DETECTION OF BOTTLENECKS FOR MULTIPLE PRODUCTS AND MITIGATION USING ALTERNATIVE PROCESS PLANS A Thesis by Arul Pragash Karthikeyan Bachelor of Engineering, Anna University, India, 2007 Submitted to the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering and the faculty of the Graduate School of Wichita State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science December, 2010 © Copyright 2010 by Arul Pragash Karthikeyan All Rights Reserved DETECTION OF BOTTLENECKS FOR MULTIPLE PRODUCTS AND MITIGATION USING ALTERNATIVE PROCESS PLANS The following faculty members have examined the final copy of this thesis for form and content, and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science with a major in Industrial Engineering. __________________________________ Krishna K. Krishnan, Committee Chair __________________________________ Bayram Yildrim, Committee Member __________________________________ Ramazan Asmatulu, Committee Member iii DEDICATION Dedicated to my family and my loved ones iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank all the people who have helped and supported me in completing this thesis. First of all, I am greatly thankful to my advisor, Dr. Krishna K. Krishnan for his patience, tutelage and encouragement throughout my research work and academics. He has been a great mentor and given a lot of time and effort into assisting me with my research. I also would like to thank Dr. Bayram Yildirim and Dr. Ramazan Asmatulu for allotting their valuable time to review this thesis and be a part of my thesis committee. Most importantly, I thank my parents Mr. Karthikeyan & Mrs. Thilagavathi and my brother, Devasenapathy for their love, prayers and constant moral support throughout my life. My special thanks to my friends Prasanna, Kaushik, Pradeesh and Prakhash for their good suggestions and support during this thesis. Finally, I would like to give special appreciation to my cousin, Mrs. Devasena, my brother-in-law, Mr. Ravichandran and colleague, Mr. Senthil Subramaniam for their interest and motivation on my research work. v ABSTRACT In a manufacturing environment, productivity and quality of the system can be improved by focusing on production constraints (bottlenecks). As a result, the bottleneck detection methods have gained more importance in enhancing the performance of the system. There are several short-term and long-term bottleneck detection methods. This research focuses on inactive state duration bottleneck detection for multiple product flow as high complexity arises in material flow due to several products and different processing sequences. The efficiency of the proposed methodology is validated by case studies using discrete event simulation models. The integration of simulation tool to detect bottlenecks in the manufacturing system has been useful in real-time case studies. An automatic bottleneck detection method was proposed to identify the bottleneck time and bottleneck machines in an easier manner. Previous research focuses on additional capacity and buffers to machines to mitigate the bottleneck. This approach spotlights the selection of alternative process plan in the presence of bottlenecks with a objective of minimized bottleneck time and minimized machining cost of the products in the given process plan. A mathematical model was presented with these objectives. Case studies were conducted for initially selected process plan and alternative process plan to show the improvements in system performance. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page 1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………………..1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Problem Background………………………………………………………………….1 Bottlenecks in Manufacturing System ......................................................................... 1 Bottleneck Detection Methods ..................................................................................... 3 Selection of Alternative Process Plan .......................................................................... 5 Simulation-Based Procedure for Real-Time Control ................................................... 6 Research Objective ....................................................................................................... 7 Chapter Outline ............................................................................................................. 7 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................................... 8 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 8 Types of Bottleneck ..................................................................................................... 8 Bottleneck detection methods ....................................................................................... 9 Simulation study in real-time scenario ...................................................................... 15 Selection of alternative process plan…………………………………………………17 Research motivation.................................................................................................... 19 3. METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................... 20 3.1 3.2 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………..20 Bottleneck Detection Methods……………………………………………………….22 3.2.1 Active Duration Method…………………………………………………………23 3.2.2 Inactive Duration Method for Single Product Flow……………………………..24 3.3 Inactive Duration Method for Multiple Product Flow ................................................ 25 3.3.1 Input Data ............................................................................................................. 27 3.3.2 Simulation Model.................................................................................................. 28 3.3.3 Bottleneck Detection for Multiple Product Flow.................................................. 28 3.4 Automatic Bottleneck Detection Method .................................................................. 31 3.5 Performance Measures ................................................................................................ 33 3.5.1 Contribution Factor (CF)………………………………………………………...34 3.5.2 Value Added Ratio (VAR).................................................................................... 35 3.6 Selection of Alternative Process Plan in Real Time Production Scenario .................. 36 3.6.1 Initial Process Plan Selection ............................................................................... 38 Bottleneck Detection using Inactive State Method1………………………41 Performance Measures…………………………………………………….45 3.6.2 Selection of Alternative Process Plan……………………………………………47 Bottleneck Detection using Inactive State Method……………………….48 Performance Measures ................................................................................ 52 3.7 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 53 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS (Contd) Chapter Page 4. CASE STUDIES ....................................................................................................................... 54 Case Study - I (3 Products x 6 M/c‟s)………………………………………………..54 4.1.1 Bottleneck time charts........................................................................................... 54 4.1.2 Comparison of bottleneck characteristics ............................................................. 55 4.2 Case Study - II (3 Products x 4 M/c‟s) ...................................................................... 56 4.2.1 Bottleneck Characteristics .................................................................................... 56 4.3 Case Study - III (5 Products x 10 M/c‟s)…………………………………………….57 4.3.1 Input Data………………………………………………………………………..57 4.3.2 Performance Measures…………………………………………………………...64 4.4 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………...66 4.1 5. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH……………………………………………..67 5.1 5.2 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………...67 Future Research……………………………………………………………………...68 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 69 viii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1.1 Bottleneck Detection Methods……………………………………………………………3 1.2 Manufacturing decisions based on planning horizons ........................................................ 5 2.1 Active-Inactive states for different machines……………………………………………13 3.1 Processing time of products for 3 Products x 4 M/c‟s ...................................................... 27 3.2 Product sequence data for 3 Products x 4 M/c‟s ............................................................... 27 3.3 Arrival rate of products in the system .............................................................................. 27 3.4 Bottleneck time of machines for 3 Products x 4 M/c‟s .................................................... 31 3.5 Bottleneck time of products for 3 Products x 4 M/c‟s…………………………………...34 3.6 Machining cost/min of products for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s………………………………39 3.7 Total cost of products in their different sequences for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s ................... 40 3.8 Initial product sequence data for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s .................................................... 41 3.9 Procesing time of products for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s ....................................................... 41 3.10 Arrival rate of products for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s ............................................................. 42 3.11 Bottleneck time of machines for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s .................................................... 45 3.12 Bottleneck time of products for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s ...................................................... 46 3.13 Alternative product sequence data for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s…………………………….47 3.14 Processing time of products for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s ...................................................... 48 3.15 Bottleneck time of machines for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s .................................................... 51 3.16 Bottleneck time of products for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s ...................................................... 52 4.1 Bottleneck Characteristics for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s ....................................................... 56 ix LIST OF TABLES (Contd) Table Page 4.2 Bottleneck Characteristics for 3 Products x 4 M/c‟s…………………………………….56 4.3 Processing time of products for 5 Products x 10 M/c‟s………………………………….57 4.4 Product sequence data for 5 Products x 10 M/c‟s ............................................................ 58 4.5 Arrival rate of products in the system .............................................................................. 58 4.6 Bottleneck time of machines for 5 Products x 10 M/c‟s .................................................. 63 4.7 Bottleneck time of products for 5 Products x 10 M/c‟s ................................................... 64 4.8 Bottleneck characteristics for 5 Products x 10 M/c‟s ....................................................... 66 x LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1.1 Simulation Project Methodology ........................................................................................ 6 2.1 Flowchart for proposed procedure ................................................................................... 11 2.2 SFSI structure and functional logic................................................................................... 15 2.3 Example for process plan selection .................................................................................. 18 3.1 Average active duration bottleneck time chart ................................................................. 23 3.2 Processing time chart for 3 Products x 4 M/c‟s by inactive duration method .................. 29 3.3 Bottleneck time chart for 3 Products x 4 M/c‟s by inactive duration method .................. 29 3.4 Flowchart for selecting alternative process plan…………………………………………38 3.5 Processing time chart for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s for intial process plan………………… 43 3.6 Processing time chart for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s for alternative process plan ................... 49 4.1 Bottleneck time chart of 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s for intial process plan ............................. 54 4.2 Bottleneck time chart of 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s for alternative process plan .................... 55 4.3 Processing time chart for 5 Products x 10 M/c‟s by inactive duration method ................ 59 4.4 Bottleneck time chart of 5 Products x 10 M/c‟s by inactive duration method ................ 60 xi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Problem Background In a manufacturing system, assembly line is the group of workstations which performs the predefined assembly processes in a sequential manner (Vilarinho, & Simaria, 2002). The production rate of the entire system in the assembly line is determined by the cycle time. Cycle time is the total time taken by the process from the start to finish of the system. When the cycle time exceeds the target time, the performance of the system is reduced. The major constraints for the system performance are bottleneck machines and improper selection of process plan. The performance enhancement on bottleneck machines yields drastically higher overall system throughput as compared to non-bottleneck machines (Li, Chang, & Ni, 2008). Detection of bottlenecks and the ways to improve it, ensures good product quality and on-time delivery. As a result, there is a high upsurge of research in bottleneck analysis in the manufacturing system. Also the constraints in the optimization of production schedules are relaxed by the alternative process plans, which in turn results in better delivery schedules (Sormaz, & Khoshnevis, 2003). Hence, the critical problem is to identify and select the alternative process plan in the presence of bottleneck to attain the actual cycle time with cost effective measures. 1.2 Bottlenecks in Manufacturing System According to Goldratt (1992), the flow of goods of an entire system is limited by the capacity of different machines; some machines affect the overall system performance more than others. These machines are called bottlenecks.”An hour lost at the bottleneck is an hour lost for the entire system. An hour saved at a bottleneck is a mirage”. The concept of Theory of Constraints (TOC) is “The system output rate is limited by the machine with the slowest rate”. 1 This machine is called the bottleneck and TOC mainly focuses on managing the bottleneck resource to drive more income for the company (Goldratt, & Cox, 1986). The diversity of the bottlenecks can be seen from various definitions summarized by (Lawrence, & Buss, 1995): When the capacity of the resource does not meet the demand placed upon it. When the output is limited by any operation. Temporary blockades decrease the output. Congestion points occur in product flowing. A machine that impedes production system throughput. Kuo, Lim, and Meerkov, (1996) proposed a definition for bottleneck based on the sensitivity to the rate of production. A machine is said to be bottleneck, when the sensitivity performance index to its production rate in isolation is larger than all other machines. Knessl, and Tier (1998) defined bottleneck as the machine with the largest idle/busy ratio with average utilization measuring method. While this method may be easy to automate, it results in multiple bottlenecks. If there is a buffer with largest work-in-process inventory and the machine immediately downstream of this buffer is said to be the bottleneck (Kuo, Lim, & Meerkov, 1996). The machine with the longest average active period or state is said to be the bottleneck (Roser, Nakano, & Tanaka, 2001). The overall system throughput is based on this machine because it is least likely interrupted by other machines. Based on the measurement of average waiting time, the bottleneck is the machine which has the longest average waiting time (Pollett, 2003). But this method is suitable only for systems containing buffers and not for systems without buffers. Li, Chang, and Ni, (2008) defined bottleneck as the lowest starvation and blockage time of all the machines in a system. 2 The three types of main bottlenecks in dynamic bottleneck studies are as follows: Simple Bottleneck (Grosfeld-Nir, 1995) Multiple Bottleneck (Aneja, & Punnen, 1999) Shifting Bottleneck (Roser, Nakano, & Tanaka, 2001) In a simple bottleneck situation, there is only one bottleneck machine for the entire period. In multiple bottleneck situations, there is more than one bottleneck exists at a given instant of time. In shifting bottleneck detection case, instantaneous shifting of bottleneck occurs from one workstation to another and it does not have a single bottleneck for the entire period. 1.3 Bottleneck Detection Methods Some of the bottleneck detection methods with their characteristics and measurements are shown in Table 1.1. TABLE 1.1 Bottleneck Detection Methods (Roser, Nakano, & Tanaka, 2003) METHOD CHARACTERISTIC 1. Queue Size before The bottleneck is the machine which has the the machine MEASUREMENT Quantity of products longest queue before the machine, waiting to be processed. 2. Utilization Factor The percentage of time that the machine is Percentage working with regards to the system‟s overall time is measured. The machine with highest utilization is the bottleneck. 3. Waiting Time before the machine It is measured on how long a product will wait in queue to be processed. 3 Time 4. Active State Method Sum of the overall duration that a machine is Percentage of time or in active state (working state). The machine Time unit with the highest continuous active period is the bottleneck. This method is applied for dynamic bottleneck detection methods. 5. Shifting Bottleneck Method Sum of duration of the active state without Percentage of time or interruption in a period of time for a Time unit production station. Even though instantly some machines can be the bottleneck, the one with the highest value is the bottleneck. Table 1.1 (Contd) For computer networks, an automatic bottleneck detection method based on the measurement of work-load with decision theory was given by Berger, Bregman, and Kogan (1999). Kasemset, and Kachitvichyanukul (2007) identified bottleneck machines based on three factors, utilization, throughput rate and utilization factor. The machines with high utilization, low output rate, and high utilization factor, ρ (ρ = λ/µ, λ – arrival rate of each process and µ departure rate of each process) are considered to be bottleneck. Sengupta, Das, and VanTil (2008) proposed a new method for bottleneck detection, which analyzes failure cycle data and inter-departure time to find and rank bottleneck machines in a production system. This method is applicable only to cases with deterministic cycle time. The methodology can be used to analyze for both steady state and non-steady state data in a job shop. Tamilselvan, Krishnan, and Cheraghi, (2010) proposed a method for detecting bottlenecks based on the inactive state of each machine for the single product flow. The inactive state includes the idle time, blocked time, and failure time of the machine. This work is the extension of the inactive state method to multiple product flow and also automates the bottleneck detection method with java programming. It also focuses on selection of alternative process plan 4 in the presence of bottleneck machines to improve the productivity and reduce the cycle time of the entire system. 1.4 Selection of Alternative Process Plan Process plan involves the operation sequences of a product and also the parts required to produce the product. Process plans are created in such a way that the demand is met at the right time. According to Lee and Kim (2001) various process plans are developed due to the existence of alternative machines and processes to manufacture the similar part type. The three planning horizons used for decision making in process planning are shown in Table 1.2 TABLE 1.2 Manufacturing decisions based on planning horizons (Hopp, & Spearman, 2000) PLANNING HORIZON MANUFACTURING DECISIONS Short Term Material flow Assignment of workers Decisions on machine setup Intermediate Term Work Scheduling Decisions on purchasing Long Term Capacity Decisions Design of products Financial Decisions Most process plans are based on the objective of minimization of cost and time and not on the presence of bottleneck in the production of the product. However, based on precedence constraints several alternate process plans can be used to manufacture the same product. This work focuses on selection of alternative process plans to mitigate bottlenecks to attain target cycle time. Improved results for various conditions and different performance parameters can be obtained by giving different sequencing rules (Gupta, Sivakumar, & Sarawgi, 2002). 5 1.5 Simulation-Based Procedure for Real-Time Control Simulation based approach is widely used for system throughput analysis and detecting bottlenecks in aircraft assembly systems and automotive assembly lines (Roser, Nakano, & Tanaka, 2003). Design and management of production line can be significantly improved by accurate discrete event simulation models. The main benefit of simulation based method is that it can even identify bottlenecks in complex production systems. The framework of the simulation project methodology is shown in Figure 1.1. System Definition Validation Conceptual Model Verification Simulation Model Application FIGURE 1.1 Simulation Project Methodology (Law, & Kelton, 2000) Shop-floor control is mainly focused on real-time simulation. According to Gupta, Sivakumar, and Sarawgi (2002), simulation based proactive decision support increases proper utilization of resources, higher flexibility and faster response on customer demands. On-line simulation system has the capability to predict the future condition of the shop floor based on its current status. The real time system uses simulation model because it automatically updates the necessary conditions and presents the results with warning if the current plans cannot be achieved (Gaafar, & Shaik, 1993). Feedback of the simulation output will help in improving the system performance. 6 In this thesis, a simulation model was developed using Quest software. It is a flexible tool to modify the changes occurring in the process plans of the manufacturing systems. The simulation output is integrated with working tools like MS Excel for developing bottleneck detection charts. The real time job shop scenario is run by the quest and it gives results for analyzing the system performance. 1.6 Research Objective The objectives of the thesis are: Bottleneck detection in live simulation concept using inactive state approach for multiple product flow. Automated bottleneck detection using java programming in the simulation study. Measures that describes the characteristics of the bottlenecks. Selection of alternative process plan in the presence of bottleneck to attain the cycle time with cost effective measures. 1.7 Chapter Outline This thesis is structured into four chapters. Chapter 2 presents the literature review of all previous researches carried out on the different bottleneck detection methods, simulation modeling for the bottleneck analysis and alternative process plans in the manufacturing system to improve the on-time job delivery. In Chapter 3, the methodology to detect the bottleneck for multiple product flow is addressed with case studies. Also, the identification and selection of alternative process plan in the presence of bottleneck is explained. Chapter 4 presents case studies based on bottleneck detection methodology using inactive state duration method for multiple product flow. In Chapter 5, conclusion for the modified bottleneck detection method and future research work are discussed. 7 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction This chapter explains the previous research works on bottleneck detection methods and selection of alternative process plan in the manufacturing system. Section 2.2 discusses about the different types of bottlenecks present in the manufacturing system. Section 2.3 reviews the various bottleneck detection methods used for identifying the bottlenecks in a production line. Section 2.4 illustrates the simulation study on real-time scenario analysis in a manufacturing environment. Section 2.5 discusses about the various methodology for selecting alternative process plan in attaining the target cycle time. Section 2.6 explains about the research motivation and summarizes the literature review of the research works. 2.2 Types of Bottleneck Based on the duration of the bottleneck machines, bottlenecks are classified into two types: Short term bottlenecks Long term bottlenecks The machines which slowdowns the performance of the system for a short period of time is said to be the short term bottleneck machines. On the other hand, the machines which slowdowns the system performance for a long period of time is called as long term bottleneck machines. Large term bottleneck machines have the high bottleneck time as compared to other machines in the production system and also have a high impact on reduction in system performance. 8 The bottlenecks can be further classified into three types: Simple bottleneck Multiple bottleneck Shifting bottleneck In an entire period of time, there will be only one bottleneck machine in the system and it is referred as simple bottleneck (Grosfeld-Nir, 1995). When some bottlenecks are fixed for the entire period of the system, they are called as multiple bottlenecks (Aneja, & Punnen, 1999). According to Roser, Nakano, and Tanaka (2002), shifting bottlenecks are the one in which there will be an instantaneous shifting of bottlenecks from one station to another without any single bottleneck domination for an entire period. 2.3 Bottleneck detection methods Lawrence and Buss (1994) proposed a queue length analysis method for detecting bottlenecks. The machine which of has the longest queue length is said to be the bottleneck. The measurement is based on the quantity of products. This method is suitable only for detecting momentary bottlenecks. Wang, Zhao, and Zheng (2005) summarized bottleneck detection into the following categories: PIP (Performance In Processing) bottleneck detection Measuring the average waiting time (Law, & Kelton, 1991) Measuring the average workload (Law, & Kelton, 1991) Measuring the average active duration (Roser, Nakano, & Tanaka, 2001) Shift bottleneck detection (Roser, Nakano, & Tanaka, 2002) Sensitivity based detection (Chiang, Kuo, & Meerkov, 1998) 9 Chiang, Kuo, and Meerkov (2001) proposed an indirect method for bottleneck identification with the on-line system data. The processing of two adjacent machines is compared to identify the bottleneck machines. This method is also called as arrow-based method because the direction of the bottleneck machines are described using the arrows between the adjacent machines. According to this method, the bottleneck is found to be at downstream if the blockage time value of upstream machine is more than the downstream machine‟s starvation time value. In the opposite case, the bottleneck will be located at the upstream of the system. The case study with two machines and a buffer in a serial line was presented for the analytical verification of the method with Bernoulli model. But method does not give more accurate results using the on-line data. Kasemset and Kachitvichyanukul (2007) developed a bottleneck identification procedure with simulation as a support tool. Theory of Constraints (TOC) policy is related with the new procedure. This methodology is applied only for single bottleneck cases. The machine with highest utilization and utilization factor and low throughput rate is said to be the bottleneck machine. The effectiveness of the resulting system is verified using simulation. The bottleneck‟s capacity is increased to evaluate the system improvement. If the throughput increases, then the machine is said to the bottleneck. If there is no improvement in throughput, the procedure is applied again for another bottleneck machine. The proposed procedure is shown in the Figure 2.1. 10 Start Develop simulation model Manufacturing existing data Simulation runs for collecting data Bottleneck rate calculation Time between arrival and departure from each process Utilization of each process Utilization factor calculation Bottleneck candidate selection Real bottleneck selection Evaluate solution by applying simulation Adding capacity of previous bottelneck NO Improve in throughput? YES Make conclusion Stop Figure 2.1 Flowchart for proposed procedure (Kasemset, & Kachitvichyanukul, 2007) Li, Chang, and Ni (2008) proposed a data driven bottleneck detection for both short term and long term in the manufacturing systems without developing a simulation or analytical model. In this method, the production constraints are identified based on starvation and blockage probabilities of the production line and also on buffer content records. It is a throughput bottleneck detection method. A case study was conducted in an industry to validate the efficiency of the new data driven bottleneck detection method and found to be useful in 11 increasing the throughput of the system by enhancing the operation management in the shop floor. This method can be used for real time scenarios to track the system performance. It can also be verified by simulation and analytical method. A simulation based procedure to identify multiple bottlenecks with the Theory of Constraints (TOC) policy was proposed by Kasemset and Kachitvichyanukul (2008). The bottlenecks are identified based on the DBR (Drum-Buffer-Rope) method in the simulation study and then the performance of the system is assessed. The effectiveness of the DBR system is verified during the performance evaluation of the system. Multiple bottleneck cases are more complicated than the single bottleneck cases. The bottleneck machines are identified by using the three factors: utilization, utilization factor and throughput rate (Kasemset, & Kachitvichyanukul, 2007). Buffers are used in this methodology. DBR system is developed in which Drum refers to the bottleneck location, buffers are located before the bottleneck machines and Rope is used to manage the physical flow movement by modifying the control information. FIFO sequencing rule is applied for this simulation study. Sengupta, Das, and Vantil (2008) presented a new method of bottleneck detection for identifying and ranking the bottlenecks by analyzing the inter-departure time from each machine. The data are related to performance and can be captured easily with low computational troubles. The data integrity can be improved with a new set of rules proposed by Sengupta, Das, and Vantil (2008). This method can be used in both steady state and non-steady state condition. The steps that explain the methodology of this proposed method are as follows. Step 1: Data collection of inter-departure time from different machines Step 2: Failure cycles are identified for each machine Step 3: The collected data is filtered by removing the failure cycles 12 Step 4: The combined time of blocked-down and blocked-up states of different machines are estimated. In this method, deterministic cycle time is used to find the average as well as momentary bottlenecks. Roser, Nakano, and Tanaka (2001) developed an active state duration method for identifying the bottlenecks. The machine with the highest active state duration is said to be the bottleneck machine. This method is applicable for the shifting bottleneck detection. The machine which has the highest active state should be without any inactive state interruption. In a production system scenario, there is possible of only two states- active state and inactive state. Table2.1 shows the various active and inactive states for different machines. Table 2.1 Active-Inactive states for different machines (Roser, Nakano, & Tanaka, 2001) Machine Active Processing machine Working, serviced, in repair, changing tools AGV Human worker Supply Computer Output Phone operator Inactive Waiting for service, blocked, waiting for part Moving to a drop-of location, moving to a pickup location, recharging, being re-paired Waiting, moving to a waiting area Working, recovering Waiting Obtaining new part Blocked Calculating Idle Removing a part from the system Waiting Servicing customer Waiting When the simulation data is obtained, the active state duration is found for all machines in the system. Then the average duration for each machine is calculated. The machine which is least interrupted by the other machines in the system and has the highest average active duration 13 is said to be the bottleneck machine. This bottleneck machine has the most impact on the throughput of the overall system. The accuracy of the detecting bottlenecks can be measured easily as the average active periods are independent of each other. The active state duration method for shifting bottleneck detection was applied to find the throughput sensitivity analysis of the production system using a single simulation. This method was also used in detecting bottlenecks in a system with material handling devices like AGV. In this case, even AGV can act as a bottleneck to the manufacturing system and affect the system performance. The machine which makes other machines in the system to starve or block is said to be the bottleneck machine (Tamilselvan, Krishnan, & Cheraghi, 2010). This method focused on shifting bottlenecks detection. Bottlenecks are identified based on the inactive state duration method. Inactive state duration includes the idle time, blocked time and failure time of the machines. When the simulation is completed, a processing time chart is developed with working state and inactive state of each machine. Bottlenecks are identified by tracking the chart in both upstream and downstream of the system. But tracking is done manually and it is a time consuming activity. Tamilselvan, Krishnan, and Cheraghi, (2010) proposed four new measures such as a) Bottleneck time ratio (α), b) Bottleneck ratio (γ), c) Bottleneck shifting frequency (φ) and d) Bottleneck Severity ratio (χ) for capturing the bottleneck characteristics. The analysis was carried out on shifting bottleneck detection with variability impact on production lines with buffers and without buffers. The methodology for determination of buffer size was also developed. The case studies provided support in showing inactive state bottleneck identification method better than the active state method. 14 2.4 Simulation study in real-time scenario Gaafar and Shaik (1993) developed a shop floor simulation interface (SFSI) which uses data acquisition system for enhancing the real-time performance of the existing simulation system. Based on the current job floor status, SFSI detects the problems and updates them. This method helps to improve the accuracy of the system and real time performance by eliminating the warm-up period as the simulation can be started with the current state conditions. SFSI automatically selects the model from simulation database. Figure 2.2 shows the overall system structure and the logic of SFSI. Figure 2.2 SFSI structure and functional logic (Gaafar, & Shaik, 1993) 15 Simulation based proactive support tool can be used for shop floor scheduling (Gupta, Sivakumar, & Sarawgi, 2002). This paper deals with the study carried in plastic processing section of a private company. The existing problems are high as they have complex product mix, routing and bad scheduling decisions. So, simulation techniques can be applied to the existing conditions and the system performance is evaluated. This helps the decision makers to work on “what now” strategy instead of “what if” analysis. Discrete event simulation model can be applied to an automated bottleneck analysis to detect running production constraints (Faget, Eriksson, & Herrmann, 2005). A case study was conducted in Toyota motor company. The biggest challenge was to educate the decision makers about the importance of simulation as support tool to detect the production constraints. Design of experiments is used to suggest improvement alternatives in simulation models. Simulation flow helps to reduce the analysis phase. The results obtained in the integration of simulation to the running production system are better accuracy in bottleneck analysis and faster suggestions for improvements. Tjahjono and Fernandez (2008) proposed a practical approach to experimentation for the execution of simulation study in a methodology manner. Due to inadequate experimentation, even accurate modeling may result in wrong decisions. The methodology is explained with the case study on engine assembly line. The aim of the simulation study is to improve the productivity and efficiency of the line. The methodology suggests three stages for increasing the productivity. They are as follows: Bottleneck detection Bottleneck elimination/reduction Efficiency improvement 16 The conclusion of this approach yields to maximized throughput and provides a different method to design experimentation. 2.5 Selection of alternative process plan Zhang and Huang (1994) proposed a fuzzy approach in selecting the process plan for the manufacturing system. Selection of alternative process plays a vital role in enhancing the overall system performance. In this approach, a set of fuzzy theory is used to evaluate each process plan‟s contribution to system performance. According to Zhang and Huang (1994), the selection of process plans should convince the following objectives: Reduction in machining time Minimizing the number of setups Reducing the amount of processing steps Reducing the dissimilarity occurring between the different process plans Initially, a process plan set is identified based on the refinement approach. The set is combined to minimize the processing resources needed for the system. This method gives better solutions for selecting process plans than the algorithms provided by Kusiak and Finke (1988). The presence of fuzzy logic in process plan selection improves the field knowledge. Sormaz and Khoshnevis (2003) developed a methodology to generate alternative process plan in the integrated production system. The process design, planning and scheduling are integrated with the availability of alternative process plan. The generation of alternative process plan is helpful in real time scenarios for providing feedback on cost in design modifications. The steps include selection of alternative machining operations, sequencing of machining jobs, clustering of machining processes and generation of network with process plan. On-time delivery schedules and effective use of production resources are obtained by minimizing the constraints in 17 production schedules through alternative process plan. The procedure for selecting optimal process plan is also explained. The outcome of the methodology generated process plan networks with all available plans for a particular part. The process plan alternatives have influence on equipment control (Ferreira, & Wysk, 2001).Control and planning of manufacturing requirements does not have adequate resources due to fixed process plans. In an automated environment, decisions can be made fast and efficient by using the pre-planned process plan alternatives. The main goals of this work are as follows: Improve machine utilization Reduction of in-process inventory Solving problems such as shop floor disruptions in a quick manner The performance of the system is analyzed by changing the master production schedule over an interval of time, considering the parts to be manufacturing and tools needed to process the parts. However, this method does not consider the quality of alternative process plans. Ming and Mak (2000) proposed a hybrid Hopfield network-genetic algorithm method for selecting optimal process plan. There is a complexity in selecting process plan from a set of Figure 2.3 Example for process plan selection (Ming, & Mak, 2000) 18 available resources. Usually each part may have several process plans to select as shown in Figure 2.3. So the problem occurs in selecting the suitable process plan for each part. This method focuses on minimized cost objective to select the process plan. A case study was conducted to show the advantage of this method over other algorithm approaches by previous works. Hopfiled network-genetic algorithm provides a better solution in process plan selection dilemma. 2.6 Research motivation Most of the previous research works focus on single product line bottleneck cases and only few works have been carried on bottlenecks in multiple products line. Multiple product line bottleneck cases are more complicated than the single bottlenecks. Less number of literatures is published on the shifting bottleneck detection methods and none of them have focused on multiple product scenarios. Moreover, the bottleneck time has never been considered in selecting the alternative process plan of the production system. Earlier researches on alternative process plan gives importance only on minimizing cost and obtaining the target cycle time. The drawback in these works is that the overall system performance does not have a significant improvement without considering the bottleneck time of the system. Hence, this research work spotlights the detection of bottlenecks using inactive state for multiple product line and selection of alternative process plan in the presence of bottleneck time with cost effective measures. 19 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction Most industries focus on on-time delivery of the product to the customers. On-time delivery can be affected by reduction in system performance. The presence of bottleneck machines in a system is a major reason for reduction in system performance. Two approaches to the mitigation of bottlenecks are to introduce buffers and to increase capacity at the bottleneck machines. Buffers are typically effective when there is variance in processing times at each machine, variability in the material handling time, and unreliable machines. When machine utilization is high and variability is low, the best method for mitigation of bottleneck is to increase capacity. A third alternative for mitigating the impact of bottlenecks is to reduce the number of types of parts that flow through the bottleneck machine by selecting alternate process plans. The objective of this research is to detect bottleneck machines in systems with multiple products and select alternate process plans that can lead to improved system performance. Section 3.2 describes the two types of bottleneck detection methods. The automatic detection of bottleneck machines using inactive state method for multiple product flow is addressed in section 3.3 and section 3.4. The performance measures used to study the impact of bottleneck machines in the system are discussed in section 3.5. Then, the methodology for selecting the alternative process plan is detailed in section 3.6. The final process plan is selected with an objective to achieve the target cycle time by reducing the bottleneck time of the system. Notations ni - Number of change of states during the total run time, i ∈ (1,..., n) Mj - Machine, j ∈ (1,..., M) 20 R - Total run time Pk - Products, k ∈ (1,..., P) Te - Time interval at eth time D - Demand us - Process plan, s ∈ (1,..., u) vq - Process plan sequence, q ∈ (1,..., v) t - Target cycle time o - Obtained cycle time BT - Bottleneck time of the system PT - Processing time of p product in u process plan C - Cost of p product in u process plan c c th up th th up x - up th 1, if particular process plan is selected 0, otherwise X ij 1, When state 'i' of machine 'j' is active 0, otherwise 1, When machine 'j' is cause for inactivity of state 'i' Bij 0, otherwise Time event matrix, T T 0 Time interval matrix, TI T 0 T e T (e (e 1)) m1 Machine matrix, M mM 21 X11 Machine state matrix , Xij X1M P11 Product machine matrix , Pkj P1M B11 BN matrix, Bij B1M X nM X n1 P PM P P1 BnM B n1 n BN time Bij * T I , j, 1 j M i 1 Constraints n B * T ij i 1 R , j, 1 j M I T ,M ,X ,B ,R ,P I 3.2 ij ij 0 Bottleneck Detection Methods Various bottleneck detection methods have been described in previous research works. Some of the bottleneck detection methods are based on utilization by the ratio of cycle time to the processing time (Delp, Si, Hwang, & Pei, 2003) or determine the overall constraint using matrix based approach (Luthi, & Haring, 1997). This research mainly involves shifting 22 bottleneck detection method because, in many cases, different machines act as bottlenecks and cause production delays at different instants (Tamilselvan, Krishnan, & Cheraghi, 2010). All the methods and case studies are applied to no buffer cases. Roser, Nakano, and Tanaka (2002) gave the active duration method, which is the first method for shifting bottleneck detection based on method of average active duration. This method can be used for both steady state and non-steady state conditions in production lines. 3.2.1 Active Duration Method The two possible states available in the production system are active states and inactive states. The active state includes the working state of the system and the inactive state includes the blocking, idle and failure states of the system. According to Roser, Nakano, and Tanaka (2001), a bottleneck machine is the one with the longest active duration without any interruption. Active state duration method is applied to discrete event system for detecting bottlenecks (Roser, Nakano, & Tanaka, 2001). This method detects the bottleneck in an easier approach and also helps in improving the overall system performance. This method has shown to have inconsistencies and is not suitable for BN detection (Tamilselvan, Krishnan, & Cheraghi, 2010). Figure 3.1 Average active duration bottleneck time chart 23 Figure 3.1 (Roser, Nakano, & Tanaka, 2002) shows the active state duration method bottleneck chart for the case study of two machines. From Figure 3.1, it can be observed that Machine 1 is the primary bottleneck as it has the longest active duration. Therefore, B11 =1 at T60 as Machine 1 is the sole bottleneck for 60% of the time. The value of B22=1 and B31=1 as there is a shifting of bottlenecks between Machine 1 and Machine 2 for the remaining 40% of the time. Moreover, this method has the high level of confidence for detecting the primary bottleneck machine in the entire system (Roser, Nakano, & Tanaka, 2001). 3.2.2 Inactive Duration Method for Single Product Flow According to Tamilselvan, Krishnan, and Cheraghi, (2010), the bottleneck machine is one which makes other machines in the system to starve or block at any instant. Tamilselvan, Krishnan, and Cheraghi, (2010) proposed the inactive duration method for detecting shifting bottlenecks. Inactive states (Xij=0) show starvation or blocking of the machines. Bottleneck machines are tracked from the bottleneck detection chart using the inactive state approach. The bottleneck detection chart consists of different state events and different machines for the given system. If a machine is inactive because of a bottleneck machine which is downstream in the product flow, then the inactive machine is said to be a blocked machine. Similarly, if an inactive machine is idle and waiting for a product to arrive from the bottleneck machine the machine is designated as a starving machine (Tamilselvan, Krishnan, & Cheraghi, 2010). Thus, tracking of the inactive states is performed by analyzing the machines in both downstream and upstream to the inactive machine. The bottleneck time of the system is calculated based on the total idle time and blocked time of all the machines in the system. The inactive state method detects shifting bottlenecks more accurately than the active state method. Tamilselvan, Krishnan, and Cheraghi, (2010) also proposed four new bottleneck characteristics to identify the different types of 24 bottleneck problems and proposed control strategies to mitigate its impacts. However, Tamilselvan, Krishnan, and Cheraghi, (2010) restricted their algorithms and definitions to manufacturing systems with single product flow without buffers in the system. 3.3 Inactive Duration Method for Multiple Product Flow Tamilselvan, Krishnan, and Cheraghi, (2010) did not address the tracking of bottleneck machines for mixed model production line using the inactive state bottleneck detection method. In multiple product flow, there are multiple products which flow through the system each with its own unique process sequences. The inactive state duration method is modified to detect bottlenecks in multi-product systems. In the presence of multiple products, bottleneck identification is more complicated than the single product flow. The bottleneck time of the system is identified based on idle time and blocked time of the machines in the bottleneck time chart and the processing time of the machines are identified in processing time chart. The processing time chart is similar to Gantt chart and it displays production schedule for the manufacturing system. In the processing time chart, the products are color coded for easy identification of individual products. The tracking of bottleneck machines in the chart is a complex task for multiple product flow as compared to single product. For idle states, tracking is done upstream in the bottleneck chart to identify the bottleneck machine. In the case of blocked states (when a machine has a finished part), tracking is done downstream in the bottleneck chart to identify the bottleneck machine. In single product flow, all idle times are considered as bottleneck time but it is not the same for multiple product flow. Due to several parts being processed in a particular machine, the machine may have idle time after processing its last product and that idle time is not considered as bottleneck time for multiple product flow. The procedure for the inactive duration method for multiple product flow is as follows. 25 Algorithm for Inactive Duration Step 1: Start Step 2: Determine T and M Step 3: Determine TI , X ij and Pkj Step 4: Set j = 1 Step 5: Set i = 1 Step 6: If X ij = 0, then go to step 7 else go to step 13 Step 7: If state „i‟ of machine „j‟ is blocked then go to step 9 else go to step 8 Step 8: Based on product sequence, back track to upstream machine and go to step 10 Step 9: Based on product sequence, back track to downstream machine and go to step 10 Step 10: If X ij = 0, then go to step 12 else go to step 11 Step 11: Update BN matrix with B ij = 1 and go to step 13 Step 12: Update BN matrix with B ij =0 Step 13: Increment i = i + 1 Step 14: If i <=n, then go to step 6 else go to step 15 Step 15: Increment j = j + 1 Step 16: If j <= M, then go to step 5 else go to step 17 Step 17: Stop A case study of 3 products and 4 machines is used to illustrate the inactive state bottleneck detection method: 26 3.3.1 Input Data Table 3.1 Processing time of products for 3 Products x 4 M/c‟s Product Machine M1 M2 M3 M4 M1 M2 M3 M4 M1 M2 M3 M4 A B C Processing Time (min) 13 10 12 6 5 10 15 8 7 12 14 6 Table 3.2 Product sequence data for 3 Products x 4 M/c‟s Product Process Sequence A B M1 – M2 – M3 – M4 M3 – M4 – M1 – M2 C M4 – M1 – M2 – M3 Table 3.3 Arrival rate of products in the system Arrival Rate Distribution Normal Distribution Mean 15 min Standard Deviation 3 min Each of the products A, B, and C have deterministic processing times in Machines 1, 2, 3, 4 (Table 3.1). The arrival rate of the products is based on the normal distribution with a mean 27 value of 15 min and standard deviation of 3 min. Table 3.2 explains the process sequence of each product through the different machines. 3.3.2 Simulation Model A discrete event simulation model is developed in QUEST. Assumptions for the Simulation Model No buffers. No machine breakdown. The product demand is fixed. Material handling time is not considered. 3.3.3 Bottleneck Detection for Multiple Product Flow Based on a simulation run, the first 9 products and the sequence in which they arrived into the model are C, B, B, C, C, C, B, A, and A. For purpose of tracking, the products are identified as follows: C1, B1, B2, C2, C3, C4, B3, A1, and A2. When the simulation is completed, the results are imported to MS excel and the processing time chart (Figure 3.2) is developed for the given case study. The bottleneck chart (Figure 3.3) is plotted from a simulation time of 50 min to the end of the processing time of the 9 products. From the bottleneck time chart, time event matrix, machine state matrix and product machine matrix are formed. 28 Figure 3.2 Processing time chart for 3 Products x 4 M/c‟s by inactive duration method Figure 3.3 Bottleneck time chart for 3 Products x 4 M/c‟s by inactive duration method 29 Time event matrix, T 50 53 57 59 67 69 165 1 1 Machine state matrix , Xij 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 C2 B1 Product machine matrix , Pkj B2 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 C2 0 B2 0 0 C2 B2 0 0 B2 0 C2 C2 0 0 0 0 B2 C3 A2 Time interval matrix, TI 0 3 4 2 8 2 12 For instance, it can be observed that X31 = 0 at T57 because machine 1 is waiting for product B2 to arrive from machine 4. The bottleneck machine is identified by tracking backwards towards the chart based on the given sequence for the product B. Then, B54 = 1 at T67 because machine 4 is acting as a bottleneck for the product B2. At T94, product C3 is blocked in machine 2 for 8 min because machine 3 is acting as a bottleneck machine for the product C3. After finishing the process, product C3 stays in machine 2 and cannot move to machine 3 because product B3 is still being processed in machine 3. When part B3 is completed and moves to its next destination, then part C3 transfers to machine 3. The duration of product C3 in the same machine after its process completion is said to be the blocking time. Similarly, the bottleneck machine matrix (Bij) of the overall system is identified based on the idle time and blocked time as shown in Figure 3.3. The shifting of bottlenecks occurs throughout the system. The bottleneck time of each machine is calculated by adding both idle time and blocked time of the machines as shown in Table 3.4. 30 Table 3.4 Bottleneck time of machines for 3 Products x 4 M/c‟s Machine Total idle time (IT) in min Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3 Machine 4 13 13 20 50 Total blocked time(BT) in min 23 13 0 7 Total idle time of the system = 96 min Total blocked time of the system = 43 min Total bottleneck time of the system = Bottleneck time (BNT=IT+BT) in min 36 26 20 57 139 min In multiple product flow systems, all idle time events are not considered as the bottleneck time. From Figure 3.2, machine 1 remains idle for 28 min after product A2 completes its process. This idle time is not considered as bottleneck time because A2 is the last product in the system and the idle time of 28 min is ignored. But in the single product flow, all the idle time are considered as bottleneck time. 3.4 Automatic Bottleneck Detection Method When the number of products and machines increases, it is very complex to manually track the bottleneck chart for identifying the bottleneck machines. Therefore, software for the automatic bottleneck identification is developed using java programming to identify the bottleneck machines in a quick and easy manner. After completing the simulation, the product sequence and processing time of products are imported to the java based programming code. The output from this software provides the details of idle times at each machine, the active states of each machine, and the bottleneck machines. The advantage of the automatic bottleneck detection 31 method is the reduction of manual tracking time of bottleneck machines in the bottleneck detection chart. The result of automatic bottleneck detection method for the case study of 3 Products x 4 M/c‟s is shown below. Sequence: C- [Machine:4 Activity:0-6, Machine:1 Activity:6-13, Machine:2 Activity:13-25, Machine:3 Activity:30-44] Sequence: B- [Machine:3 Activity:15-30, Machine:4 Activity:30-38 Idle Time: 24 BottleNeck:3, Machine:1 Activity:38-43 IdleTime: 25 BottleNeck:4, Machine:2 Activity:43-53 IdleTime: 18 BottleNeck:1] Sequence: B- [Machine:3 Activity:44-59, Machine:4 Activity:59-67 IdleTime: 9 BottleNeck:3, Machine:1 Activity:67-72 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:4, Machine:2 Activity:72-82 IdleTime: 3 BottleNeck:1] Sequence: C- [Machine:4 Activity:44-50 IdleTime: 6 BottleNeck:null, Machine:1 Activity:5057 IdleTime: 7 BottleNeck:4, Machine:2 Activity:57-69 IdleTime: 4 BottleNeck:1, Machine:3 Activity:69-83 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:2] Sequence: C- [Machine:4 Activity:67-73, Machine:1 Activity:73-80 IdleTime: 1 BottleNeck:4, Machine:2 Activity:82-94, Machine:3 Activity:102-116] Sequence: C- [Machine:4 Activity:75-81 IdleTime: 2 BottleNeck:null, Machine:1 Activity:8188 IdleTime: 1 BottleNeck:4, Machine:2 Activity:94-106, Machine:3 Activity:116-130] 32 Sequence: B- [Machine:3 Activity:87-102 IdleTime: 4 BottleNeck:null, Machine:4 Activity:102-110 IdleTime: 21 BottleNeck:3, Machine:1 Activity:117-122, Machine:2 Activity:127-137] Sequence: A- [Machine:1 Activity:104-117 IdleTime: 16 Bottleneck: null, Machine:2 Activity:117-127 IdleTime: 11 BottleNeck:1, Machine:3 Activity:130-142, Machine:4 Activity:142-148 IdleTime: 32 BottleNeck:3] Sequence: A- [Machine:1 Activity:130-143 IdleTime: 8 BottleNeck:null, Machine:2 Activity:143-153 IdleTime: 6 BottleNeck:1, Machine:3 Activity:153-165 IdleTime: 11 BottleNeck:2, Machine:4 Activity:165-171 IdleTime: 17 BottleNeck:3] Activity means the processing time of the product. For example, consider the last product A in the system. The processing time of product A in machine 1 is from the 130 to the 143 min. It has an idle time of 8 min but it is not a bottleneck time and the bottleneck is displayed as null. Then product A moves to machine 2 for processing and machine 2 has an idle time of 6 min and the bottleneck machine is displayed as machine 1. Similarly, the bottleneck machines and idle time of each machine for the entire system can be found out automatically leading to reduction in time taken for tracking the bottleneck states. 3.5 Performance Measures Performance measures are used to analyze and study the impact of bottleneck shifting in the overall system. Tamilselvan, Krishnan, and Cheraghi, (2010) proposed four new measures such as Bottleneck time ratio (α), Bottleneck ratio (γ), Bottleneck shifting frequency (φ) and Bottleneck Severity ratio (χ) to identify bottleneck characteristics. These existing measures address only the bottleneck shifting in single product flow. To address the more complex 33 situations in a multi-product system, two new performance measures for multiple product flow are developed: Contribution Factor (CF) Value Added Ratio (VAR) The existing measures for single product flow are not sufficient to analyze the performance of each product in multiple product flow. 3.5.1 Contribution Factor (CF) Contribution Factor (CF) is defined as the ratio of bottleneck time of each part to total bottleneck time in the system and is given by Equation 3.1. CF = Bottleneck time of each product X 100 (3.1) Total bottleneck time Contribution factor helps to identify the bottleneck time contribution of each product in the system. If a product has more bottleneck time than the other products, then the control strategies can be focused on that product to reduce the bottleneck time and enhance the performance of the system. In the case study of 3 products and 4 machines, the bottleneck time of each product are shown in Table 3.5. The idle time and blocked time for each product in every machine is calculated. Table 3.5 Bottleneck time of products for 3 Products x 4 M/c‟s Part A M1 M2 M3 M4 IT BT (min) (min) 0 0 6 3 10 0 24 0 Part B BNT (min) 0 9 10 24 IT (min) 10 3 0 26 BT (min) 8 0 0 7 34 Part C BNT (min) 18 3 0 33 IT (min) 3 4 10 0 BT (min) 15 10 0 0 BNT (min) 18 14 10 0 Bottleneck time contribution of Product A = 43 min Bottleneck time contribution of Product B = 54 min Bottleneck time contribution of Product C = 42 min Total bottleneck time in the system = 139 min CF for Product A = 43 * 100 = 31% 139 CF for Product B = 54 * 100 = 39% 139 CF for Product C = 42 * 100 = 31% 139 From the above calculation, it can be inferred that the product B has more bottleneck time than the other products. 3.5.2 Value Added Ratio (VAR) Value Added Ratio (VAR) is defined as the ratio of active state time in the system to the inactive state time in the system. Active state time refers to the total processing time of all the machines. Inactive state time refers to the idle time and blocked time of the system. It is given by Equation 3.2. VAR = Active state time .(3.2) Inactive state time Value added ratio shows the effectiveness of time spent in the system. This measure helps to improve the quality of the entire production system. It analyzes the value added and non-value added activities in the system for enhancing the system performance. For the case study of 3 products and 4 machines, the value added ratio is calculated below. 35 Active state time = 266 min Inactive state time = 139 min VAR = 266 = 266 : 139 139 = 1 : 139 266 = 1 : 0.52 For every one minute of value added activity, there is 0.52 min of non-value added activity taking place in this case study. The obtained VAR value suggests that more time is spent on value added activities for the given case study. It is the quality measure for improvements of all the processes in the system. The modified inactive state method for automatic bottleneck detection can be implemented in live simulation scenario of the job floor production. The selection of alternative process plan in the presence of bottleneck is employed with this proposed method. 3.6 Selection of Alternative Process Plan in Real Time Production Scenario Process plan gives the process sequences and the production activities to be carried on the products in the manufacturing system. They play a vital role in on-time delivery and good quality of the products. The process plans are selected based on the objective of minimized cost. When the selected initial process plan exceeds the target cycle time (tc), then there is a need to select alternative process plans. The alternative process plan should complete the products on or before the given cycle time and also reduce the bottleneck time in the system. In this research, selection of alternative process plans to mitigate the impact of bottlenecks and to attain the desired cycle time with cost effective measures is addressed. 36 Objective Min BT k Min s q [(PTupv * Cupv)] p=1 u=1 v=1 Constraints k s q [(PTupv * Dp) * xup] p=1 u=1 v=1 tc s xup =1 p u=1 The OR model above is a multi-objective function. The first objective is to minimize the bottleneck time of the system and the second objective is to select the process plan based on minimized machining cost of the products. The first constraint describes that the selected processing time of the process plans should be less than the target cycle time. The second constraint ensures that only one process plan should be selected for each product. The flowchart for selecting the alternative process plan in the presence of bottleneck is given below. The flowchart is discussed in detail on the following sections with the case study of 3 products and 6 machines. 37 Set target cycle time(tc) Input process sequence & machining cost of each product Select initial process plan (Min cost objective) Run simulation Detect bottlenecks & Obtain performance measures NO Is oc > tc YES Select alternative process plan (Min penalty cost of machining) Accept the process plan Figure 3.4 Flowchart for selecting alternative process plan 3.6.1 Initial Process Plan Selection The products A, B and C have 3 different machining sequences for processing. The target cycle time (tc) of the production system is assumed to be 460 min. so the process plan selected for the three products should finish processing the jobs before or at the given cycle time. The system focuses more on cost parameter. Initially the process plan is selected based on the objective of minimization of machining cost. The machining cost/min for all the products in each machine is given in Table 3.6. 38 Table 3.6 Machining cost/min of products for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s Product A B C Machine Cost/min ($) M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 4 4 5 3 8 6 5 3 2 8 6 5 8 6 3 5 5 10 Alternative process plans for Product A: M2 – M4 – M3 – M1 – M6. M5 – M3 – M6 – M1. M6 – M3 – M4 – M5 – M1. Alternative process plans for Product B: M1 – M2 – M3 – M4 – M5 – M6. M4 – M2 – M3 – M5 – M6. M2 – M5 – M3 – M6 – M1. 39 Alternative process plans for Product C: M6 – M3 – M5 – M1 – M2 – M4. M5 – M2 – M6 – M3 – M4. M5 – M6 – M1 – M3 – M4. Considering the first machining sequence of product A, the total cost of the product in that particular sequence is Σ [(PA2* CA2) + (PA4* CPA4) + (PA3* CA3) + (PA1* CA1) + (PA6* CA6)]. Where, PA2 is the processing time of product A in machine 2 and CA2 is the machining cost of product A in machine 2. The processing time of all the products in their respective machines is given in Table 3.9. Therefore, the total cost of product A in its first machining sequence is = Σ [(PA2* CA2) + (PA4* CA4) + (PA3* CA3) + (PA1* CA1) + (PA6* CA6)] = [(20*4) + (15*3) + (30*5) + (20*4) + (20*6)] = [(80 + 45 + 150 + 80 + 120)] = $475/product. Similarly, the total cost of three products A, B and C in their three different sequences are calculated and shown in Table 3.7. Table 3.7 Total cost of products in their different sequences for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s Product A B M2 – M4 – M3 – M1 – M6 Total Cost/product ($) 475 M5 – M3 – M6 – M1 540 M6 – M3 – M4 – M5 – M1 525 M1 – M2 – M3 – M4 – M5 – M6 520 Process Sequence 40 C M4 – M2 – M3 – M5 – M6 535 M2 – M5 – M3 – M6 – M1 430 M6 – M3 – M5 – M1 – M2 – M4 615 M5 – M2 – M6 – M3 – M4 560 M5 – M6 – M1 – M3 – M4 535 Table 3.7 (Contd) For product A, the first process sequence has the lowest machining cost $475/product as compared to other two sequences. Similarly process sequence with the lowest machining cost is selected for both products B and C. The initial product sequence selected for all the three products are given in Table 3.8. Table 3.8 Initial product sequence data for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s Product Process Sequence A M2 – M4 – M3 – M1 – M6 B M2 – M5 – M3 – M6 – M1 C M5 – M6 – M1 – M3 – M4 Bottleneck Detection using Inactive State Method The simulation is executed with the product sequence data, processing time of all the products in their respective machines (Table 3.9) and arrival rate of the products into the system (Table 3.10). Table 3.9 Processing time of products for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s Product Machine A M1 M2 M3 41 Processing Time (min) 20 20 30 M4 M6 M1 M2 M3 M5 M6 M1 M3 M4 M5 M6 B C 15 20 15 25 30 20 20 20 25 20 20 10 Table 3.9 (Contd) Table 3.10 Arrival rate of products for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s Arrival Rate Time of arrival Product (min) A1 0 A2 3 A3 9 A4 18 A5 27 B1 39 B2 54 B3 72 B4 93 C1 117 C2 144 C3 174 C4 207 The demand for the system is assumed as 13 products. The analysis of the system performance takes place between the simulation times of 100min – End of the system. When the simulation is completed, the processing time chart for this case study is shown in Figure 3.5. The processing time chart is based on the inactive state duration method. 42 Figure 3.5 Processing time chart for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s for intial process plan The automatic bottleneck detection method with the java programming displays the result in the following sequence: Sequence: A- [Machine:2 Activity:0-20, Machine:4 Activity:20-35, Machine:3 Activity:35-65, Machine:1 Activity:65-85, Machine:6 Activity:85-105] Sequence: A- [Machine:2 Activity:20-40, Machine:4 Activity:40-55 IdleTime: 5 BottleNeck:2, Machine:3 Activity:65-95, Machine:1 Activity:95-115 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:3, Machine:6 Activity:115-135 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:1] Sequence: A- [Machine:2 Activity:40-60, Machine:4 Activity:60-75 IdleTime: 5 BottleNeck:2, Machine:3 Activity:95-125, Machine:1 Activity:125-145 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:3, Machine:6 Activity:145-165 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:1] 43 Sequence: A- [Machine:2 Activity:60-80, Machine:4 Activity:80-95 IdleTime: 5 BottleNeck:2, Machine:3 Activity:125-155, Machine:1 Activity:155-175 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:3, Machine:6 Activity:175-195 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:1] Sequence: A- [Machine:2 Activity:80-100, Machine:4 Activity:100-115 IdleTime: 5 BottleNeck:2, Machine:3 Activity:155-185, Machine:1 Activity:185-205 IdleTime: 10BottleNeck:3, Machine:6 Activity:205-225 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:1] Sequence: B- [Machine:2 Activity:125-150 IdleTime: 25 BottleNeck:null, Machine:5 Activity:150-170, Machine:3 Activity:185-215, Machine:6 Activity:225-245, Machine:1 Activity:245-260 IdleTime: 40 BottleNeck:6] Sequence: B- [Machine:2 Activity:150-175, Machine:5 Activity:175-195 IdleTime: 5 BottleNeck:2, Machine:3 Activity:215-245, Machine:6 Activity:245-265, Machine:1 Activity:265-280 IdleTime: 5 BottleNeck:6] Sequence: B- [Machine:2 Activity:185-210 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:null, Machine:5 Activity:210-230 IdleTime: 15 BottleNeck:2, Machine:3 Activity:245-275, Machine:6 Activity:275-295 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:3, Machine:1 Activity:295-310 IdleTime: 15 BottleNeck:6] Sequence: B- [Machine:2 Activity:225-250 IdleTime: 15 BottleNeck:null, Machine:5 Activity:250-270 IdleTime: 20 BottleNeck:2, Machine:3 Activity:275-305, Machine:6 Activity:315-335, Machine:1 Activity:335-350] Sequence: C- [Machine:5 Activity:285-305 IdleTime: 15 BottleNeck:null, Machine:6 Activity:305-315 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:5, Machine:1 Activity:315-335 IdleTime:5 BottleNeck:6, Machine:3 Activity:335-360 IdleTime: 30 BottleNeck:1, Machine:4 Activity:360380 IdleTime: 245 BottleNeck:3] 44 Sequence: C- [Machine:5 Activity:305-325, Machine:6 Activity:335-345, Machine:1 Activity:350-370, Machine:3 Activity:370-395 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:1, Machine:4Activity:395-415 IdleTime: 15 BottleNeck:3] Sequence: C- [Machine:5 Activity:340-360 IdleTime: 15 BottleNeck:null, Machine:6 Activity:360-370 IdleTime: 15 BottleNeck:5, Machine:1 Activity:370-390, Machine:3 Activity:395-420, Machine:4 Activity:420-440 IdleTime: 5 BottleNeck:3] Sequence: C- [Machine:5 Activity:360-380, Machine:6 Activity:380-390 IdleTime: 10BottleNeck:5, Machine:1 Activity:390-410, Machine:3 Activity:420-445, Machine:4 Activity:445-465 IdleTime: 5 BottleNeck:3] The idle time and the blocked time of all the machines can be found from the bottleneck detection chart. The total bottleneck time of the system can be calculated from Table 3.11. Table 3.11 Bottleneck time of machines for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s Machine Total idle time (IT) in min Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3 Machine 4 Machine 5 Machine 6 100 0 30 50 25 70 Total blocked time(BT) in min 10 40 15 30 70 25 Total idle time of the system = 275 min Total blocked time of the system = 190 min Total bottleneck time of the system = 465 min Bottleneck time (BNT=IT+BT) in min 110 40 45 80 95 95 Performance Measures The performance measures of initial process plan for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s case study are as follows: 45 Contribution Factor (CF): Table 3.12 Bottleneck time of products for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s Part A M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 IT (min) 30 0 0 0 0 40 BT (min) 0 10 0 30 0 0 Part B BNT (min) 30 10 0 30 0 40 IT BT (min) (min) 70 0 0 30 0 15 0 0 25 55 20 0 Part C BNT (min) 70 30 15 0 80 20 Bottleneck time contribution of Product A = 110 min Bottleneck time contribution of Product B = 215 min Bottleneck time contribution of Product C = 140 min Total bottleneck time in the system = 465 min IT (min) 0 0 30 50 0 10 BT (min) 10 0 0 0 15 25 BNT (min) 10 0 30 50 15 35 CF for Product A = 110 * 100 = 24% 465 CF for Product B = 215 * 100 = 46% 465 CF for Product C = 140 * 100 = 30% 465 The contribution factor for each product is obtained and the product B has the highest bottleneck time contribution to the overall production system. Value Added Ratio (VAR): Active state time = 1105 min Inactive state time = 465 min 46 VAR = 1105 = 1105 : 465 465 = 1 : 465 1105 = 1 : 0.42 For every one minute of value added activity, there is 0.42 min of non-value added activity taking place in this case study. More time is spent on value added activities than the nonvalue added activities for the selected process plan. Moreover, the obtained cycle time (470 min) is greater than the target cycle time (460 min). Therefore, to improve the overall performance of the system and also to achieve the target cycle, an alternative process plan is needed. 3.6.2 Selection of Alternative Process Plan The main objective of the alternative process is that it should achieve the target cycle time. It should also enhance the performance of the overall system by reducing the bottleneck time in the system. The alternative process plan is selected based on the minimum penalty cost of the machining for each product in their different sequences. From Table 3.7, product C has the less penalty cost ($25) for selecting alternative process plan ($560) from the cost of initial process plan ($535) as compared to other products A and B. Therefore, the alternative product sequence data is given in Table 3.13. Table 3.13 Alternative product sequence data for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s Product Process Sequence A M2 – M4 – M3 – M1 – M6 B M2 – M5 – M3 – M6 – M1 C M5 – M2 – M6 – M3 – M4 47 Bottleneck Detection using Inactive State Method The simulation for the alternative process plan is executed with the input data from processing time Table 3.14 and arrival rate Table 3.10. The analysis period is same as the initial process plan analysis time (100 min – End of the system). The Bottleneck time by inactive duration method for alternative process plan is shown in Figure 3.6. Table 3.14 Processing time of products for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s Product A B C Machine Processing Time (min) M1 20 M2 20 M3 30 M4 M6 M1 M2 M3 M5 M6 M1 M3 M4 M5 M6 15 20 15 25 30 20 20 20 25 20 20 10 48 Figure 3.6 Processing time chart for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s for alternative process plan The automatic bottleneck detection method with the java programming displays the result for alternative process plan in the following sequence: Sequence: A- [Machine:2 Activity:0-20, Machine:4 Activity:20-35, Machine:3 Activity:35-65, Machine:1 Activity:65-85, Machine:6 Activity:85-105] Sequence: A- [Machine:2 Activity:20-40, Machine:4 Activity:40-55 IdleTime: 5 BottleNeck:2, Machine:3 Activity:65-95, Machine:1 Activity:95-115 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:3, Machine:6 Activity:115-135 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:1] 49 Sequence: A- [Machine:2 Activity:40-60, Machine:4 Activity:60-75 IdleTime: 5 BottleNeck:2, Machine:3 Activity:95-125, Machine:1 Activity:125-145 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:3, Machine:6 Activity:145-165 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:1] Sequence: A- [Machine:2 Activity:60-80, Machine:4 Activity:80-95 IdleTime: 5 BottleNeck:2, Machine:3 Activity:125-155, Machine:1 Activity:155-175 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:3, Machine:6 Activity:175-195 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:1] Sequence: A- [Machine:2 Activity:80-100, Machine:4 Activity:100-115 IdleTime: 5 BottleNeck:2, Machine:3 Activity:155-185, Machine:1 Activity:185-205 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:3, Machine:6 Activity:205-225 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:1] Sequence: B- [Machine:2 Activity:125-150 IdleTime: 25 BottleNeck:null, Machine:5 Activity:150-170, Machine:3 Activity:185-215, Machine:6 Activity:225-245, Machine:1 Activity:245-260 IdleTime: 40 BottleNeck:6] Sequence: B- [Machine:2 Activity:150-175, Machine:5 Activity:175-195 IdleTime: 5 BottleNeck:2, Machine:3 Activity:215-245, Machine:6 Activity:245-265, Machine:1 Activity:265-280 IdleTime: 5 BottleNeck:6] Sequence: B- [Machine:2 Activity:185-210 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:null, Machine:5 Activity:210-230 IdleTime: 15 BottleNeck:2, Machine:3 Activity:245-275, Machine:6 Activity:275-295 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:3, Machine:1 Activity:295-310 IdleTime: 15 BottleNeck:6] Sequence: B- [Machine:2 Activity:225-250 IdleTime: 15 BottleNeck:null, Machine:5 Activity:250-270 IdleTime: 20 BottleNeck:2, Machine:3 Activity:275-305, Machine:6 Activity:305-325 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:3, Machine:1 Activity:325-340 IdleTime: 15 BottleNeck:6] 50 Sequence: C- [Machine:5 Activity:285-310 IdleTime: 15 BottleNeck:null, Machine:2 Activity:310-335 IdleTime: 60 BottleNeck:5, Machine:6 Activity:335-350 IdleTime:10 BottleNeck:2, Machine:3 Activity:350-370 IdleTime: 45 BottleNeck:6, Machine:4 Activity:370385 IdleTime: 255 BottleNeck:3] Sequence: C- [Machine:5 Activity:310-335, Machine:2 Activity:335-360, Machine:6 Activity:360-375 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:2, Machine:3 Activity:375-395 IdleTime: 5 BottleNeck:6, Machine:4 Activity:395-410 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:3] Sequence: C- [Machine:5 Activity:335-360, Machine:2 Activity:360-385, Machine:6 Activity:385-400 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:2, Machine:3 Activity:400-420 IdleTime: 5 BottleNeck:6, Machine:4 Activity:420-435 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:3] Sequence: C- [Machine:5 Activity:360-385, Machine:2 Activity:385-410, Machine:6 Activity:410-425 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:2, Machine:3 Activity:425-445 IdleTime: 5 BottleNeck:6, Machine:4 Activity:445-460 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:3] The bottleneck time for the entire system and the individual machines are given in Table 3.15. Table 3.15 Bottleneck time of machines for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s Machine Total idle time (IT) in min Total blocked time(BT) in min Bottleneck time (BNT=IT+BT) in min Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3 Machine 4 Machine 5 Machine 6 95 15 30 50 25 100 0 40 10 30 55 0 115 55 40 80 80 100 Total idle time of the system = 315 min Total blocked time of the system = 135 min 51 Total bottleneck time of the system = 450 min Performance Measures The performance measures of alternative process plan for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s case study are as follows: Contribution Factor (CF): Bottleneck time contribution of Product A = 110 min Bottleneck time contribution of Product B = 215 min Bottleneck time contribution of Product C = 125 min Total bottleneck time in the system = 450 min Table 3.16 Bottleneck time of products for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 Part A IT BT BNT (min) (min) (min) 30 0 30 0 10 10 0 0 0 0 30 30 0 0 0 40 0 40 IT (min) 65 0 0 0 25 30 Part B BT BNT (min) (min) 0 65 30 30 10 10 0 0 55 80 0 30 CF for Product A = 110 * 100 = 24% 450 CF for Product B = 215 * 100 = 48% 450 CF for Product C = 125 * 100 = 28% 450 52 IT (min) 0 15 30 50 0 30 Part C BT BNT (min) (min) 0 0 0 15 0 30 0 50 0 0 0 30 Value Added Ratio (VAR): Active state time = 1215 min Inactive state time = 450 min VAR = 1215 = 1215 : 450 450 = 1 : 450 1215 = 1 : 0.37 For every one minute of value added activity, there is 0.37 min of non-value added activity taking place in the given case study. More time is spent on value added activities than the non-value added activities for the selected alternative process plan. 3.7 Conclusion From the case studies, it can be inferred that the selected alternative process plan achieves the target cycle time of 460 min. For the alternative process plan, the value added ratio is better and the total bottleneck time is less as compared to the initial process plan. Therefore, the case study shows the methodology of selecting alternative process plan at the minimum cost and also achieving the target cycle time. The bottleneck detection methodology of using inactive state duration for multiple product flow with various case studies is discussed in the following chapter. 53 CHAPTER 4 CASE STUDIES This chapter explains different case studies based on bottleneck detection methodology using inactive state duration method for multiple product flow. The case studies are compared with different performance measures for initial process plan and alternative process plan. The comparison charts are developed for showing the results of the selection of alternative process plans. The case settings considered are 3 Products x 4 M/c‟s, 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s and 5 products x 10 M/c‟s. 4.1 Case Study - I (3 Products x 6 M/c’s) 4.1.1 Bottleneck time charts Figure 4.1 Bottleneck time chart of 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s for intial process plan 54 Figure 4.2 Bottleneck time chart of 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s for alternative process plan The Bottleneck time chart of 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s for both initial process plan and alternative process plan is shown in Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2. These bottleneck time charts are useful in finding the idle time and blocked time of each machines and also for the overall system. The total bottleneck time of the system can be calculated from these bottleneck charts. 4.1.2 Comparison of bottleneck characteristics The impact of bottleneck shifting can be identified by bottleneck characteristic measures. In addition to the new two performance measures like contribution factor and value added ratio, four measures proposed by Tamilselvan, Krishnan, and Cheraghi, (2010) such as Bottleneck time ratio (α), Bottleneck ratio (γ), Bottleneck shifting frequency (φ) and Bottleneck Severity ratio (χ) 55 are used to compare the bottleneck characteristics between the initial process plan and alternative process plan in the 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s case study. Table 4.1 Bottleneck Characteristics for 3 Products x 6 M/c‟s Initial Process Plan Results Alternative Process Plan # of Machines # of BN Machines 6 6 6 6 BN Time # of Inactive Durations # of BN Shifts α τ φ χ 465 38 32 1 1 0.81 0.842 450 42 32 0.97 1 0.81 0.83 From Table 4.1, it can be interpreted that the bottleneck time ratio, bottleneck severity ratio and bottleneck time are less for alternative process plan in comparison with initial process plan. Therefore, alternative process plan will provide better system performance than the initial process plan. 4.2 Case Study - II (3 Products x 4 M/c’s) 4.2.1 Bottleneck Characteristics Table 4.2 shows the bottleneck characteristics for 3 Products x 4 M/c‟s case study for studying the impact of bottleneck shifting in the system. Table 4.2 Bottleneck Characteristics for 3 Products x 4 M/c‟s Results # of Machines # of BN Machines BN Time 56 Case Study Values 4 4 139 # of Inactive Durations # of BN Shifts α τ φ χ Table 4.2 (Contd) 4.3 22 19 0.81 1 0.78 0.86 Case Study - III (5 Products x 10 M/c’s) A case study of 5 products and 10 machines with the inactive state bottleneck detection method is as follows: 4.3.1 Input Data Table 4.3 Processing time of products for 5 Products x 10 M/c‟s Product A B C Machine M1 M2 M3 Processing Time (min) 13 10 12 M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M9 M1 M2 M5 M6 M7 M8 6 4 7 10 5 5 10 15 8 6 4 5 7 12 2 15 3 5 57 M9 M10 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M1 M3 M5 M7 M8 M9 M10 D E 14 6 4 6 8 10 2 5 7 6 8 10 8 4 5 6 3 10 9 Table 4.3 (Contd) Table 4.4 Product sequence data for 5 Products x 10 M/c‟s Product Process Sequence A M2 – M4 – M6 – M8– M10 – M1 – M3 – M5 B M7 – M3 – M5 – M2 – M6 – M4 – M9 C M5 – M1 – M9 – M10 – M7 – M8 – M2 – M6 D M1 – M2 – M3 – M4 – M5 – M6 – M7 – M8 – M9 – M10 E M8 – M10 – M7 – M1 – M9 – M3 – M5 Table 4.5 Arrival rate of products in the system Arrival Rate Distribution Normal Distribution 58 Mean 20 min Standard Deviation 3 min Table 4.5 (Contd) The products A, B, C, D, E have deterministic processing times in Machines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. The processing time differs in each machine for a particular product as shown in Table 4.3. The arrival rate of the products is based on the normal distribution with mean value of 20 min and standard deviation of 3 min. Table 4.4 explains the routing sequence of each product through different machines. Figure 4.3 Processing time chart for 5 Products x 10 M/c‟s by inactive duration method 59 Figure 4.4 Bottleneck time chart of 5 Products x 10 M/c‟s by inactive duration method The bottleneck machines of the overall system are identified based on the idle time and blocked time as shown in Figure 4.4. The result of automatic bottleneck detection method for case study of 5 Products x 10 M/c‟s is shown below. Sequence:E- [Machine:8 Activity:0-3, Machine:10 Activity:3-12, Machine:7 Activity:12-18, Machine:1 Activity:18-26, Machine:9 Activity:26-36, Machine:3 Activity:36-40, Machine:5 Activity:41-46] 60 Sequence:C- [Machine:5 Activity:20-22, Machine:1 Activity:26-33, Machine:9 Activity:36-50, Machine:10 Activity:50-56 IdleTime: 38 BottleNeck:9, Machine:7 Activity:56-59 IdleTime: 38 BottleNeck:10, Machine:8 Activity:59-64, Machine:2 Activity:64-76, Machine:6 Activity:76-91] Sequence:C- [Machine:5 Activity:39-41 IdleTime: 17 Bottleneck: null, Machine:1 Activity:4148 IdleTime: 8 BottleNeck:5, Machine:9 Activity:50-64, Machine:10 Activity:68-74, Machine:7 Activity:74-77, Machine:8 Activity:77-82 IdleTime: 13 BottleNeck:7, Machine:2 Activity:82-94 IdleTime: 6 BottleNeck:8, Machine:6 Activity:94-109 IdleTime: 3 BottleNeck:2] Sequence:E- [Machine:8 Activity:56-59 IdleTime: 53 Bottleneck: null, Machine:10 Activity:59-68 IdleTime: 3 BottleNeck:8, Machine:7 Activity:68-74 IdleTime: 9 BottleNeck:10, Machine:1 Activity:74-82 IdleTime: 26 BottleNeck:7, Machine:9 Activity:82-92 IdleTime: 18 BottleNeck:1, Machine:3 Activity:92-96 IdleTime: 52 BottleNeck:9, Machine:5 Activity:96-101 IdleTime: 50 BottleNeck:3] Sequence:D- [Machine:1 Activity:82-86, Machine:2 Activity:94-100, Machine:3 Activity:100108 IdleTime: 4 BottleNeck:2, Machine:4 Activity:108-118, Machine:5 Activity:119-121, Machine:6 Activity:121-126 IdleTime: 12 BottleNeck:5, Machine:7 Activity:126-133 IdleTime: 49 BottleNeck:6, Machine:8 Activity:133-139 IdleTime: 51 BottleNeck:7, Machine:9 Activity:140-148, Machine:10 Activity:148-152 IdleTime: 2 BottleNeck:9] Sequence:D- [Machine:1 Activity:100-104 IdleTime: 14 Bottleneck: null, Machine:2 Activity:104-110 IdleTime: 4 BottleNeck:1, Machine:3 Activity:110-118 IdleTime: 2 BottleNeck:2, Machine:4 Activity:118-128, Machine:5 Activity:128-130 IdleTime:7 BottleNeck:4, Machine:6 Activity:130-135 IdleTime: 4 BottleNeck:5, Machine:7 Activity:135- 61 142 IdleTime: 2 BottleNeck:6, Machine:8 Activity:142-148 IdleTime: 3 BottleNeck:7, Machine:9 Activity:148-156, Machine:10 Activity:156-160 IdleTime: 4 BottleNeck:9] Sequence:C- [Machine:5 Activity:117-119 IdleTime: 16 Bottleneck: null, Machine:1 Activity:119-126 IdleTime: 15 BottleNeck:5, Machine:9 Activity:126-140 IdleTime:34 BottleNeck:1, Machine:10 Activity:140-146 IdleTime: 66 BottleNeck:9, Machine:7 Activity:146-149 IdleTime: 4 BottleNeck:10, Machine:8 Activity:149-154 IdleTime: 1 BottleNeck:7, Machine:2 Activity:154-166 IdleTime: 5 BottleNeck:8, Machine:6 Activity:166181 IdleTime: 4 BottleNeck:2] Sequence:A- [Machine:2 Activity:139-149 IdleTime: 29 Bottleneck: null, Machine:4 Activity:149-155 IdleTime: 21 BottleNeck:2, Machine:6 Activity:155-162 IdleTime:20 BottleNeck:4, Machine:8 Activity:162-172 IdleTime: 8 BottleNeck:6, Machine:10 Activity:172177 IdleTime: 12 BottleNeck:8, Machine:1 Activity:177-190 IdleTime: 51 BottleNeck:10, Machine:3 Activity:190-202 IdleTime: 14 BottleNeck:1, Machine:5 Activity:202-206 IdleTime: 19 BottleNeck:3] Sequence:B- [Machine:7 Activity:157-161 IdleTime: 8 Bottleneck: null, Machine:3 Activity:161-176 IdleTime: 43 BottleNeck:7, Machine:5 Activity:176-181 IdleTime: 46 BottleNeck:3, Machine:2 Activity:181-191 IdleTime: 15 BottleNeck:5, Machine:6Activity:191197 IdleTime: 10 BottleNeck:2, Machine:4 Activity:197-205 IdleTime: 42 BottleNeck:6, Machine:9 Activity:211-216] Sequence:C- [Machine:5 Activity:181-183, Machine:1 Activity:190-197, Machine:9 Activity:197-211 IdleTime: 41 BottleNeck:1, Machine:10 Activity:211-217 IdleTime:34 BottleNeck:9, Machine:7 Activity:217-220 IdleTime: 56 BottleNeck:10, Machine:8 62 Activity:220-225 IdleTime: 48 BottleNeck:7, Machine:2 Activity:225-237 IdleTime: 15 BottleNeck:8, Machine:6 Activity:237-252 IdleTime: 14 BottleNeck:2] Sequence:A- [Machine:2 Activity:200-210 IdleTime: 9 Bottleneck: null, Machine:4 Activity:210-216 IdleTime: 5 BottleNeck:2, Machine:6 Activity:216-223 IdleTime: 19 BottleNeck:4, Machine:8 Activity:225-235, Machine:10 Activity:235-240 IdleTime: 18 BottleNeck:8, Machine:1 Activity:240-253 IdleTime: 43 BottleNeck:10, Machine:3 Activity:253-265 IdleTime: 14 BottleNeck:1, Machine:5 Activity:265-269 IdleTime: 21 BottleNeck:3] Sequence:B- [Machine:7 Activity:220-224, Machine:3 Activity:224-239 IdleTime: 22BottleNeck:7, Machine:5 Activity:239-244 IdleTime: 33 BottleNeck:3, Machine:2 Activity:244-254 IdleTime: 7 BottleNeck:5, Machine:6 Activity:254-260 IdleTime: 2BottleNeck:2, Machine:4 Activity:260-268 IdleTime: 44 BottleNeck:6, Machine:9 Activity:268-273 IdleTime: 52 BottleNeck:4] The bottleneck time for the entire system and the individual machines are given in Table 4.6. Table 4.6 Bottleneck time of machines for 5 Products x 10 M/c‟s Machine Total idle time (IT) in min Machine 1 Machine 2 Machine 3 Machine 4 Machine 5 Machine 6 Machine 7 Machine 8 Machine 9 Machine 10 20 34 60 37 66 59 45 24 39 65 Total blocked time(BT) in min 13 0 2 6 11 1 0 1 4 0 63 Bottleneck time (BNT=IT+BT) in min 33 34 62 43 77 60 45 25 43 65 Total idle time of the system = 449 min Total blocked time of the system = 38 min Total bottleneck time of the system = 487 min 4.3.2 Performance Measures The performance measures of alternative process plan for 5 Products x 10 M/c‟s case study are as follows: Contribution Factor (CF): Bottleneck time contribution of Product A = 116 min Bottleneck time contribution of Product B = 85 min Bottleneck time contribution of Product C = 146 min Bottleneck time contribution of Product D = 68 min Bottleneck time contribution of Product E = 72 min Total bottleneck time in the system = 487 min Table 4.7 Bottleneck time of products for 5 Products x 10 M/c‟s M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 IT (min) 10 0 26 16 24 12 0 7 0 20 Part A BT BNT (min) (min) 0 10 0 0 0 26 0 16 0 24 1 13 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 20 IT (min) 0 10 8 12 30 12 0 0 8 0 Part B BT BNT (min) (min) 0 0 0 10 0 8 5 17 0 30 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 64 IT (min) 4 20 0 0 0 31 19 6 14 32 Part C BT (min) 5 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 4 0 BNT (min) 9 20 0 0 11 31 19 6 18 32 Part D Part E IT BT (min) (min) M1 0 8 M2 4 0 M3 6 0 M4 9 1 M5 8 0 M6 4 0 M7 8 0 M8 11 1 M9 1 0 M10 7 0 Table 4.7 (Contd) BNT (min) 8 4 6 10 8 4 8 12 1 7 CF for Product A = 116 X 100 = 24% 487 CF for Product B = 85 X 100 = 18% 487 CF for Product C = 146 X 100 = 30% 487 CF for Product D = 68 X 100 = 13% 487 CF for Product E = 72 X 100 = 15% 487 IT (min) 6 0 20 0 4 0 18 0 16 6 BT (min) 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Value Added Ratio (VAR): Active state time = 706 min Inactive state time = 487 min VAR = 706 = 706 : 487 487 =1: 487 706 = 1 : 0.69 65 BNT (min) 6 0 22 0 4 0 18 0 16 6 For every one minute of value added activity, there is 0.69 min of non-value added activity taking place in the given case study. More time is spent on value added activities than the nonvalue added activities for 5 Products x 10 M/c‟s case study. Table 4.8 shows the bottleneck characteristics for 5 Products x 10 M/c‟s case study for studying the impact of bottleneck shifting in the system. Table 4.8 Bottleneck characteristics for 5 Products x 10 M/c‟s # of Machines Case Study Values 10 # of BN Machines 10 BN Time # of Inactive Durations # of BN Shifts τ φ χ 487 87 55 1 0.82 0.79 Results 4.4 Conclusion In this chapter, additional case studies are presented for inactive active state bottleneck detection method for multiple product flow. Bottleneck characteristics are used for studying the impact of bottleneck shifting and also compare the performance of initial process plan and alternative process plan. Research conclusion and future work are discussed in the following chapter. 66 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE RESEARCH In this chapter the conclusion of the research work and possible future research are discussed. Section 5.1 discusses the conclusion of modified inactive state bottleneck detection methodology and its performance measures. Section 5.2 discusses the scope of future research work in the bottleneck detection method. 5.1 Conclusion In this research, a modified inactive state bottleneck detection method was proposed. Case studies were presented to analyze the methodology. The results obtained through the case studies provide a strong validation for this proposed methodology. A mathematical representation of identifying the bottleneck machines was presented in a matrix form. Then, the bottleneck time was calculated based on the provided mathematical formulation. An automatic bottleneck detection method using java programming was introduced to reduce the manual tracking of bottleneck machines in the processing time chart and to identify the bottleneck time rapidly and easily. Complexity in identifying the bottleneck time for large case studies can be reduced by automatic bottleneck detection method. In addition to the existing performance measures, two new measures were proposed to study the characteristics of bottleneck shifting in multiple product flow. These measures help to capture the impact of shifting bottlenecks in a manufacturing system. The next phase of the research shifts to selection of alternative process plan in the presence of bottleneck to attain the cycle time with cost effective measures using inactive state bottleneck detection method. The main objective of the proposed mathematical model is to reduce the bottleneck time and selection of process plan with minimized machining cost of the 67 products. A case study was developed with 3 products having three different process sequences for each of them. The initial process plan didn‟t meet the target cycle time of 460 min. Therefore, an alternative process plan was selected based on the minimum penalty cost of the machining for each product. The goal of plan is to achieve target cycle time and enhance overall system performance. The results showed that the alternative process plan had reduction in bottleneck time and better value added ratio as compared to initial process plan. 5.2 Future Research This research mainly focuses on multiple product flow with deterministic processing time for each product in their respective machines. The problem scope can be extended with bottleneck detection methodology of using inactive state duration for multiple product flow in variability cases. The impact of variability on bottlenecks in multiple product flow can be studied. 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