Casino Hotels Ltd. CIN-U55101KL1980PLC003184 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT The Members of Casino Hotels Ltd. T.B.Road, Kokkalai Thrissur 680021 Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying financial statements of The Members of Casino Hotels Ltd. CIN U55101KL1980PLC003184 T.B.Road, Kokkalai, Thrissur 680021 “the Company”as at 31st March, 2015, which comprise the Balance Sheet as at March 31, 2015 and the statement of Profit & Loss for the year ended and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information annexed thereto. Management’s Responsibility for the Standalone Financial Statements The Company’s Board of Directors is responsible for the matters stated in Section 134(5) of the Companies Act, 2013 (“the Act”) with respect to the preparation of these Standalone Financial Statements that give a true and fair view of the financial position and financial performance of the Company in accordance with the Accounting principles generally accepted in India, including the Accounting standards specified under Section 133 of the Act, read with Rule 7 of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014. This responsibility also includes maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding of the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting frauds and other irregularities; selection and application of appropriate accounting policies; making judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; and design, implementation and maintenance of adequate internal financial controls, that were operating effectively for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, relevant to the preparation and presentation of the Financial Statements that give a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these Standalone Financial Statements based on our audit. We have taken into account the provisions of the Act, the accounting standards and matters which are required to be included in the audit report under the provisions of the Act and the rules made there under. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing specified under section 143(10) of the Act. Those Standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Financial Statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the Standalone Financial Statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the Financial Statements, whether due to fraud or error In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal financial control relevant to the Company’s preparation of the Financial Statements that give a true and fair view in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on whether the Company has in place an adequate internal financial controls system over financial reporting and the operating effectiveness of such controls. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by Company’s Directors, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the Financial Statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion on the Standalone Financial Statements. Opinion In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us; the aforesaid Standalone Financial Statements give the information required by the Act in the manner so required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India, of the State of Affairs of the Company as at 31st March, 2015, and its Profit for the year ended on that date. Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements I. As required by the Companies (Auditors Report) Order, 2015 (“the Order”) issued by the Central Government of India in terms of subsection (11) of Section 143 of the Act, following is a statement on the matters specified in Paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Order. i) The company has maintained proper records showing full particulars, including quantitative details and situation of fixed assets. All these assets have been physically verified by the Management during the year and there is a regular programme of verification which 15 13 Casino Hotels Ltd. CIN-U55101KL1980PLC003184 ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) in our opinion is reasonable having regard to the size of the company and the nature of its assets. No material discrepancies were noticed on such verification. As the company is not carrying on any processing, manufacturing or trading activity, it does not have any stock of finished goods, spare parts and raw-materials. Hence physical verification, valuation and consequent adjustments are not applicable to the company. The company has taken loan from M/s Casino Cultural Auditorium Thrissur, a company under the same management within the meaning sub sec 186 of the Companies Act 2013. The maximum amount involved during the year was Rs.40 lacs and the balance outstanding as on 31.03.2015 comes to Rs.40 lacs. In our opinion, the rate of interest and other terms and conditions on which loan have been granted to the company are not prima facie, prejudicial to the interest of the company. Except that the company has neither granted nor taken any loans, secured or unsecured to/from companies, firms or other parties covered in the Registers maintained under section 189 of the Companies Act 2013. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us there are adequate internal control procedures for fixed assets commensurate with the size of the company and nature of its business. Since the company is carrying service oriented business the internal control procedures in respect of purchase of inventory and sale of goods and services are not applicable. The company has not accepted any deposits from the public. Hence, the directives issued by the Reserve Bank of India and provisions of Section 73 to 76 of the Act and the rules framed there under are not applicable. The company is not liable to maintain cost records as prescribed by the Central Government under of sub section (1) of section 148 of the Act. According to the information and explanations given to us, company is regular in depositing undisputed tax dues including Provident Fund, Investor Education and Protection Fund, Employees State Insurance, Income tax, Sales tax, Wealth tax, Customs duty, excise duty, cess and any other statutory dues with the appropriate authorities wherever applicable. It is further informed that there are no undisputed arrears of outstanding statutory dues as at the end of the last day of the financial year concerned for a period of more than six months from the date they became payable. The company has no accumulated loss as at the end of the financial year. The company has not defaulted in repayment of dues to a financial institution or bank or debenture holders. According to the information and explanations given to us, company has not given any guarantee for loans taken by others from bank or financial institutions. The company has not taken any term loans. According to the information and explanations given to us, no fraud on or by the company has been noticed or reported during the year. II. As required by section 143(3) of the Act, We report that: a) We have sought and obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit; b) In our opinion, proper books of accounts as required by the law have been kept by the Company so far as it appears from our examination of those books; c) The Balance Sheet and Statement of Profit and Loss dealt with by this report are in agreement with the books of account; d) In our opinion, the aforesaid Standalone Financial Statements comply with the Accounting Standards specified under Section 133 of the Act, read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014; e) On the basis of written representations received from the directors, as on 31st March, 2015, and taken on record by the Board of directors, none of the directors is disqualified as on 31st March, 2015, from being appointed as a director in terms of section 164(2) of the Act; f) With respect to the other matters to be included in the Auditor’s Report in accordance with Rule 11 of the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, in our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us: a. b. c. The Company does not have any pending litigations which would impact its financial position. The Company did not have any long-term contracts including derivative contracts for which there were any material foreseeable losses. The company has no amount required to be transferred, to the Investor Education and Protection Fund during the year. Thrissur 13.07.2015 For Abraham & Jose Chartered Accountants FRN: 000010 S Sd/Jose Pottokaran (No. 12056) Partner 16 14 Casino Hotels Ltd. CIN-U55101KL1980PLC003184 Casino Hotels Limited T B ROAD, THRISSUR 680021 BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31ST MARCH, 2015 Particulars Note No I. EQUITY AND LIABILITIES (1) Shareholder’s Funds (a) Share Capital (b) Reserves and surplus (c) Money received against share warrants Figures as at the end of current reporting period as at 31.03.2015 Figures as at the end of previous reporting period as at 31.03.2014 Rs Rs A B 31230000 5553190 31230000 5212493 Nil C D E 5000000 3565218 1017100 Nil 4000000 3622909 1017100 Nil F 391442 Nil 3025654 3269823 53052427 21219 Nil 2296177 2884403 50284301 I 35562760 Nil 8809095 33597518 Nil 5834146 J 3020000 3020000 K 868489 661015 L M 1030534 814010 924292 907315 386303 4840244 2023247 53052427 1037760 50284301 (2) Share application money pending allotment (3) Non-Current Liabilities (a) Long-term borrowings (b) Deferred tax liabilities (Net) (c) Other Long term liabilities (d) Long term provisions (4) Current Liabilities (a) Short-term borrowings (b) Trade payables (c) Other current liabilities (d) Short-term provisions Total II. ASSETS (1) Non-current assets (a) Fixed assets (i) Tangible assets (ii) Intangible assets (iii) Capital work-in-progress (iv) Intangible assets under development (b) Non-current investments (c) Deferred tax assets (net) (d) Long term loans and advances (e) Other non-current assets (2) Current Assets (b) Inventories (c) Trade receivables (d) Cash and cash equivalents (e) Short-term loans and advances (f) Other current assets Total G H N Statement on Significant Accounting Policies and Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this Balance Sheet. T 17 15 Casino Hotels Ltd. CIN-U55101KL1980PLC003184 Casino Hotels Limited T B ROAD, THRISSUR 680021 STATEMENT OF PROFIT AND LOSS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH 2015 Particulars Note No Figures as at the end of Figures as at the end of current reporting period previous reporting period as at 31.03.2015 ended 31.03.2014 I. II. III. IV. Revenue from operations O Other income P Total revenue (I + II) Expenses: Cost of materials consumed Q Purchase of Stock-in-Trade Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress and stock-in-trade Employee benefit expenses R Finance costs Depreciation and amortization expenses I Other expenses S Total expenses V. Profit before exceptional and extraordinary items and tax (III - IV) VI. Exceptional items VII. Profit before extraordinary items and tax (V - VI) VIII Extraordinary items IX. Profit before tax (VII - VIII) X. Tax expenses: (1) Current tax (2) Deferred tax XI. Profit /(Loss) for the period from continuing operations XII. Profit /(Loss) from discontinuing operations XIII Tax expense of discontinuing operations XIV Profit/(Loss) from discontinuing operations after tax (XII - XIII) XV. Profit/(Loss) for the period (XI - XIV) XVI Earning per equity share: of paid up value Rs.5000/(1) Basic (2) Diluted Statement on Significant Accounting Policies and Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this Profit and Loss account T As per our report of even date For Abraham & Jose Sd/Jose Pottokaran (No. 12056) Partner Chartered Accountants Thrissur 13.07.2015 DIRECTORS 1. Sri. A.K. Varghese 2. Sri. Kodakkat Kesavan 3. Dr. Jose Paul Chandy 4. Sri. E.P.K. Balakrishnan 5. Sri. M.S. Mathew 6. Sri. Fijo Jose 7. Sri. K.C. Thomas 8. Sri. P.J. France 9. Mrs. R.N. Rema 67351883 2087463 69439346 53042391 2096020 55138411 31526020 Nil 26049947 Nil 17334993 603280 3204153 12655941 65324387 4114959 Nil 4114959 Nil 4114959 15546793 623242 2391444 6758689 51370115 3768296 Nil 3768296 Nil 3768296 822130 (57691) 3350520 696136 93290 2978870 3350520 2978870 536 536 477 477 Sd/Sd/Sd/Sd/Sd/Sd/Sd/Sd/Sd/18 16 Casino Hotels Ltd. CIN-U55101KL1980PLC003184 Casino Hotels Limited T B ROAD, THRISSUR 680021 CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 2015 Particulars A. Cash flow from Operating Activities Net profit before tax and extraordinary items Adjustments Add:Depreciation Interest paid to CCAL Interest paid to Directors Less: Interest on Fixed Deposit Profit on Sale of Asset Dividend Operating profit before working Capital Changes Adjustments for changes in working capital (Increase)/Decrease in Inventories (Increase)/Decrease in Trade Receivables (Increase)/Decrease in Other current asset Increase/(Decrease) in Short term borrowings Increase/(Decrease) in Other current liabilities Increase/(Decrease) in Short term provisions Cash generated from operating activities Direct Taxes Net cash from Operating Activities (A) B. Cash flow from investing Activities: Purchase of Asset Sale of Asset Interest on Fixed Deposit Increase in security deposit Dividend Received For the year ended 31.03.2015 4114959 3204153 323287 3562 (134091) (8933) (604000) 6898937 (123219) (427707) (985487) 370223 494277 260000 6487024 (822130) 5664894 (8151411) 16000 134091 (207474) 604000 Net cash used in investing Activities (B) (7604794) C. Cash flow from Financing Activities: Loan Received from Directors Interest paid to CCAL Interest paid to Directors Dividend Paid Net Cash from Financing Activities (C) 1000000 (323287) (3562) (2649203) (1976052) Net Increase/Decrease in Cash & Cash Equivalents (A+B+C) Cash & Cash Equivalents as at 01.04.2014 (Opening Balance) Cash & Cash Equivalents as at 31.03.2015 (Closing Balance) (3915952) 4840244 924292 17 19 Casino Hotels Ltd. CIN-U55101KL1980PLC003184 Casino Hotels Limited T B ROAD, THRISSUR 680021 Note A:Share Capital NOTES FORMING PART OF ACCOUNTS As at 31st March 2015 As at 31st March 2014 Number Rs Number Rs Authorised Equity shares of Rs.5000/- each 7200 36000000 7200 36000000 Issued, Subscribed & Paid Up Fully paid up Equity shares of Rs.5000/- each 6246 31230000 6246 31230000 Disclosure pursuant to Note No.A in respect of Part I Schedule VI of the Companies Act Particulars Equity shares Equity shares Number Rs Number Shares outstanding at the beginning of the year Shares Issued during the year Shares bought back during the year Shares outstanding at the end of the year Rs 31230000 6246 31230000 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 31230000 6246 31230000 31230000 31230000 Company has only equity share capital and not a subsidiary company. The following shareholders are holding more than 5% of share capital. Name of shareholder Mr A V Jacob 354 5.67 Mr K C Thomas 351 5.62 Company has not issued shares for consideration other than cash, or issued any bonus shares or bought back any shares during the year or immediate preceeding five years. Note B: Reserves & Surplus (a) General reserve Opening balance Add: Addition / (Deletion) Closing balance (b) Revaluation Reserve Opening balance Add: Addition / (Deletion) Closing balance (c) Security premium Opening balance Add: Addition / (Deletion) Closing balance (d) Surplus / Loss Opening balance Add: Net Profit for the year Add: Transfer from Reserves 6246 Nil Nil 6246 As at 31st March 2015 As at 31st March 2014 1318441 200000 1518441 1193441 125000 1318441 3227690 Nil 3227690 3227690 Nil 3227690 660000 Nil 660000 660000 Nil 660000 6362 36895 3350520 2978870 Nil Nil 3356882 3015765 Less: Proposed dividend 2498400 2498400 Tax on dividend 511423 386003 Less: Transfer to General Reserve 200000 125000 Closing balance 147059 6362 Total (a + b + c + d) 5553190 5212493 Company has no other reserve in the nature of capital redemption reserve, debenture redemption reserve and share option outstanding account. 20 18 Casino Hotels Ltd. CIN-U55101KL1980PLC003184 As a t 31st March 2015 As a t 31st March 2014 Note C: Lon g-term borrowings Loan from Casio Cultura l A uditorium L td Loan form Directors 4000000 4000000 1000000 Nil 5000000 4000000 Compa ny has ava ile d loa n from Casino Cultural Auditorium L td., a c om pany in w hic h directors a re interes ted @ 10% p.a. on the security of sec ond c harge of the e quitable mortgage of the prope rty of the c om pany. Note D: Deferred tax Liability (Net) Compon ents of net deferred tax Liability Deferred tax assets: Nil Nil Deferred tax liability Depreciation on fixed asset 3565218 3622909 Net deferred tax liability 3565218 3622909 Net defe rre d lia bility as on 31.03.2015 c om pute d in com plia nce with the Accounting Sta nda rd 22 on accounting for ta xes on inc ome amounted to Rs.35,65,218/- whic h is sepa rate ly disclose d in Ba lance S heet. The dec rease of deferred ta x liability as on 31.03.2015 whe n c om pare d to 31.03.2014 c omes to Rs.57,691/- is de bite d to ta x expenses account during the year. Note E: Other lon g term liab ilities Rent security depos it Note F: Sh ort term b orrowings Bank over dra ft : Fede ral Bank Limited On the security of equitable mortagaged property Note G: Oth er Current Liabilities : Expenses payable Unpaid dividend 1017100 1017100 391442 21219 2257254 768400 3025654 1762977 533200 2296177 Note H: Short-term provis ions Proposed dividend & tax thereon Provis ion for income tax 3009823 2884403 260000 Nil 3269823 2884403 The Board has recom mended divide nd @ 8% and a n a mount of Rs .30,09,823/- has bee n provided for divide nd and ta x the reon. Note I : Fixed ass ets Attach ed s eparately 35562760 Company has no intangible assets, intangible assets under development Note J: Non -cu rrent Investments 604 E quity sha res of Rs .5000/- eac h of Cas ino Cultura l A uditorium Ltd (Unquoted) market value Rs.30,20,000/Note K: Oth er n on cu rren t ass et: Security deposit Note L: Trade Receivables Unsec ure d c ons idere d good due m ore tha n s ix m onths Unsecured considered good others Note M: Cas h and cas h eq uivalents Balance with banks Cas h on ha nd 33597518 3020000 3020000 868489 661015 814010 814010 7239 379064 386303 863616 60676 924292 4811749 28495 4840244 19 21 Casino Hotels Ltd. CIN-U55101KL1980PLC003184 Note I: FIXED ASSETS AS ON 31.03.2015 Gross Block Particulars Cost as on 01.04.14 Depreciation Block Addition Disposal Cost as on 31.03.15 Land 4800526 0 0 Building 42223019 1593679 0 Air condition plant 7729113 0 0 Refrigerator, cooling equipments 1935258 1391781 0 Motor pumpset & water heater 791002 0 0 Equipments 711380 119336.5 0 Computer 797168 165238 0 Musical instruments & TV Set 759773 39700 0 Kitchen equipments 1912761 67975 0 Bakery machinery 395104 114889 0 Transformer 4446668 0 0 Generator 3303911 0 0 Name Board 182015 55500 0 Motor cycle 44122 65610 44122 Bio Gas Plant 316430 0 0 Fire fighting Equipments 26212 0 0 EPABX system 449366 0 0 Lift installation 1290000 0 0 Furniture & fittings 3843706 1246216 0 Total 71957534 4859924 44122 Previous year 69205331 2752203 Nil Capital work-in-Progress Building under Construction 7162800 3291487 0 Upto 01.04.14 Additions Disposal 4800526 Nil Nil 43816698 19433045 1270479 7729113 6575110 423811 Nil 0 0 Net Block Upto 31.03.15 As on 31.03.15 As on 31.03.14 Nil 4800526 4800526 20703524 23113174 22789974 6998921 730192 1154003 3327039 1181568 243383 0 1424951 1902088 753690 791002 830716.5 962406 702016 337672 718154 26773 85757 75337 0 0 0 728789 423429 793491 62213 407288 168915 88986 373708 79014 799473 1980736 509993 446668 3303911 237515 65610 316430 597085 1133010 294316 411460 2297234 90308 37055 182823 43157 0 153378 0 21681 0 6929 0 185352 0 18782 0 633 37055 27994 0 640242 1286388 315997 418389 2482586 109090 633 210817 159231 694348 193996 28279 821325 128425 64977 105613 162688 779751 100788 35208 1006677 91707 7067 133607 26212 13070 2620 0 449366 405971 20927 0 1290000 499531 152259 0 5089922 3450588 128363 0 76773336 38360016 2887615 37055 71957534 36275632 2084384 Nil 10454287 1328654 316538 0 15690 10522 13142 426898 22468 43395 651790 638210 790469 3578951 1510971 393118 41210576 35562760 33597518 38360016 33597518 32929699 1645192 8809095 5834146 Balance with banks represent the balance maintaining with various banks in current account Rs.8,63,616/- of which Rs.7,68,400/earmarked for unpaid dividend. Currently the company is not having term deposits with maturity period of more than 12 months. Except the deposit earmarked for the unpaid dividend account no deposits are held as margin money or security or guarantee to any liability. Note N: Other current assets Prepaid expenses Other receivables 146060 1877187 2023247 102410 935350 1037760 Note O: Revenue from operations Sales Room rent Other income 49074167 36587163 16448432 15144418 1829284 1310810 67351883 53042391.00 Company is engaged in hospitality services and income from operation represent the income generated from conducting of restaurant, bar, bakery and other allied activities. 22 20 Casino Hotels Ltd. CIN-U55101KL1980PLC003184 Note P: Other income Shop room rent Interest Dividend Share transfer fee Note Q: Cost of materials consumed (a) Provision beverages & smokes Opening stock Purchases Less: Closing stock (b) Wine & Liquor Opening stock Purchases Less: Closing stock (c) Other direct expenses: Bar licence fee Fuel & gas Electricity & water Freight and forwarding charges Total (a + b +c) Note R: Employee benefit expenses Salary and bonus to staff Note S: Other expenses Printing and stationery Postage and telephone Insurance Travelling Sales tax and turnover tax paid Repairs & maintenance - Others Association Membership fee Audit fee Business promotion expenses Rates, tax and filing fee Legal and professional charges Sitting fee Internal audit fee Advertisement Donation News paper and periodicals 1349322 134091 604000 50 2087463 1345850 206440 543600 130 2096020 456420 14541928 14998348 593391 14404957 249607 11890570 12140177 456420 11683757 450895 5938252 6389147 437143 5952004 652722 3269409 3922131 450895 3471236 2380000 1806089 6855785 127185 11169059 31526020 2380000 2273718 6167833 73403 10894954 26049947 17334993 17334993 15546793 15546793 1294262 298390 56019 172568 1626854 7365746 49228 48270 210489 746682 36770 222000 161798 131105 10000 225760 12655941 938061 319166 63057 29610 1006497 3168793 20655 48000 254817 371533 69045 197000 134832 26000 7150 104473 6758689 Note T: A. General Information The company is engaged in hospitality service and conducting hotel business with three star facilities. The company is conducting bar, restaurant, bakery and other allied services which is necessary for the conducting of hospitality service. 23 21 Casino Hotels Ltd. CIN-U55101KL1980PLC003184 B. Accounting policies Significant accounting policies adopted in the preparation and presentation of accounts are as under: 1. Basis of Accounting: The accounts are prepared on accrual basis under the historical cost convention in accordance with the Accounting Standards issued by the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006. 2. Fixed Assets: Fixed Assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. 3. Depreciation: Depreciation of Fixed Assets has been provided on written down value method at the rates computed based on useful lives specified in Part C and residual value specified in Part A of Schedule II of Companies Act, 2013. 4. Inventories The closing stock is stated at lower of cost or net realizable value. 5. Recognition of Income & Expenditure: Generally items of income and Expenditure account are recognized on accrual basis. 6. Contingencies and Events occurred after Balance Sheet date: There are no contingencies and events of material nature occurred after balance sheet date which has an effect on the financial statement of the year. 7. Prior period and Extra -ordinary items: There are no prior periods or extra-ordinary items of a material nature, which has to be reported during the year. 8. Changes in Accounting Policies: There are no material changes in the accounting policies followed by the company during the year. 9. Foreign Exchange transactions The company has no dealings in foreign exchange during the year. 10. Investments The closing stock is stated at lower of cost or net realizable value. 11. Retirement Benefits: The company has introduced Provident Fund scheme and Employees State Insurance Scheme to the employees. The company contributes to Gratuity Fund by taking Group Policy with Life Insurance Corporation of India for future payment of gratuity to retiring employees. The premium thereon has been so adjusted as to cover the liability under the Scheme in respect of all employees at the end of their future anticipated service with the company. 12. Uses of estimates The preparation of financial statements requires management to make certain estimate and assumption that effect the amount reported in the financial statements and notes there too. Difference between actual and estimates are recognized in the period in which they materialize. 13. Provision for Taxation & Deferred Tax Provision for taxation is made on the basis of the estimated tax liability with adjustment for deterred tax in terms of accounting standard 22 issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Deferred tax assets or liabilities are based on temporary differences between the value of assets and liabilities recorded in the Financial Statements and those used for Income Tax purposes. Tax rates applicable to future periods are used to calculate year-end Deferred Tax Assets or Liabilities. Deferred Tax liability are recognized only to the extend that there is virtual certainty of realization. Other Deferred Tax liability are recognized and carried forward to the extent that there is reasonable certainty of realization. 14. Additional disclosures as per Schedule VI of the Companies Act a) The company is a Small and Medium Company (SMC) as defined in the general instruction in respect of the Accounting standards specified under Section 133 of Companies Act 2013, read with Rule 7 of Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014. Accordingly, the company has complied with the Accounting Standards as applicable to a small and Medium Sized Company. b) Contingent Liabilities not Provided for 31.03.2015 Nil 31.03.2014 Nil 24 22 Casino Hotels Ltd. CIN-U55101KL1980PLC003184 c) Particulars regarding investments: (i) Name of the Body corporate is in which investment is made: Casino Cultural Auditorium Limited, T.B. Road, Thrissur. (ii) Date of investment: 30.07.1992 50 shares 22.09.1993 100 shares 29.11.1993 200 shares 16.12.1993 250 shares 19.04.2000 4 shares (iii) Whether the Body Corporate in the same group: Yes. A sister concern under the same Management. d) The company has taken unsecured loan amounting to Rs.40 lacs from Casino Cultural Auditorium as associate concern. The terms and conditions including rate of interest are not prejudicial to the interest of the company. e) Additional information in pursuant to the provisions of Part-II of Schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956; a. Licenced capacity N.A N.A b. Installed capacity N.A. N.A. c. Actual production N.A. N.A. d. Details of goods produced and sold: Since the company belongs to hotel industry goods purchased, produced and sold are in different varieties and units of measurements. It is practically difficult to maintain day-to-day stock register for all items dealt with the company. The Ministry of Finance, Department of Company affairs, vide their letter No.46/60/2006/CL-III dated 27.03.2006 has granted exemption to the company to furnish quantitative details as per Part-II of Schedule VI of Para 3(i)(a) and 3(ii)(d) expired on 31.03.2009 and fresh application has been submitted to grant exemption and order is awaiting. On the basis of the terms of exemption issued earlier the following particulars are given regarding the value of goods dealt with the company. Particulars Opening stock Purchases Closing stock Consumption Sales As on 31.03.2015 Wine & Liquor Provision,Beverages, A Smokes A 4,50,895 4,56,420 59,38,252 1,45,41,928 4,37,143 59,33,91 59,52,004 1,44,04,957 1,43,76,686 3,46,97,481 As on 31.03.2014 Wine & Liquor Provision,Beverages, A Smokes A 6,52,722 2,49,607 32,69,409 1,18,90,570 4,50,895 4,56,420 34,71,236 1,16,83,757 89,93,579 2,75,93,584 e. Details regarding imported & indigenous materials consumed and its percentage: Only indigenous materials of different varieties and units consumed. f. Value of imports during the year: Nil Nil g. Earnings in foreign currency Nil Nil h. Expenditure in foreign currency Nil Nil As per our report of even date For Abraham & Jose Chartered Accountants (FRN 000010S) Sd/Jose Pottokaran (No. 12056) Partner Thrissur 13.07.2015 DIRECTORS 1. Sri. A.K. Varghese (DIN 00047012) 2. Sri. Kodakkat Kesavan (DIN 01163544) 3. Dr. Jose Paul Chandy (DIN 01605754) 4. Sri. E.P.K. Balakrishnan (DIN 01541508) 5. Sri. M.S. Mathew (DIN 01605754) 6. Sri. Fijo Jose (DIN 00450473) 7. Sri. K.C. Thomas (DIN 00163306) 8. Sri. P.J. France (DIN 00625779) 9. Mrs. R.N. Rema (DIN 01267631) Sd/Sd/Sd/Sd/Sd/Sd/Sd/Sd/Sd/- 25 23