NORTH HINKSEY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE, HELD ON THURSDAY 19th JUNE 2014, AT 7.45pm, IN THE SEACOURT HALL, BOTLEY. Present: Councillors: The Chairman, Councillor A. Pritchard and Councillors Mrs. V. Carr, Mrs. J. Hammett, A. Hardiman and D. Kay. Others Present: 12 members of the public and A. J. Stone (Parish Clerk). 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Councillors C. Church and Mrs. A. Dykes. 2. ELECTION OF A VICE-CHAIRMAN Councillor Mrs. J. Hammett proposed and Councillor A. Pritchard seconded the resolution that Councillor D. Kay be elected Vice-Chairman of the Planning Committee. Councillors UNANIMOUSLY SUPPORTED the resolution. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 4. MINUTES The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 29th MAY 2014, were AGREED as an accurate record. 5. PLANNING ISSUES a). Applications for Consideration North Hinksey Parish New Plans P13/V2733/FUL (Full Application) Amendment : No. 1 - dated 3rd June 2014. The Environmental Impact Assessment received on the 3rd June 2014 submitted by the applicant/agent in connection with Demolition of a mix of existing buildings and the erection of mixed use development comprising retail, restaurants and cafes, offices, hotel, student accommodation and ancillary facilities, 33 apartments, replacement vicarage, library and place of worship (Baptist Church), health centre, cinema, gymnasium, covered car parking and access, public square, landscaping and associated works: Botley District Centre West Way, North Hinksey. Councillor A. Hardiman proposed and Councillor D. Kay seconded the resolution that Council OPPOSED the application. Councillors UNANIMOUSLY AGREED to SUPPORT the resolution for the reasons shown in the attached appendices. P14/V0538/FUL Demolition of existing pair of semi-detached dwellings. Erection of a two and a half storey building containing nine flats (6 x 2 bed and 3 x 1 bed). Improved access from Lime Road to provide 2 off-street car parking spaces. Improved access from Laburnum Road to provide 10 car parking spaces, cycle storage and an enclosed bin store. Associated landscaping (as amended by Drawing Nos. P01B, P02C, P03D, P06 and P07 accompanying agent’s e-mail of 3rd June 2014: Corner of Lime Road and Laburnum Road, North Hinksey. Councillors were still concerned that the submitted plans were inaccurate in that they did not show the road coming from the Lime Road development and the adjacent houses and bus stop which each have implications for parking and traffic volumes. The plans indicate that 2 parking spaces will need to be on the road, but no account has been taken of the fact that there is a bus stop within close proximity of the development. This development will be on the junction of the busy Lime Road and will have road safety implications, especially as Lime Road is a main cycle route for children going to Matthew P14/V1003/A P14/V1153/HH P14/V1205/HH P14/V1273/O Arnold School. The proposed trees will also obstruct the view of the junction and consideration should be given to the need for access-splays. Local residents had also complained that there had been a lack of consultation on this application and some affected residents were only aware of the proposals by word of mouth and were astonished that the application could make claims that the local houses were ‘not of overall good architectural design’. There is no indication of the nearby bridlepath from the higher land (The Hurst) and which during heavy rain is a route for large amounts of surface water from The Hurst and adds to local drainage issues. A hydro geological report is also needed to determine whether there are any onsite underground streams which will come to the surface if disturbed due to the underlying rock base, which in itself will cause the developer difficulties when digging what will need to be deeper foundations. The proposals would result in a building that will be out of character with the other similar estate houses and be an over-development of the site. Councillors also believe it is not appropriate for a development of 2.5 storeys to be on top of the hill and will result in the neighbours’ gardens in Laburnum Road being overlooked. In view of the dangerous corner on which the site is located, and the staggered 4-way junction, it will be essential that ALL parking of demolition or construction vehicles takes place ON-SITE, if the application is approved. A construction plan should be submitted to the Vale ensuring that this will happen. Due to the large number of issues on this application, councillors UNANIMOUSLY AGREED to OBJECT to the application. External uplighters to be added to existing and already approved signage at rear of the unit: Habitat Design Ltd., Seacourt Tower, West Way, North Hinksey. No objections. Proposed extension to existing bungalow to form a two storey house. (Re-submission of previously withdrawn application P13/V1226/FUL): Halfacre, Harcourt Hill, North Hinksey. No objections. Two storey side extension: 50 St Pauls Crescent , North Hinksey. No objections. Demolition of 26-28 Westminster Way. Erection of new apartment building containing nine apartments, with associated car parking, bins, bike store and works: 26-28 Westminster Way, North Hinksey. Councillors still remained concerned about the application and decided to continue with its OBJECTION on the basis that although the number of off street car parking spaces had been increased from 6 to 8 places, this was still inadequate for 9 apartments, the concern about the absence of an unfiltered air supply to the flats bearing in mind the problems of air pollution from the nearby A34 trunk road, the resultant increase in traffic on Westminster Way and the fact that the design of the flats does not fit in with the local area. b). Decision Notices North Hinksey Parish There were no decision notices. c). Notices of Appeal North Hinksey Parish There were no notices of appeal d). Appeal Decisions North Hinksey Parish There were no appeal decisions. 5. OTHER PLANNING ISSUES The Chairman, Councillor A. Pritchard and Councillor Mrs. J. Hammett briefed the committee on what they considered to be unacceptable comments made by two district councillors at the Vales recent Planning Committee meeting in relation to submissions by NHPC’s Planning Committee. 6. ANY OTHER INFORMATION Oxford: Frideswide Square Transport & Public Realm Scheme - formal consultation on enabling works. Councillors NOTED that comments were invited and should be to Oxfordshire County Council (APW / PG), Speedwell House, Speedwell Street, Oxford, OX1 1NE by no later than Friday 4 July 2014, or email or 7. DATE OF NEXT MEETING To be announced. The meeting finished at 10.05pm