Syllabus (subject to changes announced in class/e-mail/online) Geology 101: Earth Processes & Environment, Summer 2014 Dept. of Geology & Physical Sciences, Concord University 4 credits Professor: Place & Time: Office: Office Hours: E-mail & Phone: Course Web Site: Required Text, Etc.: Dr. Stephen C. Kuehn (Steve) Lecture/Lab - Science 308 MWF 1:00-6:15 pm, Th 1:00-3:00 pm Science, Room 106 (the Electron Microprobe Lab) M 10:30-12:30, W 9:30-11:30 Or, just stop by to see if I’m in (which is a lot). Or, make an appointment. 304-384-6322 Environmental Geology by James Reichard, pub. McGraw Hill & Additional readings on course web site Mineral Kit Lab/activity packet to be provided (best to keep organized in a binder) Course description/objectives: Throughout the course we will consider big issues of sustainability related to exponential growth of human population, energy supply, ongoing depletion of natural resources, and increasing alteration of our natural environment. These are perhaps the greatest issues that will affect individuals and society this century and beyond. As a result, it is becoming increasingly important for both the average citizen and scientists to have a modern understanding of Earth processes, time-scales, and geological/scientific reasoning. Overall, this course covers major concepts of physical & environmental geology while providing experience with the process of scientific observation, reasoning, and inquiry. You will develop an appreciation for how we know what we know about the Earth as well as the numerous connections between people, natural resources, and our environment. You will learn about plate tectonic theory, the vastness of Earth history, and interconnected Earth systems and processes. You will learn about the properties and formation of rocks and minerals; about water as both a critical resource and a potential hazard; and about reducing the risks from other natural hazards like earthquakes, volcanoes, and landslides. Toward the end of the course you will also learn about global environmental and climate changes and their relationship to our use of natural resources. Overarching Goals and Themes: 1. To develop an integrated and interdisciplinary understanding of the nature of science and scientific reasoning. 2. To use an Earth systems science approach to examine solid-Earth processes (the lithosphere) and how these processes are related to processes in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. 3. To examine technological, societal, and environmental issues related to natural resources and natural hazards. 4. To develop and use critical thinking skills to investigate the nature of scientific inquiry. 5. To develop lab- and field-based skills related to geologic observation and description. Participation and Preparation: I expect you to be inquisitive, interested, and involved. The result will be a great class! However, we will only succeed if every person participates. This requires you to be prepared for and present at every class period. Complete the assigned readings in advance and be prepared to apply, discuss, and be quizzed on them. Keep in mind that college-level science courses are a lot of work! Even though I try to avoid much of the jargon, the new vocabulary is often like learning a new language. A good rule-of-thumb is to plan on spending at least 2 hours outside of class on reading, assignments, study, etc. for every 1 hour of time in class/lab. Note that you are responsible for most of the material presented in the assigned readings (textbook, web sites, etc.), even if it wasn’t discussed in detail in class. Study questions provided on the course web site will be helpful in guiding your preparation for class time and for exams. Copies of the class PowerPoints will be posted on the course website. The best plan is to go over the study questions, readings, exercises, and slides before class. Then, bring these materials and your questions to class. This will help us to focus class time where it is needed most, help me to lecture less, and help you to get more out of the class. Grading: Your grade will be based on quizzes (one most days), in-class/lab exercises, homework assignments, lecture exams (including a comprehensive final), one lab practical (minerals, rocks, maps), field trip notes & report, and class participation. Late assignments will receive reduced credit. Electronic etiquette: Turn off or set to silent all electronic gadgets that are not actually being used as part of the class. You must not be fiddling with cell phones, pages, music players, etc. during class time. If you bring a laptop it must be used for note-taking or display of course materials. No Facebook or Angry Birds during class! Access to such devices will be highly restricted during exams. Disability accommodations: If you are registered with the Office of Disabilities Services (, please meet with me at the beginning of the term or as early as possible to discuss any academic accommodations you need. If you need academic accommodations and are not registered with the Office of Disabilities Services, please contact the Coordinator, Nancy Ellison at 304-384-6086. Do this early as last-minute requests many not be honored. Attendance: Regular attendance is essential: “Eighty percent of success is showing up.” – Woody Allen. Plan to arrive on time and stay for the entire class.Attendance will be taken regularly via daily quizzes or other in-class work. Therefore absences will directly affect your final grade, in addition to the effect of lost opportunity for learning. Note that I will give a few more quizzes than will ultimately count toward your grade. 1 Study guides: I will provide you with study questions as we go along, and I have the tendency to prepare my exams out of the study questions. Therefore, it is very strongly recommended that you write out answers to all of the study guides and also verify the accuracy of your responses. The study guides are a lot of work to complete, so be sure to start early. The best plan is to bring the questions to class every day, look them over before doing the related readings, and put time into writing up responses every class day when the material is fresh in your mind. Use them also to guide your note-taking in class. Know that students who put more effort into their study guides do much better in this course as a result! Good grades are earned and achieved through commitment, hard work, and perseverance. Exams: Lecture exams will include a mixture of question types – e.g. multiple-choice, label-the-diagram, fill-in, and short essay – designed to test your understanding of concepts covered in lectures, in-class exercises, discussions, homework, and readings. Typically, several questions on each exam will relate to photographs or illustrations that will be shown as slides in class. The separate lab practical (hands-on exam) will focus mainly on applied skills like map reading and rock identification. If you cannot be present for an exam, you must notify me in advance and provide a valid, documented excuse (e.g. medical or University activity); otherwise you will be awarded a grade of zero. Make-ups are discouraged, but I will try to be flexible if you work with me in advance. There will be a re-take opportunity for each of the first two lecture exams. (So no make-ups for exams 1 & 2) Be sure to bring two pencils to each exam. Scantron forms will be provided. All lecture exams are individual work, not group work (i.e. one brain per test). The lab exam includes both individual and group portions. Cell phones will not be available to you during exam times. Field Trips: We will be leaving campus and going into the field three times during the term. These trips can sometimes include hiking on uneven trails, scrambling over rocks, wading in streams, and working in the rain. To help get the most out of the field experiences, you will be expected to take detailed, neat, legible notes that include sketches when needed. So, bring a notebook! I will also supply questions that we are attempting to answer, or tasks that we are to complete, for each field stop. Good field notes should include: (1) Date, (2) Location (also mark the locations on your map), (3) General purpose of the stop, (4) Notes and sketches – be sure to include the major ideas and observations, (5) Trip summary – include the overall themes and concepts, (6) Any additional notes or comments. You will be preparing a report for each trip, so good notes are essential. Tutoring: Free tutoring is available on campus on online. (1) On campus tutoring — contact the Academic Success Center (; 304-384-6074 (2) SMARTHINKING—Free online tutoring in most subjects, available 24/7; Sign up through MyCU Student Tab. Academic Honesty: You are encouraged to discuss questions, ideas, and principles with each other as you study for the exams and work together in class. However, the ultimate product that you turn in must be your own work in your own words unless I instruct you otherwise. In addition, you are not to use any materials produced by students in previous semesters of this course. Nor are you to provide any similar materials future students to see or use. Copying answers from others and duplicating someone else’s work are strictly forbidden. Cheating or any other form of serious academic dishonesty is reason enough to fail the course or worse. See page 39 of the Concord University catalog for a full description and consequences of the discovery of academic dishonesty. Concord University Honor Code: As a member of the Concord University Community I will act with honesty and integrity in accordance with our fundamental principles and I will respect myself and others while challenging them to do the same. Dr.$Steve$Kuehn$-$Spring$2014$Course$Schedule Dr. Kuehn’s Schedule:$$$$$$$$304-384-6322$$$$$$$$$Science$106 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:00 9:00 Office%Hour 10:00 11:00 12:00 Office%Hour Office%Hour Office%Hour 1:00 2:00 3:00 Geol'101 Earth'&'Environment in'Science'308 Geol'101 Earth'&'Environment in'Science'308 Geol'101 Earth'&'Environment in'Science'308 Lecture'and'Lab Lecture'and'Lab Lecture'and'Lab Geol'101 Earth'&'Environment in'Science'308 Lecture 4:00 5:00 CRN:'40078'(lect), 40079'(lab) 6:00 Other:''McNair'Research'TBA'''''''''''''''''First'day'of'the'1st'summer'session'is'Wednesday,'May'30'''''''Final'exams'are'Thursday,'July'3 Daily Course Schedule: See course website 2