International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education 2014 (ICMSE 2014) DEVELOPING A THEMATIC INQUIRY-DISCOVERY MODULE ON METABOLISM FOR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Sekar Dwi Ardianti1 Andreas Priyono Budi Prasetyo2 R. Susanti3 1 Science Education, Semarang State University Department of Biology Education, Semarang State University 3 Department of Biology Education, Semarang State University 2 ABSTRACT The study was aimed at examining the effect of the use of the thematic inquiry-discovery module on student learning outcomes. This research and development used the post-test control group design for the field-test of the product. Population used for the field-testing were all seventh grade students at SMP Negeri 1 Sluke. Cluster random sampling was implemented to devide samples into two groupsthe VII E class as an experimental group and the VII D class as the control group. The t-test showed a significantly different learning outcomes (cognitive, psychomotoric, and affective aspects), between the experimental and control groups. Students and their teachers responded positively to the use of thematic inquiry-discovery module. The use of thematic inquiry-discovery module on metabolism significantly influenced the student learning outcomes. Thematic inquiry-discovery module was then expected to be implemented for biology teaching and learning activities. Keywords: thematic module, inquiry-discovery learning, metabolism created the form of textbooks that presents theories without attractive presentations and involving students actively. This caused many students to memorize theories, but unable to apply them in their everyday life. Trianto (2010) underlined that learning successfulness heavily relies on the use of learning resources as well as the selected instructional materials. Module is the teaching material that were systematically developed to assist students in achieving their learning goals independently or in groups (Daryanto, 2013). Asfiah (2013) added that module requires students to learn independently so that students are actively involved in learning. The main obstacle in the use of modules is what is called as the saturation of the students. Based on that reason, innovation was still needed for the development of module to satisfy the curriculum 2013 and module could be a fun learning materials and that appeal to students. Purwanto (2007) argued that the module was learning materials which was designed systematically on the basis of specific curriculum and was packaged in the form of the smallest unit of learning. It enables students to INTRODUCTION Based on the school survey using questionaires distributed to 10 science teachers at SMP / MTs Rembang, it was found that many teaching materials were not colored by the thematic and inquiry-discovery approaches in science teaching, as mandated by the new 2013 curriculum. Friedman et al. (2010) argued that the inquiry-based teaching was closely related to the nature of science as a process of human inquiry and could be used to increase student achievement. Science was treated as inquiry rather than collected facts to be studied. However, for Indonesian teachers, the implementation of science as inquiry was not easily done due to the lack of school facilities, including students’ books or learning modules. Classroom observation conducted at SMP N1 Sluke indicated that the topic ‘metabolism as bioenergy formation’ was delivered with ‘lecturing methods’ and was supported by conventional teaching materials. Instructional materials used as a learning resources were B-1 International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education 2014 (ICMSE 2014) independently study a certain time unit. Module materials have some characteristics different from other teaching materials. According to Daryanto (2013), good and attractive modules share at least 5 characteristics, i.e. selfinstruction, self-contained, stand alone, adaptive, and user friendly. Millah et al. (2012) mentioned that a good module was eligible to satisfy BSNP standards (National Board of Education Standard) namely having good content, language, presentation, and graphic. The thematic inquiry-discovery module was then developed to encourage students to do science activities (observations and discoveries) in one unified topic as whole. This module helped students overcome difficulties, especially in the topic areas of metabolism. The study was aimed at examining validity of the thematic inquirydiscovery module and identifying the effect of the use of the developed thematic inquiry-discovery module on student learning outcomes. scientific processes as its learning syntax. Table 1 presents the module specifications. Table 1. Specifications of product No 1. Aspects of Module Title 2. Content Materials 3. 4. Use for Learning methods Assesment 5. Explanation thematic inquiry-discovery module on metabolism Bioenergy as the learning theme/topics elaborating energy in physic, chemistry, and biology world. SMP students as individual or groups. Inquiry-Discovery Learning Both formative assesment used; students’ skills in laboratory activities. Sumative assesment focused on the score post tests. The inquiry-discovery of students' learning activities included: (1) "Artikel dan Jelajah Topik"; (2) "Ingatlah"; (3) "Mari Temukan"; (4) "Telusur Kesimpulan"; (5) "Catatan Penting"; (6) "Uji Kompetensi"; and (7) "Umpan Balik". "Artikel dan Jelajah Topik " was designed to help students to be able to formulate problems within their own language. According to Illahi (2012), the stimulation was very important to optimize the students’ skills in an actual form. "Ingatlah" was a part of the learning activities that contained concepts that assist students to address the formulated problems. The purpose of this activity was to drive students to collect relevant data from ‘literature reviews’ to support hypothesis. "Mari Temukan" was the core activity of the module, namely students conducted an investigation to discover a new concept so that learning was more meaningful. This was supported by Estuningsih (2013) who believed that guided inquiry worksheets could provide students with the direct and meaningful learning experiences, because the structured questions could lead students find a concept. "Telusur Kesimpulan" belonged to a student activity who took elaboration, confirmation, conclusion from their scientific activities. As mentioned by Illahi (2012) , the process of drawing conclusions may be used as general principles for all events or similar problems with outcome-oriented. "Catatan Penting" contained important concepts related to the concept being studied. An important note was designed to enable students to find information quickly. "Uji Kemampuan" was consisted of questions to be addressed by students who were equipped with feedbacks to determine the level of their ability. This activity was intended for students to evaluate themselves METHODS This study tried to follow research and development steps with some modifications. The module was validated by three validators, two biology lecturers at FMIPA UNNES and a seventh grade biology teacher from SMP 1 Sluke. The module was assessed by the use of the teaching material assessment sheet of the BSNP. Limited scale trial was conducted on 10 students who provided some advices of the structure and languages used. This field-test study used the post-test control group design. Population used for the field-testing were all seventh grade students at SMP Negeri 1 Sluke. Cluster random sampling was implemented to devide samples into two groups- the VII E class as an experimental group and the VII D class as the control group. The data collected during the field-testing were presented, as follows: cognitive achievement was assessed by post-tests on material metabolism, psychomotoric skills and affective attitudes was recorded by the observation sheet. Responses of students and teachers towards the use of thematic inquirydiscovery module were portrayed by using questionaires. Data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. RESULTS & DISCUSSION The thematic inquiry-discovery module was successfully created as independent teaching materials, using a theme to bind core and basic competencies (KI, KD), and its subjects into a unified topic, and applying B-2 International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education 2014 (ICMSE 2014) because modules was independent instructional materials. One of the characteristics of the module, based on Daryanto (2013), was self-instruction. Self instruction was an important characteristic of the module as it allows one to learn on his own speed. The validation results of the third validator showing scores 172, 195, and 201 of the total score of 216 with a decent and very worthy criteria (Table 2). Tabel 2. Validation assessment scores No 1 2 3 4 5 Aspec Content feasibility Language feasibility Presentation feasibility Graphic feasibility Thematic feasibility Inquiry-discovery 6 feasibility Total Persentation (%) Val 1 23 32 19 53 26 Score Val 2 26 37 22 62 27 Val 1 26 38 22 63 29 19 21 23 172 79,6% 195 90,3% 201 93,1% Worthy Very worthy Very worthy testing study) to determine its effect on student learning outcomes. Cognitive learning results of students, as collected from the post-test scores on metabolism was presented by Table 3. Tabel 3. Recapitulation post test score of experimental group and control group. Post-test score Experimental Control Group Group Averrage 82,10 71,47 Max score 83 93 Min score 63 70 T-test results showed that the calculated t value was 7.722> 2.001 t-table, this meaned that there was a significant difference between the average post-test scores of the experimental and control groups. Psychomotoric and affective learning outcomes drawn from the activities, interests, and attitudes of the students during the teaching learning processes were assessed by the observation sheets. The average of psychomotoric and affective score of students between the experimental and the control groups were shown in Table 4. Tabel 4. Psychomotoric and affective scores from the experimental dan control groups. Component Some disadvantages of the thematic inquirydiscovery module on metabolism, based on the previous reviews of the validators, were the unproper use of colors, images and texts. Validators then encouraged the writter to improve the use of color, images, and texts and to improve the students' interest in reading. This was also supporeted by Haryanto (2009) who underlined the clarity of the size of the image in the learning context of students' reading and writing skills. The presence of the image in a module would help students understand the material. Some advantages of the module were those of its learning steps (methods) designed as the combination of inquiry and discovery. The learning syntax trained students to find themselves concepts that affects their understanding of the concept. According to Balim (2009), learning using the inquiry-discovery required students to comment on the concepts, information, and issues, by discussing, asking questions, and seeking more information by themselves to find better solutions. To improve the quality of the module feasibilities, it was validated and revised again, on the basis of limited trial testing with students. Limited scale trial was conducted on 10 students as respondents. Lowest score was found on the item questions number 12 (printed text and clear images). As many as 30% of students stated that the images used in the module was less clear, and images used was not attractive. The module was revised again. It was then used for the large-scale trials (field- Averr age 1 2 3 4 total thitung t-tabel Psychomotor Score Exp Ctrl 67,1 49,3 71,3 65,3 77,7 65,0 87,1 76,3 75,8 64,0 6,563 2,001 Affective Score Exp Ctrl 18,42 17,17 18,26 16,80 18,35 17,03 17,87 16,57 18,23 16,89 3,028 2,001 This table indicated that there were significant differences between the average scores of students, of both psychomotoric and affective scores from the experimental and control groups. It could be concluded that the use of module brought a significant effect on students learning. As a whole this table also indicated that there were significant differences between the experimental and control groups. Ridwan (2013) mentioned that the application of the learning model of inquiry on the theme of water pollution showed an increase in both the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Teachers also recorded an increase in student learning outcomes because students understand the material by using a thematic B-3 International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education 2014 (ICMSE 2014) inquiry-discovery module. Concepts studied by students were not just memorization (a call or a rote ), but were related to their everyday life so that they would gain meaningful learning. Friedman et al. (2010), stated that the inquiry learning could improve students' learning outcomes because students played a dominant role in learning. These activities motivated students to understand the subject matter, and that was why it affected the learning outcomes. According to Budiada (2011), the implementation of inquiry supported students to be able to find their own learning material concepts and make students learn more meaningfully. Meaningfulness in study have an impact on memory as well as the students' understanding of concept. It is powerful to positively affect learning outcomes. Students experienced directly through experiments. Students were able to find their knowledge by themselves. Learning provided students with real and meaningful experiences. This claim was also supported by Justice (2009), who indicated that the inquiry could improve the quality of the learning as weel as the performance of students. Jiwa (2013) mentioned that thematic learning were more related to the application of the concept of learning by doing something (learning by doing), and learning was not boring. Balim AG. 2009. The Effect of Discovery Learning on Students Success and Inquiry Learning Skills. Egitim Arastirmalari Eurasian Journal of Educational Research. 35: 1-20. Budiada IW. 2011. Pengaruh Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inquiry Terbimbing Berbasis Asesmen Portofolio Terhadap Hasil Belajar Kimia Siswa Kelas X Ditinjau dari Adversity Quotient. Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan. 1(2). Daryanto. 2013. Menyusun Modul. Yogyakarta: Gava Media. Estuningsih S, Susantini E, & Isnawati. 2013. Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) Berbasis Penemuan Terbimbing (Guided Discovery) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas XII IPA SMA Pada Materi Substansi Genetika. Jurnal Bioedu. 2(1): 27-30. Friedman DB, Crews TB, Caicedo JM, Besley JC, Weinberg J, & Freeman ML. 2010. An Exploration into Inquiry-Based Learning by A Multidisciplinary Group of Higher Education Faculty. Springer High Education. 59:765-783. CONCLUSION Haryanto. 2009. Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca dan Menulis Permulaan dengan Media Gambar (Tesis). Surakarta: UNS. The thematic inquiry-discovery module was successfully developed, validated and revised to provide students with meaningful and integrated activities, such as reading, understanding, and doing science activities (observations and discoveries) in one unified topic as whole. 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