Essay Outline: Informal & Formal Structure Guide

Informal Outline (Scratch Outline)
List of ideas in the order you want to present them
Ideas can be words, phrases, complete sentences or doodles
Introduction (2 paragraphs)
Paragraph One
o Make use of an attention grabber. Maybe a statistic or anecdote.
o Introduce the issue with background information.
o Thesis statement
Paragraph Two
o Identify my target audience
o Be really specific with demographics, beliefs, values, etc.
Body (? paragraphs)
Explain why no text was used
Analyze the lack logos in my image
o An emotional impact is the greater goal
o There is too much information on the subject to be expressed at one
Analyze the use of ethos in my image
o I am a member of this group
o I have experienced this for myself
o I did research using the following sources…
o My family has been involved in…
o I’m using an image of Matt Damon because…
Analyze the use of pathos in my image
o I chose to use a lot of yellow because… (use of color)
o I wanted to use the most gruesome image I could find because…
o I wanted to tell the story of… (effectiveness of layout)
Analyze the use of kairos in my argument
o This issue is important because…
Conclusion (1 paragraph)
Leave a lasting impression about my argument
Give a hopeful prediction.
Formal Outline
Makes use of roman numerals, capital letters and arabic numbers to organize points
Each point in the outline must support the idea at the level above it and must be
supported by a level below it
o If there is an A, then there must be a B
o If there is a 1, then there must be a 2
One option is a topic outline which uses words and phrases to indicate ideas
Another option is a sentence outline which fleshes out the writer’s ideas into complete
o Sentence outlines are not for every, but it has an advantage.
o A sentence outline allows the writer to visualize the organization of the paper.
Then, when the writer is confident in the logical flow, the sentence outline can
then be formatted into the actual essay since the outline was written using
complete sentences.
o The writer is still responsible for reviewing his/her own paper for effective
transitions and proper use of grammar, mechanics and usage.
I. Introduction
A. Paragraph 1
1. Attention grabber
2. Background info on issue
3. Thesis statement
B. Paragraph 2
1. Identify target audience
a. Demographics
b. Belief systems
c. Current involvement or lack thereof
2. Explain why this is the best audience for my argument
II. Body Paragraphs
A. Ethos
1. Research
2. Personal experience
3. Use of celebrity images
B. Pathos
1. Emotional anecdote
2. Layout tells a story (tell how)
3. Use of colors
4. Use of font
5. Use of other images
C. Logos
1. Use of text (research or common knowledge)
2. Statistics
III. Conclusion
A. Reiterate the importance of the issue
B. Leave audience with a warning