
Personality Test-
Melissa Gunter
The personality test is a test to determine the type of personality, their values,
interests, and skills a person has. The test has a total of seventy two questions. The test
has a person to answer the questions with a yes or no answer. The questions range from
social life to responsibility. Some examples of the questions are: you spend your leisure
time actively socializing with a group of people, attending parties, shopping, etc., you
often think about humankind and its destiny, you like to be engaged in an active and fastpaced job, and you feel involved when watching TV soaps. After answering all seventy
two questions you are given your results of the test.
The test revealed that I am type ESFP. ESFP stands for extraverted, sensing,
feeling, and perceiving. The test measures the strengths of each of the preferences. My
strongest strength was feeling in which I scored sixty two percent. I scored fifty six
percent in extraverted, thirty three percent in perceiving, and twelve percent in sensing.
The test also revealed a qualitative analysis of my type of personality. It revealed that I
am moderately expressed extravert, slightly expressed sensing personality, distinctively
expressed feeling personality, and moderately expressed perceiving personality.
I liked taking this test because it was interesting seeing my results. The test was
somewhat short to me. However, it takes about fifteen minutes to complete it. I would
have to agree with the results and say my strongest type of personality is feeling. I do
determine a lot of my ideas on my feelings. Overall, I believe the personality test could
have asked more questions to receive a person’s accurate personality results. I believe
that a person can be measured on much more than seventy two questions. However, it
was fun to see what their results of my personality were.