HUN 2000 [U03] Foundations of Nutrition Science Fall 2013 This course teaches basic biological concepts and principles of the scientific method within the context of nutrition. Course Objectives: Ø To understand the scientific method and evaluate the validity of nutrition claims using scientific principles; To apply scientific principles and theories to problem solving, evaluate scientific statements and new information in the context of what is already known; To understand the kinds of nutrition research studies conducted Ø Understand how structure and function of biochemical compounds, cells, and human anatomical features are the foundation for the physiological utilization of nutrients Ø Develop and utilize a basic understanding of metabolism of dietary carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, co-­‐factor minerals; particularly as they relate to glycolysis, TCA, and electron transport in the human organism Ø Describe examples of how nutrients and genes interact in both normal cell development and in the regulation of protein synthesis Ø Describe examples of the interaction of genetics and the nutritional environment in the development of chronic and other diseases Ø Explore the concept of homeostasis utilizing the examples such as blood glucose, body water and electrolyte balance, and blood pressure Ø Describe how dietary nutrients act as physiological defense against oxidative stress, including anti-­‐ cancer and anti-­‐vascular disease applications Ø Understand basic thermodynamic principles through exploration of energy utilization (intake, metabolism, and storage) and energy measurement Instructor -­‐ Vijaya Narayanan Office -­‐ AHC1-­‐442 Email – Class Meeting Times -­‐ TTh 8:00AM -­‐ 9:15AM Bldg/Room – PG-­‐5 Market Station 134 Telephone – (305) 348-­‐3234 Office hours: Office hours will be held in AHC I Room 442 as per the schedule below. Tuesday 2:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Thursday 2:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Friday 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. 1 Co-­‐Requisite: HUN 2000L Foundations of Nutrition Science Laboratory (If you do not take this laboratory course you will not receive credit for having met the UCC Life Science requirement. Students are encouraged to take the lecture and lab courses in the same semester.) Required Resources: Custom text for HUN 2000 Foundations of Nutrition: Nutrition: Science and Applications 3e (Smolin and Grosvenor), John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York . You may purchase either the eBook version of the textbook using the WileyPlus code (ISBN 9781118748701) or you may purchase a binder ready version of the textbook (ISBN 9781118748657). Textbooks are available at the FIU bookstore. eCampus/Blackboard: This course is Web-­‐Assisted, which means that there is a course website on Blackboard Learn which serves as an essential supplement to the course. There are a number of resources that will be available via the site, including the most current syllabus, lecture outlines, required readings, and assignments. Importantly, all of the quizzes and homework will be delivered via Blackboard Learn. It is your responsibility to make sure that you can successfully log on to the site before the first homework assignment and quiz is due (see class schedule below). For Blackboard Learn to work properly, you must use Firefox as your browser. If you do not have access to Firefox, this may mean that you will need to complete homework assignments and quizzes on campus. Student Blackboard Learn Log-­‐in Instructions: 1. To go to the eCampus/Blackboard Learn login page, please visit; Go to step #6 below. 2. To enter the eCampus/Moodle login page from the FIU homepage, go to the FIU home page ( 3. From FIU homepage, select the ‘Quick links/Tools’ tab at the top of the page. 4. Under the ‘Technology’ heading, click on the eCampus link. 5. Follow the directions as in #1 above. 6. Click on “Blackboard Learn Login” in the menu on the left. You will be directed to the Blackboard Learn login page. Click to login. Type in your username and password. You should see this (HUN 2000) class listed in your course list on the page. o Student LOGIN: FIU MyAccounts username and password (same as FIU e-­‐mail and Panthersoft) Quizzes, Tests & Grading: Questions on quizzes and tests will be composed of multiple choice, true/false, and matching format. The overall grade will be based on the following Test 1 -­‐ 15% Test 2 -­‐ 15% Test 3 -­‐ 15% 7 online quizzes -­‐ 20% Online Homework assignments -­‐ 35% 2 A : 92% and above B+ : 88 -­‐ 89% C+ : 78 -­‐ 79% D+: 68-­‐ 69% F : 0 -­‐ 59% A-­‐ : 90-­‐91% B: 82-­‐87% C: 72-­‐77% D: 62-­‐67% B-­‐ : 80-­‐81% C-­‐ : 70-­‐71% D-­‐ : 60-­‐61% General Information: Attendance in class is very important. It is in the student's interest to be present in class during the lectures as this will serve as the primary material for test preparation. Also any changes in class schedule or tests will be announced in class and it is the student's responsibility to be aware of these changes. Online Quizzes: These will be worth 10 or 15 points each and delivered via Blackboard Learn. These quizzes will be open-­‐book/open-­‐note. Two attempts will be allowed. Quizzes must be completed by midnight on the due date listed on the syllabus/course calendar. Online Homework Assignments: These will be delivered via Blackboard Learn. These assignments will be open-­‐book/open-­‐note. Two attempts will be allowed. Assignments must be completed by midnight on the due date listed on the syllabus/course calendar. Tests: Each of the 3 tests will be 'closed book' and will consist of mostly multiple choice, true/false and matching questions. Tests will be administered during class times. A tentative outline of test dates is given in the class schedule below. Arrive on time for classes as well as for tests. No extra time will be provided for tests. Make-­‐Up Tests: Makeup tests will not be given unless there is a valid and documented emergency. All make-­‐up tests will be administered during Final Exam week on December 9, 2013 at 9:45 am. Make-­‐up exams will be administered in the lab classroom, AHC-­‐II 565. No exceptions will be made. Students must make prior arrangements with the instructor within two weeks of the missed test to make-­‐up the test at the end of the semester and must provide written documentation of their excused absence (no exceptions). Cheating: Quizzes: The student may use notes, textbook etc. when working on the quizzes. The student will have 2 attempts to get the best possible grade on the quiz. Homework assignments: The student may use notes, textbook etc. when working on the homework assignments. The student will have two attempts to get the best possible grade on each assignment. Tests: Cheating on any test will result in a grade of “0” and possible failure of the course. It will be considered cheating to get assistance from or to give assistance to any other person during a test, as well as if one checks one’s notes, papers etc. during a test. Cell phones and personal materials are not allowed during an exam. One must bring the panther ID card to each of the tests. The University's policy on religious holy days as stated in the University Catalog and Student Handbook will be followed. Grievance Procedures: Students who have questions about grades or assignments should first discuss the issue with the instructor. If the issue is not resolved, students may discuss the issue with Dr. Fatma Huffman (Tel: 305 348-­‐2878). 3 Tentative Reading and Test Schedule Date TOPICS, READINGS, and ASSIGNMENTS Aug 27, 29 & Sept 3 Introduction to Foundations of Nutrition Science • • • • • The science of nutrition, the scientific method, well-­‐designed experiments, types of nutrition research studies, scientific evaluation of nutrition claims Common biomolecules, chemical bonding, polarity and solubility of molecules, types of reactions and equilibrium, fluid flow Text reading: Biology Basics Tutorials (available from Blackboard); Nutrition Chapter 1, pages 16-­‐ 28 nd Homework assignments 1 & 2 must be completed by 11:55pm on October 2 ONLINE QUIZ #1 (Introduction to Nutrition Science) MUST be completed by 11:55pm on nd Wednesday, October 2 Sept 5, 10 Basis of Nutrient Utilization • • • • • The structural organization of life, cell structure and function, plasma membrane structure and transport Introduction to thermodynamics, enzyme functions, cellular respiration, glycolysis, TCA cycle, ETC; Homeostasis Text reading: Biology Basics Tutorials (available from Blackboard); nd Homework assignments 3, 4 & 5 must be completed by 11:55pm on Tuesday, October 2 ONLINE QUIZ #2 (Basis of Nutrient Utilization) MUST be completed by 11:55pm on Wednesday, nd October 2 Sept 12, 17, 19 Digestion, Absorption, Transport, and Excretion • • • • • • Structure of the gastrointestinal tract, regulators of the gastrointestinal tract Nutrient transport through cardiovascular system, hepatic portal and lymphatic circulation Physiology of the colon, excretion of metabolic wastes through respiratory, integumentary, and urinary systems Text reading: Nutrition Chapter 3 nd Homework assignments 6 & 7 must be completed by 11:55pm on Tuesday, October 2 ONLINE QUIZ #3 (Digestion, Absorption, Transport) MUST be completed by 11:55pm on nd Wednesday, October 2 Sept 24, 26 & Oct 1 Carbohydrates: Chemical Composition, Digestion, and Metabolism • • • • • • • Structure and function of simple and complex carbohydrates and fiber Carbohydrate digestion and absorption Regulation of blood glucose levels, diabetes and hypoglycemia, carbohydrates and health Chemical composition, digestion, and metabolism of artificial sweeteners Digestion of fiber by humans and our symbiotic relationship with gastrointestinal flora, prebiotics and probiotics Text reading: Nutrition Chapter 4 nd Homework assignments 8 & 9 must be completed by 11:55pm on Wednesday, October 2 Oct 2 ALL ONLINE ASSIGNMENTS/QUIZZES FOR UNITS 1-­‐4 DUE BY THIS DATE AT 11:55PM Oct 3 TEST 1 (Units 1-­‐4; emphasis on Units 3 & 4) 4 Oct 8, 10, 15 Lipids: Chemical Composition, Digestion, and Metabolism • • • • • • • Structure and function of fatty acids, glycerides, phospholipids, sterols, triglycerides, & cholesterol Digestion, absorption and lipid transport (Chylomicrons, VLDL, LDL, HDL) Beta-­‐oxidation and ketone synthesis and utilization, non-­‐energy functions of lipids, eicosanoids, lipids and health Chemical composition and metabolism of artificial fats Text reading: Nutrition Chapter 5 th Homework assignments 10 & 11 must be completed by 11:55pm on Monday, November 4 th ONLINE QUIZ #4 (Lipids) MUST be completed by 11:55pm on Monday, November 4 Oct 17, 22, 24 Proteins: Chemical Composition, Digestion, Protein Synthesis and Metabolism • • • • • • • Structure and function of amino acids and proteins Replication, transcription, translation (DNAà RNAà Protein) Protein digestion and absorption, protein and amino acid metabolism, functions of body proteins and enzymes Genetic predisposition to diseases, manipulating genes Text reading: Nutrition Chapter 6 th Homework assignments 12 & 13 must be completed by 11:55pm on Monday, November 4 th ONLINE QUIZ #5 (Proteins) MUST be completed by 11:55pm on Monday, November 4 Oct 29, 31 Nutrients as Antioxidants • • • • • • Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Antioxidant minerals (Se, Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe) and antioxidant enzymes Water-­‐soluble vitamins and their physiological role; fat-­‐soluble vitamins and their physiological role,; synergistic activity of water-­‐ and fat-­‐soluble antioxidants Minerals as enzyme co-­‐factors, Fe as both antioxidant and pro-­‐oxidant Phytochemicals – role in cardiovascular health and cancer prevention Text reading: Nutrition Chapter 8 (Vitamin C), Chapter 9 (Vitamin E), and Chapter 12 (Trace Minerals) th Homework assignments 14 & 15 must be completed by 11:55pm on Monday, November 4 Nov 4 ALL ONLINE ASSIGNMENTS/QUIZZES FOR UNITS 5-­‐7 DUE BY THIS DATE AT 11:55PM Nov 5 TEST 2 (Lipids, Proteins, and Nutrients as Antioxidants) Nov 7, 12 Energetics • • • • • • Thermodynamic principles, direct calorimetry, indirect calorimetry Energy in food, energy expenditure, energy requirements, energy storage, energy balance Interactions of genes and environment in body weight Text reading: Nutrition Chapter 7 th Homework assignments 16 & 17 must be completed by 11:55pm on Thursday, December 4 th ONLINE QUIZ #6 (Energetics) MUST be completed by 11:55pm on Thursday, December 4 Nov 14, 19 Nutrition and Exercise • • • • • • Interactions between nutrition, exercise, and fitness Effect of duration and intensity of exercise on utilization of nutrients Nutrient deficiencies in athletes Effect of nutrient intake before, during, and after competition on athletic performance Text reading: Nutrition Chapter 13 and Chapter 8 (B vitamins and energy metabolism) th Homework assignments 18 & 19 must be completed by 11:55pm on Thursday, December 4 5 • ONLINE QUIZ #7 (Nutrition and Exercise) MUST be completed by 11:55pm on Thursday, th December 4 Nov 21 The Nutritional Regulation of Genes • • • Physiological functions of vitamins A & D as hormone-­‐like molecules that regulate cell differentiation and protein synthesis through the regulation of genes Text reading: Nutrition Chapter 9 th Homework assignment 20 must be completed by 11:55pm on Thursday, December 4 Nov 26 & Dec 3 Food and Technology • • • • Nov 28 Dec 4 Dec 5 Dec 12 Technology to preserve food (temperature, pH, water, oxygen, chemical preservatives, irradiation) Technology to enhance the food supply (traditional breeding versus biotechnology, safety and regulation of genetically engineered foods) Text reading: Nutrition Chapter 17 th Homework assignments 21 & 22 must be completed by 11:55pm on Thursday, December 4 Thanksgiving Holiday – No Class ALL ONLINE ASSIGNMENTS/QUIZZES FOR UNITS 8-­‐11 DUE BY THIS DATE AT 11:55PM TEST 3 (Energetics, Nutrition & Exercise, Gene Regulation, Food & Technology) MAKE-­‐UP EXAM scheduled for 8:15 – 9:30 am (must have prior approval and written documentation for excused absence approved by instructor) THIS SCHEDULE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. CHANGES WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN CLASS. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out if there were any changes in the schedule. 6 Misconduct Statement Florida International University is a community dedicated to generating and imparting knowledge through excellent teaching and research, the rigorous and respectful exchange of ideas and community service. All students should respect the right of others to have an equitable opportunity to learn and honestly to demonstrate the quality of their learning. Therefore, all students are expected to adhere to a standard of academic conduct, which demonstrates respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of the University. All students are deemed by the University to understand that if they are found responsible for academic misconduct, they will be subject to the Academic Misconduct procedures and sanctions, as outlined in the Student Handbook. Misconduct includes: Cheating – The unauthorized use of books, notes, aids, electronic sources; or assistance from another person with respect to examinations, course assignments, field service reports, class recitations; or the unauthorized possession of examination papers or course materials, whether originally authorized or not. Plagiarism – The use and appropriation of another’s work without any indication of the source and the representation of such work as the student’s own. Any student who fails to give credit for ideas, expressions or materials taken from another source, including internet sources, is responsible for plagiarism. HUN 2000 Fall 2013 Syllabus I, ___________________________, _____________________, have carefully read and understand (Print name) (Panther ID) the syllabus and class schedule for HUN 2000: Foundations of Nutrition Science, Fall 2013 including the academic misconduct policy written above. I have read and understand the course syllabus as pertains to course information, required resources, eCampus/Blackboard Learn requirements, course objectives, grade distribution, course requirements, course policies, and class schedule. I am aware of the tentative schedule for topics/readings and understand the due dates related to Blackboard Learn coursework as well as the tentative schedule for class tests. I am aware that this schedule is subject to change and changes will be announced in class. I have been provided with contact information for my instructor and understand how to access the class page on eCampus/Blackboard Learn. I understand that this signature page serves as evidence of my understanding of the course syllabus and course policies as outlined above. I have access to this class syllabus over the Blackboard Learn website and have printed a hard copy of this syllabus as a reference for the duration of the Fall 2013 semester. _____________________ Student signature __________ Date 7