1. oldal, összesen: 3 oldal International Corporate Strategies

International Corporate Strategies (Nemzetközi vállalati stratégiák) tárg... 1. oldal, összesen: 3 oldal
University of West
Faculty of Economics
Nemzetközi és Regionális Gazdaságtani Intézet
Type of the
Semester: 2014-15/2
Section/specialization: (BA N) Nemzetközi gazdálkodási
Course Data
Name of the subject: International Corporate Strategies (Nemzetközi vállalati stratégiák)
Language of the subject: English Study Location: Sopron
Course director: Dr. Egyed Teacher(s): Dr. Egyed Krisztián [U96ZPU]
Krisztián [U96ZPU]
Dr. Bakacsi Gyula [SOXACJ]
Receive time for students:
9:00-9:45 (before class)
Number of
lessons: 30
Form of controlling: Midsemester mark
Course type:
Credit value: 4
Terms of preliminary
The aim of the subject:
- Identify the relative efficiencies of firms and markets in organizing economic activity and apply
the principles of transaction cost economics to explain why boundaries between firms and markets
shift over time;
- Assess the relative advantages of vertical integration and outsourcing in organizing vertically
related activities, understand the circumstances that influence these relative advantages, and advise
a firm whether a particular activity should be undertaken internally or outsourced;
- Identify alternative ways of organizing vertical transactions – including spot market transactions,
long-term contracts, franchise agreements, and alliances – and advise a firm the most advantageous
transaction mode given the characteristics and circumstances of the transaction;
- Use the tools of industry analysis to examine the impact of internationalization on industry
structure and competition;
- Analyze the implications of a firm’s national environment for its competitive advantage;
- Formulate international strategies that achieve an optimal balance between global integration and
national differentiation;
- Appreciate the factors that have influenced diversification in the past and the recent trend toward
- Indentify the conditions under which diversification creates value for shareholders and, in
particular, to evaluate the potential for sharing and transferring resources and capabilities within the
diversified firms;
- Determine the relative merits of diversification and strategic alliances in exploiting the linkage
between different businesses;
- Recognize the principal organizational features of the multi-business corporation;
- Apply the portfolio analysis to corporate strategy decisions;
- Understand how corporate headquarters manages its individual businesses through strategic
planning and financial control and by managing linkages across businesses;
- Analyze the fit between a firm’s corporate strategy, organization structure, management systems,
and leadership style.
- the relative efficiencies of firms and markets;
- the relative advantages of vertical integration and outsourcing in organizing vertically related
Acquired knowledge, skills activities;
and competences:
- alternative ways of organizing vertical transactions – including spot market transactions, longterm contracts, franchise agreements, and alliances;
- the tools of industry analysis.
Mid-term requirements
Terms of the subject acceptance
The grade will be based on performances in three channels, as follows:
CHANNEL 1: Grading on activity through the daily session. Since the case method builds on the active contributions of the
participants, classroom activity will be evaluated by the instructor. Beside the activity level of the individuals the quality of the
contributions will be integral part of evaluation as well. For a good class contribution and case analysis students should mobilize
not only the respective text-book chapter, but knowledge originated from other sources (e.g., prior chapters of Grant’s book,
supplementary readings) or other subjects (earlier or parallel management, finance, accounting, marketing, etc. studies), practical
experiences and the common sense. Students are encouraged to take the lead in personal inquiry of additional literature during
their preparation to classes and/or asking further supplementary reading from the instructor. The grade in this channel will clearly
be given based on the individual class activity and performance. This channel will be evaluated by the forced-curve method: class
by class the top performing three classroom contributor students will be given grade 5, the lowest ranked three classroom
contributor students will be given grade 3, and the rest middle-performing students will get grade 4 on that day. However,
inadequate preparation or lack of meaningful contribution may result in lower grade. Grades of the class will be announced
within two days from the class, latest. The final grade of this channel is the grand-mean of the four class grades.
CHANNEL 2: Another grade on 1 to 5 scale will be earned by the team assignments (starting from week No.4). Those
assignments will be related to the topics (Chapter) of the respective week, linking together the case and the focus topic of the
International Corporate Strategies (Nemzetközi vállalati stratégiák) tárg... 2. oldal, összesen: 3 oldal
respective day, and basic strategic tools. These assignments, anyway, will not be simple encyclopedic questions or repetitive
reflection of those written in the text-book, but include case related problems requiring analysis and creative thinking beside
applying knowledge gained from the text-book. Assignments will be allotted in the class prior to due class (that is: at least two
weeks ahead). Students are supposed to present their assignments in the class in a maximum 5 minutes presentation. Presentation
(in ppt format) should be sent to the instructor by 12 AM on Monday, before the class. Presentations will be evaluated week by
week on a 1 to 5 grading scale (grades will be announced within three days after the class), and the final grade in this channel is
the grand mean of the weekly grades.
CHANNEL 3: The last grade is to be given by an exam case analysis. This is an open/book exam, any books, printed, and handwritten notes can be used. However, no electronic sources are allowed to be used during the case analysis.
Terms of the mark acceptance
The overall final grade is an average of the grades earned in all the three channels (rounded to the closest whole number.
Grant, Robert M.: Contemporary Strategy Analysis. 6th Edition. Blackwell, 2008.
Cases (hand-outs)
Recommended readings
The rest of the chapters from the text-book, but those listed as obligatory.
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International Corporate Strategies (Nemzetközi vállalati stratégiák) tárg... 3. oldal, összesen: 3 oldal
Curriculum schedule
Vertical Integration and the Scope of the Firm (Text-book: Chapter 13)
Case: Technotronics (Harvard)
Vertical Integration and the Scope of the Firm (Text-book: Chapter 13)
Case: Technotronics (Harvard)
Vertical Integration and the Scope of the Firm (Text-book: Chapter 13)
Case: Technotronics (Harvard)
Global Strategies and the Multinational Corporation (Text-book: Chapter 14)
Case: RENAULT and NISSAN. A Marriage of Reason (INSEAD)
Global Strategies and the Multinational Corporation (Text-book: Chapter 14)
Case: RENAULT and NISSAN. A Marriage of Reason (INSEAD)
Global Strategies and the Multinational Corporation (Text-book: Chapter 14)
Case: RENAULT and NISSAN. A Marriage of Reason (INSEAD)
Diversification Strategy (Text-book: Chapter 15)
Case: Shimano and the High-End Road Bike Industry (Stanford)
Diversification Strategy (Text-book: Chapter 15)
Case: Shimano and the High-End Road Bike Industry (Stanford)
Diversification Strategy (Text-book: Chapter 15)
Case: Shimano and the High-End Road Bike Industry (Stanford)
Implementing Corporate Strategy: Managing the Multibusiness Firm (Text-book: Chapter 16)
Case: Asea Brown Boveri (Harvard)
Technotronics (Harvard) - reloaded
Implementing Corporate Strategy: Managing the Multibusiness Firm (Text-book: Chapter 16)
Case: Asea Brown Boveri (Harvard)
Technotronics (Harvard) - reloaded
Implementing Corporate Strategy: Managing the Multibusiness Firm (Text-book: Chapter 16)
Case: Asea Brown Boveri (Harvard)
Technotronics (Harvard) - reloaded
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