Village President, Patrick Brennan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. followed by the
Pledge of Allegiance. Members present: Ray Mason, Dennis Martin, Terry Houchens, Dick
Parrish, Rudy Martin and Barry Thompson. Also present: Dan Duffy – Village Administrator,
Kristi Lamontagna –Village Clerk, Kevin Biscan – Village Engineer, Ryan Anderson – Public Works
Superintendent, John Harrington – Finance Director, Chris Spesia – Village Attorney and Chief
Justin Meyer of the Minooka Police Department.
Changes to Agenda – There were no changes to the agenda.
Review of Minutes – Minutes of the Village Board Meeting of July 28, 2015 were reviewed.
Trustee Mason moved, Trustee R. Martin seconded the motion to accept the minutes of July 28,
2015 Village Board Meeting as presented.
Ayes: D. Martin, Houchens, Thompson, Mason, Parrish, R. Martin
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Bills and Transfers - Trustee D. Martin moved, Trustee Houchens seconded the motion to
approve the Bills and Transfers as presented.
Ayes: Thompson, R. Martin, Parrish, D. Martin, Mason, Houchens
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report - Trustee D. Martin moved, Trustee Houchens seconded the motion to
approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented.
Ayes: Thompson, R. Martin, Parrish, D. Martin, Mason, Houchens
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Public Forum – President Brennan opened the public forum at 7:01 p.m. Jerry Davidson asked
if the high school students were allowed to park in the lower lot down town. Chief Meyer and
President Brennan stated that it is a public lot and anyone can park there. Jerry then asked
about how to keep students from parking in the parking lot at Lions Park. Chief Meyer
commented that the Police Department will make sure students are not parking there.
President Brennan closed the public forum at 7:03 p.m.
Consent Agenda – Mr. Dan Duffy read the titles of two items (9A-9B). Trustee Thompson
moved, Trustee Parrish seconded the motion to accept the Consent Agenda as presented.
Ayes: R. Martin, D. Martin, Houchens, Parrish, Thompson, Mason
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Resolution Approving Pay Request #6/Final for Administration Community Room
Renovation Project/Police Renovation to Narvick Brothers Lumber Company, Inc.,
General Corporation ($145,046.88) (2015R-1898)
Resolution Authorizing Change Order No. 1 to the Contract with E.E.C., Inc. for the Police
Records Room Project in the amount of $1,400.00 (2015R-1899)
Old Business Items – There was no old business.
New Business Items
Resolution Approving FY 2015 Budget Amendment #2 – Trustee D. Martin moved, Trustee
Houchens seconded the motion to pass Resolution #2015R-1900 Approving FY 2015 Budget
Amendment #2.
Ayes: Mason, Thompson, Parrish, Houchens, D. Martin, R. Martin
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Resolution Awarding the Low Bid for the 2015 Village Sidewalk Improvement Program to
Davis Concrete Construction Company in the Amount of $36, 778.05 – Trustee Thompson
moved, Trustee Mason seconded the motion to pass Resolution #2015R-1901 Awarding the
Low Bid for the 2015 Village Sidewalk Improvement Program to Davis Concrete Construction
Company in the Amount of $36, 778.05.
Ayes: D. Martin, Houchens, Thompson, R. Martin, Mason, Parrish
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Resolution Authorizing the Extension of the Snow Removal Contract with D.E. Thompson
Excavating for an Additional One Year Term (2015-2016 Season) as set forth in Resolution
2013R-1695 – Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee R. Martin seconded the motion to pass
Resolution #2015R-1902 Authorizing the Extension of the Snow Removal Contract with D.E.
Thompson Excavating for an Additional One Year Term (2015-2016 Season) as set forth in
Resolution 2013R-1695.
Ayes: Houchens, Parrish, D. Martin, Mason, R. Martin, Thompson
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Resolution Authorizing Contract with “D” Construction for Parking Lot Work at the Village
Hall in the amount of $19,271.78 – Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Parrish seconded the
motion to pass Resolution #2015R-1903 Authorizing Contract with “D” Construction for Parking
Lot Work at the Village Hall in the amount of $19,271.78.
Ayes: Parrish, R. Martin, Thompson, Houchens, Mason, D. Martin
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Resolution Authorizing Contract with “D” Construction for the Parking Lot Work at Lions Park
in the amount of $12,320.00 – Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Houchens seconded the
motion to pass Resolution #2015R-1904 Authorizing Contract with “D” Construction for the
Parking Lot Work at Lions Park in the amount of $12,320.00.
Ayes: Thompson, R. Martin, Parrish, D. Martin, Mason, Houchens
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Staff Reports – Mr. Dan Duffy reports that there were no changes to staff reports.
Liquor Commission Report
Ordinance Amending Title 3, Section 3-4-7(A) (Liquor Control, Number of Licenses; Fees) of
Minooka Village Code (Clover’s) - Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Parrish seconded the
motion to adopt Ordinance 2015-22 Amending Title 3, Section 3-4-7(A) (Liquor Control,
Number of Licenses; Fees) of the Minooka Village Code increasing from 0 to 1 (contingent on
fingerprint/background check responses on Ray Hoselton and Barbara Jo Wiggins, owners of
Ayes: Mason, Thompson, Parrish, Houchens, D. Martin, R. Martin
Nays: None
Motion carried.
Annexation Committee Report – There was nothing to report.
Executive Session – President Brennan announced there was no need for an executive session.
As Appropriate – Trustee Thompson mentioned that there is a bench in honor of Robbie
Tonarelli, previous Public Works Superintendent, that has been put out in Lions Park and there
will be a dedication ceremony at the Village Community Picnic on September 20, 2015.
Trustee Thompson moved, Trustee Parrish seconded the motion to adjourn at 7:14 p.m. All
voted yes, meeting adjourned.
Kristi Lamontagna, Village Clerk
Approved: September 22, 2015