mikroElektronika development systems PSoC development system PSoC User’s Manual May 2003. PIC, AVR, MC68HC11, i8051, PSoC development systems www.mikroelektronika.co.yu mikroElektronika development systems PSoC development system CONTENTS CONNECTING THE SYSTEM page 3 DESCRIPTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM page 4 Power Supply and the Reset Circuit page 4 Switches and their functions page 5 LED Diodes page 6 Push Buttons page 7 4x3 Matrix Keyboard page 8 LCD Display page 9 7-segment Display page 10 Analog Blocks page 11 Mini Speaker page 12 Real Time Clock - PCF8583 page 13 Serial EEPROM - 24Cxx page 14 Digital Thermometer DS1820 page 15 RS232 Communication page 16 RS485 Communication page 17 CAN Controller - MCP2510 page 18 Direct Port Access page 19 PIC, AVR, MC68HC11, i8051, PSoC development systems www.mikroelektronika.co.yu 2 mikroElektronika development systems PSoC development system CONNECTING THE SYSTEM The development system box contains the development system, CD and a serial cable. NOTE: Jumper JPP has to be in the upper position when you work with the development system. It should be set to the lower position only when the development system is used in certain applications when the programmer is no longer needed. Step no.1 The first thing to do is to take the system out of a box and to connect the PSoC programmer to the development system, using the flat cable. Connect one end of the parallel cable to the parallel port of the computer, and its other end to the PSoC programmer. Step no.2 Second step is to connect the power supply. It can be AC or DC, as desired, and the voltage should be between 9V and 12 V. The figure below illustrates the first contact with the development system. Step no.3 Install the PSoC prog software. 0V ON + + + 16MHz AEC00G ON + RT VA A CR2032 3V/230mA 32.768KHz MCP2510 P1[1] P1[0] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CY8C26233 CY8C26443 CY8C26643 Pot-P2 MAX232 32.768 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S ER P LM7805 0099 B80 C1000 When JPP jumper is in upper position microcontroler is in PROGRAM mode N AI PIH 2.5V Connector for RS232 communication of Konektor za RS232 microcontroller and komunikaciju the computer. i racunara. mikrokontrolera + +5V Power supply Napajanje AC/DC 9-12V 9-12V AC/DC Connector for external proKonektor za eksterni grammer of PSoC programator PSoC microconmikrokontrolera troller + When programming jumper goes Prilikom programiranja džamper to the poisition when in je u upper gornjem položaju,and a u radnom running it goes to the !lower režimumode je u donjem položaju position ! Pin 1 VCC GND RST GND GND GND VOUTP Figure 1. AT24C04 PCF8583 MAX7219 LTC485 + LCD on PORT1 PIH LCD contrast P[0] P[1] P[2] P[3] ATTENTION: SW2 - enables LEDs on P3, DS1820, I2C communication selects RS485 or RS232 communication, and connects potentiometer to analog input P0[0] SW3 - enables SPI communication and beeper JP1 - connects buttons to +5V or GND when pressed S ER P PIC, AVR, MC68HC11, i8051, PSoC development systems JP1 N AI GND VCC Vee P[5] P[6] P[4] LCD on PORT3 GND +5V To PORT4 pins www.mikroelektronika.co.yu 3 mikroElektronika development systems PSoC development system DESCRIPTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM POWER SUPPLY AND THE RESET CIRCUIT For all the elements in the development system to work properly, it is required to have stabilized +5V. With PSoC system, it is achieved by using the power stabilizer LM7805. Because of the increased dissipation which occurs at higher current consumption, stabilizer is set upon the appropriate cooler. Diode POWER indicates that the power is on. LM7805 0099 B80 C1000 + + 2 TO-220 Figure 2. LM 7805 Transformer Transformator 1 2 3 D1 B80C1000 ~ +5 V 220V 9V ~ ~ - 1 + LM7805 3 2 + R2 + C2 C5 C3 Power ZEL ~ C8 C2 = 470 µ F, C3 = 100nF, C5 = 100nF, C8 = 10µ F SP VPOUT Programmingpreko with Programiranje ISP programatora programmer +5V +5V Reset VCC P0[6] P0[4] P0[2] P0[0] P2[6] P2[4] P2[2] P2[0] P3[6] P3[4] P3[2] P3[0] Xres P4[6] P4[4] P4[2] P4[0] P5[2] P5[0] P1[6] P1[4] P1[2] P1[0] 10ΚΩ P0[7] P0[5] P0[3] P0[1] P2[7] P2[5] P2[3] P2[1] P3[7] P3[5] P3[3] P3[1] SMP P4[7] P4[5] P4[3] P4[1] P5[3] P5[1] P1[7] P1[5] P1[3] P1[1] VSS CY8C26643 When testing, it is often necessary to reset the microcontroller. The button RESET on the PSoC development system is used for this purpose. The scheme of reset button and microcontroller connection is on figure 3. Figure 3. 32.768 KHz N PI H ER AI LCD contras R2 = 330 Ω , RR1=10K Ω +5V PIC, AVR, MC68HC11, i8051, PSoC development systems www.mikroelektronika.co.yu 4 mikroElektronika development systems PSoC development system SWITCHES AND THEIR PURPOSE The purpose of DIP switches on the system is to establish or break the connections between the microcontroller and the development system peripherals. DIP switches divide into two groups: SW2 and SW3. The first group, SW2, connects microcontroller I/O lines to the digital thermometer, I2C bus, serial RS-232 and RS-485 communication circuits and the mini speaker. The second group, SW3, conects the appropriate microcontroller pins to SPI communication bus, driver MAX7219 for 7-segment LED display, CAN communication lines and the potentiometer P2, whose voltage can be read thanks to the internal A/D converter. The following tables symbolically display the organization of DIP switches. PI H ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N AI + SW 2 + + 16MHz AEC00G ON LCD on PORT1 LTC485 + SW 3 PIH LCD contrast P[0] P[1] P[2] P[3] MOSI MAX7219 MISO CLK SPI_SS1-MAX7219 SPI_SS3-CAN INT-CAN RESET-CAN POT P2 AT24C04 PCF8583 S ER P JP1 N AI GND VCC Vee P[5] P[6] P[4] RT VA A CR2032 3V/230mA 32.768KHz CY8C26233 P1[6] P1[5] P1[4] P1[2] P5[0] P5[1] P5[2] P0[0] LCD on PORT3 ATTENTION: SW2 - enables LEDs on P3, DS1820, I2C communication selects RS485 or RS232 communication, and connects potentiometer to analog input P0[0] SW3 - enables SPI communication and beeper JP1 - connects buttons to +5V or GND when pressed + MCP2510 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CY8C26443 CY8C26643 Pot-P2 MAX232 32.768 LM7805 0099 + 0V S ER P When JPP jumper is in upper position microcontroler is in PROGRAM mode + +5V 2.5V DS1820 I2C-SDA I2C-SCL B80 485-R/T C1000 RS232 & 485 -TX RS232 & 485 -RX INT-RTC ZVUCNIK P2[7] P2[1] P2[0] P0[1] P0[7] P0[6] P2[2] P1[7] GND +5V To PORT4 pins Figure 4. PIC, AVR, MC68HC11, i8051, PSoC development systems www.mikroelektronika.co.yu 5 mikroElektronika development systems PSoC development system LED DIODES The system has 8 diodes that are connected to the appropriate microcontroller via port 3. These diodes are ordinarily used in the first phase of the work, but they are also used for the later indications of the program flow. Diodes’ looks is given on the figure below. The way to connect the LED diodes to the microcontroller is shown on the figure 5. JP1 GND +5V To PORT4 pins Programming with ISP Programiranje preko ISPprogrammer programatora VPOUT 32.768 KHz +5V RN2 330Ω +5V P3[7] Reset VCC P0[6] P0[4] P0[2] P0[0] P2[6] P2[4] P2[2] P2[0] P3[6] P3[4] P3[2] P3[0] Xres P4[6] P4[4] P4[2] P4[0] P5[2] P5[0] P1[6] P1[4] P1[2] P1[0] 10ΚΩ CY8C26643 P0[7] P0[5] P0[3] P0[1] P2[7] P2[5] P2[3] P2[1] P3[7] P3[5] P3[3] P3[1] SMP P4[7] P4[5] P4[3] P4[1] P5[3] P5[1] P1[7] P1[5] P1[3] P1[1] VSS P3[6] P3[5] P3[4] P3[3] P3[2] P3[1] P3[0] +5V Figure 5. NOTE: LED diodes are switched on by logical one. It means that the microcontroller must have a logical one on a pin for diode to emit light. PIC, AVR, MC68HC11, i8051, PSoC development systems www.mikroelektronika.co.yu 6 mikroElektronika development systems PSoC development system PUSH BUTTONS System features one RESET button and 8 buttons for simulating the system command inputs. Graphic scheme of the buttons-controller connection via port 4 is on the figure 6. Depending on jumper JP1 setting, pressing the button will set either logical zero or logical one on the appropriate pin. In the example shown on the following figure, buttons are connected to +5V via jumper JP1. NOTE: Keyboard and the buttons cannot be used simultaneously ! JP1 GND +5V To PORT4 pins Programming ISP Programiranjewith preko ISPprogrammer programatora VPOUT +5V +5V Reset 32.768 KHz VCC P0[6] P0[4] P0[2] P0[0] P2[6] P2[4] P2[2] P2[0] P3[6] P3[4] P3[2] P3[0] Xres P4[6] P4[4] P4[2] P4[0] P5[2] P5[0] P1[6] P1[4] P1[2] P1[0] 10ΚΩ CY8C26643 P0[7] P0[5] P0[3] P0[1] P2[7] P2[5] P2[3] P2[1] P3[7] P3[5] P3[3] P3[1] SMP P4[7] P4[5] P4[3] P4[1] P5[3] P5[1] P1[7] P1[5] P1[3] P1[1] VSS P4[0] P4[1] P4[2] P4[3] P4[4] P4[5] P4[6] P4[7] +5V JP1 Figure 6. +5V PIC, AVR, MC68HC11, i8051, PSoC development systems www.mikroelektronika.co.yu 7 mikroElektronika development systems PSoC development system 4X3 MATRIX KEYBOARD 4x3 matrix keyboard is very suitable in occasions when 8 buttons are insufficient. The keyboard connects to the pins of port 4 in same way as the buttons. + 16MHz AEC00G ON 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RT VA A CR2032 3V/230mA 32.768KHz CY8C26233 2 MCP2510 MAX72 * PIH S ER P N AI 0, I2C communication mmunication, and nalog input P0[0] and beeper GND when pressed # 0 LCD contrast 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NOTE: Keyboard and the buttons cannot be used simultaneously ! + 1 Programming with ISP Programiranje preko ISPprogrammer programatora VPOUT +5V +5V Reset 32.768 KHz VCC P0[6] P0[4] P0[2] P0[0] P2[6] P2[4] P2[2] P2[0] P3[6] P3[4] P3[2] P3[0] Xres P4[6] P4[4] P4[2] P4[0] P5[2] P5[0] P1[6] P1[4] P1[2] P1[0] 10ΚΩ CY8C26643 P0[7] P0[5] P0[3] P0[1] P2[7] P2[5] P2[3] P2[1] P3[7] P3[5] P3[3] P3[1] SMP P4[7] P4[5] P4[3] P4[1] P5[3] P5[1] P1[7] P1[5] P1[3] P1[1] VSS P4[0] P4[1] P4[2] P4[3] P4[4] P4[5] P4[6] P4[7] +5V JP1 +5V PIC, AVR, MC68HC11, i8051, PSoC development systems Figure 6. www.mikroelektronika.co.yu 8 mikroElektronika development systems PSoC development system LCD DISPLAY 7 8 8C26643 Pot-P2 CY8C26233 CY8C26443 Standard LCD display (2x16 characters) is supplied. However, this is not a limitation, because any display, having the same type of communication with the microcontroller, can be used. Display contrast can be adjusted using the potentiometer placed to the right of the LCD display. The following figure shows how to connect LCD to port 1 of microcontroller CY8C26643. LCD may be also connected to port 3. LCD on PORT1 PI H LCD contrast P[0] P[1] P[2] P[3] ATTENTION: SW2 - enables LEDs on P3, DS1820, I2C communication selects RS485 or RS232 communication, and connects potentiometer to analog input P0[0] SW3 - enables SPI communication and beeper JP1 - connects buttons to +5V or GND when pressed S ER P N AI GND VCC Vee P[5] P[6] P[4] LCD on PORT3 Programmingpreko with Programiranje ISPprogramatora programmer ISP +5V 1 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 +5V +5V Reset L cD d i sp l ej R/W RS E D4 D5 D6 D7 +5V 32.768 KHz Vss Vdd Vee RS R/W E VCC P0[6] P0[4] P0[2] P0[0] P2[6] P2[4] P2[2] P2[0] P3[6] P3[4] P3[2] P3[0] Xres P4[6] P4[4] P4[2] P4[0] P5[2] P5[0] P1[6] P1[4] P1[2] P1[0] 10ΚΩ P0[7] P0[5] P0[3] P0[1] P2[7] P2[5] P2[3] P2[1] P3[7] P3[5] P3[3] P3[1] SMP P4[7] P4[5] P4[3] P4[1] P5[3] P5[1] P1[7] P1[5] P1[3] P1[1] VSS CY8C26643 Kontrast LCD-a VPOUT Figure 7. PIC, AVR, MC68HC11, i8051, PSoC development systems www.mikroelektronika.co.yu 9 mikroElektronika development systems PSoC development system 7-SEGMENT DISPLAY PI H Pot-P2 S ER P JP1 N AI LCD contrast It is necessary to prekidaca have all Neophodno je da tri three and 4) ON (1, 3 i switches 4) budu u(1, ON3polozaju za for 7-segment display sedmosegmentni displej ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7-segment display consists of 8 digits that print values and are refreshed by the driver MAX7219. Value of each digit is inputted serially via pins MOSI, SCK and CS3 of the appropriate microcontroller, hence the switches have to be set as shown on the figures below. LED display’s looks is given on the picture below, and the figure 8 shows how to connect 7-segment display to the microcontroller. GND +5V To PORT4 pins 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8. MAX7219 DIN DIG0 DOUT SEGD DIG4 GND DIG6 DIG2 DIG3 SEGDP SEGE SEGC V+ ISET DIG7 GND DIG5 DIG1 LOAD SEGG SEGB SEGF SEGA CLK P5[1] P5[2] P0[0] SCK CS3 CS4 INT-CAN RST-CAN POT-P2 SW3 +5V VPOUT Programiranje Programming preko with ISPprogramatora programmer ISP +5V +5V 8. g Reset P5[0] MISO VCC P0[6] P0[4] P0[2] P0[0] P2[6] P2[4] P2[2] P2[0] P3[6] P3[4] P3[2] P3[0] Xres P4[6] P4[4] P4[2] P4[0] P5[2] P5[0] P1[6] P1[4] P1[2] P1[0] 10ΚΩ P1[2] MOSI P0[7] P0[5] P0[3] P0[1] P2[7] P2[5] P2[3] P2[1] P3[7] P3[5] P3[3] P3[1] SMP P4[7] P4[5] P4[3] P4[1] P5[3] P5[1] P1[7] P1[5] P1[3] P1[1] VSS CY8C26643 P1[4] ON P1[5] SCK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 P1[6] +5V 10ΚΩ f K a b a f b g e c d e d dp K c dp 32.768 KHz Figure 8. PIC, AVR, MC68HC11, i8051, PSoC development systems www.mikroelektronika.co.yu 10 mikroElektronika development systems PSoC development system ANALOG BLOCKS Pot-P2 When JPP jumper is upper position micr is in PROGRAM mod 2.5V 0V S ER P N AI PIH +5V ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PSoC controllers CY8C26643, CY8C26443, CY8C26233 and CY8C25122 contain several implemented A/D converters. Pins POT-P2 is ON if potenof port 0, as well as P2[6] and Switch Prekidaè položaju tiometer P2POT-P2 is used je foruthe preON ako seofpotenciometar P2 koristi sentation A/D conversion P2[7] are outputs of analog blocks, za prezentaciju A/D konverzije and therefore can be used for ADC, DAC and similar purpose A/D converter inputs Ulazi A/D konvertora (they are highlighted in the upper left corner of the development system). For presentation purposes, pin P0[0] can be used for reading analog voltage values determined by the potentiometer P2. In case that we want to read the value of potentiometer P2, it is necessary to set the switch Pot-P2 to ON because it connects the potentiometer directly to pin P0[0]. Figure 9 shows a graphic scheme of the connection between the microcontroller CY8C26643 and the potentiometer P2. Figure 9. Programming preko with Programiranje ISPprogramatora programmer ISP VPOUT P1[2] P5[0] P5[1] P0[0] +5V MISO SCK CS3 P2 CS4 INT-CAN RST-CAN POT-P2 SW3 +5V VCC P0[6] P0[4] P0[2] P0[0] P2[6] P2[4] P2[2] P2[0] P3[6] P3[4] P3[2] P3[0] Xres P4[6] P4[4] P4[2] P4[0] P5[2] P5[0] P1[6] P1[4] P1[2] P1[0] +5V +5V 10ΚΩ Reset P5[2] MOSI CY8C26643 P1[4] ON P1[5] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 P1[6] P0[7] P0[5] P0[3] P0[1] P2[7] P2[5] P2[3] P2[1] P3[7] P3[5] P3[3] P3[1] SMP P4[7] P4[5] P4[3] P4[1] P5[3] P5[1] P1[7] P1[5] P1[3] P1[1] VSS 32.768 KHz PIC, AVR, MC68HC11, i8051, PSoC development systems www.mikroelektronika.co.yu 11 mikroElektronika development systems PSoC development system MINI SPEAKER Figure 10 shows the switch’s position and the location for the speaker, and the following figure shos how to connect the mini speaker to the microcontroller CY8C26643. ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LTC485 + Neophodno je da prekidac The switch Beeper (8) SW2 has to be Beeper (8) SW2 bude u ON polozaju ON when using mini speakers pri koriscenju mini zvucnika + 100Ω 10ΚΩ P0[1] P0[7] P2[2] P1[7] SCL R/T TX RX INT-RTC BEEPER SW2 +5V 32.768 KHz PIC, AVR, MC68HC11, i8051, PSoC development systems VPOUT Programiranje Programming preko with ISPprogramatora programmer ISP +5V +5V Reset P0[6] DQ SDA VCC P0[6] P0[4] P0[2] P0[0] P2[6] P2[4] P2[2] P2[0] P3[6] P3[4] P3[2] P3[0] Xres P4[6] P4[4] P4[2] P4[0] P5[2] P5[0] P1[6] P1[4] P1[2] P1[0] 10ΚΩ P2[0] ON P2[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 P2[7] CY8C26643 P0[7] P0[5] P0[3] P0[1] P2[7] P2[5] P2[3] P2[1] P3[7] P3[5] P3[3] P3[1] SMP P4[7] P4[5] P4[3] P4[1] P5[3] P5[1] P1[7] P1[5] P1[3] P1[1] VSS Figure 10. www.mikroelektronika.co.yu 12 mikroElektronika development systems PSoC development system REAL TIME CLOCK - PCF8583 The system features a real time clock (RTC) with battery power supply. The serial model RTC PCF8583 by Philips is used. Graphic scheme of microcontrollerRTC connection is shown on the figure 11. X232 + ON RT VA A MCP2510 CR2032 3V/230mA 32.768KHz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16MHz AEC00G + AT24C04 PCF8583 Potrebno je da prekidaci 2,3 i 7 switches svica SW2 polozaju SW2 2, budu 3 andu7ON have to be pri koriscenju ON whenRTC usingcasovnika RTC +5V 32,768KHz OSCI OSCO A0 GND 10ΚΩ 5-25pF BAT43 Vdd INT SCL SDA PCF8583 100nF BAT43 56 VPOUT 3V/230mA P0[7] P0[6] P2[2] P1[7] SDA SCL R/T TX RX INT-RTC BEEPER SW2 +5V Programming preko with Programiranje ISPprogramatora programmer ISP +5V +5V Reset P0[1] DQ VCC P0[6] P0[4] P0[2] P0[0] P2[6] P2[4] P2[2] P2[0] P3[6] P3[4] P3[2] P3[0] Xres P4[6] P4[4] P4[2] P4[0] P5[2] P5[0] P1[6] P1[4] P1[2] P1[0] 10ΚΩ P2[0] ON P2[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 P2[7] CY8C26643 P0[7] P0[5] P0[3] P0[1] P2[7] P2[5] P2[3] P2[1] P3[7] P3[5] P3[3] P3[1] SMP P4[7] P4[5] P4[3] P4[1] P5[3] P5[1] P1[7] P1[5] P1[3] P1[1] VSS 32.768 KHz Figure 11. PIC, AVR, MC68HC11, i8051, PSoC development systems www.mikroelektronika.co.yu 13 mikroElektronika development systems PSoC development system SERIAL EEPROM - 24CXX Beside the EEPROM memory standardly built in modern microcontrollers, serial EEPROM for storing data is usually added for safety reasons. Positions of SW2 switches and the looks of EEPROM memory are shown on the following figure. ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 32.768KHz AT24C04 PCF8583 Neophodno je da prekidaci SW2 2 and be ON 2 i 3switches svica SW2 budu3 uhave ON to polozaju pri when koriscenju EEPROM-a usingserijsko serial EEPROM +5V 1 2 3 4 A0 A1 NC GND Vcc WP SCL SDA 8 VPOUT 7 6 5 24C04 P0[7] P0[6] P2[2] P1[7] SDA SCL R/T TX RX INT-RTC BEEPER SW2 +5V Programming preko with Programiranje ISPprogramatora programmer ISP +5V +5V Reset P0[1] DQ VCC P0[6] P0[4] P0[2] P0[0] P2[6] P2[4] P2[2] P2[0] P3[6] P3[4] P3[2] P3[0] Xres P4[6] P4[4] P4[2] P4[0] P5[2] P5[0] P1[6] P1[4] P1[2] P1[0] 10ΚΩ P2[0] ON P2[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 P2[7] CY8C26643 P0[7] P0[5] P0[3] P0[1] P2[7] P2[5] P2[3] P2[1] P3[7] P3[5] P3[3] P3[1] SMP P4[7] P4[5] P4[3] P4[1] P5[3] P5[1] P1[7] P1[5] P1[3] P1[1] VSS 32.768 KHz Figure 12. PIC, AVR, MC68HC11, i8051, PSoC development systems www.mikroelektronika.co.yu 14 mikroElektronika development systems PSoC development system DIGITAL THERMOMETER DS1820 DS1820 digital thermometer, with temperature range of -55 to 125 C, can be used for measuring enviroment temperature and also for experimenting. It is very accurate and easy to connect. It should be set in the 3-pin socket, beneath the power connector of the development system. Picture 13. shows how to connect digital thermometer and the microcontroller on the development system. ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 + MAX232 + + + Potrebno je da prekidac DS1820 SW2 switch DS1820 has polozaju to be ON svica SW2 (1) budu(1) u ON when using digital thermometer pri koriscenju digitalnog termometra +125 O C P2[0] P0[1] P0[7] P0[6] P2[2] P1[7] DS1820 SDA 4,7ΚΩ ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 P2[1] +5V Vdd DQ GND -55 P2[7] DS1820 SCL R/T TX RX INT-RTC Programming preko with Programiranje programmer ISP programatora BEEPER VPOUT +5V 1 Vss Vdd Vee RS R/W E D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 c +5V PIC, AVR, MC68HC11, i8051, PSoC development systems +5V 32.768 KHz Figure 13. +5V Reset T empe rat ura 23 . 5 stepen i R/W RS E D4 D5 D6 D7 VCC P0[6] P0[4] P0[2] P0[0] P2[6] P2[4] P2[2] P2[0] P3[6] P3[4] P3[2] P3[0] Xres P4[6] P4[4] P4[2] P4[0] P5[2] P5[0] P1[6] P1[4] P1[2] P1[0] 10ΚΩ P0[7] P0[5] P0[3] P0[1] P2[7] P2[5] P2[3] P2[1] P3[7] P3[5] P3[3] P3[1] SMP P4[7] P4[5] P4[3] P4[1] P5[3] P5[1] P1[7] P1[5] P1[3] P1[1] VSS CY8C26643 Kontrast LCD-a SW2 www.mikroelektronika.co.yu 15 mikroElektronika development systems PSoC development system RS232 COMMUNICATION RS232 communication is devised for connecting to one communication device, and can be used for connecting to the PC. It is commonly used for data acquisition and similar applications. ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 + P2[0] P0[1] P0[7] P0[6] P2[2] P1[7] + ON P2[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 P2[7] + MAX232 + Potrebno je da 5 prekidaci 5i6 SW2 switches and 6 have SW2when budu u ON polozaju tosvica be ON using RS232 pri RS232 komunikaciji communication DQ SDA SCL R/T TX RX INT-RTC BEEPER VPOUT SW2 4.7µ F 4.7µF + C1+ Vcc V+ GND C1- T1out R1in C2+ C2- R1out T1in VT2out T2in R2in R2out MAX232 + 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 prima podatke (Rx) receives data (Rx) šalje podatke (Tx) sends data (Tx) +5V Programmingpreko with Programiranje ISP programatora programmer ISP +5V +5V Reset serijski kabl serial cable (1(1na on1)1) VCC P0[6] P0[4] P0[2] P0[0] P2[6] P2[4] P2[2] P2[0] P3[6] P3[4] P3[2] P3[0] Xres P4[6] P4[4] P4[2] P4[0] P5[2] P5[0] P1[6] P1[4] P1[2] P1[0] 10ΚΩ 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 + +5V CY8C26643 SUB-D connector 9-pin SUB-D konektor 9 pinski 4.7µ F + 4.7µ F P0[7] P0[5] P0[3] P0[1] P2[7] P2[5] P2[3] P2[1] P3[7] P3[5] P3[3] P3[1] SMP P4[7] P4[5] P4[3] P4[1] P5[3] P5[1] P1[7] P1[5] P1[3] P1[1] VSS 32.768 KHz Figure 14. PIC, AVR, MC68HC11, i8051, PSoC development systems www.mikroelektronika.co.yu 16 mikroElektronika development systems PSoC development system RS485 COMMUNICATION ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Unlike RS232, RS485 communication is used for data transfer between multiple devices. It allows one participant in communication to send and the other to receive data simultaneously. + Potrebno je da prekidaci 5 i 6 When their transfer is fin- SW2 svica SW2 budu 5u and ON polozaju switches 6 have to be RS485 ished, another two users pri ONkoriscenju when using 485komunikacije communication can exchange their data. The figure 47 represents RS485 input and the jumper settings necessary for the communication, while the figure 48 shows how to connect the PC to the microcontroller on the development system. Take care to properly connect the inputs A and B to the appropriate inputs of the master device, or else the communication will not be established. AT24C04 A B RS 485 LTC485 VPOUT Figure 15. Programiranjewith preko Programming ISP ISPprogrammer programatora +5V Connecting the PC and the PIC microcontroller via RS485 communication Povezivanje PCline raèunara i PIC mikrokontrolera preko RS485 komunikacione linije +5V RS485 canliniju support Na line RS485 možeup se to 32 devices prikljuèiti maksimalno 32 ureðaja +5V P0[1] P0[6] P2[2] R/T RX BEEPER 4.7µF 4.7µF 4.7µF C1+ V+ Vcc GND + C1C2+ C2- T1out R1in R1out T1in T2in R2out VT2out R2in Vcc B A GND LTC485 INT-RTC + 4.7µF RX TX RTS GND RE DE DI TX + P1[7] SCL R0 Shield, less than Oklopljena parica 300m long dužine manje od 300m P0[7] DQ SDA R0 RE DE DI +5V Vcc B A GND LTC485 620Ω P2[0] +5V 620Ω P2[1] ON P2[7] 10ΚΩ SW2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Reset 32.768 KHz VCC P0[6] P0[4] P0[2] P0[0] P2[6] P2[4] P2[2] P2[0] P3[6] P3[4] P3[2] P3[0] Xres P4[6] P4[4] P4[2] P4[0] P5[2] P5[0] P1[6] P1[4] P1[2] P1[0] 10ΚΩ +5V CY8C26643 P0[7] P0[5] P0[3] P0[1] P2[7] P2[5] P2[3] P2[1] P3[7] P3[5] P3[3] P3[1] SMP P4[7] P4[5] P4[3] P4[1] P5[3] P5[1] P1[7] P1[5] P1[3] P1[1] VSS MAX232 + RS232 toRS232 RS485 Konvertor na converter RS485 PIC, AVR, MC68HC11, i8051, PSoC development systems www.mikroelektronika.co.yu 17 mikroElektronika development systems PSoC development system CAN CONTROLLER - MCP2510 This type of communication was initially intended for the auto industry, but it has proven so well that it soon found other industrial applications. It involves multiple participants like RS485 communication. Components for CAN communication are manufactured by many companies. Here we used models PCA80C250 by Philips and MCP2510 by Microchip. When using the CAN controller, SW3 switches have to be set as shown on the following pictures. ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SW3 switches 5, 6 and 7 Neophodno je da tri prekidaèa to be ON when using (5,have 6 i 7) svièa SW3 budu u ON položaju pri korišæenu CAN komunikcije the CAN communication Pot-P2 + + + 16MHz AEC00G H + L CAN AT24C04 32.768KHz MCP2510 RT VA A CR2032 3V/230mA PCF8583 100ΚΩ +5V TX-CAN Vdd RX-CAN RST CS CLKOUT TX0RTS P1[6] P1[5] P1[4] MCP2510 P1[2] P5[1] 10Ω +5V TX-CAN RS GND CANH VCC CANL RXD Vref P0[0] MISO SCK CS3 CS4 INT-CAN RST-CAN POT-P2 SW3 PCA82C250 +5V +5V +5V Reset P5[2] MOSI VCC P0[6] P0[4] P0[2] P0[0] P2[6] P2[4] P2[2] P2[0] P3[6] P3[4] P3[2] P3[0] Xres P4[6] P4[4] P4[2] P4[0] P5[2] P5[0] P1[6] P1[4] P1[2] P1[0] 10ΚΩ P5[0] P0[7] P0[5] P0[3] P0[1] P2[7] P2[5] P2[3] P2[1] P3[7] P3[5] P3[3] P3[1] SMP P4[7] P4[5] P4[3] P4[1] P5[3] P5[1] P1[7] P1[5] P1[3] P1[1] VSS CY8C26643 RX1BF ON Vss VPOUT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SO SI SCK TX1RTS TX2RTS OSC2 INT OSC1 RX0BF 16MHz Programmingpreko with Programiranje ISPprogramatora programmer ISP 10ΚΩ 100ΚΩ 100ΚΩ +5V 32.768 KHz Oklopljena parica Shield, less than 300m long od 300m dužine manje PIC, AVR, MC68HC11, i8051, PSoC development systems Figure 16. www.mikroelektronika.co.yu 18 mikroElektronika development systems PSoC development system DIRECT PORT ACCESS All microcontroller pins can be used as either input or ouput. Port pins can be accessed directly from the left side of the development system using the flat cable. In this way, values from external elements can be transferred via pins of appropriate ports. PIC, AVR, MC68HC11, i8051, PSoC development systems www.mikroelektronika.co.yu 19