Bitmap Editor

Bitmap Editor
1. The Bitmap Editor gives you the ability for work on your images and cleans them up before you
bring them back into Gravostyle to Vectoize. Save your work regularly if you are working on a
long or complex image, or if you have to stop working before you have finished. If the image has
already been saved, the Bitmap editor saves the modifications in the .bmp file of the same name.
The Bitmap Editor is one of the two places in Gravostyle that you can save a Bitmap. With a
Bitmap selected on the Main screen, click on the Bitmap Editor icon
Bitmap Editor page.
Drop Down
Edit Tools
Zoom Tools
Color Palette
. This will bring up the
2. The Grayscale icon
will convert your image from a color image to a grayscale image. A
grayscale image is an image that is black and white and all shades in between.
3. The Negative icon
will change the image to a negative image. It will look like the negative of a
picture. There are times that the negative will be easier to work on.
4. The Color Correction icon
separate Tabs.
will open up the Color correction window. This window has three
RGB Correction- Allows you to adjust the Red, Green and Blue colors of the image.
HSV Correction- allows you to adjust the Hue, Saturation and Luminance of the object.
Brightness and Contrast- Allows you to adjust the Brightness and Contrast of the objects.
5. The Histogram Correction icon
6. The Halftone icon
allows you to adjust the levels of gray on the image.
will reduce the colors of an image to black and white motifs.
7. The Halftone with Diffusion icon
will reduce the colors of an image to motifs in Grayscale.
Enter a number of Grayscale between 2 and 64.
8. The Color Reduction icon
with a 16-bit image.
will reduce the number of colors in your image. This only works
Select the colors to be fused, with the Control key held down, click on each color in the
Current palette or in the image preview.
Click on the Delete button to delete the colors selected.
Click on the Fusion button and the image is recalculated from the dominant colors.
Click on Automatic Reduction to let the program select the colors to be reduced to.
Manual reduction
Open the Options dialogue box.
Click on Defaults Values to restore the original adjustments.
Drag the cursor or click on the ruler to adjust the Sensitivity or tolerance for the color recognition.
Click to remove the check mark in the Contour Destruction Square to restrict the colored zone to
its exact contour.
Click again in the Contour Destruction Square to enlarge the colored zone to include the
neighboring pixels.
For this, drag the cursor or click on the ruler to adjust the Sensitivity for Contour Destruction.
Drag the cursor or click on the ruler to adjust the Sensitivity for the fusion of zones for shades with
a dominant color.
Click in Suppress of the anti-aliasing square to (no check mark) de-activate.
Click again to activate the Suppression of the anti-aliasing.
Suppression of the anti-aliasing attaches the transitional shades between two colors to one of these
Noise suppression Eliminates parasite pixels.
In the Reducing the number of colors dialogue box, click on Reduce Colors and the number of
colors is recalculated further to the adjustments made.
9. The Filters icon
allows you create special effects to your image.
10. The Pencil icon
is a painting tool that works one pixel at a time.
11. The Brush icon
is a painting tool that works 4 pixels at a time. If you want to work faster, press
and hold the Control key while you click on the Brush tool. The Configure Brush window will pop
12. The Spray icon
is a painting tool using a spray can.
13. The Fill In icon
is a painting tool using a paint bucket.
14. The next tools are Drawing Tools. They draw these shapes:
A line
A broken line
A filled polygon
A rectangle
A filled rectangle
An ellipse
A filled ellipse
15. The Soften icon
is used to Soften the transition between two colors. Lick and drag the pointer
across the zone to be smoothed: the shade of the pixels is adapted to create a transition between
two colors.
16. The Sharpen icon
is used to Sharpen the transition between two colors. Click and drag the
pointer across the zone to be sharpened: the shade of the pixels is adapted to increase the contrast
between two colors.
17. The Color Palette icon
is used to select colors to add to the Color Bar. Lick on the icon and the
Color Edit page will pop up.
18. The Eyedropper icon
is used to capture a color that is on your image and add it to the Color
Bar. Place the eyedropper on the color that you wish to select. Then click on the color and the
selected color becomes the active color. To create a shade, hold the Control key down and click on
each color to be mixed. Release the key before clicking on the last color to be mixed. The resulting
shade is displayed in the bar with the last colors selected.
19. The Warp icon
allows you to Resize, Resample, Skew, Rotate, Mirror and Flip the image.
20. The Polygon Mask icon
will allow you to draw a mask. Click on the icon then click to mark
the start of the shape. Drag the pointer to the next point then click to mark the position of the point.
Repeat steps 2 to 4 as many times as necessary. Click with the right mouse button to mark the end
of the tracing.
21. The Freehand Mask icon
the image.
will allow you to draw a freehand mask. Click on the icon and then
22. The Magic Wand icon
will allow you to select the color that you want to mask. Click on the
icon then double-click on the color. The Magic Wand page will pop up. Enter the selection
23. The Choose a Mask icon
will allow you to select a predetermined shape for a mask. Click on
the icon and then double-click on a shape. If you select a polygon, enter the Number of sides and
click on the OK button or Symbols Library to place a symbol. Drag the pointer across the image to
trace the mask. Release when the mask reaches the size and position required.
24. The Tools that are next are used to modify the mask.
Horizontal alignment
Vertical alignment
Horizontal stretch
Vertical stretch
Vertical trapezoid
Horizontal trapezoid
Click on the mask.
Drag the pointer to warp the mask.
Release at the end of the operation.
25. The Crop icon
will make the selection, by the mask becomes the current image.
26. The Show/Hide icon
will show and hide the mask.
27. The Delete icon
will delete the mask.
28. The Fill In icon
will fill in the mask with the color that is in the left position of the color bar.
29. The Fill Around icon
color bar.
will fill around the mask with the color that is the left position of the