A REPORT FROM THE OFFICE OF INTERNAL AUDIT PRESENTED TO THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF BOISE, IDAHO AUDIT / TASK: #11-12, Status Report – Previous Audit Findings AUDIT CLIENT: N/A REPORT DATE: May 18, 2012 AUDIT GRADE: N/A REPORT AUTHOR: Steven Rehn CIA, CFSA APPROVED FOR RELEASE: Steven Rehn CIA, CFSA AUTHORITY: Boise City Code, 1-09-03 REPORT OF AUDIT ACTIVITIES Task: #11-12, Periodic Status Report – Previous Audit Findings Introduction Annually, the Office of Internal Audit commits resources to a number of projects consisting of formal audits, consulting engagements, and various specialized reviews. Based on the Office’s established policies and procedures, the projects undergo a life-cycle that consists of the following distinct steps: • • • • • The engagements involve the establishment of specific objectives, and the performance of work steps that are sufficient to allow Audit to formulate and communicate recommendations to management relative to those objectives; Each project is finalized with the publication of a formal report that includes a presentation of Internal Audit’s final observations and recommendations; Management supplies Internal Audit with either responses or action plans that address the findings and concerns noted; Audit pursues follow-up activities that allow the Office to gauge management’s progress toward implementing corrective actions in areas where such action is called for; and, Internal Audit issues annual summary reports that depict the status of findings and recommendations previously communicated to management where corrective action was required. The purpose of this report is to present the current status of issues that were outstanding as of the last Status Report, #10-09; as well as findings that were noted in Audit Reports issued since then, in conjunction with FY’11 projects. Scope and Methodologies Report #11-12 should be considered as informational only. Traditional scope periods and coverage statements normally associated with Internal Audit activities have not been established beyond an “as-of” date of December 31, 2011. The report covers all of the audits and engagements that were undertaken and completed by the Office to date where there continue to be outstanding, unresolved issues; or where corrective actions have been completed in the interim. Audit employed a number of methodologies during the follow-up contacts with management and staff that typically consisted of inquiry, observation, and / or the performance of limited testing. The objective in each case was to gain a reasonable degree of assurance that corrective actions had either been completed, or were progressing in a satisfactory manner. 2 REPORT OF AUDIT ACTIVITIES Evaluation and Comments The report has not been assigned a grade or any similar evaluation. However, Internal Audit believes that when management’s pursuit of corrective actions has been active and on-going, then they have demonstrated a satisfactory level of responsiveness to the concerns voiced by Audit. This appears to hold true for the entire cross-section of departments and divisions that were contacted during the follow-up activities. Members of the City’s management team continue to display a willingness to entertain, and to act on Audit’s recommendations by pursuing corrective actions. As a result, areas of concern continue to be addressed and deficiencies in controls, processes, and procedures corrected. Internal Audit will continue to monitor these issues periodically, and will report on their status as appropriate. The incorporated document that follows (beginning on page 4) presents a synopsis of the issues that were noted during previously completed engagements. Management’s progress to date in correcting those issues, and their current status is also included. When corrective actions are considered complete, the items are designated as “Closed”; otherwise, they will continue to be viewed as “Open” items that require some measure of remediation. Please note that the incorporated document contains only a summarized version of our Findings. The reader is urged to review the Audit Reports themselves (all of which are available on the City’s web site) in detail in order to achieve a fuller understanding of the issues, and of the associated responses received from management in relation to our observations and recommendations. 3 From the Office of Internal Audit STATUS OF AUDIT FINDINGS PRESENTED TO: THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF BOISE, IDAHO 08-08 Fire Assets - Contracts Area Of Concern: Contract Administration Audit Finding / Concern Effective means of tracking action items, and alerting management to those events, are not in place. Management Response Fire's Admin Manager has created a series of spreadsheet tools that document various deliverables under the contracts. The spreadsheets are reviewed monthly for upcoming items, which are acted on accordingly. Contracts that are administered by Fire Ops are managed through a series of "tickler" items placed on calendars. Current Status Closed Expired and/or un-ratified contracts were present in the Department's active contract files. Fire has reorganized service units, and established new accountabilities for contracts. An inventory of contracts has been assembled; expired contracts were identified; new agreements were negotiated where necessary and desirable. Closed Controls and procedures are not sufficient to ensure effective administration of contracts. Rights and responsibilities are not always satisfied. Fire's Admin Manager has created a series of spreadsheet tools that document various deliverables under the contracts. The spreadsheets are reviewed monthly for upcoming items, which are acted on accordingly. Contracts that are administered by Fire Ops are managed through a series of "tickler" items placed on calendars. Closed 4 STATUS OF AUDIT FINDINGS PRESENTED TO: THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF BOISE, IDAHO 09-01s1 Sole Source Purchasing Area Of Concern: Failure to Issue PO Audit Finding / Concern Purchases from vendor Lab Corp totaled over $7,000.00. No PO was issued. 09-01s3 Management Response Deficiency was not identifiable by Purchasing under current processes. Issue has been incorporated into the planning and design of the ERP Project. Finding closed contingent on successful implementation of ERP. Current Status Closed Vendor Spending Analysis Area Of Concern: Purchase Orders Audit Finding / Concern Due to soft controls and previous exemptions, PO's were not always issued for qualifying transactions. Management Response Compliance under PeopleSoft is largely manual. DFA returns transactions that lack PO's when these are detected. Issue will be addressed / resolved by anticipated functionality in the ERP system currently in implementation. Finding closed contingent on successful implementation of ERP. 5 Current Status Closed STATUS OF AUDIT FINDINGS PRESENTED TO: THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF BOISE, IDAHO 09-03 IT Security Review Area Of Concern: Improper Role Assignments Audit Finding / Concern Improper role assignments were noted in relation to PO and Purchasing roles and approvals. Two instances noted where Administrator roles did not appear to be properly assigned. Management Response IT has created reports that will enable the Controller to work with management to eliminate improper assignments quarterly. Regular, recurring reviews have not yet been implemented. Current Status Open Management Response IT has created reports that will allow the Controller to review assignments with management, and reduce roles where necessary. Regular, recurring reviews have not yet been fully implemented. Current Status Open Area Of Concern: Mirroring of Roles Audit Finding / Concern Three BPD Finance staff possessed broad, "mirrored" role assignments in the areas of budget, purchasing, and accounting entry capability. 10 CAFR Annual Financial Audit Area Of Concern: Deferred Property Taxes Audit Finding / Concern EideBailly detected an accumulated Deferred Property Tax balance that hadn't been properly recognized in CAFR. Management Response Financial template tool has been updated to incorporate this issue. Also this item is now verified during the annual closing process. Current Status Closed Area Of Concern: Financial Statement Errors Audit Finding / Concern EideBailly detected several errors within the financials that were presented for testing. Combination of rollover of tools from previous FY, and missed CIP accruals. Management Response Issue has been reviewed with responsible staff in various departments, and will be presented again during closing process meetings. 6 Current Status Closed STATUS OF AUDIT FINDINGS PRESENTED TO: THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF BOISE, IDAHO 10-01 Fire Staffing Analysis Area Of Concern: Admin Overtime Audit Finding / Concern Overtime expenses are incurred through the use of internal staff resources to provide database administration, and power-user services. Additional expense is associated with manual hydrant mapping process. Management Response New reporting software has been acquired and implemented that is estimated to save $7,500 per year in costs associated with "super-user" tasks. Fire is working with IT in an effort to transition additional database responsibilities to that Department. Current Status Open Management Response Management implemented staggered work shifts in March 2010. Expectations for a 30% reduction in Overtime were realized. FY10 and FY11 are seeing an average reduction of approximately 37% per month. Current Status Closed Area Of Concern: Logistics Overtime Audit Finding / Concern Reason / support for overtime hours booked in Logistics has not historically been captured. Management's ability to analyze, and improve upon these expenses is impaired. Mapping tasks are also incurred in this division. 7 STATUS OF AUDIT FINDINGS PRESENTED TO: THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF BOISE, IDAHO 10-03 Police Overtime Analysis Area Of Concern: Overtime Patterns Audit Finding / Concern Certain officers were noted to have booked Overtime / Comp Time in recurring patterns. Two instances were noted where Overtime was recorded along with regular hours, and vacation. Management Response Management reviewed timekeeping requirements with command staff, who in turn reinforced procedures within their individual operating units. Procedures will also be reinforced as PD converts to bi-weekly pay. Current Status Closed Management Response Management is working closely with the City Attorney in an effort to minimize this expense line. City Attorneys are closing out subpoenas, and autonotification to subpoenaed officers is commencing. Expense has declined by 24.4% since Q4FY09. Current Status Closed Area Of Concern: Penalty Overtime Audit Finding / Concern Tests indicated as much as 25% ($51,000+) in Penalty Overtime booked in FY'09 may have been avoidable. 10-04 Treasury & Investing Area Of Concern: Accrual Reconciliations Audit Finding / Concern Material accrued interest balances were being reconciled on an annual basis only. Management Response Treasury will reconcile accrued interest accounts on a semi-annual basis, and will attempt to free staff time to increase the frequency of reconciliation. Current Status Open Management Response Treasury will implement a more frequent review of CRD reports for active brokers, and will document those reviews in the B/D files. Current Status Open Area Of Concern: B/D Relationships Audit Finding / Concern Broker/Dealer relationships were not monitored according to best practices. Supporting files were not always complete. 8 STATUS OF AUDIT FINDINGS PRESENTED TO: THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF BOISE, IDAHO 10-05 Special Programs Area Of Concern: Account Classification Audit Finding / Concern Celebration funds are held in a revenue account. 10-06.2 Management Response Controller is currently reviewing the appropriate classification for the funds before making a final determination as to the account-type that will be utilized. Current Status Open Management Response Management has implemented a process whereby security camera footage is reviewed randomly. Current Status Closed Parking Services Area Of Concern: Security Over Coin Audit Finding / Concern Coin is subject to misappropriation during the bagging process, after meter harvest. 11-01 Indirect Cost Allocation Audit Area Of Concern: Desk Procedures Audit Finding / Concern Documentation supporting the ICA process is unavailable or inaccurate. Only one individual has cross-training and experience to perform an ICA. Management Response Management will document the process of the annual creation of the Indirect Cost Allocation Plan. Current Status Open Area Of Concern: Statistical Data Integrity Audit Finding / Concern Statistical data that drives the ICA process was inaccurate to varying degrees. Management Response Management will work with a consultant to review the City’s plan and obtain recommendations, require department directors to approve the statistics submitted, and implement an escalation process for missed deadlines by department staff. 9 Current Status Open STATUS OF AUDIT FINDINGS PRESENTED TO: THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF BOISE, IDAHO 11-02 Arts & History Area Of Concern: Capitalization of Costs Audit Finding / Concern Commission payments for various art pieces were expensed, not booked to a Capital Projects account. Management Response Arts will work with DFM to determine procedures for booking projects that are funded by outside sources. Also, booking issues associated with BVC objects have been clarified and this issue is resolved. Current Status Closed Management Response Arts & History assumed full responsibility for maintaining a complete listing of objects. Lists are provided to risk management periodically as recommended. Risk Management confirmed the adequacy of processes currently in place. Current Status Closed Area Of Concern: Insurance Values Audit Finding / Concern The insurer did not have a full and complete listing of all City art objects. 10 STATUS OF AUDIT FINDINGS PRESENTED TO: THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF BOISE, IDAHO 11-03 DFA - Budget Area Of Concern: BAM Contractual Compliance Audit Finding / Concern Level of support for BAM was not consistent with the provisions of the original contract. Management Response Management has affirmed their intention to pursue an updated agreement. This initiative will be undertaken post UB system implementation / roll-out; currently envisioned for January - February 2012. Area Of Concern: Compliance Reporting Audit Finding / Concern Management Response Mandatory filing requirements of annual appropriation ordinances are not being met. The Budget Office accepted responsibility for filing the approved budget ordinance with the Secretary of State. A return receipt is requested of the State for verification of receipt. The receipt for the most recent ordinance is on file in the Clerk's Office. Current Status Closed Current Status Closed Area Of Concern: Contract Administration Audit Finding / Concern DFM staff did not possess most recent iteration of TVCTV agreement. TVCTV did not comply with all agreement terms. Management Response Management created a spreadsheet to improve the overall administration of the contracts. The spreadsheet includes due dates for required reports, data, and contact information in a central electronic file for easy access. 11 Current Status Closed STATUS OF AUDIT FINDINGS PRESENTED TO: THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF BOISE, IDAHO 11-04 Legal Dept / Administration Area Of Concern: Billings for Services Audit Finding / Concern No determination as to the accuracy of the indirect cost amount utilized for the FY 10/11 contract periods was possible. Management Response Management will more carefully retain written direction from budget staff to document the cost model preparation. Current Status Closed Area Of Concern: Cash-Handling Practices Audit Finding / Concern The department has weak and unapproved cash handling and check processing procedures in place. Management Response Management aligned cash handling and check processing more closely with regulation. Handling procedures have been formalized and submitted to Treasury as required; and employees have received cash-handling training. Current Status Closed Area Of Concern: Time-Keeping Practices Audit Finding / Concern Attorney hours were improperly allocated. 11-06 Management Response Management believes the problems will not recur with the implementation of Cyber Shift. A new code has been created and implemented that will allow for the capture of hours worked for the BCACHA. Current Status Closed Management Response Staff will create seasonal employee accounts only when expected termination dates have been determined. Follow up will occur on that date, and actual termination date established. Accounts will be closed out as of the termination date. Current Status Open Recreation Programs Area Of Concern: System Access Audit Finding / Concern Employee accounts on the Safari System are not timely closed / deactivated upon termination. 12 STATUS OF AUDIT FINDINGS PRESENTED TO: THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF BOISE, IDAHO 11-07 Library Operations Area Of Concern: Courier Cost-Sharing Audit Finding / Concern Certain courier labor costs have been under- or over-billed. Part-time delivery vehicle costs are being absorbed solely by the City of Boise. Certain operating costs have been invoiced incorrectly. Management Response Cost share formulas have been updated to reflect the appropriate costs identified during the audit. The master agreement will be reviewed by the LYNX Directors, and inclusion of additional courier vans / staff will be sought by BPL. Discussions will also include identifying appropriate costs to be shared. Current Status Open Area Of Concern: Meeting Room Reservations Audit Finding / Concern Hold harmless and release from liability statements were missing for room reservations. Management Response Management is reviewing current procedures for possible alteration. Signature requirements have been discussed and reinforced with staff on two separate occasions. Current Status Open Management Response Formulaic errors have been corrected. Updated cost share information will apply to FY12 billings due to annual budgetary constraints of the member libraries. Staff will exercise added diligence in adhering to proper billing procedures. Current Status Open Area Of Concern: System Cost-Sharing Audit Finding / Concern The cost share formula was not in compliance with the agreement and consortium members were under allocated certain costs. 13 STATUS OF AUDIT FINDINGS PRESENTED TO: THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF BOISE, IDAHO 11-09S2 P-Cards Area Of Concern: Card Closure & Capture Audit Finding / Concern Purchasing cards are not being closed within a reasonable time after employment termination. Management Response Management will ensure cards are closed within 48 hours of receiving notification from the department liaison, and issued a memorandum to all department liaisons reiterating the requirements of timely notification. Current Status Closed Management Response Management re-instituted the MCC blocks upon discovery that they were missing. P-Card administrators also scan the system control set-up quarterly to ensure the blocks continue to be in place. Current Status Closed Area Of Concern: MCC Restrictions Audit Finding / Concern A purchase was transacted with a with a Merchant Category Code that was prohibited according to program administration. 14