The Traditional Care Model The PCMH Model

PCMH (Patient Centered Medical Homes) Because outstanding care is our #1 goal, Reedy Family Medicine is in the process of earning our national certification as a Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH). A PCMH is not just the physical home for a patient; it is also a model of patient care organization and delivery that focuses on coordinating all members of a patient’s care team to provide maximum service (and minimum hassle) for the patient and his or her family. This model is not new to us, but the national guidelines for certification are. We are currently working through the certification process to demonstrate our ultimate commitment to you and your total health. The certification process takes a while; check back often to see our progress. How does a PCMH make my life better? 1. It’s like the command central for all the moving parts of your care. Acting as your medical headquarters, a PCMH is your advocate, helping you navigate the seemingly fragmented medical system. It gives you maximum efficiency. 2. Streamlined coordination makes it easier for you to access your care givers and your records. In other words, you’ll get shorter wait times. It gives you maximum accessibility. 3. It provides a channel for all of the people involved in your care to communicate openly and clearly. It gives you minimum hassle. The Traditional Care Model The PCMH Model What is a Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH)? While it is a physical location, a PCMH is also a model of patient care that centers on how primary care is organized and delivered. The PCMH model coordinates all aspects of care and rests on five major tenants: 1. Comprehensive care. Whole patient care requires a number of professionals who function as a team; the PCMH the team’s headquarters. 2. Patient-­‐centered care. No matter how many people are on the team, the key player is always the patient. You play an active role in the care you receive. It is always all about you. 3. Coordinated care. With a number of players and with pending significant changes in the health care system, coordination and communication are more important than ever. A PCMH facilitates communication and synchronization between all the moving parts. 4. Accessible services. Shorter waits, enhanced hours, and varied forms of communication puts service at your fingertips. 5. Quality and safety. These are the bases of all that we do: care for you with top-­‐notch quality and safety. PCMHs use measurable parameters to support those bases.1 1 