eUnity Training Guide - Hamilton Health Sciences

ClinicalConnectTM eUnityTM
Training Guide
October, 2013
© 2013 Client Outlook Inc.
Launch eUnityTM from ClinicalConnectTM
Search and select the patient whose record you wish to view.
Navigate to the “Radiology” module in ClinicalConnectTM.
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Launch eUnityTM from ClinicalConnectTM
To launch the exam images in the eUnityTM viewer, click the
“camera” icon.
To view the radiology report at the bottom of the page, click
anywhere on the report line.
The report displays at the bottom
of the ClinicalConnectTM page,
and is not accessible from the
eUnityTM viewer.
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Launch eUnityTM from ClinicalConnectTM
By clicking the “camera” icon,
ClinicalConnectTM performs a
study level launch with the eUnityTM viewer in a new window.
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Viewing a Study
Click the “Show Available
Series” tab to display the
available series.
Click the “push pin” button to
keep the series tray open. Press
again to close the series tray.
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Study Display Screen
The available tools are located in the toolbar at the top of the screen.
Tools will function differently depending on the type of study being
viewed. See the “tools” section for a description of the features.
Additional tools are available by clicking the “expand” button.
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thumbnail to
display view.
To change the series being displayed, scroll through the series tray using
the right and left cursor keys or left-click on the series thumbnail and
drag it into the display view.
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Left click inside the
display view and drag
the mouse up or down
to scroll through
Active series is
highlighted orange.
Images in view but not
active are highlighted
Series with a folded
corner have had at
least one image
Navigate images within a series by using the mouse wheel, the up and
down cursor keys, or by left-clicking the mouse on the display view and
moving the mouse up and down. The “home” key navigates to the first
image (lowest number) and the “end” key navigates to the last image
(highest number).
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Standard Tools
Navigation – When using some tools (e.g. zoom/pan, window & level) you
will be able to navigate through images and series by using the up and
down arrow keys. Click the navigation button to allow access to the full
range of navigation options (mouse wheel, dragging mouse within the
display view, etc.).
Zoom/Pan - Select the tool then scroll the mouse wheel to zoom. Once
zoomed, click and drag the left mouse button to pan or move the image
within the view port. If you wish to navigate through images while zoom is
active, use the up and down arrow keys.
Window and Level - Select the tool then hold down the left mouse button
and move the mouse up, down, left or right to window and level. Hold
down the CTRL key and left mouse button for fine window and level control.
If you wish to navigate through images while zoom is active, use the up and
down arrow keys
Reset Window & Level – Click on the reset window and level button to
return to the initial presentation
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Standard Tools
Window Level Presets – Drop down provides access to site-level,
modality specific Window Level presets.
Invert - Left click to invert black to white and white to black.
Flip – Left click to flip an image vertically.
Rotate Right – Left click to rotate an image 90 degrees clockwise.
Rotate Left – Left click to rotate an image 90 degrees counter
Toggle Demographics - Left click to toggle patient and study
information on and off.
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Standard Tools
Cine – Click to play a series of images like a movie. It is possible to window &
level and zoom while a cine run is playing.
Play/Pause – Starts and stops the
playing of the cine tool.
Rock/Loop – Toggle between looping
over the images or rocking back and
Target Frame Rate – The target frame
rate for displaying images.
Actual Frame Rate – The actual frame
rate is displayed next to the target
frame rate. This is impacted by factors
including power of the client machine,
memory and data transfer rates.
Trim Slider – Allows for manual setting of
the start and end points.
Current Position – The position of the
current frame on the display slider.
Current Frame – Textual identification
of current frame position within the
displayed series.
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Advanced Tools
Triangulation – Triangulate orthogonal series that have the same
frame of reference identifier. Select the Triangulation tool and
co-locate a crosshair cursor (+) in each of the eligible series
viewports that correspond to the position of the command cursor
(arrow) in the active or control viewport.
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Advanced Tools
Scout/Reference Lines – Select the reference lines tool and turn on triangulation.
All scout images in a study are combined into a single series and placed at the
start of the series tray. If a series is selected, the lines on the scout represent the
selected (highlighted orange) series.
A single yellow line represents the currently displayed image in the series.
Two white lines indicate the intersection of the first and last image of the series.
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Advanced Tools
Linked Series – Perform a set of common operations (navigate, zoom, pan,
etc.) on a group or series that have the same frame of reference identifier.
Navigation Linking – Groups images by plane. Images of different orientations will navigate separately
from other orientations.
Zoom and Pan Linking – Groups images by orientation.
Window Level Linking – Groups series by modality and localizer type. Only images of a specific modality
will be window leveled together.
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Measurement Tools
All measurements are calibrated based on information received from the
Linear Measurement – Click the left mouse button, drag the mouse, and
then click the left mouse button again to complete the length
Ellipse ROI (Region of Interest) – Select the tool then left click and drag the
mouse to raw an ellipse.
Angle Measurement – Select the tool. Left click to create your start point.
Move the mouse and then left click again to create a line. Move the
mouse and left click again to complete the angle.
Freeform ROI (Region of Interest)/Doppler Envelope - Select the tool and
then left click as many times as required around the ROI. When finished,
click the starting point to complete the freeform measurement.
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Measurement Tools
All measurements are calibrated based on information received by the
Cobb Angle – Select the tool. A single left click starts the measurement and
a second left click ends the measurement.
Eraser – Select the tool and then left click on measurement or markup to
erase. Pressing the “delete” key on the host computer’s keyboard will also
erase the selected markup.
Revert to Original – Left click to reset a series of images to the original state.
Note: Understanding how an image is calibrated is essential to
understanding measurement values. For example, if an X-Ray is not
calibrated to a maker of known size by the anatomy of interest (e.g. a
fiducial) clinicians may need to account for X-Ray magnification. See the
online help for a full description of calibration descriptions.
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Markup ad Annotation Tools
The Markup and Annotation tools allow users to apply markup to an image but do not supply any
measurement information. These markups are added, removed and edited in the same manner
as the measurement tools. While annotations can be printed, they cannot be saved.
Line Markup - using the Line tool. Using the mouse, a single left click starts the annotation and a
second left click ends the annotation. Annotations can be edited by selecting them to be active
and dragging the associated handles.
Arrow Markup - Users can apply an arrow annotation using the Arrow tool. Using the mouse, a single
left click starts the annotation and a second left click ends the annotation.
Annotations can be edited by selecting them to be active and dragging the associated handles.
Freeform Markup - Using the mouse, a user can select a number of points for the freeform. Clicking
on the first point selected, or double-clicking the mouse, ends the measurement. Annotations can
be edited by selecting them to be active and dragging the associated handles.
Text Annotation - Using the mouse, a user can select the initial placement. A text box will appear
where the user can input up to 35 characters. Note: The text annotation tool cannot be used in Full
Screen Mode. Text can be edited by double-clicking on that annotation and moved by dragging
the text to a different point on the screen.
Spine Labeling - Upon selection of the tool, the Spine Labeling panel will appear to allow selection
of specific labels. Choose a label from the list and click on an image to place the label. Similar to
other annotations, labels can be moved by clicking-and-dragging. For convenience, after placing
a label the labels will automatically advance based on the order in the list. Labels can be
removed by deselecting them in the panel window.
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Export/Print Tools
Export – The export image tool allows the user to export the selected image to
JPEG or PNG format. Demographics and markups are not exported with the
Print – The paper print tool allows the user to print the selected image to paper,
with or without annotations and/or markups.
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Collaboration allows individuals to share their screen with other participants, across
all supported eUnity platforms (web-browser and mobile devices).When
collaborating, changes made to your view will be sent to other participants.
Similarly, changes made by other participants will be applied to your view. This
includes cursors, markup, layout, thumbnail bar up/down and image manipulation
such as Window/Level and Invert.
Starting a session – Log into eUnityTM (or launch through ClinicalConnectTM), open desired
study and toggle the collaborate button to the “on” position. When the connection
indicator turns green, the session has started and any change made to the study are now
being shared.
Joining a session – Log into eUnityTM (or launch through ClinicalConnectTM), open the
study that is being viewed by other participants and toggle the collaborate button to the
“on” position. When the connection indicator has turned to green, you have joined the
session and your view should synchronize to that of the other participants.
Leaving a session – To leave a collaboration session, toggle the collaborate button to the
“off” position. When the connection indicator has turned to red, you have successfully
left the session.
Attempting to Connect
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Not Connected
Viewing an Exam with Multiple Studies
A warning message may appear when launching some studies (most
often CT exams).
Click “OK” to view the study normally.
Click “Study List” to access additional studies from HHS PACS on the
current patient.
Study launches
as usual.
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Viewing an Exam with Multiple Studies
Clicking on “Study List” launches the study with the “Study
Information” tab open.
Study information can be accessed on any exam from the icon.
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Study Information
The “Study Information” feature allows users to view a complete list of
imaging exams performed at HHS within the eUnityTM window.
The “Study List” displays the list of exams. Clicking any study from the
list will launch it within the current window, while the exam previously
viewed remains tagged along the bottom of the screen.
The “Study Details” tab displays patient demographic data, as well
as exam identifying data.
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Display Formats
Series in
a view
port is
in blue.
view port
is outlined
in orange.
Display formats are available from the toolbar. Icons with a dotted line
represent image level display formats. Icons with a solid line represent series
level display formats. Study level display formats are available via
ClinicalConnectTM using the “Study List” tab through the “Study Information”
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Lossy Image Display
If we receive a file from the archive that has been lossy compressed
(potentially resulting in lost data or quality), an icon is displayed in the
demographics that identifies the image data as lossy and summarizes
the compression ratio. eUnity will only display the image as lossy, if it
was received that way from the archive.
Hover your mouse over the
icon to display a tooltip with
additional lossy information
(type of image compression,
compression ratio and
derivation description).
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On-Line Help
On-line help is available from within the application by left-clicking on
the “?” symbol.
Left-click on the eUnity icon to view product information.
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Intended Use
eUnityTM is a software application that displays medical image data and associated clinical reports. eUnityTM performs
operations relating to the transfer, storage, display, and measurement of image data. eUnityTM allows users to perform image
manipulations, including window/level, rotation, measurement and markup. The communication and storage components of
the eUnityTM system are primarily DICOM communication over TCP/IP networks, digital image storage on computer hard disk
It is the User's responsibility to ensure that eUnityTM is used with appropriate display hardware and that image type and quality
are suitable for their intended clinical application based on the regulations and / or their professional association’s guidelines
pertaining to the anatomy and pathology being studied. Mammographic images and digitized film screen images must not
be used for diagnostic interpretations. When used on mobile devices, eUnity is for reference and referral only.
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User Support
For use of eUnityTM through ClinicalConnectTM, user technical support
is provided by the HHS ICT Helpdesk.
Please direct all user support inquiries to:
293 Wellington St. N., Suite 108
Hamilton, ON. Canada
L8L 8E7
© 2013 Client Outlook Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Some configurations
may be pending regulatory clearance; please contact Client Outlook for information on specific configurations. eUnity™ is not intended for the primary
interpretation of mammography images. eUnity™ is not intended for the diagnostic use when viewed on mobile devices. When used for primary interpretation the
system must be used with display monitors that meet or exceed local guidance and regulations.
© 2013 Client Outlook Inc.