MEMBER VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTION Complete this form if you want to make a one-off member voluntary contribution or make regular contributions by direct debit. This form authorises Kinetic Super to obtain contributions from your bank account. IMPORTANT Member Voluntary Contributions (personal after-tax) can only be accepted if you have provided your Tax File Number (TFN). You may be eligible for the Government Co-Contribution, caps also apply to how much you can contribute, please go to for further information. Please complete all relevant sections using CAPITAL LETTERS and a BLACK pen Step 1 - Your personal details Kinetic Super member number Male Surname Female Title Date of birth DDMMYYYY Given names Residential address (compulsory) Unit/Street number Street name Suburb/City/Town State/Territory Postcode State/Territory Postcode Postal address – if different to residential Unit/Street number/PO Box Street name Suburb/City/Town Contact details Mobile Home Email If the information requested is not provided, we may not be able to complete your request. Providing your mobile number or email address means that you consent to receive communications (including marketing communications) by SMS or email in relation to your account, Kinetic Superannuation Fund or special offers from third parties to Fund members. You can opt-out of this service at any time. If you would like to opt out of this service please (cross ) You may also receive marketing communications by postal mail. If you do not wish to receive marketing communications by postal mail please (cross ) 954.5 09/14 ISS4 Issued on 9 September 2014 by Kinetic Superannuation Ltd (KSL) (ABN 14 056 917 303 AFSL 222590 RSE L0000352) as Trustee of Kinetic Superannuation Fund (KSF) (ABN 78 984 178 687 RSE R1000429), which includes Kinetic Smart Pension (KSP). Kinetic Super | Member Voluntary Contribution Page 1 / 4 Step 2 - Tax file number (TFN) The Fund is authorised to seek your TFN under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. YOU DON’T HAVE TO PROVIDE YOUR TFN, HOWEVER IF WE DO NOT HAVE YOUR TFN, WE MAY NOT BE ABLE TO ACCEPT A DIRECT DEBIT REQUEST OR YOUR MEMBER VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS. Your Tax File Number (TFN) will only be used for lawful purposes, which may change in the future as a result of legislative change. It is not an offence not to quote your TFN. However, if you don’t provide your TFN higher tax will apply to your concessional contributions, we can’t accept after-tax member contributions from you, the tax on super benefits paid to you may be higher and it may be more difficult to locate any lost super benefits or consolidate your super. For further information, please refer to the Kinetic Super Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) available at or on request by calling 1300 304 000. My TFN is I do not wish to provide my TFN I have already provided my TFN Step 3 - Payment options I would like to make a: Please select one option below (cross ). One-off payment of $ (attach a cheque made payable to Kinetic Super) . Regular direct debit payment (complete Step 4 and 5) BPAY® - To find out your customer reference number, please look at the back of your member card or log onto Member Online Services at Kinetic Super can only accept personal (after-tax) contributions up to the non-concessional contribution cap. For information on non-concessional contribution caps, please go to Step 4 - Direct debit payment details Name of financial institution Account name BSB Account number $ . Monthly contributions on or of every month Standing authority for online contributions You can cancel this direct debit at any time, by completing a Direct Debit Cancellation form available at or on request by calling 1300 304 000. Kinetic Super | Member Voluntary Contribution Page 2 / 4 Direct debit request service agreement 1. Kinetic Super may, by prior arrangement and advice, vary the amount or frequency of debits. 2. Kinetic Super will initiate debits to your nominated bank account in accordance with your instructions. 3. Kinetic Super agrees to provide you no less than 14 days notice if it proposes to vary any previously agreed debit arrangements if you have a standing order with us. 4. You may request deferment or alteration to the agreed schedule by writing to Kinetic Super, Locked Bag 5091, Parramatta NSW 2124, in the first instance. Kinetic Super reserves the right to decline this request. 5. You can stop individual debits or cancel a Direct Debit (DDR) by completing a Direct Debit Cancellation form and sending it to Kinetic Super, Locked Bag 5091, Parramatta NSW 2124, in the first instance. 6. In the event that you disagree with any debit under the arrangement with Kinetic Super, you should call Kinetic Super on 1300 304 000 8am to 10pm Monday to Friday (AEST). 7. When the due date for payment falls on a day that is not a business day, Kinetic Super will debit the customer on the following business day. 8. In the event that your financial institution refuses to pay any debit made under the arrangement, Kinetic Super will write to you requesting alternative payment arrangements. You may be charged fees by your financial institution. 9. Any information supplied by you will remain confidential and will only be disclosed if authorised by you or where required by law. 10. Direct Debiting through Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS) may not be available on the full range of customer accounts. If in doubt please contact your financial institution before submitting the Member Voluntary Contribution form. 11. It is your responsibility to ensure the account details provided are correct, and if uncertain, check with your financial institution. 12. It is your responsibility to have sufficient clear funds available in the relevant account by the due date to permit the payment of debts. 13. Kinetic Super is dedicated to protecting all personal information provided on behalf of its clients. In line with the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000, we maintain all client records in the strictest confidence. We only use the information for the purpose for which it was provided. Personal information will not be used or disclosed for any other purpose without your consent. If you would like a copy of our Privacy Policy, please call 1300 304 000 or visit our website. The bank may require your details to be provided in the event of a claim relating to an alleged incorrect or wrongful debit. Step 5 - Authorisation and declaration I/We request and authorise that, until further notice in writing, you debit my account as described in Step 4 with any amounts Kinetic Superannuation Ltd as Trustee of Kinetic Super (User ID 207256) may debit or charge me/us through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS); I/We acknowledge that this Direct Debit arrangement is governed by the terms of the above Direct Debit Request Service Agreement and is to remain in force in accordance with the terms and conditions of that Service Agreement; and I/We declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information I have provided is true and correct. Signature Date DDMMYYYY Signature (if joint account all signatures may be required) Date DDMMYYYY Checklist Complete all steps Send this form to Kinetic Super Locked Bag 5091 Sign and date authorisation and declaration Parramatta NSW 2124 Email Privacy The information on this form is required or requested in order to administer and provide other services relating to your membership with the Fund. We may not be able to manage your membership or supply these service if you do not provide the information. Kinetic Superannuation Ltd, Trustee of Kinetic Superannuation Fund, which includes Kinetic Smart Pension is committed to the privacy principles set down by the Federal Government (see For a copy of the Kinetic Super Privacy Policy and Collection Statement (Policy), please visit our website or call 1300 304 000. Kinetic Super | Member Voluntary Contribution Page 3 / 4 This page has been intentionally left blank.