MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF MOSMAN MUNICIPAL COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, MOSMAN SQUARE, ON MONDAY 18 JULY 2005 COMMENCING AT 6.09 pm 1. PRESENT The Mayor (Councillor S H Jenkins) in the Chair, Councillors A M Brown, A S Connon, P J Harvey OAM, D J Lopez OAM, P S Menzies, J T Reid, M E Skipper, D M Strange, and D M Wilton, together with the General Manager, Director Environment and Planning, Manager Governance, Manager Development Services and Team Leader Admin & Support. Councillor Menzies left the Chambers at 7.42 pm and returned at 7.44 pm during consideration of Item EP/179. LONDON ATTACKS The Mayor made the following statement of condolence to the victims of the bombings in London: On Thursday 7 July the City of London was the scene of horrendous terrorist attacks both in the subway system and on a commuter bus. Once again we were all shocked and saddened by the deaths and injuries and once again we feel deep sympathy for those involved and for all Londoners. I have written to the Mayor of London on behalf of the Mosman community expressing our condolences and concern for the residents of that wonderful city that so many of us know and love. We also know that the spirit of Londoners will, as always, prevail. Our thoughts and prayers go out to them at this time. 2. WELCOME TO VISITORS The total number present in the Gallery was 24. 3. APOLOGIES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE Apologies were received from Councillors Elsegood and Traill. Motion Skipper/Brown That the apologies be received and leave of absence be granted to Councillors Elsegood and Traill. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTERESTS There were no disclosures of Pecuniary Interests from Councillors or Senior Staff. 5. DISCLOSURES OF NON-PECUNIARY INTERESTS There were no disclosures of Non-Pecuniary Interests from Councillors or Senior Staff. 6. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Motion Lopez/Skipper That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 4 July 2005, as typed and circulated, be confirmed. Reports to Ordinary Meeting of Council – 18 July 2005 Page 2 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. MAYORAL MINUTES The Mayor submitted one Mayoral Minute which was dealt with as follows: 8. MM/14 Mayoral Minute - Proposed Desalination Plant RECOMMENDATION That the Mayoral Minute be noted. COUNCIL RESOLUTION Motion Harvey/Wilton That the matter be deferred to allow the circulation of information in relation to the Government’s proposal for a desalination plant in Sydney’s south and its consideration by Councillors. Amendment Reid/Connon That this Council is of the opinion that the State should adopt a policy of stormwater harvesting and recycling of waste water before it embarks on the environmentally damaging desalination process. And further the matter be listed for a further Council meeting when a full report can be presented. CARRIED For: Harvey, Strange, Skipper, Lopez, Reid, Connon, Menzies, Wilton Against: Jenkins, Brown and on being put as the Motion CARRIED 9. For: Jenkins, Harvey, Strange, Skipper, Lopez, Reid, Connon, Menzies, Wilton Against: Brown INSPECTIONS Prior to the Ordinary Council meeting of 18 July 2005 inspections were carried out as follows: Date 13 July 2005 Address 51 Moruben Road, and from 8 Rawson Street Christian Science Church 75 Cowles Road 73A Spofforth Street 147 Awaba Street 41 Congewoi Road, and from 14 & 16 Inkerman Street Present Clrs Menzies, Jenkins, Brown, Reid, Harvey and Connon. Apologies were received from Clrs Skipper and Strange. Reports to Ordinary Meeting of Council – 18 July 2005 10. Page 3 ITEMS NOT CALLED FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION Motion Skipper/Brown That the Officer’s Recommendation be adopted in relation to the following items: Item Description EP/170 147 Awaba Street EP/174 3/120 Prince Street EP/175 75 Cowles Road EP/176 51 Moruben Road EP/177 7 Dalton Road EP/178 Alexander Avenue (Croquet Lane) EP/180 Development Applications 11. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Motion Reid/Brown That Council resolve into Committee of the Whole to allow members of the gallery to address the Council in relation to the items called by residents. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Council resolved into Committee of the Whole at 6.34 pm. 12. ITEMS CALLED FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION The following items were called by residents, Councillors or staff for individual consideration: Item Description EP/169 Curlew Camp Artist’s Walk – Progress Report EP/171 73A Spofforth Street EP/172 41 Congewoi Road EP/173 Unit 3 & 4 – 803 Military Road EP/179 Land and Environment Court Legal Expenses 13. EP/169 Curlew Camp Artists' Walk - Progress report OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION The Manager Planning and Transport recommends: A. The Draft Interpretation Strategy for the Curlew Camp Artists’ Walk be adopted. B. That a further report be prepared for Council once the second stage of this project – the development of the Interpretation Plan, has been completed. Reports to Ordinary Meeting of Council – 18 July 2005 Page 4 Mr James Butler addressed the Committee. RESOLVED BY THE COMMITTEE UNDER DELEGATED AUTHORITY Motion Skipper/Brown That the Officer’s Recommendation be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 14. EP/171 73A Spofforth Street DA NUMBER: 8.2003.464.1 PROPOSAL: Conversion of medical consulting rooms to veterinary consulting rooms OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION: Approval with conditions Ms Gillian Watson (2/108 Cabramatta Road) and Dr Tony Waugh (Applicant) addressed the Committee. RESOLVED BY THE COMMITTEE UNDER DELEGATED AUTHORITY Motion Lopez/Harvey That the Officer’s Recommendation be adopted subject to: 1) the deferred commencement requirements be amended to delete reference to lowering of the carparking slab; the deletion of the disabled access ramp and the carparking space no. 1; and require the screening lattice and vegetation to be raised along the carpark edge. Amendment Menzies/Wilton That the Officer’s Recommendation be adopted subject to: 1) the deferred commencement requirements be amended to delete reference to lowering of the carparking slab; the deletion of the disabled access ramp; and require the screening lattice and vegetation to be raised along the carpark edge. CARRIED on the casting vote of the Mayor and on being put as the Motion CARRIED on the casting vote of the Mayor. 15. For: Jenkins, Brown, Connon, Menzies, Wilton Against: Harvey, Strange, Skipper, Lopez, Reid EP/172 41 Congewoi Road DA NUMBER: 8.2005.108.1 PROPOSAL: Alterations and additions to an existing dwelling house including extension of the first floor level, demolition of fishpond and spa and construction of a new in-ground pool OFFICER'S Reports to Ordinary Meeting of Council – 18 July 2005 Page 5 RECOMMENDATION: Approval with conditions Mr Michael Sandberg (Architect on behalf of the Owner), Mr John Spalvins (Owner) and Mr Ian McAllister (14 Inkerman Street) addressed the Committee. RESOLVED BY THE COMMITTEE UNDER DELEGATED AUTHORITY Motion Reid/Connon That the Officer’s Recommendation be adopted and that the matter of tree pruning be referred to the General Manager for negotiation. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 16. EP/173 Unit 3 & 4 - 803 Military Road DA NUMBER: 8.2005.2.1 PROPOSAL: Internal alterations and change of use to a veterinary retail clinic OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION: Approval with conditions RESOLVED BY THE COMMITTEE UNDER DELEGATED AUTHORITY Motion Brown/Skipper That the Officer’s Recommendation be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 17. FULL COUNCIL Motion Lopez/Connon That the Committee resolve into Full Council. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Full Council resumed at 7.42 pm. In accordance with Clause 51(2) of Council's Code of Meeting Practice, the General Manager reported to the Council the proceedings of the Committee of the Whole. 18. EP/179 Land and Environment Court Legal Expenses OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION The Manager Development Services recommends that the report be received. COUNCIL RESOLUTION Motion Lopez/Reid That the advices be received and the details of the report for the new financial year be extended to include a short executive summary on the reasons for the determination of the Court. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Reports to Ordinary Meeting of Council – 18 July 2005 Page 6 19. QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE 20. By Councillor Harvey – Until recently rainfall reports at Mosman were included in the Sydney Morning Herald in the “Metropolitan” yesterday’s rainfall. This information has been useful to residents and greenkeepers. Could Council please write to the Herald to reinstate that information? Informed by Director Environment and Planning in the affirmative. 21. By Councillor Harvey – Pittwater Council is able to deal with A Business without Notice as an “urgency motion”. Councillors as well as the Mayor can instigate this instead of waiting for lengthy reports. Could Mosman instigate a similar motion please? Referred to Director Corporate Services for report to Council. 22. By Councillor Lopez – Could Councillors please be provided with a list of all DAs that have been approved under delegated authority in the past six months? Informed by Director Environment and Planning that details of all development applications determined (approved and refused) for the period requested have been published in the monthly reports attached to the Council business papers. 23. By Councillor Lopez – Who is spreading the rumours re Council’s wish to install parking meters in the Shopping Centres? Informed by Director Corporate Services that Council staff have not raised the issue for debate as they do not support it. It had been raised by some residents during the discussion on the introduction of paid parking on The Esplanade. 24. By Councillor Lopez – Do residents require DAs to install water tanks? I would hope that Council encourages such an initiative and that this not be impeded by red tape. Informed by Director Environment and Planning that with new dwellings the BASIX certification process covers water tanks if included and these then require no separate approval. Water tanks are also included as exempt development in most areas of Mosman; however, some areas do not permit exempt development, necessitating a DA in limited cases. A recent proposed amendment by the State government is expected to overcome this issue as it is proposed to make water tanks exempt development everywhere. 25. By Councillor Lopez – I enclose for Council’s Information City News July 05 from the Custom House Library. Could we adopt a similar layout and approach for the Mosman News? Advised by Director Community Development that on 13 April 2004 the incoming Council resolved to cancel the Mosman News. On 7 June 2004 Council resolved to use the money saved to develop a communication strategy. On 5 July resolved to seek quotations from publications which circulate in the area for the dissemination of information relating to Council’s services, activities and facilities. On 2 August 2004 Council resolved to achieve this by accepting quotations from the Mosman 2088 magazine for a 4 page insert 6 times per annum with run ons as required and a large fortnightly advertisement in the Reports to Ordinary Meeting of Council – 18 July 2005 Page 7 Mosman Daily. Both of these in-house productions have the same sort of information and “feel” of the City of Sydney Council Newsletter, however, both of the Mosman productions are of superior quality. 26. By Councillor Lopez – I have received a letter from a young resident re noise and drinking behaviour in Mistral Avenue – could this matter be brought to the attention of Council Rangers and the police? Informed by Director Corporate Services that inappropriate street behaviour should be reported immediately to the Harbourside Police. Council’s Rangers will be requested to patrol this area and if such behaviour is observed they will also report it to the Police for their attention. 27. By Councillor Lopez – Could I have a copy of the judgement for 26 Iluka Road? Informed by Director Environment and Planning that a copy will be forwarded to all Councillors. 28. By Councillor Skipper – When Council reviews the planning process, part of the LEP/DCP revision, can we consider a process which includes, at the initial consultation stage, the desired design concepts? Referred to Director Environment and Planning for consideration in the LEP/DCP process. 29. By Councillor Skipper – No. 5 Wolseley Road – The front facing Wolseley Road consists of a double garage (about 3m high) and a solid brick front wall (about 2m high). If other properties were the same in Wolseley Road there would be a SOLID 2-3m WALL all along Wolseley Road – what about harbour glimpses etc, etc, etc? This is a disgrace. Is the building in accordance with the DA? This new property completely dominates this part of the streetscape and it is an example of what should NOT be approved. Informed by Director Environment and Planning that the building nearing completion at 5 Wolseley is of single storey presentation to the street including a double garage located on the front boundary attached to a courtyard wall with metal gates also on the front alignment. The front of the house varies in setback from 2.5 to 4.0 metres from the street boundary. The building involves alterations to a dwelling house on the site which also had a garage on the front boundary, setbacks as above, and a 1.8 -2.0m courtyard wall across the front of the entire site. In terms of building height when viewed from the street the current building is 1.0m lower than the one it replaced and provides a greater setback from the north-western boundary due to the absence of eaves overhangs in the new building. While it is true that scope for views is limited it must be noted that the building as altered is, in fact, lower and narrower than the original and by virtue of the lower roof allows greater views over the site from Methuen Street to Middle Harbour beyond. It should also be noted that the fall of the land is such that there are limited alternatives particularly for vehicular access. 30. By Councillor Skipper – I wish to raise the issue of streetscape design within the scope of the Business DCP area, namely Spit and Military Roads, and particularly Military Road Spit to Mosman Junction. Reports to Ordinary Meeting of Council – 18 July 2005 Page 8 A problem that Councillors face is that when a DA is presented the front façade is (obviously) an integral part of the whole plans. To change the façade, if it is considered by Council to be inappropriate to surrounding buildings, is probably frustrating to the applicant and the applicant would fight objections (and here I use as an example the DA between the Village Green and Country Road). Could applicants be required to submit a photo montage or artists impression showing the new building in its context as part of the DA submission? Referred to Director Environment and Planning for consideration as part of the DCP review. 31. By Councillor Wilton – Can Council assist with financing repairs to the roof of the Croquet Club? This is a growing sport and the Club gives support and encouragement to young people to learn the game. Council does not give any financial support to this sport and this would be a practical show of support. Referred to Director Corporate Services to advise Councillor Wilton direct. 32. CLOSE OF MEETING The Meeting terminated and Council rose at 7.58 pm. CONFIRMED: MAYOR 1 August 2005