Draft I: Peer Review Check List Formalities: Header: ______

Draft I: Peer Review Check List
 Header: _________
 Heading: _________
 Title: _________
 Typed: _________
 Font-TNR: _________
 12 Point Font : _________
 Double Spaced: _________
 Margins (1 inch)” _________
 Spacing (No extra spacing between
paragraphs): _________
 3-5 pages: _________
 Work Cited: _________
3 things you like the most
3 things you think can be improved:
Number each body paragraph.
List the body paragraphs that’s topic
sentence does not connect back to thesis
List the body paragraphs that do not
contribute to the thesis’ purpose and
Body Paragraphs
 Topic Sentence: _________
 Main Idea Why Answer: _________
 Introduction of source: _________
 Use of quote/paraphrase: _________
 In-text citation: _________
 Explanation of quote to thesis:
 Transition statement from idea to
idea: _________
 Is the paper’s information organized
in a clear and effective manner?
 Which paragraphs seem out of
order? _________
 Using each paragraphs number, how
would you reorganize the paper?
Body Rating: (A-F) _________
Choose the weakest paragraph in the
writer’s paper. Rewrite it on the back of
their draft and revise it for sentence and
paragraph structure. (Combine sentences
using semicolons, commas, colons. Make
sure to use different sentence types and
eliminate repetitive words)
Are there places in the paper where
spelling/grammar is distracting? _____
Give specific paragraphs for examples.
 Attention grabber: _________
 Hate Topic: _________
 Definition of hate topic: _________
 Profound idea and purpose of
writing: _________
 Thesis: _________
Introduction Rating: (A-F) _________
What are the biggest grammatical issues in
the paper? (i.e. run-ons, commas, fragments,
missing commas, )
Draft I: Peer Review Check List
 Each paragraph includes at least one
outside source: _________
 List the paragraphs that don’t:
1. What points in the essay need
additional sources to make the idea
credible and well argued?
a. _______________________
b. _______________________
c. _______________________
d. _______________________
 Quotations are punctuated properly?
 Does each direct quote or paragraphs
have a follow up explanation in the
author’s own words? _________
 If not, where can this be improved?
 Does the writer use all 5 sources at
least once? _________
 Does the writer use 2 novels from
class and three additional and
different sources? _________
 Does the Work Cited have its own
page? _________
 Does it meet the requirements of a
MLA Work Cited page? _________
 Does the writer restate the thesis?
 Does the writer refrain from
summarizing the paper? _________
 Does the writer give you a call to
action or purpose to reading?
 Does the writer attempt to make
paper recursive? (Go back to lead?)
 _________
 Does the writer prove the argument
well by the end of the paper, without
repeating idea too many times?
 Does the writer refrain from
including research in the conclusion?
LIST the following concepts for the paper
WHAT: Identify the idea being discussed,
compared, or argued.
HOW: Identify the thesis and the major
points the author used to prove their
WHY: Identify the overall POINT of the
Overall grade of paper? _________