Name _________________________ AP World History 2015: Summer Assignment This is a college level course being offered to freshmen. It is important to understand that the expectations for this class are higher than for a regular level course. The pace and rigor at which you will be expected to learn will require effort and dedication. Time management and organizational skills are important parts of success for all AP students. The purpose of this summer assignment is to provide a frame work to begin our study of World History. The following assignment is due on the first day of class and a test will be given on the three readings, periodization terms, and AP designated map regions during the first week of school. The assignment is broken into four parts. Links to the readings and some map resources can be found at the following link Summer Assignment Check List Part 1: Periodization _____1. Completed definitions and short answer _____2. Reading of Periodization handout Part 2: Readings found at the above link _____3. Completed Reading #1 _____4. Completed definitions and charts for Reading #1 _____5. Completed Reading #2 _____6. Completed definitions, charts and short answers for Reading #2 _____7. Completed Reading #3 _____8. Completed definitions, charts and short answers for Reading #3 Part 3: Primary Sources _____ 9. Completed reading _____10. Completed answer primary source questions Part 4: Map Activities _____ 11. Viewing the AP Regions and maps found at the above link _____12. Map activities Part I: Periodization Using the internet or other resources, define the following terms that we will reference throughout the course. 1. Define the terms “B.C.” AND “A.D.” 2. Define the terms “B.C.E” and “C.E.” 3. Why would someone prefer the use of B.C.E over the use of B.C.? 4. Define the word century. 5. Explain what is meant by the use of “00’s” (example to say the 1900’s) when giving a date and how it differs from the term century. 6. Define the term millennium. 7. Go to the link and refer to the AP World Course description to identify the six “periodizations” that will be used in this course. Time Frame Description Part 2: Readings, vocabulary, charts and short answers Reading #1 definitions and charts Define and/or give the significance of the following terms: Paleolithic Age Homo sapiens sapiens Neolithic Age Neolithic Revolution Bronze Age Slash and burn agriculture Tribal bands Ҫatal Hüyük Cuneiform Nomads Mesopotamia Ziggurats City-state Hammurabi Pharaoh Pyramids Ideograph Oracle Culture Civilization The Neolithic Revolution- Give several characteristics of each “age” Paleolithic Age EXAMPLE: Nomadic Neolithic Age EXAMPLE: Permanent/Semi-Perminant Villages As you read the section on Civilization, complete the following chart to characterize civilizations. There may be more information in the reading than listed. The chart indicates the minimum amount of information needed. Name of Cities or Civilizations 1. List some characteristics of Civilizations 1. List ways civilizations changed over time 1. 2. 2. 3. 2. 3. 4. 4. 5. 6. 3. 7. 8. What are each of the following civilizations most noted for (i.e. what is their significance, and what are the names if any for the individual civilizations that developed there)? Tigris-Euphrates Civilization EXAMPLE: First civilization, writing, code of laws, elaborate architecture. City planning, pottery, Literature- Epic of Gilgamesh MesopotamiaSumer, Ur, Babylon, Asyria, Nineveh Egyptian Civilization Great Cities of the Indus Valley Early Civilization in China Reading #2 definitions, charts and short answers Define and/or give the significance of the following terms: Zhou Feudalism Mandate of Heaven Shi Huangdi Confucius Daoism Legalism Great Wall As you read the section on Political Institutions, complete the following chart summarizing government traditions established during China’s classical period. There may be more information in the reading than listed. The chart indicates the minimum amount of information needed. Strong Bureaucracy 1. EXAMPLE: Size- 130,000 bureaucrats- Role of the State 1. 0.2 percent of the population 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. As you read the section on Religion and Culture, complete the following chart summarizing the political and social philosophy of Confucianism and Daoism. There may be more information in the reading than listed. The chart indicates the minimum amount of information needed. Political and Social Philosophy Confucianism Daoism 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. Reading #2 Short Answers- answer the following in complete sentences. 1. What characteristics defined the civilization that developed in China under the Zhou, Qin, and Han? 2. How did the development of new technology change Han society? Include what the new technology was and what it specifically changed in society. 3. What circumstances led to the overthrow of the Han in 9C.E. and in 220 C.E.? Reading #3 definitions charts, and short answers Define and/or give the significance of the following terms: Buddha Alexander the Great Aryans Sanskrit Vedas Mahabharata Ramayana Upanishads Varnas Untouchables Indra Chandragupta Maurya Maurya dynasty Ashoka Dharma Gupta dynasty Kautilya Gurus Karma Reincarnation Nirvana Kamasutra Scholar-gentry Shiva Vishnu As you read the section on Religion and Culture, complete the following chart summarizing the origins and traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. There may be more information in the reading than listed. The chart indicates the minimum amount of information needed. Hinduism Buddhism 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. As you read the section on Indian Influences and Comparative features, complete the following chart comparing classical civilization in India and China. India Religion Politics Social Culture China Reading #3 Short Answers- answer the following in complete sentences. 1. What was the impact of Maurya and Gupta rulers on the development of India during the classical era? 2. Why did the caste system develop and how is it perpetuated? 3. How did Buddhism influence Asoka’s rule? 4. What were some advances of the Gupta dynasty? 5. How was Aryan society organized? Part 3: Primary Source Questions Chapter 1- Primary Source: Code of Hammurabi- Read the excerpt at the link then answer the questions. 1. What is the code of Hammurabi and why is it considered so important? 2. What happens to someone who harbors a runaway slave? 3. Are there any business-related laws here? If so what ones? 4. Would you say that women have any rights, according to Hammurabi's code? Why or why not? 5. What happens if someone lies in court? 6. Would you say that the laws are "fair"? Why or why not? Chapter 2- Primary Source: The Analects - Read the excerpt at the link then answer the questions. 1. What are the Anelects? 2. According to Confucius, what is the basis of a stable society? 3. What behaviors or attitudes does Confucius consider virtuous? 4. According to Confucius, what is the purpose of being virtuous? Chapter 3- Primary Sources: Hindu Creation Myth and the Caste System- Read the excerpt at the link then answer the questions. 1. According to these documents, how was the universe created? 2. According to these documents, why was the caste system created? 3. How did the caste system affect Indian society? Part 4: Map Activities Using the readings, links, internet or other resources, complete the following maps. Map 1- AP Regional Designations Using Colored pencils, neatly color code or pattern the following locations and mark the map key. Stripe areas of regional overlap. _____ North America _____Middle East _____ Central Asia _____South East Asia _____ East Asia _____Oceania _____ South Asia _____ Western Europe _____ Eastern Europe _____ North Africa _____ West Africa _____ East Africa _____ Central Africa _____ Southern Africa _____ Latin America (including Mesoamerica & Caribbean) Map 2- World Physical Using Colored pencils, neatly color code or pattern (mountains and deserts) & Label (oceans and rivers) mark the map key. _____ Arabian Desert _____Sahara Desert _____ Congo River _____ Nile River _____ Gobi Desert _____Ganges River _____Amazon River _____ Atlantic Ocean _____ Pacific Ocean _____ Indian Ocean _____ Arctic Ocean _____ Alps _____ Hunag He River _____ Mediterranean Sea _____ Caribbean Sea _____ Andes Mountains _____ Himalayans _____ Appalachians Mountains _____ Ural Mountains _____ Tigris & Euphrates Rivers _____ Carthage _____ Origin and spread of the Bantu (Bantu Migration- see link) _____ Nubia _____ Nubian Desert _____Sahara Desert _____Libyan Desert _____ Nile Delta _____ Nile River _____ Thebes _____Memphis Using Colored pencils, neatly color code or pattern and label the following locations and mark the map key. Map 3-Africa MAP 4- Mesopotamia Using Colored pencils, neatly complete the map and key _____ Mesopotamia (Color Code) _____Syrian Desert (Color and Label) _____ Babylon (mark with a symbol) _____Tigris (Draw and Label) _____Arabian Desert (Color and Label) _____ Ur (mark with a symbol) _____ Euphrates (Draw and Label) _____ Red Sea (Label) _____ Sumer (mark with a symbol) _____ Mediterranean (Label) _____ Persian Gulf (Label) _____Jerusalem (mark with a symbol) MAP 5- South Asia Using Colored pencils, neatly complete the map and key _____ Mohenjo-Daro (mark with a symbol) _____ Harappa (mark with a symbol) _____ Deccan Plateau outline and label _____Himalayan Mountains (color code and label) _____ Hindu Kush Mountains _____ Ganges River (color code and label) _____Indus River (color code and label) _____ Mauryan Empire at its height (Outline and color code) _____Gupta Empire and areas under its influence (Outline and color code) MAP 6-East Asia Using Colored pencils, neatly complete the map and key Label _____ Huang He River _____ Yangtze River _____Pacific Ocean (label) Gobi Desert (outline and label) Mark with symbols in different colors _____Himalayan Mountains _____Tain Shan Mountains Outline and color code _____Later Zhou Kingdom _____Qin Empire ____Han Empire