TV Competitor & Trend Analysis


Dell – Usability Test

Dell is a leading laptop and personal computer manufacturer. They were going to launch a new version of their laptop and wanted to gain an insight into the Indian consumer before launching. Also, they wanted to know how they fare against their competitors. For example, they wanted to know:

1. The difference between an end user and an IT department purchasing decision maker

2. What influences the buying decisions of these separate user groups?

3. What are the unique needs and demands of an Indian consumer?

Although Dell was conducting this study internationally, they came to Techved Consulting to help them understand the Indian context of using and buying a laptop. Moreover, they were looking for an in-depth competitive analysis of their product.

We recruited and interviewed their end users and IT purchase decision makers. Apart from understanding purchase decisions, usability of the laptop, important features, extraneous features etc., we also probed for comparisons with competitor products.

Following is a part of the final report that was presented to Dell.

Usability test


Key takeaways

Regional Differences (Indian)

• Indians are more keen on cost –effectiveness of a commodity and mentioned the configuration and performance as most important to them followed by physical quality. In a notebook, they look for

‘Performance’ as a return of investment.

• Price seemed to be more influential factor for decision makers than the end users.

• Indians trust the Brand - Among given brands they have tendency to choose the one with lesser price.

• Dell was perceived as a reliable brand ,however not having service center in India, prevented many participants from buying .(especially when end users buy notebook for themselves)

• Indians prefer to have a personal /face to face contact while making important decisions including purchase related decisions.

• Weight was mentioned by all participants as one of the important criteria for various reasons.

• One reason being travelling in the local train along with notebook should be feasible.

• Secondly, weight was one of the criteria to judge the quality of the notebook. Higher the weight, lower the perceived quality of the notebook.

• Indians look at the accessories or gadgets they carry as a style statement which also influenced the ratings and rankings across both the groups , especially for the end users.

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Findings regarding physical quality





Summary of what participants want in terms of quality

All IT Pros

Display quality (not evaluated) Display back rigidity

Durability of outer material Access to internal components

Keycap feel, key responsiveness Apparent durability

End Users

Display size

Ports and features




Summary of what participants want in terms of quality

All IT Pros

• Thickness of outer material

• Lasts longer

• Overall Sturdiness

• Warranty/after sale services

• Lasts long

• Non scrachable material

• Warranty/after sale services


• Light weight and yet strong

• Overall size

“ quality, I would say………not having to call for frequent repairing „


End Users

• Overall sturdiness,

• Ease of carrying

• Ergonomically optimal

• Light weight

Overall size

• Light weight (easy to carry)

• Overall Size

• Overall sturdiness while traveling.

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“ I am careless user, I don‟t want to be bothered much about repair while I m working „



Purchasing/Evaluation Considerations

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What is important to the IT pros in puchase decision process?

IT pros were asked to prioritize factors impacting the purchase decision process.

• Most participants mentioned configuration as one of the top criterion for purchase decision.

– Most IT pros, mentioned weight and overall size as one of the important factors influencing purchase decisions because they receive such preferences from end users.

– Price and after sale services came up as second most important factors.

– Warranty, and after sale services were considered important in purchase decisions as they have implications for further maintenance of the notebooks .


• Weight was found to be most common concern that

IT Pros have to cater to.

• During the physical evaluations, the heavier notebooks were perceived as lower quality. Reason being- heavier notebooks were made in older days, newer ones are lighter.


• Price was important to many

IT pros. During recession, buying capacity of the organizations has been affected.

• Many IT pros mentioned having tie ups or long term contracts with certain brands

& preferred to continue with it. It gave them advantages in prices as well as warranty periods & after sale services.


• Quality of notebook was described as durability, newness of design

• Durability was explained as strength of the material, weight.

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Where does HW quality matter most?

IT pros and end users ranked the importance of quality for specific system attributes (the following shows the percentage in their top 3 and the average rank in parentheses).

End Users

Display, 83% (Rank 2.0)

• Screen size.

• Screen quality.

Keyboard, 83%, (Rank 2.58 )

• Appropriate gap between the keys

• Softness of keys, feel of the keys

Touchpad & Buttons, 59 % (Rank 3.0)

• Location of ports,

• ventilation fan, base should not crowded.

IT Pros

Display, 83% (Rank 1.75 )

• Screen size

• Comfortable brightness

• Color,and feel of display back

Keyboard, 75% (Rank 2.58)

• Feel of the keys

• Overall typing ease along with palms rested

• Keypad layout, visibility of frequently used keys.(colors of keys and letters)

• Keys that make less noise.

Touchpad & buttons 75% (Rank 2.16)

• Stable/steady bottom

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Other important system attributes

Only few of the IT pros and end users mentioned the other attributes that were important to them.

IT Pros

“If battery does not support …then whats the use of carrying a laptop during travel.”

End Users

“ weight is the factor that‟s very very important while, I choose a notebook for myself.”

Battery life, 4/12 ( 32%)

• Durability of Battery Pack

• Back up facility while travelling

• Service/ Warranty 3/12 ( 25%)

• Speed / quality of Service

• Part replacement, repairing

Configuration 2/12 ( 17 %)

• Fast boot speed

• Quick sleep / wake reaction

• Able to run specific software

Weight and Size , 3/12( 25%)

Connections / Ports ,3 /12( 25 %)

• Users needed a docking station port

• USB (at least 3), all commonly connected USB devices

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How do IT Pros and end users interact?

IT pros were asked how they determined end user needs. End users were asked how they communicated their needs to IT pros, who influence purchasing decisions.

IT pros

Difficult to balance between employee needs and management constraints

• Most of the companies finalize few models and put up on the intranet for reference of employees. However , which employee group will get what notebooks is pre-decided by the management based on previous records and information.

• Different types of notebook are given to different types of users. This depends on the job roles e.g. project managers have different types of notebook.(different brands or different models of the same brands)

“…there are employees who sit in the office and work like researchers, who may not need good looking ,elegant looking notebooks. There are employees who frequently visit clients and outdoor.They have reported a specific need for elegant and more presentable notebooks. Some of them ask for sturdy notebooks, that are not so delicate looking ….”

End users

No choice to select a notebook

• End users have no choice to select the kind of notebook they want.

• Specific Needs:

• It has to be light weight.

• When they have to go for presentation / or an important meeting, they feel the need to have good looking notebook.

“……not sure how will this look when I go for a presentation to my client”

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Quality Evaluation Behaviors

IT Pros

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Physical quality evaluation – general observations

Evaluation Patterns Observed

: These beahavior patterns can possibly tell us what is important to people- what appeals or does not appeal to them, basic tendencies in terms of what aspects are important to various people ,while evaluating / perceiving a laptop. These patterns were derived from prop round and observations during the physical evaluations, ratings & rankings.

Patterns Evaluation Behavior : 2 Pattern in Evaluation Behavior : 1


• Look at the notebooks and observed it for few seconds

• Open the notebook and comment on weight, functions and utilities

• Ponder over the look & feel , comment on it

(color,shape,modernenss of design)

• Check for weight

• Ponder over the functionalities

• Close the notebook to see the outer look and material &comment on it

• Open the notebook

(checking functions& utility features-e.g

keyboard, ports)

Persona1: Users who are predominantly lookn-feel oriented. Functionalities and utilities matter to them but as a secondary choice.

Persona 2: notebooks by its functionalities. feel matters to them but not majorly.

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Users who predominantly judge

Though look-n-


Notebook Quality Competitive (Benchmark)


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Notebooks tested

HP ProBook 6445b Lenovo ThinkPad R400 Dell Latitude E-5400

HP ProBook 4415s

Lenovo ThinkPad SL410

Acer TravelMate 4730

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Competitive comparison: Summary – End users

• End Users ranked and rated Acer Travelmate as having the highest quality overall, across four components.

• Most users have appreciated its display back colors ,metallic finish and hence perceived it as pleasant looking.

• Secondly many have liked the curvy keyboard which they found ‘different ‘ in terms of design.

End Users: Best and Worst Summary

Rated and

Ranked Best

Rated and

Ranked Worst


Acer Travelmate Lenovo 400

Display Back

HP 6445 Dell 5400

• The Lenovo 400 has ranked least favorably for three different components.

• Dell 5400 was ranked least favorable for 2 components, and also for overall quality and durability.

• This was due to end users’ focus on look and feel and trendy design..

• Many users described it as ‘dull looking, boring, old fashioned, basic structure design’.


Palm Rest


Acer Travelmate Lenovo 400

Other Buttons

Acer Travelmate HP 6445

Acer Travelmate

HP 4415

Dell 5400

Lenovo 400

End users’ rating for individual component ratings are comparatively more consistent with their ranking.


HP 4415 Dell 5400


HP 4415 Dell 5400

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Benchmark comparison: Summary - IT Pros

• The IT Pros ranked and rated the Acer

Travelmate as the highest quality overall, across components.

IT Pros: Best and Worst Summary

Rated &

Ranked Best

Rated &

Ranked Worst

• Though Dell was ranked lowest on four components, its overall ranking was on higher side.

• This is mainly because it is perceived durable in terms of being long lasting, sturdy, and strong.


IT Pros’ quality ranking is comparatively less inconsistent with their rating of the individual components.

•This can be attributed to the individual differences in the perceived importance of various factors that affect purchase decisions.


HP 4415

Display Back

HP 4415


Other Buttons

Palm Rest








HP 4415







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Dell E-5400

Lenovo 400

Lenovo 410

Dell E-5400

Dell E-5400

Dell E-5400

Lenovo 410

Lenovo 410


Notebook Quality Competitive (Benchmark)


IT Pros

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Benchmark comparison: IT Pros – overall quality

Participants evaluated the 6 notebooks, first one at a time, rating each feature (including durability), then comparing them side-by-side and ranking each feature and overall quality.

• Acer Travelmate 4730 was the highest for overall ranking for its comparative light weight and overall design.

• All users noticed its curvy keyboard and most of them liked it aesthetically, though usage -wise it was not always preferred.

• It was also rated as the second most durable.

• Lenovo Think Pad SL410 was lowest for overall ranking.

• The Dell Latitude was frequently referred to as dull looking, not glossy, heavy,’not made for those who want to carry it”, more for corporate/ professionals, non-glamorous, formal looking .

“quality is nice ,i.e. material is nice but finishing is not good-” -

Dell E-5400.

IT Pros in the US rated the Dell E-5400 much more favorably overall, primarily due to a focus on perceived durability rather than aesthetic design.

Benchmark comparison: IT Pros – palm rest quality

Ratings and rankings were also collected on the perceived quality of the palm rests.

• IT pros ranked the palm rests on the Acer

Travelmate 4730 as the highest quality.

• Users found the palm rest givesgood support while typing, and the space it offers was appreciated.

• Palm rest on Dell Latitude was rated as the lowest quality.

• IT pros disliked the rough feel and squarish edges of the palm rest.

• Palm rest was often evaluated by trying out the typing ease followed by touching it to check the feel.



IT Pros: Average Rank Palm Rest

Lenovo R400 Lenovo SL410

2 nd

5 th

1 st

2 nd


Acer 4730 HP 6445b

5 th 3 rd


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4 th

HP 4415s

6 th


Dell E-5400

4 th

6 th


Rating Data


Benchmark comparison: IT Pros – cost estimate

After participants evaluated the 6 notebooks individually, they provided an estimate of what the notebook would cost (assuming the same operating system on each).

• IT pros’ cost estimates were consistent with their ranking and rating of overall quality.

• HP 4415 is given highest price estimate of $ 839,closely followed by Acer

Travelmate 4730 -$ 829 .These notebooks were rated and ranked as highest for overall quality as well as for some of the components.

• The range of Average Cost Estimate is quite narrow, highest being $839 , lowest being


** Note, original estimate was in Indian Rupees, then converted to US dollars .

• A lower price range doesn’t change IT pros’ perception of quality.

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Notebook Quality Competitive

Benchmark Comparison

End Users

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Benchmark comparison: End users – overall

Participants evaluated the 6 notebooks comparing them side-by-side and ranking overall quality.

Durability had been rated earlier in the single notebook evaluation.

• End users rated HP 4415 highest overall.

• They tended to judge overall quality based on:

• Aesthetic aspects like glossy, sleek looks, good finishing.

• Weight and overall size was second major factor in this rating.

• This notebook was also described as delicate, and preferred by end users as they thought it suited their specific requirements like client visits.

• Lenovo ThinkPad 400 & Dell E-5400 were ranked least favorably overall.

• These notebooks were perceived as dull looking, boring design, heavy, which also made them perceive it as lower quality as compared to other notebooks.

“laptop should be strong & yet light & good to look at.”

End Users: Average Rank Overall

HP 6445b Dell E-5400




3 rd

2 nd

3 rd

5 th

Acer 4730 Lenovo SL410

2 nd 1 st

2 nd

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4 th

Lenovo R400

3 rd

5 th

HP 4415s

6 th

1 st


Rating Data


Benchmark comparison: End users – chassis

Ratings and rankings were also collected on the perceived quality of the chassis (or bases) of the notebooks.

• End users ranked the chassis of the Acer Travel mate 4730 most favorably.

• They looked for the number and locations of

USB ports, battery and internet connection plug ins.

• Headphones and microphone jacks were expected to be on the front.

• The chassis of the LenovoR400 was rated least favorably.

• It was perceived as too crammed and ugly because of the protruding battery shape.

“ this part coming out ….looks unusual ”

“if the battery comes out then its very irritating, occupies space unnecessarily.”

End Users: Average Rank Chassis

Lenovo SL410 Dell E-5400




4 th

1 st

1 st

5 th

“ two USB ports one below the other makes it difficult to operate .

HP 6445b Acer 4730

1 st 3 rd

4 th

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1 st

Lenovo R400

5 th


HP 4415s

6 th

3 rd


Rating Data


Benchmark comparison: End users – display back

Ratings and rankings were also collected on the perceived quality of the display back (and display frame) of the notebooks

• End users ranked the display back of HP 6445 as most favorably.

• This can be attributed to the silver color and overall smoothness and ease of opening.

• It was also mentioned as more durable than other notebooks.

• End users often ignored the hinges but ,they did check the lock for its locations (middle or on sides).

“ display back is very professional “

Dell E-5400

“display looks nice but hope that it is unscratchable “

HP 4415

• The display back of Dell E-5400 was rated least favorably.

• End users referred to the display back as plain looking, unattractive, too thick.

• Sharp edges were not appreciated.

• Many had difficulty opening it , did not notice how the lock worked instantly.

End Users: Average Rank Display

Dell E-5400 Lenovo R400 Acer 4730



6 th


3 rd

4 th

2 nd

3 rd

End users in the US rated the display back of the Dell E-5400 less favorably, primarily due to focusing on aesthetic design

(i.e. square corners).

HP 6445b

1 st

1 st

Lenovo SL410

3 rd

3 rd

HP 4415s

3 rd

2 nd

Competitive comparison: End users – touchpad

Ratings and rankings were also collected on the perceived quality of the touchpads, and left / right

“mouse” buttons.

• HP ProBook 4415 was rated most favorably for its smoothness and slightly embossed position.

• End users ranked Lenovo 400 least favorably due to its feel that is same as the rest and its buttons taking more than required space.

End Users: Average Rank Touchpad

HP 6445b Lenovo SL410




3 rd

3 rd

1 st

2 nd

Lenovo R400 Acer 4730

1 st 4 th

6 th

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4 th

Dell E-5400

5 th

5 th

HP 4415s

6 th



Competitive comparison: End users – cost estimate

After participants evaluated the 6 notebooks individually, they provided an estimate of what the notebook would cost (assuming the same operating system on each)

• End users' cost estimates are consistent with their overall quality rating for the notebooks.

• That is, the notebooks that were ranked highest for overall quality are also estimated to be of highest cost.( HP4415 and Acer


Highest cost estimate to the HP 4415, which was often described as attractive, elegant looking, with glossy looks, once again points out to the tendency to perceive good looking notebooks as high quality.

• In general, there is no drastic difference between the highest and lowest cost:

• Highest cost estimate: $ 858, HP 4415

• Lowest cost estimate: $ 661 $ Lenovo 400

** Note, original estimate was in Indian Rupees, then converted to

US dollars.


A lower price range doesn’t change end users’ perception of quality


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Dell specific recommendations: India

Following points came up frequently during the current study.

Current Strengths

• Brand image: Dell came across as well established brand. People spoke about it with enthusiasm & trust.

• Dell notebooks are considered as being a durable & strong ,long lasting and hence a reliable brand overall.

• Quality: The concept of quality notebook was closely associated with its look and feel and aesthetic design. This concept is strongly operant in purchase decisions.

Opportunities for Improvement

• Aesthetic needs of users: Indians have a prominent tendency to strongly identify gadgets and their accessories with their own image and recognition. Such user group is often looking for ward to carrying something that is elegant to look at. Participants seemed to be disappointed in this regard.

• Enhancing softer aspects of Dell notebooks in terms of color, sleek & round edges, smooth touch pads ,overall size would help change its perception as old fashioned, boring in looks.

• Some end users mentioned that having nice looking logo adds lot of value to the display back and disliked the current logo design and the way it is put up on the display back.

• Focus on the finishing of the outer material : Dell has an advantage of being perceived as reliable brand providing durable products. Providing better finishing for surface material would instantly add to it.

• Consider having a local service center in India. Indians prefer to buy / give notebook for repair after a face to face interaction with the person on the counter.

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