Chapter 13 STANDARD SETTING: POLITICAL ISSUES 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 1 Overview Perspektif teori ekonomi: pertanyaan tentang luasnya (extent (extent)) regulasi akuntansi dan standar pelaporan mengawatirkan (unsettled (unsettled)) Walau kita dapt menyarankan sejumlah insentif kontraktual dan berbasisberbasis-pasar bg produksi inf khusus (private private), ), kita tdk tahu apakah kegagalan pasar yg meningkat akibat dari deregulasi keputusan produksi inf persh akan lebih atau kurang mahal kpd masyarakat dp berbagai biaya proses penyusunan standar Problema kegagalan pasar adl begitu fundamental 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 2 Overview Asimetri inf (dan problema yg diakibatkan, moral hazard--MH dan adverse selectionhazard selection-AS) yg menciptakan permintaan unt produksi inf oleh persh, juga menciptakan permintaan unt regulasi atas produksi inf itu, hal ini disebabkan: Problema unanimity unanimity— —jumlah inf yg akan dihasilkan sendiri persh, dan umumnya tidak akan terjadi, sama dengan jumlah yang investor inginkan Akibatnya, investor bisa mendorong regulasi untuk memperbaiki defisiensi yg dipersepsikan Penyusunan standar scr fundamental mrp proses ekonomik yg besarnya sama dengan proses politik 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 3 Overview Tujuan chapter ini unt Membahas dua teori regulasi Teori kepentingan publik (public (public interest theory— theory—PIT): memandang bhw regulasi seharusnya memaksimumkan kemakmuran sosial Teori kelompok kepentingan (interest (interest group theory— theory—IGT): memandang bhw individu membentuk koalisi/ konstituen untuk memproteksi dan mempromosikan kepentingannya dg melobi pemerintah, koalisi dipandang sbg konflik satu dg lainnya untuk meraih bagian manfaat dari regulasi Menguji proses penyusunan standar Mempertimbangkan kriteria yg diperlukan penyusun standar bahwa standar yg mereka susun akseptabel 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 4 Organisasi Bab 13 Teori kepentingan publik Org badan akuntansi profesional Teori Regulasi Penys standar: konflik & kompromi Kesimpulan: aplikasi teori klp kepentingan Teori kelompok kepentingan 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 5 Teori kepentingan publik Public Interest theory/PIT Menyarankan: regulasi adl hasil dari permintaan publik unt koreksian kegagalan psr Asumsi: sbg sentral autoritas memiliki kepentingan terbaik dr masyarakat Regulasi: pemikiran tentang pertukaran (tradeoff (tradeoff)) antara biaya regulasi dan manfaat sosialnya dlm bentuk operasi pasar yg meningkat Problema pandangan PIT: kulitnya saja (superficial (superficial)) & mungkin naif Tugas sangat kompleks tentang memutuskan atas jumlah yg benar atas regulasi Motivasi badan pengatur 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 6 Teori kelompok kepentingan interest group theory— theory—IGT): Memandang bhw suatu industri beropersi dlm keberadaan sjumlah kelompok kepentingan (konstituen) E.g, industri pemanufakturan, konstituennya: konsumen, ahli lingkungan, 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 7 Organisasi Badan Akuntansi Profesional Kanada--CICA: Kanada-CICA: The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants Amerika-Amerika --AICPA= American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Indonesia— Indonesia —IAI= Ikatan Akuntansi Indonesia ?????? IAI= Ikatan Arsitektur Indonesia ?????????? 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 8 Organisasi Badan Akuntansi Profesional Kanada--CICA: Kanada-CICA: The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants Komite Standar Akuntansi: AcSB (Accounting Standards Board) AASB (Auditing and Assurance Standards Board), dan PSAB (Public Sector Accounting Board) Hasil kerja komite standar akuntansi= CICA Handbook, berisi standar unt akuntansi keuangan dan unt pengauditan, yg diletakan oleh AcSB dan AASB 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 9 Organisasi Badan Akuntansi Profesional-Kanada Berbagai tahapan unt menciptakan standar baru menunjukkan bahwa prosesnya adl kental dg politis, dg tekanan pd proses akhir (due (due process) process) Banyak dr konstituen akuntansi diundang unt ambil bagian Konstituen peran: sbg bagian dari proses yg menyebabkan penyisipan suatu item ke dlm agenda badan, maupun sbg anggota badan sendiri, atau sbg responden unt draf ekspos Jk proses adl scr ketat ekonomis, perwakilan berbasis badan tidak perlu slm standar yg benar dpt scr sederhana dideduksi dr teori 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 10 Parties Involved in Standard Setting--U.S Setting 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 11 Parties Involved in Standard SettingSettingU.S AICPA: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants CAP--Committee on Accounting Procedure 1939 CAP 1939--1959 12/16/2010 Part--time, volunteer, appointed. Part Issued ARBs (Accounting Research Bulletins) Bulletins) listed on text inside front cover. Not thorough or involved enoughenough-piecemeal approach. No basic theory established. Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 13 12 Parties Involved in Standard Setting APB- Accounting Principles Board 1959 APB1959--1973 Senior Committee of the AICPA. 12/16/2010 Issued Opinions Opinions,, listed on text inside front cover. Formed to settle problems and do research. More authority than CAP. 18 18--21 members, partpart-time and poorly paid. Challenged early on from various constituencies. Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 14 13 Parties Involved in Standard Setting Wheat Committee formed to address need for coherent approach to theory and practice. Recommended the formulation of: FASB-Financial Accounting Standards Board (1973 FASB(1973--present) Seven highly paid, fullfull-time members from various constituencies (practice, research, users). 55-year terms. Independent of AICPA, under the auspices of the Financial Accounting Foundation (FAF). The FAF selects the members of the FASB. The FAF oversees the Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council (FASAC) which has the responsibility to consult with the FASB on major policy and technical issues. 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 15 14 Parties Involved in Standard Setting FASB has broader representation than CAP or APB. Member need not be a CPA. FASB issues: •Standards •Interpretations •Concepts •Technical Bulletins •Industry Guides •Please see figure 1-5 House of GAAP (text). 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 16 15 Parties Involved in Standard Setting DUE PROCESS: To develop standards (GAAP) (page 10, text) 12/16/2010 A topic or project is identified and placed on FASB’s agenda. A task force is assembled to define problems, issues and alternatives. Research is conducted by FASB technical staff. A discussion memorandum is drafted and released. Public hearings are held in a timely manner. The FASB committee analyzes and evaluates public response. The FASB committee deliberates and prepares and exposure draft.. draft Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 17 16 Parties Involved in Standard Setting Again, public hearings are held in a timely manner, comments taken. The FASB committee evaluates the public comments and revises the draft as necessary. The full board of FASB reviews final draft and, if approved by a vote of at least 5 of 7, issues a FASB Standards Statement. 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 18 17 FASB: A Look to the Future Public versus Private regulation of profession. The Accounting Profession seeks to govern itself directly rather than have the government directly draw up the GAAP to be followed. Should Securities and Exchange Commission exercise direct oversight? Congressional Actions: Metcalf--MossMetcalf Moss-Revised due process procedures. Dingell Committee (1985)(1985)-Standard setting process sufficient. Trueblood CommitteeCommittee-Set up Accounting Change Commission. 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 19 18 FASB: A Look to the Future Standards Overload v. Timely Guidance Big GAAPGAAP-Complex registrants. Little GAAPGAAP-Nonregistrants, smaller firms. Very specialized standards-standards--Too Too complex or complex issues? Standard overloadoverload-A quick look at textbook inner covers for dates demonstrates how numerous and complex new standards have become! Timely guidanceguidance-Due process too long? If faster will issues be adequately addressed? 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 20 19 FASB: A Look to the Future FASB response: Set up two sets of standards?: OCBOAOCBOA-Other Comprehensive Basis of Accounting--problems, comparability, consistency. Accounting Increased use of EITFEITF-Emerging Issues Task ForceForce-to prioritize concerns. Emerging Issues Task Force: Set up by FAF to advise FASB. 16 members -no user representation! Prioritizes issues and treatment: General consensus there is preferable treatmenttreatment-no further study. No consensus but problem narrownarrow-no further action. No consensus but agreement important-important--FASB FASB attention. Is it usurping the FASB’s role? 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 21 20 FASB: A Look to the Future Preparer dominance in setting GAAP (resource allocation)? Vested interest in simplicity and “work product”. Reduced SEC involvement lately. Some wish to change focus of reports from public to management! Preparers have severely criticized the FASBFASB-not “blue ribbon”. To prevent abuse Users should remain active! Greater SEC involvement; preparers Members of the FAF selected carefully (independent). lose most by direct regulation. Careful selection of FASB board members. 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 22 21 Other Important Rulemaking Bodies SEC--Securities and Exchange Commission SEC First group to draw up professional standards. 1933 Act-Act--Set Set up commission and governed initial issuance of shares. 1934 Act-Act--Governed Governed subsequent trading in shares. Statutory power to govern professionprofession-uses “veto power”. Issues : 12/16/2010 FRR (Financial Report Releases) Regulation SS-X which contains instructions and forms for filing financial statements. Decisions on cases coming before the SEC. Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 23 22 Other Important Rulemaking Bodies Need for regulation arose chiefly out of the corporate characteristic of the separation of ownership and control. Regulation of Securities in the U.S. (federal) Federal Trade Commission Act (Interstate commerce) Clayton Act (Interstate commerce) Early attempts at regulation failedfailed-no “big problem” yet. 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 24 23 Other Important Rulemaking Bodies Regulation of Securities in the U.S. (state) Kansas 19111911-by 1913 22 states had regulatory lawslaws-”blue sky” laws. Not terribly effective. Abuses in 1920’s Price manipulation “wash sales”. Purchase on “margin”. Insider trading. Establishment of the SEC Charged to ensure “full and fair disclosure”, concern for fraud and securities registration. Accused of selfself-interest and accumulating power-power-- hopefully it serves the public. 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 25 24 Other Important Rulemaking Bodies Growth of SEC From tentative acceptance SEC has grown and become more involved. 1962--market disruption brought amendments1962 amendments-Exchange Act. 1977-Foreign Corrupt Practices Act1977Act-Criminal penalties possible for management and accountants; adequacy of internal control. 1984--Insider Trader Sanctions Act1984 Act-increased penalties. Question still remains as to how effective SEC is in regulating capital markets. Exercises veto power over accounting profession although vested with direct authority (as discussed before). Regulated filings adequate? 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 26 25 Other Important Rulemaking Bodies Organizational Structure of SEC: Office of the Chief Accountant is the most powerful in the United States! Responsible for administration of laws. Works with the FASB. Works with many other organizations (e.g., major stock exchanges). Enforcement by SEC: Letter of deficiency used if there are questions, irregularities that arise in the financial statements, reports. If the problems persist, a “stop order” will be issued. Criminal charges are possible. 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 27 26 Other Important Rulemaking Bodies GASB GASB--Governmental Accounting Standards Board -1984 Under the auspices of the FAF. Operational Deals with state and local governmental issues. Unclear 12/16/2010 structure similar to the FASB. its relationship to FASBFASB-do we need two? Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 28 27 Issues in Financial Reporting Primary Purpose of Financial Accounting: Financial statements that shall not mislead the reader. GAAP-Rule 203GAAP203-Code of Professional Conduct-Conduct--Lends Lends enforceability to GAAP. “Expectations Gap” This is the difference between what the public expects accountants will be able to do and be responsible for and what the accounting profession is willing and able to assume responsibility for. 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 28 Issues in Financial Reporting International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) Formed in 1973 to improve standards (as much as possible) in the preparation of the financial statements. SEC has indicated international companies may use IASC standards in the US if the IASC meets 3 conditions. The standards constitute a comprehensive, generally accepted basis of accounting The standards are of high quality and They be rigorously interpreted and applied. We will be considering several ethical issues or cases during the course of the semester. Along with other references, please see pages 19 & 20 of your text for the basic steps in the process of enhancing ethical awareness. 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 30 29 ABRIVIATION AICPA= American Institute of Certified Public Accountants CAP = Committee on Accounting Procedure 19391939-1959 APB = Accounting Principles Board 19591959-1973 (Senior Committee of the AICPA). FASB=Financial Accounting Standards Board (1973(1973-present), has broader representation than CAP or APB,Member need not be a CPA. SEC =Securities and Exchange Commission, First group to draw up professional standards,1933 Act-Act--Set Set up commission and governed initial issuance of shares,1934 Act-Act--Governed Governed subsequent trading in shares,Statutory power to govern professionprofession-uses “veto power”. 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 30 Organisasi Badan Akuntansi Profesional-Indonesia Standar Akuntansi Pelaporan Keuangan Th 1973: PAI (Prinsip Akuntansi Indonesia) Th 1984: PAI Th 1994: PSAK (Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan) Standar Pengauditan Th 1973: Norma Pemeriksaan Akuntan Th 1994: Pernyataan Standar Akuntan Publik 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 31 Kriteria Penyusunan Standar Ada banyak faktor yg mempengaruhi penyusunan standar Kriteria penyusunan standar Standar hrs menjadi keputusan yg berguna Standar jug harus akseptabel unt konstituen yg lain, khususnya manajemen manajemen penyusun standar berada pd situasi konflik & sulit memprediksi apa resolusi yg akseptabel dari konflik ini Kebermanfaatan keputusan Penurunan asimetri informasi Konsekuensi standar baru Aspek politis penyusunan standar Proses aktual penyusunan standar lbh baik digambarkan dg IGT tentang regulasi dp PIT 12/16/2010 Magsi UNS Bandi, 2007 32