian designer invited Enjoy a night playing dress ups at this workshop. Learn how to extend documentary chronicles the WA designer’s journey from small town and diversify your look through layering, scarf styling and draping girl to her debut at Paris Fashion Week. Enjoy drinks, chic eats and a with Duxbury scarves, Fenella Peacock’s SS16 collection, Sophie Kyron special message from designer Kym Ellery. to showcase at Paris Fashion Week in 20 years. This feature length jewellery and Susan Rush headwear. Accompanied by fitting and styling tips from the designers themselves, learn how to revamp your wardrobe to look and feel great this summer season. REVERENCE PRESENTED BY Shelbi Eastwood LO O K I N G F O R K AT E VIP LAUNCH Saturday 5 September EXHIBITION Saturday 5 September - Tuesday 8 September, PRESENTED BY Fashion Film Festival Australia 11.00am - 1.00pm daily and Carillon City WHERE Carlos Arevalo Photography Studio, WHEN Wednesday 2 September, 6.30pm 126 Fitzgerald Street, Perth WHERE The Backlot Cinema, 21 Simpson Street, West Perth ENTRY Free ENTRY $48, from fashionfilmfestival.com.au (includes drinks, food, fashion showcase and film screening) Photography exhibition Reverence represents the art of dance and performance through fashion and photography. Creating unique Looking for Kate is a candid fashion documentary exploring the life ways of showcasing local WA designer garments, photographer Shelbi and career of one of fashion’s most iconic supermodels, Kate Moss. Eastwood captures the movement of the dancers and fabric. The screening will be accompanied by champagne, the best of British pop and a Kate Moss inspired fashion showcase by Carillon City. WA B O R N PRESENTED BY Colosoul Group WHEN Friday 4 September, 7.30pm WHERE Whipper Snapper Distillery, 139 Kensington Street, East Perth ENTRY $20, from events.ticketbooth.com.au WEB colosoul.com.au WA Born supports young and emerging WA fashion talent, bringing the creative community together by presenting three runway shows featuring emerging and established labels. WA Born aims to raise funds for animal conservation in collaboration with the World 36 Wide Fund. ST E P H AU D I N O d re ss, P E T E R L A N G e ar r ings, G E N E R I C S A CC E S S O R I E S clutc h C O M M U N I T Y FA S H I O N E V E N T S : C U LT U R A L P R O G R A M 37 2015 P R O U D M A J O R PA RT N E R O F T H E T E LST RA P E RT H FA S H I O N F E ST I VA L target .com.au COMMU N ITY FASH ION E V E N T S : C U LT U R A L P R O G R A M PA P E R . PAT T E R N . P R I N T FA S H I O N F O R WA R D PRESENTED BY Propel Youth Arts WA PRESENTED BY The Boyfriend Shirt WHEN Saturday 5 September, 9.00am - 12.00pm WHEN Sunday 13 September, 1.00pm Sunday 6 September, 9.00am - 12.00pm WHERE Studio 2, 622 Newcastle Street, Leederville Monday 7 September, 4.00pm - 7.00pm ENTRY $49, from the-boyfriend-shirt.com/shop WHERE Paper Mountain, Upstairs 267 William Street, Northbridge ENTRY $65 per participant including all materials, from propel.org.au ($55 for Propel members) The Boyfriend Shirt will host a fashionable high tea in support of the Breast Cancer Foundation. Featuring a collection from Aimee Cherie Intimates along with indulgent cakes, bespoke cocktails and amazing gift bags, it will be an enchanting afternoon not to be missed. ready-made products? Freelance textile designer, design educator and SURFACE 1º22 founder Emily Wills will take you through the process of designing basic units and tiled repeat patterns that can be digitally printed onto wallpaper, gift wrap, tote bags, fabrics, and garments. F OA A M A G A Z I N E L AU N C H PRESENTED BY Face of Africa Australia WHEN Saturday 7 November, 6.00pm F R A M E WO R K PRESENTED BY Chalice Clothing WHERE Curtin Stadium, 1 Kent Street, Bentley ENTRY To register for an invitation please visit faceofafricaaustralia.com.au WHEN Tuesday 8 September ENTRY Invitation only WEB chalice.com, conchita.com.au, zedalliance.com.au An evening of new season fashion will be unveiled at this exclusive event featuring a curated edit of Australian labels including Chalice, Conchita and Zed Alliance. Gain insight into the key trends of the season with this unique fashion presentation accompanied by a fine selection of canapés, wine and cocktails. Face of Africa Australia will launch their new magazine FOAA. The inaugural magazine will feature fashion trendsetters, writers and photographers from around Australia and abroad celebrating fashion, beauty and entertainment. With music from the finest DJs, guests will be the first to see and take home the first issue of FOAA magazine. C O M M U N I T Y FA S H I O N E V E N T S : C U LT U R A L P R O G R A M Want to learn how to design your own patterns and print them onto Western Australian Fashion Awards Best Fashion Blogger winners 39 SWIM + RESORT SERIES 2015 WHEN Sunday 29 November WHERE Bathers Beach House, 47 Mews Road, Fremantle ENTRY $75 + booking fee, from ticketek.com.au Ticket includes both runway shows, canapés and a selection of premium drinks. The most sizzling Sunday of the summer will return in 2015! Showcasing the hottest swimwear and resort looks of SS15/16 against the gorgeous backdrop of Fremantle’s Bathers Beach, SWIM + RESORT SERIES 2015 Swim + Resort Series 2015 will celebrate the beautiful beaches and laidback lifestyle that WA is famous for. I N D E P E N D E N T D E S I G N E R R U N WAY This scorching group runway show will feature an exceptional collection of independent swimwear and resort designers including Amore & Sorvete, Bernice Sara, Gypsea, Natalie Rolt, NU Swimwear, PALM Swimwear, and Rue Stiic. C A M I L L A : MY WA N D E R I N G H E A RT Inspired by Camilla Franks’ recent pilgrimage to Spain, Portugal and Turkey, CAMILLA’s My Wandering Heart swim and resort collection is designed to embrace the beauty, magic and history of the places which gave life to the collection. CAMILLA swim collections feature original prints and hand embellishments on beautifully made one-pieces and sculptural bikinis, creating flattering, sexy and luxe swimwear. 40 Tickets on sale from Wednesday 22 July through ticketek.com.au SWIM + RESORT SERIES 2014 CAMPAIGN PHOTOGRAPHER - Josie Clough, It’s Now Cool MODEL - Miquela Vos, Vivien’s Model Management STYLIST - Teagan Sewell, STM MAKEUP - Carol Mackie for MAC Cosmetics HAIR - Melissa Gesualdo, Reno’s Hair Care for L’Oréal Professionnel WEARING - Zingiber bikini m a c EXCLUSIVELY IN L’ORÉAL PROFESSIONNEL SALONS Find your nearest salon at salonlocator.lorealpro.com.au Perth Fashion Concepts Incorporated, PFCI, was established as a governing body and association to nurture, advocate, support, and showcase the WA fashion industry. Over the last decade PFCI has raised funds to facilitate and support Telstra Perth Fashion Festival, the Western Austalian Fashion Awards, Swim + Resort Series and other industry events. B U T I T WA S T I M E F O R A N E W LO O K . This year we unveil a new chapter with a new name and a more focused direction. As Fashion Council WA, PFCI will be better positioned to grow and ensure WA is internationally recognised as a hub for emerging and established talent in the fashion sector. We will provide opportunities for local designers to achieve commercial success, media coverage and creative excellence. We will advocate for positive change and progress within the industry, unearth new talent and foster strong relationships with government, sponsors, designers, retailers, and creatives. We will champion progressive and dynamic innovators that shape the industry and drive attendance at our events, building local networks and opportunities. We will announce a new membership strategy that will enable greater participation for industry. Fashion Council WA has an exciting future ahead with a lot of new projects in the works. One of our first initiatives is the Industry Forum Series presented by AMP Capital and Business News WA and we look forward to sharing the knowledge and insights of industry experts with you. We would like to thank Block Branding and Doghouse Media for their work and support in our rebrand, new website and setting the tone for the exciting things to come. fashioncouncilwa.com.au Fashion Coucil WA @fashioncouncilwa PHOTO - ST E FA N G O S AT T I , P F F 2013 PA RT N E R S G OV E R N M E N T PA RT N E R S Government of Western Australia Department of Culture and the Arts N A M I N G R I G H T S PA RT N E R P R I N C I PA L P R E S E N T I N G PA RT N E R PA RT N E R S P R E S E N T I N G PA RT N E R S P R I N C I PA L V E N U E PA RT N E R P R E M I E R M E D I A PA RT N E R S E XC L U S I V E M E D I A PA RT N E R S 45 PA RT N E R S M A J O R PA RT N E R S PAN PACIFIC PA RT N E R S OFFICIAL SUPPLIERS www.bokay.com.au P R I N C I PA L CO M M U N I T Y PA RT N E R CO M M U N I T Y PA RT N E R S Australia 46 We encourage you to suppor t the TPFF 2015 char ity o f choice , Lifeline WA , through an optional donation when purchasing your tickets. 2015 TEAM T E L ST R A P E RT H FA S H I O N F E ST I VA L T E A M FA S H I O N CO U N C I L WA B OA R D MARIELLA HARVEY-HANRAHAN - Festival Director TRACEY HORTON - Chairperson ALEKSANDRA GA JDA - General Manager KATE O’HARA - Non-Executive Director MELANIE SHEPHERD - Marketing and Communications Manager RICHARD POULSON - Non-Executive Director MICHELLE BERG - Marketing and Media Coordinator LISA SCAFFIDI - Non-Executive Director MIA BIRCHALL - Graphic Designer TIM UNGAR - Non-Executive Director MARCIA BALL - Industry Liaison GEOFF WALKER - Non-Executive Director RENEE GLASTONBURY - Project Manager HOLLY MAY - Production and Operations Coordinator CARLY FILBEY - Administration and Events Coordinator MARIELLA HARVEY-HANRAHAN - Creative Director DANICIA QUINLAN - Executive Director ASHLEY ROBERTSON - Volunteer Manager KRISTY CORREY - Gift Bags Coordinator AMY TENNANT - VIP Coordinator FA S H I O N CO U N C I L WA T E A M TERENCE BORGIOLI - Business Development Executive MELISSA BRENNAN - Ticketing and Stakeholder P E RT H FA S H I O N F E ST I VA L P T Y LT D MARIELLA HARVEY-HANRAHAN - Director TONY SAGE - Director A DV I S O RY B OA R D TIM UNGAR - Chairperson SAM BARNETT MARIE CLAIRE BENNETTS DEPUTY LORD MAYOR ROB BUTLER KATHRYN CIZEIKA SHANTHA COKIS ELENI EVANGEL ANNE FARREN TIJANA MIRKOVIC RUSSELL QUINN LOUISE SCOTT NICOLA SWARBRICK HELENA WALLIS 2015 C A M PA I G N T E A M PENNY LANE - Photographer TIAH ECKHARDT - Model, Chic Model Management LYDIA JANE SAUNDERS - Stylist MARCIA BALL - Producer CAROL MACKIE - Make-up Director for MAC Cosmetics CATERINA DI BIASE - Hair Director for L’Oréal Professionnel SANNY CHONG - Photography Assistant BRIDGET HUDSON - Styling Assistant MIA BIRCHALL - Production Assistant T H I S PA G E - TA L U L A H dress, STA N Z E E vest , S A S S A N D B I D E headphones, A L I ST E R Y I A P necklace and r ings, T OTO M OTO bracelet , S E N S O shoes FRONT COVER - W H E E L S A N D D O L L B A BY dress and necklace , VA L E R E bracelet PA G E 14 - B E C A N D B R I D G E dress, G E N E R I C S A CC E S S O R I E S necklace PA G E 19 - R O S E M A R E E W H I T E feather bolero, W H E E L S A N D D O L L B A BY top, G I N G E R A N D S M A RT skir t , M A R I A E L E N A necklace PA G E 25 - R O S E M A R E E W H I T E dress, T H E M O D E CO L L E C T I V E shoes and bag PA G E 49 - A E ’ L K E M I dress, R E N Y K E ST E L headpiece , P E T E R L A N G bracelet Administration Manager LYNNE CHANDLER - Accountant ANDREE MCINTYRE - Corporate Hospitality Executive DESIGNER DIRECTORY 33 POETS CDQ DESIGNS 33poets.com.au CDQ Designs 33 Poets @cdqdesigns @33poets KATHERINE DUNMILL TOKAY BOUTIQUE katherinedunmill.com tokayboutique.com.au Katherine Dunmill Tokay Boutique @katherinedunmill @tokayboutique CURIOUS BIRDY AE’LKEMI aelkemi.com Aelkemi Inc curiousbirdy.com.au Curious Birdy @curious.birdy @aelkemi_inc MEGAN SALMON TONI MATICEVSKI megansalmon.com tonimaticevski.com MEGAN SALMON SHOP Maticevski @megansalmondesigner @toni_maticevski EMPIRE ROSE AKIRA akira.com.au Akira Isogawa empirerose.com.au empire rose @empirerose_ @akiraisogawa MORGAN MARKS WHEELS & DOLLBABY morganmarks.com.au wheelsanddollbaby.com MORGAN MARKS BOUTIQUE Wheels and Dollbaby @morganmarksboutique @wheelsanddollbaby GYPSEA ALEXANDRA KING alexandraking.com.au ALEXANDRA KING gypsea.com.au Gypsea @gypsea_swimwear DESIGN ER DI RECTORY @alexandrakingofficial NATALIE ROLT WILD HORSES natalierolt.com wildhorseslabel.com.au Natalie Rolt wild.horses @natalieroltdesigns @wildhorseslabel HOUSE OF SKYE AMORE & SORVETE amoreandsorvete.com Amore & Sorvete houseofskye.com.au House Of S K Y E @houseofskye @amoreandsorvete NU SWIMWEAR YANG LI nuswimwear.com yangli.eu NU Swimwear yangli.eu @nuswimwear @yangli__ INTIMATES BY MONIQUE ANGE LANG ange-lang.com Ange-Lang Label intimatesbymonique.com Intimates By Monique @intimatesbymonique @angelang_daily PALM SWIMWEAR palmswimwear.com PALM Swimwear @palmswimwear JAIME LEE BERNICE SARA bernicesara.com Bernice Sara Swim & Resort jaimelee.com.au Jaime Lee @jaimelee_official @bernicesara PET THE LABEL petthelabel.com PET. @pet.thelabel JESSICA BRATICH BHALO bhaloshop.com Bhalo jessicabratich.com Jessica Bratich @jessicabratichlabel @bhalo PHUONG MY phuongmy.com Phuong My @phuong_my JOMAY CAO BLUSHED BY TEAGAN JACOBS teaganjacobs.com Blushed By Teagan Jacobs jomaycao.com.au JOMAY CAO @jomaycaocollection @teaganjacobs RUE STIIC ruestiic.com Rue Stiic @rue_stiic, @ruestiicswim JONTÉ CAMILLA camilla.com.au Camilla jontelamode.com Jonté Design @jontedesigns @camillawithlove SAB FIVE FIVE sabfivefive.com Sab Five Five @sabfivefive KAROLINA COUTURE CATINI DESIGNS catinidesigns.com.au Catini Designs 48 @catinidesigns karolinacouture.com.au Karolina Couture Lingerie @karolinacouturelingerie STEPH AUDINO stephaudino.com.au Steph Audino @stephaudinolabel Principal Partner of the 2015 Telstra Perth Fashion Festival BACKING WA DESIGNERS T E L ST R A P E RT H FA S H I O N F E ST I VA L .CO M . AU PERTH FASH IO N FESTIVAL @ T E L ST RA P E RT H FA S H I O N F E ST I VA L Government of Western Australia Department of Culture and the Arts @ P E RT H FA S H F E ST