Annex A: Science and Innovation Audits - Expressions of Interest form Applicants should refer to the call for Expressions of Interest document before completing this form. It provides details of the criteria which will be used to assess the bids. The deadline for returning completed Expressions of Interest is 29 January 2016. Please e-mail completed expressions of interest to You will receive an automatic reply to confirm receipt. Respond to the questions using the text boxes provided. Boxes can be expanded to the required length. Annexes are permitted, although they should only contain relevant additional supporting documents and any key pieces of evidence should be summarised clearly. The completed document should not exceed 10 pages in length. The document must be in Arial size 12 font. Applicant Details (to be led by a single consortium member) Name Address Lead Contact Name Direct Telephone Number Email 1. Provide a description of the consortium composition, including member organisations and roles and the geographical scope of the partnership. 2. Provide details of the proposed areas of research and technology focus for the Science and Innovation Audit. 3. Describe how the consortium plans to resource and conduct the Science & Innovation Audit within the timescales set out in the guidance. BIS/15/538 2 4. Describe how the locus of the audit fits with the relevant strategic plans and economic context, for example the LEP(s) strategic economic plan(s) and smart specialisation plans (or equivalent in the Devolved administrations), and the university/ies wider strategic plan. Version History Version Date Previous Summary of Changes version date Changes Marked Please email this application to deadline for this application to be received is 5pm on 29 January 2016. BIS/15/538 3