Seneca@York Learning Centre User Guide

Seneca@York Learning
Centre User Guide
Completed by the Class of TNC 700
November 26th, 2008
Table of Contents
Our Mission ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Tutoring – Our Primary Focus Is You ............................................................................................... 7
What if my first language is not English? .................................................................................... 7
What if I have a physical or learning disability? .......................................................................... 7
Our Services are customized to Your Needs ................................................................................... 7
Workshops ................................................................................................................................... 7
Writing Centre ............................................................................................................................. 7
Learning Strategies ...................................................................................................................... 8
Assistive Technologies ................................................................................................................. 8
Why Not Start Today? ..................................................................................................................... 8
General Interest Workshops ........................................................................................................... 9
Speak Out! Workshops ................................................................................................................ 9
Creative Writing Club .................................................................................................................. 9
Success @ Interviews .................................................................................................................. 9
Essential Study Skills Workshops ................................................................................................. 9
Course-Specific Workshops ............................................................................................................. 9
Computer Programming Workshop .......................................................................................... 10
Computer Networking Workshop ............................................................................................. 10
Learning Centre Clubs ................................................................................................................... 10
Games Club ................................................................................................................................ 10
Our Aims ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Is the Writing Centre for Me?........................................................................................................ 11
What Services are provided by the Writing Centre? ..................................................................... 11
What We Don’t Do and Why ......................................................................................................... 11
What Happens at Your Session?.................................................................................................... 12
Before You Come In ....................................................................................................................... 12
Once You’re Here .......................................................................................................................... 12
Working with Learning Disabilities ................................................................................................ 13
Taking Advantage of Your Learning Style ...................................................................................... 14
Developing Effective Listening Skills.............................................................................................. 14
Taking Notes with Confidence ....................................................................................................... 14
Learning to Manage Your Time and Your Life ............................................................................... 15
Improving Your Memory and General Comprehension ............................................................ 15
Learning to Read More Effectively ................................................................................................ 15
Developing Writing Strategies for Essays and Examinations ........................................................ 16
Preparing Successfully for Tests .................................................................................................... 16
Using Other Aids in Learning ......................................................................................................... 16
Help with Reading and Writing ..................................................................................................... 17
WYNN Literacy Software ............................................................................................................... 18
Who Might Need WYNN? .......................................................................................................... 18
How Does WYNN Help You? ...................................................................................................... 18
Dragon NaturallySpeaking Software ............................................................................................. 18
How Does this Speech Recognition Technology Work? ............................................................ 18
Inspiration ..................................................................................................................................... 19
What It Does .............................................................................................................................. 19
Who Could Benefit From Using Inspiration? ............................................................................. 19
What Subjects Can Inspiration Help Me With? ......................................................................... 19
Kurzweil 3000 ................................................................................................................................ 19
Other Software .............................................................................................................................. 20
Example – Scheduling an Appointment with a Tutor .................................................................... 21
The Seneca@York Learning Centre ............................................................................................... 22
What does the Seneca@York Learning Centre offer? ............................................................... 22
When is the Seneca@York Learning Centre open? ................................................................... 22
Tutoring ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Who are the tutors? .................................................................................................................. 22
Who is eligible for tutoring? ...................................................................................................... 22
How much tutoring time may I have each week? ..................................................................... 22
Where are these sessions located? ........................................................................................... 22
Where and how do I sign up for a session? ............................................................................... 23
Will my instructor know that I am getting help?....................................................................... 23
What will tutors not do? ........................................................................................................... 23
How do I cancel an appointment?............................................................................................. 23
What types of tutoring are available? ....................................................................................... 23
What happens when I come in for my appointment? .............................................................. 23
What should I bring with me? ................................................................................................... 23
I do not understand an assignment. Can the tutors help me? .................................................. 23
Can I just send my work in to my tutor for correction? ............................................................ 23
Workshops ..................................................................................................................................... 24
Who teaches workshops? ......................................................................................................... 24
When are workshops offered? .................................................................................................. 24
What types of workshops are offered? ..................................................................................... 24
Who is responsible for creating workshops? ............................................................................ 24
Are there beginner or advanced level workshops?................................................................... 24
Is there a minimum number of students required for a workshop? ........................................ 24
What is the teaching style? ....................................................................................................... 24
Am I required to do any preparation or homework for workshops? ........................................ 24
Can students offer suggestions? ............................................................................................... 24
The Writing Centre ........................................................................................................................ 25
What does The Writing Centre do? ........................................................................................... 25
How does The Writing Centre work? ........................................................................................ 25
Is The Writing Centre only for students that have bad marks? ................................................ 25
May I see the same tutor each time? ........................................................................................ 25
English as a Second Language (ESL)............................................................................................... 25
Where do I get help with written English? ................................................................................ 25
Where do I get help with spoken English? ................................................................................ 25
Learning Strategies ........................................................................................................................ 25
What do Learning Strategists do? ............................................................................................. 25
What can a Learning Strategist help me with? ......................................................................... 25
Assistive Technologies ................................................................................................................... 26
What do Assistive Technologists do? ........................................................................................ 26
How do I book an appointment with Assistive Technologies? .................................................. 26
What kinds of technologies are available? ................................................................................ 26
How can Assistive Technologies help me with my studies? ...................................................... 26
Web Appointment Booking Service (WABS) ................................................................................. 26
What is WABS and what do I use it for? .................................................................................... 26
What do I need to use WABS?................................................................................................... 26
Workshops ..................................................................................................................................... 27
Writing Center ............................................................................................................................... 27
Learning Strategies ........................................................................................................................ 28
WABS ............................................................................................................................................. 29
The Seneca@York Learning Centre
Our Mission
The Learning Centre is here to help you succeed in your college career by giving you the tools
you need to reach your goals.
Our services are available to everyone enrolled in a course at Seneca College. Our tutors are
either faculty members or other qualified professionals who have demonstrated exceptional
knowledge and skill in their subject areas.
Tutoring – Our Primary Focus Is You
Tutoring is available for all academic subjects offered by Seneca College. Students can receive
tutoring in areas such as learning, preparing for an examination, and job-hunting skills.
What if my first language is not English?
Our tutors can see you one-on-one or in group workshops and conversation clubs to help you
improve your written and spoken English.
What if I have a physical or learning disability?
You can get access to several services, including specialized software, which you can use to turn
your learning experience into a more productive and fun experience.
Our Services are customized to Your Needs
Our services are growing constantly in response to student needs, and come under four
complementary areas of expertise: workshops, the Writing Centre, learning strategies, and
assistive technologies.
Participating in workshop and club activities can help you increase your confidence and
knowledge and help you achieve better grades in class.
Writing Centre
The Writing Centre gives all Seneca@York students the opportunity to improve their written and
spoken English. We provide one-on-one tutoring focused on your specific needs, and workshops
in areas of common concern.
Learning Strategies
Our professional Learning Strategist and Assistive Technologist can help you to organize your
work, study for examinations, and improve your concentration and memory.
Assistive Technologies
Assistive technologies help students with physical and learning disabilities to gain full access to
the information they need. Our Learning Strategist and Assistive Technologist will also help you
learn how to use new software and other devices that will make learning more accessible and
Why Not Start Today?
We are located just around the corner and available from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday.
To make an appointment you can
drop by room S1120 of the Learning Commons,
give us a call at (416) 491-5050 ext 3047, or
book online using our Web Appointment Booking System (WABS).
NOTE: Before using the services listed under Learning Strategies and Assistive Technologies, you
will first need to contact the Counselling and Disabilities Services:
Hours: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.
Telephone: (416) 491-5050 ext 3150.
TTY: (416) 491-0468.
We are here to help you get the most out of your studies at Seneca College.
Seneca@York offers a number of workshops through the Learning Centre to serve student
needs. These workshops fit into three main categories: general interest workshops, coursespecific workshops, and Learning Centre clubs. The Learning Centre will also develop additional
workshops in response to student needs. Seneca@York faculty members or fully qualified senior
Seneca@York students teach workshops.
General Interest Workshops
Speak Out! Workshops
Speak Out! Workshops are available for English as a second language (ESL) students. They
involve practice discussions between students to build confidence and manage anxiety within
group situations. Speak Out! Workshop activities focus on developing vocabulary and improving
pronunciation and communication skills. All students are welcome to attend.
Creative Writing Club
The Creative Writing Club assists students with grammar, expression, sentence structure, and
other aspects of writing.
Success @ Interviews
This workshop focuses on the development of interview skills. Topics include appropriate modes
of dress, interview questions, and identifying non-verbal behaviour. This workshop also offers
students a chance to practice interviews. The ultimate goal of Success@ Interviews is to teach
students to sell their key strengths within five weeks.
Essential Study Skills Workshops
This workshop covers the following study skills
Study habits
Time management
Exam preparation
Writing strategies
Course-Specific Workshops
Course-specific workshops offer assistance in specific academic courses taught at Seneca@York,
and are open only to students registered in those courses. To run a course-specific workshop,
please contact the instructor of the course.
Computer Programming Workshop
This workshop provides extra help in the following courses
Introduction to Programming using C ( IPC144 )
Programming Fundamentals using C (BTP100)
Internet I - Internet Fundamentals (INT222)
Internet II - Web Programming on UNIX (INT322)
Internet III - Web Programming on Windows (INT422)
Introduction To Object Oriented Programming using C++(OOP244)
The Object-Oriented Paradigm using C++(BTP200)
iSeries Business Computing (IBC233)
Business Applications using COBOL (BAC344)
Workshop instructors review in-class material and help students overcome common
programming difficulties. One-on-one tutoring in these subjects is also available.
Computer Networking Workshop
One-on-one tutoring is available for the following subjects
Number Conversion
Batch Files
VB Script
Learning Centre Clubs
These non-academic clubs allow students to develop their skills in a relaxed social setting. The
Learning Centre is currently running the Games Club and will provide additional social clubs in
the future.
Games Club
The Games Club provides an opportunity for ESL learners to communicate casually in a small
group setting. Through activities, such as playing cards and board games, students are
encouraged to become comfortable with speaking in English with others.
Writing Centre
The Writing Centre provides all students with tutoring in written and spoken English. We
provide one-on-one tutoring focused on your specific needs and workshops in areas of common
Our Aims
The Writing Center is here to do the following:
Work with you on any problems related to writing, reading, or comprehension
Help you develop the skills you need to succeed at college, university, or in your career
Make you feel confident as a reader, writer and speaker
Help you become a logical and critical thinker
Is the Writing Centre for Me?
The Writing Centre is for all of you who want to improve your writing and verbal skills,
regardless of whether you are a native or a non-native English speaker.
What Services are provided by the Writing Centre?
We provide one-on-one tutoring and curriculum-driven workshops. In one-on-one tutoring, we
do the following:
Review your class notes
Teach you how to complete assignments
Help you understand assignment requirements
Help you develop writing and speaking skills
Curriculum-driven workshops are developed with input from Seneca’s English teachers. The
workshops address common student needs such as conversation skills. Visit us at the Writing
Centre to find out what workshops are currently available.
What We Don’t Do and Why
We do not rewrite or edit your work. Our goal is to help you become a strong and skillful writer.
Therefore, we will provide you with the strategies and the resources to help you improve your
writing skills.
What Happens at Your Session?
There is no pre-defined or set syllabus for our sessions. Just tell us what you need when you
arrive, and we will structure the session to help you.
Ask us about any of these problems
Reading skills
Grammar and punctuation
Writing skills
Understanding the Canadian accent
Writing assignments
Before You Come In
Think about what you want to focus on. It is helpful to have questions ready, but if you do not,
that is okay. If you want help with an assignment, just bring it in.
Once You’re Here
We can help you at any stage of your assignment. We can help you understand your topic,
prepare an outline, write your final draft, and everything in between.
Learning Strategies
If you want to improve your study skills, the Learning Strategist and Assistive Technologist at the
Seneca@York Learning Centre can help. People naturally have different strengths and
weaknesses, but with practice, you can find ways to overcome the barriers that hold you back
from doing your best work.
Our Learning Strategist and Assistive Technologist can help you to
work successfully with a learning disability,
make your learning style work to your advantage,
develop your listening and note-taking skills,
manage your time and your life more effectively,
Increase your retention and your comprehension of course material
improve your reading and writing skills,
prepare successfully for tests, and
use other resources to make learning more effective and more fun.
Working with Learning Disabilities
Do you have an already-diagnosed learning disability, a learning disability? Our Learning
Strategist and Assistive Technologist can help you to learn the best methods to deal with these
challenges. You will also be introduced to specific assistive technologies – technologies that will
help you to learn.
The Learning Centre can help you work with your learning challenges. These may include the
Auditory and Visual Processing Disabilities – you may find it difficult to read or to
understand what you hear even though you can see and hear like everybody else
Dyscalculia – you may find it difficult to understand, remember or work with numbers
Dysgraphia – you may have problems writing anything on paper even though you may
have acquired good reading and listening skills
Dyslexia – you may find it difficult to read or spell
Adult Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) – you may find that you
can’t keep your attention on anything for long, that you can’t stay still, and that you
always have to do something right now because you feel you’ll never get the chance to
do what you want to do. ADD/ADHD is not a learning disability but is frequently present
in combination with learning disabilities.
Taking Advantage of Your Learning Style
Your learning style reveals the methods you are most comfortable with when learning material
inside and outside the classroom. Ask yourself these questions
Are you more comfortable reading course materials or listening to an audio
presentation of that material?
When you write tests, what do you remember best – words describing an idea or a
diagram or picture that illustrates that idea?
Do you find you learn best when you get to do something yourself or do you prefer to
watch someone else doing it?
By better understanding your learning style and knowing your strengths and weaknesses, you
can improve your chances of success. Our Learning Strategist and Assistive Technologist can
help you to discover which learning style suits you best and can show you how to use it to your
Developing Effective Listening Skills
Listening is, perhaps, the most basic of learning skills. However, a range of learning and physical
disabilities can prevent you from fully absorbing and understanding the material presented in
your classes. But you can find ways to improve your listening skills and your academic
Our Learning Strategist and Assistive Technologist can help you to
learn how to focus during classes,
find out about computer programs that can help you process your learning, and
develop strategies and solutions tailored to your needs.
Taking Notes with Confidence
Good note-taking skills are important. They will allow you to easily review your work after class,
to study for tests, and to prepare for assignments.
We can help you with note-taking aids and strategies such as
learning to remain alert and attentive while taking notes,
using word-processing programs effectively,
using recording devices, and
using keywords to summarize content and to optimize your notes.
Learning to Manage Your Time and Your Life
Are you feeling stressed out and ready to quit? Not enough time for all your homework?
Missing due dates? You are not alone. You can get one-on-one help from our Learning
Strategist and Assistive Technologist. We will work together to develop a plan that is best for
Learning to manage your time and resources will allow you to
organize your life and use your time more effectively,
get to class and finish your assignments on time,
feel relaxed and in control,
have plenty of peaceful sleep and proper meals,
improve your grades, and
enjoy your life – and have time for family, friends, fun and school.
Improving Your Memory and General Comprehension
Do you experience any of the following problems with your memory?
You frequently forget what was said or shown in a lecture
You find it difficult to follow instructions for completing assignments, especially when
you have to do things in a certain order
You can’t remember what you’ve just read
You have problems organizing your notes in a way that can help you remember what
your instructors covered in class
If you are having problems retaining information, there are some basic memory techniques our
Learning Strategist and Assistive Technologist can show you that will help you to retain
knowledge with confidence. These techniques are simple but powerful. They can save you time
and improve your performance when you are writing papers or taking tests.
Learning to Read More Effectively
Do you read fiction, essays, scientific journals, or technical materials while studying at Seneca
College? If so, our Learning Strategist and Assistive Technologist can help you read these
materials in a more organized and productive manner.
We can help you develop reading skills such as
active reading, and
Developing Writing Strategies for Essays and Examinations
It’s natural for you to be stressed out when you have to write a paper or a report. But this
shouldn’t keep you from completing your assignments on time. Good writing skills can be
developed through practice.
When you visit the Learning Centre, you’ll be taught how to
plan your writing,
identify your readers,
generate ideas,
gather and organize information, and
use software like WordQ to help you write error-free documents.
Preparing Successfully for Tests
Do you become depressed or do you panic before and during tests? We can help you learn how
organize and summarize your notes,
manage your time during the test,
handle stress before and during the test, and
relax and enjoy you student experience.
Using Other Aids in Learning
We can introduce you to software that will not only increase your ability to learn but make it
more fun as well (see the section on Assistive Technologies).
Assistive Technologies
If you have learning or another disability and want help with your schoolwork, or you just want
to find an easier way to do your work, then the Seneca@York Learning Centre can help. With
assistive technologies, we can help you to improve your learning experience, learn on your own,
and strengthen your enthusiasm for learning.
The Learning Centre provides assistive technologies like the computer programs Read & Write
Gold, WYNN, Dragon NaturallySpeaking and Inspiration.
Help with Reading and Writing
Read & Write Gold is a computer program that makes reading and writing easier by reading your
learning materials aloud and highlighting important text.
Read & Write Gold can help you
Develop your study skills
Conduct more effective research for your school projects
Increase your understanding of course materials
Organize your thoughts and ideas for completing assignments
Develop greater confidence in your learning abilities, and
Become more independent
If you want more information on this software, visit the website at
Read & Write Gold is especially useful if
You are dyslexic
You can’t see very well
You have a learning disability
You have difficulty writing essays and other assignments
English is not your first language
You have ADD/ADHD
WYNN Literacy Software
Who Might Need WYNN?
If you have trouble with reading or writing due to Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Adult
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), dyslexia or other conditions, then the software
WYNN might be helpful for you.
How Does WYNN Help You?
With the WYNN wizard, you can convert any printed material into computerized text. The WYNN
software will then read the text to you. When you listen to the text on your computer, it will
also highlight the text that it is reading.
WYNN can also help you to
Study on the go: You can save and convert any document into an MP3 or WAV file. Then
you can listen to that file later at your convenience by using any MP3-compatible device,
including portable devices like iPods.
Predict what you want to write: While you are writing with this software, it will help
you to predict a list of possible words suitable to your sentence.
Browse the Internet: You can browse the Internet using this software and WYNN will
read your emails to you.
Concentrate well on your text: WYNN highlights only the text you are reading so you
can focus on it.
If you want more information on this software, visit the website
Dragon NaturallySpeaking Software
Would it be easier for you to complete your assignments by talking to your computer
rather than typing on your keyboard?
Do you prefer speaking to writing?
If you answered ‘yes’ to one or both of these questions, then the speech recognition technology
software Dragon NaturallySpeaking (DNS) may help you.
How Does this Speech Recognition Technology Work?
During your sessions using DNS, you will train DNS to recognize how you say certain words and
text. Then DNS will be able to follow commands that you give by speaking or be able to
automatically type text that you dictate to it.
DNS is versatile and will adapt to your accent. It can do the following tasks
Open programs
Create formatted text
Save files
Search the Internet
Download MP3s
Read your emails
Shut down your computer
If you want more information on this software, visit the website
What It Does
Inspiration is software that allows you to organize your thoughts visually through “conceptmapping”. You can re-arrange, organize, and plan your essays, projects, and presentations by
using shapes and illustrations to organize your thoughts.
Who Could Benefit From Using Inspiration?
Inspiration is a powerful tool for anyone who prefers to use images to link ideas and concepts.
It can also create study and essay outlines.
What Subjects Can Inspiration Help Me With?
Inspiration is useful for any subject ranging from
Social studies
Planning essays
Inspiration can create flow charts and map concepts, so that you can visually grasp new and
complex subjects.
If you want more information on this software, visit the website
Kurzweil 3000
Improves reading speed and comprehension
Visual and auditory feedback
Improves your study skills with: highlighting, text circle tools, annotations, bookmarks
and voice notes
Reads material to the student in clear ‘humanlike’ speech, and highlights the words as
they are read for visual reinforcement
Spell checks, both visibly with a red underline and also reads the spell check out loud
Can be used on testing, for example Kurzweil can read the test questions out loud
If you want more information on this software, visit the website
Other Software
The Learning Centre also uses other software such as
Jaws - reads your text aloud
WordQ - Performs word prediction with spoken feedback
ZoomText - Magnifies text and reads aloud
How to Use WABS
Our Web Appointment Booking System (WABS) is easy to use to book your appointment. Use
WABS to do the following:
Schedule an appointment with a tutor or the Learning Strategist and Assistive
Sign up for a workshop or club.
Example – Scheduling an Appointment with a Tutor
Figure 1: The Make an Appointment link is circled in red.
To schedule an appointment with a tutor, follow these simple steps
Go to
Log in with the same Username and Password you use to get into My.Seneca
Click on Make An Appointment
Click on the Check Available Times link next to the subject for which you wish to see a
Choose the time(s) you prefer and click Next
Click Make Appointment(s)
Click Done
Currently WABS is only able to book tutor appointments. To book a workshop, you must go to
the Seneca@York Learning Centre.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Seneca@York Learning Centre
What does the Seneca@York Learning Centre offer?
The Seneca@York Learning Centre offer services in services in the following categories
Tutoring – assists with specific areas of academic subjects
Workshops – teaches specific skills, such as conversation, presentation, studying, and
time management
ESL Services – assists with written and spoken English
Learning Strategies – helps individual students discover their particular learning style
Assistive Technologies – offers technology that helps students with disabilities
Writing Centre – assists students with all aspects of writing
When is the Seneca@York Learning Centre open?
The Learning Centre is open from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, and from 9:00 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday. The Learning Centre is closed on Sunday.
Who are the tutors?
Besides the professionals in the Writing Centre, the Learning Strategies, and the Assistive
Technologies sections, our tutors are Seneca@York students who have excellent grades and coop students from the University of Waterloo. All tutors are trained and supervised by
Seneca@York professionals.
Who is eligible for tutoring?
All registered Seneca College students are eligible for tutoring.
Note: students must attend their classes for tutoring to be made available to them.
How much tutoring time may I have each week?
Appointments are 25 or 55 minutes long. Each student has up to 100 minutes of tutoring per
week for each subject up to a maximum of four subjects (400 minutes).
Each student may book up to 100 minutes per day for a maximum of 50 minutes per day on a
particular subject and up to 50 minutes per day with the same tutor.
Where are these sessions located?
Most sessions are held in the Learning Centre but some may be held in the Learning Commons
or in the Fast Lab.
Where and how do I sign up for a session?
Students can either sign up directly at the Learning Centre or book appointments online using
our Web Appointment Booking System (WABS).
Note: Students require a referral from a counsellor to sign up for an appointment with Assistive
Will my instructor know that I am getting help?
No. All services are confidential. However, instructors would be happy to know that you are
getting help.
What will tutors not do?
Tutors will not
give students answers,
do students’ work for them,
correct or check the work of students, or
assign, estimate, or correct grades.
How do I cancel an appointment?
Students who are cancelling or rescheduling appointments may do so through WABS or by
calling the Learning Centre’s front desk. Cancellations should be done at least twenty-four hours
in advance.
What types of tutoring are available?
Tutoring sessions are done one-on-one, or in small groups.
What happens when I come in for my appointment?
You will be greeted at the reception desk and directed to your tutor. When your session starts
let your tutor know what you want to work on. The tutor will focus on finding solutions to your
What should I bring with me?
Come with your questions. If you are working on an assignment, bring in whatever work you
have already done (for example, the outline or the draft).
I do not understand an assignment. Can the tutors help me?
Yes. We can help at all stages of any assignment.
Can I just send my work in to my tutor for correction?
No. We will work with you to improve your writing and language skills, but we will not proofread
or edit your work for you.
Who teaches workshops?
Instructors teach the majority of workshops. Some students and tutors also hold workshops,
although a faculty member usually guides them.
When are workshops offered?
For specific times, please consult the workshop schedule.
What types of workshops are offered?
See the Workshops section.
Who is responsible for creating workshops?
Workshops are determined by a combination of Learning Centre staff, instructors, and students.
If an instructor expresses a concern that his or her students need help in a particular area, or if a
number of students request help in a particular field, the Learning Centre can set up a workshop
in order to help that particular group of students.
Are there beginner or advanced level workshops?
No. Every student who registers for a workshop will be in the same group. The Learning Centre
prefers to mix students of different learning levels so that they can help each other.
Is there a minimum number of students required for a workshop?
Yes. Workshops usually require at least two students to be enrolled.
What is the teaching style?
It depends on the topic. Some sessions are lecture based, some involve participation, and others
involve visual and audio aids such as handouts and videos.
At workshops that focus on interview and conversation skills, students practise their handshakes
and conversation skills with instructors and other students.
At workshops focusing on writing skills, more emphasis is placed on individual composition and
one-on-one interaction with instructors.
Am I required to do any preparation or homework for workshops?
No. However, if students request extra help or practice, there are assignments, handouts, and
extra work available, especially for the computer programming and networking workshops.
Can students offer suggestions?
Yes. The Learning Centre is always open to feedback.
The Writing Centre
What does The Writing Centre do?
The Writing Centre offers help with any problems related to writing or reading comprehension.
How does The Writing Centre work?
There is no set system that we work by. Just tell us what you need help with, and we will
structure each session to your specific needs.
Is The Writing Centre only for students that have bad marks?
No. We help all Seneca College students develop all aspects of their writing skills.
May I see the same tutor each time?
Yes. You may choose the tutor you want when you make your appointment on WABS.
English as a Second Language (ESL)
Where do I get help with written English?
Tutors are available to help you with your writing and grammar. They can also teach you how to
find errors in your own work.
Where do I get help with spoken English?
Weekly ESL Conversation Clubs are available to provide students with a relaxed environment
where they can practise their spoken English.
Learning Strategies
What do Learning Strategists do?
Learning Strategists are professionals that help students discover their own learning styles and
study in a way that is compatible with those styles.
What can a Learning Strategist help me with?
In addition to helping you discover your learning style, we offer help on these topics
 Time management
 Effective reading
 Examination preparation
 Techniques for specific examination formats
 Concentration and memory
 Writing
 Note-taking
Assistive Technologies
What do Assistive Technologists do?
Assistive Technologists are trained professionals who help students with disabilities select and
use technologies that will help them in their academic life.
How do I book an appointment with Assistive Technologies?
Contact your counselor to arrange an appointment with Assistive Technologies.
Note: students may only see an Assistive Technologist by referral from a counselor.
What kinds of technologies are available?
In addition to physical assistive devices, the following software programs are also available
Kurzweil -
Dragon Naturally Speaking Preferred -
Read and Write Gold -
Inspiration -
Jaws -
WordQ -
Zoomtext -
How can Assistive Technologies help me with my studies?
Through Assistive Technologies, textbooks can be ordered in alternative formats including
electronic text, Braille, and large text. Texts can also be written with assistive technology.
Contact your counselor for details.
Web Appointment Booking Service (WABS)
What is WABS and what do I use it for?
WABS stands for the Learning Centre’s Web Appointment Booking Systems and is used to book
tutoring sessions and workshops online.
What do I need to use WABS?
To use WABS, you only need Internet access and the same LEARN ID and password that you use
for My.Seneca and SIRIS.
Works Cited
Babin, Chris. Personal Interview. October 30th, 2008.
“Workshops”. Seneca Learning Centres. 2007. Seneca College . November 14th, 2008 .
Writing Centre
Carlton University. Student Academic Success Centre (SASC). “Writing Tutorial Service.” 2008.
Maxfield, Jeannine. Email message to Kathryn R. Thomas. October 25, 2008.
Procter, Margaret. “Writing Centres at U of T.” October 1, 2008.
Purdue University. “The OWL at Purdue.”
Seneca. “About Seneca Learning Centres.”
Seneca Students. Interviews by Manuela Motha. October 2008.
Starkman, Harvey. Personal Interview. October 17, 2008.
University of Minnesota. “Center for Writing.” May 29, 2008.
University of Toronto. Innis College. “Writing Centre – FAQ.” 2005.
Wilfrid Laurier University. “Laurier Writing Centre.” 2008.
“Writing center.” Wikipedia. October 2, 2008.
Learning Strategies
Concordia’s Centre for Teaching and Learning Services, "Time Management." October 24th,
"Felderman and Soloman: Learning Styles and Strategies." October 21st, 2008
"The Journey Technique - Memory Training - Accelerated Learning." October 21st, 2008
“The Learning Disabilities Association of Canada.” October 31st, 2008.
“The NLD Networking Group of Ontario.” October 31st, 2008
"THE OWL AT PURDUE." October 20th, 2008
"Promoting Active Learning: Strategies, Tools and Techniques." October 20th, 2008
“Randy Pausch’s lecture on Time Management” . October 24th, 2008.
Robinson, Francis Pleasant. 1970. Effective Study. New York: Harper & Row
"Teaching Learning Strategies: Studying and Test Strategies." October 20th, 2008
"Time Management for College Students." October 24th, 2008
"Writing Academic Essays and Reports." October 25th, 2008
Assistive Technologies
“Aroga.” November 1st, 2008.
The Concept Mapping Page (1997). “What is Concept Mapping?” October 27, 2008
Inspiration (2008). “Integrate Inspiration Into Your Curriculum. ”October 29, 2008
“Synapse Adaptive.” November 1st, 2008.
“TextHelp.” November 1st, 2008
Seneca. "Appointment Booking System." October 20th, 2008.