Grading Rubric for Classification Papers Name: ____________________________________________ Inadequate Developing Proficient Exemplary Paper does something other than classifying (describes, narrates, etc.) or an inappropriate topic chosen. Paper attempts classification, but there are significant problems (incomplete system, lots of overlap) or a significant amount of material that does not contribute to the paper’s purpose. The paper identifies a topic and categories. Definition/description of the categories is generally clear, and the system is complete without a lot of overlap (possibly minor problems). Paper offers a clear, well-defined system of classification with a strong sense of purpose and audience. No material is included that does not contribute to the paper’s purpose. Little or no detail to explain and illustrate categories. Some examples and details are included to explain the categories. Some points may not be developed, or the development overall may lack clarity and specificity. Categories are explained and illustrated with examples or details. Possibly, development is uneven— strong on some points but weak on others. Explanation, examples, and details are consistently rich and appropriate. Paragraphs are typically or frequently unfocused. Paragraphs are typically too long or too short. Some paragraphs are clearly focused and an appropriate length. There may be some paragraphs that lack focus or seem too long or short. Generally, each paragraph is focused on a single point (typically one of the categories, possibly multiple paragraphs per category with slight shifts of focus). Paragraph length is appropriate for the target audience. Consistently focused paragraphs of appropriate length. Order & transitions No evident organizational pattern; seems jumbled or confusing. An organizational pattern is evident; possibly not very effective. Transitions may be absent or inappropriate. An organizational pattern is evident; possibly not very effective. Appropriate transitions are used. Framing No clear introduction Introduction and conclusion or conclusion. present, may not be clearly identified or highly effective. Title may be weak or missing. Content (purple comments) Topic & thesis (focus) Development Structure (black comments) Paragraphs Clear and effective order, helpful transitions to show the organizing principle and relationships between categories. Introduction and conclusion present Clear, effective and distinct from the body of the introduction, paper. An appropriate title is conclusion, and title, included. giving a sense of the purpose and audience. Wordsmithing Sentences (green markings) Words (blue markings) Formatting Grade: _________ There are a significant number of unclear or ungrammatical sentences. Errors in punctuation are serious or numerous enough to interfere with understanding. Some sentences may be ungrammatical, but can be understood. There may be monotony in sentence structures suggesting a limited range of options. There may be errors in punctuation, enough to distract from the content but not prevent understanding. Most sentences are clear and grammatical. There is some evidence of ability to adapt sentence structure for emphasis and indicating relationships between ideas, though some longer or more complicated sentences may not be fully controlled (ungrammatical or unclear). Any punctuation errors are few and relatively minor. No sentences are ungrammatical. Sentence structures demonstrate the ability to suit sentences to local needs of emphasis, cohesiveness, etc. Errors in punctuation are rare and minor. Word choice and/or spelling is frequently poor or significantly impairs understanding. Some evident effort to choose words appropriate for the audience. There may be some errors in word choice or spelling, but not severe enough to block communication. Word choice is generally appropriate for the audience and type of writing. There may be a few words used incorrectly, imprecisely, or inappropriately. Spelling errors may be present, but not enough to impede the reader Word choice is consistently precise and well-suited to the audience and type of writing. There are no errors, or very few errors, such as can escape even careful proofreading. Multiple conventions not observed Departs from requested formatting three or four ways. Departs from requested formatting one or two ways. Perfect Revision assignment: Comments: Revision grade: ______