Structural Engineered Wood Products in the Pacific Rim and Europe: 2014 – 2018 Market opportunities, strategies and prospects for trade and investment The next five years will present opportunities for a resurgence of investment, production, consumption, trade, prices and profitability for laminated veneer lumber (LVL), I-joists and glue laminated beams (glulam), and new engineered wood products laminated strand lumber (LSL) and cross laminated timber (CLT). • Where will the opportunities be? • What will happen to prices and costs? • What new products are on the horizon? • What are the prospects for resource supply, housing, and other end use sectors? FORESTRY Market opportunities, strategies and prospects for trade and investment Manufacturers worldwide are facing increasing pressure to provide better quality forest products at a lower cost, while declining log quality is making the production of high performance solid wood products more difficult. Non-wood substitutes are gaining prominence due to factors such as stability, uniformity and guaranteed performance. Wood product manufacturers have responded by using lamination of veneers, wood fibre strands or solid wood, to engineer high performance products. The result has been the rapidly expanding production and consumption of laminated veneer lumber (LVL), laminated strand lumber (LSL), glue laminated beams (glulam), cross laminated timber (CLT) and I-beams in Europe, North America, North and Southeast Asia, and Australasia. The applications where laminated products are used vary considerably from one market to another. Large dimension solid lumber, which has traditionally been used for heavy structural applications, is increasingly being replaced by laminated products, which are recognised as having superior performance. Where defect free wood is required, lamination can often provide a solution. Qualities such as strength and stability are inherent advantages of laminated products. Technological advances are providing opportunities to upgrade low value raw material, creating cost effective solutions in an ever-increasing range of end uses. It has become possible for wood product manufacturers to produce high quality products that can stave off the threat from alternative materials, such as plastics, steel and aluminium, and win back market share. Opportunities for Structural Engineered Wood Products In a very short time laminated veneer lumber (LVL), strand lumber (LSL), and I-beams, have developed a strong presence in the United States, where LVL, LSL and I-beams represent 35% of the material used for floor bearers and joists. Similarly, glue laminated beams (glulam) has developed a strong presence in Japan, where it represents over 60% of the materials used in posts and beams of traditional Japanese housing. Glulam is also used extensity in Europe and more recently LVL, I joists and CLT have penetrated the market. These levels of market penetration in the United States, Europe and Japan have not yet been matched in any other country, which suggests that there is considerable scope for market expansion. Cross laminated timber (CLT) is a relatively new product that has been developed in Europe, has rapidly grown to annual consumption levels of 300,000 cubic metres, and now also being produced in other regions for use in residential and non-residential construction, including multi-story buildings. The increasing acceptance of structural engineered wood products for use in heavy structural building applications such as floor bearers, floor joists, headers and beams, is driving demand and leading to an expansion of investment and trade in these products in the United States, Europe, Japan and recently in other regions. The rapid growth in consumption is also driving new product development. Building systems using these products have the potential to revolutionize the building industry, with wood based products replacing, or used in conjunction with other materials such as steel, brick and concrete in residential and non-residential construction. In this environment it is important that producers, potential investors, users and distributors are aware of changing market conditions, cost structures and competitor activity. Report Objectives This study aims to determine current and future trends in consumption, production, trade and prices of LVL, LSL, CLT glulam and I-beams in each of the main producing and consuming countries. The report will: forecast demand and supply, taking into account the expanding market share of LVL, LSL, CLT glulam and I-beams in key end use applications. focus on key end use applications within each of the main consuming countries and the potential to increase consumption within these applications by substitution for other materials. identify potential new applications for LVL, LSL, CLT glulam and I-beams within each of the key consuming regions. identify opportunities for new investment in LVL, LSL, CLT glulam and I-beams and the timing of investments to take advantage of capacity utilisation requirements. –Market conditions and five year forecasts for each country, for building con- struction, the main end use sector for structural engineered wood products. –Identification of current uses and potential new applications for LVL, LSL, CLT glulam and I-beams. –Quality assessment of products by region. –Distribution channels. –Method of product promotion. REGIONAL FOCUS The focus of the report will be on the major producing and consuming countries in each of the key regions: Contents of the Report n North America An Executive Summary highlighting the main conclusions and presenting a global overview. – United States – Canada n Europe An Introduction explaining the method and approach. Separate chapters providing a detailed profile and forecasts for key countries in the major producing and consuming regions. Each chapter will include: – other – An economic overview. – An overview of the forest industry and resource base. – Details of production facilities, capacities, location, of LVL, LSL, CLT glulam and I-beam producers. –Five year histories and five year forecasts of production, consumption, imports and exports. –Price forecasts for 5 years where available –Details of variable production costs. – Western Europe – Russia n North Asia – Japan – China n South Asia – Indonesia – Malaysia – India n Australasia – Australia – New Zealand n South America – Brazil – Chile Methodolgy The general methodology used is the product of more than 40 years of methods research and development by BIS Shrapnel. The report will utilize three basic sources of information: • Field research based on interviews and strategic discussions in key producing and consuming regions with producers, end-users, equipment suppliers, distributors, industry associations and BIS Forestry associate companies. • Internationally published data on engineered wood products, and the economies and markets of the key regions, as well as information from government and industry statistics organisations. • BIS Shrapnel’s own studies will be used as references. Among the most relevant are: – Plywood and Oriented strand board in the Pacific Rim and Europe – Structural engineered wood products in the Pacific Rim and Europe (earlier editions) BIS Shrapnel – The global market for tropical hardwood plywood BIS Shrapnel offers an unmatched combination of strengths: economic analysis and forecasting, coupled with market intelligence gathering and analysis. No other research firm in Australia enjoys our pre-eminent reputation in forecasting. – Medium density fibreboard in the Pacific Rim and Europe – Particleboard in the Pacific Rim and Europe – Wood based forest products in China Formed in 1964, BIS Shrapnel has built expertise across a broad spectrum of industry sectors and geographic regions, and has developed a portfolio of research methodologies. – Sawn timber in Australia BIS Shrapnel is a professional business research and forecasting company with specialist knowledge in the following areas: Cost and timing n building forecasting BIS Shrapnel Forestry plans to commence the study in January 2014, with the final report to be delivered in May 2014. n commercial property Cost of subscription: n foodservice Early Bird Price (before November 30th, 2013) A$18,700 Regular List Price (after November 30th, 2013) A$22,000 Subscription includes two printed and bound copies of each report. A$ = Australian dollars; GST included if purchased in Australia; PDF versions are available at an additional cost of A$1,100, and extra printed and bound copies are available at an additional cost of A$440. n economics n forestry n household appliances and power tools n infrastructure and mining n paper and packaging n residential property n transport NEW SOUTH WALES Level 8, 99 Walker Street North Sydney NSW 2060 T: +61 2 8458 4200 F: +61 2 9959 5795 VICTORIA Level 1, Rialto North Tower 525 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 T: +61 3 8679 7300 F: +61 3 9614 0033 ENQUIRIES TO SYDNEY OFFICE: Bernard Neufeld E: T: + 61 2 8458 4209 (Direct) Structural Engineered Wood Products in the Pacific Rim and Europe: 2014 – 2018 Subscription Form 2014 FORESTRY Please register my company to the 2014 – 2018 edition: Early Bird Subscription (before November 30th, 2013) ❒ A$18,700 Basic Subscription (after November 30th, 2013) ❒ A$22,000 Additional electronic version of the report ❒ A$1,100 ______ extra hard copies ❒ @A$440 each Total: ________________ Note: One subscription includes two hard copies of the report. 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