File - West Concord Public Charter School

West Concord Public Charter School
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Thursday, April 9th
6:00pm; at West Concord Public Charter School
Meeting Agenda
1. Open Meeting
2. Roll Call
3. Mission Review
Mission: West Concord Public Charter School provides a high quality education that empowers K-8 (K-6 for 14-15) students to
reach their maximum potential as global citizens, while building a strong foundation for self-direction, confidence and respect for
others and the environment.
Vision: Through the high quality education at WCPCS, students will be productive citizens who will improve the community in
which they live and work.
Purpose: To provide a high quality educational option in the West Concord area.
4. Additions to the agenda
5. Public Input
6. Approval of previous minutes (March)
7. Financials – Brenda and Kristine from BKDA (March)
a. Draft budget 15-16 due to FOE on May 1
8. Marketing
a. Marketing Action Steps
i. Information packets going to 4 city office
ii. D.C. Apartment/Laundry Buildings
iii. Thoughts on a You Tube Clip – someone to lead?
b. Elizabeth – MLS
c. Tara – 360
d. One night Door Knocking – date?
9. New name for Community Education – Julie
10. Survival Days – Garage Sale? – Julie
11. Cost analysis for Owl Kids – Julie
12. Historical Society Update – Donna and Corky
13. Board Elections
a. Decide on teacher vs. community representative
b. Bios and ballots to families on Friday, April 10
c. Ballots due Thursday, May 7th
14. Policies
a. 483 (first read)
b. 833 (first read)
15. Grant Update- Technology Category (Planetarium, Smart Boards, Ipads)
16. Resignation and Approval of Posting Custodian Position
a. Larry Lehmberg as custodian
17. Director’s Report
Add Sub Days for a total of $331.00
Business Manager
Identify Official with Authority for MDE to access secure websites (must be
clearly stated in the minutes)
Parent/Emergency Contact Procedure Thoughts
CPR and AED Training on May 7, 2015 3:00-5:30pm at the school
Expo Update
DDI Results
18. Board Chair’s Report
May 6th Friends Meeting
ISES Training on April 16th from 1-3:30 or May 21st from 6:00-8:30
Strategic Planning Meeting on April 20th at 5:00
Marketing Meeting on May 5th at 5:15
Preschool Meeting on May 5th at 6:15
Schedule a Finance Meeting
19. Next meeting is Thursday, May 14, 2015 at 6:00pm.
20. Adjourn