Request for Quotes for Parking Consultant for the Central Subway Project Construction of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s (SFMTA) Central Subway Union Square/Market Street Station requires both temporary and permanent property “takes” at the southeast corner of the Union Square Garage. Station construction will impact parking stalls and one access ramp at the Union Square Garage. The SFMTA has retained the services of a business valuation consultant to provide financial impact analysis and appraisal services in advance of these temporary and permanent property takes at the Union Square Garage. The Central Subway Partnership (CSP) is the Program Manager for the Central Subway Program. CSP has been requested to procure the services of a Parking Consultant to provide technical information to the business valuation and appraisal consultant. The scope is generally as follows: Permanent Condition 1) Opine as to the efficiency of the current parking stall layout and vehicular circulation, including identification of any functional obsolescence of the current parking garage. 2) Identify any required changes in the parking layout, internal circulation, ingress and egress resulting from the permanent parking stall and circulation ramp takes. 3) Assist business valuation consultant and or real estate appraiser determine changes in revenue and expenses resulting from: • loss of parking spaces • potential required changes to the parking layout • potential required changes to the circulation patterns • potential required changes to the ingress and egress 4) Assist business valuation consultant and or real estate appraiser determine any additional costs to cure the impacts of the permanent parking stall and circulation ramp takes – over and above the cure that SFMTA is proposing (i.e. the new circulation ramp). Temporary Condition (During Construction) 1) For the temporary condition (a period of approximately 8-10 months during station construction), assist business valuation consultant and or real estate appraiser determine the financial impact of any required changes in the parking layout, circulation, ingress and egress. 2) Prepare preliminary detour plans to address interior circulation, including ingress egress out of the Union Square Garage. 3) Assist business valuation consultant and or real estate consultant estimatethe loss of utility rooms and parking spaces during the term of the temporary take. 4) Provide a cost estimate for any required circulation changes to mitigate inefficiencies and functional obsolescence resulting from the temporary take. Attachments: Accessible Parking Revisions, Sheet A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4 Exhibit A – Terms and Conditions Request for Information (RFI’s) are due in writing (email) to Jenny Vodvarka by Monday, February 13th. Quotes are due via email to Jenny Vodvarka ( by 5:00p.m. Friday, February 17th, 2012.