Aeronautical Information Services Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual Effective Date: 19 September 2013 P-IPD-101 Version 13.6 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual This document contains information proprietary to NAV CANADA. Any disclosure or use of this information or any reproduction of this document for other than the specific purpose for which it is intended is expressly prohibited except as NAV CANADA may otherwise agree in writing. Le contenu de ce document est la propriété de NAV CANADA. Toute divulgation ou usage de cette information ou toute reproduction de ce document dans un but autre que celui pour lequel ce document a été créé, est strictement défendu sans l’autorisation écrite de NAV CANADA. Version 13.6 – September 2013 2 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual Table of Contents Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Record of Amendments ................................................................................................................................ 5 1 2 General .................................................................................................................................................. 7 1.1 Purpose of this Document ............................................................................................................. 7 1.2 Regulatory Content ....................................................................................................................... 7 1.3 Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................................................ 7 1.3.1 Transport Canada ..................................................................................................................... 7 1.3.2 NAV CANADA ........................................................................................................................... 8 1.3.3 Aerodrome Operator ................................................................................................................. 8 1.3.4 Sponsor ..................................................................................................................................... 8 1.3.5 External Instrument Procedure Design Organization................................................................ 9 Instrument Procedure Design and Maintenance Process ................................................................... 11 2.1 NAV CANADA Provision of Service ............................................................................................ 11 2.2 Publication of Instrument Procedures ......................................................................................... 11 2.2.1 2.3 The Instrument Procedure Inventory....................................................................................... 11 Aeronautical Data ........................................................................................................................ 12 2.3.1 Collection ................................................................................................................................. 12 2.3.2 Submission .............................................................................................................................. 12 2.3.3 Obtaining Aeronautical Data for IP Design ............................................................................. 13 2.4 Obstacle Data.............................................................................................................................. 13 2.4.1 Existing Obstacles ................................................................................................................... 13 2.4.2 New Obstacles ........................................................................................................................ 13 2.5 RNAV (GNSS) Instrument Procedures ....................................................................................... 13 2.5.1 RNAV (GNSS) Standard Instrument Departure (SID) and Standard Arrival Route Procedures (STAR).............................................................................................................................. 13 2.5.2 RNAV (GNSS) Instrument Approach Procedures (IAPs)........................................................ 13 2.5.3 ICAO 5 Letter Name Codes (5LNC)........................................................................................ 14 2.5.4 WAAS Channel Allocation ....................................................................................................... 14 2.5.5 FAS Data Block ....................................................................................................................... 14 2.5.6 Magnetic Variation................................................................................................................... 14 2.6 Conventional Instrument Procedures .......................................................................................... 15 2.6.1 General .................................................................................................................................... 15 2.6.2 Magnetic Variation................................................................................................................... 15 3 Version 13.6 – September 2013 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual 3 4 2.7 Flight Check ................................................................................................................................ 15 2.8 Instrument Procedure Maintenance ............................................................................................ 15 2.8.1 Assessment of Proposed Obstacles ....................................................................................... 15 2.8.2 Notice of Construction of New Obstacles ............................................................................... 16 Submission Process ............................................................................................................................ 17 3.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 17 3.2 Cover Letter................................................................................................................................. 18 3.3 NAV CANADA Submission Forms .............................................................................................. 18 3.4 Sponsorship Form ....................................................................................................................... 18 3.5 CARs Part VIII Exemption Approval ........................................................................................... 18 3.6 Aerodrome Sketch Information ................................................................................................... 19 3.7 Procedure Chart .......................................................................................................................... 19 3.8 FAS Data Block ........................................................................................................................... 19 3.9 Waypoint Table ........................................................................................................................... 20 3.10 Flight Check Reports ................................................................................................................... 20 EDO Electronic File Submission Process ............................................................................................ 21 4.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 21 4.2 File Transfer Protocol (FTP)........................................................................................................ 21 4.2.1 4.3 Uploading the Files.................................................................................................................. 21 File Revisions .............................................................................................................................. 23 5 Related Documentation ....................................................................................................................... 25 6 Acronyms and Abbreviations ............................................................................................................... 27 7 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................ 29 8 Approvals ............................................................................................................................................. 33 Appendix A Cover Letter Template ............................................................................................................. 35 Appendix B FAS Data Block Information – Example .................................................................................. 37 Version 13.6 – September 2013 4 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual Record of Amendments Effective Date Version Reason for Amendment 5 April 2011 Original Original publication 20 Oct 2011 1.1 Updating information Change to Regulatory Review Date definition and Submission Process Overview (p. 25) 19 Dec 2012 1.2 Removed watermark 8 Jan 2013 1.3 Incorporate amendments made by Larry McHenry; Incorporate IPDB 12-005 19 Sept 2013 13.6 Amendments to magnetic variation source 5 Version 13.6 – September 2013 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual This page intentionally left blank Version 13.6 – September 2013 6 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual 1 General 1.1 Purpose of this Document This document provides guidance regarding interaction between NAV CANADA and External Instrument Procedure Design Organizations (EDOs) with respect to development, maintenance and submission of Instrument Procedures (IP) for publication in the Canada Air Pilot (CAP) or the Restricted Canada Air Pilot (RCAP). Business rules are also included as a direction to the EDOs regarding quality and safety monitoring, and impacts to submitted files in the event that severe and repetitive defects are encountered by AIS. This document does not apply to Instrument Procedures developed by the Department of National Defence (DND) submitted for publication in the GPH 200 series of products. 1.2 Regulatory Content There are two sections of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) Part VIII that are applicable to the development and publication of IPs: • CARs Part VIII, Subpart 3, Aeronautical Information Service (AIS), provides the definition of an Aeronautical Information Service and the regulations to be adhered to in providing that service. Within the context of this document, NAV CANADA is authorized by the state to provide the Aeronautical Information Service for Canada. • CARs Part VIII, Subpart 3, Development and Publication of Instrument Procedures, provides the regulations pertaining to development of Instrument Procedures in Canada. All instrument procedure design organizations developing Instrument Procedures for publication in Canada are subject to these regulations. 1.3 Roles and Responsibilities 1.3.1 Transport Canada Regulatory oversight of Instrument Procedure Design Organizations is exercised by Transport Canada. In this role, Transport Canada has the responsibility to ensure development of Instrument Procedures is conducted in manner that is in accordance with CARs Part VIII. Regulatory oversight of the NAV CANADA AIS is exercised by Transport Canada. In this role, Transport Canada has the responsibility to ensure that the provision of the AIS is conducted in manner that is in accordance with CARs Part VIII. Transport Canada is the authority for issuing and updating Criteria for the Development of Instrument Procedures. Exemptions or deviations to the approved instrument procedure design criteria must be obtained in writing from the appropriate Transport Canada Authority. 7 Version 13.6 – September 2013 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual 1.3.2 NAV CANADA Under the Civil Air Navigation Service Commercialization Act (CANSCA)1996, NAV CANADA is assigned responsibility for the Canadian Aeronautical Information Service. NAV CANADA exercises this responsibility through publication of the state Integrated Aeronautical Information Package. Instrument Procedures form part of the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package and are published in the CAP or RCAP. NAV CANADA has the responsibility for the state AIS as outlined in CARs Part VIII. This responsibility includes the requirement to receive and/or originate, collate or assemble, edit, format, publish/store and distribute aeronautical information/data concerning the entire territory of the State as well as areas in which the State is responsible for air traffic services outside its territory. As the provider of the Aeronautical Information Service, NAV CANADA AIS aeronautical data is considered the state source. As such, this state aeronautical data should be used as the foundation data for development of IPs. Required updates to the state aeronautical data must be provided to NAV CANADA by the accountable source for validation prior to use for other aeronautical purposes such as development of IPs. In the role of publisher of IPs in the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package, NAV CANADA must collect and verify the aeronautical data related to Instrument Procedures. Additionally, NAV CANADA must have assurance that the requirements of CARs Part VIII have been met. To meet this requirement, a quality check of IP and the associated aeronautical data is conducted according to NAV CANADA internal processes and procedures. Publication of an IP is dependent on meeting the aeronautical data and IP design requirements of CARs Part VIII. AIS NAV CANADA shall report systemic, repetitive and severe EDO design flaws and error trending to the EDOs, and may pass the information to Transport Canada. 1.3.3 Aerodrome Operator The aerodrome operator is the accountable source for aeronautical and obstacle data related to an aerodrome. The aerodrome operator is responsible to ensure the aeronautical data related to the aerodrome is complete and current. 1.3.4 Sponsor There may be locations where development of an IP is desirable for a specific commercial purpose that does not meet the NAV CANADA Level of Service Policy. In these cases, a Sponsor determines that the requirement for development and publication of an Instrument Procedure is justified. The Sponsor engages the services of NAV CANADA or an External Instrument Procedure Design Organization to develop and maintain the IP on their behalf. The Sponsor is responsible to: • Ensure the IP is developed according to CARs Part VIII; • Ensure the IP has been designed in accordance with any policies concerning wildlife, environmental, noise or any other applicable criteria; • Have a maintenance plan in place for the published IP (this includes an obstacle evaluation plan in place to assess the impact of proposed or newly constructed obstacles on the published IPs); • Develop a NOTAM plan indicating the Flight Information Centre (FIC) contact information required to produce a NOTAM for the procedure; • Advise NAV CANADA when the maintenance contract is no longer in place or when the IP is no longer sponsored; and • Apply NAV CANADA’s level of service policy. Version 13.6 – September 2013 8 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual 1.3.5 External Instrument Procedure Design Organization External Instrument Procedure Design Organizations develop IPs on behalf of a Sponsor. External Instrument Procedure Design Organizations are responsible to: • Advise NAV CANADA of the number of IP planned to be developed and maintained on an annual basis. This information will be used by NAV CANADA to determine the level of effort required to process the submitted IP on an annual basis. • Coordinate with NAV CANADA ANS Planning on potential sites for IP development to determine the NAV CANADA service level. • Coordinate with the applicable Air Traffic Services organization prior to commencing the design to ensure compatibility with the existing ANS structure. • Ensure the aerodrome operator submits any new or revised aeronautical data resulting from development of the IP to NAV CANADA AIS Data Collection. • Coordinate with Transport Canada for any required exemptions or deviations to the standards of CARs Part VIII. • Submit newly developed or revised IP for publication in accordance with the instructions contained in this document. • Retain original IP design documentation of sufficient detail and traceability to satisfy regulatory audit requirements. • Review, revise and maintain published IP according to regulatory requirements and sponsorship agreements. • Be fully responsible for the quality of the design and flight inspections performed under CARs Part VIII. It is the expectation of NAV CANADA AIS that Quality Assurance performed on an EDO design will be complete and error free when delivered. Design and documentation errors of a significant, repetitive and safety related nature will be reported regularly to the EDO for improvement. AIS shall reject a procedure if significant, repetitive and/or numerous failures are seen. The QA process shall be halted, the design submission shall be placed lower on the queue, and the EDO will be advised to re-verify the entire procedure and resubmit it as a new submission with a new date. 9 Version 13.6 – September 2013 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual This page intentionally left blank Version 13.6 – September 2013 10 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual 2 Instrument Procedure Design and Maintenance Process 2.1 NAV CANADA Provision of Service Provision of service by NAV CANADA is determined on a case-by-case basis through application of the NAV CANADA level of service policy. The contact address for NAV CANADA Programs Coordination is 2.2 Publication of Instrument Procedures 2.2.1 The Instrument Procedure Inventory The Instrument Procedure Inventory contains two types of Instrument Procedures: Public Instrument Procedures and Restricted Instrument Procedures. External Instrument Procedure Design Organizations developing or revising Instrument Procedures to be published in the inventory must clearly identify on the Instrument Procedure Submission Form which category of Instrument Procedure has been developed. Prior to publication in the instrument procedure inventory, each submitted Instrument Procedure will be reviewed in accordance with NAV CANADA AIS Policy and Procedures. Public Instrument Procedure Criteria-compliant Instrument Procedures at certified aerodromes or registered aerodromes for which an Aerodrome Operator Attestation has been received shall be published in the Canada Air Pilot. Guidance on the requirements for the Aerodrome Operator Attestation may be found at the following hyperlink: An Aerodrome Operator Attestation is required for every registered aerodrome runway end to which a public Instrument Procedure is developed and must be included with the instrument procedure submission package. Instrument Procedures to runways at registered aerodromes that do not have a corresponding Aerodrome Operator Attestation will be published as a Restricted Instrument Procedure in the RCAP Minima for these Instrument Procedures will be set as per TP 308 Table 1-1. Restricted Instrument Procedures There are a number of factors used to determine that an Instrument Procedure is restricted and must be published in the Restricted Canada Air Pilot: • Exemption or Deviation: Instrument Procedures that require an exemption from CARs Part VIII to deviate from the criteria specified in TP 308 shall be published in the RCAP: • Each Instrument Procedure that requires an exemption from CARs Part VIII to deviate from the criteria specified in TP 308 shall be submitted to Transport Canada for approval. The requirements for submission to Transport Canada are outlined in Transport Canada document Civil Aviation Directive (CAD) No. REG-003 available at the following hyperlink: 11 Version 13.6 – September 2013 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual • • Transport Canada will formally respond to requests for exemption from CARs Part VIII to deviate from the criteria specified in TP 308 by letter. If approved, the letter shall become part of the design file and a copy shall be included with the IP design submission package forwarded to NAV CANADA. • Each approved exemption from CARS Part VIII to deviate from the criteria specified in TP 308 will be subject to an Operations Specification (Ops Spec). The text of the Ops Spec will be provided by Transport Canada and shall be included in the IP design submission package forwarded to NAV CANADA. Registered Aerodrome without Attestation: A criteria compliant IP to a registered aerodrome for which an Aerodrome Operator Attestation has not been received shall be published in the RCAP. • • Each IP developed for a registered aerodrome that does not have an Aerodrome Operator Attestation will be subject to an Operators Specification (Ops Spec) 099 or 410. The text of the Ops Spec will indicate that the aerodrome visual surfaces have not been assessed. Airborne Radar Approach (ARA) Procedures: These IPs are specific to Rotary Wing Aircraft servicing offshore oil platforms. ARA IPs are submitted for inclusion in the RCAP by Transport Canada and are published without review by NAV CANADA. Transport Canada determines the Ops Spec requirements for ARA IP and provides the text with the submission. 2.3 Aeronautical Data 2.3.1 Collection NAV CANADA AIS Data Collection is responsible to coordinate with accountable sources for the collection of aeronautical data. This data is validated, stored and then used to create aeronautical products for use by the aviation community. There are instances where External Instrument Procedure Design Organizations act on behalf of an aerodrome operator as the accountable source for aerodrome data. A letter from the aerodrome operator authorizing the EDO to act on his/her behalf must be provided. Aeronautical data collected and submitted in this regard must be validated by NAV CANADA AIS Data Collection Specialists. External Instrument Procedure Design Organizations who are acting as the accountable source for aeronautical data on behalf of an aerodrome operator should refer to the ICAO Chicago Convention Annex 14 for the accuracy and resolution required for aerodrome data. This is particularly true for aeronautical data related to precision and non-precision runways that will be used in the Instrument Procedure design process. When providing aeronautical data, submitters should be prepared to submit the associated metadata. For example: An accountable source that submits revised runway threshold coordinates will be required to provide information about how and when the data was collected. 2.3.2 Submission New or revised aeronautical data must be submitted to NAV CANADA AIS Data Collection for validation prior to being used in the Instrument Procedure design process. To ensure the data is fully processed by AIS Data Collection, new or revised aeronautical data must be received 90 days prior to submission of the completed IP design. For further information on the aeronautical data submission process, contact AIS Data Collection by phone at 1-866-577-0247 or by email at Version 13.6 – September 2013 12 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual 2.3.3 Obtaining Aeronautical Data for IP Design Validated aeronautical data related to all aerodromes in Canada are available for use by External Instrument Procedure Design Organizations. A licence agreement between the External Instrument Procedure Design Organization and NAV CANADA may be required. For further information, contact NAV CANADA Customer and Commercial services by Phone (613) 563-5996 or email IPs submitted for review and publication that contain aeronautical data that differ from the state source at NAV CANADA AIS will not be processed until the data discrepancies are resolved. This will result in delayed processing of the submitted IP for publication. 2.4 Obstacle Data 2.4.1 Existing Obstacles Validated obstacle data for all areas of Canada are available for use by External Instrument Procedure Design Organizations. A licence agreement between the External Instrument Procedure Design Organization and NAV CANADA may be required. For further information, contact NAV CANADA Customer and Commercial services by Phone (613) 563-5996 or email 2.4.2 New Obstacles During the course of collecting aeronautical data, completing the IP design process and the necessary flight check, External Instrument Procedure Design Organizations occasionally become aware of man-made obstacles that are not in the NAV CANADA AIS obstacle database. In these cases, NAV CANADA requests that as much information about the obstacle as possible be submitted to for further investigation. 2.5 RNAV (GNSS) Instrument Procedures 2.5.1 RNAV (GNSS) Standard Instrument Departure (SID) and Standard Arrival Route Procedures (STAR) There may be occasions where a sponsor requires development of an RNAV SID or STAR to service a location where NAV CANADA would not normally develop these procedures. In these instances, it is imperative that the External Instrument Procedure Design Organization coordinate with the controlling ATS facility to ensure the proposed procedure does not conflict with the existing Air Traffic Services (ATS) structure. When an RNAV SID or STAR is developed, it shall also be submitted to the RNAV Review Committee for consultation and approval prior to submission to NAV CANADA AIS for publication. The contact address for submission to the RNAV Review Committee is 2.5.2 RNAV (GNSS) Instrument Approach Procedures (IAPs) There are three types of RNAV (GNSS) IAPs that may be developed for use in Canada. All RNAV (GNSS) Instrument Approach Procedures developed for the same runway end will normally be published on the same chart. The following general requirements must be met: • Procedure tracks must be coincidental throughout the instrument procedures • The missed approach instructions must be identical for all procedures • All waypoint locations and five letter name codes must be identical for all of the IP 13 Version 13.6 – September 2013 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual 2.5.3 ICAO 5 Letter Name Codes (5LNC) Significant points in RNAV Instrument Procedures must be identified by a name that is unique within an ICAO region. Canada is allocated to the ICAO North American, Central American and Caribbean (NACC) region. Terminal Procedures in Canada use 5 Letter Name Codes to identify waypoints. External Instrument Procedure Design Organizations are responsible to obtain 5 Letter Name Codes (5LNC) through the EUROCONTROL ICARD system. The ICARD system provides a means to obtain a unique 5LNC as well as determine if there are similar sounding 5LNC within a specified distance of the proposed location. Using the ICARD system provides the following benefits: • Assures the External Instrument Procedure Design Organization has control over obtaining 5LNC without having to coordinate with NAV CANADA • Provides a method of screening for similar sounding 5LNC • Ensures that assigned 5LNC are unique with ICAO NACC region General information about the ICARD system is available through the following hyperlink: To become an authorized user of the ICARD system, and obtain a user name and password, contact 2.5.4 WAAS Channel Allocation Each RNAV (GNSS) LPV IP requires an associated unique WAAS channel to be published on the IP chart. WAAS Channel allocation is available from 2.5.5 FAS Data Block RNAV (GNSS) LPV IPs require the Final Approach Segment (FAS) to be coded into a FAS Data Block format with an associated Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC). FAS Data Block information is required for the Flight Check of the LPV IP and shall be included with the Instrument Procedure Submission Package in an electronic format that can be copied by commonly available software and pasted into a Word document. This information will be used by NAV CANADA to publish the LPV Instrument Procedure by AIRAC. 2.5.6 Magnetic Variation To ensure a consistent magnetic variation value is used for all procedures at a site, the magnetic variation value is to be obtained from the NAV CANADA aeronautical database and will be provided by AIS Data Collection. The magnetic variation is then applied to the segment’s true track value to obtain the magnetic track. Round the resulting values to the nearest degree. Document these calculations in the design file and the applied magnetic variation value on the submission form. The resulting values will be published as the segment’s magnetic track. Version 13.6 – September 2013 14 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual 2.6 Conventional Instrument Procedures 2.6.1 General Conventional instrument procedures can generally be described as those requiring the use of a ground based NAVAID. When developing an ILS procedure, an accompanying LOC-only procedure should also be developed. All segment tracks and the Missed Approach instructions must be coincidental for both procedures. Up to three Instrument Procedures may be published on the same chart. An ILS should have an underlying LOC- only procedure but may also have a third non-precision Instrument Procedure such as an NDB on the same chart. 2.6.2 Magnetic Variation To ensure a consistent magnetic variation value is used for all procedures at a site, the magnetic variation value is to be obtained from the NAV CANADA aeronautical database and will be provided by AIS Data Collection. In the same way, effective VOR declination values will be provided by AIS Data Collection for application on VOR segments. The magnetic variation or VOR declination value is then applied to the segment’s true track value to obtain the magnetic track, bearing, course or radial. Round the resulting values to the nearest degree. Document these calculations in the design file and the applied magnetic variation and / or VOR declination values on the submission form. The resulting values will be published as the segment’s magnetic track, bearing, course or radial, as applicable. 2.7 Flight Check The requirements for Flight Check of IP are set out in TP 308 Criteria for the Development of Instrument Procedures. When a flight check is required, the External Instrument Procedure Design Organization shall ensure it is conducted satisfactorily and documented on the Instrument Procedure Submission Form prior to submitting the IP for publication. NAV CANADA may, on a fee for service basis, conduct flight checks on behalf of an External Instrument Procedure Design Organization. For further information on contracted Flight Check services, please contact NAV CANADA Customer and Commercial Services by Phone (613) 563-5996 or email 2.8 Instrument Procedure Maintenance The maintenance program for IPs must address all of the requirements of TP 308. Every IP published in the Instrument Procedure Inventory must have a regulatory compliant maintenance program in place. The maintenance program is the responsibility of the Sponsor. Documentation that a maintenance program is in place is required as a part of the Instrument Procedure Design Submission Package. 2.8.1 Assessment of Proposed Obstacles The NAV CANADA Land Use Program contributes to the integrity of the Air Navigation System (ANS) by ensuring that land use projects do not interfere with NAV CANADA services or Communication/ Navigation/ Surveillance facilities. The NAV CANADA Land Use Program was developed for potential land use applicants and development owners. Full details on the program are available on the NAV CANADA Website at the following link. %5CServices%5Cdefault.xml. 15 Version 13.6 – September 2013 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual To reduce the risk of structures being built without input from the IP maintainer, External Instrument Procedure Design Organizations should participate in the Land Use Assessment (LUA) process and obtain information on proposed obstacles from 2.8.2 Notice of Construction of New Obstacles External Instrument Procedure Design Organizations participating in the NAV CANADA LUA process will have access to information related to construction of new obstacles. This information is to be used for maintenance of existing instrument procedures as required by TP 308. Contact NAV CANADA at for information on the process to obtain Notice of Construction information. Version 13.6 – September 2013 16 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual 3 Submission Process 3.1 Overview The External Instrument Procedure Design Organization submission process describes the information required and the format in which to submit IPs for publication in the CAP or RCAP. This submission process does not relieve or exempt the External Instrument Procedure Design Organization from any of its regulatory responsibilities under CARs Part VIII. NAV CANADA will make every attempt to review submissions related to existing IP prior to their expiry. New IPs are reviewed on a first in, first out policy. If discrepancies are noted within the submission, it will be set aside while coordination with the submitter occurs. In these instances, publication of the procedure in question shall be delayed. Original IP design material shall be retained by the External Instrument Procedure Design Organization. This original design material should be used in the maintenance program, regulatory audit and any other purpose as determined by the original designer. To complete internal review of the procedure development and to record all aeronautical information used in the design, NAV CANADA requires copies of certain sections of the IP design file. The IP will be assessed based on the submitted information. If data discrepancies are observed during the NAV CANADA review, consultation with the External Instrument Procedure Design Organization will be required. Significant and/or repetitive quality, data or omission errors, or criteria compliance flaws will result in the EDO being informed in writing by NAV CANADA Planning personnel that a queue penalty shall be applied. The penalty will be applied at the discretion of the Manager IPDU. To reduce the opportunity for delays in publishing new or revised instrument procedures, it is very important that the instrument procedure design submission be complete and not contain discrepancies. Recent trending observed by NAV CANADA design Quality Assurance has shown some EDOs are using AIS as a filter for their quality mandate. It is the intention of NAV CANADA to communicate repetitive quality and other serious procedure errors to the EDO for correction and Transport Canada as the regulator, and apply penalties to the processing queue. Submitted IPs will be reviewed according to NAV CANADA policies and procedures. The review process shall be stopped and communication with the External Instrument Procedure Design Organization initiated if any of the following conditions exist: • The submission package is not complete • Data discrepancies are noted • It appears that the instrument procedure does not meet the requirements of CARs Part VIII The procedure may be returned in whole to the EDO as a full reject and will be moved down the queue as a penalty. If significant delays in response are found and or repetitive errors in documentation and procedure are encountered, a complete rejection will take place resulting in a loss of submission date Each IP submitted by an External Instrument Procedure Design Organization shall have a regulatory review date assigned. Each Instrument Procedure developed by an External Instrument Procedure Design Organization and published in the Canada Air Pilot or the Restricted Canada Air Pilot is valid until the regulatory review date. This date is determined by NAV CANADA from the information provided on the Submission Form in accordance with the direction provided in Transport Canada's Advisory Circular (AC) No. 803-004. 17 Version 13.6 – September 2013 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual 3.2 Cover Letter Each IP submitted to NAV CANADA must have a cover letter detailing any points of note within the IP submission package. An example of a cover letter is provided in Appendix A. 3.3 NAV CANADA Submission Forms For the purpose of this section, there are three submission forms to be considered: Instrument Approach Procedures, Standard Arrival Routes (STARs) and Standard Instrument Departure (SID) / Departure Procedures. All IPs must be supported with the appropriate Submission Form. The data contained in the submission form will be used in the NAV CANADA internal process to evaluate each IP segment of the submission. The submission form provides: • All of the aeronautical data used to develop the IP. This data will be compared with the data in the NAV CANADA AIS Data Management System and will be used in the NAV CANADA review of the submitted procedure. • Context to the sketch of the IP provided in the submission package. A Submission Form must be completed for all new instrument procedures and any revision to an existing IP. For each new or revised IP, all fields of the submission form shall be completed. Only NAV CANADA forms are to be used and cannot be altered in any manner. 3.4 Sponsorship Form The Sponsor’s Responsibility Form is used to identify the stakeholders in an IP that is developed by an External Instrument Procedure Design Organization. A properly completed form is required for each IP submitted for publication in the CAP or RCAP. The form confirms that the stakeholder is aware of whom the maintainer is and that a contract is in place for the maintenance of the procedure(s). Any change of stakeholder requires that a new Sponsor Responsibility Form be submitted. The Aerodrome Operator Attestation form is directly linked to Transport Canada Advisory Circular (AC) No. 301-001: This form is required for IP at Registered Aerodromes that are to be published in the CAP and RCAP with minima below 500’ (see TP 308, Table 1-1). The data on a properly completed Aerodrome Operator Attestation form shall be consistent with any other validated aeronautical data. The Aerodrome Operator Attestation is required for each runway end at the aerodrome for which an IP is being developed including runway ends for which circling minima is authorized. Any change of stakeholder requires that a new Aerodrome Operator Attestation form be submitted. 3.5 CARs Part VIII Exemption Approval Non-standard IPs that require an exemption from CARs Part VIII to deviate from approved criteria will only be published in the RCAP. An approval letter for each exemption or deviation must be provided with the submission package and must be reissued at each regulatory review. In each approval letter, Transport Canada will provide the text for an Ops Spec page to be associated with the IP. NAV CANADA will publish the text verbatim as provided in the Transport Canada letter. For information on how to apply for an exemption or deviation to the CARs, please visit the Transport Canada Website at the following link: Version 13.6 – September 2013 18 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual 3.6 Aerodrome Sketch Information As a minimum, NAV CANADA must be provided with the following information to enable the design of an Aerodrome Chart when such a chart is not available for the site to be serviced by the procedure: • Runway/ pad information (for example, bearing, length, width, dimensions, declared distances, lighting system, etc.). For COPTER procedures to helipads, the latitude/longitude of all corners of the pad is mandatory; otherwise, at least two reference points are required to allow for proper scaling. • All runway thresholds (including displace thresholds) coordinates and elevations. • Environmental information (for example, buildings, aprons, lights, wind sock, etc.). • Aerial photo of the aerodrome and surrounding area, Airport plan, survey, or equivalent data set. 3.7 Procedure Chart NAV CANADA is responsible to develop a publication ready depiction of all submitted IP. NAV CANADA will create the chart according to internal procedures that meet ICAO Annex 4 requirements. The publication depiction will be based on the information contained in the Submission Form and the draft sketch provided by the External Instrument Procedure Design organization. Any discrepancy noted between information contained in the Submission Form and the draft sketch must be resolved prior to publication. An instrument procedure sketch is required for every new or revised IP submitted. As a minimum, the sketch shall contain: • All procedure segments in plan view • Profile view • Aeronautical data related to headings, bearings, distances and altitudes • 5 Letter Name Codes for significant points • Missed Approach instructions • Procedure turn instructions • MSA • Safe Altitude 100 NM • Circling Restrictions • Minima Information such as operational notes or obstacles required by TP 308, Communication Frequencies, remote altimeter setting, and magnetic variation need not be depicted on the sketch. Whether included on the sketch or not, all such information shall be reflected on the Instrument Procedure Submission Form. 3.8 FAS Data Block FAS Data Block information is only required for an RNAV instrument procedure with LPV minima. All LPV procedures should be Flight Checked prior to submission to NAV CANADA AIS for publication. To facilitate third party coding of LPV IPs for use in aircraft navigation systems, a textual copy (and a copy in an electronic format that can be copied by commonly available software and pasted into a Word document) of the FAS Data Block is to be provided with the submission. This FAS Data Block information will be published by AIRAC with the instrument procedure design data. An example of FAS Data Block information is provided in Appendix B. 19 Version 13.6 – September 2013 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual 3.9 Waypoint Table All coordinates used in the procedure design must be available in a table provided in Excel format for transposition into the AIRAC. 3.10 Flight Check Reports The requirements for Flight Check of IPs are set out in TP 308 Criteria for the Development of Instrument Procedures. When a flight check is required, the External Instrument Procedure Design Organization shall ensure it is conducted satisfactorily and documented on the Instrument Procedure Submission Form prior to submitting the IP for publication. All files will be submitted with completed flight check reports, signed and dated by the pilot conducting the flight check. Version 13.6 – September 2013 20 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual 4 EDO Electronic File Submission Process 4.1 Introduction To expedite the review of 3rd party design files, NAV CANADA has developed an electronic file submission process to be used by all EDOs. The process is described in this chapter. 4.2 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) EDOs upload design files to the NAV CANADA FTP site. Each designer has their own unique userid and password. Each EDO’s folder is access protected and only visible to the assigned organization. Upon uploading files, the EDO notifies AIS Planning via email of the site name, province, ICAO identification, and the procedure(s) that have been uploaded. 4.2.1 Uploading the Files To expedite the processing and data validation, a standard format for file uploads is used. Files are broken into specific sections that are uploaded into a standard group of subfolders for each specific site. Upon logging into the FTP site, each design organization is directed to their own folder. In each organizational folder, the designer creates a folder for the specific site into which the file is to be uploaded. Figure 1: Folder Creation Figure 2: Procedure Identification Folder 21 Version 13.6 – September 2013 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual Nine subfolders exist within the procedure identification folder. Figure 3: Procedure Identification Subfolders The content of each folder should be limited to the relevant files for the tasks associated with the folder name: Superseded All superseded files/folders that have been replaced by updated files/folders shall be placed in this folder. Only the latest copies of the procedure design files shall remain in the procedure design folders. When files/folders are being added to the _Superseded folder, a subfolder shall be created based on the date on which the files are being superseded; for example, _Superseded – MAR 10 2012. This is not applicable to all EDOs. ADC The ADC document shall be stored here. There may be multiple active ADC documents within this folder. This is not applicable to all EDOs. ASSESSMENT This folder shall contain all the text assessment files created during the design process; for example, Obstacle file, Natural Resource files, Surveys, Declination, Elevation data, etc. Cover Letter This folder is where the cover letter resides. The cover letter outlines any specific notes, instructions, Transport Canada requests, and actions related to the procedure design. Flight Check All files pertinent to the flight check shall be placed in this folder. Other files that should be retained within this folder include the FAS data block. IP CHART The draft copy of each chart in PDF shall be placed in this folder. If any modifications to the draft chart are necessary, changes shall be made to the draft and placed in this folder. Older versions shall be moved to the _Superseded folder. NAV CANADA Verification The file Verification Checklist shall reside within this folder. This is not applicable to all EDOs. Version 13.6 – September 2013 22 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual Submission Form The current and official Submission Form with signatures shall reside within this folder. All previous versions of the Submission Form shall be moved to the _Superseded folder. Also, a copy of the waypoint table in Excel format shall reside within this folder. Support Information This folder is for any other relevant documents or emails pertaining to the procedure. The Sponsor Responsibility Form, Deviation Requests, exemptions, extensions, authorizations or any other pertinent documents will also reside within this folder. 4.3 File Revisions Any file revisions shall be uploaded to the FTP site, placed within the appropriate folder, and dated to identify the revision. EDOs notify AIS Planning via email. Figure 4: Revised File Location and Identification 23 Version 13.6 – September 2013 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual This page intentionally left blank Version 13.6 – September 2013 24 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual 5 Related Documentation The following documents are used in conjunction with this manual to fulfill requirements: • Canada Air Pilot (CAP) • Restricted Canada Air Pilot (RCAP) • Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) • Civil Air Navigation Service Commercialization Act (CANSCA) • TP 308 Criteria for the Development of Instrument Procedures • Operations Specification 099 or 410 • ICAO Annexes 4, 14, 15 • Transport Canada Advisory Circular (AC) No. 301-001 and 803-004 • Transport Canada Civil Aviation Directive (CAD) No. REG-003 • Approach Submission Form – April 8 2011 (F-IPD-109 Version 1.0) • Instructions for Completing Instrument Approach Submission Form (I-IPD-109 Version 1.0) Departure – SID Submission Form – March 26 2010 (F-IPD-110 Version 1.0) • Instructions for Completing Departure/SID Submission Form (I-IPD-110 Version 1.0) STAR Submission Form March 26 2010 (F-IPD-111 Version 1.0) • Instructions for Completing STAR Submission Form (I-IPD-111 Version 1.0) Sponsor’s Responsibility Form (F-IPD-123 Version 1.0) • Aerodrome Operator Attestation Form (F-IPD-124 Version 1.0) Aerodrome Operator Attestation Form FR (F-IPD-124F Version 1.0) 25 Version 13.6 – September 2013 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual This page intentionally left blank Version 13.6 – September 2013 26 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual 6 Acronyms and Abbreviations 5LNC AIRAC AIS ANS ATS ARA CANSCA CAP CARs CRC DND EDO FAS FIC FPDAM GNSS IAP ICAO ILS IP IPDU LOC LPV LUA MA MSA NACC NAVAID NDB Ops Spec RCAP RIP RNAV RRD SID STAR TP308 VHF VOR WAAS 5 Letter Name Code Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control Aeronautical Information Service Air Navigation System Air Traffic Services Airborne Radar Approach Civil Air Navigation Service Commercialization Act Canada Air Pilot Canadian Aviation Regulations Cyclic Redundancy Check Department of National Defence External Design Organization approved to perform design in Canada Final Approach Segment Flight Information Centre Design Software Global Navigation Satellite System Instrument Approach Procedure International Civil Aviation Organization Instrument Landing System Instrument Procedure Instrument Procedure Design Unit Localizer Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance Land Use Assessment Missed Approach Minimum Sector Altitude North American, Central American and Caribbean Region Navigational Aid Non Directional Beacon Operations Specification Restricted Canada Air Pilot Restricted Instrument Procedure Area Navigation Regulatory Review Date Standard Instrument Departure Standard Arrival Route Criteria for the Development of Instrument Procedures Very High Frequency VHF Omnidirectional Range Wide Area Augmentation System 27 Version 13.6 – September 2013 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual This page intentionally left blank Version 13.6 – September 2013 28 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual 7 Definitions 5 Letter Name Code (5LNC) A five letter name for a significant point that is unique by ICAO region. Accountable Source An individual or organization responsible for the origination and submission of data related to the Air Navigation System to NAV CANADA. The accountable source is the person/organization/agency responsible and accountable for the quality, accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of the identified information. Aeronautical Data A representation of aeronautical facts, concepts or instructions in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation or processing. Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) The services necessary to meet the requirements of Annexes 4 and 15 to the Convention that relate to aeronautical information. Aerodrome Operator An individual or organization responsible for the operation of an aerodrome. The aerodrome operator is considered the accountable source for aeronautical data related to the aerodrome. AIRAC An acronym (aeronautical information regulation and control) signifying a system aimed at advance notification based on common effective dates, of circumstances that necessitate significant changes in operating practices. Canada Air Pilot (CAP) A NAV CANADA Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) publication for public instrument procedures. Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) A compilation of regulatory requirements designed to enhance safety and the competitiveness of the Canadian aviation industry. They correspond to the broad areas of aviation which Transport Canada, Civil Aviation is mandated to regulate (for example, personnel licensing, airworthiness, commercial air services, etc.). Certified Aerodrome An aerodrome that has an airport certificate issued in accordance with the requirements of CARs Part III. Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) A mathematical algorithm applied to the digital expression of data that provides a level of assurance against loss or alteration of data. External Instrument Procedure Design Organization An individual or organization external to NAV CANADA who develops instrument procedures on behalf of a sponsor. 29 Version 13.6 – September 2013 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual FAS Data Block A tabulated data block following a specific format that defines the path through space of the Final Approach Segment of a LPV instrument procedure. Instrument Procedure (IP) A series of predetermined manoeuvres by reference to flight instruments with specified protection from obstacles from the initial approach fix, or where applicable, from the beginning of a defined arrival route to a point from which a landing can be completed and thereafter, if a landing is not completed, to a position at which holding or en-route obstacle clearance criteria apply. Instrument Procedure Inventory The inventory of all instrument procedures authorized for use in Canada as published in the Canada Air Pilot and the Restricted Canada Air Pilot. Metadata Data that describe and document data. Obstacle All fixed (whether temporary or permanent) and mobile objects, or parts thereof, that are located on an area intended for the surface movement of aircraft or that extend above a defined surface intended to protect aircraft in flight. Public Instrument Procedure An instrument procedure compliant with CARs Part VIII requirements and published in the Canada Air Pilot. Registered Aerodrome An aerodrome that has been registered for publication in accordance with the requirements of CARs Part III. Regulatory Review A review of an existing instrument procedure by an Instrument Procedure Design Organization to ensure it continues to meet the standards of TP 308 Criteria for the Development of Instrument Procedures. Regulatory Review Date (RRD) Each Instrument Procedure developed by an External Instrument Procedure Design organization and published in the Canada Air Pilot or the Restricted Canada Air Pilot is valid until the regulatory review date. The regulatory review date is determined in accordance with Transport Canada Advisory Circular (AC) No. 803-004. Restricted Canada Air Pilot (RCAP) A NAV CANADA Aeronautical Information Service (AIS) publication for restricted instrument procedures. Restricted Instrument Procedure (RIP) An instrument procedure that requires an exemption to CARs Part VIII requirements or an instrument procedure to an aerodrome of No Status as described in TP 308 Table 1-1. Restricted Instrument Procedures (RIP) are published in the Restricted Canada Air Pilot. Version 13.6 – September 2013 30 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual Severe and Repetitive System Defects Repetitive and systemic defects permeating some design submissions from an EDO. Examples include: • Main Defect: An inconsistency in documentation (for example, there is a discrepancy between what is on the submission form and what is on the draft depiction with regard to such elements as: hold speed limits, MA note working, MSA, IP segment altitude); incorrect data elements and/or contradictory elements; significant defect counts observed. • Secondary Defect Trend: An inconsistency with other IPs at the same site (usually, a site where NAV CANADA has IAPs and the EDO designs a new one with a different 100 NM Safe Alt or MSA). Significant Point A specified geographical location used in defining an ATS route or the flight path of an aircraft and for other navigation and ATS purposes. Sponsor An individual or organization that has agreed to assume the regulatory and fiscal responsibility for an instrument procedure at an aerodrome, heliport or operational location. This responsibility primarily involves the initial design, verification, flight check and maintenance of an instrument procedure, including regulatory review. Sponsors may be air, private or aerodrome operators, or other organizations. In cases where multiple operators have a requirement for an instrument procedure, one of these operators must agree to be the sponsor. Terrain The surface of the Earth containing naturally occurring features such as mountains, hills, ridges, valleys, bodies of water, permanent ice and snow, and excluding obstacles. Traceability Ability to trace the origin, modification and distribution of that which is under consideration. 31 Version 13.6 – September 2013 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual This page intentionally left blank Version 13.6 – September 2013 32 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual 8 Approvals This document shall be reviewed on a regular basis in accordance with the BMP – Control of Documents. NAV CANADA is the service provider for the Canadian Aeronautical Information Service (AIS). A sub set of the entire aeronautical information dataset is data related to instrument procedures. TP 308 Criteria for the Development of Instrument Procedures requires that instrument procedures be submitted for publication in the Canada Air Pilot (CAP) in accordance with the Aeronautical Information Service Procedures Manual. This document provides guidance regarding interaction between NAV CANADA and External Instrument Procedure Design Organizations (EDOs) with respect to the development, maintenance and submission of Instrument Procedures (IP) for publication in the CAP or the RCAP. Significant refinements have been added to increase the service level to the EDOs and to address perceived delays in throughput by NAV CANADA processing departments in the AIS organization. Additional requirements for continuous improvement in quality and adoption of electronic submission shall increase service levels and throughput to the EDOs. Additionally, AIS NAV CANADA states that designs provided in FPDAM 8.3.1 and/or FPDAM ten will result in an improvement in throughput of 2 to 3 weeks on average. This in no way mandates the use of FPDAM. It simply reflects a reality that AIS design platforms are FPDAM and the avoidance of a reverse engineering task to enter the design into FPDAM will accelerate the quality assurance process performed principally in FPDAM. It should be noted that, as of this release, significant penalties are added when severe repetitive defective procedures are encountered. AIS has opted to charge for the costs of inspecting IAPs submitted by EDOs as an incentive to improve quality of the records and IAPs submitted. September 2013 Date (Month/Year) Robert Nimz Manager, AIM Development September 2013 Date (Month/Year) David White Manager, Quality & Safety September 2013 Date (Month/Year) Larry McHenry Manager, AIS IPDU 33 Version 13.6 – September 2013 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual This page intentionally left blank Version 13.6 – September 2013 34 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual Appendix A Cover Letter Template The intent of the cover letter is to provide an overview of the submission and to introduce the NAV CANADA reviewer to any particular areas of note or concern. The following outline is a guide only and may be modified by the design organization to suit the individual requirements of the submission. Insert External Design Organization Address Insert Date AIS Planning 1601 Tom Roberts Ave PO Box 9824, Stn T Ottawa, ON K1G 6R2 Subject: Insert location and type of procedure General • Type of Instrument Procedure(s) being submitted • Design organization • Aerodrome Location / Operator • Sponsor Aerodrome • Certified, Registered or No status • Areas of note (numerous obstacles, runway data changing, survey info available, etc.) Criteria • Criteria used for procedure development • Compliant or deviation/exemption required /obtained • Application of TP 308 Table 1-1 for runways of no status • Areas of note (controlling obstacles outside of trapezoid, use of 7:1 rule, circling restrictions, relocation of existing waypoints, etc.) Target Publication • CAP (criteria-compliant instrument procedures will be published in the CAP; maintenance of the procedure may be performed by the designer) • RCAP (Instrument Procedures that are subject to TP 308 deviations or exemptions will be published in the RCAP; Instrument Procedures to runways of no status will be published as required by TP 308 Table 1-1) Enclosures • Submission Forms • Draft Charts • Sponsorship Forms • Attestation Forms • Transport Canada Deviation / Exemption approval • FAS Data Block (LPV only) 35 Version 13.6 – September 2013 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual This page intentionally left blank Version 13.6 – September 2013 36 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual Appendix B FAS Data Block Information – Example DATA FIELD DATA OPERATION TYPE 0 SBAS SERVICE PROVIDER IDENTIFIER 0 AIRPORT IDENTIFIER CYKF RUNWAY RW26 APPROACH PERFORMANCE DESIGNATOR ROUTE INDICATOR 0 REFERENCE PATH DATA SELECTOR 0 REFERENCE PATH IDENTIFIER W26A LTP/FTP LATITUDE 432757.7450N LTP/FTP LONGITUDE 0802156.9160W LTP/FTP ELLIPSOIDAL HEIGHT +02854 FPAP LATITUDE 432720.0835N FPAP LONGITUDE 0802347.7925W THRESHOLD CROSSING HEIGHT (TCH) 50 TCH UNITS SELECTOR F GLIDEPATH ANGLE (GPA) 3.00 COURSE WIDTH AT THRESHOLD 106.75 LENGTH OFFSET 616 HORIZONTAL ALERT LIMIT (HAL) 40.0 VERTICAL ALERT LIMIT (VAL) 50.0 CRC REMAINDER 07521F68 ADDITIONAL PATH POINT RECORD INFORMATION ICAO CODE LTP ORTHOMETRIC HEIGHT +3213dm FPAP ORTHOMETRIC HEIGHT +3213dm 37 Version 13.6 – September 2013 Instrument Procedure Design Submission Manual This page intentionally left blank Version 13.6 – September 2013 38