Apollo Tyres Ltd. Regd. Office: 6th Floor, Cherupushpam Building, Shanmugham Road, Kochi-682 031 (Kerala) (CIN-L25111KL1972PLC002449) Tel: +91 484 2372767 Fax: +91 484 2370351, Email : investors@apollotyres.com Web: apollotyres.com NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the 42nd Annual General Meeting of the members of APOLLO TYRES LTD. will be held as under: DAY DATE : August 11, 2015 TIME : 10.00 A.M. : PLACE: Tuesday Kerala Fine Arts Theatre, Fine Arts Avenue, Foreshore Road, Ernakulam, Kochi (Kerala), India to transact the following businesses:- ORDINARY BUSINESS: 1. To consider and adopt: (a) the audited financial statement of the Company for the financial year ended March 31, 2015, the reports of the Board of Directors and Auditors thereon; and (b) the audited consolidated financial statement of the Company for the financial year ended March 31, 2015. 2. To declare dividend on equity shares. 3. To appoint a Director in place of Mr.Sunam Sarkar (DIN – 00058859), who retires by rotation, and being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment. 4. To ratify the appointment of the Auditors and fix their remuneration and in this regard to consider and if thought fit, to pass with or without modification(s), the following resolution as an Ordinary Resolution :- “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 139 and all other applicable provisions, if any of the Companies Act, 2013 and rules made thereunder (including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment thereof), the appointment of M/s Deloitte Haskins & Sells, Chartered Accountants (Registration No.008072S) which has been approved at the Annual General Meeting held on August 6, 2014 for a term of 3 years, i.e. from the conclusion of the 41st Annual General Meeting until the conclusion of the 44th Annual General Meeting, be and is hereby ratified for the financial year 2015-16 and the Board of Directors/Committee of the Board be and is hereby authorised to fix their remuneration plus travelling and other out of pocket expenses incurred by them in connection with statutory audit and/or continuous audit under the Companies Act, 2013. SPECIAL BUSINESS: 5. To ratify the payment of remuneration to the Cost Auditor for the financial year 2015-16 and in this regard to consider and if thought fit, to pass with or without modification(s), the following resolution as an Ordinary Resolution:- “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 148 and all other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014 (including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force), the cost auditor, M/s.N.P.Gopalakrishnan & Co., Cost Accountants appointed by the Board of Directors of the Company for carrying out Cost Audit of the Company’s plants at Perambra, Vadodara and Chennai as well as Company’s leased operated plant at Kalamassery for the financial year 2015-16 be paid out a remuneration of Rs.2 lac per annum plus reimbursement of out of pocket expenses. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board of Directors of the Company be and is hereby authorised to do all acts and take all such steps as may be necessary, proper or expedient to give effect to this resolution.” 6. To pay commission to the Non-Executive Directors and in this regard to consider and if thought fit, to pass with or without modification(s), the following resolution as an Ordinary Resolution:- 8. Members intending to require information about accounts to be explained at the meeting are requested to write to the Company at least 10 (ten) days in advance of the annual general meeting. “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 197 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013, and pursuant to the provisions of the Articles of Association of the Company, a sum not exceeding 1% of the net profits of the Company per annum, calculated in accordance with the provisions of Section 198 of the Companies Act, 2013 be paid and distributed among the directors of the Company (other than the managing director(s) and the whole-time director(s)) in such proportion and in such manner as may be decided by the Board of Directors and such payments shall be made with respect to the net profits of the Company for each year commencing from April 01, 2015.” 9. The shares of the Company are under compulsory demat list of Securities & Exchange Board of India w.e.f. November 11, 1999. The trading in equity shares can now only be in demat form. In case you do not hold shares in demat form, you may do so by opening an account with a depository participant and complete dematerialisation formalities. By Order of the Board For Apollo Tyres Ltd Place: Gurgaon. Dated: May 12, 2015. 10. Members holding shares in dematerialised mode are requested to intimate all changes with respect to their bank details, mandate, nomination, power of attorney, change of address, e-mail address, change in name etc. to their depository participant. These changes will be automatically reflected in the Company’s records which will help the Company to provide efficient and better service to the members. 11. Members holding shares in physical form are requested to intimate changes with respect to their bank account (viz. name and address of the branch of the bank, MICR code of branch, type of account and account number), mandate, nomination, power of attorney, change of address, e-mail address, change in name etc. immediately to the Company. 12. Voting through Electronic Means (Seema Thapar) Company Secretary NOTES: 1. A MEMBER ENTITLED TO ATTEND AND VOTE AT THE MEETING IS ENTITLED TO APPOINT A PROXY/ PROXIES TO ATTEND AND VOTE INSTEAD OF HIMSELF/HERSELF. SUCH A PROXY/ PROXIES NEED NOT BE A MEMBER OF THE COMPANY. A person can act as proxy on behalf of members not exceeding 50 (fifty) and holding in the aggregate not more than 10 (ten) percent of the total share capital of the Company carrying voting rights. A member holding more than 10 (ten) percent of the total share capital of the Company carrying voting rights may appoint a single person as proxy and such person shall not act as a proxy for any other person or shareholder. I. In compliance with Section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013, Rule 20 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, substituted by Companies (Management and Administration) Amendment, Rules 2015, and Clause 35B of the Listing Agreement, the Company has provided a facility of casting the votes by the members using an electronic voting system from a place other than venue of AGM (“remote e-voting”)through the electronic voting service facility arranged by National Securities Depository Limited(NSDL). The facility for voting, through polling paper, will also be made available at the AGM and the members attending the AGM who have not already cast their votes by remote e-voting shall be able to exercise their right at the AGM through polling paper. Members who have cast their votes by remote e-voting prior to the AGM may attend the AGM but shall not be entitled to cast their votes again. The Instructions for e-voting are as under: (A) In case of members’ receiving e-mail from NSDL; The instrument of Proxy in order to be effective, should be deposited at the Registered Office of the Company, duly completed and signed, not less than 48 hours before the commencement of the meeting. A Proxy form is enclosed herewith. i) Open e-mail and PDF file viz. “ATL e-voting.pdf” with your Client ID or Folio No. as password. The said PDF file contains your user id and password for e-voting. Please note that the password is an initial password. 2. Members/ Proxies should fill the Attendance Slip for attending the meeting and bring their Attendance Slip along with their copy of the annual report to the meeting. ii) Launch internet browser by typing the following URL: https://www.evoting.nsdl.com/ iii) Click on Shareholder – Login The Register of Members and Share Transfer Books shall remain closed from August 6, 2015 to August 11, 2015 (both days inclusive) for payment of dividend on equity shares. The Dividend, as recommended by the Board of Directors, if declared at the meeting, will be paid, within 30 days from the date of declaration, to the members holding shares as on the record date i.e. August 5, 2015 on 509,024,770 equity shares of the Company. In respect of shares held in dematerialised form, the dividend will be paid on the basis of beneficial ownership as per details furnished by the respective depositories for this purpose. iv) Put user id and password as initial password in step (i) above. Click Login. v) Password change menu appears. Change the password with new password of your choice with minimum 8 digits/ characters or combination thereof. Note new password. It is strongly recommended not to share your password with any other personand take utmost care to keep your password confidential. vi) Home page of e-voting opens. Click on e-voting: Active Voting Cycles. vii) Select “EVEN” of Apollo Tyres Ltd. 3. 4. Corporate members are requested to send a duly certified copy of the Board resolution/authority letter, authorizing their representative(s) to attend and vote on their behalf at the meeting. 5. The relevant explanatory statement pursuant to Section 102 of the Companies Act, 2013, in respect of the special businesses set out above is annexed hereto. viii)Now you are ready for e-voting as Cast Vote page opens. ix) Cast your vote by selecting appropriate option and click on “Submit” and also click “Confirm” when prompted. All documents referred to in the notice are open for inspection at the registered office of the Company between 11.00 am to 5.00 pm on any working day prior to the date of the meeting and will also be available at the meeting venue on the date of the meeting. x) 6. Every member entitled to vote at a meeting of the Company, or on any resolution to be moved thereat, shall be entitled during the period beginning twenty-four hours before the time fixed for the commencement of the meeting and ending with the conclusion of the meeting, to inspect the proxies lodged, at any time during the business hours of the company, provided not less than three days’ notice in writing of the intention so to inspect is given to the company. 7. The Register of Contracts or Arrangements in which Directors are interested maintained under Section 189 of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Register of Director and Key Managerial Personnel and their shareholding maintained under Section 170 of the Companies Act, 2013 will be available for inspection by the members at the annual general meeting. Institutional shareholders (i.e. other than individuals, HUF, NRI etc are required to send scanned copy (PDF/JPG Format) of the relevant Board Resolution/Authority letter etc. together with attested specimen signature of the duly authorised signatory(ies) who are authorised to vote, to the scrutinizer through e-mail tenrose@vsnl.com or investors@apollotyres. com with a copy marked to evoting@nsdl.co.in. (B) In case of members’ receiving physical copy of the Notice of annual general meeting and attendance slip: (i) Initial password is provided below the attendance slip. (ii) Please follow all steps from Sl. No (ii) to (x) above, to cast vote. II. If you are already registered with NSDL for e-voting then you can use your existing user id and password for casting your vote. III.The e-voting period commences on August 8, 2015 (10:00 am) and ends on August 10, 2015 (5:00 pm). During this period shareholders’ of the Company, holding shares either in physical form or in dematerialized form, as on the cut-off date of August 5, 2015, may cast their vote electronically. The e-voting module shall be disabled by NSDL for voting thereafter. Once the vote on a resolution is cast by the shareholder, the shareholder shall not be allowed to change it subsequently. IV. The voting rights of shareholders shall be as per the number of equity shares held by members as on the cut-off date of August 5, 2015. V. Mr P P Zibi Jose, Practicing Company Secretary has been appointed as the scrutinizer to scrutinize the e-voting process in a fair and transparent manner. VI. VII.The Results shall be declared by the Chairman or the person authorised by him in writing not later than three days of conclusion of the annual general meeting of the Company. The Results declared along with the Scrutinizer’s Report shall be placed on the Company’s website www.apollotyres.com and on the website of the NSDL immediately after the result is declared by the Chairman . Members may also note that the Notice of the 42nd annual general meeting and the Annual Report 2015 will be available on the Company’s and NSDL website. The Scrutinizer shall, immediately after the conclusion of voting at the general meeting, first count the votes cast at the meeting, thereafter unblock the votes cast through remote e-voting in the presence of at least two witnesses not in the employment of the Company and make, not later than three days of conclusion of the meeting, a consolidated Scrutinizers Report of the total votes cast in favour or against, if any, to the Chairman or a person authorised by him in writing who shall counter sign the same. Any person, who acquires shares of the Company and become member of the Company after dispatch of the notice and holding shares as of the cut-off date i.e. August 5, 2015, may obtain the login ID and password by sending a request at evoting@nsdl.co.in or to the Company. However, if you are already registered with NSDL for remote e-voting then you can use your existing user ID and password for casting your vote. If you forgot your password, you can reset your password by using “Forgot User Details/Password” option available on www.evoting.nsdl.com or contact NSDL at the following toll free no.: 1800-222-990. In case of any grievance connected with the facility for voting by electronic means, Members can directly contact Mr Rajiv Ranjan, Assistant Manager, NSDL, 4th Floor, ‘A’ Wing, Trade World, Kamala Mills Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai- 400 013. Email: evoting@nsdl.co.in or rajivr@nsdl.co.in, Toll free no- 1800-222-990. Members may also write to the Company Secretary at the email ID: investors@apollotyres.com. 13. Electronic copy of the Annual Report and Notice of the 42nd annual general meeting of the Company inter alia indicating the process and manner of e-voting along with Attendance Slip and Proxy Form is being sent to all the members whose email IDs are registered with the Company/Depository Participants(s) for communication purposes unless any member has requested for a hard copy of the same. For members who have not registered their email address, physical copies of the Annual Report and Notice of the 42nd annual general meeting of the Company inter alia indicating the process and manner of e-voting along with Attendance Slip and Proxy Form is being sent in the permitted mode. 14. Those members who have so far not encashed their dividend warrants for the below mentioned financial years, may claim or approach the Company for the payment thereof, as the same will be transferred to the “Investor Education and Protection Fund” of the Central Government pursuant to section 125 of the Companies Act, 2013 (Section 205C of the Companies Act, 1956) on the respective dates mentioned there against. Kindly note that after such transfer, the members will not be entitled to claim such dividend. Financial Year Ended Due date of Transfer 31.03.2008 17.09.2015 31.03.2009 22.09.2016 31.03.2010 28.09.2017 31.03.2011 15.10.2018 31.03.2012 13.10.2019 31.03.2013 06.10.2020 31.03.2014 05.10.2021 15. Pursuant to section 101 and section 136 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with relevant rules made thereunder, Companies can serve annual reports and other communications through electronic mode to those members who have registered their e-mail address with the Company or with the Depository Participant(s). Members who have not registered their e-mail address with the Company can now register the same by submitting the duly filled in “E-mail Registration Form”, available on the website of the Company, to the Company. Members holding shares in demat form are requested to register their e-mail address with their Depository Participant(s) only. Members of the Company, who have registered their e-mail address, are entitled to receive such communication in physical form upon request. 16. The Notice of annual general meeting and the copies of audited financial statements, directors’ report, auditors’ report etc. will also be displayed on the website (www.apollotyres.com) of the Company. 17. As per the provisions of clause 5A(II) of the Listing Agreement (SEBI circular no. CIR/CFD/DIL/10/2010 dated December 16, 2010) the unclaimed/undelivered shares lying in possession of the Company had been dematerialised and transferred into an “Unclaimed Suspense Account”. Shareholders who have not yet claimed their shares are requested to immediately approach the Company by forwarding a request letter duly signed by all the shareholders furnishing the necessary details to enable the Company to take necessary action. 18. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has mandated the submission of Permanent Account Number (PAN) by every participant in securities market. Members holding shares in electronic form are, therefore, requested to submit the PAN to their depository participants with whom they are maintaining their demat accounts. Members holding shares in physical form are requested to submit their PAN details to the Company. 19. To prevent fraudulent transactions, members are advised to exercise due diligence and notify the Company of any change in address or staying abroad or demise of any member as soon as possible. Members are also advised not to leave their demat account(s) dormant for long. Periodic statement of holdings should be obtained from the concerned Depository Participants and holdings should be verified. 20. Details under clause 49 of the Listing Agreement with the Stock Exchange in respect of the Director seeking re-appointment at the annual general meeting, forms integral part of the notice. The concerned Director has furnished the requisite declarations for his re-appointment and his brief profile forms part of the explanatory statement. 21. Kindly register your email address and contact details with us, by writing to us addressed to the Secretarial Department at our corporate office, or at our e-mail ID: investors@apollotyres.com.This will help us in prompt sending of notices, annual reports and other shareholder communications in electronic form. 22. The route map of the venue for the Annual General Meeting is attached herewith and also available on the website of the Company. 23. As per Section 118(10) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with the Secretarial Standards for General Meeting issued by Institute of Company Secretaries of India “No gifts, gift coupons or cash in lieu of gifts shall be distributed to member at or in connection with the meeting.” EXPLANATORY STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 102 OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 2013 Item No. 5 The Board at its meeting held on May 12, 2015, on the recommendation of the Audit Committee, had re-appointed M/s.N.P.Gopalakrishnan & Co., Cost Accountants for carrying out Cost Audit of the Company’s plants at Perambra, Vadodara and Chennai as well as Company’s leased operated plant at Kalamassery for the financial year 2015-16 on remuneration of Rs.2 lac per annum plus reimbursement of out of pocket expenses. As per Rule 14 of The Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014 the remuneration of the Cost Auditors which is recommended by the Audit Committee shall be considered and approved by the Board of Directors and subsequently ratified by the shareholders. None of the Directors or Key Managerial Personnel (KMPs) of the Company or their relatives is concerned or interested in the resolution. The Board of Directors recommends resolution set out at item no.5 for your consideration and ratification. Item No. 6 The resolution proposes to seek approval of members in accordance with Section 197 of the Companies Act, 2013 in order to continue payment of commission to non-executive Directors. The Board of Directors will determine each year, keeping in view the remuneration policy of the Company, the specific amount to be paid as commission to the non-executive directors, which shall not exceed 1% of the net profits of the Company for that year, as computed in the manner referred to in Section 198 of the Companies Act, 2013. The payment of commission would be in addition to the sitting fees payable for attending meetings of the Board and committees thereof, if any. All non-executive Directors of the Company may be deemed interested in the resolution to the extent of commission payable to them in accordance with the proposed resolution. None of the Key Managerial Personnel (KMPs) of the Company or their relatives is concerned or interested in the resolution. The Board of Directors recommends resolution set out at item no.6 for your consideration and approval. DETAILS OF DIRECTORS SEEKING APPOINTMENT/RE-APPOINTMENT AS REQUIRED UNDER CLAUSE 49 OF THE LISTING AGREEMENT WITH THE STOCK EXCHANGE Item No. 3 Mr Sunam Sarkar, aged about 50 years holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree from St Xavier’s College, Calcutta University, a Diploma in International Management from INSEAD, France, and a Masters in Management from Lancaster University, UK and has over 27 years experience in the field of sales, marketing, business operations and corporate strategy. He began his career as a management trainee at General Electric Limited. Subsequently, he joined Modi Xerox where he was one of the youngest executives to head a business unit as General Manager. His acumen in the area of alliances, business development and corporate communications has enabled our organisation to evolve into a market leader in tyre industry. Mr.Sunam Sarkar is currently President and Chief Business Officer of our Company. He joined the Board of Directors of the Company in the year 2004. Mr. Sunam Sarkar holds Directorship in the following companies:- Apollo (South Africa) Holdings (Pty) Ltd - Apollo Vredestein B.V and - Apollo Tyres Holdings (Singapore) Pte Ltd He is not holding any shares in the Company. There is no inter‑se relationship between Mr. Sunam Sarkar and other Directors. None of the Directors or KMPs of the Company or their relatives except Mr.Sunam Sarkar is concerned or interested in the resolution. By Order of the Board For Apollo Tyres Ltd Place: Gurgaon. Dated: May 12, 2015. (Seema Thapar) Company Secretary Regd. Office: 6th Floor, Cherupushpam Building, Shanmugham Road, Kochi-682 031 (Kerala) (CIN-L25111KL1972PLC002449) Tel: +91 484 2372767 Fax: +91 484 2370351, Email : investors@apollotyres.com Web: apollotyres.com CONTENT CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE 03 VICE CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE 05 SUPERVISORY BOARD 08 MANAGEMENT BOARD 10 PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS 12 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS 19 SUSTAINABILITY 39 FINANCIALS 59 - DIRECTORS’ REPORT - CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT - STANDALONE ACCOUNTS - CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE Dear Member, It has been said that companies that build scale for the benefit of their customers and shareholders more often succeed over time. These are words which have always defined our guiding principles at Apollo, and have been in evidence this year too. The brave and determined steps we took this year have thrown up results already and are bound to have far-reaching consequences for the company. We took a leaf out of the new government’s focus on changing the established order and brought this ethos into Apollo in the hope of creating a better future for ourselves. If we feel we deserve more, we need to be willing to fight for what should rightfully be ours. We realised that operations on a global scale could give us the leverage to manage increasingly consolidated customers on the one hand and everlarger suppliers on the other. We saw that a balanced presence across the globe and varied product lines would be the best insulation from market cycles and short term product challenges. This decision though was possible because of our faith in our team and you, our shareholders. It enabled us to put a global expansion strategy into action which would help us grow. It also saw us taking determined strides in making Apollo a global company with an Indian heart. Today, thanks to the business decisions taken in the T past year and the geographies we entered, I can proudly say that we have become a multi-cultural company. Globalisation has ensured that we transform into a company that searches and traverses the world, not just to sell or to source, but to find intellectual capital - the world’s best minds and greatest ideas. We have taken every step to induct new people who come from diverse cultures and geographies and ethnicities into the global Apollo family. It is because we have been able to successfully assimilate those from across the globe into the Apollo culture, that our performance is that much better. We have a clear vision that 60% of our business should be international, while the remaining 40% Indian. There were a large number of milestones – and a few hurdles – which I would like to highlight. As Jack Welch said, an organisation’s ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage. We widened our global footprint by entering new markets. We made Thailand our ASEAN hub, while also entering new markets like Malaysia, Qatar and Jordan. Our company was commended for its investments in increasing Apollo Vredestein capacity to 6.2 million tyres annually - up from 5.8 million tyres per annum. There was a significant increase in the capacity of Off Highway Tyr T es to 25 tonnes in Kalamassery plant in Kerala and there are plans to ramp up to 100 tonnes in the near future. We expanded our association with Manchester United to 66 countries. We successfully sold part of our African subsidiary to Sumitomo. Through the year, the one fact that has bolstered me and taken this company forward is that we are a sound company with a clear vision and with a team which can help us achieve that vision. Much like India is racing towards taking its rightful place in the global economy, so is Apollo. We will once again go back to the years of sustained high growth in India, and Apollo will be at the forefront of that growth. Our Social Responsibility and Sustainability efforts continue to win us laurels, because we undertake these with the same beliefs and conviction as we do our commercial activities. What makes us different from other companies is that we have made these efforts intrinsic to our commercial activity or strategy, and not something that we are forced to do by regulatory mandate. T Today , it gives me great pride to say that we are a multi-cultural global company. I would like to thank each one of you, our valuable shareholders, for being our co-passengers on this journey. We have received unending support from banks, financial institutions and various State and National Governments where we operate, which has allowed us to surpass the goals we had set for ourselves. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to acknowledge every single employee, network partner and business partner for having stood by Apollo and actively contributed to its success. Always remember that each employee, each person involved in this company in any small or large measure, has an ownership over this company. We are what we are because we stand together as a family. This would not have been possible without your support. Y Yours sincerely, Onkar S Kanwar Chairman & Managing Director ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 03 VICE CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE Dear Member, Fiscal 2014-15 was a year marked with frantic activity at Apollo Tyr T es. New Greenfield plant, international launches, high decibel brand campaign... I am sure as you read through the pages, you will see a small glimpse of the enthusiasm and exhilaration at the company. investments in R&D is the mantra to Apollo’s next level of growth. The company does not believe in a ‘one size fits all’ philosophy and it is important to provide products suiting to market requirements. R&D is providing the impetus to take forward this mindset. Our dedicated R&D centres for Passenger and Commercial vehicle tyres have sharpened our focus on various product categories and helped us Despite the ups and downs, the year was momentous launch new products that are in tune with customer and will be etched in the annals of Apollo Tyr T es. It was needs. For example, last year, we launched a new our decision to go ahead with our first Greenfield in cross ply technology based tyre, AWR-HD A with the Hungary, the first time that an Indian tyre company Apollo HDF technology, for the Indonesian market. has ventured to set up a new plant outside the national boundaries. This 2nd manufacturing facility in Europe, the most demanding and exciting of tyre markets, is critical to further our growth in the continent. It will augment our capacity in the region and give us a stronger presence in Europe as we reach out to the OE players in the region. Importantly, it will help the company to narrow the gap for the growing demand for its two brands – Apollo and Vredestein, in Europe. We continued to explore new geographies, new product categories and new customer segments to grow our business. We recognise that the world is evolving very rapidly and social media and ecommerce are changing traditional ways of doing business. We are alive to the realities of environmental and technological challenges. Our teams are working on all these areas to ensure that Apollo always remains at the forefront of innovation While the Greenfield plant in Hungary was the big and keeps breaking new paths in customer news, our commitment to India continued. After the experiences. mega investment in the Chennai plant a few years back, we announced plans to ramp up the capacity for the second phase of growth for this plant. Similarly, we have drawn investment plans for our other plants to expand our off-highway tyres manufacturing capacity in Kerala. In the end, I believe that the company’s success is based on people. All the above measures will be wasted if the right people are not at the helm. Last year was momentous in this sense as well. To T further augment Apollo’s fast paced growth journey, we created several key new positions worldwide. We Even as we scale our capacities across the two expanded the management team and brought in top- continents, we continued to focus on building our notch talent across various functions including R&D, brands across our key markets. In India, our HR, Quality, etc. to bring a new perspective to the association with Manchester United is paying a rich organisation. dividend as it has raised the brand recognition several notches higher. Taking the sports partnership forward, we increased the scope of partnership during the year. Now the campaign, Performance – there are no shortcuts, is available in multiple markets. This has helped in raising the brand awareness in many other countries and made I am sure these investments and changes will fuel our growth in the years ahead. I will certainly continue to share details and update you on an annual basis of this fantastic journey as we race ahead to the next chapter of the company’s story. With best regards, customers aware of our high performance brand. The past fiscal year also saw the launch of the co-brand Apollo Tyr T es-Manchester United tyres in UK and Thailand to an enthusiastic response. A sharp focus on marketing coupled with continuing Neeraj Kanwar Vice Chairman & Managing Director ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 05 EXPLORE A Explore a different possibility A sense of community. A dedication to teamwork. A respect for our fellow workers. The more we focus on these values, the stronger we become. DIFFERENT POSSIBILITY 101 57 79 102 58 80 56 78 36 100 103 59 81 37 55 77 99 33 54 5361 60 76 7583 82 98 97 105 104 32 39 38 31 107 63 85 41 29 95 51 73 50 52 62 64 42 72 74 84 86 28 3040 94 96 106 108 93 71 109 49 27 65 87 43 221 70 197 118 110 92 48 26 66 88 44 145 171 150 202 176 117 111 47 198 3 67 69 172 89 91 23 25 222 45 247 119 146 116 112 196 177 170 151 220 203 245 227 225 2 144 120 149 90 175 68 201 46 24 115 113 248 199 1 152 121 178 204 228 224 223 219 244 169 174 173 148 147143 133 161 200 195 187 114 249 211 122 236 153 205 142 179 168 162 229 218 212 134 132 123 243 237 194 188 235 131 124 160 154 141 210 186 206 135 230 180 217 130 125 167 163 213 242 238 193 140 136 189 234 159 185 181 209 155 129 207 231 166 126 139 182 192 216 241 190 137 239 233 214 156 128 164 158 184 208 232 127 191 157 240 138 215 183 165 13 14 15 11 10 17 16 9 19 7 8 18 20 6 5 21 4 246 226 22 12 34 35 SUPERVISORY R BOARD (Standing L-R): n Sunam Sarkar, President, Chief Business Officer & Whole-time Director n Neeraj Kanwar, Vice Chairman & Managing Director n Akshay Chudasama, Partner, J Sagar Associates n A K Purwar, Former Chairman, State Bank of India n Onkar S Kanwar, Chairman & Managing Director n Nimesh N Kampani, Chairman, JM Financial Group 08 APOLLO TYRES L LTD (Sitting L-R): n Pallavi Shroff, Managing Partner, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co n Dr. S Narayan, Principal Secretary to the Former Prime Minister of India n Robert Steinmetz, Former Chief of International Business, Continental AG (Not in picture): n Vikram S Mehta, Former Chairman, Shell Group of Companies n P H Kurian, Principal Secretary (Industries & IT), Government of Kerala ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 09 MANAGEMENT BOARD (Standing L-R): n Satish Sharma, President, APMEA n Mathias Heimann, President, EA n Marco Paracciani, Chief Marketing Officer n Atulya Sharma, Chief Legal Counsel n Markus J Korsten, Chief Manufacturing Officer n Sunam Sarkar, President and Chief Business Officer n Pedro Matos, Chief Quality Officer n Dr Seshu Bhagavathula, Chief T Technology Officer n Peter Snel, Chief, R&D PV n Gaurav Kumar, Chief Financial Officer 10 APOLLO TYRES L LTD (Sitting L-R): n Martha Desmond, Chief Human Resources Officer n Neeraj Kanwar, Vice Chairman & Managing Director Onkar S Kanwar, Chairman & Managing Director n Robert Steinmetz, Non Executive Director n P K Mohamed, Chief Advisor, R&D (Not in picture): n K Prabhakar, Chief, Projects n ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 11 PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS CAPACITY REVENUE SEGMENTATION BY GEOGRAPHY 2100 1785 1800 MT/Day 1500 1685 1595 1640 1395 1200 APMEA 72.1% 900 600 EA 27.9% 300 0 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY15 FY14 NET SALES 140 121.53 120 ` Billion 100 127.95 133.10 127.26 88.68 80 60 40 REVENUE SEGMENTATION BY CUSTOMER 20 0 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 Replacement 71 % NET PROFIT OEM 22.8% 12 ` Billion 10 10.05 9.78 FY14 FY15 Export 6.2% 8 6 6.13 4.40 4.10 FY11 FY12 4 2 0 FY13 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE (Capex) 12 10 ` Billion REVENUE SEGMENTATION BY PRODUCT 11.40 8.94 8 Truck-Bus 47.4% 6.56 6 5.84 6.38 4 Off Highway 9.5% 2 Light Truck 6.8% 0 FY11 12 APOLLO TYRES LTD Passenger Vehicles 34.6% FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 Other 1.7% ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 13 EBIDTA 19.73 20 19.84 15.51 ` Billion 15 10 11.99 10.16 5 NATURAL RUBBER PRICE MOVEMENT 0 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY15 FY14 150 145 RSS4 `/Kg India DEBT: EQUITY 1.2 1.01 1.03 1 0.78 Ratio 0.8 140 135 130 125 120 0.6 0.35 0.4 115 Apr-14 0.22 Jun-14 Aug-14 Oct-14 Dec-14 Mar-15 Aug-14 Oct-14 Dec-14 Mar-15 0.2 0 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 DEBT: EBITA 3.5 3.33 3.29 CRUDE OIL PRICE MOVEMENT 3 120 2.30 BRENT Crude $/Barrel Ratio 2.5 2 1.5 1.03 1 0.69 0.5 0 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY15 FY14 RETURN ON CAPITAL EMPLOYED % Return 90 80 70 60 50 40 Apr-14 25 20 110 100 23.6 23.9 FY14 FY15 Jun-14 18.3 16.3 15.4 FY11 FY12 15 10 5 0 14 APOLLO TYRES LTD FY13 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 15 EXPLORE YOUR More efficient processes. Superior technologies. Greater Innovations. The more we unleash our potential, the more we will achieve. POTENTIAL 35 34 33 32 31 97 98 40 99 93 94 95 96 30 92 41 29 100 101 176 177 91 42 102 28 179 178 175 180 103 43 90 27 195 196 174 89 104 197 44 193 26 173 172 182 181 194 88 198 25 192 171 45 105 147 148 204 199 87 183 190 191 24 149 46 146 205 203 201 189 150 170 106 23 145 200 86 184 188 187 144 47 206 202 169107 22 140 141 143151 138 139 186 207 168 85 185 48 152 21 142 108 137 208 157 156 155 84 136 153 167 20 49 83 154 109 159 158 163 164 82 81 135 50 19 162 124 165 166 110 161 160 51 134 18 125 111 52 133 126 123 17 112 130 127 53 132 129128 16 122 131 113 54 119 15 121 120 114 55 14 115 56 118 13 117 116 57 58 12 59 11 60 61 10 62 63 9 64 8 65 7 66 6 70 71 67 68 69 72 5 73 4 74 3 75 2 1 76 77 80 79 78 39 36 38 37 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS It was a year of mixed fortunes for the global economy. Many high-income economies continued to struggle to gain the growth momentum as they grappled with legacies of the global financial crisis. Few emerging economies emerged as the saviour with healthy growth but the growth engine of the world, China, underwent a carefully managed slowdown. US and UK had gathered pace but the recovery sputtered across Europe and Japan. Despite the local and global economic conditions, Apollo Tyres continued on its strategy to invest during lean times to build for tomorrow’s growth. The company had invested to set up a new plant in Chennai, India even as the world was going through a severe economic recession. In a re-run of its 2009 strategy, the company announced investment of Euro 475 million in a Greenfield facility in Hungary. During the year, the company introduced top-notch products for the European and Asian markets and saw an infusion of top talent in the organisation. During the FY, the company exited its manufacturing activities in South Africa impacting the topline growth. The Company’s net sales dropped by 4.4% to ` 127,257 million. Operating profit at ` 19,844 million was up by 1%, while Net Profit saw a marginal fall of 3% at ` 9,776 million. MARKET OVERVIEW The fiscal year (FY) in India started with a ‘good feel’ factor of a new majority government and possibilities of external vulnerabilities on the wane. Coupled with continuing softening of oil prices since September 2014, it was projected as the year of revival. Early in the year, India’s Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) released the advance estimates of growth numbers which indicated that the Indian economy will see a growth of 7.4% for FY15. However, the good feel factor did not translate into high growth for the various segments in the automobile industry. While there were the usual silver linings like the Goods Carrier segment which grew by over 21%, the other main drivers of the industry witnessed negative or muted growth. Even for the Goods Carrier segment, it is important to note that growth has come after two years of de-growth resulting in a low base. The overall growth numbers for the key segments like passenger and commercial vehicles stood at a mere 2.5%. It is only due to the high volume two-wheelers and three-wheelers segments that the industry could post an overall growth of 7.2%. Given the direct correlation of the tyre industry and the automobile industry, the former posted a ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 19 passenger cars, bus and truck, agriculture and two wheelers, the growth was a tepid 2% as compared to its previous year. material) attracts a higher duty levy, the Indian market was flooded with low cost tyres in the last quarter of FY15. According to market estimates, Chinese tyre imports grew 138% to 555,438 tyres in INDUSTRY STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENTS FY15 for the truck radial segment and accounted for 11% of the total availability in the Indian market. The Scooters (two/three wheelers) and the Motorcycle tyre accounted for 52% of the total volumes, while the other heavyweights (M&HCV, passenger cars, LCV, tractors and off road highway, etc.) accounted for the balance 48%. As per industry estimates, the key heavyweights, passenger car segment posted a healthy clip of 12.4% and the truck segment grew at a 7.9% in volume terms. For the segments under consideration, passenger car and truck, as per estimates, OEMs accounted for 42% and 17% respectively. The replacement market continued to support the tyre majors and accounted for 45% and 78% for the mentioned segments. Imports has become an important source of tyres into the country and, as per industry estimates, accounted for 13% and 14% for the passenger car and TBR segments. This will continue to haunt the industry in the current fiscal as the growth of low cost tyres from China continues unabated. Given the ‘inverted’ import duty structure in India, where tyres (finished product) attract lower duty, whereas raw rubber (raw Similarly, the imports for the passenger car segment were up by 10% to 1,480,044 units and now accounts for 4.2% of the Indian market. In terms of raw material, natural rubber prices ruled lower in FY15 due to weak demand from major consuming blocks such as BRICS, EU, ASEAN and Japan. The domestic rubber production in India continued to fall short of the demand and imports of rubber from ASEAN region were necessary to offset the shortfall in domestic supplies. In order to ensure long-term sustainability of its natural rubber supply chain, the company supported the Kerala Government scheme of sourcing domestic rubber at 20% higher than international prices. Given weakness in oil prices, synthetic rubber prices remained subdued in the fiscal. Other crude based raw materials such as carbon black displayed a similar trend. In FY15, the European passenger vehicle tyre sales in replacement market has remained flat as per data Apollo Tyres’ promotional tour for its industrial tyres across 8 countries in Europe Apollo Tyres showcasing its product range at the Geneva Motor Show marginally higher growth rate than the automotive segment. Based on the data available for 11 months from Automotive Tyres Manufacturers’ Association, the Indian tyre industry registered a 9% growth with the truck segment growing by 7.9% and the passenger car segment jumping by 12.4%. This is against a full year growth of 5% in FY14. For Europe, it was a year of tentative recovery in Calendar Year (CY) 2014. The overall GDP growth in Euro area countries in CY14 was 0.8% (CY13 -0.4%). Germany continued to outperform the region with GDP growth for CY14 at 1.6% (CY13 0.5%). While it was marginally better than the estimates, it was not strong enough to pull the economy out of the doldrums. The pace of the recovery remained slow as Europe continued to struggle to leave the legacies of the crisis behind it. While private consumption has been the main engine of growth in the current recovery, investment has failed to recover and exports have done little to support growth. While determined policy action and 20 APOLLO TYRES LTD the fall in crude oil prices supported growth, the economic recovery is being restrained by high public and private debt, high levels of unemployment and low confidence levels. Nevertheless, it was a year of gradual domestic healing as consumer confidence became stronger. The strong consumer confidence during the year showed itself in new car registrations. For CY14, with a 5.7% growth, new car registrations increased for the first time since 2007. Similarly, the commercial segment posted an overall growth of 7.6% led by the light commercial vehicles which grew sharply by 11.3% and accounted for 83% of total new commercial vehicle registrations. The year started with good demand for summer and all season tyres. Even the winter pre-season sales was good. However, a warm winter situation for the 3rd year in a row coupled with high inventory position with the customers affected the performance of winter tyre sales during the year. For the entire CY, especially in the four key segments including ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 21 from the Industry Association in Europe. The growth tyre changes between summer and winter is expected for almost all segments has remained flat with an to become time consuming and costlier due to the exception of 7% growth in the SUV tyres segement. TPMS legislation. In passenger vehicle tyre category, there were some The other big trend is the growing impact of the signs of recovery evident in markets such as Hungary, internet, both on B2B as well as on B2C. Initiatives in France, Spain, Switzerland & Nordics, while countries B2C are to bring products and end-consumers like Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, UK & Austria, together and pushing the retail business into a more Poland stayed longer on a descending slope. The service minded approach. agricultural tyre market showed a negative growth in FY15. The beginning of the new year 2015 brought mixed Like India, Europe is witnessing the growth of low cost non-European imported brands. While the introduction of the European tyre label in November results for the European tyre industry. The all season 2012 has forced many imported brands to invest in tyre market is getting more mature and the recent improved quality, the European tyre landscape is introduction of such products by another major tyre changing very quickly. player only confirms the growing importance of all In terms of raw material, prices remained soft during season tyres in Europe. Further, the introduction of the year with further decline during second half of the TPMS (Tyre Pressure Monitoring System), mandatory financial year. However, these benefits were passed SWOT ANALYSIS in new cars from November 2014 onward, pushes on to the market with lower sales prices due to a Strengths European consumers to use all season tyres as highly competitive market situation. Launch of the 'go the distance' pitch at Old Trafford 1. 8. Apollo Tyres has the advantage of a diversified market base across geographies and is therefore, not dependent on a single domestic market. Furthermore, the company is working Weaknesses 1. India has a large and growing 2-3 wheeler tyre s e g m e n t . H o w e v e r, A p o l l o d o e s n o t manufacture tyres for this category and has continued to focus on other product segments. 2. At times in the past, the company has been unable to timely pass on raw material cost escalations to consumers, due to intense competition and various market dynamics. This has a direct impact on the margins. 3. The company is currently not present in the European OEM market for regular passenger car tyres which to a certain extent drives the replacement market sales. to establish and grow operations in other large international markets as well. 2. The company is powered by strong global product brands in its markets – Apollo and Vredestein. 3. Apollo Tyres enjoys an extensive distribution network for its key brands across its key home markets. 4. In Europe, the company’s brand ‘Vredestein’ has an established presence and enjoys premium positioning in ultra high performance (UHP), winter and all season passenger car tyre segments. 5. The company is a leading player in the Indian Opportunities 1. In India, Apollo Tyres enjoys early mover advantage in the truck-bus radial segment and has a healthy lead over its competition in terms of capacity and market share. This implies healthy growth prospects with increasing radialisation. 2. The company’s Apollo branded passenger vehicle tyres are being sold in Europe and this could develop into a sizable market for the same, leveraging its already existing network in Europe. 3. With the announcement of Apollo’s Greenfield plant in Hungary, the company is positioned to grow in the European market through an added cost competitive manufacturing facility. commercial vehicle segment – which accounts for the bulk of the industry’s revenue. Since the company assumed an early lead, Apollo is best positioned to maintain its leadership position in the truck-bus radial segment and drive growth through the same. 6. Global and culturally diversified management team driving growth across geographies. 7. The presence of modern Research & Development facilities for passenger and commercial vehicle tyres will play a key role in bringing cutting-edge technology and innovation to drive growth for the company. 22 APOLLO TYRES LTD Increased spends on corporate brand including Apollo Tyres’ association with Manchester United is starting to make Apollo a globally recognised brand. ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 23 for short and long haul applications on roads, which are more than 50% unpaved, have a unique requirement from their tyres; low inflation pressures for heavy load applications. To consolidate its leadership position in India and offer innovative and 360 degree solutions to customers, the APMEA operations has started to focus on the retreading business in the country. As radialisation makes deep inroads into the commercial sector, there exists a huge opportunity to tap the growing retreading market. While the unorganised players cater to the current market requirements, customers are increasing looking for retread solutions from tyre manufacturers. The company plans to open 20 branded retread outlets by the end of the current fiscal year. Furthering its strategy of building higher visibility in its markets outside India, the APMEA operations Apollo Tyres introduced the next generation cross ply tyres in the Indonesian market with Apollo HDF technology 4. The company continues to increase its focus to new geographies like South America, Middle East and South East Asia. These would be growth avenues for the future. 5. The company can convert excess bias capacity into industrial tyres capacity and tap into a new product segment. 6. The company is talking to auto majors for OEM fitments in Europe. This would establish the brand even more strongly and drive significant growth in European market. 7. The company would look to introduce products and make an entry into the European Truck, Bus & OHT segments. Threats 1. Economic downturn or slowdown in the key markets – Europe and India – can lead to decreased volumes and capacity utilisation. 2. 3. Increased competition from global players like Michelin, Bridgestone, Continental in India. Increased competition from truck radial imports from China resulting in a quicker than expected decline in volumes within the truck-bus cross ply segment, creating redundant capacities requiring investment to convert into other product segments. 4. Continued threat of raw material price volatility translating into pressure on margins during a rapid rise in raw material prices. 5. Weak currency resulting in pressure on 24 APOLLO TYRES LTD 6. opened its first Apollo Zone in Kuwait. The outlet is margins, since the company is a net importer. designed to provide customers with an enhanced Growing influence of budget tyres, mainly tier 2 and 3 brands from established European manufacturers as well as Chinese and Korean imports. retail experience for the brand and products SEGMENT WISE PERFORMANCE Apollo Tyres is divided into two key regions - Asia Pacific Middle East and Africa (APMEA) and Europe and Americas (EA). For Apollo Tyres’ APMEA operations, it was a year of consolidating its leadership position in India, expanding the product portfolio in existing APMEA markets and pushing into new markets in the region. displayed. Given the importance of building a strong brand, the company expanded its sponsorship agreement with Manchester United to cover many markets in the APMEA region. In India, it continued to ramp its branding presence with a high-decibel brand campaign – Performance: There are no Shortcuts – during the year. The Company’s multi-product strategy, supported by its two-brand strategy, has helped the region to cross significant milestones. In India, Apollo Tyres became the first company to cross the 100,000 Truck Bus Radial (TBR) monthly sales in March 2015. The strategy on investing in the radial technology is paying dividends as the company grew at a healthy clip of 30.8%. The TBR exports story was no different for the company as it grew by 53%. While the Truck Bus Bias (TBB) saw the expected decline, the APMEA operations’ strategy of looking at new markets paid dividend as exports in the segment grew by 14%. In the replacement passenger car segment, the operations saw tepid growth but this was slightly offset by the higher than industry growth in the OE segment as the operations increased its market share in the OE segment to 21%. The EA operations managed all odds including slow market demand, influx of low cost products and lower sales prices to marginally exceed the net sales in FY15 in Euro terms. The operations accounts for 28% of Apollo Tyres’ consolidated revenue. In terms of volume, passenger car tyre sales grew by 4%, spare tyres sales grew by 12% and agriculture tyres sales grew marginally by 2%. The operations gained market share in Agricultural tyre and saw a marginal rise in passenger car tyre category. The operations’ strategy of focusing on all season and SUV tyres had helped it reduce dependence on the winter tyres sold during the cold months. The continuing warm spells in Europe for the 3rd year in a row did impact the winter tyre sales, but it has been compensated with For the APMEA operations, it was a year of product innovations and launches. The year began with the launch of India’s largest loader tyre at the IMME 2014. The company also introduced the ALT 188 TL tyre which had the industry’s first traction tread design. It further led its product expansion strategy by introducing Apollo Tyres and Manchester United co-branded tyres launched in Thailand. After the UK market, Thailand was the first country to have the Apollo-Manchester United co-branded tyres in Asia. The region also leveraged Apollo’s global R&D skills to launch a new cross ply technology based tyre, AWR-HD with the Apollo HDF technology, for the Indonesian market. This tyre was specifically engineered for the Indonesian market based on a detailed market study by Apollo’s product and R&D teams on the application of commercial vehicles in this country. The higher horsepower vehicles used ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 25 strong growth of all season and SUV tyres. The EA operations began the year with the announcement of the Apollo Alnac 4G – All Season and Winter tyres. The two new tyres expanded the existing portfolio of the Apollo brand in Europe. Coupled with the Vredestein brand, the EA operations offered a complete range of tyres catering to different segments. This was followed by the launch of Vredestein Quatrac 5 and Snowtrac 5 tyres launch in Scotland. The Vredestein Quatrac 5 is a completely new generation of four-season tyres. The winter tyre Vredestein Snowtrac 5 has been designed and manufactured to handle the most extreme and unpredictable weather conditions, including wet, cold or slippery roads. To further engage with the consumers and create higher visibility of the Apollo brand, the operations embarked on a six-month promotional tour across 8 countries in Europe to introduce its full range of Apollo branded industrial tyres to end users and tyre specialists. Across the year, new sizes in Vredestein agricultural and Apollo industrial tyres became available, including the launch of Vredestein Endurion and Vredestein Traxion Versa at the SIMA in Paris, February 2015. During the mid of 2014, the EA operations initiated a road show and visited construction and rental companies, tyre and machine dealers to create and increase the brand awareness for Apollo Tyres. Given the increase usage on social media across the globe, even for buying products like tyres, the EA operations focussed on the online space and now has a strong presence on social media. Also, an Ecommerce platform was launched last year which will be rolled out and used by all countires under the EA operations. As both the operations relied heavily on understanding the consumer requirements and leveraging on its R&D skills to develop and manufacture products, various test results in Europe were a testimony to the success of this strategy. The Vredestein Sportrac 5 and Vredestein Ultrac Vorti were rated highly in various independent European tyre tests, pinpointing the excellent results on dry handling, low sound levels and lower fuel consumption. The EA operations won the ‘Tire Manufacturing Innovation of the Year’- an award for its tandem mixer inaugurated in 2014 Launch of Snowtrac 5 tyres in Edinburgh, Scotland growing economy in 2015, overtaking neighbouring OUTLOOK China and widening the gap further in 2016. The global economic growth for FY16 will continue to be a mixed bag. According to estimates, the global growth is expected to rise moderately to 3.0% in 2015, and average about 3.3% through 2017. However, all eyes will be focussed on India. According to forecasts by international agencies including World Bank and International Monetary Fund, India is set to emerge as the world’s fastest Vredestein Ultrac Vorti The current government in India is looking at addressing structural and supply-side constraints which will give a big impetus to the investment activities in the country. Coupled with strong public and private consumption, India continues to be a bright spot in the global landscape. The strong growth, lower external vulnerabilities, higher disposable income will be a boost to the auto segment. The sales in the beginning of the FY16 points to a sustained momentum and the sector can emerge as the showstopper for the Indian economy. We expect that the bullishness will bring back the demand from the OE segment. We hope the optimism in the auto industry is translated as sales in the tyre industry. Likewise, there is an air of optimism across Europe. It is for the first time since 2007 that the economies across Europe are expected to grow again. As per the European Commission’s winter forecast, growth in CY15 is forecasted to rise to 1.7% for the EU as a whole and to 1.3% for the Euro area. The growth is expected to inch up further in CY16 to 2.1% and 1.9% respectively, on the back of strengthened domestic and foreign demand, very accommodative monetary policy and a broadly neutral fiscal stance. Further, lower oil prices will boost real household income putting more disposable income with consumers and result in increased spending accelerating the growth. Despite another year of flat market forecast by the 26 APOLLO TYRES LTD industry association, outlook for EA operations remains positive. The main drivers for growth will be further expansion and promotion of Apollo brand in all the countries in Europe as well as new products introduction. The Vredestein brand has maintained its position amongst the premium brand and is well positioned to further gain market share in Europe. Sales strategy for the coming year will focus on distribution network expansion, product range enhancement and consumer marketing. To support the long term growth plans, the company will be making significant investments in all its plants across both the regions. Given the focus on OE in Europe, investment will be made to prepare the Enschede plant for supplies to car manufacturers and expand the capacity of spare tyre production. The company has also undertaken a major project to implement SAP ERP system across all the European operations covering all the functional areas. SAP implementation will bring efficiency improvement by eliminating duplicate activities, improve internal control, enable faster decision making and share best practices. RISKS AND CONCERNS The impact of the key risks and opportunities listed below has been identified through a formal process driven by Apollo’s Risk Management Steering Committees. The company’s approach has allowed for a systematic appraisal of the business environment it operates in and a response aimed at capitalising and maximising benefits for all its operations. ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 27 7. Labour activism down internal audit methodology, which emphasise a. Increased labour activism across India may pose challenge for any manufacturing organisation. on risk based internal audits using data analytics and INTERNAL CONTROLS AND SYSTEMS Apollo Tyres has a robust Internal Control framework, which has been instituted considering the nature, size and risk in the business. The framework comprises, inter alia, of a well-defined organisation structure, roles and responsibilities, documented policies and procedures, etc. Information Technology policies and processes were also updated to ensure that they satisfy the current business needs. This is complemented by a management information and monitoring system, which ensures compliance to internal processes, as well as with applicable laws and regulations. The operating management is not only responsible for revenue and profitability, but also for maintaining financial discipline and hygiene. b. In Europe, the company’s winter tyre sales are subject to seasonal requirements, which can be adversely impacted in case of a mild winter season. FINANCIALS 1. Raw material price volatility a. Natural rubber is an agricultural commodity and subject to price volatility and production concerns. 4. c. Both natural rubber and crude prices are little can be done to control the raw material price movement internally. a. Demand supply situation must remain in favour of the industry to enable it to undertake price increases. 5. all the locations, operations and geographies of the company. The audit plan for the year is reviewed and approved by the Audit Committee at the beginning of each financial year. The Internal Audit reports on quarterly basis to the Audit Committee, the key internal audit findings, and action plan agreed with the management, the status of audits vis-à-vis the approved annual audit plan and status of open audit issues. DISCUSSION ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE WITH RESPECT TO OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirement of the Companies Act 2013, and applicable accounting standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. The management of Apollo Tyres accepts the integrity and objectivity of these financial statements as well as the various estimates and judgements used Future Growth b. Increased competition from global players like Michelin, Bridgestone and Continental in India. Continued economic growth SOCIAL a. Demand in the tyre industry is dependent on economic growth and/or infrastructure development. Any slowdown in the economic growth across regions impacts the industry fortunes. 6. 28 APOLLO TYRES LTD compliance and information systems audits, covering a. Lower profitability due to some of the above factors impacts the ability to invest in future growth b. This is further impacted by competitive activities and a general reluctance as seen in the past, particularly in India, to make quick and significant price hikes. 3. audit plan, comprising of operational, financial, b. At the same time, an unexpected quicker increase in the level of radialisation can result in faster redundancy of cross ply capacities and create a need for fresh investments. controlled by external environment and Ability to pass on increasing cost in a timely manner The Internal Audit prepares a rolling annual internal a. Slower increase in radialisation level in truck tyre segment, than expected, may impact Indian operations. Excess capacity may result in competitive pressures and decline in profit. b. Most other raw materials are crude linked and are affected by the movement in crude prices. Any increase in crude oil prices may impact prices of some of the raw materials. 2. Radialisation levels in India In order to ensure efficient Internal Control systems, the company also has a well established independent in-house Internal Audit function that is responsible for providing assurance on compliance with operating systems, internal policies and legal requirements, as well as, suggesting improvements to systems and processes. The function has a well laid tools. Manpower retention a. Retaining skilled personnel may become increasingly difficult in India, due to the entry of global majors in the Indian tyre industry. ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 29 ` Million Year Ended Sl. Particulars 31.3.2015 Year Ended 31.3.2014 31.3.2015 Standalone 1. 2. 31.3.2014 Consolidated Revenue from Operations: Gross Sales 98,773 95,893 137,247 142,895 Less: Excise Duty 9,990 9,792 9,990 9,792 Net Sales 88,783 86,101 127,257 133,103 971 1,809 1,133 1,995 89,754 87,910 128,390 135,098 197 (1,158) 875 (311) 56,499 59,746 69,753 78,031 5,451 4,533 16,070 15,812 Other Income Total 3. Total Expenditure a) Decrease/(Increase) in Finished Goods & Work in Process b) Consumption of Raw Materials/Purchase Onkar S Kanwar and Neeraj Kanwar with Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary during the foundation stone laying ceremony held in Hungary of Stock in Trade c) d) Employee Benefits Expense Other Expenses 14,076 13,008 21,848 21,832 Total 76,223 76,129 108,546 115,364 therein. The estimates and judgment relating to the financial statements have been made on a prudent and reasonable basis, in order that the financial statements are reflected in a true and fair manner and also reasonably present the company’s state of affairs 4. Operating Profit 13,531 11,781 19,844 19,734 5. Finance Costs 1,721 2,446 1,828 2,838 6. Depreciation & Amortisation 2,468 2,480 3,883 4,109 and profit for the year. DEVELOPMENT IN HUMAN RESOURCES & INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS One of the key elements of Apollo Tyres’ strategy is profitable growth. The organisation knows that 7. Profit before Exceptional Items & Tax 9,342 6,855 14,133 12,787 profitable growth is solely dependent on its employees’ performance in diverse areas including 8. Exceptional Items - 711 825 468 sales, marketing, R&D, manufacturing, logistics and across every function in the organisation. The 9. Profit After Exceptional Items & Before Tax 9,342 6,144 13,308 12,319 company has continuously endeavoured to build a high performance culture and the Human Resources function plays a key role in enabling this. The HR at Apollo Tyres has always remained a strategic partner 10. Provision for Tax - Current - Deferred Total 2,545 1,327 3,535 1,942 346 391 (3) 326 2,891 1,718 3,532 2,268 in the growth and globalisation journey of the company. Hungary, Thailand, London, Brazil... as Apollo Tyres moves in new geographies, HR has evolved itself into a global function responsible for all HR activities 11. Profit after Tax 6,451 4,426 9,776 10,051 across geographies and is completely aligned with business requirements. 12. Share of Loss in Associates/Interest - - - - For HR, the previous fiscal year was a year of change and consolidation. The year saw a change in HR 13. Net Profit 30 APOLLO TYRES LTD 6,451 4,426 9,776 10,051 leadership with Martha Desmond joining in as the Chief Human Resources Officer. Based out of London, Martha has a rich global exposure in all aspects of HR including Global Talent Management, Total Rewards and Global Mobility. In order to further augment Apollo’s fast paced growth journey, several key new positions were created worldwide. To homogenise the company’s manufacturing standards worldwide, the Chief Manufacturing Officer joined Apollo Tyres. Quality has always been an epicentre of our product differentiation. To spearhead the Global Quality Standards journey, a Chief Quality Officer also came onboard. Technology will be the key differentiator in outpacing our competitors. Focussing on this priority, Apollo welcomed a Chief Technology Officer to the company. As the global footprint of Apollo Tyres has increased significantly, so has the global movement of its people. Global mobility of employees is enabling them achieve their career and personal aspiration of development and growth and enhancing the company’s value proposition. The HR department, thereby, has become a fulcrum propelling people development and job enrichment. Championing the cause of employees, it is HR’s endeavour to ease resettlement and reduce challenges in the movement, so that employees are ready to take on their enhanced responsibilities globally. In line with this philosophy, the Hungary Greenfield project led to the relocation of 17 employees with their families. HR developed the global mobility policy to assist the relocation process. Given the ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 31 responsibilities across international locations. Apart from creating the best talent, it is important to recognise them. Across Apollo and its two key operations, there are enough opportunities to recognise and reward the best performing talents. The annual ‘Employee of the Year’ award is a key initiative in this direction at an organisation level. In Honour’, where the high performers of the year are Tyres. The fact has been acknowledged by external honoured. The European operations and the agencies. The company was recognised as India’s and Netherlands based Apollo Tyres Global R&D selected then Asia’s best company to work for in the Auto eight winners who travelled to Barcelona as part of Component category by the Great Place to Work the incentive. The APMEA operations identified high organisation. One of the company’s core values, ‘One Family’, is hiring practices and global policies have led to a greater gender mix. Further, along with the best-inclass policies and practices, greater emphasis on competency profiling of each candidate has ensured getting the right person for the right job. Capability building - functional and technical, and also empower the latter. All these initiatives foster a spirit of inclusiveness and rewarded with a trip to Malaysia and Langkawi gender diversity. However, the company’s refreshed suggestion box, intranet, etc. These initiatives help the senior leadership to connect with the employees have resulted in an engaged workforce at Apollo Islands. Enschede plant. multiple channels including town halls, emails, the previous fiscal, the Indian and European across various locations in India and they were nature of the business, the industry has seen low will be concluded soon in the Limda plant. Further, the company engages with its employees through operations organised their respective ‘Roll of employees among the junior management staff Celebrating togetherness: Employees with families during the Apollo One Family event at Manchester completed in the Kalamassery plant and the process Sustainability and social responsibility are an inherent component of our corporate strategy. Long before the Government started mandating social responsibility, Apollo Tyres identified the need to work with stakeholder communities to strengthen our lived across the organisation and includes the bonds with them and focus on ‘continuously unionised members of the organisation. Led by the enhancing stakeholder value’. Our CSR strategy AMPEA operations’ HR team, regular interaction focuses on combining corporate goals with between the management and unions ensured that development goals thereby optimising scarce re l a t i o n s re m a i n e d c o n d u c i v e a c ro s s a l l existing resources and enabling inclusive growth. manufacturing facilities. Long-term settlement was With this strategy, the company focus on areas for its continues to be the focus area for HR at Apollo Tyres. Managers from the R&D function from Europe and Apollo Tyres honoured as Asia's best company to work for in the Auto Component industry by the Great Place to Work Institute India attended the ‘Technology Leadership Development’ program. The same was a focus area at the operations level. Based on the success of the HR continued work on its on-boarding program. The Customer Centric training initiatives, the APMEA company’s orientation process has tried and tested operations conducted programs like ‘Fact Based elements ranging from creating awareness about the Management Training’, ‘Customer Service Training company’s culture and key processes, a mentoring in association with Volvo’, etc. for its field sales teams. program to handhold new employees and on job The operations also further built on its success of the training. All these ensure that new employees are ‘Step-Up’ program for its junior field staff which has trained and equipped with the necessary skills - produced a responsive customer focused sales force. cultural and technical, required to perform the job at the desired level. Like the APMEA operations, Apollo’s EA operations had several trainings and development programmes In terms of fostering greater team spirit and cohesiveness amongst the senior leadership and their families, the company organised the ‘Apollo One Family’ event, a trip to the United Kingdom. Similarly, the European operations had organised its Family Day event early in the previous fiscal. On the day, at different levels within the region centered to enhance professional and non-professional competencies. One of the programs was focused around training the team in entrepreneurship, quality and costs. employees of the European operations invite their The company’s earlier focus on hiring fresh family and show them the factory. The EA operations engineering graduates since 2008 has now started to had also organised the ‘Apollo Vredestein family day’ pay rich dividends for the company with several of in the early part of FY15. During this festivity, over these graduates now part of the APMEA operations’ 6000 employees and their family members visited the middle management base and others moving to take 32 APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 33 CSR initiatives including health, environment and community development. The APMEA operations continued its long standing CSR initiative on HIV/AIDS prevention and awareness for truck drivers in India. The health programme spans across 25 locations across the country. The programme reached out to over 415,643 people through one-to-one and one-to-group awareness sessions and peer educated activities. More than 54,168 people were treated out of which 3,305 truckers were treated for sexually transmitted infection and over 39,990 people counselled for HIVAIDS. The programme, originally designed for the trucker community to promote awareness on HIV, was extended to cover other health related issues. A pilot project on vision correction was organised for the customers. With the health programmes firmly established, the APMEA operations had been focussing on environmental conversation and community development projects under the expanded CSR scope. The shift is evident in the spending. The operations has spent 42% of its total CSR budget in FY15 on these two areas, up from just 15% in FY13. On the environment front, CSR has already initiated projects in different cities of India on waste management, afforestation and emission reduction, biodiversity enhancement and watershed management. In line with the National Agenda of Swach Bharat Abhiyan, the Clean My Transport Nagar flagship project (started in 2012) has recovered almost 16,000 kgs of waste in a single year from Delhi and Agra Transport Nagars respectively, offering a cleaner and healthier workplace for the customers and dealers. across the value chain, also engaged in small activities for the suppliers community (natural rubber grading centre employees) in the state of Kerala. Apollo’s EA operations undertook various CSR initiatives within the Netherlands such as employee participation towards the ‘The Ice Bucket Challenge’ for the ALS foundation. The operations also sponsored the ‘Good Cause Rally’, an initiative to give critically ill children a moment in which they can ‘forget’ about their illness for a little while and get to chance to be co-drivers in high performance and exclusive cars. Within the livelihood generation theme, the operation provided 10 long-time unemployed people with labour training-experience at the plant in the effort to re-integrate them into work. This initiative will provide further support and enable their chances of getting back to employment. It was an endorsement for the organisation’s CSR when the company was ranked 1st in the Auto Ancillary category in the list of ‘India’s Best Companies for CSR’, a detailed study by Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur and Futurescape Technologies. A supplementary food programme for the Anganwadis near the Limda plant in India In the previous fiscal, APMEA operations delivered a diverse range of initiatives in communities from livelihood generation (through vocational training and skills building) to improving sustainable agriculture (through improved farming practices and livestock management). There were 349 unemployed youths and women who were provided training under ‘Project U’, for livelihood generation. Over 37% have either taken up employment outside or are selfemployed. Further, the CSR team, with its initial efforts to look at the overall impact points For a cause: Employees at Enschede plant in the Netherlands participating in the 'Ice Bucket Challenge' 34 APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 35 EXPLORE FOR 97 95 94 93 92 91 90 103 102 88 87 86 85 98 101 100 89 84 83 96 81 106 107 110 111 112 114 113 Taking responsibility. Creating a better environment. 115 116 119 118 Protecting our most valuable asset. 82 99 78 104 105 108 80 79 71 70 74 72 73 77 75 76 64 109 the better will be our reward tomorrow. 62 61 60 56 117 123 124 125 126 127 129 131 130 132 135 134 133 136 137 128 138 42 43 41 37 39 38 40 26 27 25 150 139 140 141 149 143 142 148 145 147 146 144 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 TOMORROW 66 65 59 58 57 120 122 67 63 121 The more committed we are today, 68 69 159 24 29 30 22 23 28 19 20 21 15 16 17 14 18 12 13 11 10 78 9 6 5 4 3 2 1 160 31 32 55 54 51 53 52 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 36 33 35 34 SUSTAINABILITY Apollo Tyres Ltd understands and respects its role and responsibility towards ensuring benefits to its stakeholders and society at large. This section gives an overview of the sustainability approach and performance in the manufacturing operations. Period of Report The period covered for the purpose of this report is MANAGEMENT APPROACH TOWARDS SUSTAINABILITY April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015 and the reporting Organisations around the world are becoming more cycle is annual. conscious of socially responsible behaviour, integrating social and environmental concerns in Scope of Report their business operations and interacting with their The information disclosed in the report relates to stakeholders. The aim of social responsibility is to Apollo Tyres’ operations in two regions - EA (Europe contribute to sustainable development for all and Americas) and APMEA (Asia Pacific, Middle East stakeholders and to promote business accountability. and Africa). The information is restricted to the manufacturing operations in the two regions, with the exception of our employees section which provides information about our non-manufacturing operations too. Apollo Tyres acknowledges the significance of its performance in relation to the society in which it operates and its impact on the environment, both now and in the future. The company’s social responsibility and sustainability commitment flows from this understanding and is based on its vision of growth, The manufacturing locations are: Ÿ EA Operations: Enschede in the Netherlands Ÿ APMEA Operations: Chennai, Limda, Perambra and Kalamassery* in India development and expectations of all its stakeholders. The company’s sustainability journey began in 2010. Over the years, it has established strong management systems to aid planning and implementation of Apollo Tyres has developed its own Sustainability sustainability led initiatives across all its operations. Reporting Framework drawing elements from In FY15, the company formalised the structure and ISO26000 and National Voluntary Guidelines. The constituted a Sustainability Committee with company has made efforts to ensure disclosure on representation from the Management Board. This parameters which it considers to be consequential. highlights the commitment of the top Figure 1 MANUFACTURING LOCATIONS Enschede Limda Kalamassery Chennai Perambra * Kalamassery location is a leased unit ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 39 Figure 3 F WE CARE Aspire to be the best in customer service in the Indian tyre industry by 2020 In India (APMEA), adopted 360˚ approach to influence all customer CUSTOMERS touchpoints & CONSUMERS Committed to support the supply chain, from upstream to downstream" SUPPLIERS/ DISTRIBUTORS/ DEALERS Over 95% suppliers have signed Partners Code of Conduct (PCC) Women making organic manure in a village near the Limda plant in India W management to drive its sustainability strategy forward. their concerns. This assists the company in The committee is responsible for management of improving its decision-making processes and sustainability statement, sustainability framework accountability to them. and works towards achieving sustainability goals. The company’s endeavour is to build a trustworthy ‘Customer First’ is one of the key values enshrined in WORKING TOGETHER and long-term relationship with all its stakeholders. the Apollo Way. Our customers, and those whom they Apollo is committed to create value for all its The strategy is to: replacement) and dealers; suppliers; investors and CARE FOR CUSTOMERS serve, are central to everything that we do. The APMEA operations aspires to be the best in Ÿ strengthen strategic partnerships with its stakeholders analysts; shareholders; regulatory bodies and Total Employee Strength: 14,587 Employee Attrition: 5.11% EMPLOYEES/ WORKERS COMMUNITY Engaged with communities around our operations with focus on Livelihood generation In India (APMEA), trained unemployed youth and women. Over 37% have been employed In Netherlands (EA), provided labour training to unemployed to re-integrate them into work with the stakeholders’ groups helps it to understand stakeholders – employees; customers (OEM and Create value for the organisation by developing human capital customer service in the Indian tyre industry by 2020 by winning customer confidence through excellent service quality and hassle free product experience. It adheres to the highest standards of customer care services and is proud to declare that there has been no incident of non-compliance with regards to product Workshop with rag picckers, Agra, India W community – by pursuing sustainable business Ÿ increase stakeholder participation and policies and practices all along the value chain. Ÿ achieve organisational goals The company believes that engaging with its The company’s engagement with its stakeholders stakeholders is crucial to building a sustainable (customers, employees, supply chain partners and business. The process of holding structured dialogue community) is detailed in the section “We Care”. Figure 2 F WORKING TOGETHER EMPLOYEES / WORKERS PROCUREMENT / PURCHASE 40 APOLLO TYRES L LTD CUSTOMERS / CONSUMERS SUPPLIERS / DEALERS MANUFA F CTURING / DELIVERY R SHAREHOLDERS / INVESTORS / ANALYS L TS SALES / DISTRIBUTION SOCIETY T END OF LIFE ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 41 Figure 4 A Ce pollo rt Fit ified (AC ter F) o oll Ap ect Dir Teams in the operations regularly conduct product and safety awareness workshops and health assistance programmes and also encourage customers to share their experiences through a Our Work Ways In the APMEA operations, the company has a dedicated customer service department which has A p Ra oll o As Serv dial s i ( ist ce A RS anc A) e Apollo Radial Repair Centre (ARRC) ss ele ce b Tu ervi t S oin ) P SP (T 360˚ CUSTOMER APPROACH Apollo Certified Retreader (ACR) Apollo Tracto r Owne rs Meet (ATOM ) dedicated mechanism. members with specialised knowledge on products, technical expertise and commercial understanding to provide value-added services to our customers. It also acts as a key support function for other departments like Sales & Marketing and Plant Technology by sharing (Voice of Customers) feedback from the customers. safety, product labelling, marketing communications or data privacy from any of its operations in the Regional Inspection Centres (RICs) have been set up reporting period. across India to carry out checks on returned products The operations has traversed a long distance in the past decade. Over the years, its focus has shifted to a wider ambit of ‘complaint management’. The approach not only addresses basic aspects like claim and share insights so gained with the Production (Manufacturing) and Research & Development units for improving quality of products and minimising wastes (scrap). educating customers to sharpen its 360˚ Customer Apollo’s HR vision is to be a strategic partner to the Approach that connects with all the customer service business and create value for the organisation by touch points. Under the Apollo 360˚ Customer developing human capital. In line with this vision, the Approach, the company carries out multiple company believes in empowering its employees and redressal, product testing, mass customer campaigns The strategies of the department include developing initiatives including Apollo Certified Fitter hone their skills. At Apollo, the endeavour is to ensure but also seeks to eliminate any scope for complaint in TBR leadership, educating drivers in tyre care and Programme, Apollo Certified Retreader Programme and provide employee benefits, maintain gender its products and services. maintenance, organising drivers’ welfare camps and and Apollo Tyre Road Assistance Programme. HIV-AIDS awareness programme in India Going forward, the plans include introduction of the Services Super7 Approach which aims to bring in the neutrality, facilitate collective bargaining and maintain a healthy and safe environment at all its operations. Under the integrated management system, the company is certified for OHSAS 18001 in cultural shift of empowering customers with relevant all its manufacturing locations in India. The company knowledge and technical expertise by way of planned follows labour policies compliant with statutory and programmes like ‘Do it Yourself’ (DIY) and ‘Know regulatory requirements for payment of wages and Your Customer’ (KYC). Better knowledge of products other benefits. will enable its customers to utilise products more efficiently. A majority of the company’s workforce in all its operations is employed on a permanent basis, For Apollo’s EA operations, it continues to improve constituting 72.96% of the total. tyre label values on rolling resistance, noise and wet grip as per the European Tyre Labelling Regulation. For example, the recently introduced product line, Quatrac 5, reduces rolling resistance by, on an Figure 5 EMPLOYEE BREAKDOWN Total workforce: 14,587 average, 10%. CARE FOR EMPLOYEES EA 11.1% CORP 2.4% APMEA 86.5% One of Apollo’s core values is to celebrate oneness and foster team spirit in the workforce by building trusting relationships, shared vision and passion for common goals. We encourage Apolloites to lead a healthy lifestyle, take pride in each other’s work, irrespective of hierarchy, race, religion or gender and connect with each other as One Family. 42 APOLLO TYRES LTD Corporate offices include employees at our corporate offices in Gurgaon, London, Singapore and R&D division in the Netherlands. ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 43 Safety across its manufacturing locations and follow technology, etc. international standards. The Indian operations are In the Corporate Offices, a total of 2,4693 man-days of certified under OHSAS18001 (Occupational Health training were provided to the managerial staff. and Safety Management Systems). Human Development In all its operations, the company has instituted The company not only empowers its employees with formal health and safety committees at unit and right skills, but also develops their capabilities by department levels to ensure effective governance and constantly monitoring their performances which is management of health and safety performance. It has key to achieve better results. taken several initiatives to ensuring a safe working The Performance Management System is aimed at environment for its employees. Some of these are objective evaluation of performance, identification of highlighted in figure 9. training needs and reward for good performance. No fatalities and occupational diseases were reported Apollo believes in recognising and rewarding in any of the manufacturing locations. employees for outstanding performances to motivate In the APMEA operations, there were 2,172 accidents them to achieve their targets and guide others to (including first-aid and major accidents) during the accomplish identified objectives and goals of the reporting period and 8,657 man-days were lost due to organisation. Programs like ‘Employee of the Year’ BREAK-UP OF PERMANENT AND CONTRACT EMPLOYEES Contract 27% Permanent 73% 5.1%2 in the reporting period. One of the reasons for a tool to enhance employee engagement. this is that a majority of our workforce is drawn from Health and Safety at Work the local communities which gives us an added advantage in the form of a closer tie with the communities in which we operate. The gender composition is primarily male, with females comprising 1.7%1 of its workforce. The organisation, however, is consciously working towards recruiting more female employees to bring a gender balance. Figure 7 employees is the company’s top priority. There has 4.95%. Training and Development our equipment by bringing in effective engineering Apollo is committed to empowering its workforce to controls and implementing projects which obviate the take ownership for their actions and responsibility for need for manual interventions. results, as well as to innovate and embrace change. The company’s focus is on driving Behaviour Based There were no fatalities in either operations. - Across the two operations, the company continues to have various health assistance programmes for Figure 9 p ro g ra m m e s l i k e Te c h n o l o g y L e a d e r s h i p SAFETY MEASURES TAKEN IN APMEA REGION Development Programme is carried out for R&D and manufacturing professionals at the corporate level. SAFETY MEASURES CHENNAI LIMDA Fall arrest system installed 3 3 Safety induction training 3 3 Contractors’ safety management 3 3 PERAMBRA 3 3 organisations in India and abroad. Figure 8 AVERAGE TRAINING MANDAYS (APMEA) 2.9 Road safety programme 2.8 3 2.8 Work permit system for non-routine 3 3 activities strengthened 5.3% 2.7 4.00% 3.2% Management Other Employees For the EA operations, 1,235 employees were 2.00% provided training in marketing, sales and development, workshop values, production APMEA KALAMASSERY R&D professionals are sponsored for programmes in 2.9 8.00% Health Assistance Programmes For the APMEA operations, highly specialised 8.4% 0.00% which has sharply come down from 62.2 in the previous year. The absenteeism rate was recorded at 10.00% 6.00% 79 accidents. The lost rate due to injury was 1.82, been a steady improvement of the safety standards of operations is low, with the overall rate touching REGION-WISE EMPLOYEE ATTRITION For the EA operations, 400 man-days were lost due to Providing a healthy and safe environment to its foreign universities and other tyre related The employee attrition rate at all the company’s the injuries caused. and ‘Roll of Honour’ help in this goal and also serve as Figure 6 Corporate EA Hazardous chemical handling training 3 3 Equipment installed for safety 3 3 3 3 Regular inspection and awareness processes, skills, technical, management, tyre 3 3 programmes 1 2 Breakdown of male and female employees doesn't include contract employees of Chennai plant The calculation does not include the 123 employees in the Netherlands' R&D operations 44 APOLLO TYRES LTD 3 The calculation does not include 123 employees for Netherlands' R&D operation ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 45 Figure 10 HEALTH RELATED TRAINING AND COUNSELLING PROGRAMMES Education/ Training Counselling Prevention/ Risk Control Treatment Workforce Worker’s Families Community Members 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 - Workforce Worker’s Families Community Members 3 3 - 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 - Workforce Worker’s Families Community Members 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - Workforce Worker’s Families Community Members 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - Kalamassery Perambra Limda Chennai Women undertaking Khakra making - A livelihood generation initiative in a village around the Limda plant in India employees and their families. These include the HIV- focus area of its operations. The supply chain spans AIDS awareness and prevention initiative, anti- from upstream (sourcing raw materials ) through to tobacco and anti-alcohol programmes and the Dealership (RED), whereby workshops are held to downstream (selling the product through the enable the customers to choose the right products disease prevention initiatives. company’s network of distributors and dealers) and use it safely in order to increase efficiency. Figure 10 gives details of the health-related training activities. The organisation is constantly looking for The company considers its suppliers as long-term and counselling programmes conducted. avenues to develop new channel networks and create business partners and works together with them on awareness of fair practices amongst the distributors. environmental, economic and social aspects to One such key initiative is a distinct retail concept for enable sustainable business practices. The company CARE FOR SUPPLY CHAIN PARTNERS The company has identified supply chain to be a key the rural markets, known as the Rural Exclusive encourages its suppliers to develop their environmental systems in compliance with the requirements of ISO14001 and to get their systems certified by a third party. The company expects its partners to comply with all national and other applicable laws and regulations in their operations. The company’s suppliers have either pre-registered for REACH compliance or are in the process of such registration as per the registration deadline requirements, as applicable. The purchase policy is implemented in spirit through sustainable practices throughout its value chain. The Partner Code of Conduct (PCC) designed by the organisation, covers a wide spectrum of social, economic and environmental concerns. About 95% of the raw 46 APOLLO TYRES LTD supply of tyres to Europe. The company is also geared up to meet all the current and future tyre labelling requirements, as and where applicable. Also, the company conducts CSR workshops for its partners to spread awareness about HIV-AIDS prevention and substance abuse with the help of its Corporate Purchase and CSR teams on a regular basis. This is in line with the risk minimisation strategy and creates synergy with its corporate CSR initiatives. Until now, 36 supplier plants have been covered under this programme by the master trainers and about 790 participants from suppliers have been trained. CARE FOR COMMUNITY Apollo Tyres is continuously engaging with the communities around its operations to develop mutually beneficial relationships with them. The activities are aligned with its business sustainability programme. material suppliers have joined the company in For the APMEA operations, the engagements are accepting its code helping to strengthen the aimed at improving livelihood and general well-being sustainability journey in its upstream supply chain. of the communities and include activities to provide Further, the company is geared up to meet all raw income avenues, skill-building, healthcare, material related requirements with reference to usage environmental awareness and conservation and other of Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon free materials for social programmes. ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 47 - Livelihood Initiatives The EA operations provided labour training to 10 individuals who were unemployed for long to improve their job prospects. It also provided a certain percentage of employment to the disabled as per the local law mandate. The company carried out various initiatives in the reporting period to preserve the environment. Clean My Transport Nagar biodegradable waste of 9,469 kg and nonbiodegradable of 4,496 kg. - Clean My Village called Clean My Village, was initiated in Tamil Nadu. The project offers many services like daily waste collection, waste segregation, compost production, spreading awareness and advocacy on the integrated issues of waste, sanitation and health amongst The Clean My Transport Nagar (CMTN) initiative various stakeholders in the community. aims at improving waste management and - cleanliness of identified transport hubs in India, along with generating awareness on health and sanitation. It offers a spectrum of services like waste collection, waste segregation, daily cleaning of the streets and lanes, creating compost from biodegradable waste, waste recycling and creation of livelihood opportunities for rag-pickers. Project U - Take home ration project collected through the project, which included A community-based solid waste management project Environmental Protection - During the reporting period, 15,959 kg of waste was The first CMTN project was started in 2012 in Delhi’s Sanjay Gandhi Transport Nagar, followed by another Pond revival in Peringakulam The company and the local gram panchayat jointly organised a cleaning drive in collaboration with the Tropical Institute of Ecological Sciences (TIES) of Kottayam to clean and revive the pond in Peringakulam. The drive was completed in 13 days during which 500 kg of waste was removed. - Tree plantation The tree plantation project is aimed at both carbon programme being carried out in three locations in the at the Agra’s Transport Nagar. Other transport hubs capture and livelihood generation for the farmers in and well-defined strategy with the objective of APMEA operations– Chennai, Kochi and Vadodara. are being identified for replication and expansion of the water starved areas of Tamil Nadu. The company meeting the key needs of these communities, as The targeted audience is being trained in many the project in the coming years. has partnered with TIST Private Ltd of Chennai, India shown in figure11. vocational skills such as apparel making, The nature of its community projects follow a clear Figure 11 1. Understanding needs and requirements of the community 2. Developing priority areas and aims based on community needs housekeeping, personal care, hospitality, making Clean my Village – A community based solid waste management project near the Chennai plant in India home cleaning agents, bouquet and cotton waste products for industry, etc. Besides, Apollo Tyres Foundation has set up self-help groups in the villages as a part of Project U for the empowerment of women. Village women are trained 3. Planning, implementing and monitoring projects under the identified priority areas to deal with various social issues like domestic 4. Reviewing outcomes and understanding impacts of implemented activities for further improvement In the reporting period, the programme provided The company’s initiatives and projects fall under four thrust areas, namely, livelihood generation, health, environment and supply chain Livelihood Generation and Skill Building The company seeks to develop entrepreneurial skills and impart vocational trainings to the unemployed youth and women and provide improved farming practices to raise income levels of the communities. - Project U This is a skill building and livelihood generation 48 APOLLO TYRES LTD violence, dowry, women’s rights, etc. skills training to 349 unemployed youth and women, out of which 131 have started earning. - Improved Farming Practices This project supports the farming community around the Limda plant by providing capacity building services such as modern ways of farming techniques, use of improved varieties of seeds and other ways to increase agricultural productivity and income. The project also offers services related to livestock care and management and breeding camps. In all, 207 farmers benefitted in various ways during the reporting period. ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 49 for this project in various districts of Tamil Nadu and aims to plant 1,00,000 saplings in four phases. programme through various awareness programmes. More than 54,168 people, including truckers and In the reporting period, the company has planted allied population, were treated out of which 3,305 44,000 teak wood saplings through the project which truckers were treated for sexually transmitted has benefitted 52 farmers. infection (STI) and 39,951 counselled for HIV/AIDS. In all, 15,459 HIV tests were carried out, of which 111 Health Initiatives The third thrust area is health for which the company runs one of the biggest and most inclusive Other health initiatives included six eye check-up camps organised at Sanjay Gandhi Transport Nagar programmes. - tested positive. in Delhi for drivers and allied population. The HIV/AIDS Awareness and Prevention programme benefited 503 people, including 179 The company has a comprehensive programme on truck drivers. There were blood donation drives and HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention for all key hygiene improvement activities during which water stakeholders – employees, customers (truckers and dispensers were distributed. allied population), supply chain partners and community, including partners/spouse of patients. The company has targeted interventions in the form of 25 healthcare centres in transport hubs across India, including Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata and Ahmedabad, focusing on truck drivers, commercial sex workers and migrant labour. Three such centres were opened during the reporting period in Farakka (West Bengal), Patna and Nagpur. Supply Chain Initiatives The fourth thrust area is within our supply chain, where the company conducted a few initiatives for the Rubber Tapper community and Grading Centre employees. Eye check-up camp was organised for the employees of rubber grading centre in Kerala in which 29 employees were examined. Eighteen were diagnosed with vision problems and were prescribed Apollo Tyres' 23rd health care clinic in West Bengal, India spectacles. General medical camps were also In the reporting period, we reached out to over 41,953 organised for the tappers and grading centre workers people in the trucker targeted intervention in which 111 were given medical care. Apollo Tyres' initiative to encourage tree plantation in Tamil Nadu, India Philanthropic Activities The company also supports social causes as a part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) spending within India under the APMEA operations. The EA operations has also undertaken sponsorship of events and donations which are primarily targeted at disadvantaged and disabled women and children. people and provided livelihood support to the unemployed. In January 2015, the operations also signed a co-operation agreement with the ROC van Twente and AOC Oost together with other companies in the processed food and feed industry for the startup of a vocational centre for process technology in Eastern Netherlands. The activities are focused around support towards GO GREEN health, education and the disabled. Some of the The company’s Go Green initiatives stem from the initiatives included donations to the hospital to raise belief that it can significantly contribute towards awareness about balanced diet and anaemia, support mitigating the environmental challenges and for education of blind school students and girls from creating a positive impact on the ecosystem. under privileged sector, and donations made during natural disasters such as floods in Kashmir. The EA operations is in direct contact with its local Tyre manufacturing relies on three primary raw communities in Enschede and participates in various materials: natural rubber, synthetic rubber and activities like providing information and attending carbon black. Currently, these three comprise 68.2% question and answer sessions with the deans/ of our total raw material volume consumption. For the teachers and students at technical education APMEA operations, natural rubber claims the bulk of institutions, joining excursions with students and the raw material with a 67.9% share of the total representatives from the universities, industries, etc. rubber usage. In its EA operations, the company During the reporting period, the operations 50 APOLLO TYRES LTD Raw Material Sourcing and Management depends on natural and synthetic rubber. participated in ‘The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge’, The use of raw material is determined by cost and supported chronically ill children and disabled availability. Since traditional natural rubber has seen ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 51 The APMEA operations account for 86.3% At present, most of energy requirement of the (35,58,543.1 GJ) of total energy consumption. organisation is met from non-renewable sources. The Though coal is the primary source of direct energy for company is consciously exploring possibilities of the India operations, the company has consciously using clean energy even if it comes at a premium. For adopted clean energy sources to cut down carbon instance, the company uses wind energy in its footprint. It uses wind energy in its Chennai and Chennai and Limda plants. Limda plants, which is sourced through the grid. In As an effort to reduce emissions, the corporate R&D the reporting year, 4.8% of total energy consumption function at Enschede, the Netherlands, has a set of of the India operations was sourced from wind power. bicycles with allocated bay space at the premises, In the EA operations, energy consumption is 13.7% of the total energy (5,65,448 GJ) consumption. The company uses natural gas for all direct and electricity for indirect energy consumption as it is the predominant energy source in the Netherlands. whereby employees are encouraged to use these as a mode of transport. There is also a battery operated car service, shuttling between the plant and the R&D office, to transport personnel with the aim to save fuel and emissions. In the APMEA operations, GHG emissions in its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions The company is continuously working towards Community engagement in Limda village, India Figure 12 Energy Sourcing and Management TOTAL RAW MATERIAL CONSUMED IN APMEA AND EA REGIONS In metric ton manufacturing process as the component Carbon Black 23.2% preparation and curing processes require intensive Other Raw Materials 31.8% Direct energy sources play a direct role in the tyre Perambra and Chennai plants were reduced by taking a number of initiatives. reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and Water Sourcing and Management climate change impacts in our sustainability journey. Apollo recognises the importance of acting It has taken various initiatives which include responsibly and implementing water conservation reduction in energy consumption, focus on products methods. The company is proud to declare that no like low rolling resistance and emission in water source was significantly affected by withdrawal transportation and logistics etc. of water for any of its operations. Further, the Waste management and segregation project in Tamil Nadu, India heat for stimulating chemical reactions between rubber and other materials. Indirect energy sources (electricity and wind power) is used for functioning of utilities, fixtures and other peripheral requirements supplementing the manufacturing processes. The blend of energy sources is determined by availability, price and Natural Rubber 30.6% Synthetic Rubber 14.4% Total raw material consumed across all our operations: 4,79,206 metric ton Total recycled material: 6,868 metric ton (1.43% of the total raw material consumed) high market volatility, the company has been actively seeking alternative natural sources such as Dandelion and Guayule through its EU PEARLS project. environmental considerations where climate change impacts are the most pressing issues. Figure 13 SHARE OF ENERGY CONSUMED BY SOURCE (DIRECT AND INDIRECT) Total energy consumption (both direct and indirect) 41,23,990 GJ Furnace Oil 5.9% Coal 27.9% Wind 4.0% Gas 13.7% Others 0.2% The company continuously endeavours to cut down consumption by reducing material use through innovation in design of its tyres, without compromising on product quality and safety. Its R&D centres are dedicated to achieve this objective. In addition, it tries to recycle materials to the maximum extent to conserve resources. 52 APOLLO TYRES LTD Steam 21.0% Electricity 27.3% ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 53 Figure 14 TOTAL WATER WITHDRAWAL BY SOURCE Figures in % 98.3 100 focus is on minimising waste generated in its plants. In all its operations, the total solid waste (waste rubber, scrap tyre, rubberised fabric etc.) generated has come down from 19,500 metric ton in FY14 to 15,149 metric ton in the reporting period. 75 Conservation of Biodiversity at our plant locations 50 Apollo is committed to protect and improve its 25 ecosystem. With this in mind, several initiatives have environment to create a positive impact on the 0 r ce fa ur S ate w nd ou Gr 1.1 d al ip s cte ed c i e e l l r un ppli co sto M r u te nd rs wa a ate n i w Ra 0.3 r te wa 0.3 Total annual water withdrawal: 66,51,959 mᵌ company has initiated a few projects in the APMEA operations to conserve water in the reporting period at been carried out including waste management, protection of biodiversity, tree plantation, etc. - Biodiversity Enhancement The company has mapped the impact on biodiversity in its manufacturing locations through formal risk and impact assessment studies. As an outcome of this study, biodiversity conservation projects were initiated at our Perambra and Kalamassery plants. the plant level. These included effective utilisation of These were: sanitary water through wastage minimisation, Ÿ Development of snake repellent shrubs at the employee awareness programmes, increasing in Perambra plant: Shrubs that repel snakes were water recycling capacity, etc. planted in areas of high snake density to secure the main manufacturing premises; Waste Reduction and Management The company has a well-structured waste Ÿ Apiculture at the Perambra plant: Boxes for management system at all its manufacturing locations beehives were placed on rubber trees for honey which takes into account ISO14000 requirements. Our collection. The snake repellent belt and fruit tree garden within the plant premises at Kalamassery and Perambra in India Ÿ Theme gardens at the Perambra and company also saves energy and lowers rolling Kalamassery plants: Butterfly gardens, fruit tree resistance, which in turn, lowers fuel consumption of and herbal gardens were set up with relevant vehicles and reduces their CO2 emissions. flora species. Baseline surveys have been conducted for the other plants to identify biodiversity conservation projects which will be initiated in the near future. INNOVATION To achieve the goal of becoming a preferred global brand in the tyre industry, Apollo is continuously seeking to develop sustainable technologies and products that reduce risks and increase value for our stakeholders. The company focuses on research and development Use of Silica Technology The company is increasingly using silica as reinforcement material in place of carbon black, which is produced by burning petroleum oil, in developing new tyres. This helps us to cut down the use of fossil fuel. Besides, tyres with silica reinforcement give better fuel efficiency to vehicles, thereby, reducing CO2emission. Ford’s upcoming vehicles will be using the product range, Apollo 3G Maxx. Green Compound Technology of new materials, compound development, design The company has invented a new tread compound and simulation that make our products more with the carbon black reinforcing material whose competitive and environment friendly. performance in regards to rolling resistance is Weight Reduction equivalent to that of the silica tread compound. This gives a winning edge to increase tyre fuel efficiency Tyre weight optimisation without compromising tyre without compromising in manufacturing cost. This performance is a priority for the company. The invention fulfils the need of new OE requirements in company optimised the material usage by 2% for its the Indian market. The target for the coming years is high performance and ultra-high performance tyre to further improve the label values of the existing range in the reporting period, which means reduction product lines. in total material used. Through this innovation, the 54 APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 55 FINANCIALS DIRECTORS’ REPORT 59 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 89 STANDALONE ACCOUNTS - AUDITORS’ REPORT 114 - BALANCE SHEET 118 - STATEMENT OF PROFIT & LOSS 119 - CASH FLOW STATEMENT 120 - NOTES 121 CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS 56 APOLLO TYRES LTD - AUDITORS’ REPORT 165 - BALANCE SHEET 170 - STATEMENT OF PROFIT & LOSS 171 - CASH FLOW STATEMENT 172 - NOTES 173 - INFORMATION PERTAINING TO SUBSIDIARIES/ ASSOCIATES / JVs U/S 129(3) 220 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 57 DIRECTORS’ REPORT Dear Member, /#&)!-'0'7)&0!5%0'*5&$70560'<0850.3!/<S:&6)!5&:*7)<087)&¨//8!-&3057!-0/(:*7)7)&!8%*7&%?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/760'<0850.3!/<'057)&?/!/$*!-<&!5&/%&%!5$)S. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE /A>XG:G<B:EI>K?HKF:G<>H?MA>HFI:GR?HKMA>XG:G<B:ER>:K>G=>=(:K<A´²³±²¶BLLNFF:KBL>=;>EHP Particulars Net Sales Other Income 3&5!7*/(50?7|¨} &66U&35&$*!7*0/{¨.057*6!7*0/;3R Finance Cost 509*6*0/'05!; &750?7#&'05&;$&37*0/!-7&.6 ¨%%U;$&37*0/!-7&.6 1HW3UR¿W Year ended Year ended 31.03.2015 31.03.2014 Standalone 31.03.2015 31.03.2014 Consolidated S S S S S S - S S S S S S S |} S S S S S S S |} S S S S S S S |} S S S S OPERATIONS 7:!6708()<&!5'057<5&.!,&56!/%7)*6*65&@&$7&%*/6!-&6(50:7)/8.#&56!7¨30--0<5&67%R On a standalone basis, your Company achieved a net turnover of S.*--*0/!6!(!*/67 S.*--*0/%85*/(7)& 35&9*086?/!/$*!-<&!5R¨:!6!7 S.*--*0/!6$0.3!5&%70 S.*--*0/%85*/(7)&35&9*086?/!/$*!- <&!5R)&/&7350?7'057)&<&!58/%&55&9*&::!6 S.*--*0/S!6!(!*/67 S.*--*0/*/7)&35&9*086?6$!-S! (50:7)0'R )&$0/60-*%!7&%/&7785/09&50'<0850.3!/<:!6 S.*--*0/%85*/(S!6$0.3!5&%70 S.*--*0/ */S%8&705&6758$785*/(0'087)¨'5*$!3&5!7*0/6R)&$0/60-*%!7&%¨:!6 S.*--*0/'05!6 compared to S.*--*0/'057)&35&9*086?/!/$*!-<&!5R/$0/60-*%!7&%#!6*6S¨30--0<5&6&!5/&%/&7350?70' S.*--*0/'05!6!(!*/67 S.*--*0/'057)&35&9*086?/!/$*!-<&!5R RAW MATERIALS 85*/(7)&<&!5S7)&5!:.!7&5*!-$067%&$-*/&%!508/%09&57)&-!67<&!5R !785!- 8##&5 35*$&6 58-&% -0:&5 */ %8& 70 :&!, %&.!/% '50. .!+05 $0/68.*/( #-0$,6R )& %0.&67*$ 58##&5 350%8$7*0/*//%*!$0/7*/8&670'!--6)0570'7)&%&.!/%!/%*.305760'58##&5'50.)!*-!/%S!-!<6*!!/%/%0/&6*! were necessary to offset the shortfall in domestic supplies. In order to ensure long term sustainability of our natural rubber supply chain, your Company supported the Kerala 09&5/.&/76$)&.&0'6085$*/(%0.&67*$58##&5!7)*()&57)!/*/7&5/!7*0/!-35*$&6R 5&/758%&0*-35*$&6$!.&%0:/%85*/(7)&-!7&53!570'7)&<&!5708$)*/(!-0:0'{##-R)*6*635*.!5*-<0/ !$$08/7 0' .&.#&56 $0/7*/8*/( 70 .!*/7!*/ 7)&*5 350%8$7*0/ -&9&-6 %&63*7& 67&!%< 5*6& */ 350%8$7*0/ '50. 0/ 350%8$&56R Synthetic Rubber prices remained subdued in the year under review, in view of general weakness in commodities and also due to softness in its inputs. Other Crude based raw materials such as carbon black displayed a similar trend. )&!/7*N%8.3*/(%87<$0/7*/8&%0/*.305760'<-0/<5&05%'!#5*$'50.)*/!!/%$!5#0/#-!$,*.30576'50.)*/!S )!*-!/%!/%866*!R¨/7*%8.3*/(%87<3&7*7*0/)!6!-60#&&/?-&%'05*.305760'$!5#0/#-!$,'50.05&!R/!%%*7*0/ 7)&!/7*%8.3*/(0/$&57!*/58##&5$)&.*$!-6'50.)*/!!/%05&!:!6*/$5&!6&%%85*/(7)&-!67?6$!-R )&!9&5!(&&;$)!/(&5!7&0'583&&)!6:&!,&/&%#<!508/%!(!*/677)&%0--!5%85*/(7)&35&9*086<&!5R )& 0.3!/<c6 '0$86 0/ -*48*%*7< .!/!(&.&/7 !/% 5*6, .*7*(!7*0/ 7)508() !-7&5/!7& 6085$& %&9&-03.&/7 $0/7*/8&% during the year. 58 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 59 In India with the Government committed to investment in Infrastructure, it should augur well for the automobile and the 7<5&*/%8675<R)&5!:.!7&5*!-35*$&6!5&-*,&-<705&$09&5*/7)&-!7&53!570'7)&<&!5:*7)*.3509&.&/7*/!870.0#*-& demand and pick-up in economic activity. 5!85!98.!5)!6#&&/!330*/7&%!6)*&'*/!/$*!-'?$&5S:*7)&''&$7'50.!<SR 6&&.!)!3!5)!6#&&/!330*/7&%!60.3!/<&$5&7!5<0'7)&0.3!/<:*7)&''&$7'50.¨35*-S%8&70 5&7*5&.&/70'5!)!-R DIVIDEND C) Declaration by Independent Director(s) 0850.3!/<)!6!$0/6*67&/775!$,5&$05%0'%*9*%&/%3!<.&/7R)&*5&$7056!5&3-&!6&%705&$0..&/%!%*9*%&/%0' {N|}3&56)!5&0' {N&!$)0/48*7<)!5&!3*7!-0'7)&0.3!/<'05'05<085!33509!-R)&5&:*--#&/0 7!;%&%8$7*0/!76085$&0/%*9*%&/%3!<.&/76S#87<0850.3!/<:*--)!9&70#&!57!;0/%*9*%&/%MRS*/$-86*9& of surcharge. / 7&5.6 :*7) &$7*0/ |} 0' 7)& 0.3!/*&6 ¨$7S S &9&5< /%&3&/%&/7 *5&$705 0' 7)& 0.3!/< )!6 submitted a declaration that they meet the criteria of Independence. D) Formal Annual Evaluation 8568!/7707)&3509*6*0/60'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7S7)&0!5%*65&48*5&%70$!55<087!//8!-&9!-8!7*0/0'*760:/ 3&5'05.!/$&!/%7)!70'*76$0..*77&&6!/%*/%*9*%8!-*5&$7056R)&0.*/!7*0/!/%&.8/&5!7*0/0..*77&&0' 7)&0!5%*6!-605&48*5&%70$!55<087&9!-8!7*0/0'&9&5<*5&$705a63&5'05.!/$&R¨$$05%*/(-<<0850.3!/<)!6 $!55*&%0877)&&5'05.!/$&9!-8!7*0/!65&48*5&%%85*/(7)&<&!58/%&55&9*&:R 05!//8!-3&5'05.!/$&&9!-8!7*0/0'7)&0!5%!6!:)0-&S*760..*77&&|6}!/%*/%*9*%8!-*5&$7056*/$-8%*/(7)& )!*5.!/0'7)&0!5%S7)&0.3!/<)!6'05.8-!7&%!48&67*0//!*5&70!66*67*/&9!-8!7*0/0'7)&3&5'05.!/$&R )&700-7!,&67)&'05.0'!6&5*&60'!66&57*0/6{48&67*0/6:)*$)6)08-%#&!:!5%&%!5!7*/(0/!6$!-&0'70 #<!--*/%*9*%8!-*5&$7056R9&5<*5&$705)!670?--7)&48&67*0//!*5&5&-!7&%707)&3&5'05.!/$&0'7)&0!5%S*76 0..*77&&6!/%*/%*9*%8!-*5&$7056&;$&37)*.6&-'R/7)&#!6*60'7)&5&630/6&707)&48&67*0//!*5&S!'05.!- annual evaluation has been made by the Board of its own performance and that of its Committees and individual Directors. E) Separate Meeting of Independent Directors /7&5.60'5&48*5&.&/768/%&5$)&%8-&0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7S!/%-!86&0'7)&*67*/(¨(5&&.&/7S !6&3!5!7&.&&7*/(0'7)&/%&3&/%&/7*5&$7056:!6)&-%0/$70#&5SR )&/%&3&/%&/7*5&$7056!77)&.&&7*/(5&9*&:&%7)&'0--0:*/(UN I &5'05.!/$&0'/0/*/%&3&/%&/7*5&$7056!/%0!5%!6!:)0-&R I &5'05.!/$& 0' 7)& )!*53&560/ 0' 7)& 0.3!/<S 7!,*/( */70 !$$08/7 7)& 9*&:6 0' &;&$87*9& *5&$7056 !/% /0/N&;&$87*9&*5&$7056R I ¨66&667)&48!-*7<S48!/7*7<!/%7*.&-*/&660'@0:0'*/'05.!7*0/#&7:&&/7)&0.3!/<.!/!(&.&/7!/%7)& Board that is necessary for the Board to effectively and reasonably perform their duties. F) Remuneration Policy )& 0!5% )!6S 0/ 7)& 5&$0..&/%!7*0/ 0' 7)& 0.*/!7*0/ &.8/&5!7*0/ 0..*77&&S -!*% %0:/ ! 0.*/!7*0/ &.8/&5!7*0/ 30-*$< '05 6&-&$7*0/ !/% !330*/7.&/7 0' 7)& *5&$7056S &< !/!(&5*!- &560//&- !/% &/*05 !/!(&.&/7!/%7)&*55&.8/&5!7*0/R)&0.3!/<a630-*$<0/*5&$7056a!330*/7.&/7 5&.8/&5!7*0/*667!7&%*/ the Corporate Governance Report. )&%*9*%&/%S*'!33509&%S6)!--#&3!<!#-&707)&6)!5&)0-%&565&(*67&5&%*/7)&#00,60'7)&0.3!/<!/%707)&#&/&?$*!- 0:/&56!63&5%&7!*-6'85/*6)&%#<7)&%&306*705*&6S%&7&5.*/&%:*7)5&'&5&/$&707)&#00,$-0685&'50.¨8(867S 70¨8(867S|#07)%!<6*/$-86*9&}R RESERVES )&!.08/7!9!*-!#-&'05!335035*!7*0/6S*/$-8%*/(6853-86'50.35&9*086<&!5!.08/7&%70 SR.*--*0/R853-86 of SR.*--*0/)!6#&&/$!55*&%'05:!5%707)&#!-!/$&6)&&7!'7&53509*%*/('05%*9*%&/%0' SR.*--*0/S %*9*%&/%7!;0' R.*--*0/S%&#&/785&5&%&.37*0/5&6&59&0' R.*--*0/!/%(&/&5!-5&6&59&0' R million. RESTRUCTURING ¨30--0 <5&6 ¨'5*$! 5035*&7!5< *.*7&%S 68#6*%*!5< */ 087) ¨'5*$! |7)& 5&6*%8!- 03&5!7*0/ !'7&5 7)& 6!-& 0' 7)& .!*/ #86*/&66 70 8.*70.0 8##&5 /%8675*&6 -!67 <&!5} 90-8/7!5*-< */*7*!7&% 86*/&66 &6$8& 50$&&%*/(6 0/ &37&.#&5 S S !6 3&5 7)& 3509*6*0/6 0' 7)& 087) ¨'5*$! 0.3!/*&6 ¨$7 %8& 70 35&9!*-*/( !%9&56& #86*/&66 conditions. A Business Rescue Plan, to help the Subsidiary Company to restructure its operations, was submitted to 0.3!/*&6!/%/7&--&$78!-503&57<0..*66*0/|}0/$70#&5SR Due to uncompetitive cost structure and continuous labour unrest and related activities resulting in lack of viability, 0.3!/< %&$*%&% 70 $-06& 7)& 85#!/ .!/8'!$785*/( 3-!/7 :R&R'R 09&.#&5 S :)*$) *.3!$7&% !508/% personnel. 86*/&66&6$8&350$&&%*/(6:&5&7&5.*/!7&%0/!5$)S!'7&57)&68$$&66'8-*.3-&.&/7!7*0/0'7)&#86*/&66 5&6$8&3-!/R0:7)&!'05&6!*%8#6*%*!5<0.3!/<)!65&785/&%70!67!7860'c*/#86*/&66cR¨/07*$&'05$0/?5.*/(7)& termination of Business Rescue Process has been submitted to Commissioner of Companies and Intellectual Property 0..*66*0/|}0/!5$)SR )&0.3!/<$0/7*/8&6*7675!%*/(!$7*9*7*&6*/¨'5*$!S6&--*/(#07)¨30--0!/%5&%&67&*/#5!/%&%7<5&67)508()0877)& continent. BOARD OF DIRECTORS A) Appointment/Re-appointment of Directors 8568!/7707)&3509*6*0/60'6&$7*0/0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7S!/%*/!$$05%!/$&:*7)3509*6*0/60'¨57*$-&6 0'¨660$*!7*0/0'7)&0.3!/<S58/!.!5,!5|U}S*5&$7050'7)&0.3!/<S*6-*!#-&705&7*5&#< rotation and being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment. 58/!.!,!5*6/07%*648!-*?&%8/%&5&$7*0/|}0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7SR B) Changes in Directors and Key Managerial Personnel 85*/( 7)& <&!5 8/%&5 5&9*&:S 5 #&50* |U}S )*&' |05305!7& ¨''!*56} )0-& 7*.& *5&$705S $&!6&%70#&!*5&$7050'7)&0.3!/<:*7)&''&$7'50.09&.#&5SR 5 !$0# )0.!6 |U} )!6 5&6*(/&% '50. 7)& *5&$7056)*3 0' 7)& 0.3!/< :*7) &''&$7 '50. !<SR 5 !+ !/&5+* :!6 !330*/7&% !6 7)& )*&' */!/$*!- '?$&5S :*7) &''&$7 '50. &#58!5< S S */ 3-!$& 0' 58/!.!5,!5:)0:!65&N%&6*(/!7&%!65&6*%&/7 )*&'86*/&66'?$&5!/%)0-&*.&*5&$705R 0:&9&5S 5!+!/&5+*)!65&6*(/&%:*7)&''&$7'50.¨35*-SR *65&6*(/!7*0/:!635&$*3*7!7&%%8&70'8/%!.&/7!- $)!/(&707)&6758$785&0')*650-&:)*$):08-%)!9&5&48*5&%)*.705&-0$!7&70/%*!)!9*/(5&$&/7-<5&-0$!7&%70 UK. 60 | APOLLO TYRES LTD PRODUCT & MARKETING 05¨30--0<5&6S*7:!6!<&!50'.!*/7!*/*/(*76-&!%&56)*3306*7*0/*//%*!S&;3!/%*/(7)&350%8$73057'0-*0!$50667)& globe and pushing into new markets. )&¨¨|¨6*!!$*?$S*%%-&!67 ¨'5*$!}03&5!7*0/68/%&5700,.8-7*3-&*/*7*!7*9&6-*,&!//08/$*/(7)&67!570'7)& 5&75&!%*/(#86*/&66*//%*!S-!8/$)*/(/%*!a6-!5(&67-0!%&57<5&!77)&05*/750%8$*/(7)&¨7<5& :*7)7)&*/%8675<a6?56775!$7*0/75&!%%&6*(/R)&0.3!/<*/750%8$&%*76¨30--0!/%!/$)&67&5/*7&%$0N#5!/%&% 7<5&6*/)!*-!/%!/%-!8/$)&%!/&:$50663-<7&$)/0-0(<#!6&%7<5&S¨N :*7)¨30--0 7&$)/0-0(<S'057)& /%0/&6*!/ .!5,&7R 7 03&/&% *76 ?567 ¨30--0 0/& */ 8:!*7 !/% $0/7*/8&% :*7) 7)& #5!/% #8*-%*/( &;&5$*6& :*7) *76 &5'05.!/$&N)&5&!5&/0)057$876O$!.3!*(/%85*/(7)&<&!5R 0--0:*/(!6*.*-!5675!7&(<S7)&¨|8503& ¨.&5*$!}03&5!7*0/6!//08/$&%350%8$7-!8/$)&60'7)&¨30--0¨-/!$ O¨--&!60/!/%*/7&57<5&6S5&%&67&*/8!75!$!/%/0:75!$7<5&6R)&03&5!7*0/!-60&.#!5,&%0/!6*;N.0/7) 350.07*0/!-7085!$5066$08/75*&6*/8503&70*/750%8$&*76'8--5!/(&0'¨30--0#5!/%&%*/%8675*!-7<5&670&/%86&56 and tyre specialist. 0850.3!/<&;305767009&5$08/75*&6!$50667)&(-0#&R)&350%8$76S*/$-8%*/()&!9<!/%-*()7$0..&5$*!-7<5&6S 3!66&/(&5$!57<5&6S&7$!5&?/%*/(!$$&37!/$&*/.!/<.!5,&76%8&707)&)*()350%8$748!-*7<R ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 61 EXPANSION PROGRAMME AND FUTURE OUTLOOK )&0.3!/<6&&,6!)*()&5.!5,&76)!5&*/7)&8503&!/5&(*0/R855&/7-<S7)&0.3!/<*68/!#-&70'8--<.&&77)& %&.!/%*/8503&'05*767<5&6%8&70$!3!$*7<$0/675!*/76R/-*()70'%&.!/%6833-<6*78!7*0/*/8503&!5&&/?&-% 50+&$7*/ 8/(!5<:*--#&&67!#-*6)&%*//&;7<&!56S!7!350+&$7$0670'!3350;*.!7&-<850.*--*0/R)*6:*--#& '8/%&%:*7)*/7&5/!-!$$58!-6!/%%&#7!77)&8503&!/68#6*%*!5<-&9&-R)&3-!//&%$!3!$*7<*6&;3&$7&%70#&R/ !66&/(&5!5<5&6|}3&5!//8.!/%S58$,86!%*!-<5&6|}3&5!//8.R 857)&5S 7)& 0.3!/< 6&&6 ! )8(& 307&/7*!- */ 7)& ¨¨ 5&(*0/R ¨6 ! :!< '05:!5%S 7)& 0.3!/< :*-- $0/7*/8& 70 '0--0:*7667!7&%30-*$<0'6&&,*/((50:7)0330578/*7*&6R)&0.3!/<:*---00,!7$!3!$*7<&;3!/6*0/S5&&/?&-%6!/% 50:/?&-%6*/-*/&:*7)*7609&5!--(50:7)675!7&(<R/&0'7)&,&<3*--!56'057)&0.3!/<a668$$&66:*--#&7&$)/0-0(<R 0'857)&5675&/(7)&/7)*6S7)&0.3!/<)!66&783!$0..&5$*!-9&)*$-&7<5& '!$*-*7<*/)&//!*S/%*!S!6:&--!6! 3!66&/(&59&)*$-&7<5& $&/75&*/7)&&7)&5-!/%6R 85*/(7)&<&!5S7)&0!5%)!6!33509&%!$!3*7!-&;3&/%*785&0'.*--*0/'05!/&;3!/6*0/!77)&)&//!*3-!/7 '057)&58$, 865!%*!-7<5&$!3!$*7<'50.7)&35&6&/77<5&63&5%!<707<5&63&5%!<!/%!7!-!.!66&5< 3-!/7'050/9&56*0/0'7)&$0.3!/<c6-&!6&%03&5!7*0/6'50.#*!6758$,7<5&67063&$*!-*7<{*/%8675*!-7<5&6R MATERIAL CHANGES AND COMMITMENTS 0.!7&5*!-$)!/(&6!/%$0..*7.&/76!''&$7*/(7)&?/!/$*!-306*7*0/0'<0850.3!/<)!9&0$$855&%#&7:&&/7)&&/% 0'7)&?/!/$*!-<&!50'7)&0.3!/<70:)*$)7)&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/765&-!7&!/%0/7)&%!7&0'7)*65&3057R SIGNIFICANT MATERIAL ORDERS PASSED BY REGULATORS 06*(/*?$!/7!/%.!7&5*!-05%&56)!9&#&&/3!66&%%85*/(7)&<&!58/%&55&9*&:#<7)&5&(8-!705605$085760575*#8/!-6 *.3!$7*/(7)&(0*/($0/$&5/67!786!/%0.3!/<a603&5!7*0/6*/'8785&R CHANGE IN THE NATURE OF BUSINESS, IF ANY )&5&*6/0$)!/(&*/7)&/!785&0'#86*/&660'<0850.3!/<%85*/(7)&<&!58/%&55&9*&:R INTERNAL FINANCIAL CONTROLS )&0.3!/<)!6*%&/7*?&%!/%%0$8.&/7&%!--,&<*/7&5/!-?/!/$*!-$0/750-6S:)*$)*.3!$767)&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76S !63!570'*767!/%!5%3&5!7*/(50$&%85&6|6}R)&6!5&%&6*(/&%'05!--$5*7*$!-350$&66&6!$5066!--3-!/76S :!5&)086&6!/%0'?$&6:)&5&*/?/!/$*!-75!/6!$7*0/6!5&8/%&57!,&/R)&6$09&57)&67!/%!5%350$&66&6S5*6,6S,&< $0/750-6!/%&!$)350$&66*6*%&/7*?&%70!350$&660:/&5R)&?/!/$*!-$0/750-6!5&7&67&%'0503&5!7*/(&''&$7*9&/&66 through management ongoing monitoring and review process and independently by the Internal Audit. In our view the /7&5/!-*/!/$*!-0/750-6S&''&$7*/(7)&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76!5&!%&48!7&!/%!5&03&5!7*/(&''&$7*9&-<R !77)&5&(*67&5&%0'?$&!/%$05305!7&)&!%48!57&50'<0850.3!/<R¨67!7&.&/7*/05.¨N$0/7!*/*/(7)&6!-*&/7 '&!785& 0' 7)& ?/!/$*!- 67!7&.&/76 0' 7)& 0.3!/<a6 68#6*%*!5*&6S !660$*!7& !/% +0*/7 9&/785& *6 !-60 !77!$)&% :*7) ?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76R DEBENTURES )&'0--0:*/(6&5*&60'&#&/785&6:&5&5&%&&.&%%85*/(7)&<&!5U Redemption Date Particulars Redemption Amount ( Million) ¨8(867S R0/0/9&57*#-&&#&/785&6N/N&$85&% S &$&.#&5S R0/0/9&57*#-&&#&/785&6N/N&$85&% S &#58!5<S R0/0/9&57*#-&&#&/785&6N&$85&% !5$)S R0/0/9&57*#-&&#&/785&6N&$85&% S DEPOSITS 85*/(7)&<&!58/%&55&9*&:S<0850.3!/<%*%/07!$$&37%&306*76$09&5&%8/%&5)!37&50'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7R AUDITORS {6R &-0*77& !6,*/6 &--6S )&//!*S )!57&5&% ¨$$08/7!/76S |&(*675!7*0/ 0R}S )!% #&&/ !330*/7&% !6 7!78705<¨8%*70560'<0850.3!/<S'05!3&5*0%0'7)5&&<&!56'50.70!77)&¨//8!-&/&5!-&&7*/()&-% 0/¨8(867SR 0:&9&5S!63&57)&?5673509*600'&$7*0/|}0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7SS7)&!330*/7.&/70' !8%*7056)!670#&5!7*?&%#<7)&.&.#&56!7&9&5<!//8!-(&/&5!-.&&7*/(R )&0.3!/<)!65&$&*9&%!-&77&5'50.7)&!8%*7056$0/?5.*/(7)!77)&<!5&&-*(*#-&'055&N!330*/7.&/7!6!8%*70560' 7)&0.3!/<8/%&56&$7*0/0'0.3!/*&6¨$7S!/%.&&77)&$5*7&5*!'05!330*/7.&/763&$*?&%*/6&$7*0/ 0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7SR !6&%0/7)&5&$0..&/%!7*0/60'7)&¨8%*70..*77&&!/%!63&57)&3509*6*0/60'&$7*0/|}S0'7)&0.3!/*&6 ¨$7S 7)& 0!5% 0' *5&$7056 0' <085 0.3!/< 350306&6 70 5!7*'< 7)& !330*/7.&/7 {6R &-0*77& !6,*/6 &--6S )&//!*S)!57&5&%¨$$08/7!/76S!67)&7!78705<¨8%*70560'7)&0.3!/<'05R AUDITORS’ REPORT )&$0..&/760/67!7&.&/70'!$$08/765&'&55&%70*/7)&5&30570'7)&!8%*7056!5&6&-'&;3-!/!705<R)&¨8%*7056a &3057%0&6/07$0/7!*/!/<48!-*?$!7*0/S5&6&59!7*0/05!%9&56&5&.!5,R MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS REPORT COST AUDIT ¨65&48*5&%#<$-!86&0'7)&-*67*/(!(5&&.&/7:*7)7)&70$,;$)!/(&6S!%&7!*-&%!/!(&.&/7*6$866*0/!/% Analysis Report is presented in a separate section forming part of the annual report. {603!-!,5*6)/!/ 0RS067¨$$08/7!/76S:&5&!330*/7&%:*7)7)&!33509!-0'7)&0!5%70$!55<0877)&$067 !8%*7*/5&63&$70'7)&0.3!/<a6'!$*-*7*&6!7&5!.#5!S!%0%!5!!/%)&//!*!6:&--!60.3!/<a6-&!6&%03&5!7&% 3-!/7!7!-!.!66&5<'057)&R SUBSIDIARY/ASSOCIATE & JOINT VENTURE COMPANIES As the Company follows its global ambition to become a global tyre brand of choice, it had to create multiple subsidiaries/ !660$*!7&!/%+0*/79&/785&'05'!$*-*7!7*/(7)&6&03&5!7*0/6*/9!5*086$08/75*&6R¨60/!5$)S<0850.3!/<)!6 68#6*%*!5*&6*/$-8%*/(67&368#6*%*!5*&6S!660$*!7&!/%+0*/79&/785&R 85*/(7)&<&!58/%&55&9*&:S7)&0.3!/<)!%*/$05305!7&%¨30--0<5&6|5&&/?&-%}0N3&5!7*&'R¨!6*7668#6*%*!5< 0/8/&S*/¨.67&5%!.R ¨30--0<5&6R)!%*/$05305!7&%¨30--0<5&6 8/(!5<'7!6*76:)0--<0:/&%68#6*%*!5<0/8/&S*/ 8/(!5<R ¨30--0<5&6|}97R7%R)!%*/$05305!7&%¨30--0<5&65039&67|}7%R!6*76:)0--<0:/&%68#6*%*!5<0/&$&.#&5 S*/0/%0/R ¨30--0<5&6|!0}0R7%S:)0--<0:/&%68#6*%*!5<0'¨30--0<5&6 0-%*/(6|*/(!305&}7&7%R:!6:08/%830/ !<SR ¨30--0¨$48*6*7*0/053:)0--<0:/&%68#6*%*!5<0'¨30--0<5&6R:!6:08/%830/!5$)SR ¨ 0-%*/(6 *.*7&%S !-0/( :*7) *76 68#6*%*!5*&6 9*=R 8/-03 *.#!#:& |7<} 7%RS !%8/ /9&67.&/76 7< 7%S !/%¨*/*/(|97}7%!/%!660$*!7&9*=R!7*0/!-<5&&59*$&67%RS$&!6&%70#&68#6*%*!5*&6!/%!660$*!7&0'7)& 0.3!/<:R&R'!5$)SR ¨63&57)&3509*6*0/60'6&$7*0/0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7SS7)&$0/60-*%!7&%?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/760'7)&0.3!/< !/%*7668#6*%*!5*&6!5&!77!$)&%*/7)&!//8!-5&3057R¨67!7&.&/7$0/7!*/*/(#5*&'?/!/$*!-%&7!*-60'!--7)&68#6*%*!5*&6 0'7)&0.3!/<'057)&<&!5&/%&%!5$)S'05.63!570'7)&!//8!-5&3057R)&!//8!-!$$08/760'68#6*%*!5< $0.3!/*&6:*--#&.!%&!9!*-!#-&706)!5&)0-%&560/5&48&67!/%:*--!-60#&,&37'05*/63&$7*0/#<!/<6)!5&)0-%&5 62 | APOLLO TYRES LTD !6&%0/7)&5&$0..&/%!7*0/0'7)&¨8%*70..*77&&S{6R03!-!,5*6)/!/ 0RS067¨$$08/7!/76S#&*/(&-*(*#-&S )!9&!-60#&&/!330*/7&%#<7)&0!5%!67)&067¨8%*7056'0568#+&$7706)!5&)0-%&5a6!33509!-R)&0.3!/<)!6 received a letter from them to the effect that their re-appointment would be within the limits prescribed under Section |}|(}0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7S!/%7)!77)&<!5&/07%*648!-*?&%'0568$)5&N!330*/7.&/7:*7)*/7)&.&!/*/(0' &$7*0/0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7SR MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ¨$!-&/%!50'.&&7*/(6*635&3!5&%!/%$*5$8-!7&%*/!%9!/$&707)&*5&$7056R85*/(7)&<&!5|?9&}#0!5%.&&7*/(6:&5& $0/9&/&%!/%)&-%R)&*/7&59&/*/((!3#&7:&&/7)&.&&7*/(6:!6:*7)*/7)&3&5*0%35&6$5*#&%8/%&57)&0.3!/*&6 ¨$7S!/%7)&*67*/(¨(5&&.&/7:*7)70$,;$)!/(&6R)&%&7!*-60'!--0!5%{0..*77&&.&&7*/(6)&-%!5&(*9&/ in the Corporate Governance Report. EXIT/DELISTING FROM STOCK EXCHANGE &$85*7*&6!/%;$)!/(&0!5%0'/%*!|})!6(5!/7&%&;*705%&5%!7&%&$&.#&5S707)&0$)*/70$, ;$)!/(&|}!/%7)&70$,;$)!/(&)!65&785/&%*76-*$&/6&70R/-*()70'7)&6!*%05%&5S!--7)&3509*6*0/6 0'*67*/(¨(5&&.&/7S:08-%#&!33-*$!#-&700.3!/*&6-*67&%:*7)S7*--7)&48!57&5&/%&%&$&.#&5SR¨6 7)&0$)*/70$,;$)!/(&*6/0-0/(&5*/&;*67&/$&S<0850.3!/<:08-%5&.!*/-*67&%0/7)&70$,;$)!/(&6/!.&-< R ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 63 AUDIT COMMITTEE PARTICULARS OF EMPLOYEES )& %&7!*-6 0' 7)& ¨8%*7 0..*77&& */$-8%*/( *76 $0.306*7*0/ !/% 7&5.6 0' 5&'&5&/$& .&/7*0/&% */ 7)& 05305!7& 09&5/!/$&&3057'05.63!570'*5&$7056a&3057R )&0!5%S%85*/(7)&<&!58/%&55&9*&:S)!%!$$&37&%!--5&$0..&/%!7*0/6.!%&70*7#<7)&¨8%*70..*77&&R !57*$8-!560'&.3-0<&&6!65&48*5&%*/7&5.60'7)&3509*6*0/60'&$7*0/0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7SS5&!%:*7)58-& |}0'7)&0.3!/*&6|¨330*/7.&/7!/%&.8/&5!7*0/0'!/!(&5*!-&560//&-}8-&6SS!5&6&7087*/¨//&;85&¨ 707)&*5&$7056a&3057R VIGIL MECHANISM / WHISTLE BLOWER POLICY PREVENTION OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF WOMEN AT WORKPLACE )& 0.3!/< )!6 '05.8-!7&% ! 9*(*- .&$)!/*6. 7)508() )*67-& -0:&5 0-*$< 70 %&!- :*7) */67!/$&6 0' 8/&7)*$!- #&)!9*085S!$78!-056863&$7&%S'5!8%059*0-!7*0/0'0.3!/<a6$0%&0'$0/%8$705&7)*$630-*$<R)&%&7!*-60'7)&30-*$< *6&;3-!*/&%*/7)&05305!7&09&5/!/$&&3057!/%!-603067&%0/7)&:&#6*7&0'7)&0.3!/<R 0850.3!/<)!6*/3-!$&!'05.!-30-*$<'0535&9&/7*0/0'6&;8!-)!5!66.&/70'*76:0.&/&.3-0<&&6*/-*/&:*7)^)& &;8!- !5!66.&/70'0.&/!705,3-!$&|5&9&/7*0/S50)*#*7*0/!/%&%5&66!-}¨$7SR COMMITTEES OF BOARD 8568!/7705&48*5&.&/78/%&50.3!/*&6¨$7S!/%*67*/(¨(5&&.&/7S7)&0!5%0'*5&$7056)!6$0/67*787&%9!5*086 $0..*77&&6 0' 0!5% 68$) !6 ¨8%*7 0..*77&&S 0.*/!7*0/ &.8/&5!7*0/ 0..*77&&S 7!,&)0-%&56 &-!7*0/6)*3 0..*77&&!/%05305!7&0$*!-&630/6*#*-*7<0..*77&&R)&%&7!*-60'$0.306*7*0/!/%7&5.60'5&'&5&/$&0'7)&6& committees are mentioned in the Corporate Governance Report. SHARE CAPITAL During the year under review, the Issued, Subscribed and Paid-up Share Capital of the Company has been */$5&!6&% '50. SSS )!5&6 0' &!$) 70 SSS 6)!5&6 0' &!$)S %8& 70 !--07.&/7 0' SS 48*7< )!5&6 0' '!$& 9!-8& 0' &!$) 0/ 8/& S S 38568!/7 70 $0/9&56*0/ 0' SS :!55!/76 *668&% 70 350.07&560/&$&.#&5S0/35&'&5&/7*!-#!6*6R a) Issue of equity shares with differential rights 0850.3!/<)!6/07*668&%!/<48*7<)!5&6:*7)%*''&5&/7*!-5*()76%85*/(7)&<&!58/%&55&9*&:R b) Issue of sweat equity shares 0850.3!/<)!6/07*668&%!/<:&!748*7<)!5&6%85*/(7)&<&!58/%&55&9*&:R c) Issue of employee stock options 0850.3!/<)!6/07*668&%!/<&.3-0<&&670$,037*0/6%85*/(7)&<&!58/%&55&9*&:R 85*/(7)&<&!58/%&55&9*&:S7)&5&:&5&/0$!6&6?-&%38568!/7707)&&;8!- !5!66.&/70'0.&/!705,3-!$& |5&9&/7*0/S50)*#*7*0/!/%&%5&66!-}¨$7SR SECRETARIAL AUDITOR 8568!/7703509*6*0/60'&$7*0/0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7S!/%7)&0.3!/*&6|¨330*/7.&/7!/%&.8/&5!7*0/ 0' !/!(&5*!- &560//&-} 8-&6S S <085 0.3!/< )!6 !330*/7&% {6 RRR ¨660$*!7&6S 0.3!/< &$5&7!5*&6 !6 &$5&7!5*!-¨8%*7050'7)&0.3!/<'05708/%&57!,&&$5&7!5*!-¨8%*70'7)&0.3!/<R )&&$5&7!5*!-¨8%*7&3057%0&6/07$0/7!*/!/<48!-*?$!7*0/S5&6&59!7*0/05!%9&56&5&.!5,R&$5&7!5*!-¨8%*7&3057 (*9&/#<&$5&7!5*!-¨8%*7056*6!//&;&%:*7)7)&5&3057!6¨//&;85&R AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS /*76$0/67!/748&67'05(50:7)!/%!$)*&9&.&/7S<0850.3!/<:!6)0/085&%!/%5&$0(/*6&%!79!5*086'058.6R)& prominent Awards are listed below for your reference. Name of the Award Category Awarded By Intermedia Globe Advertising 05-%&%*!&67*9!-O-0#!-0.3&7*7*0/ for Modern Media /9&67050'7)&&!5 !5(&675&&/?&-%/9&67.&/7 ¨(&/$<| ¨}!/%7)&*/*675<0'05&*(/ of the year ¨''!*56!/%5!%& 8+!5!77!7&&9&-8!-*7<*5$-& 0.3&7*7*0/ - CII ¨6*!a6&670.3!/<70:05,'05 Auto Component 5&!7-!$&7005, /%*!a6&670.3!/<'05 Auto Ancillary )&$0/0.*$*.&6 8##&5!/0'7)&&!5 - Rubber Asia PARTICULARS OF LOANS, GUARANTEES OR INVESTMENTS UNDER SECTION 186 &;7&/&5!7*0/&!%&5¨:!5% - !/8'!$785*/(0%!< During the year under review, your Company has not given any loan or guarantee which is covered under the provisions 0'&$7*0/0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7SR 0:&9&5S%&7!*-60'*/9&67.&/7.!%&%85*/(7)&<&!5S!5&(*9&/8/%&5/07&6 to the Finanacial Statements. !7*0/!-50%8$7*9*7<0.3&7*7*0/ - G 3URYLVLRQRIPRQH\E\&RPSDQ\IRUSXUFKDVHRILWVRZQVKDUHVE\HPSOR\HHVRUE\WUXVWHHVIRUWKHEHQH¿WRI employees 0850.3!/<)!6/07.!%&!/<3509*6*0/0'.0/&<'05385$)!6&0'*760:/)!5&6#<&.3-0<&&605#<75867&&6'05 7)&#&/&?70'&.3-0<&&6%85*/(7)&<&!58/%&55&9*&:R )&¨/%*!¨:!5%6 RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS ¨--$0/75!$76{!55!/(&.&/76{75!/6!$7*0/6&/7&5&%#<7)&0.3!/<%85*/(7)&?/!/$*!-<&!5:*7)5&-!7&%3!57*&6:&5& */7)&05%*/!5<$0856&0'#86*/&66!/%0/!/!5.a6-&/(7)#!6*6!/%%0/07!775!$77)&3509*6*0/60'&$7*0/0'7)& 0.3!/*&6¨$7SR85*/(7)&<&!5S7)&0.3!/<)!%/07&/7&5&%*/70!/<$0/75!$7{!55!/(&.&/7{75!/6!$7*0/:*7) related parties which could be considered material in accordance with the policy of the Company on materiality of related party transactions. 8*7!#-& %*6$-0685& !6 5&48*5&% #< 7)& ¨$$08/7*/( 7!/%!5%6 |¨} )!6 #&&/ .!%& */ 7)& /07&6 70 7)& */!/$*!- 7!7&.&/76R)&30-*$<0/&-!7&%!57<5!/6!$7*0/6!6!33509&%#<7)&0!5%*683-0!%&%0/7)&0.3!/<a6:&#6*7&R MANAGERIAL REMUNERATION !} )& %&7!*-6 5&48*5&% 38568!/7 70 8-& |} 0' 7)& 0.3!/*&6 |¨330*/7.&/7 !/% &.8/&5!7*0/ 0' !/!(&5*!- &560//&-}8-&6S!5&3509*%&%*/7)&05305!7&09&5/!/$&&3057R In-App Advertising Gaming or Other /%*!a6&670.3!/<70:05,'05 Auto Component /%*!//67*787&0'/%8675*!-/(*/&&5*/( |} 0#*-&!5,&7*/(¨660$*!7*0/|¨} 5&!7-!$&7005, RISK MANAGEMENT )& 0.3!/< )!6 ! :&-- -!*% 087 *6, !/!(&.&/7 0-*$<S $09&5*/( 7)& 350$&66 0' *%&/7*'<*/(S !66&66*/(S .*7*(!7*/(S 5&3057*/(!/%5&9*&:*/($5*7*$!-5*6,6*.3!$7*/(7)&!$)*&9&.&/70'0.3!/<a60#+&$7*9&6057)5&!7&/*76&;*67&/$&R )& *6, !/!(&.&/7 7&&5*/( 0..*77&&6 )!9& #&&/ '05.&% )&!%&% #< 5&6*%&/7 |¨¨} !/% 5&6*%&/7|¨} !6 )!*5.!/0'7)&5&63&$7*9&0..*77&&6!/%5&35&6&/7&%#<7)&'8/$7*0/!-)&!%6!6)*&'*6,'?$&56R)&0..*77&&6 5&9*&:&!$)5*6,0/!48!57&5-<#!6*6S!/%&9!-8!7&*76*.3!$7!/%3-!/6*76.*7*(!7*0/R)&5*6,6!5&%0$8.&/7&%*/'05. 0'5*6,5&(*67&5S:)*$)*63-!$&%#&'05&!8%*7$0..*77&&S!7*76.&&7*/(R)&!8%*7$0..*77&&0'7)&0.3!/<5&9*&:67)& 5*6,60'¨¨!/%¨5&(*0/6!/%3509*%&6*76%*5&$7*0/6707)&.!/!(&.&/7S*'!/<R)&!8%*7$0..*77&&83%!7&67)& Board on the key risks placed before it. #} 85*/(7)&<&!58/%&55&9*&:S5&&5!+!/:!5|U}S*$&)!*5.!/ !/!(*/(*5&$705!-605&$&*9&% 5&.8/&5!7*0/'50.¨30--0<5&6|}97R7%RS:)0--<0:/&%68#6*%*!5<0'7)&0.3!/<R 64 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 65 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 0850.3!/<)!6#&&/7!,*/(*/*7*!7*9&68/%&505305!7&0$*!-&630/6*#*-*7<|}'0560$*&7<!7-!5(&S:&--#&'05& *7 )!6 #&&/ 35&6$5*#&% 7)508() 7)& 0.3!/*&6 ¨$7 R )& 0.3!/< )!6 ! 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DIRECTORS’ RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT ¨65&48*5&%#<&$7*0/|}|$}0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7SS<085*5&$705667!7&7)!7U |!} */7)&35&3!5!7*0/0'7)&!//8!-!$$08/76'057)&?/!/$*!-<&!5&/%&%!5$)SS7)&!33-*$!#-&!$$08/7*/( 67!/%!5%6)!%#&&/'0--0:&%!-0/(:*7)3503&5&;3-!/!7*0/5&-!7*/(70.!7&5*!-%&3!5785&6V |#} 7)&*5&$7056)!%6&-&$7&%68$)!$$08/7*/(30-*$*&6!/%!33-*&%7)&.$0/6*67&/7-<!/%.!%&+8%(.&/76!/%&67*mates that are reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at the &/%0'7)&?/!/$*!-<&!5!/%0'7)&350?7!/%-0660'7)&0.3!/<'057)!73&5*0%V |$} 7)&*5&$7056)!%7!,&/3503&5!/%68'?$*&/7$!5&'057)&.!*/7&/!/$&0'!%&48!7&!$$08/7*/(5&$05%6*/!$$05%ance with the provisions of this Act for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting '5!8%!/%07)&5*55&(8-!5*7*&6V |%} 7)&*5&$7056)!%35&3!5&%7)&!//8!-!$$08/760/!(0*/($0/$&5/#!6*6V |&} 7)&*5&$7056)!%-!*%%0:/*/7&5/!-?/!/$*!-$0/750-670#&'0--0:&%#<7)&0.3!/<!/%7)!768$)*/7&5/!-?/!/$*!-$0/750-6!5&!%&48!7&!/%:&5&03&5!7*/(&''&$7*9&-<V!/% |'} 7)&*5&$7056)!%%&9*6&%3503&56<67&.670&/685&$0.3-*!/$&:*7)7)&3509*6*0/60'!--!33-*$!#-&-!:6!/%7)!7 68$)6<67&.6:&5&!%&48!7&!/%03&5!7*/(&''&$7*9&-<R 66 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 67 ¨ |9*} 7)&5-!:663&$*?$!--<!33-*$!#-&707)&$0.3!/<U SECRETARIAL AUDIT REPORT |!} /9*50/.&/7|507&$7*0/}¨$7!/%9!5*08658-&6.!%&7)&5&8/%&5R ¨¨¨¨ S |#} ¨*5|5&9&/7*0/!/%$0/750-0'30--87*0/}¨$7S!/%58-&6.!%&7)&5&8/%&5R ~8568!/7706&$7*0/|}0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7S!/%58-&0R0'7)&0.3!/*&6|¨330*/7.&/7!/% &.8/&5!7*0/&560//&-}8-&6S |$} !7&5|5&9&/7*0/!/%$0/750-0'30--87*0/}¨$7S!/%58-&6.!%&7)&5&8/%&5R |%} ¨335&/7*$&6¨$7S!/%¨335&/7*$&6)*38-&6S |&} ¨5.6¨$7S |'} 0.#!<!#085&-'!5&8/%¨$7S!/%!#085&-'!5&8/%|8+!5!7}8-&6S |(} )&8670.6¨$7S 0S |)} &/75!-;$*6&¨$7S &/9!75&%*78-&6S )&&.#&56S |*} &/75!-!-&6!;¨$7S!/%&/75!-!-&6!;|&(*675!7*0/!/%85/09&5}8-&S ¨30--0<5&6*.*7&%R |+} &/9!75&%*78-&6S |} |,} )&//!**7<8/*$*3!-05305!7*0/¨$7S!/%58-&6.!%&7)&5&8/%&5R |-} )*-%!#085|50)*#*7*0/ &(8-!7*0/}¨$7S |.} *(!5&77&6 7)&50#!$$050%8$76¨$7S 50)*#*7*0/0'.0,*/(*/8#-*$-!$&68-&6S |/} 0/75!$7!#085&(8-!7*0/!/%¨#0-*7*0/¨$7S |0} 8670.6!-8!7*0/|&7&5.*/!7*0/0'!-8&0'.3057&%00%6}8-&6S |3} -&$75*$*7<¨$7SS!/%/%*!/-&$75*$*7<8-&6S{ |4} .3-0<&&&306*7*/,&%/685!/$&$)&.&S |5} .3-0<&&60.3&/6!7*0/¨$7S!/%58-&6.!%&7)&5&8/%&5R |6} .3-0<&&6509*%&/78/%!/%*6$&--!/&086509*6*0/6¨$7 |7} .3-0<&&67!7&/685!/$&¨$7S |8} .3-0<.&/7;$)!/(&6¨$7S!/%8-&6.!%&7)&5&8/%&5R |9} 48!-&.8/&5!7*0/¨$7S!/%48!-&.8/&5!7*0/8-&6S |:} ;3-06*9&6¨$7S!/%58-&6.!%&7)&5&8/%&5R |;} !$705*&6¨$7S |<} */!/$&¨$7S!/%&59*$&!;8-&6S |=} 00%!'&7<!/%7!/%!5%6¨$7S!/%58-&6!/%5&(8-!7*0/6.!%&7)&5&8/%&5R |!!} 05&*(/5!%&0-*$< SECRETARIAL AUDIT REPORT 057)&*/!/$*!-&!5/%&%67!5$)S &)!9&$0/%8$7&%7)&6&$5&7!5*!-!8%*70'7)&$0.3-*!/$&0'!33-*$!#-&67!78705<3509*6*0/6!/%7)&!%)&5&/$&70(00% $05305!7&35!$7*$&6#<¨30--0<5&6*.*7&%R|)&5&*/!'7&5$!--&%^7)&0.3!/<_}R&$5&7!5*!-¨8%*7:!6$0/%8$7&%*/! 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|8#67!/7*!- ¨$48*6*7*0/ 0' )!5&6 !/% !,&09&56} &(8-!7*0/6S V |%%} !5<!/!*'76!/%6$!-!7056¨$7S!/% !5<!/!*'76!/%6$!-!70568-&6S |&&} /$0.&!;¨$7S!/%/$0.&!;8-&6S |#} )&&$85*7*&6!/%;$)!/(&0!5%0'/%*!|50)*#*7*0/0'/6*%&55!%*/(}&(8-!7*0/6SV |''} /%8675*!-.3-0<.&/7¨$7S |$} )&&$85*7*&6!/%;$)!/(&0!5%0'/%*!|668&0'!3*7!-!/%*6$-0685&&48*5&.&/76}&(8-!7*0/6SV |((} /'05.!7*0/&$)/0-0(<¨$7S!/%58-&6.!%&7)&5&8/%&5 |%} )&&$85*7*&6!/%;$)!/(&0!5%0'/%*!|.3-0<&&70$,37*0/$)&.&!/%.3-0<&&70$,85$)!6& $)&.&}8*%&-*/&6SV|07!33-*$!#-&} |))} &5!-!!#085&-'!5&8/%¨$7S!/%&5!-!!#085&-'!5&8/%8-&6S |&} )& &$85*7*&6 !/% ;$)!/(& 0!5% 0' /%*! |668& !/% *67*/( 0' &#7 &$85*7*&6} &(8-!7*0/6S V |07!33-*$!#-&} |**} &5!-!8/*$*3!-*7<¨$7S |++} &5&-!/%8675*!-67!#-*6).&/7¨$7S!/%&5&-!/%8675*!-67!#-*6).&/768-&6S |'} )&&$85*7*&6!/%;$)!/(&0!5%0'/%*!|&(*675!5670!/668&!/%)!5&5!/6'&5¨(&/76}&(8-!7*0/6S 5&(!5%*/(7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7!/%%&!-*/(:*7)$-*&/7V |,,} &(!-&750-0(<!$,!(&0..0%*7*&68-&6S |--} !7&5/*7<&/&?7¨$7S |(} )&&$85*7*&6!/%;$)!/(&0!5%0'/%*!|&-*67*/(0'48*7<)!5&6}&(8-!7*0/6SV|07!33-*$!#-&} |..} */*.8.!(&6¨$7S |)} )&&$85*7*&6!/%;$)!/(&0!5%0'/%*!|8<#!$,0'&$85*7*&6}&(8-!7*0/6SV|07!33-*$!#-&} |//} 0705&)*$-&6¨$7S!/%&/75!-0705&)*$-&68-&6S |00} !<.&/70'0/86¨$7S!/%!<.&/70'0/868-&6S 68 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 69 |33} !<.&/70'5!78*7<¨$7S |44} !<.&/70'!(&6¨$7 Annual Report on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities for the Financial Year 2014-15 |55} &750-&8.¨$7S!/%&750-&8.8-&6S 1. Outline of Company’s CSR Policy |66} 50'&66*0/!-!;¨$7S |77} 8#-*$*!#*-*7</685!/$&¨$7S!/%8#-*$*!#*-*7</685!/$&8-&6S )& !3350!$) 67&.6 '50. 0.3!/<a6 9*6*0/ 67!7&.&/7 '0$86*/( 0/ ^$0/7*/8086-< &/)!/$*/( 67!,&)0-%&5 9!-8&_S:)*$)*/$-8%&67)&-!5(&560$*&7<!/%&/9*50/.&/7*/:)*$)7)&0.3!/<03&5!7&6R |88} 8/+!#)036!/%0..&5$*!-67!#-*6).&/7¨$7 350+&$7605*/*7*!7*9&6-*/,&%:*7)60$*!-!/%&/9*50/.&/7!-*668&6*/:)*$)7)&0.3!/<03&5!7&6!5&5087&% through registered trusts established by the Company |99} &;8!- !5!66.&/70'0.&/¨705,3-!$&5&9&/7*0/S50)*#*7*0/&%5&66!-¨$7S |::} )*33*/(*--!/%*--0';3057|05.}&(8-!7*0/6S 30-*$< 0' ¨30--0 $09&56 !-- 7)& !$7*9*7*&6 :)*$) !5& .&/7*0/&% */ $)&%8-& 0' 0.3!/*&6 ¨$7S #87 %0&6/a7*/$-8%&7)&'0--0:*/(U |;;} )&!.*-!%8/%8675*!-67!#-*6).&/76|0/'&5.&/70'&5.!/&/705,.&/}¨$7S!/%58-&6 made there under. ¨ I ¨$7*9*7*&68/%&57!,&/*/38568!/$&0'/05.!-$0856&0'#86*/&660'7)&0.3!/< I ¨$7*9*7*&67)!7#&/&?70/-<7)&&.3-0<&&60'7)&$0.3!/<!/%7)&*5'!.*-*&6 &)!9&!-60&;!.*/&%$0.3-*!/$&:*7)7)&!33-*$!#-&$-!86&60'7)&'0--0:*/(U |*} &$5&7!5*!-7!/%!5%6*668&%#<)&/67*787&0'0.3!/<&$5&7!5*&60'/%*!R|07¨33-*$!#-&} |**} )&*67*/(¨(5&&.&/76&/7&5&%*/70#<7)&0.3!/<:*7)7)&70$,;$)!/(&|6}S*'!33-*$!#-&V I 0/75*#87*0/70!/<30-*7*$!-3!57< ¨30--0)!68/%&57!,&/'0--0:*/(*/*7*!7&6:)*$)'0--0:!$-&!5!/%:&--%&?/&%675!7&(<70&/685&7)!77)&,&</&&%6 of communities are met: During the period under review, the Company has complied with the provisions of the Act, Rules, Regulations, Guidelines, Standards, etc. mentioned. I /9*50/.&/7!- /*7*!7*9&6N !#*7¨7 ¨30--0 *6 0.3!/<a6 8.#5&--! &/9*50/.&/7 350(5!..& 8/%&5 :)*$) different initiatives such as Green O Bin Paper recycling, employee engagement on environment sustainability, afforestation, organic farming and clean my transport nagar etc. are undertaken We further report that: I 0$*!-/*7*!7*9&6N/%&560$*!-%&9&-03.&/77)&'0$86*60/7)&67!,&)0-%&5&/(!(&.&/7!/%&/5*$)*/(7)& $0..8/*7*&6:)&5&:&03&5!7&R)&3)*-0603)<*60'6&-'5&-*!/$&!/%5&90-9&60/7)5&&35*/$*3-&6*R&R*/@8&/$&S*/90-9&!/%*.3!$7R)&350(5!..&6'0$860/38#-*$)&!-7)*668&6S6867!*/!#-&-*9&-*)00% */$0.& (&/&5!7*0/S:0.&/&.30:&5.&/7!/%$0..8/*7<.0#*-*=!7*0/R&&3*/(*/.*/%7)&60$*!-*/*7*!7*9&6!/% 07)&5*668&6S0.3!/<)!68/%&57!,&/%*''&5&/7350+&$769*=R N¨¨:!5&/&66!/%5&9&/7*0/50(5!..&0/)&!-7)'05$8670.&56SS50+&$7S-*9&-*)00%350(5!..&'05$0..8/*7*&6S.3509&%!5.*/( 5!$7*$&6'05'!5.&56S)<(*&/& 6!/*7!7*0/*/6$)00-6S:!67&.!/!(&.&/7*/$0..8/*7*&6R )&0!5%0'*5&$70560'7)&0.3!/<*6%8-<$0/67*787&%:*7)3503&5#!-!/$&0';&$87*9&*5&$7056S0/N;&$87*9& *5&$7056!/%/%&3&/%&/7*5&$7056R)&$)!/(&6*/7)&$0.306*7*0/0'7)&0!5%0'*5&$70567)!7700,3-!$&%85*/(7)& period under review were carried out in compliance with the provisions of the Act. ¨%&48!7&/07*$&*6(*9&/70!--%*5&$7056706$)&%8-&7)&0!5%&&7*/(6S!(&/%!!/%%&7!*-&%/07&60/!(&/%!:&5&6&/7 !7-&!676&9&/%!<6*/!%9!/$&S!/%!6<67&.&;*676'056&&,*/(!/%0#7!*/*/('857)&5*/'05.!7*0/!/%$-!5*?$!7*0/60/7)& agenda items before the meeting and for meaningful participation at the meeting. !+05*7<%&$*6*0/*6$!55*&%7)508():)*-&7)&%*66&/7*/(.&.#&56a9*&:6!5&$!3785&%!/%5&$05%&%!63!570'7)&.*/87&6R & '857)&5 5&3057 7)!7 7)&5& !5& !%&48!7& 6<67&.6 !/% 350$&66&6 */ 7)& $0.3!/< $0..&/685!7& :*7) 7)& 6*=& !/% operations of the company to monitor and ensure compliance with applicable laws, rules, regulations and guidelines. &'857)&55&30577)!7%85*/(7)&!8%*73&5*0%7)&$0.3!/<)!67:0|}&9&/76!/%7)&%&7!*-60':)*$)!5&!6'0--0:6U *R )&0.3!/<)!6!--077&%-!$&48*7<6)!5&60' {N&!$)!(!*/675&$&*370'7)&'8--3!<.&/70/&;&5$*6& 0'037*0/0'$0/9&56*0/0'-!$:!55!/76*/70&48*7<6)!5&6*/!$$05%!/$&:*7)7)&7&5.6!/%$0/%*7*0/60' issue of warrants. ¨--350+&$76!5&5&9*&:&%0/.0/7)-<!/%48!57&5-<#!6*6R Projects or Programs proposed to be undertaken Following are the proposed initiatives which will be undertaken by the Company: a) Environmental Initiatives I 5&&3-!/7!7*0/:*7)0#+&$7*9&0'$!5#0/6&48&67&5*/(|350(5!..&!-5&!%<*/*7*!7&%} I *0%*9&56*7<350+&$7*/7)&$0..8/*7<!508/%&5!-! **R )&0.3!/<)!63!66&%'0--0:*/(5&60-87*0/6#<:!<0'3067!-#!--07UN I *0%*9&56*7<678%<!508/%*.%!$0..8/*7< 0 *.*760'#0550:*/(8{6|}|$}8370 S{N.*--*0/S!663&$*!-5&60-87*0/ I !67&!/!(&.&/7350+&$7*/7)&$0..8/*7<!508/%)&//!* 0 5&!7*0/0'6&$85*7<8{6|}|!}*/$0//&$7*0/:*7)7)&#0550:*/(6S!663&$*!-5&60-87*0/R I !7&5350+&$7!508/%)&//!* b) Social Initiatives I /&:$-*/*$6 For PI & Associates, I !%%*7*0/!-9*--!(&6*/&5!.#5! Company Secretaries I !%%*7*0/!-9*--!(&6!508/%*.%! I /7&(5!7*0/0'68#67!/$&!#86&3*-07350+&$7*/0/&$-*/*$ Sd/- I 0.&/'058.&;7&/6*0/70$0..8/*7< Sakshi Seth I ;7&/6*0/0'/875*7*0/!/%)&!-7)$!.3:*7):0.&/*/(5!%*/($&/75&S077!<!. Partner ¨0RU 0RU I 50+&$73-!/:*7)7!33&5$0..8/*7<S077!<!. c) Philanthropic Activities I 83305770!7*0/!-¨660$*!7*0/'05-*/% Place: Delhi I 83305770!#-*+* 063*7!-'058/%&535*9*-&(&% !7&U!<S I 30/6056)*30'&%8$!7*0/0'8/%&535*9*-&(&%(*5-6*/77!5!,)!/%| *.<07*$)00-} 70 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 71 Web-link )&0.3!/<)!6'5!.&%!0-*$<*/$0.3-*!/$&:*7)7)&3509*6*0/60'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7S!/%7)&6!.&*63-!$&% 0/7)&0.3!/<a6:&#6*7&!/%7)&:&#-*/,'057)&6!.&*6)773U{{:::R!30--07<5&6R$0.{83-0!%6{$05305!7&N60$*!-N5&630/6*bility-policy.pdf R N¨!:!5&/&66 Promoting Pre- &!-7)!5&&/75&S prevention programme !5.!/! !-!(!5)S *.!$)!-5!%&6)0-- *.!$)!-5!%&6) 8/7!5< &!-7)¨660$*!- 9&/7*9& &!-7) |!5(&7&%/7&59&/7*0/} R R 1.56 7*0/ ¨.#8+!&.&/7 Foundation )&0.306*7*0/0'7)&0..*77&&R 7 CSR Committee comprises of following Directors: a. Mr Onkar S Kanwar, as Chairman of the Committee N¨!:!5&/&66 Promoting Pre- &!-7)!5&&/75&S prevention programme Cochin, Kerala 9&/7*9& &!-7) R R 1.43 8 c. Mr Sunam Sarkar, as Member of the Committee Foundation N¨!:!5&/&66 Promoting Pre- ¨30--0<5&6 &!-7) prevention programme Care Centre, Indore, ¨¨!.!+*,0, Madhya Pradesh !-<!/!.*7* ¨%!56) 9&/7*9& &!-7) |!5(&7&%/7&59&/7*0/} R R 1.51 )&0.3!/<&$5&7!5<!$76!67)&6&$5&7!5<0'7)&0..*77&&R )!+5!/! 9 R 5&6$5*#&%;3&/%*785&|7:03&5$&/70'7)&!.08/7!6*/*7&.!#09&}*6 R*--*0/ R &7!*-60'63&/7%85*/(7)&?/!/$*!-<&!5R |#}¨.08/78/63&/7*6 R*--*0/ F0DQQHULQZKLFKWKHDPRXQWVSHQWGXULQJWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDULVGHWDLOHGEHORZ S. No (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) $OO¿JXUHVLQ Million) (7) (8) CSR project or activity Sector in which Projects or programs Amount Amount Cumulative Amount spent: Direct or LGHQWL¿HG the Project is (1) Local area or outlay spent on the expenditure through covered other (budget) projects or up to the Implementing agency* (2) Specify the State project or programs reporting and district where programs Sub – heads: period projects or programs wise Care Centre, Mumbai, ¨¨S08/( !(385 8/&S!)!- &/c6)5*67*!/¨660$*!- rashtra 7*0/|¨} !(.0 9&/7*9& &!-7) N¨!:!5&/&66 Promoting Pre- ¨30--0<5&6 &!-7) prevention programme Care Centre, Ludhi- 9&/7*9& &!-7) |!5(&7&%/7&59&/7*0/} ¨30--0<5&6 &!-7) prevention programme !5&&/75&S*+!<!:!- N¨!:!5&/&66 Promoting Pre- ¨30--0<5&6 &!-7) Implementing agency- ¨30--0<5&6 &!-7) !5&&/75&S!*385 Society for Integrated 0%)385S!+!67)!/ Developmental Activities 9&/7*9& &!-7) N¨!:!5&/&66 Promoting Pre- ¨30--0<5&6 &!-7) prevention programme Care Centre, Agra, 9&/7*9& &!-7) prevention programme R 1.67 Implementing agency- Care Centre, Guwa- Global Organisation for |!5(&7&%/7&59&/7*0/} hati, Assam Life Development N¨!:!5&/&66 Promoting Pre- ¨30--0<5&6 &!-7) prevention programme Care Centre, Patna, 9&/7*9& &!-7) 9&/7*9& &!-7) |!5(&7&%/7&59&/7*0/} Bihar N¨!:!5&/&66 Promoting Pre- ¨30--0<5&6 &!-7) prevention programme Care Centre, Delhi, 9&/7*9& &!-7) R R 0.71 Implementing agency- 2.63 R R 4.86 N¨!:!5&/&66 Promoting Pre- &!-7)!5&&/75&S prevention programme !5!,,! 0-,!7!S 9&/7*9& &!-7) Jan Chetna Sewa Samiti !/!-<!/!)! Samiti R R 1.44 Promoting Pre- !/+!<!/%)*5!/6- check up camps organ- 9&/7*9& &!-7) port Nagar, Delhi. Promoting Pre- Kodakara panchayat Implementing agency¨.#8+!&.&/708/%!tion &67&/(!- *-0750+&$70/&<& Implementing agency- R R 0.05 Implementing agency*6*0/35*/( &!-7)!.36'055!%- */(&/75&.3-0<&&6 9&/7*9& &!-7) R R 0.02 Direct !=)005S077!<!. R R 0.03 Direct R R 0.05 Implementing agency- )5*6685 Farmers R R 5.11 Direct &!-7)!.36'055!%- Promoting Pre- */(&/75&.3-0<&&6 9&/7*9& &!-7) Farmers &!-7)!5&&/75&S prevention programme ¨).&%!#!% 85!7S Kaira Social Service So- 8+!5!7 $*&7< ¨.#8+!&.&/7 R R 1.53 Implementing agency- Furniture Support Promoting Pre- Kodakara, District- to Govt. Ayurvedic 9&/7*9& &!-7) )5*6685S&5!-! 063*7!-!/!(&.&/7 Committee, Govt. Ayur- 063*7!- 9&%! 063*7!-S0%!,!5! Foundation 72 | APOLLO TYRES LTD Implementing agency- allied population Step Foundation N¨!:!5&/&66 Promoting Pre|!5(&7&%/7&59&/7*0/} R ised for truckers and Delhi 9&/7*9& &!-7) R !/385 !5!/6*S |!5(&7&%/7&59&/7*0/} !6!9<!!)*-!!/%!-* R Count India Uttar Pradesh 1.54 Implementing agency- N¨!:!5&/&66 Promoting Pre- |!5(&7&%/7&59&/7*0/} da, Andhra Pradesh |!5(&7&%/7&59&/7*0/} R 0.20 08/7/%*! &&5! expenditure R R Sansthan Overheads N¨!:!5&/&66 Promoting Pre- R prevention programme programs (2) |!5(&7&%/7&59&/7*0/} R &6&!5$) 5!*/*/(S on projects or 9&/7*9& &!-7) R !/!S8/+!# |!5(&7&%/7&59&/7*0/} (1) Direct was undertaken Implementing agency- ¨30--0<5&6 &!-7) prevention programme &-'!5&!/67)! (1) 3.48 N¨!:!5&/&66 Promoting Pre|!5(&7&%/7&59&/7*0/} |!}07!-!.08/770#&63&/7'057)&?/!/$*!-<&!5*6 R*--*0/ Implementing agency- Jan Seva Samiti, R ¨9&5!(&/&7350?70'7)&$0.3!/<'05-!677)5&&?/!/$*!-<&!56*6 S*--*0/ *5&$7 .3-&.&/7*/(!(&/$<N!+*9087) |!5(&7&%/7&59&/7*0/} b. Dr S Narayan, as Member of the Committee Implementing agency- &/&5!-)&!-7) &<& Promoting Pre- care treatment support 9&/7*9& &!-7) 85(!0/S !5<!/! R R 3.00 Implementing agencySardar Ram Singh Kabli to the under privileged !/%!5%!5/* !5/!. rural community !855867 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 73 !6&-*/& .3!$7 Promoting Pre- !5!/6*|77!5 ¨66&6.&/70'!5(&7&% 9&/7*9& &!-7) 5!%&6)}S agency- Kadence /7&59&/7*0/350+&$76!7 8/&|!)!5!6)75!}S International Pvt. Ltd. $-*/*$6*//%*! !5!,,!|&67 R R 1.75 Implementing Clean drinking water /685*/( !7)85 &//!- 350+&$7#!6&-*/&678%< environmental kuppam panchyats, !7&5*'&/%*!5*9!7& sustainability Sriperumbudur Limited Baseline study for solid /685*/( !385|77!55!%&6)}S 0$)*/|&5!-!}S waste management environmental 0%)385 !*385 !(385|!)!5!6)75!}S 350+&$7!75!/63057 sustainability |!+!67)!/} 85!7|8+!5!7}S Nagar !5.!/!| *.!$)!- 5!%&6)}S 5!%&6)} !5!/6*|77!5 Investment study of 9&/7*9& &!-7) R R 1.12 /685*/( Limda, Baroda, sessment study environmental 8+!5!7 5!%&6)}S )08()7 targeted intervention 8/&|!)!5!6)75!}S Arbitrage Consulting 350+&$7!7$-*/*$6*/ !5!,,!|&67&/- India (!-}S!7/!|*)!5}S !5.!/!| *.!$)!- 5!%&6)}S /685*/( ¨-:! *.%!S baseline study environmental !50%!S8+!5!7 Pond management /685*/( Perambra Distt. baseline study environmental )5*6685S&5!-! 5!%&6)} ,*--#8*-%*/( */$0.& Livelihood !()0%*<!!-8,!S enhancement !50%!S8+!5!7 the community 350+&$76 !,&)0.&!7*0/ Livelihood !()0%*<!!-8,!S 350+&$7 enhancement !50%!S8+!5!7 0.04 Implementing Livelihood Kodakara Panchayat, (&/&5!7*0/350+&$76'05 enhancement Perambra, Kerala Implementing agency- the community 350+&$76 Baseline on unemploy- Livelihood !7)85 &//!,83- ment status enhancement 3!.S!--!,077!*S!-- 350+&$76 -!. &7783!-!<!. -&!/<5!/63057 sustainability R R 0.22 FSL India R R 2.01 Implementing agency- panchayat, /%$!5&5867 *5&$7 Sriperumbudur Baseline study for Livelihood Implementing agency- undertaking livelihood enhancement Centre for Urban and 350+&$7 350+&$76 Improved Farming Rural Develop- !()0%*<!!-8,!S Practices for farmers .&/7350+&$76 !50%!S8+!5!7 Community solid waste /685*/( 5!/63057!(!5S .!/!(&.&/7350+&$7V environmental Agra, Uttar Pradesh -&!/<5!/63057 sustainability R R 1.65 &(*0/!-;$&--&/$& Nagar 503*$!-/67*787&0' R R 0.19 1.13 R R 0.20 Implementing agencyIndo Global Social R R 1.35 R R 1.09 Implementing agency- Implementing agency!+!(*5*875&!$) R R 0.13 Implementing agencyADRA India /685*/( Kanchipuram, )00%350+&$7 environmental *589!/!.!-*%*675*$7 5&&-!/7*/( sustainability !.*-/!%8 India Private Limited Community solid waste /685*/( Senakuppam and .!/!(&.&/7350+&$7V environmental Mathur Panchayat, -&!/<*--!(& sustainability Sriperumbudur R R R R 0.63 Kodakara, Kerala R R 0.36 R R 0.58 Baseline Study on /685*/( !7)85 &//!- Community Solid waste environmental kuppam panchyats, management sustainability Sriperumbudur !-8,!S)&//!* Implementing agencyIndo Global Social Service Society 0/*705*/( 9!-8!7*0/ Rural Develop- 0$)*/|&5!-!}S framework designing !50%!|8+!5!7}S .&/7350+&$76 R R 0.69 Improved Farming Rural Develop- Practices for farmers .&/7350+&$76 Pune, Maharashtra Implementing agency)08()7¨5#*75!(& Consulting )&//!*|!.*-!%8} Implementing agency &-308/%!7*0/ Implementing agency!+!(*5*875&!$) Implementing agency- 5&&3-!/7!7*0/ *9&-*- 74 | APOLLO TYRES LTD Implementing agencyIndo Global Social R R 2.58 Implementing agencyMaharashtra Institute of !-8,!S)&//!* Implementing agency- !-8,!S)&//!* Nagar 0.40 !.*-!%8 Sriperumbudur 5!/63057!(!5S&-)* R vices Private Limited ,*--#8*-%*/( */$0.& !/+!<!/%)* R Labournet India Ser- Foundation of India environmental 8+!5!7$0-0(<0$*&7< Orgadam, Chennai, /9*50/.&/7!-*67 R Implementing agency- 350+&$76 !-8,!S)&//!* /685*/( 0.15 the community Sriperumbudur .!/!(&.&/7350+&$7V R !7)85!/$)!<!7 agency- Community solid waste R Senakuppam, !-8,!S)&//!* !%!./9*50/.&/7!- enhancement Mathur Panchayat, R Implementing agency- Livelihood 9&/7*9& &!-7) Govt. schools 0.92 (&/&5!7*0/350+&$76'05 defecation Mathur Panchayats, R ,*--#8*-%*/( */$0.& &/!,833!. &/!,833!. R Service Society Promoting Pre- 9&/7*9& &!-7) 5!$7*$!-¨$7*0/0/- Service Society Baseline study on open Promoting Pre- Jan Chetna Sewa Samiti 350+&$76 *+!<!:!%!|¨/%)5! Implementing agency- $0-0(*$!-$*&/$& (&/&5!7*0/350+&$76'05 8:!)!7*|¨66!.} &/6758!- <(*&/&*/ 0.53 sustainability 85!7|8+!5!7}S Baseline study on R sustainability !(385|!)!5!6)75!}S Implementing agency- Consultants Pond management Implementing agency- 0$)*/|&5!-!}S R sustainability *+!<!:!%!|¨/%)5! Promoting Pre- 0.22 68-7*/(|/%*!}97R7%R Biodiversity impact as- 8:!)!7*|¨66!.} Social Return On R !-8,!S)&//!* &/(!-}S!7/!|*)!5}S R &$)/0-0(<5!/6'&5'05 R R 0.10 Rural Areas Implementing agency &-308/%!7*0/ Furniture Support to Promoting Kodakara, District- school in Perambra %8$!7*0/ )5*6685S&5!-! R R 0.03 Implementing agency &!%.*675&66 S Kodakara ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 75 Furniture Support to Promoting Kodakara, District- school in Perambra %8$!7*0/ )5*6685S&5!-! Furniture Support to Promoting Kodakara, District- school in Perambra %8$!7*0/ )5*6685S&5!-! R 0.05 R Implementing agency- R 0.06 R kara CONSERVATION OF ENERGY, TECHNOLOGY ABSORPTION, FOREIGN EXCHANGE EARNINGS AND OUTGO Implementing agency- A) &!%!67&5SRRRS Kodakara Furniture Support to Promoting school in Perambra %8$!7*0/ Pallilamkara, Kerala ANNEXURE - III 5*/$*3!- S0%!- R 0.03 R Implementing (i) The steps taken or impact on conservation of energy /&5(<$0/6&59!7*0/5&%8$&67)&&/&5(<$0/68.37*0/!/%*6!/*.3057!/73!570'085/&5(<0-*$<R/&5(<067 remains to be the highest cost factor in the manufacturing process and hence gets prime importance in the daily :05, .!/!(&.&/7 !$7*9*7*&6 !$5066 -0$!7*0/6R 867&/!/$& !/% $0/7*/8!- *.3509&.&/7 */ &/&5(< &'?$*&/$< )!6 helped us to be best across the industry and also create benchmark performance in operations across India. !(&/$<N &!%.*675&66 G.L.P.School, Pallilamkara School boundary wall Promoting Orgadam village, construction %8$!7*0/ Sriperumbudur R 0.34 R & )!9&S !6 ! 75!7&(<S *%&/7*?&% </&5(< 50+&$76 '05 /&5(< $0/68.37*0/ 5&%8$7*0/ !$5066 0$!7*0/6 */ /%*! !/% Abroad which when built upon in a couple of years, post implementation, will bring all plants to a strong common base. /&5(<'?$*&/$<!/%867!*/!#*-*7<)!6#&$0.&&;75&.&-<*.3057!/7'0586S!67)*6*6#&*/(67*.8-!7&%7)508()$0/%*7*0/6 like rising energy cost, laws and regulations for climate protection and environmental awareness of customers. Implementing agency !/%/ !/%/%*! !-8,!S)&//!* %8$!7*0/683305770 Promoting under privileged girls %8$!7*0/ %8$!7*0/6833057 Promoting for the mentally %8$!7*0/ Dehradun, Uttrakhand Delhi R R 3.00 R 0.14 R Implementing agency- (ii) Steps taken by the Company for utilising alternate sources of energy *.<07*08/%!7*0/ /&5(< *6 387 70 86& &''&$7*9&-< */ 03&5!7*0/6 '05 350$&66 &48*3.&/76 !/% !-60 '05 7)& 9!5*086 87*-*7*&6R )*6 *6 7!,&/ 83 #< &/685*/( 86!(& 0' -!7&67 7&$)/0-0(< */ *76 $-!66 !/% &/685*/( 7)!7 :& .!*/7!*/ 7)& 63&$*?$ &/&5(< $0/68.37*0/&9&/%85*/(-0:5&48*5&.&/70'?/*6)&%350%8$7S#<:&--%&?/&%6<67&.6 350$&66&6R0.&0'7)& /&5(<0/6&59!7*0/.&!685&67!,&/#&*/(U Implementing agencyNational Association for the Blinds )!/%*$!33&% #-*/%6 children %8$!7*0/6833057 Promoting to under privileged %8$!7*0/ Delhi R 0.10 R Implementing agency- %8$!7*0/683305770 Promoting under privileged girl %8$!7*0/ Capacity Building of Promoting 7!''6 0-8/7&&56 %8$!7*0/ I &!-*.&067037*.*=!7*0/#<86!(&0'7)&#&673066*#-&6085$&0'&/&5(<*/!-0$!7*0/ I &!- *.& .&!685&.&/7 0' &/&5(< 3!5!.&7&56 !7 7)& (&/&5!7*0/ &/% -&% 70 ?/%*/( 087 /&: !9&/8&6 '05 improvement and controlling of usage of energy at user end. I !33*/(0'7)&87*-*7<5&48*5&.&/7!$50663-!/765&68-7&%*/5&-00,*/(0'5&48*5&%350$&663!5!.&7&56!786&5&/%R I 7&!. (&/&5!7*0/ &'?$*&/$< !/% %&.!/% (!3 @8$78!7*0/6 *.3509&% #< 3509*6*0/ 0' $-06&% -003 $0/750-6 !7 (&/&5!7*0/!/%?/&$0/750-0'350$&663!5!.&7&56R )5*67&- 086&/%*! children Mumbai, Maharshtra R 0.01 R Implementing agencyMasoom )&//!* 85(!0/ R Implementing agency- I !5*!#-&'5&48&/$<%5*9&686!(&!78.36!/%0.35&66056R Step Consulting Pvt. Ltd. I <%50!6&%8.3*/(6<67&.6*/67!--&%'05!'!.*-<0'350$&663!5!.&7&56'05?/&!/%!$$85!7&$0/750-:*7) -&66&/&5(<#&*/($0/68.&%:*7)7)&*%&!0'$0/9&57*/(?;&%709!5*!#-&&/&5(<R I 7&$)/0-0(<&.3-0<&%'055&%8$*/(7)&3-!/7-*()7*/(30:&5$0/68.37*0/ I 07:!7&55&$09&5<!7)*()&57&.3&5!785&S:)*$))!65&68-7&%*/7)&5&%8$7*0/0'5!%*!7*0/-066R I .!--.3509&.&/7350+&$76*/6&$7*0/67!,&/83!6!$8-785!-$)!/(&R 0.10 I 3&$*?$!7*0/65&N-00,&%!/%$<$-&7*.&037*.*=!7*0/!$7*9*7*&6*/*7*!7&%*/$0.308/%.*;*/(R 54.12 I 0/%&/6!7&7&!.87*-*=!7*0/'05!305¨#60537*0/)*--&56R 2.70 I /750%8$7*0/0'!*-<:05,.!/!(&.&/7!$7*9*7*&6:*7)5&63&$770&/&5(<:*7).0/*705*/(S$0/750-!/%$055&$7*0/ for compressed air and steam. 1.23 R !-&!5/&(*&5!*/*/( India Monthly Ration support 5!%*$!7*0/ for the under privileged hunger, poverty people Mahipalpur, New Delhi R 0.07 R Implementing agency)&!57)!9*0856 .!-/875*7*0/ 0/75*#87*0/70053860'!5867$5&!7&%&;$-86*9&-<'058/%&57!,*/(!$7*9*7*&6 Total Administrative Cost 5% of total expense Grand Total 56.82 R )&0.3!/<)!6/07#&&/!#-&7063&/77:03&5$&/70'7)&!9&5!(&/&7350?70'7)&-!677)5&&?/!/$*!-<&!56%8&707)& following reasons: I I R CONSERVATION OF ENERGY /!9!*-!#*-*7<0'!/&;3&5770*.3-&.&/7350+&$76!63&5085350(5!..&(8*%&-*/&6$!86&%%&-!<R)&350(5!..& will be implemented this year. 0/N!%)&5&/$&707)&a6!/%-!$,0'*/7&(5*7<$!86&%6!$,*/(0':)*$)!''&$7&%7)&350(5!..&*.3-&.&/7!7*0/ and budget utilisation. )&0..*77&&$0/?5.67)!77)&*.3-&.&/7!7*0/!/%.0/*705*/(0'0-*$<S*6*/$0.3-*!/$&:*7)0#+&$7*9&6 and Policy of the Company. (iii) Additional investment and proposal for reduction of energy usage: (Investment in Energy Front to reduce cost and consumption I 0&/685&'8785&&/&5(<6&$85*7<'50.&6$!-!7*/($067!/%!-6070.!,&7)&/&;748!/78.+8.3*/#5*/(*/( %0:/7)&$0/9&56*0/$067!$5066!--3-!/76S!.!$50&$0/0.*$.0%&-*6#&*/(35&3!5&%'057)&/&;7<&!53&5*0% to adventure into the different sources of renewable energy suitable to locations I 00735*/70/*/%/&5(<*6'857)&5675&/(7)&/&%7087*-*=&7)&307&/7*!-#!6&%0/3-!/7-0$!7*0/6R I !33*/(7)&0-!5/&5(<70$!7&570085&/&5(</&&%6!$5066)*()307&/7*!-!5&!6*670#&!5&!-*7<600/R I /&5(<!/!(&.&/77!/%!5%|/}S#&*/(!7$&57*?$!7*0/67!(&!70/&0'7)&3-!/76:*--#&7!,&/ across all locations in the coming year. I </&5(<50+&$76/9&67.&/7*%&/7*?&%S!-0/(:*7)6!9*/(!/%5&!-*=!7*0/0/7)&&/&5(<'50/77)!7:*--7!,&7)& $0.3!/<70&/)!/$&%-&9&-60'&/&5(<&'?$*&/$<S-&!5/*/($859&!/%!6750/('08/%!7*0/R Sd/- Sd/- I 0 &/685& &/75!-*=&% ¨3350!$) '05 867&/!/$& !/% *(5!7*0/ 70 '8785& :*7) 6750/( $0/9*$7*0/ N /&5(< Management Function in Manufacturing is established. |¨¨¨} |¨¨¨} I *$&N)!*5.!/ !/!(*/(*5&$705 Chairman of CSR Committee /&5(<*66*0/50!%.!3*6!75!7&(*$09&3-!//&%70$0/75*#87&#!$,7060$*&7<#<$0/6&59!7*0/0' energy and enhanced usage of renewable sources of energy. B) TECHNOLOGY ABSORPTION (i) Efforts made towards Technology Absorption &:350+&$76)!9&#&&/*/750%8$&%70,/*7.0%&5/7&$)/0-0(<*/7)&350%8$7%&9&-03.&/7!/%.!/8'!$785&R)*6 76 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 77 */$-8%&6 5!7*0/!-*6!7*0/ !/% 67!/%!5%*=!7*0/ 0' !: .!7&5*!-6S $0.308/%6S 63&$*?$!7*0/6S 6*.8-!7*0/ 7&$)/*48&6 &7$!$5066!---0$!7*0/6R057)&?5677*.&*//%*!S:&%&6*(/&%_83&5*/(-&5!%*!-758$,7<5&*/7&&5 5!*-&5 3!77&5/R<5&6:&5&!-60%&6*(/&%'05|7&&5 %5*9&3!77&5/}'0586!(&0/6&9&5&6/0:$0/%*7*0/S48!-*'<*/( 7)&5&(8-!705<5&48*5&.&/7-*,&¨ S0/@*$7*/&5!-6&7$R¨(50/%8675*!-5!%*!-7<5&6:&5&!-60$8670. %&6*(/&%'05 !5% 0'760*-!33-*$!7*0/R 50663-<<5&6:&5&!-60%&6*(/&%'05)!*-!/%.!5,&7R&: (&/&5!7*0/!5#0/-!$,'05:!6%&9&-03&%!/%$8670.*6&%'050.&67*$ &;3057!33-*$!7*0/6R&9&5!-/&: *//09!7*9& $0.308/%6 -*,& *() .*-&!(& 6)5&% 5&6*67!/7 75&!% '05 V *() *-&!(& &3!5!7*0/ &6*67!/7 75&!%$0.308/%S83&5 &!7&6*67!/775&!%$0.308/%'05<5&V86)*0/(8.$0.308/%:*7))*()&56705!(& stability for Retreading operation etc were developed and industrialised. Impact resistance of tyres in harsh Indian environment were improved by using new generation Steel cords. Research also focussed on three fundamental 350+&$76-*,&&!5S0--*/(&6*67!/$& 5*370)!9&!#&77&58/%&567!/%*/(*/!--5&63&$76-*,&.!7&5*!-S350%8$7S 9&)*$-&!/%*76!33-*$!7*0/R¨--7)&6&350+&$76:&5&6833057&%#<*.8-!7*0/5*9&/50%8$7&6*(/!$5066&/7*5& product portfolio which enabled us to get advantage of technical superiority over competition. Currently, the tools %&9&-03&%!5&#&*/(86&%'0598-$!/*=!7*0/7*.&037*.*=!7*0/!/%350%8$7*9*7<*.3509&.&/7R&6&!5$)350+&$76*6 undertaken to improve recycling of used tyres and reuse back into tyres . ANNEXURE - IV FORM NO. MGT 9 EXTRACT OF ANNUAL RETURN !60/?/!/$*!-<&!5&/%&%0/RR 8568!/770&$7*0/|}0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7S!/%58-&|}0'7)& 0.3!/*&6|!/!(&.&/7 ¨%.*/*675!7*0/}8-&6SR I REGISTRATION & OTHER DETAILS: LL %HQH¿WVGHULYHGOLNHSURGXFWLPSURYHPHQWFRVWUHGXFWLRQSURGXFWGHYHORSPHQWRULPSRUWVXEVWLWXWLRQ &9&-03.&/7 0' /09&- .!7&5*!-6 7&$)/0-0(*&6 )&-3&% */ &/)!/$*/( 350%8$7 48!-*7<R !5*086 350%8$7*9*7< *.3509&.&/7!$7*9*7*&6:&5&*.3-&.&/7&%-*,&5&%8$*/(.*;*/($<$-&7*.&#<86*/(63&$*!-(5!%&0'!785!-58##&5 !/%%*63&56*/(!(&/7S*.3509&.&/7*/&;7586*0/63&&%#<0'6)08-%&5$86)*0/#<3&5'05.&5.0%*?$!7*0/S reduced cure cycle by introduction of addition steam cavity in the presses. Cost optimisation activities were carried 087#<5&%8$7*0/0'5&!%5&:05,V#-!%%&5-*'&*.3509&.&/7S30-<N(!8(&5&%8$7*0/&7$R!5$!66%85!#*-*7<0' tyre was improved by innovative curing done with Low hot water temperature and uniform cure. As a step towards (5&&/.!/8'!$785*/(V*.3-&.&/7&%%*5&$7!33-*$!7*0/0'(8.675*3#<*/750%8$7*0/0'.*/*50--&5)&!%-*/&*/75&!% #<*.3509*/($00-*/(:!7&548!-*7<R/7)&$50663-<6&(.&/7¨|¨30--075!!-8&}6&5*&60'/&:%&6*(/67<5&6 :*7)$067&''&$7*9&S*.3509&%%85!#*-*7<$!5$!666758$785&6)!9&#&&/%&9&-03&%'05.!5,&76-*,&)!*-!/% *%%-& !67R)&6&!5&/&:%&6*(/7<5&6:*7)63&$*!-'&!785&6!66*(/&%'05`5*9&aS`7&&5aS`5!*-&5a!;-&60'%*''&5&/79&)*$-& $0/?(85!7*0/3-<*/(0/)*():!<6R/7)&.!--0..&5$*!-&)*$-&|}6&(.&/77<5&6S<085$0.3!/</0:)!6 7)& :*%&67 5!/(& 0' 7<5&6 */ 7)& .!5,&7R *7) 7)& -!8/$)*/( 0' /&: 5!/(& 0' )*() .*-&!(& *.3509&% %85!#*-*7< 5!/(&0'7<5&6V<085$0.3!/<)!6#&675!/(&0'35&.*8..*-&!(&350%8$7#!6,&7*/7)&$08/75<R/%8675*!- !57).09&5 7<5&6 )!9& !-60 .!%& ! .!5, :*7) 7)& 5!/(& 0' !$,)0& -0!%&5 7<5&6R *7) 7)& &67!#-*6).&/7 0' shearography as a sophisticated forensic analysis tool, knowledge library for product life cycle investigation as well as for carcass screening prior to retreading are created. LLL 'HWDLOVRILPSRUWHGWHFKQRORJ\LPSRUWHGGXULQJODVW\HDUVUHFNRQHGIURPWKHEHJLQQLQJRIWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDU II i CIN ii Registration Date &37&.#&5S iii Name of the Company ¨30--0<5&67% iv Category/Sub-category of the Company 8#-*$0.3!/<|*.*7&%<6)!5&6} v ¨%%5&660'7)&&(*67&5&%0'?$& $0/7!$7 details th Floor, Cherupushpam Building, Shanmugham Road, 0$)*S)0R vi )&7)&5-*67&%$0.3!/< &6 vii !.&S¨%%5&66 $0/7!$7%&7!*-60'7)& &(*675!5 5!/6'&5¨(&/7S*'!/<R ¨30--0<5&67%S¨30--0 086&SS/67*787*0/!-¨5&!S &$705NS85(!0/S)0R PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITIES OF THE COMPANY SL No Name & Description of main products/services <5&6S8#&6!/%-!36 NIC Code of the products/ services ( Million) R R R R !}!3*7!#}&'&55&%&9&/8&;3&/%*785& $}&9&/8& %}07!&}07!- &;3&/%*785&!6!785/09&5 C) CIN/GLN ¨30--0|!85*7*86} 0-%*/(6977%R N¨#!;05305!7&&59*$&67%R7) -005S0:&5¨S<#&5$*7<S#&/&S Republic of Mauritius Foreign Company Subsidiary |} ¨30--0|087)¨'5*$!} 0-%*/(6|7<} Foreign Company 7%N<%/&<0!%S85#!/S Subsidiary |} ¨30--0<5&6|<3586}97R7%R N*/0/060=08SSRRS nicosia, Cyprus Foreign Company Subsidiary |} ¨30--0<5&6|5&&/?&-%}0N 03&5!7*&'R¨RN5R$)*''675!!7S /6$)&%& Foreign Company Subsidiary |} ¨30--0<5&6| 8/(!5<}'7RN NS8%!3&67S!50-<*87$! R&.R Foreign Company Subsidiary |} ¨30--0<5&60N03&5!7*&'R¨N5R $)*''675!!7S/6$)&%& Foreign Company Subsidiary |} 7 ¨30--0<5&6¨N&--*/(&5675!66&/ Foreign Company !S!%&/S:*7=&5-!/% Subsidiary |} SR R R R SR For and on behalf of the Board of Directors APPLICABLE SECTION Name & Address of the Company ( Million) 05&*(/;$)!/(&!5/*/(6 N/!$$08/70'%*5&$7N&;30576!-&6'50.¨30--0<5&67%|9!-8&} -On account of royalty from Foreign Subsidiary Companies N/!$$08/70'5066)!5(&0'!/!(&.&/7;3&/6&6'50.05&*(/ Subsidiary Companies N/!$$08/70'&*.#856&.&/70';3&/6&6'50.05&*(/ Subsidiary Companies **} 05&*(/;$)!/(&087(0|07)&57)!/9!-8&0'*.30576} % OF SHARES HOLDING/ HELD SUBSIDIARY/ ASSOCIATE Sl No FOREIGN EXCHANGE EARNINGS AND OUTGO *} III PARTICULARS OF HOLDING , SUBSIDIARY & ASSOCIATE COMPANIES 07&$)/0-0(<:!6*.3057&%%85*/(7)&35&9*0867)5&&?/!/$*!-<&!56R&!5&'0$86*/(0/7)&%&9&-03.&/70'085 0:/7&$)/0-0(<7)508()*/)086& &''0576!/%35&6&/77&$)/0-0(<*6#!6&%0/0850:/ &''0576R (iv) Expenditure incurred on Research and Development % to total turnover of the Company Sd/!7&U!<S /,!5!/:!5 -!$&U85(!0/ |)!*5.!/ !/!(*/(*5&$705} 78 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 79 8 ¨30--0<5&6-0#!- RRN 0-066&8.S/6$)&%& Foreign Company Subsidiary |} 9 ¨30--0<5&6|*%%-&!67}N 8*-%*/(0NS!--&5*&6N'?$&0N S&#&-¨-*N8#!*S¨ Foreign Company Subsidiary |} ¨30--0<5&6 0-%*/(6|*/(!305&} 7&R7%N&.!6&,08-&9!5%S NS8/7&$0:&5:0S */(!305& Foreign Company ¨30--0<5&6|)!*-!/%}*.*7&%N S0:&5SS!.!N 0!%S!/(!3*S 8!<:!/(S !/(,0,N Foreign Company Subsidiary Subsidiary Foreign Company ¨30--0<5&6|5!6*-}7%!RN¨9R Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek, S!/%!5S6!-!SUN SÂ0!8-0{ Subsidiary |} ¨30--05&%&67&*/7%RN &&$):00%S)&55< !--0!%S Kettering Business Park, Northants Foreign Company Subsidiary |} 5&%&67&*/05%*$¨N -²+&-#&5(6(!7!/S ˨S Foreign Company Subsidiary |} 5&%&67&*/05(&¨{N -²+&-#&5(6(!7!/S ˨S Foreign Company Subsidiary |} ¨30--05&%&67&*/¨NS¨9&/8& *$705 8(0SS!5*6 Foreign Company Subsidiary |} ¨30--05&%&67&*/.# N )&*/675!66&S!--&/%! Foreign Company Subsidiary |} ¨30--05&%&67&*/30/<0-6,! 63R0R0RN-5067!SN !56=!:! Foreign Company Subsidiary |} ¨30--05&%&67&*/*5&6/$NS 5*%(&75&&7S&78$)&/ Foreign Company Subsidiary |} RR5&%&67&*/RRRN -8+N!30$!675R5*/<**,-06/5R {NS-8+ Foreign Company Subsidiary |} ¨30--0<5&6¨'5*$!|7<}7%N <%/&<0!%S85#!/S Foreign Company Subsidiary |} 5&6685*7&|7<}7%R|¨}N/*7S Foreign Company ¨9*!7*0/5&6$&/7S¨*53057*7<S Associate |} ¨¨5*%86N0; !5&'5&&S¨5*=0/!¨S 0*/7&/785& |} |} Foreign Company Subsidiary |} ¨30--0<5&6|}97R7%N5% -005S!%%0; 086&S!%%0; 75&&7 NS&(&/775&&7 0/%0/ Foreign Company Subsidiary |} ¨30--0<5&65039&67|}97R 7%N)*5%-005S!%%0; 086& !%%0;675&&7 N&(&/7 75&&70/%0/ Foreign Company Subsidiary |} ¨30--05&%&67&*/RRN5R $)*''675!!7S/6$)&%& Foreign Company Subsidiary |} ¨30--05&%&67&*/'7RN¨-,07Å6°7 {$8%!3&67 Foreign Company Subsidiary |} ¨30--05&%&67&*/&-8;N 850 &6*(/&/7&5S &*=&- 63-!/!%&#865866&- Foreign Company Subsidiary |} 5&%&67&*/0/68-7*/(N5RRRR $)*''675!!7S/6$)&%& Foreign Company Subsidiary |} */-0RRN5R$)*''675!!7S /6$)&%& Foreign Company Subsidiary |} 5&%&67&*/!5,&7*/(RN5RRRR $)*''675!!7S/6$)&%& Foreign Company Subsidiary |} 5&%&67&*/!5,&7*/(R 0RN $)8-=&/%05'&5675!66&S Schonefeld Foreign Company Subsidiary |} ¨30--05&%&67&*/&6.# N &<#&-(!66&NS*&/ Foreign Company Subsidiary |} Foreign Company ¨30--05&%&67&*/$):&*=¨N &--*/(&5675!66&¨S067'!$)S !%&/ Subsidiary Foreign Company Subsidiary 80 | APOLLO TYRES LTD Subsidiary |} ¨30--0<5&6N5R$)*''675!!7 S/6$)&%& ¨30--05&%&67&*/RRRN*! %&-:&*660%5*48&=&/*05/R */7R*.*/*|} Foreign Company ¨30--05&%&67&*/#¾5*$!R¨RN *7<3!5$%*?$*0586&-!6S75!R& 063*7!-&7NS05/&--! de Llobregat Barcelona |} Foreign Company IV. SHAREHOLDING PATTERN (Equity Share Capital Break up as % to total Equity) (i) CATEGORY-WISE SHARE HOLDING Category of Shareholders No. of Shares held at the beginning of the year Demat Physical Total % of Total Shares No. of Shares held at the end of the year Demat Physical Total % of Total Shares % change during the year A. Promoters (1) Indian !}/%*9*%8!-{ #}&/75!-097R05 State Govt. $}0%*&605305!7&6j %}!/,{ &}¨/<07)&5 R - R - |R} - R - |} SUB TOTAL (A) (1):- R R R |} (2) Foreign !}N/%*9*%8!-6 #}7)&5/%*9*%8!-6 $}0%*&6053R %}!/,6{ &}¨/<07)&5T R - R - SUB TOTAL (A) (2):- R R R R |R} |R} ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 81 Total Shareholding 219250292 of Promoter (A)= (A)(1)+(A)(2) B. PUBLIC SHAREHOLDING (1) Institutions !}878!-8/%6 #}!/,6{jj }&/75!-(097 %}7!7&097R &}&/785&!3*7!- Fund '}/685!/$& Companies (} )}05&*(/&/785& Capital Funds *}7)&56|63&$*'<}N Other Insurance Companies SUB TOTAL (B) (1):- 211538360 (2) Non Institutions !}0%*&6$05305!7&6 *}/%*!/jj **}9&56&!6 #}/%*9*%8!-6 *}/%*9*%8!- shareholders holding nominal share capital 83706R-!,)6jj **}/%*9*%8!-6 shareholders holding nominal share capital */&;$&660' -!,)6 $}7)&56|63&$*'<} NRIs Clearing Members Foregin National Foreign Bank Unclaimed Suspense A/c 5867 0-%&56 SUB TOTAL (B) (2):Total Public Shareholding (B)= (B)(1)+(B)(2) C. Shares held by Custodian for GDRs & ADRs 61298190 7450 219257742 43.50 224250292 7450 224257742 44.06 0.56 R R R - R R R - R R |R} - R R R R - R - |R} - R R |R} 1953548 213491908 42.36 209972102 1907330 211879432 41.62 (0.74) R - R - |R} - R R R R R |R} R R R R R R R R R R |R} |R} 9976930 71275120 R 14.14 R 63437454 9450142 72887596 R 14.32 R R 0.18 |R} Sl No. Shareholders Name Mr Onkar S. Kanwar Global Capital Ltd. Ms Shalini Chand &/67!5/9&67.&/7 */!/$& Pvt Ltd. 5&&5!+!/:!5 5!!+!!/:!5 Ms Simran Kanwar 6!58!/:!5 Total - 100.00 - Sl. No. Particulars 11937928 504024770 100.00 497659848 11364922 509024770 &&5!+0/68-7!/767%R Constructive Finance Pvt. Ltd. Apollo Finance Ltd. 8/5!<6503&57*&6 /9&67.&/7 Co. Pvt. Ltd. Apollo International Ltd. Motlay Finance Pvt. Ltd. !$5&% &!57/9&67.&/70R Pvt. Ltd. Classic Autotubes Ltd. !/(!!9&5*5&%*7 0-%*/( Pvt. Ltd. /%86!--&</9&67.&/7 Finance Pvt. Ltd. Shareholding at the beginning of the year Shareholding at the end of the year % change in % of shares % of shares No. of shares % of total No. of % of total share holding pledged shares of the pledged shares shares of the Company encumbered to during the year Company encumbered to total shares total shares R R R R |R} R R R |R} R R R R |R} R R R R |R} ¨77)&&(*//*/(0'7)&&!5 |¨35*-S} SS:!55!/76)&-%#< -!66*$¨8708#&67%R:&5& $0/9&57&%*/70&48*7<6)!5&60/ ¨35*-SR At the end of the year (March 31, 2015) R R R R 44.06 5.25 |R} |R} |R} |R} 0.56 Cumulative Share holding during the year No. of shares % of total shares of the Company R R R R 224257742 44.05% 224257742 44.05% (iv) SHAREHOLDING PATTERN OF TOP TEN SHAREHOLDERS (OTHER THAN DIRECTORS, PROMOTERS & HOLDERS OF GDRs & ADRs)* Shareholding at the beginning/ end of the year Cumulative Shareholding during the year % of total shares No. of shares % of total shares of the Company of the Company Custodian A/c - Ashwin Shantilal Mehta ¨77)&&(*//*/(0'7)&&!5 |¨35*-S} - - - - 5!/6!$7*0/|85$)!6&{6!-&}'50. ¨35*-S8370!5$)S R R At the end of the year |!5$)S} R R R R |} |R} R R R - - - - ,!(&/0/N*,*&5%*3!3*5'0/% R R R R R R R |R} |R} |R} ¨77)&&(*//*/(0'7)&&!5 |¨35*-S} R R R R R |R} 5!/6!$7*0/|85$)!6&{6!-&}'50. ¨35*-S8370!5$)S R R |R} At the end of the year |!5$)S} 5!/,-*/&.3-&70//9&67.&/7 Funds ¨77)&&(*//*/(0'7)&&!5 |¨35*-S} 82 | APOLLO TYRES LTD 224257742 Share holding at the beginning of the Year No. of shares Sl No. Shareholders Name 4.09 No. of Shares % of total shares of the Company (ii) SHARE HOLDING OF PROMOTERS 8 9 R R R R 43.50 (iii) CHANGE IN PROMOTERS' SHAREHOLDING* 7 219257742 Sl. No Name of the Shareholder Grand Total (A+B+C) 492086842 Shareholding at the beginning of the year Shareholding at the end of the year % change in % of shares % of shares No. of shares % of total No. of % of total share holding pledged shares of the pledged shares shares of the Company encumbered to during the year Company encumbered to total shares total shares R R |R} R R |R} R R |R} R R |R} ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 83 5!/6!$7*0/|85$)!6&{6!-&}'50. ¨35*-S8370!5$)S R R 5!/6!$7*0/|85$)!6&{6!-&}'50. ¨35*-S8370!5$)S R R At the end of the year |!5$)S} R R At the end of the year |!5$)S} R R Government Pension Fund Global ¨77)&&(*//*/(0'7)&&!5 |¨35*-S} 5!/6!$7*0/|85$)!6&{6!-&}'50. ¨35*-S8370!5$)S At the end of the year |!5$)S} |} |R} R R R R 5!/6!$7*0/|85$)!6&{6!-&}'50. ¨35*-S8370!5$)S R R R Sl. No Name of the Director/ KMP R 5!/6!$7*0/|85$)!6&{ 6!-&}'50.¨35*-S 8370!5$)S At the end of the year |!5$)S} R 5R&&5!+!/:!5N *$&)!*5.!/ Managing Director At the Beginning of the &!5|¨35*-S} 5!/6!$7*0/|85$)!6&{6!-&}'50. ¨35*-S8370!5$)S |} |R} R At the end of the year |!5$)S} R R 5!/6!$7*0/|85$)!6&{ 6!-&}'50.¨35*-S 8370!5$)S Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation At the end of the year |!5$)S} R R - - R R R 5!/6!$7*0/|85$)!6&{ 6!-&}'50.¨35*-S 8370!5$)S R R At the end of the year |!5$)S} ¨77)&&(*//*/(0'7)&&!5 |¨35*-S} 5!/6!$7*0/|85$)!6&{6!-&}'50. ¨35*-S8370!5$)S At the end of the year |!5$)S} - - R R R 5&%*78*66&|*/(!305&}*.*7&% At the Beginning of the &!5|¨35*-S} ¨77)&&(*//*/(0'7)&&!5 |¨35*-S} R R 5!/6!$7*0/|85$)!6&{6!-&}'50. ¨35*-S8370!5$)S R R At the end of the year |!5$)S} R R R R N330578/*7*&68/% ¨77)&&(*//*/(0'7)&&!5 |¨35*-S} 84 | APOLLO TYRES LTD % of total shares of the Company R R - - - - R R R R - - - - R R R R - - - - R R R R - - - - R R 5R*,5!.&)7!N Director 5!/6!$7*0/|85$)!6&{ 6!-&}'50.¨35*-S 8370!5$)S At the end of the year |!5$)S} No. of shares 5!$0#)0.!6N Director At the Beginning of the &!5|¨35*-S} Governor of Kerala % of total shares of the Company Cumulative Shareholding during the year Mr Onkar S Kanwar N)!*5.!/ !/!(*/( Director At the Beginning of the &!5|¨35*-S} Shareholding at the beginning/end of the year No. of shares R Investec Global Strategy Fund A/c ¨6*!/48*7<8/% At the end of the year |!5$)S} R R 5!/6!$7*0/|85$)!6&{6!-&}'50. ¨35*-S8370!5$)S 9 ¨77)&&(*//*/(0'7)&&!5 |¨35*-S} 8 R ¨77)&&(*//*/(0'7)&&!5 |¨35*-S} ¨77)&&(*//*/(0'7)&&!5 |¨35*-S} 7 *.&/6*0/!-.&5(*/(!5,&76 !-8&8/% At the end of the year |!5$)S} (v) SHAREHOLDING OF DIRECTORS & KMPs* *The shareholding percentage at the beginning/end of the year has been calculated on the share capital as on March 31, 2015. )&'0--0:*/(*5&$7056{&<!/!(&5*!-&560//&-|}%*%/07)0-%!/<6)!5&6%85*/(?6$!-U |*}5¨,6)!<)8%!6!.!S*5&$705|**}5¨85:!5S*5&$705|***}5*.&6)!.3!/*S*5&$705|*9}5 85*!/S*5&$705|9}50#&577&*/.&7=S *5&$705|9*}5R8/!.!5,!5S*5&$705|9**}5!5!<!/S*5&$705|9***}6!--!9*)50''S*5&$705|*;}5!+!/&5+*SN|;}5!)!-S Company Secretary-KMP ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 85 V. INDEBTEDNESS INDEBTEDNESS OF THE COMPANY INCLUDING INTEREST OUTSTANDING/ACCRUED BUT NOT DUE FOR PAYMENT | *--*0/} Particulars Secured Loans excluding deposits Unsecured Loans Deposits SR SR - SR - - - - R R - R 10,823.26 4,596.10 - 15,419.36 B. REMUNERATION TO OTHER DIRECTORS: Sl.No Total Indebtedness *}5*/$*3!-¨.08/7 **}/7&5&67%8&#87/073!*% ***}/7&5&67!$$58&%#87/07%8& Total (i+ii+iii) Reduction SR Net Change - SR SR - SR |SR} - |R} K. JACOB Nimesh N Pallavi )0.!6 Kampani Shroff Robert S Narayan Shardul S *,5!. 7&*/.&7= Shroff S.Mehta R R R R R R R R R R |#}0..*66*0/ R R R R R R R R R R - - - - - - - - - - 6.16 6.66 6.66 6.06 5.39 6.06 6.86 0.67 6.23 50.48 7)&50/;&$87*9& Directors 85*!/j |!}&&'05!77&/%*/( R R |#}0..*66*0/ R R - - |$}7)&56S3-&!6& specify. |SR} Askhay Chudasama Total Amount |!}&&'05!77&/%*/( board committee meetings Total (1) SR Name of the Directors |$}7)&56S3-&!6& specify &KDQJHLQ,QGHEWHGQHVVGXULQJWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDU Additions Particulars of Remuneration Independent Directors A.K. Purwar ,QGHEWQHVVDWWKHEHJLQQLQJRIWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDU | *--*0/} ,QGHEWHGQHVVDWWKHHQGRIWKH¿QDQFLDO\HDU Total (2) *}5*/$*3!-¨.08/7 Total (B)=(1+2) 56.33 Total Managerial Remuneration 781.93 SR SR - SR - - - - R - - R 6,904.38 4,263.04 - 11,167.42 **}/7&5&67%8&#87/073!*% ***}/7&5&67!$$58&%#87/07%8& Total (i+ii+iii) Sl.No Particulars of Remuneration 1 | *--*0/} Name of the MD/WTD/Manager Onkar S Kanwar Neeraj Kanwar Sunam Sarkar |!}!-!5<!63&53509*6*0/6 $0/7!*/&%*/6&$7*0/|}0'7)& /$0.&!;RR R R R |#}!-8&0'3&548*6*7&68{6|} 0'7)&/$0.&7!;¨$7S R |$}50?76*/-*&80'6!-!5<8/%&5 6&$7*0/|}0'7)&/$0.&!; ¨$7S - Stock option - - - - - :&!748*7< - - - - - 0..*66*0/!60'350?7 - R - U S Oberoi Total Amount Gross salary R | *--*0/} Sl. No. Particulars of Remuneration Key Managerial Personnel 1 Gross Salary Company Secretary (P.N. WAHAL) R R R - - R |#}!-8&0'3&548*6*7&68{6|}0'7)&/$0.&!;¨$7S R |$}50?76*/-*&80'6!-!5<8/%&56&$7*0/|}0'7)&/$0.&!;¨$7S - Stock Option - :&!748*7< - 0..*66*0/!60'350?707)&56S63&$*'< - Others, please specify - Total R R R R R - - - - - Others, please specify - - - - - R R R R R Ceiling as per the Act j!*%700970'&5!-! |!}!-!5<!63&53509*6*0/6$0/7!*/&%*/6&$7*0/|}0'7)&/$0.&!;¨$7SR R 07)&56|63&$*'<} 07!-|¨} Overall Cieling as per R*--*0/6|#&*/(0'7)&&750?760'7)&0.3!/<$!-$8-!7&%!63&5&$7*0/0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7 the Act. } A. REMUNERATION TO MANAGING DIRECTOR, WHOLE TIME DIRECTOR AND/OR MANAGER: 5.85 C. REMUNERATION TO KEY MANAGERIAL PERSONNEL OTHER THAN MD/MANAGER/WTD VI. REMUNERATION OF DIRECTORS AND KEY MANAGERIAL PERSONNEL 5.85 13.85 5!+!/&5+*:!6!330*/7&%!6*/3-!$&0'58/!.!5,!5:R&R'R&#58!5<SR5!+!/&5+*)!65&$&*9&% 5&.8/&5!7*0/'50.:)0--<0:/&%09&56&!668#6*%*!5<0'7)&0.3!/<R5!/&5+*)!65&6*(/&%:R&R'R¨35*-SR VII. PENALTIES/PUNISHMENT/COMPOUNDING OF OFFENCES )&5&:&5&/03&/!-7*&6{38/*6).&/7{$0.308/%*/(0'0''&/$&68/%&50.3!/*&6¨$7'057)&<&!5&/%*/(!5$)SR R*--*0/6|#&*/(0'7)&&750?760'7)&0.3!/< $!-$8-!7&%!63&5&$7*0/0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7} For and on behalf of the Board of Directors Sd/- 86 | APOLLO TYRES LTD !7&U!<S /,!5!/:!5 -!$&U85(!0/ |)!*5.!/ !/!(*/(*5&$705} ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 87 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT ANNEXURE - V ¨30--0<5&6a(09&5/!/$&'5!.&:05,&/+0*/67)&)*()&6767!/%!5%60'&7)*$!-!/%5&630/6*#-&$0/%8$70'#86*/&6670 create value for all stakeholders. It continues to focus on good corporate governance, in line with emerging local and (-0#!-67!/%!5%6R78/%&567!/%6!/%5&63&$76*76?%8$*!5<50-&*/7)&$05305!7&:05-%R&6*%&6!%)&5*/(707)&35&6$5*#&% $05305!7&(09&5/!/$&35!$7*$&6!63&5-!86&0'7)&-*67*/(!(5&&.&/7S7)&0.3!/<90-8/7!5*-<(09&5/6*76&-'!63&5 highest standards of ethical and responsible conduct of business in all facets of its operations and in all interactions with its stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, consumers, lenders and the community at large. )&.!+05*7<0'7)&3509*6*0/60'0.3!/*&6¨$7S#&$!.&&''&$7*9&'50.¨35*-SR)&35*.&'0$860'0.3!/*&6 ¨$7S*60/6)!5&)0-%&56a%&.0$5!$<S)*()&575!/63!5&/$<!/%.05&%*6$-0685&6SN09&5/!/$&S*/9&67053507&$7*0/ {.*/05*7<6)!5&)0-%&56!/%0/50'&66*0/!-6a&/)!/$&%50-& !$$08/7!#*-*7<R0850.3!/<)!6*/*7*!7&%7)&350$&660' 75!/6'05.!7*0/'50.0.3!/*&6¨$7S700.3!/*&6¨$7S*/!3)!6&%.!//&56*/$&*76/07*?$!7*0/R)&$855&/7 !//8!-5&30570'<0850.3!/<$0/7!*/6!--7)&!%%*7*0/!-*/'05.!7*0/!/%%*6$-0685&6:)*$)!5&5&48*5&%70#&(*9&/ 8/%&50.3!/*&6¨$7SR )*6 5&3057S !-0/( :*7) 7)& 5&3057 0/ !/!(&.&/7 *6$866*0/ !/% ¨/!-<6*6 !/% !%%*7*0/!- 6)!5&)0-%&56 */'05.!7*0/ 3509*%&67)&%&7!*-60'*.3-&.&/7!7*0/0'7)&$05305!7&(09&5/!/$&$0%&#<<0850.3!/<!6$0/7!*/&%*/$-!86&0' the listing agreement: 1. Corporate Governance Philosophy ¨7¨30--0<5&67%|7)&0.3!/<}S$05305!7&(09&5/!/$&#5*/(6%*5&$7*0/!/%$0/750-707)&!''!*560'7)&0.3!/< in a fashion that ensures optimum return for stakeholders. Corporate governance is the broad framework which %&?/&6 7)& :!< 7)& 0.3!/< '8/$7*0/6 !/% */7&5!$76 :*7) *76 &/9*50/.&/7R 7 *6 */ $0.3-*!/$& :*7) -!:6 !/% regulations in each of the markets the Company operates, leading to effective management of the organisation. 05&09&5S ¨30--0 */ *76 +085/&< 70:!5%6 6867!*/!#*-*7< *6 */7&(5!7*/( 6867!*/!#*-*7< 35!$7*$&6 */ *76 $05305!7& governance system which goes beyond compliance. )&0.3!/<*6(8*%&%#<!,&<6&70'9!-8&6'05!--*76*/7&5/!-!/%&;7&5/!-*/7&5!$7*0/6R *.8-7!/&086-<S */ ,&&3*/( :*7) 7)& #&67 35!$7*$&6S <085 0.3!/< 6&&,6 70 &;&$87& 7)& 35!$7*$&6 0' $05305!7& governance by maintaining strong business fundamentals and by delivering high performance through relentless focus on the following: |!} 5!/63!5&/$<#<$-!66*'<*/(!/%&;3-!*/*/(7)&0.3!/<c630-*$*&6!/%!$7*0/6707)06&70:!5%6:)0.*7)!6 5&630/6*#*-*7*&6S*/$-8%*/(*76&.3-0<&&6R)*6*.3-*&67)&.!;*.8.3066*#-&%*6$-0685&6:*7)087)!.3&5*/(7)& */7&5&6760'7)&0.3!/<!/%7)06&0'*766)!5&)0-%&56R)&0.3!/<#&-*&9&6*/350.07*0/0'&7)*$!-9!-8&6!/% 6&77*/(83&;&.3-!5<67!/%!5%60'&7)*$!-#&)!9*085*/085$0/%8$770:!5%6085#86*/&663!57/&56S$0--&!(8&6S 6)!5&)0-%&56!/%(&/&5!-38#-*$V |#} ¨$$08/7!#*-*7<*6!,&<3*--!5S:)&5&7)&5&$!//07#&!$0.350.*6&*/!/<!63&$70'!$$08/7!#*-*7<!/%'8-- 5&630/6*#*-*7<S&9&/!67)&.!/!(&.&/738568&6350?7!#-&(50:7)'057)&0.3!/<V |$} 50'&66*0/!-*6.&/685&67)!7.!/!(&.&/77&!.6!7!---&9&-6!5&48!-*?&%'057)&*5306*7*0/6S)!9&!$-&!5 8/%&567!/%*/(0'7)&*550-&6!/%!5&$!3!#-&0'&;&5$*6*/(7)&*50:/+8%(.&/7S,&&3*/(*/9*&:7)&0.3!/<c6 */7&5&676S:*7)087#&*/(68#+&$7708/%8&*/@8&/$&'50.!/<&;7&5/!-05*/7&5/!-35&6685&6V |%} 5867&&6)*3 #5*/(6 */70 '0$86 7)& ?%8$*!5< 50-& 0' 7)& .!/!(&.&/7 70 !-*(/ !/% %*5&$7 7)& !$7*0/6 0' 7)& 05(!/*6!7*0/70:!5%6$5&!7*/(:&!-7)!/%6)!5&)0-%&59!-8&*/7)&0.3!/<a648&6770&67!#-*6)!(-0#!- /&7:05,S:)*-&!#*%*/(:*7)(-0#!-/05.6!/%$8-785&6V |&} ¨63!570'05305!7&&630/6*#*-*7<S7)&0.3!/<#&-*&9&6*/:05,*/(70:!5%66867!*/!#-&%&9&-03.&/7N &/9*50/.&/7!-!/%60$*!-R)08()7)&+085/&<0/6867!*/!#*-*7<*65&$&/7S*7*6!-5&!%<!,&<3*--!5*/*76/&;7?9& <&!5(50:7)+085/&<V |'} !'&(8!5%*/(*/7&(5*7<&/685&6*/%&3&/%&/79&5*?$!7*0/!/%7587)'8-35&6&/7!7*0/0'7)&0.3!/<c6?/!/$*!- position. For this purpose, the Company has also constituted an Audit Committee which pays particular !77&/7*0/707)&?/!/$*!-.!/!(&.&/7350$&66V |(} 0/7*/8086'0$860/75!*/*/(!/%%&9&-03.&/70'&.3-0<&&6!/%:05,&5670!$)*&9&7)&09&5!--$05305!7& 0#+&$7*9&6:)*-&&/685*/(&.3-0<&&*/7&(5!7*0/!$5066/!7*0/!-#08/%!5*&6R 085 0.3!/< *6 03&/S !$$&66*#-& !/% $0/6*67&/7 :*7) *76 $0..8/*$!7*0/R ¨30--0 <5&6 6)!5&6 ! -0/( 7&5. 3&563&$7*9&!/%?5.-<#&-*&9&67)!7(00%$05305!7&(09&5/!/$&35!$7*$&68/%&56$05&*76%5*9&70:!5%6$0.3&7*7*9& 675&/(7)!/%6867!*/&%3&5'05.!/$&R)86S09&5!--$05305!7&(09&5/!/$&/05.6)!9&#&&/*/67*787*0/!-*6&%!6!/ enabling and facilitating business process at the board, management and at all operational levels. 2. Board of Directors (Supervisory Board) At Apollo, we believe that an active, well-informed and independent board is necessary to ensure highest standards 0' 05305!7& 09&5/!/$&R )& 0!5% 0' *5&$7056 |*R&R 83&59*605< 0!5%} 0' ¨30--0 <5&6S #&*/( !7 7)& $05& 0' its Corporate Governance practice, plays the most pivotal role in overseeing how the management serves and 3507&$767)&-0/(O7&5.*/7&5&6760'!--08567!,&)0-%&56R 88 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 89 ¨30--0a60!5%$0/6*6760'!/037*.!-$0.#*/!7*0/0';&$87*9&*5&$7056!/%/%&3&/%&/7*5&$7056S5&35&6&/7*/( ! +8%*$*086 .*; 0' 350'&66*0/!-*6.S ,/0:-&%(& !/% &;3&5*&/$&R )& *5&$7056 #5*/( */ &;3&57*6& */ 7)& ?&-%6 0' )8.!/ 5&6085$& %&9&-03.&/7S 675!7&(<S .!/!(&.&/7S -&(!-S ?/!/$& !/% &$0/0.*$6S !.0/( 07)&56R )& 0!5% 3509*%&6 -&!%&56)*3S 675!7&(*$ (8*%!/$&S 0#+&$7*9& !/% */%&3&/%&/7 9*&: 70 7)& 0.3!/<a6 .!/!(&.&/7 :)*-& %*6$)!5(*/( *76 ?%8$*!5< 5&630/6*#*-*7*&6S 7)&5&#< &/685*/( 7)!7 7)& .!/!(&.&/7 !%)&5&6 70 )*() 67!/%!5%6 0' ethics, transparency and disclosure. |} |} |} (a) Composition of Board:)&6*=&!/%$0.306*7*0/0'7)&0!5%!60/!5$)S&;$&&%67)&5&48*5&.&/76 0'$-!86&0'7)&-*67*/(!(5&&.&/7&/7&5&%:*7)7)&670$,&;$)!/(&6R)&0.3!/<a60!5%0'*5&$7056 $0/6*670';&$87*9&!/%0/;&$87*9&*5&$7056S*/$-8%*/(-&!%*/(350'&66*0/!-6*/7)&*55&63&$7*9&?&-%6R )&'0--0:*/(*67)&3&5$&/7!(&0';&$87*9&!/%0/;&$87*9&*5&$70560'7)&0.3!/<: |} Category of Directors No. of Directors % of Total no. of Directors 8 ;&$87*9& 0/;&$87*9&*/$-8%*/(/%&3&/%&/7*5&$7056 07! No. of Board Meetings Attended(3) No. of positions held in Other Companies Executive/ Non-Executive/ Independent Board(1) Committee(2) For the purpose of committees of Board of Directors, only Audit and Stakeholders Relationship Committees in other public ltd. companies and subsidiaries of public ltd. companies are considered. 85*/(S?9&0!5%&&7*/(6:&5&)&-%R 8568!/770&$7*0/|}0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7SS5 85*!/6)!--/07#&75&!7&%!6!//%&3&/%&/7 *5&$705:R&R'R¨35*-SR |} 5#&50*S)*&'|05305!7&¨''!*56} )0-&7*.&*5&$705$&!6&%70#&*5&$7050'7)&0.3!/<:*7) &''&$7'50.09&.#&5S0/5&7*5&.&/7R |} 5!$0#)0.!6$&!6&%70#&*5&$705:*7)&''&$7'50.!<S0/5&6*(/!7*0/R 0/&0'7)&*5&$70560'<0850.3!/<*6!.&.#&50'.05&7)!/$0..*77&&605*67)&)!*5.!/0'.05& 7)!/?9&$0..*77&&6!$5066!--7)&$0.3!/*&6*/:)*$))&*6!*5&$705R 6!--!9*)50''S!57/&50'{6R¨.!5$)!/% !/(!-%!6 85&6)¨R)50'' 0RS$!55<*/(08735!$7*$&0' solicitors and advocates on record, to whom the Company has paid fee of R.*--*0/'05'05350'&66*0/!- !%9*$&5&/%&5&%#<7)&?5.*/:)*$)6)&*6*/7&5&67&%R)&0!5%)!6%&7&5.*/&%7)!768$)3!<.&/7*/7)& $0/7&;70'09&5!--&;3&/%*785&#<7)&0.3!/<S*6/076*(/*?$!/7!/%%0&6/07!''&$7)&5*/%&3&/%&/$&R )&$0/67*787*0/0'7)&0!5%!/%!77&/%!/$&5&$05%0'*5&$7056*6(*9&/#&-0:U Name/Designation of Director )*6*/$-8%&6%*5&$7056)*36)&-%*/38#-*$-7%R$0.3!/*&6!/%68#6*%*!5*&60'38#-*$-7%R$0.3!/*&6!/%&;$-8%&6 directorships in private ltd. companies and overseas companies. Attendance at last AGM Mr Akshay Chudasama is the Partner of M/s. J. Sagar Associates, carrying out practice of solicitors and advocates on record, to whom the Company has paid fee of R.*--*0/'057)&'05350'&66*0/!-!%9*$& 5&/%&5&%#<7)&?5.*/:)*$))&*6*/7&5&67&%R)&0!5%)!6%&7&5.*/&%7)!768$)3!<.&/7*/7)&$0/7&;70' 09&5!--&;3&/%*785&#<7)&0.3!/<S*6/076*(/*?$!/7!/%%0&6/07!''&$7)*6*/%&3&/%&/$&R Mr Onkar S Kanwar )!*5.!/ Managing Director 50.07&5O ;&$87*9& No 5&&5!+!/:!5 *$&)!*5.!/ Managing Director ;&$87*9& &6 Mr Akshay Chudasama 0/N;&$87*9& Independent &6 Mr A K Purwar 0/N;&$87*9& Independent 7 &6 Mr Nimesh N Kampani 0/N;&$87*9& Independent 7 &6 5 85*!/|} Nominee Director O0970'&5!-! |48*7</9&6705} 0/N;&$87*9& - No 50#&577&*/.&7= 0/N;&$87*9& Independent - - &6 (c) Board Functioning & Procedure: ¨30--0 <5&6a 0!5% *6 $0..*77&% 70 &/685& (00% (09&5/!/$& 7)508() ! 67<-&0''8/$7*0/*/(7)!7*66&-'N(09&5/*/(R)&.&.#&560'7)&0!5%!-:!<6)!9&$0.3-&7&-*#&57<70&;35&66 7)&*503*/*0/!/%%&$*6*0/6!5&7!,&/0/7)&#!6*60'$0/6&/686!55*9&%!7!'7&5%&7!*-&%%*6$866*0/6R)&<!5& also free to bring up any matter for discussion at the Board Meetings. Mr Sunam Sarkar )0-&7*.&*5&$705 ;&$87*9& - - &6 Dr S Narayan 0/N;&$87*9& Independent - &6 5*,5!.&)7! 0/N;&$87*9& Independent 8 &6 Ms Pallavi Shroff 0/N;&$87*9& Independent No I &5'05.!/$&0'/0/*/%&3&/%&/7*5&$7056!/%#0!5%!6!:)0-&V I &5'05.!/$& 0' 7)& )!*5.!/ 0' 7)& 0.3!/<S 7!,*/( */70 !$$08/7 7)& 9*&:6 0' &;&$87*9& *5&$7056 !/% /0/N&;&$87*9&*5&$7056V I ¨66&66&%7)&48!-*7<S48!/7*7<!/%7*.&-*/&660'@0:0'*/'05.!7*0/#&7:&&/7)&0.3!/<.!/!(&.&/7!/% the Board that was necessary for the Board to effectively and reasonably perform their duties. (b) Performance evaluation of Independent Directors. Ceased to be Director Mr U S Oberoi|} )*&'|05305!7&¨''!*56} )0-&7*.&*5&$705 ;&$87*9& - 5!$0#)0.!6|} 0/N;&$87*9& Independent 90 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ¨65&48*5&%8/%&5-!86&0'7)&*67*/(¨(5&&.&/7S!6&3!5!7&.&&7*/(0'7)&/%&3&/%&/7*5&$7056:!6 )&-%0/$70#&5SR)&/%&3&/%&/7*5&$7056!77)&.&&7*/(5&9*&:&%7)&'0--0:*/(UN &6 &6 )&0.3!/<)!6%&9*6&%!0-*$<'053&5'05.!/$&&9!-8!7*0/0'/%&3&/%&/7*5&$7056S0!5%S0..*77&&6 !/%07)&5*/%*9*%8!-*5&$7056:)*$)*/$-8%&6$5*7&5*!'053&5'05.!/$&&9!-8!7*0/0'7)&/0/N&;&$87*9&%*5&$7056 !/%&;&$87*9&%*5&$7056R ¨30--0<5&6a0!5%.&&76!7-&!670/$&*/&9&5<48!57&570%*6$866!/%5&9*&:7)&48!57&5-<5&68-76!/%07)&5 *7&.60'!(&/%!S*/$-8%*/(7)&*/'05.!7*0/5&48*5&%70#&3-!$&%#&'05&7)&0!5%S!65&48*5&%8/%&5¨//&;85& ¨ 0' $-!86& 0' -*67*/( !(5&&.&/7S !/% !%%*7*0/!- .&&7*/(6 !5& )&-% !6 !/% :)&/ 5&48*5&%R )& .&&7*/( %!7&6!5&868!--<?/!-*=&%:&--#&'05&7)&#&(*//*/(0'7)&<&!5R)&)!*5.!/{*$&)!*5.!/0'7)&0!5%!/%7)& Company Secretary discuss the items to be included in the agenda and the detailed agenda, management reports !/%07)&5&;3-!/!705<67!7&.&/76!5&$*5$8-!7&%:&--*/!%9!/$&0'7)&.&&7*/(R&/*05!/!(&.&/70'?$*!-6 are called to provide additional inputs on the matters being discussed by the Board/Committee. Overseas 03&5!7*/(68#6*%*!5*&6!5&5&35&6&/7&%7)508()7)&*5a6:)0.!,&%&7!*-&%35&6&/7!7*0/6!#087:05,*/(0' their respective companies. )&0!5%)!6!/&''&$7*9&3067.&&7*/('0--0:83350$&%85&R7&.6!5*6*/(0870'35&9*0860!5%&&7*/(!/% their follow up action report is placed at the immediately succeeding meeting for information of the Board. (d) Relationship amongst Directors:5R&&5!+!/:!5S*$&)!*5.!/ !/!(*/(*5&$705*67)&60/0'5/,!5 !/:!5S)!*5.!/ !/!(*/(*5&$705R0/&0'7)&07)&5*5&$7056!5&5&-!7&%70&!$)07)&5R H 3UR¿OHRIWKH&KDLUPDQ0DQDJLQJ'LUHFWRU¨67)&)!*5.!/0'¨30--0<5&67%S5/,!5!/:!5*67)& $)*&'!5$)*7&$70'7)&0.3!/<a69*6*0/!/%9!-8&N%5*9&/#86*/&66675!7&(<R/%&5)*6!#-&-&!%&56)*3S¨30--0 became a professionally managed and a globally recognised tyre manufacturer. As a visionary entrepreneur, he 3-!<6!$5*7*$!-50-&*/7)&!57*$8-!7*0/0'0.3!/<a6#86*/&663)*-0603)<R ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 91 0%&5/*6!7*0/S &;$&--&/$& !/% 48!-*7< !5& )*6 (8*%*/( 35*/$*3-&6R &(*67&5&% */ S ¨30--0 <5&6 8/%&5 )*6 guidance transformed itself from an Indian manufacturer of commercial vehicle tyres, to a global entity with !'8--N@&%(&%350%8$73057'0-*0S63!//*/($0/7*/&/76R5/,!5!/:!5*6)*()-<5&(!5%&%'05)*6$0/67!/7 emphasis on bettering the lives of people -- be it employees, customers, business partners, shareholders or any other stakeholder - and responsiveness to change and continuous learning. &*67)&!675&6*%&/70'7)&&%&5!7*0/0'/%*!/)!.#&560'0..&5$&!/%/%8675<|}!/%!'05.&5 )!*5.!/0'7)&¨870.07*9&<5&!/8'!$785&56a¨660$*!7*0/R &:!6!-60!.&.#&50'7)&/%*!//67*787& 0'/'05.!7*0/&$)/0-0(<&6*(/ !/8'!$785*/(|}R855&/7-<S!3!57'50.#&*/(!.&.#&50'7)& 5!%&¨%9*605<0..*77&&707)&09&5/.&/70'/%*!S)&*6!-60!&.#&50'7)&0!5%0'09&5/056'057)& /%*!//67*787&0'!/!(&.&/7|0=)*,0%&}R 5 /,!5 !/:!5 )!6 ! ,&&/ */7&5&67 */ 7)& ?&-% 0' &%8$!7*0/ !/% )&!-7) $!5&R ¨57&.*6 &!-7) $*&/$&6S promoted by him, is an enterprise focusing on state-of-the-art medical care and runs a cutting edge multi-specialty medical facility which focuses on holistic treatment. An initiative close to his heart is Apollo <5&6c N¨ !:!5&/&66 !/% 35&9&/7*0/ 350(5!..& '05 7)& $0..&5$*!- 9&)*$-& %5*9&5 $0..8/*7<S *.3-&.&/7&% 7)508() ¨30--0 <5&6 08/%!7*0/c6 &!-7) !5& &/75&6 -0$!7&% */ -!5(& 75!/6)*3.&/7 )8#6 across India. )&6!*%!/!(&.&/70!5%$0/6*6760'.&.#&56$0.35*6*/(0'7)&0.3!/<a66&/*05.!/!(&.&/77&!.R)& 0#+&$7*9&0'7)&!/!(&.&/70!5%*670|*}30-*$<.!,*/(350$&66'05,&<'8/$7*0/68/%&57!,&/!7$05305!7&-&9&-V |**}6)!5*/( 350.07*/(*.3-&.&/7!7*0/0'350$&66*.3509&.&/76!/%#&6735!$7*$&6!/%|***}!/!-<6*/($&57!*/,&< 03&5!7*0/!-.!77&56{675!7&(*$350+&$76S70&/)!/$&67!,&)0-%&56a9!-8&R )&!/!(&.&/70!5%(&/&5!--<.&&760/$&*/&9&5<48!57&5703&5'05.*76'8/$7*0/6R 4. Audit Committee )&35*.!5<0#+&$7*9&0'7)&¨8%*70..*77&&*670.0/*705!/%3509*%&&''&$7*9&683&59*6*0/0'7)&!/!(&.&/7a6 ?/!/$*!- 5&3057*/( 350$&66 :*7) ! 9*&: 70 &/685*/( !$$85!7& !/% 7*.&-< %*6$-0685&6S :*7) 7)& )*()&67 -&9&-6 0' 75!/63!5&/$<S */7&(5*7< !/% 48!-*7< 0' ?/!/$*!- 5&3057*/(R )& 0..*77&& 09&56&&6 7)& :05, $!55*&% 087 */ 7)& ?/!/$*!-5&3057*/(350$&66#<7)&!/!(&.&/7S7)&*/7&5/!-!8%*7056!/%7)&*/%&3&/%&/7!8%*705S!/%/07&67)& processes and safeguards employed by each. All possible measures are taken by the Committee to ensure the 0#+&$7*9*7<!/%*/%&3&/%&/$&0'7)&*/%&3&/%&/7!8%*705R (a) Composition & Terms of Reference of Committee )&0!5%0'*5&$7056$0/67*787&%!/¨8%*70..*77&&*/7)&<&!5R)&30:&56S50-&!/%7&5.60'5&'&5&/$& 0' 7)& ¨8%*7 0..*77&& $09&56 7)& !5&!6 !6 $0/7&.3-!7&% 8/%&5 $-!86& 0' 7)& -*67*/( !(5&&.&/7 !/% &$7*0/ 0' 7)& 0.3!/*&6 ¨$7S R )& 35&6&/7 ¨8%*7 0..*77&& $0.35*6&6 0' '0--0:*/( 7)5&& 0/N ;&$87*9&/%&3&/%&/7*5&$70569*=R5!5!<!/S5¨,6)!<)8%!6!.!!/%50#&577&*/.&7=R5 #&50*S:)0:!67)&.&.#&50'7)&$0..*77&&5&7*5&%!6!*5&$7050'7)&0.3!/<:R&R'R09&.#&5S !/% 5 !$0# )0.!6 5&6*(/&% 0/ !< S R 0/6&48&/7-<S 7)& ¨8%*7 0..*77&& :!6 5&$0/67*787&% #<*/%8$7*/(50#&577&*/.&7=!6!.&.#&50'7)&0..*77&&R5!5!<!/S/%&3&/%&/7*5&$705!$76 !67)&)!*5.!/0'7)&0..*77&&R¨--7)&.&.#&56!5&?/!/$*!--<-*7&5!7&!/%3066&667)&5&48*6*7&?/!/$*!-{ #86*/&66!$8.&/7063&$*?$!--<-00,*/707)&*/7&5/!-$0/750-6!/%!8%*7350$&%85&6R&.#&56)!9&%*6$866*0/6 :*7)7)&7!78705<¨8%*7056%85*/(7)&.&&7*/(60'7)&$0..*77&&!/%7)&48!57&5-<{)!-'N<&!5-<!/%!//8!- !8%*7&%?/!/$*!-60'7)&0.3!/<!5&5&9*&:&%#<7)&¨8%*70..*77&&#&'05&$0/6*%&5!7*0/!/%!33509!-#< 7)&0!5%0'*5&$7056R)&0..*77&&!-605&9*&:6/7&5/!-0/750-<67&.6!/%6<67&.6R ¨63&5-!86&0'7)&-*67*/(!(5&&.&/7!/%&$7*0/0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7S7)&¨8%*70..*77&& has been entrusted with the following responsibilities:- A Science and Administration graduate from the University of California, Mr Onkar S Kanwar is a widely travelled */%*9*%8!-R &%&907&6!-!5(&3!570')*67*.&705&!%*/(!/%*63!66*0/!7&!#087-&!5/*/(.0%&5/.!/!(&.&/7 practices and their successful application in business. &)!6#&&/$0/'&55&%:*7)`5/67 08/(/75&35&/&850'7)&&!5!:!5%O!/8'!$785*/(a'057)&<&!5R I 3UR¿OH RI WKH 9LFH&KDLUPDQ 0DQDJLQJ 'LUHFWRU ¨6 7)& *$& )!*5.!/ !/!(*/( *5&$705 0' ¨30--0 <5&6S5&&5!+!/:!53-!<6!3*907!-50-&*/¨30--0a6+085/&<70:!5%6#&$0.*/(0/&0'7)&.067!%.*5&% !870.07*9&7<5&#5!/%6R5&&5!+!/:!5)!63*0/&&5&%,&<*/*7*!7*9&6*/&/)!/$*/(7)&$0.3&7*7*9&/&660'7)& 0.3!/<a603&5!7*0/6!/%350%8$76!$50667)&#0!5%R &*65&630/6*#-&'05$5!'7*/(¨30--0a6(50:7)6705<S7!,*/( 7)&0.3!/<'50..*--*0/70#*--*0/:*7)*/!<&!57*.&63!/R/%&5)*6!#-&-&!%&56)*3¨30--0 !$48*5&% 8/-03 <5&6 /7&5/!7*0/!- */ 087) ¨'5*$! !/% *.#!#:& */ S 5&%&67&*/ !/%&/ */ 7)& &7)&5-!/%6*/S!/%$855&/7-<!5&&/?&-%'!$*-*7<*/ 8/(!5<*6#&*/(6&7N83S7)&5&#<75!/6'05.*/(*76&-' into a multi-geography Company with operations across geographies. 5&&5!+!/:!5#&(!/)*6$!5&&5:*7)¨30--0<5&6!6!/!(&5S50%8$7 75!7&(*$-!//*/(S:)&5&)&3-!<&% !$58$*!-50-&*/$5&!7*/(!#5*%(&#&7:&&/7)&7:0,&<'8/$7*0/60'.!/8'!$785*/(!/%.!5,&7*/(R/S)& +0*/&%7)&0!5%0'*5&$7056!/%:!6350.07&%70)*&'S!/8'!$785*/(!/%75!7&(*$-!//*/(R *6.!/!(&.&/7 skills helped him bring overarching changes in industrial relations, upgradation of technology and benchmarking 0/350%8$7!/%&'?$*&/$<3!5!.&7&56R I 9&56*()70'7)&0.3!/<a6?/!/$*!-5&3057*/(350$&66!/%7)&%*6$-0685&0'*76?/!/$*!-*/'05.!7*0/70&/685& 7)!77)&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/7*6$055&$7S68'?$*&/7!/%$5&%*#-&V I &$0..&/%!7*0/'05!330*/7.&/7S5&.8/&5!7*0/!/%7&5.60'!330*/7.&/70'!8%*70560'7)&0.3!/<V I ¨33509!-0'3!<.&/77067!78705<!8%*7056'05!/<07)&56&59*$&65&/%&5&%#<7)&67!78705<!8%*7056V /S)&700,09&5!67)&)*&'3&5!7*/('?$&50'7)&05(!/*6!7*0/S:)&5&*/)&*/750%8$&%9!-8&N%5*9&/350$&66 *.3509&.&/76*/)8.!/5&6085$&6!/%*/'05.!7*0/7&$)/0-0(<R5&&5!+!/:!5:!6!330*/7&%0*/7!/!(*/( *5&$705*/!/%&-&9!7&%70*$&)!*5.!/*/S!/%600/!'7&570!/!(*/(*5&$705*/'05)*6 initiatives in establishing the company in the global arena. I &9*&:*/( :*7) 7)& .!/!(&.&/7S 7)& !//8!- ?/!/$*!- 67!7&.&/76 !/% !8%*705c6 5&3057 7)&5&0/ #&'05& 68#.*66*0/707)&#0!5%'05!33509!-V I &9*&:*/(.!77&565&48*5&%70#&*/$-8%&%*/7)&*5&$705a6&630/6*#*-*7<7!7&.&/770#&*/$-8%&%*/7)& 0!5%a65&3057*/7&5.60'$-!86&|$}0'68#N6&$7*0/|}0'6&$7*0/0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7SV ¨6!#86*/&66-&!%&5S5&&5!+!/:!5*6!660$*!7&%:*7)-&!%*/(*/%8675<!660$*!7*0/6!/%:!65&$&/7-<7)& )!*5.!/0'7)&¨870.07*9&<5&!/8'!$785&5a6¨660$*!7*0/S/%*!R I &9*&:*/($)!/(&6S*'!/<S*/!$$08/7*/(30-*$*&6!/%35!$7*$&6!/%5&!60/6'057)&6!.&V I &9*&:*/(.!+05!$$08/7*/(&/75*&6*/90-9*/(&67*.!7&6#!6&%0/7)&&;&5$*6&0'+8%(.&/7#<.!/!(&.&/7V 5&&5!+!/:!5*6!3&03-&N$&/75*$-&!%&5!/%#&-*&9&6*/&.30:&5*/(&.3-0<&&670&/!#-&7)&.708/%&57!,& &''&$7*9&!/%&'?$*&/7%&$*6*0/6!7!--7*.&6R*7)*/¨30--0S)&*6,/0:/'05)*6!''!#-&.!/!(&.&/767<-&S!/% combine work with liberal doses of fun. I &9*&:*/(6*(/*?$!/7!%+867.&/76.!%&*/7)&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76!5*6*/(0870'!8%*7?/%*/(6V I &9*&:*/($0.3-*!/$&:*7)-*67*/(!/%07)&5-&(!-5&48*5&.&/765&-!7*/(70?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76V I &9*&:*/(%*6$-0685&0'!/<5&-!7&%3!57<75!/6!$7*0/6V ¨/ &/(*/&&5*/( (5!%8!7& '50. &)*() /*9&56*7< */ &//6<-9!/*!S ¨S 5 &&5!+ !/:!5 *6 !/ !9*% 630576 3&560/R &35&'&567063&/%)*6-&*685&7*.&:*7))*6'!.*-<053-!<*/(7&//*6S6:*..*/(!/%75!9&--*/(R I &9*&:*/(48!-*?$!7*0/6*/7)&%5!'7!8%*75&3057V I &9*&:*/( :*7) 7)& .!/!(&.&/7S 7)& 48!57&5-< ?/!/$*!- 67!7&.&/76 #&'05& 68#.*66*0/ 70 7)& #0!5% '05 !33509!-V I &9*&:*/(:*7)7)&.!/!(&.&/7S7)&67!7&.&/70'86&6{!33-*$!7*0/0''8/%65!*6&%7)508()!/*668&|38#-*$ *668&S5*()76*668&S35&'&5&/7*!-*668&S&7$R}S7)&67!7&.&/70''8/%687*-*=&%'05385306&607)&57)!/7)06&67!7&% in the offer document / prospectus / notice and the report submitted by the monitoring agency, monitoring the 87*-*=!7*0/0'350$&&%60'!38#-*$055*()76*668&S!/%.!,*/(!335035*!7&5&$0..&/%!7*0/6707)&0!5%707!,& 8367&36*/7)*6.!77&5V I &9*&:!/%.0/*7057)&!8%*705a6*/%&3&/%&/$&!/%3&5'05.!/$&S!/%&''&$7*9&/&660'!8%*7350$&66V (g) No. & Dates of Board Meetings held:85*/(7)&S|*9&}0!5%.&&7*/(6:&5&)&-%0/!<SSS 8-<SS¨8(867SS09&.#&5SS!/%&#58!5<SR)&(!3#&7:&&/!/<7:0.&&7*/(6 /&9&5&;$&&%&%%!<6!63&57)&5&48*5&.&/760'$-!86&0'*67*/(¨(5&&.&/7R (h) Statutory Compliance of Laws:)&0!5%3&5*0%*$!--<5&9*&:67)&$0.3-*!/$&5&30570'7)&-!:6!33-*$!#-&70 the Company as well as steps taken by the Company to rectify the instances of non-compliance, if any. 3. Management Board:0&/685&&;3&%*&/7!/%&''&$7*9&'0$860/*.3057!/7*668&6S7)&0.3!/<)!6$0/67*787&%! Management Board with a primary aim to maintaining strong business fundamentals and delivering high performance through relentless focus on the affairs of the Company across all its geographies 92 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 93 I ¨33509!-05!/<68#6&48&/7.0%*?$!7*0/0'75!/6!$7*0/60'7)&0.3!/<:*7)5&-!7&%3!57*&6V I $587*/<0'*/7&5N$05305!7&-0!/6!/%*/9&67.&/76V I !-8!7*0/0'8/%&57!,*/(605!66&760'7)&0.3!/<S:)&5&9&5*7*6/&$&66!5<V I 9!-8!7*0/0'*/7&5/!-?/!/$*!-$0/750-6!/%5*6,.!/!(&.&/76<67&.6V I &9*&:*/(:*7)7)&.!/!(&.&/7S3&5'05.!/$&0'67!78705<!/%*/7&5/!-!8%*7056S!%&48!$<0'7)&*/7&5/!- $0/750-6<67&.6V I &9*&:*/( 7)& !%&48!$< 0' */7&5/!- !8%*7 '8/$7*0/S *' !/<S */$-8%*/( 7)& 6758$785& 0' 7)& */7&5/!- !8%*7 %&3!57.&/7S67!'?/(!/%6&/*05*7<0'7)&0'?$*!-)&!%*/(7)&%&3!57.&/7S5&3057*/(6758$785&$09&5!(&!/% '5&48&/$<0'*/7&5/!-!8%*7V I *6$866*0/:*7)*/7&5/!-!8%*70560'!/<6*(/*?$!/7?/%*/(6!/%'0--0:837)&5&0/V I &9*&:*/(7)&?/%*/(60'!/<*/7&5/!-*/9&67*(!7*0/6#<7)&*/7&5/!-!8%*7056*/70.!77&56:)&5&7)&5&*6 suspected fraud or irregularity or a failure of internal control systems of a material nature and reporting the .!77&5707)&#0!5%V I *6$866*0/:*7)67!78705<!8%*7056#&'05&7)&!8%*7$0..&/$&6S!#0877)&/!785&!/%6$03&0'!8%*7!6:&--!6 3067N!8%*7%*6$866*0/70!6$&57!*/!/<!5&!0'$0/$&5/V I 0-00,*/707)&5&!60/6'0568#67!/7*!-%&'!8-76*/7)&3!<.&/7707)&%&306*7056S%&#&/785&)0-%&56S6)!5& )0-%&56|*/$!6&0'/0/N3!<.&/70'%&$-!5&%%*9*%&/%6}!/%$5&%*7056V I 05&9*&:7)&'8/$7*0/*/(0'7)&)*67-&-0:&5.&$)!/*6.V I ¨33509!-0'!330*/7.&/70'|*R&RS7)&:)0-&N7*.&*/!/$&*5&$70505!/<07)&53&560/)&!%*/(7)&?/!/$& '8/$7*0/05%*6$)!5(*/(7)!7'8/$7*0/}!'7&5!66&66*/(7)&48!-*?$!7*0/6S&;3&5*&/$&!/%#!$,(508/%S&7$R0'7)& candidate. (b) Meetings of Audit Committee and attendance of members during the year Designation Category of Director No. of meetings attended Chairman 0/N;&$87*9&/%&3&/%&/7 Mr Akshay Chudasama Member 0/N;&$87*9&/%&3&/%&/7 50#&577&*/.&7=|!330*/7&%!6 &.#&5:R&R'R&#58!5<S} Member 0/N;&$87*9&/%&3&/%&/7 N.A. Dr S Narayan Member ;&$87*9& 5!$0#)0.!6 |:R&R'R!<S} Member 0/N;&$87*9&/%&3&/%&/7 /!%%*7*0/707)&.&.#&560'7)&¨8%*70..*77&&S7)&6&.&&7*/(6:&5&!77&/%&%#<*$&)!*5.!/ !/!(*/( *5&$705S )*&' */!/$*!- '?$&5S 5&6*%&/7 |¨¨}S 5083 &!% |05305!7& ¨$$08/76} !/% 07)&5 '8/$7*0/!- heads, Internal Auditor, Cost Auditor and Statutory Auditor of the Company, wherever necessary, and those &;&$87*9&60'7)&0.3!/<:)0:&5&$0/6*%&5&%/&$&66!5<'053509*%*/(*/3876707)&0..*77&&R )&0.3!/<&$5&7!5<!$76!66&$5&7!5<0'7)&0..*77&&R )& )!*5.!/ 0' 7)& ¨8%*7 0..*77&&S 5 !5!<!/S :!6 35&6&/7 !7 7)& ¨//8!- &/&5!- &&7*/( 0' 7)& 0.3!/<)&-%0/¨8(867SR (c) Role of Internal Auditor ¨30--0<5&6)!6!50#867/7&5/!-0/750-'5!.&:05,S:)*$))!6#&&/*/67*787&%$0/6*%&5*/(7)&/!785&S6*=& !/%5*6,*/7)&#86*/&66R)&'5!.&:05,$0.35*6&6S*/7&5!-*!S0'!:&--N%&?/&%05(!/*6!7*0/6758$785&S50-&6 !/%5&630/6*#*-*7*&6S%0$8.&/7&%30-*$*&6!/%350$&%85&6&7$R/'05.!7*0/&$)/0-0(<30-*$*&6!/%350$&66&6 94 | APOLLO TYRES LTD :&5& !-60 83%!7&% 70 &/685& 7)!7 7)&< 6!7*6'< 7)& $855&/7 #86*/&66 /&&%6R )*6 *6 $0.3-&.&/7&% #< ! management information and monitoring system, which ensures compliance to internal processes, as well as :*7) !33-*$!#-& -!:6 !/% 5&(8-!7*0/6R )& 03&5!7*/( .!/!(&.&/7 *6 /07 0/-< 5&630/6*#-& '05 5&9&/8& !/% 350?7!#*-*7<S#87!-60'05.!*/7!*/*/(?/!/$*!-%*6$*3-&!/%)<(*&/&R /05%&570&/685&&'?$*&/7/7&5/!-0/750-6<67&.6S7)&0.3!/<!-60)!6!:&--&67!#-*6)&%*/%&3&/%&/7 in-house Internal Audit function that is responsible for providing, assurance on compliance with operating 6<67&.6S */7&5/!- 30-*$*&6 !/% -&(!- 5&48*5&.&/76S !6 :&-- !6S 68((&67*/( *.3509&.&/76 70 6<67&.6 !/% 350$&66&6R)&/7&5/!-¨8%*7)!6!:&---!*%%0:/*/7&5/!-!8%*7.&7)0%0-0(<S:*7)&.3)!6*60/5*6,#!6&% internal audits using data analytics and tools. )&/7&5/!-¨8%*735&3!5&6!50--*/(!//8!-*/7&5/!-!8%*73-!/S$0.35*6*/(0'03&5!7*0/!-S?/!/$*!-S$0.3-*!/$& !/%*/'05.!7*0/6<67&.6!8%*76S$09&5*/(!--7)&-0$!7*0/6S03&5!7*0/6!/%(&0(5!3)*&60'7)&0.3!/<R)& !8%*73-!/'057)&<&!5*65&9*&:&%!/%!33509&%#<7)&¨8%*70..*77&&!77)&#&(*//*/(0'&!$)?/!/$*!-<&!5R )&/7&5/!-¨8%*75&305760/48!57&5-<#!6*6707)&¨8%*70..*77&&S7)&,&<*/7&5/!-!8%*7?/%*/(6S!/%!$7*0/ plan agreed with the management, the status of audits vis-à-vis the approved annual audit plan and status of open audit issues. (d) Subsidiary Companies )&0.3!/<%0&6/07)!9&!/<.!7&5*!-/0/N-*67&%/%*!/8#6*%*!5<0.3!/<R )&¨8%*70..*77&&0'7)&0.3!/<5&9*&:67)&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76S*/3!57*$8-!57)&*/9&67.&/76.!%&#< !-- 8/-*67&% 09&56&!6 68#6*%*!5< $0.3!/*&6R *(/*?$!/7 *668&6 3&57!*/*/( 70 68#6*%*!5< $0.3!/*&6 !5& !-60 %*6$866&%!7¨8%*70..*77&&.&&7*/(6R¨68..!5*6&%67!7&.&/70'*.3057!/7.!77&565&@&$7*/(!--6*(/*?$!/7 transactions and arrangements entered into by the subsidiary companies, included in the minutes of the above overseas subsidiary companies are placed before the Board of Directors of the Company and are duly noted by 7)&.R)&3&5'05.!/$&0'!--*7668#6*%*!5*&6*6!-605&9*&:&%#<7)&0!5%3&5*0%*$!--<R Nomination and Remuneration Committee (a) Constitution and Composition of the Committee )& 0!5% 0' *5&$7056 )!% $0/67*787&% ! &.8/&5!7*0/ 0..*77&& */ 7)& <&!5 R )& 0!5% !7 *76 .&&7*/()&-%0/!5$)SS)!%!33509&%7)&$)!/(&*//0.&/$-!785&0'7)&$0..*77&&700.*/!7*0/ &.8/&5!7*0/ 0..*77&&S */ !$$05%!/$& :*7) &$7*0/ 0' 7)& 0.3!/*&6 ¨$7S R )& 35&6&/7 0.*/!7*0/ !/% &.8/&5!7*0/ 0..*77&& $0.35*6&6 0' '085 .&.#&56 :)*$) */$-8%&6 7)5&& 0/N;&$87*9& /%&3&/%&/7 *5&$7056 9*=R 5 !5!<!/S 5 *.&6) !.3!/*S 5 ¨,6)!< )8%!6!.! !/% 7)& )!*5.!/ !/!(*/( *5&$705S 5 /,!5 !/:!5R 5 !$0# )0.!6S :)0 :!6 7)& .&.#&5 0' 7)& committee ceased to be the member of the committee as he has resigned from the Directorship of 7)&0.3!/<:R&R'R!<SR5!5!<!/*67)&)!*5.!/0'7)&0..*77&&R 8568!/7 70 &$7*0/ 0' 7)& 0.3!/*&6 ¨$7 !/% -!86& 0' 7)& *67*/( ¨(5&&.&/7S 7)& 0.*/!7*0/ !/% &.8/&5!7*0/ $0..*77&& :!6 5&$0/67*787&%S #< */%8$7*/( 5 /,!5 !/:!5S )!*5.!/ !/!(*/(*5&$705S!6!.&.#&5S0'7)&0..*77&&S0/09&.#&5SR )& 0.*/!7*0/ !/% &.8/&5!7*0/ 0..*77&& )!6 %&9*6&% ! 30-*$< 0/ 0!5% %*9&56*7< */ 7&5.6 :*7) 7)& 5&48*5&.&/78/%&5$-!86&0'7)&*67*/(¨(5&&.&/7R )&0.3!/<&$5&7!5<!$76!66&$5&7!5<0'7)&0..*77&&R Ceased to be Member Mr U S Oberoi |:R&R'R09&.#&5S} 5. 85*/(7)&S|'085}¨8%*70..*77&&.&&7*/(6:&5&)&-%0/!<SS¨8(867SS$70#&5S !/%&#58!5<SR Name of Director (b) Brief description of the Terms of Reference )& 0.*/!7*0/ !/% &.8/&5!7*0/ 0..*77&& )!6 #&&/ &/75867&% :*7) 7)& 5&630/6*#*-*7*&6 70 5&9*&: !/% grant annual increments, vary and/or modify the terms and conditions of appointment/re-appointment */$-8%*/( 5&.8/&5!7*0/ !/% 3&548*6*7&6S $0..*66*0/ &7$R 3!<!#-& 70 !/!(*/( *5&$7056 :*7)*/ 7)& 09&5!-- ceiling of remuneration as approved by the members. )&0..*77&&*/*76.&&7*/()&-%0/!<SS/07&%7)&'0--0:*/(7&5.60'5&'&5&/$&38568!/770&$7*0/ 0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7SN I 05.8-!7&7)&$5*7&5*!'05%&7&5.*/*/(48!-*?$!7*0/6S306*7*9&!775*#87&6!/%*/%&3&/%&/$&0'!*5&$705!/% recommend to the Board a policy, relating to the remuneration of the Directors, key managerial personnel and other employees. I 05.8-!7*0/0'$5*7&5*!'05&9!-8!7*0/0'/%&3&/%&/7*5&$7056!/%7)&0!5%R I &9*6*/(!30-*$<0/0!5%%*9&56*7<R I %&/7*'<*/(3&560/6:)0!5&48!-*?&%70#&$0.&*5&$7056!/%:)0.!<#&!330*/7&%*/6&/*05.!/!(&.&/7*/ ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 95 accordance with the criteria laid down, and recommend to the Board their appointment and removal. I 06&&7)!77)&-&9&-!/%$0.306*7*0/0'5&.8/&5!7*0/*65&!60/!#-&!/%68'?$*&/770!775!$7S5&7!*/!/%.07*9!7& *5&$70560'7)&48!-*7<5&48*5&%7058/7)&0.3!/<68$$&66'8--<R R ¨$7*9&-< 83%!7& 7)&*5 ,/0:-&%(& !/% 6,*--6 :*7) 7)& -!7&67 %&9&-03.&/76 */ 7)& <5&{¨870.0#*-& */%8675<S market conditions and applicable legal provisions. R *--*/(/&6670%&907&68'?$*&/77*.&!/%!77&/7*0/707)&0.3!/<a6#86*/&66!/%%*6$)!5(&7)&*55&630/6*#*-*7*&6R I 06&&7)!77)&5&-!7*0/6)*30'5&.8/&5!7*0/703&5'05.!/$&*6$-&!5!/%.&&76!335035*!7&3&5'05.!/$& benchmarks. R 0!66*67*/#5*/(*/(*/%&3&/%&/7+8%(.&/770#&!50/7)&0!5%a6%&-*#&5!7*0/6&63&$*!--<0/*668&60'675!7&(<S performance, risk management, resources, key appointments and standards of conduct. I 06&&7)!75&.8/&5!7*0/70*5&$7056S,&<.!/!(&5*!-3&560//&-!/%6&/*05.!/!(&.&/7*/90-9&6!#!-!/$& #&7:&&/?;&%!/%*/$&/7*9&3!<5&@&$7*/(6)057!/%-0/(N7&5.3&5'05.!/$&0#+&$7*9&6!335035*!7&707)& working of the Company and its goals. R ¨#*-*7<70%&9&-03!(00%:05,*/(5&-!7*0/6)*3:*7)07)&50!5%.&.#&56!/%$0/75*#87&707)&0!5%c6:05,*/( relationship with the senior management of the Company. I )&0.*/!7*0/0..*77&&6)!---!<%0:/7)&&9!-8!7*0/$5*7&5*!'053&5'05.!/$&&9!-8!7*0/0'*/%&3&/%&/7 Directors. R 0!$7:*7)*/7)&*5!87)05*7<S!66*67*/3507&$7*/(7)&-&(*7*.!7&*/7&5&6760'7)&0.3!/<S*766)!5&)0-%&56!/% employees. (c) Policy for appointment and remuneration /7&5.60'&$7*0/0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7S!/%$-!86&0'*67*/(¨(5&&.&/7S&/7&5&%*/70#<7)& 0.3!/<:*7)70$,;$)!/(&6S!6!.&/%&%'50.7*.&707*.&S7)*630-*$<0//0.*/!7*0/!/%5&.8/&5!7*0/ 0'*5&$7056S&<!/!(&5*!-&560//&-|}S&/*05!/!(&.&/7!/%07)&5&.3-0<&&60'7)&0.3!/<)!6 been formulated by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Company and approved by the Board 0'*5&$7056R)&5&-&9!/7&;75!$70'7)&!'05&6!*%30-*$<!5&(*9&/!6#&-0:U Criteria for determining Independence: )& /%&3&/%&/7 *5&$705 6)!-- 48!-*'< 7)& $5*7&5*! 0' */%&3&/%&/$& .&/7*0/&% */ &$7*0/ |} 0' 7)& 0.3!/*&6¨$7S!/%58-&65&-!7&%7)&5&70!/%*/-!86&|}|}0'7)&-*67*/(!(5&&.&/7R 3. REMUNERATION OF DIRECTORS, KMP, SENIOR MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL AND OTHER EMPLOYEES /7)&!330*/7.&/7055&N!330*/7.&/70'!/!(*/(*5&$705S)0-&N7*.&*5&$705!/%6S7)&0..*77&&:*-- 5&$0..&/%707)&0!5%'057)&*5!33509!-S7)&5&.8/&5!7*0/70#&3!*%707)&.R)&5&.8/&5!7*0/70#&3!*%707)& &/*05!/!(&.&/7&560//&-!/%07)&5&.3-0<&&66)!--#&!63&5 30-*$<0'7)&0.3!/<R )& !//8!- */$5&.&/7 0' 5&.8/&5!7*0/ '05 !/!(*/( *5&$705{)0-&N7*.& *5&$7056 6)!-- #& .!%& 0/ 7)& #!6*6 0' 7)& 5&60-87*0/ !33509&% #< 7)& 6)!5&)0-%&56R )& !//8!- */$5&.&/7 */ !-!5< 0' 6 |07)&5 7)!/ !/!(*/( *5&$705{)0-&N7*.&*5&$7056}S&/*05!/!(&.&/7&560//&-!/%07)&5&.3-0<&&66)!--#&.!%&!63&5 30-*$< of the Company. )&-&9&-!/%$0.306*7*0/0'5&.8/&5!7*0/!6%&7&5.*/&%#<7)&0..*77&&6)!--#&5&!60/!#-&!/%68'?$*&/770 !775!$7S5&7!*/!/%.07*9!7&*5&$7056S&<!/!(&5*!-&560//&-!/%&/*05!/!(&.&/70'7)&48!-*7<5&48*5&%70 run the Company successfully. )&5&-!7*0/6)*30'5&.8/&5!7*0/703&5'05.!/$&6)08-%#&$-&!5!/%.&&7!335035*!7&3&5'05.!/$&#&/$).!5,6R )& 5&.8/&5!7*0/ 6)08-% !-60 */90-9& ! #!-!/$& #&7:&&/ ?;&% !/% */$&/7*9& 3!< 5&@&$7*/( 6)057 !/% -0/(N7&5. 3&5'05.!/$&0#+&$7*9&6!335035*!7&707)&:05,*/(0'7)&0.3!/<!/%*76(0!-6U 1. CRITERIA FOR APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTOR AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT )&0..*77&&6)!--$0/6*%&57)&'0--0:*/('!$7056'05*%&/7*'<*/(7)&3&560/:)0!5&48!-*?&%70#&$0.*/( Director and who can be appointed in senior management: R )&0..*77&&6)!--*%&/7*'<!/%!6$&57!*/7)&*/7&(5*7<S48!-*?$!7*0/S&;3&57*6&!/%&;3&5*&/$&0'7)& person for appointment as Director or at Senior Management level and recommend to the Board his / her appointment R ¨3&560/6)08-%3066&66!%&48!7&48!-*?$!7*0/S&;3&57*6&!/%&;3&5*&/$&'057)&306*7*0/)&{6)&*6 $0/6*%&5&%'05!330*/7.&/7R)&0..*77&&)!6%*6$5&7*0/70%&$*%&:)&7)&548!-*?$!7*0/S&;3&57*6& !/%&;3&5*&/$&3066&66&%#<!3&560/!5&68'?$*&/7{6!7*6'!$705<'057)&$0/$&5/&%306*7*0/R R ¨/ */%&3&/%&/7 %*5&$705 6)!-- 3066&66 !335035*!7& 6,*--6S &;3&5*&/$& !/% ,/0:-&%(& */ 0/& 05 .05& ?&-%60'?/!/$&S-!:S.!/!(&.&/7S6!-&6S.!5,&7*/(S!%.*/*675!7*0/S5&6&!5$)S$05305!7&(09&5/!/$&S 7&$)/*$!-03&5!7*0/60507)&5%*6$*3-*/&65&-!7&%707)&0.3!/<a6#86*/&66R R )& 0.3!/< .!< !330*/7 05 $0/7*/8& 7)& &.3-0<.&/7 0' !/< 3&560/ !6 )0-&7*.& *5&$705 :)0 )!6 !77!*/&% 7)& !(& 0' 6&9&/7< <&!56 68#+&$7 70 7)& !33509!- 0' 6)!5&)0-%&56 #< 3!66*/( ! 63&$*!- 5&60-87*0/R)&&;3-!/!705<67!7&.&/7!//&;&%707)&/07*$&'0568$).07*0/*/%*$!7*/(7)&+867*?$!7*0/ for appointing such person. R )&0.3!/<6)08-%&/685&7)!77)&3&560/60!330*/7&%!6*5&$705{/%&3&/%&/7*5&$705{&/*05 !/!(&.&/7&560//&-6)!--/07#&%*648!-*?&%8/%&57)&0.3!/*&6¨$7SS58-&6.!%&7)&5&8/%&5S or any other enactment for the time being in force. 3.1 General: 3.2 Remuneration to Whole-time / Managing Director RR*;&%3!<U )& )0-&N7*.& *5&$705 { !/!(*/( *5&$705 6)!-- #& &-*(*#-& '05 5&.8/&5!7*0/ !6 .!< #& !33509&% #< 7)& )!5&)0-%&560'7)&0.3!/<0/7)&5&$0..&/%!7*0/0'7)&0..*77&&!/%7)&0!5%0'*5&$7056R)&#5&!,N83 0'7)&3!<6$!-&S3&5'05.!/$&#0/86!/%48!/78.0'3&548*6*7&6*/$-8%*/(S&.3-0<&5a6$0/75*#87*0/70RS3&/6*0/ 6$)&.&S.&%*$!-&;3&/6&6S$-8#'&&6&7$R6)!--#&%&$*%&%!/%!33509&%#<7)&0!5%0/7)&5&$0..&/%!7*0/0' the Committee and shall be within the overall remuneration approved by the shareholders and Central Government, :)&5&9&55&48*5&%R RR*/*.8.&.8/&5!7*0/U 'S*/!/<?/!/$*!-<&!5S7)&0.3!/<)!6/0350?7605*76350?76!5&*/!%&48!7&S7)&0.3!/<6)!--3!<5&.8/&5!7*0/ 70*76)0-&N7*.&*5&$705{!/!(*/(*5&$705*/!$$05%!/$&:*7)7)&3509*6*0/60'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7SR RR509*6*0/6'05&;$&665&.8/&5!7*0/U '!/<)0-&N7*.&*5&$705{!/!(*/(*5&$705%5!:6055&$&*9&6S%*5&$7-<05*/%*5&$7-<#<:!<0'5&.8/&5!7*0/!/< 68$)68.6*/&;$&660'7)&-*.*7635&6$5*#&%8/%&57)&¨$705:*7)0877)&35*056!/$7*0/0'7)&&/75!-09&5/.&/7S :)&5&5&48*5&%S)&{6)&6)!--5&'8/%68$)68.6707)&0.3!/<!/%8/7*-68$)68.*65&'8/%&%S)0-%*7*/75867'05 7)&0.3!/<R)&0.3!/<6)!--/07:!*9&5&$09&5<0'68$)68.5&'8/%!#-&70*78/-&663&5.*77&%#<7)&&/75!- Government. R )& *5&$705{ /%&3&/%&/7 *5&$705{ &/*05 !/!(&.&/7 &560//&- 6)!-- #& !330*/7&% !6 3&5 7)& 350$&%85&-!*%%0:/8/%&57)&3509*6*0/60'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7SS58-&6.!%&7)&5&8/%&5S058/%&5 listing agreement or any other enactment for the time being in force. R /%&3&/%&/7*5&$7056)!--.&&7!--$5*7&5*!63&$*?&%*/&$7*0/|}0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7S!/% 58-&6.!%&7)&5&8/%&5!/%{05!663&$*?&%*/-!86&|}|}0'7)&-*67*/(!(5&&.&/7R )& 7&5. b&/*05 !/!(&.&/7b .&!/6 7)& 3&560//&- 0' 7)& 0.3!/< :)0 !5& .&.#&56 0' *76 $05& .!/!(&.&/7 7&!. &;$-8%*/( 0!5% 0' *5&$7056 $0.35*6*/( !-- .&.#&56 0' .!/!(&./&7 0/& -&9&- #&-0:7)&&;&$87*9&%*5&$7056S*/$-8%*/(7)&'8/$7*0/!-)&!%6R )&0.*/!7*0/!/%&.8/&5!7*0/0..*77&&6)!--)!9&%*6$5&7*0/70$0/6*%&5!/%?;!/<07)&5$5*7&5*!05/05.6'056&-&$7*0/0'7)&.06768*7!#-&$!/%*%!7&|6}R 2. CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES & INDEPENDENCE OF DIRECTORS Criteria for determining positive attributes: )&0..*77&&6)!--$0/6*%&57)&'0--0:*/('!$7056'05%&7&5.*/*/(306*7*9&!775*#87&60'%*5&$7056|*/$-8%*/( */%&3&/%&/7%*5&$7056}U RR0.*/!7*0/!/%&.8/&5!7*0/0..*77&&6)!--5&$0..&/%707)&0!5%'05*76!33509!-S7)&5&.8/&5!7*0/S */$-8%*/(7)&$0..*66*0/#!6&%0/7)&/&7350?760'7)&0.3!/<'057)&0/N;&$87*9&*5&$7056!/%)0-&N7*.& *5&$705!/%07)&5;&$87*9&*5&$7056R)&5&.8/&5!7*0/6)!--#&68#+&$7707)&35*05{3067!33509!-0'7)&6)!5&)0-%&560'7)&0.3!/<!/%&/75!-09&5/.&/7S:)&5&9&55&48*5&%R R *5&$7056 !5& 70 %&.0/675!7& */7&(5*7<S $5&%*#*-*7<S 75867:057)*/&66S !#*-*7< 70 )!/%-& $0/@*$7 constructively, and the willingness to address issues proactively. 96 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 97 (e) Payment of remuneration/sitting fee to the Directors etc. 3.3 Remuneration to Non- Executive / Independent Director: RR*77*/(&&6U )&0/N;&$87*9&{/%&3&/%&/7*5&$705.!<5&$&*9&5&.8/&5!7*0/#<:!<0''&&6'05!77&/%*/(.&&7*/(6 0' 0!5% 05 0..*77&& 7)&5&0'R 509*%&% 7)!7 7)& !.08/7 0' 68$) '&&6 6)!-- /07 &;$&&% /& -!,) 3&5 meeting of the Board or Committee or such amount as may be prescribed by the Central Government from time 70 7*.&R)& 48!/78. 0' 6*77*/( '&&6 :*-- #& %&7&5.*/&% !6 3&5 7)& 5&$0..&/%!7*0/ 0' 0.*/!7*0/ !/% Remuneration Committee and approved by the Board of Directors of the Company. Further, the boarding and -0%(*/(&;3&/6&66)!--#&5&*.#856&%707)&*5&$7056R RR0..*66*0/U )&350?7N-*/,&%0..*66*0/6)!--#&3!*%:*7)*/7)&.0/&7!5<-*.*7!33509&%#<7)&0!5%{)!5&)0-%&560' 7)&0.3!/<68#+&$7707)&6!.&/07&;$&&%*/(0'7)&/&7350?760'7)&0.3!/<$0.387&%!63&57)& applicable provisions of the Regulations. RR70$,37*0/6U Pursuant to the provisions of the Act, an Independent Director shall not be entitled to any stock option of the Company. Only such employees of the Company and its subsidiaries as approved by the Nomination and &.8/&5!7*0/0..*77&&:*--#&(5!/7&%6R )& S &/*05 !/!(&.&/7 &560//&- !/% 07)&5 &.3-0<&&6 0' 7)& 0.3!/< 6)!-- #& 3!*% .0/7)-< 5&.8/&5!7*0/!63&57)&0.3!/<a6 30-*$*&6!/%{05!6.!<#&!33509&%#<7)&0..*77&&R)&#5&!,N83 0'7)&3!<6$!-&!/%48!/78.0'3&548*6*7&6*/$-8%*/(S&.3-0<&5a6$0/75*#87*0/70RS3&/6*0/6$)&.&S.&%*$!- &;3&/6&6S$-8#'&&6&7$R6)!--#&!63&57)&0.3!/<a6 30-*$*&6R )&!//8!-9!5*!#-&3!<0'.!/!(&56*6-*/,&%707)&3&5'05.!/$&0'7)&0.3!/<*/(&/&5!-!/%7)&*5*/%*9*%8!- 3&5'05.!/$&'057)&5&-&9!/7<&!5.&!685&%!(!*/670.3!/<a60#+&$7*9&6?;&%*/7)&#&(*//*/(0'7)&<&!5R )*6&.8/&5!7*0/0-*$<6)!--!33-<70!--'8785&{$0/7*/8*/(&.3-0<.&/7{&/(!(&.&/7|6}:*7)7)&0.3!/<R In other respects, the Remuneration Policy shall be of guidance for the Board. Particulars 85*/( S |7:0} 0.*/!7*0/ !/% &.8/&5!7*0/ 0..*77&& .&&7*/(6 :&5& )&-% 0/ !< S !/% &#58!5<SR Name of Director Dr S Narayan Designation Category of Director No. of meetings attended Chairman 0/N;&$87*9&/%&3&/%&/7 Mr Onkar S Kanwar |!330*/7&%!6.&.#&5:R&R'R 09&.#&5S} Member ;&$87*9& Mr Akshay Chudasama Member 0/N;&$87*9&/%&3&/%&/7 Mr Nimesh N Kampani |!330*/7&%!6.&.#&5:R&R'R !<S} Member 0/N;&$87*9&/%&3&/%&/7 N.A. Mr Onkar S Kanwar, Managing Director 98 | APOLLO TYRES LTD Member 0/N;&$87*9&/%&3&/%&/7 Mr Sunam Sarkar, Whole Time Director Mr U S Oberoi (ceased to be Director w.e.f. November 26, 2014) Mr P N Wahal, Company Secretary* R R R R R Contribution to PF/ Superannuation/ Gratuity R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 417.10 273.00 41.82 7.00 14.22 &548*6*7&6 Total Remuneration Mr Raj Banerji, CFO (w.e.f. February 6, 2015) jj Stock Option N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A Service contracts, notice period, severance fees N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A j5!)!-$&!6&%70#&7)&0.3!/<&$5&7!5<:R&R'R¨35*-SR jj5!+!/&5+*:!6!330*/7&%!6*/3-!$&0'58/!.!5,!5:R&R'R&#58!5<SR5!+!/!&5+* )!65&$&*9&%5&.8/&5!7*0/'50.:)0--<0:/&%09&56&!668#6*%*!5<0'7)&0.3!/<R5!/&5+*)!65&6*(/&% :R&R'R¨35*-SR5!85!98.!5)!6#&&/!330*/7&%!6:R&R'R!<SR Notes:- } !/!(*/( *5&$705|6} { )0-& 7*.& *5&$705 !5& &/7*7-&% 70 3&5'05.!/$& -*/,&% */$&/7*9& */ 7)& '05. 0' commission as approved by the members. } )& 5!7*0 0' 5&.8/&5!7*0/ 0' &!$) %*5&$705 70 7)& .&%*!/ 5&.8/&5!7*0/ 0' 7)& &.3-0<&&6 0' 7)& 0.3!/< '05 7)& :!6 !6 '0--0:6U 5 /,!5 !/:!5 O S 5 &&5!+ !/:!5 O !/% 58/!.!5,!5OR } )& 3&5$&/7!(& */$5&!6& */ 7)& 5&.8/&5!7*0/ %85*/( 09&5 7)& 3&59*086 ?/!/$*!- :!6 !6 '0--0:6U5/,!5!/:!5NS5&&5!+!/:!5NS58/!.!5,!5N!/%5!)!-NR)& 3&5$&/7!(& */$5&!6& */ 7)& .&%*!/ 5&.8/&5!7*0/ 0' &.3-0<&&6 :!6 R )& */$5&!6& */ 5&.8/&5!7*0/ 0' !/!(*/(*5&$705|6}*6.!*/-<0/!$$08/70'*/$5&!6&*/$0..*66*0/-*/,&%70/&7350?76R )& 3&5$&/7!(& */$5&!6& */ 7)& 5&.8/&5!7*0/ #< :!< 0' $0..*66*0/ 0' /0/ &;&$87*9& %*5&$7056 :!6 !/% the ratio to median remuneration of employees are as under: Name of Director Ceased to be Member 5!$0#)0.!6 |:R&R'R!<S} Mr Neeraj Kanwar, Managing Director Salary Commission/ Performance Bonus (d) Meetings of Nomination and Remuneration Committee and Attendance of members during the year ( Million) (i) Executive Directors/CFO/Company Secretary: 3.4 Remuneration to KMP, Senior Management Personnel and Other Employees )&%&7!*-60'5&.8/&5!7*0/3!*%70*5&$7056%85*/(!5&(*9&/#&-0:R Mr A K Purwar Mr Akshay Chudasama|} 5 85*!/|} 5!$0#)0.!6 Mr Nimesh N Kampani Ms Pallavi Shroff|} 50#&577&*/.&7= Dr S Narayan Mr Shardul S Shroff|} 5*,5!.&)7! 58/+!|} Remuneration for FY15 (` Million) Remuneration for FY14 (` Million) % increase in Remuneration R R R R R R R R R R - R R R R R R R R R R NA NA NA NA NA Ratio to median remuneration of employees R NA NA R R NA R R NA R NA ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 99 |} ¨330*/7&%:R&R'R09&.#&5S Name of Director Sitting fee ( Million) Commission provided for the FY15 ( Million) No. of Shares held as on March 31, 2015 5!$0#)0.!6|} R R |} !<.&/70'0..*66*0/:!63!*%7009&5/.&/70'&5!-!'057:0/0.*/&&*5&$7056%85*/(!/%'050/& /0.*/&&*5&$705%85*/(R |} ¨330*/7&%:R&R'R!<S Mr Nimesh N Kampani R R - |} &!6&%:R&R'R!<S Ms Pallavi Shroff R R - |} &!6&%:R&R'R!5$)S 50#&577&*/.&7= R R - } )&/8.#&50'3&5.!/&/7&.3-0<&&60/7)&50--60'0.3!/<:&5&S!60/!5$)SR Dr S Narayan R R - } )&&;3-!/!7*0/0/7)&5&-!7*0/6)*3#&7:&&/!9&5!(&*/$5&!6&*/5&.8/&5!7*0/!/%0.3!/<a63&5'05.!/$&R Mr Shardul S Shroff R R - 5*,5!.&)7! R R |} )&/&7350?7(50:7)%85*/(:!6:)&5&!67)&!9&5!(&5&.8/&5!7*0/0'&.3-0<&&6(5&:#<09&5 7)&35&9*086?6$!-R)*6:!6#!6&%0/7)&5&$0..&/%!7*0/!63&5 0-*$<R } 0.3!5*60/0'7)&5&.8/&5!7*0/0'7)&&<!/!(&5*!-&560//&-!(!*/677)&3&5'05.!/$&0'7)&0.3!/<U } !}!5*!7*0/6*/7)&.!5,&7$!3*7!-*=!7*0/0'7)&0.3!/<U)&.!5,&7$!3*7!-*=!7*0/0'7)&0.3!/<!60/!5$) S:!6 .*--*0/ | .*--*0/!60/!5$)S}R!5,&7$!3*7!-*=!7*0/*/$5&!6&%#<R 0/!5$)S*/$0.3!5*60/70!5$)SR #}5*$&&!5/*/(65!7*0U5*$&&!5/*/(65!7*00'7)&0.3!/<:!6R!60/!5$)S!/%:!6R!6!7 !5$)SR $}&5$&/7!(&*/$5&!6&05%&$5&!6&*/7)&.!5,&74807!7*0/60'7)&6)!5&60'7)&0.3!/<*/$0.3!5*60/707)& 5!7&!7:)*$)7)&0.3!/<$!.&087:*7)7)&-!6738#-*$0''&5U)&0.3!/<)!%$0.&087:*7)*/*7*!-38#-*$ 0''&5|}*/R¨/!.08/70' S{N*/9&67&%*/7)&6!*%:08-%#&:057) SS{N!60/!5$) S*/%*$!7*/(!(50:7)0'SR)*6*6&;$-8%*/(7)&%*9*%&/%!$$58&%7)&5&0/'50.7*.&707*.&R } ¨9&5!(&3&5$&/7*-&*/$5&!6&!-5&!%<.!%&*/7)&6!-!5*&60'&.3-0<&&607)&57)!/7)&.!/!(&5*!-3&560//&-*/ 7)& -!67 ?/!/$*!- <&!5 !/% *76 $0.3!5*60/ :*7) 7)& 3&5$&/7*-& */$5&!6& */ 7)& .!/!(&5*!- 5&.8/&5!7*0/ !/% +867*?$!7*0/ 7)&5&0' !/% 30*/7 087 *' 7)&5& !5& !/< &;$&37*0/!- $*5$8.67!/$&6 '05 */$5&!6& */ 7)& .!/!(&5*!- remuneration: Sitting fee/Commission payable to Government of Kerala |} |} &!6&%:R&R'R!<S )& /&7 350?7 (50:7) %85*/( :!6 |'50. R *--*0/ */ 70 R *--*0/ */ } :)&5&!67)&5&.8/&5!7*0/0'7)&&<!/!(&5*!-&560//&-(5&:#<09&57)&35&9*086?6$!-<&!5|'50. R*--*0/*/70 R*--*0/*/}R |} ¨9&5!(& 3&5$&/7!(& */$5&!6& .!%& */ 7)& 6!-!5*&6 0' &.3-0<&&6 07)&5 7)!/ 7)& .!/!(&5*!- 3&560//&- :!6:)&5&!67)&.!/!(&5*!-5&.8/&5!7*0/'057)&6!.&?/!/$*!-<&!5*/$5&!6&%#<R)&*/$5&!6&*/ .!/!(&5*!- 5&.8/&5!7*0/ !775*#87&% %8& 70 */$5&!6& */ 3!<.&/7 0' $0..*66*0/ -*/,&% 70 /&7 350?76 0' 7)& 0.3!/<:)*$)*/$5&!6&%#<'057)&R } 0.3!5*60/0'7)&5&.8/&5!7*0/0'&!$)&<!/!(&5*!-&560//&-!(!*/677)&3&5'05.!/$&0'7)&0.3!/<U )& 3&5$&/7!(& */$5&!6& */ 7)& 5&.8/&5!7*0/ %85*/( 09&5 7)& 35&9*086 ?/!/$*!- <&!5 :!6 !6 '0--0:6U 5 /,!5 !/:!5NS 5 &&5!+ !/:!5NS 5 8/!. !5,!5N !/% 5!)!-NR)&/&7350?7(50:7)%85*/(:!6R |} ¨330*/7&%:R&R'R!<S |} &!6&%:R&R'R!<S An amount of .*--*0/#&3!*%!/%%*6#856&%!.0/(677)&*5&$70560'7)&0.3!/<|07)&57)!/!/!(*/( !/%)0-&N7*.&*5&$7056}&48!--<*/3503057*0/707)&*57&/85&0'*5&$7056)*3'057)&?/!/$*!-<&!5&/%&%67 !5$)SR 0$0/9&57*#-&*/758.&/760'7)&0.3!/<:&5&08767!/%*/(!60/!5$)S 6. Stakeholders Relationship Committee 7!,&)0-%&56&-!7*0/6)*30..*77&&'05.&5-<,/0:/!6)!5&)0-%&56a{/9&67056a5!/6'&5{5*&9!/$&0..*77&&S looks after the share transfer work besides redressal of shareholder complaints. )&0!5%0'*5&$70560'7)&0.3!/<)!6:*7)!9*&:70&;3&%*7*/(7)&350$&660'6)!5&75!/6'&56%&-&(!7&%7)& 30:&50'6)!5&75!/6'&58370S6)!5&670)0-&*.&*5&$705!/%{050.3!/<&$5&7!5<:)0!77&/%706)!5& 75!/6'&5'05.!-*7*&6!6!/%:)&/5&48*5&%R)&6)!5&75!/6'&55&48&676'056)!5&6#&<0/%7)&!'05&6!*%-*.*76!5& processed by the Committee itself. (a) Constitution and Composition of the Committee )& 35&6&/7 7!,&)0-%&56 &-!7*0/6)*3 0..*77&& $0.35*6&6 0' '0--0:*/( ?9& *5&$7056 9*=R 5 !5!<!/S 5/,!5!/:!5S5&&5!+!/:!5S58/!.!5,!5!/%6!--!9*)50''R5!5!<!/S/%&3&/%&/7 Director acts as the Chairman of the Committee. )&0.3!/<&$5&7!5<!$76!67)&&$5&7!5<707)&0..*77&&!6:&--!67)&0.3-*!/$&'?$&538568!/770 $-!86&|!}0'7)&-*67*/(!(5&&.&/7:*7)670$,&;$)!/(&6R (b) Terms of reference )*60..*77&&)!6#&&/'05.&%:*7)!9*&:708/%&57!,&7)&'0--0:*/(UN I¨33509!-0'75!/6'&5{75!/6.*66*0/0'6)!5&6{%&#&/785&6*668&%#<7)&0.3!/<S*668&0'%83-*$!7&$&57*?$!7&6 !/%$&57*?$!7&6!'7&563-*7{$0/60-*%!7*0/{5&3-!$&.&/7R I00,*/(*/707)&5&%5&66!-0'6)!5&)0-%&56a!/%*/9&67056a$0.3-!*/76!/%07)&5!5&!60'*/9&67056&59*$&6R } &<3!5!.&7&56'05!/<9!5*!#-&$0.30/&/70'5&.8/&5!7*0/!9!*-&%#<7)&*5&$7056*650?7-*/,&%$0..*66*0/R } )&5&*6/0&.3-0<&&*/7)&0.3!/<:)0*6(&77*/(5&.8/&5!7*0/&;$&&%*/(70)*()&673!*%*5&$705%85*/( R } &.8/&5!7*0/3!*%707)&*5&$7056*6*/!$$05%!/$&:*7)7)&5&.8/&5!7*0/30-*$<0'7)&0.3!/<R (ii) Non-Executives Directors: *77*/( '&& !/% $0..*66*0/ 3!*%{70 #& 3!*% 70 7)& 0/N;&$87*9& *5&$7056 *6 */ pursuance of the resolution passed by the Board. Name of Director Sitting fee ( Million) Commission provided for the FY15 ( Million) No. of Shares held as on March 31, 2015 Mr A K Purwar R R - Mr Akshay Chudasama R R - 5 85*!/|} R R - 100 | APOLLO TYRES LTD (c) Meetings of Stakeholders Relationship Committee and attendance of members during the year 85*/(S|/*/&}.&&7*/(60'7)&7!,&)0-%&56&-!7*0/6)*30..*77&&:&5&)&-%0/!<SS8/&S S8/&SS8-<SS¨8(867SS&37&.#&5SS$70#&5SS09&.#&5S !/%&#58!5<SR Name of Director Designation Category of Director No. of meetings attended Dr S Narayan |:R&R'R09&.#&5S} Chairman 0/N;&$87*9&/%&3&/%&/7 Mr Onkar S Kanwar |:R&R'R09&.#&5S} Member ;&$87*9& 5&&5!+!/:!5 Member ;&$87*9& Mr Sunam Sarkar Member ;&$87*9& 9 Ms Pallavi Shroff |:R&R'R09&.#&5S} Member 0/N;&$87*9&/%&3&/%&/7 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 101 (b) Resolutions passed last year through postal ballot: Ceased to be a Member Name of Director Designation Category of Director No. of meetings attended Mr U S Oberoi |:R&R'R09&.#&5S} Member ;&$87*9& 8 5!$0#)0.!6 |:R&R'R09&.#&5S} Member 0/N;&$87*9&/%&3&/%&/7 - (d) No. of shareholders’ complaints received 85*/(S7)&0.3!/<5&$&*9&%$0.3-!*/76R¨60/%!7&S/0$0.3-!*/76!5&3&/%*/(07)&57)!/7)06&S which are under litigation, disputes or court orders. All other complaints were attended and resolved to the satisfaction of the shareholders. 7. Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) Committee *}&60-87*0/63!66&%%85*/(U8568!/770&$7*0/0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7SS5&!%:*7)7)&8-& 0'7)&0.3!/*&6|!/!(&.&/7!/%¨%.*/*675!7*0/}8-&6SS7)&0.3!/<)!%$0/%8$7&%7)&'0--0:*/( 907*/(7)508()3067!-#!--07!/%6&/77)&3067!-#!--07'05.706)!5&)0-%&56R)&'0--0:*/(5&60-87*0/6:&5& passed through postal ballot :Last Date of Dispatch of Postal Ballot Forms Items approved by the shareholders RR *}*.*760'0550:*/(8{6|}|$} RR 0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7R **}5&!7*0/0'&$85*7<8{6|} |!}0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7*/ connection with the borrowings of the Company. (a) A brief outline of the Company’s CSR Policy )& 0.3!/< *6 $0..*77&% 70 */$05305!7*/( 30-*$*&6S 6<67&.6 !/% !3350!$)&6 70 !$)*&9& *76 306*7*9& *.3!$7 (50:7)0#+&$7*9&6R&&3-<*/)&5&/7*/0859*6*0/67!7&.&/7!5&7)&35*/$*3-&60'6867!*/!#*-*7<R)&!3350!$) 67&.6 '50. 085 9*6*0/ 67!7&.&/7 '0$86*/( 0/ ^$0/7*/8086-< &/)!/$*/( 67!,&)0-%&5 9!-8&_S :)*$) */$-8%&6 7)& -!5(&5 60$*&7< !/% &/9*50/.&/7 */ :)*$) 7)& 0.3!/< 03&5!7&6R )& 3)*-0603)< 0' 7)& 0.3!/< rests on the principle of sustainability and self reliance. It also embeds a dimension of philanthropy. At the core 0'¨30--0a65&630/6*#*-*7<#&-*&'*667!,&)0-%&5&/(!(&.&/7R0/6&48&/7-<!--7)&350+&$767)&0.3!/<)!6-*/, 70 *76 67!,&)0-%&56S 7)& *668&6 7)&< '!$& !/% 7)& *668&6 05(!/*=!7*0/ )!6 *%&/7*?&% 70 6833057 0/ 3)*-!/7)503< front. E-Voting Total 07!-/8.#&50'9!-*%907&6 07&6$!67*/'!90850'7)&&60-87*0/ Physical E-Voting Total 07!-/8.#&50'9!-*%907&6 07&6$!67*/'!90850'7)&&60-87*0/ Number of Postal Ballots received 07&6!#67!*/&%'50.$!67*/( &48*6*7&.!+05*7<0'907&6'05$!55<*/(7)&5&60-87*0/!6! Special Resolution !+05*7<0'907&65&$&*9&%*/'!90850'7)&&60-87*0/ (c) Meetings of CSR Committee and attendance of members during the year. Number of invalid Postal Ballots 85*/(S|0/&}.&&7*/(0'0..*77&&:!6)&-%0/$70#&5SUN Number of invalid votes Category of Director No. of meetings attended Chairman ;&$87*9& Dr S Narayan Member 0/N;&$87*9&/%&3&/%&/7 Mr Sunam Sarkar Member ;&$87*9& Mr Onkar S Kanwar Physical 07&6$!67!(!*/677)&&60-87*0/ Designation 0850.3!/<)!6!-60-!*%%0:/!0-*$<*/05%&570&;&$87&*769!5*086/*7*!7*9&6R )&0.3!/<&$5&7!5<!$76!67)&&$5&7!5<707)&0..*77&&R &(2&)2&HUWL¿FDWLRQ )&!/!(*/(*5&$705!/%)!9&68#.*77&%$&57*?$!7&S*/7&5.60'$-!86&0'7)&-*67*/(!(5&&.&/7S707)& Board. 9. General Body Meetings Special Resolutions 07*/(!77&5/0'7)&5&60-87*0/63!66&%7)508()3067!-#!--07S!5&!6'0--0:6U Particulars ¨$$05%*/(-<S 7)& 0!5% 0' *5&$7056 !7 *76 .&&7*/( )&-% 0/ !5$) S $0/67*787&% 7)& ^05305!7& 0$*!- &630/6*#*-*7< 0..*77&&_ $0.35*6*/( 0' '0--0:*/( 7)5&& *5&$7056 9*= 5 /,!5 !/:!5S 5 !5!<!/ !/% Mr Sunam Sarkar. Mr Onkar S Kanwar acts as the Chairman of the Committee. Name of Director Ordinary/ Special resolution Item No. 1: Limits of Borrowing under Section 180 (1) (c) of the Companies Act 2013 (b) Composition of CSR Committee Date of passing of resolution Item No. 2: Creation of Security under Section 180 (1) (a) of the Companies Act 2013 Particulars Number of Postal Ballots received 07&6$!67!(!*/677)&&60-87*0/ 07&6!#67!*/&%'50.$!67*/( &48*6*7&.!+05*7<0'907&6'05$!55<*/(7)&5&60-87*0/!6! Special Resolution !+05*7<0'907&65&$&*9&%*/'!90850'7)&&60-87*0/ (a) The last three Annual General Meetings were held as under: Number of invalid Postal Ballots Financial Year Date Time Venue Special Resolution Passed N RR R¨R Kerala Fine Arts )&!75&S*/&¨576 Avenue, Foreshore 0!%S5/!,8-!.S 0$)*|&5!-!} }0!87)05*=&5!*6*/(0''8/%67)508() issue of Securities. **}5*#*06&S5!$7*$*/(0.3!/<&$5&7!5<S:!6!330*/7&%!67)&$587*/*=&570$0/%8$77)&3067!-#!--07 process in a fair and transparent manner. }0!87)05*=&3-!$&.&/70'0/N Convertible Debentures. ***}50$&%85&'053067!-#!--07UN)&5&!0.3!/<*65&48*5&%05%&$*%&6703!66!/<5&60-87*0/#<:!<0'3067!- #!--07S*76)!--6&/%!/07*$&70!--7)&6)!5&)0-%&56S!-0/(:*7)!%5!'75&60-87*0/&;3-!*/*/(7)&5&!60/67)&5& 0'!/%5&48&67*/(7)&.706&/%7)&*5!66&/705%*66&/7*/:5*7*/(0/!3067!-#!--07#&$!86&3067!-#!--07.&!/6 voting by post or through electronic means within a period of thirty days from the date of dispatch of the notice. 0850.3!/<)!6'0--0:&%7)&!'05&6!*%350$&%85&67*38-!7&%*/7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7S!/%)!6$!55*&%087 Postal Ballot for the items mentioned above. }0!33509&7)&*/$5&!6&*/7)&-*.*760' 6 0-%*/(*/7)&0.3!/< N RR -do- -do- No Special Resolution was passed N RR -do- -do- No Special Resolution was passed 102 | APOLLO TYRES LTD Number of invalid votes ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 103 10. Disclosures (a) Related Party Transactions /0.3-*!/$&:*7)&$7*0/0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7S&9*6&%-!86&0'7)&*67*/(¨(5&&.&/7}!/% 58-&6 !6 !33-*$!#-&S 7)& 0.3!/< )!6 '5!.&% ! 0-*$< 0/ &-!7&% !57< 5!/6!$7*0/6 */$-8%*/( 30-*$< 0/ .!7&5*!-*7<0'5&-!7&%3!57<75!/6!$7*0/6R)&30-*$<*6705&(8-!7&75!/6!$7*0/6#&7:&&/7)&0.3!/<!/%*76 5&-!7&%3!57*&6#!6&%0/7)&-!:6!/%5&(8-!7*0/6!33-*$!#-&707)&0.3!/<R)&30-*$<)!6#&$0.&&''&$7*9& '50.$70#&5SR During the year, no transaction of material nature has been entered into by the Company with its Promoters, the *5&$7056 05 7)& !/!(&.&/7S 7)&*5 68#6*%*!5< 05 5&-!7*9&6 &7$R 7)!7 .!< )!9& ! 307&/7*!- $0/@*$7 :*7) 7)& */7&5&6760'7)&0.3!/<R)&&(*67&50'0/75!$76$0/7!*/*/(75!/6!$7*0/6S*/:)*$)*5&$7056!5&*/7&5&67&%S *6 3-!$&% #&'05& 7)& #0!5% 5&(8-!5-<R &-!7&% !57*&6 75!/6!$7*0/6 :*7) 7)&. !6 5&48*5&% 8/%&5 ¨$$08/7*/( 7!/%!5%|¨N}!5&'85/*6)&%8/%&507&60/¨$$08/76!77!$)&%:*7)7)&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76'057)&<&!5 &/%&%!5$)SR Aggregate number of shareholders and the outstanding shares in the suspense account -<*/(!77)&#&(*//*/(0'7)&<&!5S*R&RS¨35*-S )& 0.3!/<a6 !$7*9*7*&6 &;306& *7 70 ! 9!5*&7< 0' 5*6,6 */$-8%*/( .!5,&7 5*6,S 6!-&6 5*6,S 5!: .!7&5*!- 5*6,S 5&(8-!705<5*6,S350%8$7-*!#*-*7<!/%-*48*%*7<5*6,&7$R)&0.3!/<a609&5!--5*6,.!/!(&.&/76&&,670.*/*.*6& potential adverse effects on its performance. ¨*6,!/!(&.&/77&&5*/(0..*77&&0'7)&0.3!/<)!6#&&/'05.&%)&!%&%#<5&6*%&/7|¨¨}!6 )!*5.!/0'7)&0..*77&&!/%5&35&6&/7&%#<7)&'8/$7*0/!-)&!%6!6)*&'*6,0'?$&56R)&0..*77&& &.#5!$&6 7)& *%&/7*?$!7*0/S !66&66.&/7S .*7*(!7*0/S .0/*705*/( !/% 5&3057*/( 0' .!7&5*!- 5*6,6 '!$&% #< 7)& Company. )&*6,!/!(&.&/77&&5*/(0..*77&&.&&7648!57&5-<!/%%*6$866&67)&83%!7&%350?-&60'.!+055*6,6*/ &!$)'8/$7*0/!-!5&!70(&7)&5:*7)3066*#-&.*7*(!7*0/$0/750-6!/%!$7*0/3-!/6R)&0#+&$7*9&*670!66*677)& 0!5%70.!*/7!*/)*()67!/%!5%60'#86*/&66$0/%8$7!/%703507&$77)&0.3!/<a6!66&76S!$)*&9&6867!*/!#-& #86*/&66(50:7)!/%&/685&$0.3-*!/$&6:*7)!33-*$!#-&-&(!-!/%5&(8-!705<5&48*5&.&/76R )&0.3!/<)!6.!%&*76*6,)!57&5!/%*6,&(*67&5&7$R0/7)&#!6*60'$0.35&)&/6*9&678%<8/%&57!,&/ #<!/*/%&3&/%&/7$0/68-7!/$<?5.70'5!.&!5*6,.!/!(&.&/730-*$<{*/7&5/!-$0/750-'5!.&:05,R)&0!5%{ Audit Committee periodically reviews the risks and opportunities and plans to mitigate the same. Aggregate number of shareholders and the outstanding shares in the suspense account -<*/(!77)&&/%0'7)&<&!5S*R&RS!5$)S )&%!6)#0!5%)!6#&&/%0$8.&/7&%703509*%&!$0.35&)&/6*9&9*&:0'U I!33-*$!#-&-!:6707)&0.3!/< I,&<$0/750-30*/76 I!--0$!7*0/0'5&630/6*#*-*7*&6 )&907*/(5*()760/7)&6&6)!5&66)!--5&.!*/'50=&/7*--7)&5*()7'8-0:/&50'68$)6)!5&6$-!*.67)&6)!5&6R )!5&)0-%&56:)0)!9&/07<&7$-!*.&%7)&*56)!5&6!5&5&48&67&%70*..&%*!7&-<!3350!$)7)&0.3!/<#< '05:!5%*/( ! 5&48&67 -&77&5 %8-< 6*(/&% #< !-- 7)& 6)!5&)0-%&56 '85/*6)*/( !'05&6!*% %&7!*-6 70 &/!#-& 7)& Company to credit/issue the shares to the rightful owner. 7 .!< #& /07&% 7)!7 !-- 7)& $05305!7& #&/&?76 !$$58*/( 0/ 7)&6& 6)!5&6 -*,& #0/86S 63-*76 &7$R !-60 :*-- #& $5&%*7&%707)&6!*%^/$-!*.&%863&/6&¨$$08/7_!/%7)&907*/(5*()760/7)&6&6)!5&66)!--5&.!*/'50=&/ until the rightful owner has claimed the shares. (f) Disclosure in terms of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement )&5& !5& /0 */7&5N6& 5&-!7*0/6)*36 #&7:&&/ 7)& 0!5% .&.#&56 &;$&37 5 /,!5 !/:!5 !/% 5 &&5!+ Kanwar being father and son. 11. Means of communication N )& 48!57&5-<{)!-' <&!5-< !/% !//8!- ?/!/$*!- 5&68-76 0' 7)& 0.3!/< !5& /05.!--< 38#-*6)&% */ 86*/&66 7!/%!5%|/!7*0/!-%!*-<}!/%&5!-!!8.8%*|5&(*0/!-%!*-<}R/!%%*7*0/707)&!#09&S48!57&5-<!/%!//8!- results are displayed at our website at www.apollotyres.com for the information of all shareholders. N ¨-- .!7&5*!- */'05.!7*0/ !#087 7)& 0.3!/< *6 350.37-< 6&/7 70 7)& 670$, &;$)!/(&6 !/% 7)& 0.3!/< 5&(8-!5-< 83%!7&6 7)& .&%*! !/% */9&6705 $0..8/*7< !#087 *76 ?/!/$*!- !6 :&-- !6 07)&5 05(!/*6!7*0/!- developments. N )&75!/6$5*370'7)&¨/!-<67{/9&67050/'&5&/$&!--*63067&%0/7)&:&#6*7&0'7)&$0.3!/<R 12. General Shareholder Information D 5HJLVWHUHG2I¿FH 7)-005 Cherupushpam Building Shanmugham Road 0$)*S&5!-! )UNS b) Annual General Meeting: N!7& N!< N*.& N&/8& N067*/(0'¨//8!-&3057 N!67%!7&0'5&$&*370' 50;<'05. c) Financial Calendar for FY16 */!/$*!-&3057*/('057)&48!57&5&/%*/(8/&SU/05#&'05&¨8(867SR */!/$*!-&3057*/('057)&48!57&5&/%*/(&37&.#&5SU/05#&'05&09&.#&5SR */!/$*!-&3057*/('057)&48!57&5&/%*/(&$&.#&5SU/05#&'05&&#58!5<SR */!/$*!-&3057*/('057)&48!57&5{<&!5&/%*/(!5$)SU/05#&'05&!<SR (e) Transfer of Unclaimed/Undelivered Shares ¨63&57)&3509*6*0/60'$-!86&¨0'7)&-*67*/(!(5&&.&/7|$*5$8-!5/0R{{{{%!7&% &$&.#&5S}7)&8/$-!*.&%{8/%&-*9&5&%6)!5&6-<*/(*/7)&3066&66*0/0'7)&0.3!/<!5&5&48*5&% 70#&%&.!7&5*!-*6&%!/%75!/6'&55&%*/70!^/$-!*.&%863&/6&¨$$08/7_)&-%#<7)&0.3!/<R/$0.3-*!/$& :*7)7)&6!*%!.&/%.&/7S7)&0.3!/<)!66&/77)5&&-&77&567068$)6)!5&)0-%&56:)06&6)!5&$&57*?$!7&6 !5&*/8/%&-*9&5&%'05.!/%)&/$&5&.!*/&%8/$-!*.&%S#<5&48&67*/(7)&.7083%!7&$055&$7%&7!*-69*=R3067!- addresses, PAN details etc. registered with the Company in order to avoid transfer of such unclaimed shares to 7)&^/$-!*.&%863&/6&¨$$08/7R_)&0.3!/<)!6*/*7*!7&%7)&350$&660'%&.!7&5*!-*6!7*0/!/%75!/6'&5 104 | APOLLO TYRES LTD )&0.3!/<)!6.!7&5*!--<$0.3-*&%:*7)7)&5&48*5&.&/760'7)&70$,;$)!/(&6S!/%07)&567!78705< authorities on all matters relating to capital markets during the last three years. No penalties or strictures )!9&#&&/*.306&%0/7)&0.3!/<#<7)&670$,&;$)!/(&6S05!/<07)&567!78705<!87)05*7*&65&-!7*/(70 7)& !#09&R )& 0.3!/< )!6 %&9&-03&% !/ */7&(5!7&% $0.3-*!/$& %!6)#0!5% :)*$) 3509*%&6 5&!60/!#-& assurance to the Management and the Board of Directors regarding effectiveness of timely compliances. (d) Compliance by the Company Number of shareholders to whom shares were transferred from suspense account during the year )&5&)!6/07#&&/!/<$)!/(&*/!$$08/7*/(30-*$*&60'7)&0.3!/<%85*/(7)&<&!5R (c) Risk Management Number of shareholders who approached to the Company for transfer of shares from suspense account during the year (b) Disclosure of accounting treatment 0'6!*%8/$-!*.&%{8/%&-*9&5&%6)!5&6*/70!/^/$-!*.&%863&/6&¨$$08/7_)&67!7860'8/$-!*.&%6)!5&6 !60/!5$)S!5&!68/%&5UN U¨8(867S U8&6%!< UR!R. U&5!-!*/&¨576)&!75& Fine Arts Avenue Foreshore Road 5/!,8-8.S0$)*|&5!-!} U/05#&'05&8-<SR U¨8(867S#&'05&R!R. ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 105 d) Dates of Book-Closure The Company’s share price on BSE and Sensex )&%!7&60'7)&#00,$-0685&6)!--#&'50.¨8(867S70¨8(867S|#07)%!<6*/$-86*9&}R e) Dividend Payment )& %*9*%&/% 0' R 3&5 &48*7< 6)!5& '05 7)& S 68#+&$7 70 !33509!- '50. 6)!5&)0-%&56S )!6 #&&/ 5&$0..&/%&%#<7)&0!5%0'*5&$7056R)&6!.&6)!--#&3!*%0/05!'7&5¨8(867S#87:*7)*/7)& statutory time limit. f) Unclaimed Dividends ¨63509*%&%*/6&$7*0/¨!/%0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7SS%*9*%&/%'057)&?/!/$*!-<&!5&/%&%!5$) S!/%7)&5&!'7&5S:)*$)5&.!*/8/3!*%058/$-!*.&%'05!3&5*0%0'<&!56S:*--#&75!/6'&55&%707)& /9&6705%8$!7*0/!/%507&$7*0/8/%|8/%}&67!#-*6)&%#<7)&&/75!-09&5/.&/7S!/%/03!<.&/76 6)!--#&.!%&*/5&63&$70'!/<68$)$-!*.6#<7)&8/%R During the year, the Company had transferred R -!$ -<*/( 8/$-!*.&% */ /3!*% *9*%&/% ¨$$08/7 */ 5&63&$70'*9*%&/%'057)&<&!5N707)&6!*%8/%0/&37&.#&5SR g) Listing at Stock Exchanges* R7% )*50+&&&+&&#)0<0:&56 67-005S!-!-75&&7 8.#!* U{ U{ U$053R5&-!7*0/6M#6&*/%*!R$0. )&!//8!--*67*/('&&'05)!6#&&/3!*%70!--7)&!'05&6!*%670$,&;$)!/(&6R j*7)5&(!5%700$)*/70$,;$)!/(&Sb&$85*7*&6!/%;$)!/(&0!5%0'/%*!|})!6(5!/7&%&;*705%&5 %!7&%&$&.#&5S707)&0$)*/70$,;$)!/(&|}!/%7)&70$,;$)!/(&)!65&785/&%*76-*$&/6& 70R/-*()70'7)&6!*%05%&5S!--7)&3509*6*0/60'*67*/(¨(5&&.&/7S:08-%#&!33-*$!#-&700.3!/*&6 -*67&% :*7) S 7*-- 7)& 48!57&5 &/%&% &$&.#&5 S R ¨6 7)& 0$)*/ 70$, ;$)!/(& *6 /0 -0/(&5 */ &;*67&/$&S<0850.3!/<:08-%5&.!*/-*67&%0/ b h) Stock Code 7%S !7*0/!-70$,;$)!/(&0'/%*!7%R ¨ *()| } 0:| } *'7</%&; 0-8.& |*/.*--*0/} *() 0-8.& |*/.*--*0/} R R R R R !<S R R R R R 8/&S R R R R R 8-<S R R R R R R R SR SR !<S R R R SR SR 8/&S R R R SR SR 8-<S R R R SR SR ¨8(867S R R R SR SR &37&.#&5S R R R SR SR $70#&5S R R R SR SR 09&.#&5S R R R SR SR &$&.#&5S R R R SR SR !/8!5<S R R R SR SR &#58!5<S R R R SR SR !5$)S R R R SR SR Shares Traded during April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015 ¨8(867S R R R R R &37&.#&5S R R R R R $70#&5S R R R R R 09&.#&5S R R R R R &$&.#&5S R R R R R !/8!5<S R R R R R &#58!5<S R R R R R !5$)S R R R R R 0R0'6)!5&675!%&%|*/.*--*0/} R R *()&67)!5&5*$&|*/ } R R 0:&67)!5&5*$&|*/ } R R -06*/()!5&5*$&|!60/!5$)S} R R R R Elimination of Duplicate Mailing )&6)!5&)0-%&56:)0!5&)0-%*/(3)<6*$!-6)!5&6*/.05&7)!/0/&'0-*0*/*%&/7*$!-/!.&S05*/+0*/7)0-%&5a6 /!.&*/6*.*-!505%&5S.!<6&/%7)&)!5&$&57*?$!7&|6}S!-0/(:*7)5&48&67'05$0/60-*%!7*0/0')0-%*/(*/0/& folio, to avoid mailing of multiple annual reports. l) Share Transfer System 0 &;3&%*7& 7)& 6)!5& 75!/6'&5 */ 3)<6*$!- 6&(.&/7S 7!,&)0-%&56 &-!7*0/6)*3 0..*77&& )!6 !87)05*6&% )0-&N7*.&*5&$705!/%{050.3!/<&$5&7!5<70!33509&75!/6'&50'6&$85*7*&68370S5&$&*9&%'50. */%*9*%8!-6 0/ :&&,-< #!6*6R / $!6& 0' !33509!- 0' 75!/6'&5 0' 6&$85*7*&6 09&5 SS 7)& 7!,&)0-%&56 Relationship Committee meets at periodical intervals. In any case, all share transfers are completed within the 35&6$5*#&% 7*.& -*.*7 '50. 7)& %!7& 0' 5&$&*37S *' %0$8.&/7 .&&76 7)& 67*38-!7&% 5&48*5&.&/7 0' 67!78705< 3509*6*0/6*/!--5&63&$76R/5&'&5&/$&70%*5&$7*9&6S7)&0.3!/<*63509*%*/(7)&'!$*-*7<'0575!/6'&5!/% %&.!7&5*!-*=!7*0/0'6&$85*7*&66*.8-7!/&086-<R)&707!-/0R0'6)!5&675!/6'&55&%%85*/(7)&<&!5:&5&SR All the transfers were completed within stipulated time. Low k) Low ¨35*-S *() R !5,&7!3*7!-*=!7*0/|!60/!5$)S}|*/.*--*0/} Stock Market Price Data for the year 2014-15: The Company’s share price on NSE and Nifty Index Month 0:| } Particulars ¨35*-S j) 106 | APOLLO TYRES LTD *()| } R!7*0/!-70$,;$)!/(&0'/%*!7% ;$)!/(&-!=!S!/%5!85-!0.3-&; !/%5!|}S8.#!*N UN UN -U$.-*67M/6&R$0R*/ i) Month ¨63&57)&5&48*5&.&/70'$-!86&|$}0'7)&-*67*/(!(5&&.&/7:*7)7)&670$,&;$)!/(&6S7)&0.3!/<)!6 0#7!*/&%7)&)!-'<&!5-<$&57*?$!7&6'50.7)&0.3!/<6&$5&7!5<*/35!$7*$&'05%8&$0.3-*!/$&0'6)!5&75!/6'&5 formalities. m) Distribution of Shareholding )&'0--0:*/(*67)&%*675*#87*0/0'6)!5&)0-%*/(0'&48*7<6)!5&60'7)&0.3!/<!60/!5$)SUN Category N No. of Shareholders % of Shareholders No. of Shares Held % of shareholding R R N R R N R R N R R ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 107 N R R N R R N R R !#09& R R R R 07! )&50.07&5!/%50.07&5(5083)0-%R.*--*0/6)!5&6$0/67*787*/(R0'7)&6)!5&$!3*7!-0'7)& 0.3!/<!60/!5$)SR n) Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit ¨667*38-!7&%#<S!48!-*?&%0.3!/<6&$5&7!5<*/35!$7*$&$0/%8$767)&&$0/$*-*!7*0/0')!5&!3*7!- Audit of the Company for the purpose of reconciliation of total admitted capital with the depositories, i.e. NSDL and CDSL, and the total issued and listed capital of the Company. t) R&5!.#5!S)!-!,8%< 5*$)85S&5!-! R*.%!S!-8,!!()0%*! *67R!%0%!5!S8+!5!7 R/%8675*!-50:7)&/75& 5!(!%!.S)&//!*S!.*-!%8 )&0.3!/<6&$5&7!5<*/35!$7*$&$0/%8$7668$)!8%*7*/&9&5<48!57&5!/%*668&6!&$0/$*-*!7*0/0')!5& !3*7!-¨8%*7&57*?$!7&707)*6&''&$7707)&0.3!/<R¨$03<0'68$)!8%*75&3057*668#.*77&%707)&670$, &;$)!/(&6S:)&5&7)&0.3!/<a66)!5&6!5&-*67&%!/%*6!-603-!$&%#&'05&7)&0!5%R u) o) Dematerialisation of Shares and Liquidity v) )&&48*7<6)!5&60'7)&0.3!/<!5&#&*/(75!%&%8/%&5$0.38-605*-<%&.!7'05.!63&5/07*?$!7*0/R )&0.3!/<a66)!5&6!5&75!%!#-&$0.38-605*-<*/&-&$750/*$'05.!/%!5&!9!*-!#-&'0575!%*/(*/7)&%&306*705< 6<67&.60'#07)!7*0/!-&$85*7*&6&306*705<7%R|}!/%&/75!-&306*705<&59*$&6|/%*!}7%R|}R )&/7&5/!7*0/!-&$85*7*&6%&/7*?$!7*0/8.#&5|}0'7)&0.3!/<S!6!--077&%#<!/%S*6 ¨R w) Adoption of mandatory and non-mandatory requirements of Clause 49 ¨60/!5$)SSR0'7)&6)!5&$!3*7!-67!/%6%&.!7&5*!-*6&%R!/%)!9&3&5.*77&%75!%*/( 0'¨30--0<5&6a6)!5&*/70'8785&!/%037*0/| }6&(.&/7:*7)&''&$7'50.&#58!5<SR ¨--6)!5&75!/6'&56{%&.!7!5&#&*/(350$&66&%*/)086&R)&0.3!/<)!6&67!#-*6)&%%*5&$7$0//&$7*9*7<:*7) NSDL/CDSL for carrying out demat completely in house. q) Share Transfer Department All communications regarding change of address for shares held in physical form, dividend etc. should be sent !77)&0.3!/<a6$05305!7&0'?$&!7UN ¨30--0<5&67% ¨30--0 086&SS/67*787*0/!-¨5&! &$705NS85(!0/O| !5<!/!} U U U*/9&67056M!30--07<5&6R$0. r) ECS Mandate ¨--6)!5&)0-%&56!5&5&48&67&%7083%!7&7)&*5#!/,!$$08/7%&7!*-6:*7)7)&*55&63&$7*9&%&306*705*&685(&/7-<R )*6:08-%'!$*-*7!7&75!/6'&50'%*9*%&/%%*5&$7-<707)&#!/,!$$08/70'7)&6)!5&)0-%&56R s) Plant Location: Address for correspondence '056)!5&75!/6'&5{%&.!7 0'6)!5&6S3!<.&/70'%*9*%&/% !/%!/<07)&548&5<5&-!7*/( 706)!5&6R As on March 31, 2015, there were no outstanding GDRs/ADRs/ Warrants or any convertible instruments. : Secretarial Department ¨30--0<5&67%R ¨30--0 086&S/67*787*0/!-¨5&! &$705S85(!0/ &-UN )& 0.3!/< )!6 $0.3*-&% :*7) !-- .!/%!705< 5&48*5&.&/76 0' -!86& 0' 7)& *67*/( ¨(5&&.&/7R )& 0.3!/<)!6!%037&%'0--0:*/(/0/N.!/%!705<5&48*5&.&/760'-!86&0'7)&*67*/(¨(5&&.&/7UN $XGLW4XDOL¿FDWLRQ )&0.3!/<*6*/7)&5&(*.&0'8/48!-*?&%?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76R 13. Additional Information a) Investor Relations Section )&/9&67056&-!7*0/6&$7*0/*6-0$!7&%!77)&$05305!7&0'?$&0'7)&0.3!/<R 0/7!$73&560/ U6R&&.!)!3!5S0.3-*!/$&'?$&5 *.& U U U U U p) Share Transfer/Demat Registry work &.#&56:)0)!9&/07<&75&(*67&5&%7)&*5&N.!*-!%%5&66|*/$-8%*/(7)06&:)0:*6)70$)!/(&7)&*5!-5&!%< 5&(*67&5&%&N.!*-!%%5&66}.!<(&77)&6!.&5&(*67&5&%{83%!7&%&*7)&5:*7)7)&*5%&306*705<3!57*$*3!/7605#< writing to the Company. UR!.70R3.0/!--:05,*/(%!<60'7)&0.3!/<|&;$&37!785%!<6!/%8/%!<6} U*/9&67056M!30--07<5&6R$0. b) Bankers E-voting 0 :*%&/ 7)& 3!57*$*3!7*0/ 0' 6)!5&)0-%&56 */ 0.3!/< %&$*6*0/ 38568!/7 70 3509*6*0/6 0' 6&$7*0/ 0' 0.3!/*&6¨$7S5&!%:*7)8-&0')&0.3!/*&6|!/!(&.&/7!/%¨%.*/*675!7*0/}8-&6SS7)& 0.3!/< )!6 3509*%&% &N907*/( '!$*-*7< 70 *76 6)!5&)0-%&56S */ 5&63&$7 0' !-- 6)!5&)0-%&5a6 5&60-87*0/6 70 #& passed at general meetings. ¨!/,*/(50837% ICIC Bank Ltd ¨;*6!/,7% IDBI Bank Ltd Bank of India <6<!!/,7% Barclays Bank PLC Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd BNP Paribas Standard Chartered Bank Canara Bank State Bank of India Citibank N.A. State Bank of Mysore Corporation Bank 7!7&!/,'5!9!/$05& Credit Agricole CIB )&!/,'09!$07*! DBS Bank Ltd )&!/,0'0,<0N*768#*6)*7% Deutsche Bank UCO Bank Register e-mail address !/, Union Bank of India 0 $0/75*#87& 70:!5%6 (5&&/&5 &/9*50/.&/7S 7)& 0.3!/< 350306&6 70 6&/% %0$8.&/76 -*,& 6)!5&)0-%&56 .&&7*/( /07*$&{07)&5 /07*$&6S !8%*7&% ?/!/$*!- 67!7&.&/76S *5&$705a6 5&3057S !8%*7056a 5&3057 05 !/< 07)&5 document, to members in electronic form at the e-mail address provided by them and/or available to the Company by the Depositories. 7% &6!/,7% 108 | APOLLO TYRES LTD c) Auditors &-0*77& !6,*/6 &--6S)&//!*S)!57&5&%¨$$08/7!/76R ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 109 d) Cost Auditors 03!-!,5*6)/!/ 0RS067¨$$08/7!/76R *7) 5&'&5&/$& 70 7)& &/&5!- *5$8-!5 0R { O {{¨N %!7&% ¨35*- S *668&% #< 7)& Government of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Cost Audit Branch, New Delhi, following are the details of 067¨8%*705!/%?-*/(0'$067!8%*75&3057:*7)&/75!-09&5/.&/7U Particulars of the Cost Auditor 'HWDLOVRI&RVW$XGLW5HSRUW¿OHGIRUWKHSHULRG ended March 31, 2014 Mr N P Sukumaran |0R} ¨3!57.&/70R 7)-005SRR<!3!5)!:!/S RR!--0/0!%S!%!9!/7)5! 0$)*N|&5!-!} .!*-U/3($0M6*'<R$0. *-*/(%!7&U¨8(867S e) Code of Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading / $0.3-*!/$& :*7) 7)& 5&(8-!7*0/6 0/ 35&9&/7*0/ 0' */6*%&5 75!%*/(S 7)& 0.3!/< )!6 '05.8-!7&% ! $0.35&)&/6*9& 0%& 0' 0/%8$7 '05 `5&9&/7*0/ 0' /6*%&5 5!%*/(a */ 7)& 6&$85*7*&6 0' 7)& 0.3!/<R )*6 0%& 0' 0/%8$7 *6 !33-*$!#-& 70 50.07&56S *5&$7056S )*&'6S 5083 &!%6S &!%6S !/% 68$) 07)&5 &.3-0<&&6 0' 7)& 0.3!/< !/% 07)&56 :)0 !5& &;3&$7&% 70 )!9& access to unpublished price sensitive information. )&0!5%!7*76.&&7*/()&-%0/!<S)!6!33509&%7)&5&9*6&%0%&0'0/%8$7'055&9&/7*0/0' /6*%&5 5!%*/(S */ 7&5.6 :*7) 7)& |50)*#*7*0/ 0' /6*%&5 5!%*/(} &(8-!7*0/6S S &''&$7*9& '50. !<SR )&0%&0'0/%8$7-!<6%0:/(8*%&-*/&6!%9*6*/(7)&.0/350$&%85&670#&'0--0:&%!/%%*6$-0685&670#& .!%&:)*-&%&!-*/(:*7)7)&6)!5&60'7)&0.3!/<S!/%$!87*0/*/(7)&.0'$0/6&48&/$&60'9*0-!7*0/6R)& 0.3!/<&$5&7!5<0'7)&0.3!/<*67)&0.3-*!/$&0'?$&5R f) Code of Conduct for Directors and Senior Management )&0!5%0'*5&$70560'¨30--0<5&6)!6-!*%%0:/!$0%&0'#86*/&66$0/%8$7$!--&%^)&0%&0'0/%8$7 '05*5&$7056!/%&/*05!/!(&.&/7_R)&0%&&/9*6!(&67)!70!5%0'*5&$7056!/%&/*05!/!(&.&/7 must act within the bounds of the authority conferred upon them and with a duty to make and keep themselves */'05.&%!#0877)&%&9&-03.&/7*/7)&*/%8675<*/:)*$)7)&0.3!/<*6*/90-9&%!/%7)&-&(!-5&48*5&.&/7670 #&'8-?--&%R )&0%&-!<6%0:/#50!%67!/%!5%60'$0.3-*!/$&!/%&7)*$6S!65&48*5&%#<7)&-*67*/(!(5&&.&/7|6}!/% 07)&5!33-*$!#-&5&(8-!7*0/6R)&0%&*65&48*5&%70#&$0.3-*&%*/5&63&$70'!--$05305!7&%*6$-0685&6 in respect of the Company and/or its subsidiary companies, including overseas subsidiaries. )&0.3!/<&$5&7!5<0'7)&0.3!/<*67)&$0.3-*!/$&0'?$&5R i) Policy to prevent and deal with sexual harassment )& 0.3!/< *6 !/ &48!- &.3-0<.&/7 0330578/*7< &.3-0<&5 !/% *6 $0..*77&% 70 $5&!7*/( ! )&!-7)< !/% 350%8$7*9&:05,&/9*50/.&/77)!7&/!#-&6&.3-0<&&670:05,:*7)087'&!50'35&+8%*$&S(&/%&5#*!6!/%6&;8!- )!5!66.&/7R)&0.3!/<#&-*&9&67)!7!/!$70'6&;8!-)!5!66.&/75&68-76*/7)&9*0-!7*0/0'7)&'8/%!.&/7!- 5*()760'!:0.!/R8$)!$769*0-!7&)&55*()770&48!-*7<S5*()770-*'&!/%70-*9&:*7)%*(/*7<!/%5*()77035!$7*$& any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business, which also includes a right to have a safe and )&!-7)<:05,&/9*50/.&/7'5&&'50.6&;8!-)!5!66.&/7R / ,&&3*/( :*7) *76 #&-*&' !/% */ 7&5.6 0' 7)& &;8!- !5!66.&/7 0' 0.&/ !7 05,3-!$& |5&9&/7*0/S 50)*#*7*0/ !/% &%5&66!-} ¨$7S !/% 58-& 7)&5&0'S 7)& 0.3!/< !%0376 7)& 30-*$< 70 35&9&/7 !/% %&!- :*7)6&;8!-)!5!66.&/70':0.&/!77)&:05,3-!$&R)&0.3!/<*6$0..*77&%703509*%&70!--:0.&/S:)0 !5&35&6&/7!77)&:05,3-!$&S!:05,&/9*50/.&/7'5&&'50.6&;8!-)!5!66.&/7S*/7*.*%!7*0/!/%&;3-0*7!7*0/R j) Declaration by Independent Directors under sub-section (6) of section 149 & Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement 85*/(S7)&0.3!/<5&$&*9&%%&$-!5!7*0/*/7&5.60'7)&3509*6*0/60'&$7*0/|} |}0'7)& 0.3!/*&6¨$7S!/%-!86&|}|¨}|***}!/%|}|}0'7)&*67*/(¨(5&&.&/70'70$,;$)!/(&6'50. 7)&'0--0:*/(*/%&3&/%&/7*5&$70569*=R5¨85:!5S5¨,6)!<)8%!6!.!S5!$0#)0.!6S5*.&6) !.3!/*S6!--!9*)50''S50#&577&*/.&7=S5!5!<!/!/%5*,5!.&)7!R k) Web link for various documents )&'0--0:*/(%0$8.&/76{*/'05.!7*0/!5&-*/,&%:*7)7)&:&#6*7&0'7)&0.3!/<S*RR&S:::R!30--07<5&6R$0.UN Particulars Web link !.*-*!5*=!7*0/350(5!..&6'05/%&3&/%&/7*5&$7056 http://www.apollotyres.com/uploads/familiarisation350(5!..&N'05N*/%&3&/%&/7N%*5&$7056QR3%' 0-*$<'05%&7&5.*/*/(`.!7&5*!-a68#6*%*!5*&6 http://www.apollotyres.com/uploads/policy-for-determining-material-subsidiaries.pdf Policy on dealing with related party transactions http://www.apollotyres.com/uploads/policy-on-related-party-transaction.pdf CSR policy )773U{{:::R!30--07<5&6R$0.{83-0!%6{$6530-*$<N!7-R3%' )&0%&*6!33-*$!#-&70!--7)&*5&$7056!/%&/*05!/!(&.&/70'7)&0.3!/<R)&0.3!/<&$5&7!5<0' 7)&0.3!/<*67)&$0.3-*!/$&0'?$&5R Code of conduct for Directors and Senior Management http://www.apollotyres.com/uploads/code-of-conductfor-directors-and-senior-management.pdf g) Whistle Blower Policy / Vigil Mechanism )*67-&-0:&50-*$<{*(*-&$)!/*6. ¨30--0 <5&6 #&-*&9&6 */ 7)& $0/%8$7 0' *76 #86*/&66 !''!*56 */ ! '!*5 !/% 75!/63!5&/7 .!//&5 #< !%037*/( highest standards of professionalism, honesty, integrity and ethical behavior. In order to inculcate accountability !/% 75!/63!5&/$< */ *76 #86*/&66 $0/%8$7S 7)& 0.3!/< )!6 #&&/ $0/67!/7-< 5&9*&:*/( *76 &;*67*/( 6<67&.6 !/%350$&%85&6R0850.3!/<)!6!33509&%!:)*67-&#-0:&530-*$<:)*$):*--&/!#-&!--&.3-0<&&6S*5&$7056 and other stakeholders to raise their genuine concerns internally in a responsible and effective manner if and when they discover information which they believe shows serious malpractice or irregularity within the Company and/or to report to the management instances of unethical behavior, actual or suspected, fraud or violation of 0.3!/<a6$0%&0'$0/%8$705&7)*$630-*$<R http://www.apollotyres.com/uploads/whistle-blowerpolicy.pdf /7&5.6:*7)7)&30-*$<S!//7&5/!-5*&9!/$&&%5&66!-0..*77&&|})!6#&&/$0/67*787&%#<7)&0.3!/<S which is headed by the Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Board. Company Secretary of the Company acts !6 !/ .#8%6.!/ :)0S 0/ 5&$&*37 0' 0.3-!*/7S &;!.*/&6 7)& 3066*#-& */7&/7*0/6 !/% (&/8*/&/&66 0' 7)& %*6$-0685&*/!%9!/$&#&'05&5&'&55*/(*7707)&'05*/9&67*(!7*0/6R)&S!'7&5*/9&67*(!7*0/S68#.*76!5&3057 to the Audit Committee . 'HFODUDWLRQ$I¿UPLQJ&RPSOLDQFHRISURYLVLRQVRIWKH&RGHRI&RQGXFW 07)&#&670'.<,/0:-&%(&!/%#&-*&'!/%0/7)&#!6*60'%&$-!5!7*0/6(*9&/70.&S)&5&#<!'?5.7)!7!--7)& Board members and the Senior Management Personnel have fully complied with the provisions of the Code of 0/%8$7'05*5&$7056!/%&/*05!/!(&.&/7&560//&-%85*/(7)&?/!/$*!-<&!5&/%&%!5$)SR 'HFODUDWLRQ$I¿UPLQJ&RPSOLDQFHRI:KLVWOHEORZHUSROLF\ 0 7)& #&67 0' .< ,/0:-&%(& !/% #&-*&' S )&5&#< !'?5. 7)!7 /0 3&560//&- 0' 7)& 0.3!/< )!6 #&&/ %&/*&% !$$&66707)&¨8%*7$0..*77&&%85*/(R For and on behalf of the Board of Directors h) Code of Practices and Procedures for Fair Disclousure )&0!5%!7*76.&&7*/()&-%0/!<S)!6!33509&%7)&0%&0'5!$7*$&6!/%50$&%85&6'05!*5 *6$-0685&0'/38#-*6)&%5*$&&/6*7*9&/'05.!7*0/S*/7&5.6:*7)7)&|50)*#*7*0/0'/6*%&55!%*/(} &(8-!7*0/6SS&''&$7*9&'50.!<SR 110 | APOLLO TYRES LTD -!$&U85(!0/ |/,!5!/:!5} !7&U!<S )!*5.!/ !/!(*/(*5&$705 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 111 CEO AND CFO CERTIFICATE COMPLIANCE: )&$&57*?$!7&%!7&%!<S0#7!*/&%'50.67!78705<!8%*7056S{6R&-0*77& !6,*/6 &--6S)&//!*'05.63!570' this annual report and the same is given herein: (UNDER SUB CLAUSE IX OF CLAUSE 49 OF THE LISTING AGREEMENT) IQGHSHQGHQW$XGLWRUV &HUWL¿FDWHRQ&RUSRUDWH*RYHUQDQFH R &S&-0*77& !6,*/6 &--6S)!57&5&%¨$$08/7!/76|*5.c6&(*675!7*0/0RU}S!67!78705<¨8%*70560' ¨30--0<5&67%RS|b7)&0.3!/<b}S)!9*/(*76&(*67&5&%'?$&!77)-005S)&58386)3!.8*-%*/(S)!/.8()!. 0!%S0$)*S&5!-!S)!9&&;!.*/&%7)&$0.3-*!/$&0'$0/%*7*0/60'$05305!7&(09&5/!/$&#<7)&0.3!/<S '057)&<&!5&/%&%0/!5$)S!667*38-!7&%*/-!86&0'7)&*67*/(¨(5&&.&/7S!6!.&/%&%'50.7*.&70 7*.&S0'7)&0.3!/<:*7)7)&670$,&;$)!/(&6R 0S )&0!5%0'*5&$7056S ¨30--0<5&67%R &)&5&#<$&57*'<7)!7UN R &)!9&#&&/5&48&67&%#<7)&!/!(&.&/70'7)&0.3!/<703509*%&!$&57*?$!7&0/$0.3-*!/$&0'$05305!7& (09&5/!/$&8/%&5-!86&0'7)&*67*/(¨(5&&.&/7S!6!.&/%&%'50.7*.&707*.&R R )& !/!(&.&/7 *6 5&30/6*#-& '05 7)& $0.3-*!/$& 0' $0/%*7*0/6 0' $05305!7& (09&5/!$&R 85 &;!.*/!7*0/ :!6 limited to a review of procedures and implementation thereof, adopted by the Company for ensuring the compliance 0'7)&$0/%*7*0/60'$05305!7&(09&5/!/$&!667*38-!7&%*/7)&6!*%$-!86&R7*6/&*7)&5!/!8%*7/05!/&;35&66*0/0' 03*/*0/0/7)&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/760'7)&0.3!/<R / 085 03*/*0/ !/% 70 7)& #&67 0' 085 */'05.!7*0/ !/% !$$05%*/( 70 7)& &;3-!/!7*0/6 (*9&/ 70 86 #< 7)& %*5&$7056 and the management, we certify that the Company has complied with the conditions of corporate governance as 67*38-!7&%*/-!86&0'7)&!#09&.&/7*0/&%*67*/(¨(5&&.&/7S!6!.&/%&%'50.7*.&707*.&R #} 07)&#&670'085,/0:-&%(&!/%#&-*&'S7)&5&!5&/075!/6!$7*0/6&/7&5&%*/70#<7)&$0.3!/<%85*/(7)&<&!5 :)*$)!5&'5!8%8-&/7S*--&(!-059*0-!7*9&0'7)&$0.3!/<a6$0%&0'$0/%8$7R R R &'857)&567!7&7)!768$)$0.3-*!/$&*6/&*7)&5!/!6685!/$&!6707)&'8785&9*!#*-*7<0'7)&0.3!/</057)& &'?$*&/$<0'&''&$7*9&/&66:*7):)*$)7)&.!/!(&.&/7)!6$0/%8$7&%7)&!''!*560'7)&0.!3/<R For Deloitte Haskins & Sells Chartered Accountants !} &)!9&5&9*&:&%7)&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76*/$-8%*/(7)&$!6)@0:67!7&.&/70'7)&0.3!/<'057)&<&!5&/%&%!6 0/!5$)S!/%7)!7707)&#&670'085,/0:-&%(&!/%#&-*&'U i these statements do not contain any materially untrue statement or omit any material fact or contain 67!7&.&/767)!7.*()7#&.*6-&!%*/(V ** 7)&6&67!7&.&/76*/$-8%*/($!6)@0:67!7&.&/735&6&/7!758&!/%'!*59*&:0'7)&$0.3!/<a6!''!*56!/%!5&*/ $0.3-*!/$&:*7)&;*67*/(!$$08/7*/(67!/%!5%6S!33-*$!#-&-!:6!/%5&(8-!7*0/6R $}!6&%0/0850#6&59!/$&!/%0/7)&#!6*60'68#.*66*0/65&$&*9&%7)508()68#N$&57*?$!7*0/350$&66S:&$&57*'<7)!7 */7&5/!-$0/750-6!/%?/!/$*!-5&3057*/(!5&&67!#-*6)&%S.!*/7!*/&%!/%!5&&''&$7*9&$0/6*%&5*/(7)&/!785&!/% 6*=&0'7)&#86*/&665&48*5&.&/7R857)&5S/0%&?$*&/$*&6)!9&#&&/0#6&59&%*/%&6*(/0503&5!7*0/0'68$)*/7&5/!- controls for the period covered by this report. %} 85*/(7)&3&5*0%8/%&55&9*&:S/06*(/*?$!/7$)!/(&6:&5&0#6&59&%*/7)&*/7&5/!-$0/750-609&5?/!/$*!-5&3057*/( and accounting policies of the Company. Furthermore, no instance of fraud found by management or employees )!9*/(!6*(/*?$!/750-&*/7)&$0.3!/<a6*/7&5/!-$0/750-6<67&.09&5?/!/$*!-5&3057*/(R |*5.6c&(*675!7*0/0R} sd/M.K. Ananthanarayanan Partner !7&U!<S |&.#&56)*30R} -!$&U85(!0/ Sd/- Sd/- /,!5!/:!5 !85!98.!5 |)!*5.!/ !/!(*/(*5&$705} |)*&'*/!/$*!-'?$&5} Place: Chennai !7&U!<SR 112 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 113 STANDALONE ACCOUNTS $} )&!-!/$&)&&7S7)&7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%066S!/%7)&!6)-0:7!7&.&/7%&!-7:*7)#<7)*6&3057 are in agreement with the books of account. %} /08503*/*0/S7)&!'05&6!*%67!/%!-0/&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76$0.3-<:*7)7)&¨$$08/7*/(7!/%!5%663&$*?&% 8/%&5&$7*0/0'7)&¨$7S5&!%:*7)8-&0'7)&0.3!/*&6|¨$$08/76}8-&6SR &} /7)&#!6*60'7)&:5*77&/5&35&6&/7!7*0/65&$&*9&%'50.7)&%*5&$7056!60/!5$)S7!,&/0/5&$05%#< 7)&0!5%0'*5&$7056S/0/&0'7)&%*5&$7056*6%*648!-*?&%!60/!5$)S'50.#&*/(!330*/7&%!6!%*5&$705 */7&5.60'&$7*0/|}0'7)&¨$7R '} *7) 5&63&$7 70 7)& 07)&5 .!77&56 70 #& */$-8%&% */ 7)& ¨8%*705a6 &3057 */ !$$05%!/$& :*7) 8-& 0' 7)& 0.3!/*&6|¨8%*7!/%¨8%*7056}8-&6SS*/08503*/*0/!/%707)&#&670'085*/'05.!7*0/!/%!$$05%*/(707)& &;3-!/!7*0/6(*9&/7086U *R **R )&0.3!/<)!6.!%&3509*6*0/S!65&48*5&%8/%&57)&!33-*$!#-&-!:05!$$08/7*/(67!/%!5%6S'05.!7&5*!- foreseeable losses, if any, on long-term contracts including derivative contracts. ***R )&5& )!6 #&&/ /0 %&-!< */ 75!/6'&55*/( !.08/76S 5&48*5&% 70 #& 75!/6'&55&%S 70 7)& /9&6705 %8$!7*0/ !/% Protection Fund by the Company other than R*--*0/|5&9*086&!5 R*--*0/}:)*$))!6/07#&&/ 75!/6'&55&% !6 3&5 7)& 05%&56{*/6758$7*0/6 0' 7)& 3&$*!- 0857 |5*!- 0' ''&/$&6 5&-!7*/( 70 5!/6!$7*0/6 */ &$85*7*&6}S8.#!*R INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF APOLLO TYRES LTD. Report on the Standalone Financial Statements R & )!9& !8%*7&% 7)& !$$0.3!/<*/( 67!/%!-0/& ?/!/$*!- 67!7&.&/76 0' ¨ R |^7)& 0.3!/<_}S :)*$)$0.35*6&7)&!-!/$&)&&7!6!7!5$)SS7)&7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%066S7)&!6)-0:7!7&.&/7 '057)&<&!57)&/&/%&%S!/%!68..!5<0'7)&6*(/*?$!/7!$$08/7*/(30-*$*&6!/%07)&5&;3-!/!705<*/'05.!7*0/R Management’s Responsibility for the Standalone Financial Statements R )&0.3!/<a60!5%0'*5&$7056*65&630/6*#-&'057)&.!77&5667!7&%*/&$7*0/|}0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7S |^7)&¨$7_}:*7)5&63&$7707)&35&3!5!7*0/0'7)&6&67!/%!-0/&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/767)!7(*9&!758&!/%'!*59*&: 0'7)&?/!/$*!-306*7*0/S?/!/$*!-3&5'05.!/$&!/%$!6)@0:60'7)&0.3!/<*/!$$05%!/$&:*7)7)&!$$08/7*/( 35*/$*3-&6(&/&5!--<!$$&37&%*//%*!S*/$-8%*/(7)&¨$$08/7*/(7!/%!5%663&$*?&%8/%&5&$7*0/0'7)&¨$7S 5&!%:*7)8-&0'7)&0.3!/*&6|¨$$08/76}8-&6SR)*65&630/6*#*-*7<!-60*/$-8%&6.!*/7&/!/$&0'!%&48!7& accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for 35&9&/7*/(!/%%&7&$7*/('5!8%6!/%07)&5*55&(8-!5*7*&6V6&-&$7*0/!/%!33-*$!7*0/0'!335035*!7&!$$08/7*/(30-*$*&6V .!,*/(+8%(.&/76!/%&67*.!7&67)!7!5&5&!60/!#-&!/%358%&/7V!/%%&6*(/S*.3-&.&/7!7*0/!/%.!*/7&/!/$&0' !%&48!7&*/7&5/!-?/!/$*!-$0/750-6S7)!7:&5&03&5!7*/(&''&$7*9&-<'05&/685*/(7)&!$$85!$<!/%$0.3-&7&/&660' 7)&!$$08/7*/(5&$05%6S5&-&9!/7707)&35&3!5!7*0/!/%35&6&/7!7*0/0'7)&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/767)!7(*9&!758&!/% fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. )&0.3!/<)!6%*6$-06&%7)&*.3!$70'3&/%*/(-*7*(!7*0/60/*76?/!/$*!-306*7*0/*/*76?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76V Auditor’s Responsibility For Deloitte Haskins & Sells R 855&630/6*#*-*7<*670&;35&66!/03*/*0/0/7)&6&67!/%!-0/&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76#!6&%0/085!8%*7R&)!9& 7!,&/*/70!$$08/77)&3509*6*0/60'7)&¨$7S7)&!$$08/7*/(!/%!8%*7*/(67!/%!5%6!/%.!77&56:)*$)!5&5&48*5&% to be included in the audit report under the provisions of the Act and the Rules made thereunder. |*5.6c&(*675!7*0/0R} & $0/%8$7&% 085 !8%*7 */ !$$05%!/$& :*7) 7)& 7!/%!5%6 0/ ¨8%*7*/( 63&$*?&% 8/%&5 &$7*0/ |} 0' 7)& ¨$7R)06&7!/%!5%65&48*5&7)!7:&$0.3-<:*7)&7)*$!-5&48*5&.&/76!/%3-!/!/%3&5'05.7)&!8%*7700#7!*/ 5&!60/!#-&!6685!/$&!#087:)&7)&57)&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76!5&'5&&'50..!7&5*!-.*667!7&.&/7R An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and the disclosures in the ?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76R)&350$&%85&66&-&$7&%%&3&/%0/7)&!8%*705a6+8%(.&/7S*/$-8%*/(7)&!66&66.&/70'7)& 5*6,6 0' .!7&5*!- .*667!7&.&/7 0' 7)& ?/!/$*!- 67!7&.&/76S :)&7)&5 %8& 70 '5!8% 05 &5505R / .!,*/( 7)06& 5*6, !66&66.&/76S7)&!8%*705$0/6*%&56*/7&5/!-?/!/$*!-$0/750-5&-&9!/7707)&0.3!/<a635&3!5!7*0/0'7)&?/!/$*!- statements that give a true and fair view in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, #87/07'057)&385306&0'&;35&66*/(!/03*/*0/0/:)&7)&57)&0.3!/<)!6*/3-!$&!/!%&48!7&*/7&5/!-?/!/$*!- $0/750-66<67&.09&5?/!/$*!-5&3057*/(!/%7)&03&5!7*/(&''&$7*9&/&660'68$)$0/750-6R¨/!8%*7!-60*/$-8%&6 evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting policies used and the reasonableness of the accounting estimates .!%&#<7)&0.3!/<a6*5&$7056S!6:&--!6&9!-8!7*/(7)&09&5!--35&6&/7!7*0/0'7)&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76R Chartered Accountants sd/M.K. Ananthanarayanan Partner |&.#&56)*30R} Place of Signature: Gurgaon !7&U!<S &#&-*&9&7)!77)&!8%*7&9*%&/$&:&)!9&0#7!*/&%*668'?$*&/7!/%!335035*!7&703509*%&!#!6*6'05085!8%*7 03*/*0/0/7)&67!/%!-0/&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76R Opinion R / 085 03*/*0/ !/% 70 7)& #&67 0' 085 */'05.!7*0/ !/% !$$05%*/( 70 7)& &;3-!/!7*0/6 (*9&/ 70 86S 7)& !'05&6!*% 67!/%!-0/&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76(*9&7)&*/'05.!7*0/5&48*5&%#<7)&¨$7*/7)&.!//&5605&48*5&%!/%(*9&!758& and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India, of the state of affairs of the 0.3!/<!6!7!5$)SS!/%*76350?7!/%*76$!6)@0:6'057)&<&!5&/%&%0/7)!7%!7&R Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements R ¨65&48*5&%#<7)&0.3!/*&6|¨8%*705a6&3057}5%&5S|^7)&5%&5_}*668&%#<7)&&/75!-09&5/.&/7*/ 7&5.60'&$7*0/0'7)&¨$7S:&(*9&*/7)&¨//&;85&!67!7&.&/70/7)&.!77&5663&$*?&%*/3!5!(5!3)6!/% 0'7)&5%&5R R ¨65&48*5&%#<&$7*0/|}0'7)&¨$7S:&5&30577)!7U !} &)!9&608()7!/%0#7!*/&%!--7)&*/'05.!7*0/!/%&;3-!/!7*0/6:)*$)707)&#&670'085,/0:-&%(&!/%#&-*&' were necessary for the purposes of our audit. #} /08503*/*0/S3503&5#00,60'!$$08/7!65&48*5&%#<-!:)!9&#&&/,&37#<7)&0.3!/<60'!5!6*7!33&!56 '50.085&;!.*/!7*0/0'7)06&#00,6R 114 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 115 ANNEXURE TO THE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT |&'&55&%70*/3!5!(5!3)0'0855&30570'&9&/%!7&} |*} /5&63&$70'*76?;&%!66&76U |!} )& 0.3!/< )!6 .!*/7!*/&% 3503&5 5&$05%6 6)0:*/( '8-- 3!57*$8-!56S */$-8%*/( 48!/7*7!7*9& %&7!*-6 !/% 6*78!7*0/0'?;&%!66&76R |#} 0.& 0' 7)& ?;&% !66&76 :&5& 3)<6*$!--< 9&5*?&% %85*/( 7)& <&!5 #< 7)& !/!(&.&/7 */ !$$05%!/$& :*7) ! 350(5!..& 0' 9&5*?$!7*0/S :)*$) */ 085 03*/*0/ 3509*%&6 '05 3)<6*$!- 9&5*?$!7*0/ 0' !-- 7)& ?;&% !66&76 !7 5&!60/!#-&*/7&59!-6R¨$$05%*/(707)&*/'05.!7*0/!/%&;3-!/!7*0/6(*9&/7086/0.!7&5*!-%*6$5&3!/$*&6:&5& /07*$&%0/68$)9&5*?$!7*0/R &/75!-;$*6&¨$7S ;$*6&87<!/% ¨%%*7*0/!-;$*6& Duty !5*086¨33&--!7& ¨87)05*7*&6{ *() Court. N70N Rjj /$0.&!;¨$7S /$0.&7!; !5*086¨33&--!7& ¨87)05*7*&6{ *() Court. N70N Rjjj j&70'&306*760' R*--*0/ jj&70'&306*760' R*--*0/ |**} /5&63&$70'*76*/9&/705*&6U jjj&70'&306*760' R*--*0/ |!} ¨6&;3-!*/&%7086S7)&*/9&/705*&6:&5&3)<6*$!--<9&5*?&%%85*/(7)&<&!5#<7)&!/!(&.&/7!75&!60/!#-& intervals. |#} / 085 03*/*0/ !/% !$$05%*/( 70 7)& */'05.!7*0/ !/% &;3-!/!7*0/6 (*9&/ 70 86S 7)& 350$&%85&6 0' 3)<6*$!- 9&5*?$!7*0/0'*/9&/705*&6'0--0:&%#<7)&!/!(&.&/7:&5&5&!60/!#-&!/%!%&48!7&*/5&-!7*0/707)&6*=&0' the Company and the nature of its business. |%} )& 0.3!/< )!6 #&&/ 5&(8-!5 */ 75!/6'&55*/( !.08/76 70 7)& /9&6705 %8$!7*0/ !/% 507&$7*0/ 8/% */ !$$05%!/$&:*7)7)&5&-&9!/73509*6*0/60'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7S|0'}!/%8-&6.!%&7)&5&8/%&5 within time other than R*--*0/|5&9*086&!5 R*--*0/}:)*$))!6/07#&&/75!/6'&55&%!63&57)& 05%&56{*/6758$7*0/60'7)&3&$*!-0857|5*!-0'''&/$&65&-!7*/(705!/6!$7*0/6*/&$85*7*&6}S8.#!*R |$} / 085 03*/*0/ !/% !$$05%*/( 70 7)& */'05.!7*0/ !/% &;3-!/!7*0/6 (*9&/ 70 86S 7)& 0.3!/< )!6 .!*/7!*/&% 3503&55&$05%60'*76*/9&/705*&6!/%/0.!7&5*!-%*6$5&3!/$*&6:&5&/07*$&%0/3)<6*$!-9&5*?$!7*0/R |***} )&0.3!/<)!6/07(5!/7&%!/<-0!/6S6&$85&%058/6&$85&%S70$0.3!/*&6S?5.60507)&53!57*&6$09&5&%*/7)& &(*67&5.!*/7!*/&%8/%&5&$7*0/0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7SR |*9} /08503*/*0/!/%!$$05%*/(707)&*/'05.!7*0/!/%&;3-!/!7*0/6(*9&/7086S)!9*/(5&(!5%707)&&;3-!/!7*0/67)!7 some of the items purchased are of special nature and suitable alternative sources are not readily available for 0#7!*/*/($0.3!5!#-&4807!7*0/6S7)&5&*6!/!%&48!7&*/7&5/!-$0/750-6<67&.$0..&/685!7&:*7)7)&6*=&0'7)& 0.3!/<!/%7)&/!785&0'*76#86*/&66:*7)5&(!5%70385$)!6&60'*/9&/705<!/%?;&%!66&76!/%7)&6!-&0'(00%6 !/%6&59*$&6R85*/(7)&$0856&0'085!8%*7S:&)!9&/070#6&59&%!/<.!+05:&!,/&66*/68$)*/7&5/!-$0/750- system. |9} ¨$$05%*/( 70 7)& */'05.!7*0/ !/% &;3-!/!7*0/6 (*9&/ 70 86S 7)& 0.3!/< )!6 /07 !$$&37&% !/< %&306*7 '50. 7)& public during the year. In respect of unclaimed deposits, the Company has complied with the provisions of Sections S&$7*0/05!/<07)&55&-&9!/73509*6*0/60'7)&¨$7R |9***} )&0.3!/<%0&6/07)!9&!$$8.8-!7&%-066&6!77)&&/%0'7)&?/!/$*!-<&!5!/%7)&0.3!/<)!6/07*/$855&% $!6)-066&6%85*/(7)&?/!/$*!-<&!5$09&5&%#<085!8%*7!/%*/7)&*..&%*!7&-<35&$&%*/(?/!/$*!-<&!5R |*;} /08503*/*0/!/%!$$05%*/(707)&*/'05.!7*0/!/%&;3-!/!7*0/6(*9&/7086S7)&0.3!/<)!6/07%&'!8-7&%*/7)& 5&3!<.&/70'%8&670?/!/$*!-*/67*787*0/6S#!/,6!/%%&#&/785&)0-%&56R |;} / 085 03*/*0/ !/% !$$05%*/( 70 7)& */'05.!7*0/ !/% &;3-!/!7*0/6 (*9&/ 70 86S 7)& 7&5.6 !/% $0/%*7*0/6 0' 7)& (8!5!/7&&6(*9&/#<7)&0.3!/<'05-0!/67!,&/#<07)&56'50.#!/,6!/%?/!/$*!-*/67*787*0/6!5&/07S35*.!'!$*&S 35&+8%*$*!-707)&*/7&5&6760'7)&0.3!/<*/$-8%*/(7)&#!/,%&306*763-&%(&%#<7)&0.3!/<'05-0!/67!,&/#< 07)&56!65&'&55&%70*/07&|$}707)&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76R |;*} /08503*/*0/!/%!$$05%*/(707)&*/'05.!7*0/!/%&;3-!/!7*0/6(*9&/7086S7)&7&5.-0!/6)!9&#&&/!33-*&%#< the Company during the year for the purposes for which they were obtained. |;**} 07)&#&670'085,/0:-&%(&!/%!$$05%*/(707)&*/'05.!7*0/!/%&;3-!/!7*0/6(*9&/7086S/0'5!8%#<7)&0.3!/< and no material fraud on the Company has been noticed or reported during the year. |9*} &)!9&#50!%-<5&9*&:&%7)&$0675&$05%6.!*/7!*/&%#<7)&0.3!/<38568!/7707)&0.3!/*&6|067&$05%6 !/%¨8%*7}8-&6SS!6!.&/%&%!/%35&6$5*#&%#<7)&&/75!-09&5/.&/78/%&568#N6&$7*0/|}0'&$7*0/ 0'7)&¨$7S!/%!5&0'7)&03*/*0/7)!7S35*.!'!$*&S7)&35&6$5*#&%$0675&$05%6)!9&#&&/.!%&!/%.!*/7!*/&%R &)!9&S)0:&9&5S/07.!%&!%&7!*-&%&;!.*/!7*0/0'7)&$0675&$05%6:*7)!9*&:70%&7&5.*/&:)&7)&57)&<!5& accurate or complete. For Deloitte Haskins & Sells Chartered Accountants |*5.6c&(*675!7*0/0R} |9**} ¨$$05%*/(707)&*/'05.!7*0/!/%&;3-!/!7*0/6(*9&/7086*/5&63&$70'67!78705<%8&6U sd/- |!} )&0.3!/<)!6#&&/5&(8-!5*/%&306*7*/(8/%*6387&%67!78705<%8&6S*/$-8%*/(509*%&/78/%S.3-0<&&6a 7!7&/685!/$&S/$0.&N7!;S!-&6!;S&!-7)!;S&59*$&!;S8670.687<S;$*6&87<S!-8&¨%%&%!;S Cess and other material statutory dues applicable to it with the appropriate authorities. M.K. Ananthanarayanan |#} )&5&:&5&/08/%*6387&%!.08/763!<!#-&*/5&63&$70'509*%&/78/%S.3-0<&&6a7!7&/685!/$&S/$0.&N 7!;S!-&6!;S&!-7)!;S&59*$&!;S8670.687<S;$*6&87<S!-8&¨%%&%!;S&66!/%07)&5.!7&5*!- 67!78705<%8&6*/!55&!56!6!7!5$)S'05!3&5*0%0'.05&7)!/6*;.0/7)6'50.7)&%!7&7)&<#&$!.& payable. |&.#&56)*30R} |$} &7!*-60'%8&60'/$0.&N7!;S!-&6!;!/%;$*6&87<:)*$))!9&/07#&&/%&306*7&%!60/!5$)S on account of disputes are given below: Name of the Statute Nature of Dues Forum where Dispute is pending Period to which the amount relates (Financial Year) !-&67!; !-&6!;¨$7 applicable to various States !5*086¨33&--!7& Authorities / Revenue Board / *()0857R */!/$*!-&!56 N70NS N70N !/%NR 116 | APOLLO TYRES LTD Partner Place of Signature: Gurgaon !7&U!<S Amount involved ( Million) Rj ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 117 BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF PROFIT & LOSS AS AT MARCH 31, 2015 FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2015 Notes A. 1. |!} |#} |$} EQUITY & LIABILITIES Shareholders’ Funds : )!5&!3*7!- &6&59&6!/%853-86 0/&<&$&*9&%!(!*/67)!5&!55!/76 2. |!} |#} |$} |%} Non-Current Liabilities: 0/(N7&5.0550:*/(6 &'&55&%!;*!#*-*7*&6|&7} 7)&50/(N7&5.*!#*-*7*&6 0/(N7&5.509*6*0/6 3. |!} |#} |$} |%} Current Liabilities: )057N7&5.0550:*/(6 5!%&!<!#-&6 7)&5855&/7*!#*-*7*&6 )057N7&5.509*6*0/6 |!} ASSETS Non-Current Assets: *;&%¨66&76 !/(*#-&¨66&76 /7!/(*#-&¨66&76 !3*7!-05,N*/N50(5&66 |#} 0/N855&/7/9&67.&/76 |$} 0/(N7&5.0!/6 ¨%9!/$&6 |%} 7)&50/N855&/7¨66&76 2. |!} |#} |$} |%} |&} |'} Current Assets: 855&/7/9&67.&/76 /9&/705*&6 5!%&&$&*9!#-&6 !6) !6)48*9!-&/76 )057&5.0!/6 ¨%9!/$&6 7)&5855&/7¨66&76 509.09 32,197.76 - 32,706.85 3,339.39 4,122.42 69.14 78.43 7,609.38 As at !5$)S Million R SR R SR SR SR R R SR TOTAL B. 1. |!} |*} |**} |***} As at March 31, 2015 Million 4,626.60 6,621.81 5,616.92 4,032.50 20,897.83 SR SR SR SR SR 61,214.06 SR 118 | APOLLO TYRES LTD &!5/%&% !5$)S Million |¨} 98,772.72 9,990.04 88,782.68 SR SR SR Revenue from Operations: 5066!-&6 &66U;$*6&87< Net Sales 7)&53&5!7*/(/$0.& 595.49 89,378.17 SR SR 2. Other Income 375.46 R 3. Total Revenue (1 +2) 89,753.63 SR 4. |!} |#} |$} |%} |&} |'} |(} Expenses : 0670'!7&5*!-60/68.&% 85$)!6&0'70$,N*/N5!%& )!/(&6*//9&/705*&60'*/*6)&%00%6S 05,*/50(5&66 70$,N*/N5!%& .3-0<&&&/&?76;3&/6&6 */!/$&0676 &35&$*!7*0/ ¨.057*=!7*0/&;3&/6&6 7)&5;3&/6&6 54,007.14 2,492.19 SR SR 197.29 5,451.32 1,720.88 2,467.80 14,075.59 |SR} SR SR SR SR 80,412.21 SR 9,341.42 SR Total Expenses 30,965.27 105.15 1,296.48 32,366.90 SR R R SR 6,519.19 1,780.28 360.18 41,026.55 SR SR R SR 1,000.00 11,851.86 3,200.10 2,078.40 1,681.19 375.96 SR SR SR SR R 20,187.51 SR 61,214.06 SR See ac$0.3!/<*/(/07&6'05.*/(3!570'7)&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76 M K ANANTHANARAYANAN Partner 85(!0/ !<S Year Ended March 31, 2015 Million 1. TOTAL In terms of our report attached For DELOITTE HASKINS & SELLS )!57&5&%¨$$08/7!/76 Notes ¨¨¨ )!*5.!/ Managing Director ¨¨¨ )*&'*/!/$*!-'?$&5 3UR¿WEHIRUH([FHSWLRQDO,WHPVDQG7D[ 6. Exceptional Items 3UR¿WEHIRUH7D[ 8. |!} |#} Tax Expense 855&/7!;;3&/6& &'&55&%!;;3&/6& 07!-!;;3&/6& 3UR¿WIRUWKH<HDU |!} |#} Earnings per Share of !6*$ *-87&% 1 each: - R 9,341.42 SR 2,544.70 345.91 2,890.61 SR R SR 6,450.81 SR 12.70 12.69 8.78 8.77 &&!$$0.3!/<*/(/07&6'05.*/(3!570'7)&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76 ¨¨¨ *$&)!*5.!/ Managing Director ¨¨¨ *5&$705 ¨ ¨¨ 0.3!/<&$5&7!5< In terms of our report attached For DELOITTE HASKINS & SELLS )!57&5&%¨$$08/7!/76 M K ANANTHANARAYANAN Partner 85(!0/ !<S ¨¨¨ )!*5.!/ Managing Director ¨¨¨ *$&)!*5.!/ Managing Director ¨¨¨ *5&$705 ¨¨¨ )*&'*/!/$*!-'?$&5 ¨ ¨¨ 0.3!/<&$5&7!5< ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 119 CASH - FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2015 Year Ended March 31, 2015 Million A CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES L1HW3UR¿W%HIRUH7D[ Add: Adjustments for: &35&$*!7*0/!/%¨.057*=!7*0/;3&/6&6 0660/!-&0'!/(*#-&*;&%¨66&76|&7} *9*%&/%'50.5!%& 0/5!%&/9&67.&/76 509*6*0/'0508#7'8-5!%&&$&*9!#-&6{¨%9!/$&6:5*77&/#!$, 509*6*0/'050/6758$7*9&*!#*-*7< 509*6*0/'050.3&/6!7&%¨#6&/$&6 *!#*-*7*&6{3509*6*0/6/0-0/(&55&48*5&%:5*77&/#!$, */!/$&067|&70'/7&5&67!3*7!-*=&%} /7&5&67/$0.& 509*6*0/'05&67*.!7&%-0660/%&5*9!7*9&6 /5&!-*=&%|!*/}{0660/05&*(/;$)!/(&-8$78!7*0/6 509*6*0/'05$0/7*/(&/$*&6 08#7'8-&$&*9!#-&6{¨%9!/$&65*77&/'' LL2SHUDWLQJ3UR¿W%HIRUH:RUNLQJ&DSLWDO&KDQJHV Changes in Working Capital Adjustments for (increase) / decrease in operating assets: /9&/705*&6 5!%&&$&*9!#-&6 )057N7&5.-0!/6!/%!%9!/$&6 0/(N7&5.-0!/6!/%!%9!/$&6 7)&50/N855&/7¨66&76 Other Current Assets Adjustments for increase / (decrease) in operating liabilities: 5!%&!<!#-&6 7)&5855&/7*!#*-*7*&6 7)&50/(N7&5.*!#*-*7*&6 3509*6*0/6 Short-term Provisions (iii) Cash Generated from Operations &66U*5&$7!;&6!*%|&70'&'8/%} Net Cash From Operating Activities B CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES 85$)!6&0'*;&%¨66&76|*/$-8%*/(*/7&5&67$!3*7!-*=&%} 50$&&%6'50.6!-&0'*;&%¨66&76 /9&67.&/76*/878!-8/%6 0/(&5./9&67.&/7.!%&*/8#6*%*!5< 0/(&5./9&67.&/7.!%&*/7)&50.3!/*&6 0/(&5.*;&%&5.&306*76*7)!/,67!,&/{.!785&% *9*%&/%65&$&*9&%'50.5!%& 0/5!%&/9&67.&/76 Interest received Net Cash Used in Investing Activities C CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES 50$&&%6'50.*668&0')!5&!3*7!-*/$-8%*/()!5&5&.*8. !3*7!-8#6*%<5&$&*9&% 8#6*%<5&$&*9&% &3!<.&/70'0/(&5.0550:*/(6 !/,9&5%5!'7{)057&5.0550:*/(6|/&70'5&3!<.&/76} !<.&/70'*9*%&/%6|*/$-8%*/(*9*%&/%!;} */!/$&)!5(&63!*%|&70'/7&5&67$!3*7!-*=&%} Net Cash Used in Financing Activities &7/$5&!6&*/!6) !6)48*9!-&/76 !6) !6)48*9!-&/76!6!7&(*//*/(0'7)&<&!5 &66U!/,&306*76:*7)5*(*/!-!785*7<09&5)5&&0/7)6 Less: Unpaid Dividends Bank Accounts SR SR R |R} R |R} |R} - 129.69 |SR} R |R} |R} N |R} |SR} |SR} |R} R R (2,216.83) 11,511.73 1,997.96 9,513.77 |SR} R |SR} |R} N R R R (3,563.43) R R R |SR} SR |R} |SR} !*/0/&*/67!7&.&/70'05&*(/855&/$<!6) !6)48*9!-&/76 Adjusted Cash & Cash Equivalents as at Beginning of the year !6) !6)48*9!-&/76!6!77)&&/%0'7)&<&!5 &66U!/,&306*76:*7)5*(*/!-!785*7<09&5)5&&0/7)6 Less: Unpaid Dividends Bank Accounts !*/0/&*/67!7&.&/70'05&*(/855&/$<!6) !6)48*9!-&/76 Adjusted Cash & Cash Equivalents as at the end of the year In terms of our report attached For DELOITTE HASKINS & SELLS )!57&5&%¨$$08/7!/76 M K ANANTHANARAYANAN Partner 85(!0/ !<S 120 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ¨¨¨ )!*5.!/ Managing Director ¨¨¨ )*&'*/!/$*!-'?$&5 SR R R R |SR} R N |R} |R} R R R CORPORATE INFORMATION )&$0.3!/<a635*/$*3!-#86*/&66!$7*9*7<*6.!/8'!$785*/(!/%6!-&0'!870.07*9&7<5&6R)&$0.3!/<67!57&% *7603&5!7*0/6*/:*7)*76?567.!/8'!$785*/(3-!/7!7&5!.#5!*/&5!-!R )&$0.3!/<c6-!5(&6703&5!7*0/6!5&*//%*!!/%$0.35*6&0''0857<5&.!/8'!$785*/(3-!/76N-0$!7&%7:0*/ 0$)*/!/%0/&&!$)!7!%0%!5! )&//!*5&63&$7*9&-<!/%9!5*0866!-&6 .!5,&7*/(0'?$&6635&!%!$5066 7)&$08/75<R)&$0.3!/<c68503&!/68#6*%*!5<¨30--05&%&67&*/|¨})!6!.!/8'!$785*/(3-!/7*/7)& &7)&5-!/%6!/%6!-&6 .!5,&7*/(68#6*%*!5*&6!--09&58503&R)&$0.3!/<!-60)!66!-&6!/%.!5,&7*/( 68#6*%*!5*&6*/*%%-&!67!/%¨¨5&(*0/R 2. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 2.1 BASIS OF ACCOUNTING AND PREPARATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS )& ?/!/$*!- 67!7&.&/76 0' 7)& 0.3!/< )!9& #&&/ 35&3!5&% */ !$$05%!/$& :*7) 7)& &/&5!--< ¨$$&37&% ¨$$08/7*/(5*/$*3-&6*//%*!|/%*!/¨¨}70$0.3-<:*7)7)&¨$$08/7*/(7!/%!5%663&$*?&%8/%&5&$7*0/ 0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7SS5&!%:*7)8-&0'7)&0.3!/*&6|¨$$08/76}8-&6S!/%7)&5&-&9!/7 3509*6*0/60'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7S|b7)&¨$7b}{0.3!/*&6¨$7S|b7)&¨$7b}S!6!33-*$!#-&R )& ?/!/$*!- 67!7&.&/76 )!9& #&&/ 35&3!5&% 0/ !$$58!- #!6*6 8/%&5 7)& )*6705*$!- $067 $0/9&/7*0/ :*7) 7)& &;$&37*0/0'$&57!*/?;&%!66&76S7)!7!5&$!55*&%!75&9!-8&%!.08/76R)&!$$08/7*/(30-*$*&6!%037&%*/7)& 35&3!5!7*0/0'7)&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76!5&$0/6*67&/7:*7)7)06&'0--0:&%*/7)&35&9*086<&!5&;$&37'05$)!/(& */7)&!$$08/7*/(30-*$<'05%&35&$*!7*0/!6.05&'8--<%&6$5*#&%*/07&R 2.2 2.3 2,211.10 56.87 32.45 2,121.78 (0.12) 2,121.66 2,078.40 41.01 35.91 2,001.48 (0.06) 2,001.42 ¨¨¨ *$&)!*5.!/ Managing Director / $!6& 0' 5!: .!7&5*!-6S 6705&6 63!5&6 !/% 75!%&% (00%6S $067 |/&7 0' ¨{¨ $5&%*76 :)&5&9&5 !33-*$!#-&}*6%&7&5.*/&%0/!.09*/(:&*()7&%!9&5!(&#!6*6S!/%S*/$!6&0':05,*/350(5&66!/%?/*6)&% goods, cost is determined on a First In First Out basis. 2.4 SR R R SR |R} SR SR R R SR |R} SR ¨¨¨ *5&$705 ¨ ¨¨ 0.3!/<&$5&7!5< INVENTORIES /9&/705*&6!5&9!-8&%!77)&-0:&50'$067!/%&67*.!7&%/&75&!-*=!#-&9!-8&|/&70'!--0:!/$&6}!'7&53509*%*/( '050#60-&6$&/$&!/%07)&5-066&6S:)&5&$0/6*%&5&%/&$&66!5<R)&$067$0.35*6&60'$0670'385$)!6&S$0670' $0/9&56*0/!/%07)&5$0676*/$-8%*/(!335035*!7&350%8$7*0/09&5)&!%6*/7)&$!6&0'?/*6)&%(00%6!/%:05,*/ progress, incurred in bringing such inventories to their present location and condition. |SR} |SR} R USE OF ESTIMATES )& 35&3!5!7*0/ 0' ?/!/$*!- 67!7&.&/76 5&48*5&6 7)& .!/!(&.&/7 70 .!,& &67*.!7&6 !/% !668.37*0/6 considered in the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, including the disclosure of contingent liabilities as 0'7)&%!7&0'7)&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76!/%7)&5&3057&%*/$0.&!/%&;3&/6&6%85*/(7)&5&3057*/(3&5*0%-*,& 3509*6*0/ '05 &.3-0<&& #&/&?76S 3509*6*0/ '05 %08#7'8- %&#76{!%9!/$&6S !--0:!/$& '05 6-0: !/% /0/N.09*/( */9&/705*&6S 86&'8- -*9&6 0' ?;&% !66&76S 3509*6*0/ '05 6!-&6 5&-!7&% 0#-*(!7*0/6 !/% 3509*6*0/ '05 7!;!7*0/ &7$R )&!/!(&.&/7#&-*&9&67)!77)&&67*.!7&686&%*/35&3!5!7*0/0'7)&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76!5&358%&/7!/% reasonable. Future results could differ due to these estimates and the differences between the actual results and the estimates are recognised in the periods in which the results are known / materialise. SR SR SR SR N N N |SR} |SR} |R} |SR} (6,070.58) (120.24) 1. SR SR R |R} |R} N R |R} SR |R} R |R} R R 4,257.45 NOTES FORMING PART OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS &!5/%&% !5$)S Million 9,341.42 SR R |R} N R R |R} SR |R} R R N A. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS !6)$0.35*6&6$!6)0/)!/%!/%%&.!/%%&306*76:*7)#!/,6R!6)&48*9!-&/76!5&6)057N7&5.#!-!/$&6|:*7) !/ 05*(*/!- .!785*7< 0' 7)5&& .0/7)6 05 -&66 '50. 7)& %!7& 0' !$48*6*7*0/}S )*()-< -*48*% */9&67.&/76 7)!7 !5& 5&!%*-<$0/9&57*#-&*/70,/0:/!.08/760'$!6)!/%:)*$)!5&68#+&$770*/6*(/*?$!/75*6,0'$)!/(&6*/9!-8&R 2.5 CASH FLOW STATEMENT !6)@0:6!5&5&3057&%86*/(7)&*/%*5&$7.&7)0%S:)&5&#<350?7{|-066}#&'05&&;75!05%*/!5<*7&.6!/%7!;*6 !%+867&%'057)&&''&$760'75!/6!$7*0/60'/0/N$!6)/!785&!/%!/<%&'&55!-605!$$58!-60'3!6705'8785&$!6) 5&$&*376 05 3!<.&/76R )& $!6) @0:6 '50. 03&5!7*/(S */9&67*/( !/% ?/!/$*/( !$7*9*7*&6 0' 7)& 0.3!/< !5& segregated based on the available information. 2.6 DEPRECIATION AND AMORTISATION Tangible Fixed Assets &35&$*!7*0/0/?;&%!66&76*63509*%&%86*/(675!*()7-*/&.&7)0%!63&57)&86&'8--*'&35&6$5*#&%*/$)&%8-& 707)&0.3!/*&6¨$7SR&57!*/3-!/7!/%.!$)*/&5<!5&$-!66*?&%!6$0/7*/8086350$&663-!/76#!6&% on technical evaluation by the management and are depreciated at the applicable rates. ¨%%*7*0/!-%&35&$*!7*0/$0/6&48&/7707)&&/)!/$&.&/7*/7)&9!-8&0'?;&%!66&760/7)&5&9!-8!7*0/*6!%+867&% */7)&?;&%!66&765&9!-8!7*0/5&6&59&!$$08/7R ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 121 &!6&)0-%-!/%{.3509&.&/767)&5&0/!5&!.057*=&%09&57)&35*.!5<3&5*0%0'-&!6&R 2.11 Government grants and subsidies are recognised when there is reasonable assurance that the Company will comply with the conditions attached to them and the grants / subsidy will be received. Government grants :)06&35*.!5<$0/%*7*0/*67)!77)&0.3!/<6)08-%385$)!6&S$0/6758$70507)&5:*6&!$48*5&$!3*7!-!66&76 !5&35&6&/7&%#<%&%8$7*/(7)&.'50.7)&$!55<*/(9!-8&0'7)&!66&76R)&(5!/7*65&$0(/*6&%!6*/$0.&09&5 the life of a depreciable asset by way of a reduced depreciation charge. /5&63&$70'?;&%!66&76:)06&86&'8--*'&)!6#&&/5&9*6&%S7)&8/!.057*=&%%&35&$*!#-&!.08/7*6$)!5(&% over the revised remaining useful life. Intangible Assets )& */7!/(*#-& !66&76 !5& !.057*=&% 09&5 ! 3&5*0% 0' ?9& <&!56 #!6&% 0/ *76 &67*.!7&% 86&'8- -*'& !/% 7)& !.057*6!7*0/3&5*0%!5&5&9*&:&%!77)&&/%0'&!$)?/!/$*!-<&!5!/%7)&!.057*6!7*0/.&7)0%*65&9*6&%70 5&@&$77)&$)!/(&%3!77&5/R 2.7 ;3057/$&/7*9&6*/7)&'05.0'!%9!/$&-*$&/$&6{$5&%*76&!5/&%8/%&5%87<&/7*7-&.&/73!66#00,6$)&.& !5&75&!7&%!6*/$0.&*/7)&<&!50'&;3057!77)&&67*.!7&%5&!-*=!#-&9!-8&{!$78!-$5&%*7&!5/&%0/&;30576 made during the year. REVENUE RECOGNITION &9&/8&*65&$0(/*=&%:)&/7)&6*(/*?$!/75*6,6!/%5&:!5%60'0:/&56)*30'(00%6)!9&#&&/3!66&%707)& #8<&5:)*$)(&/&5!--<$0*/$*%&6:*7)7)&%&-*9&5<0'(00%670$8670.&56R50666!-&6!5&*/$-86*9&0'&;$*6&%87< !/%!5&/&70'75!%&%*6$08/76{6!-&65&785/6{¨R 2.8 2.9 09&5/.&/7(5!/76*/7)&/!785&0'350.07&56c$0/75*#87*0/-*,&*/9&67.&/768#6*%<S:)&5&/05&3!<.&/7*6 05%*/!5*-<&;3&$7&%*/5&63&$77)&5&0'S!5&75&!7&%!6$!3*7!-5&6&59&R Other government grants and subsidies are recognised as income over the periods necessary to match them with the costs for which they are intended to compensate, on a systematic basis. OTHER INCOME Interest income is accounted on accrual basis. Dividend income on investments is accounted for when the right to receive the payment is established. Royalty income is accounted when the right to receive the same is established. 2.12 2.13 *!#*-*7<'05(5!78*7<70&.3-0<&&6%&7&5.*/&%0/7)&#!6*60'!$78!5*!-9!-8!7*0/S86*/(350+&$7&%8/*7.&7)0%S !60/#!-!/$&6)&&7%!7&*6'8/%&%:*7)7)&*'&/685!/$&05305!7*0/0'/%*!!/%*65&$0(/*=&%!6!/&;3&/6& in the year incurred. *!#*-*7<'056)0577&5.$0.3&/6!7&%!#6&/$&6*65&$0(/*=&%!6&;3&/6&#!6&%0/7)&&67*.!7&%$0670'&-*(*#-& leave to the credit of the employees as at the balance sheet date on undiscounted basis. Liability for long term $0.3&/6!7&%!#6&/$&6*6%&7&5.*/&%0/7)&#!6*60'!$78!5*!-9!-8!7*0/S86*/(350+&$7&%8/*7.&7)0%S!60/7)& balance sheet date. 0/75*#87*0/670%&?/&%$0/75*#87*0/6$)&.&668$)!63509*%&/7'8/%S&.3-0<&&6a3&/6*0/'8/%S683&5!//8!7*0/ '8/%!/%$0670'07)&5#&/&?76!5&5&$0(/*=&%!6!/&;3&/6&*/7)&<&!5*/$855&%R)&6)057'!--S*'!/<S#&7:&&/ 7)&5&785/'50.7)&*/9&67.&/760'0.3!/<c6.3-0<&&6509*%&/78/%5867!/%7)&/07*?&%*/7&5&675!7& *65&$0(/*=&%!6!/&;3&/6&*/67!7&.&/70'50?7!/%066*/7)&<&!5*/:)*$)7)&6)057'!--*6&;3&$7&%70 arise. *;&%!66&767!,&/0/?/!/$&-&!6&!5&$!3*7!-*=&%!/%%&35&$*!7*0/*63509*%&%0/68$)!66&76S:)*-&7)&*/7&5&67 *6$)!5(&%707)&67!7&.&/70'350?7!/%-066R *;&%!66&765&7*5&%'50.!$7*9&86&!/%)&-%'056!-&!5&67!7&%!77)&-0:&50'7)&*5/&7#00,9!-8&!/%/&7 realisable value and are disclosed separately in the Balance Sheet. 2.10 ¨$78!5*!-(!*/6!/%-066&6!5*6*/('50.&;3&5*&/$&!%+867.&/76!/%&''&$760'$)!/(&6*/!$78!5*!-!668.37*0/6 !5&*..&%*!7&-<5&$0(/*=&%*/7)&67!7&.&/70'350?7!/%-066!6*/$0.&05&;3&/6&R 2.14 FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSACTIONS AND TRANSLATIONS ;$)!/(&%*''&5&/$&!5*6*/(0/!.0/&7!5<*7&.7)!7S*/68#67!/$&S'05.63!570'7)&0.3!/<a6/&7*/9&67.&/7 in a non-integral foreign operation has been accumulated in a foreign currency translation reserve in the 0.3!/<a6?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/768/7*-7)&%*6306!-0'/&7*/9&67.&/7S!7:)*$)7*.&7)&<:08-%#&5&$0(/*=&% !6*/$0.&05!6&;3&/6&R 122 | APOLLO TYRES LTD EMPLOYEE SHARE BASED PAYMENTS 70$,!335&$*!7*0/5*()76|)!/70.670$,8/*76}(5!/7&%70&.3-0<&&68/%&57)&!6)N6&77-&%.3-0<&&)!5&N #!6&%!<.&/7-!/|)!/70.70$,-!/}*65&$0(/*=&%#!6&%0/*/75*/6*$9!-8&.&7)0%R/75*/6*$9!-8&0' 7)&3)!/70.670$,8/*7*6%&7&5.*/&%!6&;$&660'$-06*/(.!5,&735*$&0/7)&5&3057*/(%!7&09&57)&&;&5$*6& 35*$&0'7)&8/*7!/%*6$)!5(&%!6&.3-0<&&#&/&?709&57)&9&67*/(3&5*0%*/!$$05%!/$&:*7)^8*%!/$&07& 0/¨$$08/7*/('05.3-0<&&)!5&N#!6&%3!<.&/76_*668&%#</67*787&0')!57&5&%¨$$08/7!/760'/%*!R 05&*(/$855&/$<75!/6!$7*0/6!5&5&$05%&%!75!7&60'&;$)!/(&35&9!*-*/(0/7)&%!7&0'75!/6!$7*0/R0/&7!5< assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies as at the balance sheet date are translated at the rate 0'&;$)!/(&35&9!*-*/(!77)&<&!5N&/%R;$)!/(&%*''&5&/$&6!5*6*/(0/!$78!-3!<.&/76{5&!-*=!7*0/6!/%<&!5N &/%5&67!7&.&/76!5&%&!-7:*7)*/7)&67!7&.&/70'350?7!/%-066R )&0.3!/<&/7&56*/70'05:!5%&;$)!/(&$0/75!$76!/%07)&5*/6758.&/767)!7!5&*/68#67!/$&!'05:!5% &;$)!/(&$0/75!$770)&%(&*765*6,6!660$*!7&%:*7)'05&*(/$855&/$<@8$78!7*0/6R)&35&.*8.05%*6$08/7 !5*6*/(!77)&*/$&37*0/0'!'05:!5%&;$)!/(&$0/75!$7|07)&57)!/'05!?5.$0..*7.&/705!)*()-<350#!#-& '05&$!67} 05 6*.*-!5 */6758.&/7S :)*$) !5& /07 */7&/%&% '05 75!%*/( 05 63&$8-!7*0/ 385306&6S *6 !.057*=&% !6 &;3&/6&05*/$0.&09&57)&-*'&0'7)&$0/75!$7R¨/<350?705-066!5*6*/(0/$!/$&--!7*0/055&/&:!-0'68$)! '05:!5%&;$)!/(&$0/75!$7*65&$0(/*6&%!6*/$0.&05!6&;3&/6&*/7)&3&5*0%*/:)*$)68$)$!/$&--!7*0/05 5&/&:!-*6.!%&R;$)!/(&%*''&5&/$&0/68$)$0/75!$76*65&$0(/*=&%*/7)&67!7&.&/70'350?7!/%-066*/7)& <&!5*/:)*$)7)&&;$)!/(&5!7&6$)!/(&R EMPLOYEE BENEFITS .3-0<&&#&/&?76*/$-8%&3509*%&/7'8/%S683&5!//8!7*0/'8/%S(5!78*7<'8/%!/%$0.3&/6!7&%!#6&/$&6R ¨-- $0676 5&-!7*/( 70 7)& !$48*6*7*0/ !/% */67!--!7*0/ 0' ?;&% !66&76 |/&7 0' &/9!7 {¨ $5&%*76 :)&5&9&5 !33-*$!#-&}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assessed standard of performance. Capital work-in-progress:50+&$768/%&5:)*$)!66&76!5&/075&!%<'057)&*5*/7&/%&%86&!/%07)&5$!3*7!- :05,N*/N350(5&66 !5& $!55*&% !7 $067S $0.35*6*/( %*5&$7 $067S 5&-!7&% */$*%&/7!- &;3&/6&6 !/% !775*#87!#-& interest. INVESTMENTS Long term investments are stated at cost and provision for diminution is made if the decline in value is other than temporary in nature. Current investments are stated at lower of cost and fair value determined on the basis of each category of investments. TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS *;&% !66&76 !5& 67!7&% !7 $067S !6 !%+867&% #< 5&9!-8!7*0/ 0' $&57!*/ -!/%S #8*-%*/(6S 3-!/7 !/% .!$)*/&5*&6 #!6&% 0/ 7)& 7)&/ 5&3-!$&.&/7 $067 !6 %&7&5.*/&% #< !33509&% */%&3&/%&/7 9!-8&5 */ !/% S -&66 depreciation. GOVERNMENT GRANTS, SUBSIDIES AND EXPORT INCENTIVES 2.15 BORROWING COSTS 0550:*/($0676*/$-8%&*/7&5&67S!.057*6!7*0/0'!/$*--!5<$0676*/$855&%!/%&;$)!/(&%*''&5&/$&6!5*6*/('50. '05&*(/$855&/$<#0550:*/(6707)&&;7&/77)&<!5&5&(!5%&%!6!/!%+867.&/7707)&*/7&5&67$067R0550:*/( $0676!5&$!3*7!-*=&%!6!3!570'7)&$0670'48!-*'<*/(!66&7:)&/*7*63066*#-&7)!77)&<:*--5&68-7*/'8785& &$0/0.*$#&/&?76!/%7)&$067$!/#&.&!685&%5&-*!#-<R7)&5#0550:*/($0676!5&5&$0(/*=&%!6!/&;3&/6& in the period in which they are incurred. 2.16 SEGMENT REPORTING )&0.3!/<*%&/7*?&603&5!7*/(!/%(&0(5!3)*$6&(.&/76#!6&%0/7)&%0.*/!/76085$&S/!785&0'5*6,6!/% 5&785/6!/%7)&*/7&5/!-05(!/*6!7*0/!/%.!/!(&.&/76758$785&R)&03&5!7*/(6&(.&/76!5&7)&6&(.&/76 '05:)*$)6&3!5!7&?/!/$*!-*/'05.!7*0/*6!9!*-!#-&!/%'05:)*$)03&5!7*/(350?7{-066!.08/76!5&&9!-8!7&% 5&(8-!5-<#<7)&&;&$87*9&!/!(&.&/7*/%&$*%*/()0:70!--0$!7&5&6085$&6!/%*/!66&66*/(3&5'05.!/$&R )&!$$08/7*/(30-*$*&6!%037&%'056&(.&/75&3057*/(!5&*/-*/&:*7)7)&!$$08/7*/(30-*$*&60'7)&0.3!/<R &(.&/75&9&/8&S6&(.&/7&;3&/6&6S6&(.&/7!66&76!/%6&(.&/7-*!#*-*7*&6)!9&#&&/*%&/7*?&%706&(.&/76 on the basis of their relationship to the operating activities of the segment. ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 123 2.17 LEASES &!6&6:)&5&7)&-&6605&''&$7*9&-<5&7!*/668#67!/7*!--<!--7)&5*6,6!/%#&/&?760'0:/&56)*30'7)&-&!6&% !66&76 !5& 5&$0(/*=&% !6 03&5!7*/( -&!6&6R 3&5!7*/( &!6& 3!<.&/76 !5& 5&$0(/*=&% !6 !/ &;3&/6& */ 7)& 67!7&.&/70'350?7!/%-066!63&57)&-&!6&7&5.6R .!,*/(7)&!66&75&!%<'05*76*/7&/%&%86&R*;&%!66&7687*-*6&%'055&6&!5$)!/%%&9&-03.&/7!5&$!3*7!-*6&% !/%%&35&$*!7&%*/!$$05%!/$&:*7)7)&30-*$*&667!7&%'05!/(*#-&*;&%¨66&76!/%/7!/(*#-&¨66&76R 2.22 )&$!55<*/(9!-8&60'!66&76{$!6)(&/&5!7*/(8/*76!7&!$)#!-!/$&6)&&7%!7&!5&5&9*&:&%'05*.3!*5.&/7 *'!/<*/%*$!7*0/0'*.3!*5.&/7&;*676R)&'0--0:*/(*/7!/(*#-&!66&76!5&7&67&%'05*.3!*5.&/7&!$)?/!/$*!- year even if there is no indication that the asset is impaired: Assets leased by the Company in its capacity as lessee where substantially all the risks and rewards of 0:/&56)*39&67*/7)&0.3!/<!5&$-!66*?&%!6?/!/$&-&!6&6R8$)-&!6&6!5&$!3*7!-*6&%!77)&*/$&37*0/0' the lease at the lower of the fair value and the present value of the minimum lease payments and a liability is $5&!7&%'05!/&48*9!-&/7!.08/7R!$)-&!6&5&/7!-3!*%*6!--0$!7&%#&7:&&/7)&-*!#*-*7<!/%7)&*/7&5&67$067 so as to obtain a constant periodic rate of interest on the outstanding liability for each year. 2.18 2.19 |!}!/*/7!/(*#-&!66&77)!7*6/07<&7!9!*-!#-&'0586&V!/%|#}!/*/7!/(*#-&!66&77)!7*6!.057*6&%09&5!3&5*0% &;$&&%*/(7&/<&!56'50.7)&%!7&:)&/7)&!66&7*6!9!*-!#-&'0586&R '7)&$!55<*/(!.08/70'7)&!66&76&;$&&%7)&&67*.!7&%5&$09&5!#-&!.08/7S!/*.3!*5.&/7*65&$0(/*6&% '0568$)&;$&66!.08/7R)&*.3!*5.&/7-066*65&$0(/*6&%!6!/&;3&/6&*/7)&7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%066S unless the asset is carried at revalued amount, in which case any impairment loss of the revalued asset is 75&!7&%!6!5&9!-8!7*0/%&$5&!6&707)&&;7&/7!5&9!-8!7*0/5&6&59&*6!9!*-!#-&'057)!7!66&7R EARNINGS PER SHARE Basic earnings per share *6 $0.387&% #< %*9*%*/( 7)& 350?7 { |-066} !'7&5 7!; |*/$-8%*/( 7)& 3067 7!; &''&$7 0'&;75!05%*/!5<*7&.6S*'!/<}#<7)&:&*()7&%!9&5!(&/8.#&50'&48*7<6)!5&608767!/%*/(%85*/(7)&<&!5R Diluted earnings per share*6$0.387&%#<%*9*%*/(7)&350?7{|-066}!'7&57!;|*/$-8%*/(7)&30677!;&''&$7 0'&;75!05%*/!5<*7&.6S*'!/<}!6!%+867&%'05%*9*%&/%S*/7&5&67!/%07)&5$)!5(&670&;3&/6&05*/$0.&|/&70' !/<!775*#87!#-&7!;&6}5&-!7*/(707)&%*-87*9&307&/7*!-&48*7<6)!5&6S#<7)&:&*()7&%!9&5!(&/8.#&50'&48*7< 6)!5&6 $0/6*%&5&% '05 %&5*9*/( #!6*$ &!5/*/(6 3&5 6)!5& !/% 7)& :&*()7&% !9&5!(& /8.#&5 0' &48*7< 6)!5&6 :)*$)$08-%)!9&#&&/*668&%0/7)&$0/9&56*0/0'!--%*-87*9&307&/7*!-&48*7<6)!5&6R07&/7*!-&48*7<6)!5&6 !5&%&&.&%70#&%*-87*9&0/-<*'7)&*5$0/9&56*0/70&48*7<6)!5&6:08-%%&$5&!6&7)&/&7350?73&56)!5&'50. $0/7*/8*/(05%*/!5<03&5!7*0/6R07&/7*!-%*-87*9&&48*7<6)!5&6!5&%&&.&%70#&$0/9&57&%!6!77)&#&(*//*/( 0'7)&3&5*0%S8/-&667)&<)!9&#&&/*668&%!7!-!7&5%!7&R)&%*-87*9&307&/7*!-&48*7<6)!5&6!5&!%+867&% '057)&350$&&%65&$&*9!#-&)!%7)&6)!5&6#&&/!$78!--<*668&%!7'!*59!-8&|*R&R!9&5!(&.!5,&79!-8&0'7)& 08767!/%*/(6)!5&6}R*-87*9&307&/7*!-&48*7<6)!5&6!5&%&7&5.*/&%*/%&3&/%&/7-<'05&!$)3&5*0%35&6&/7&%R )&/8.#&50'&48*7<6)!5&6!/%307&/7*!--<%*-87*9&&48*7<6)!5&6!5&!%+867&%'056)!5&63-*76{5&9&56&6)!5& splits and bonus shares, as appropriate. )&5&$09&5!#-&!.08/7*67)&(5&!7&50'7)&/&76&--*/(35*$&!/%7)&*59!-8&*/86&R!-8&*/86&*6!55*9&%!7#< %*6$08/7*/(7)&'8785&$!6)@0:6707)&*535&6&/79!-8&#!6&%0/!/!335035*!7&%*6$08/7'!$705R )&/7)&5&*6*/%*$!7*0/7)!7!/*.3!*5.&/7-0665&$0(/*6&%'05!/!66&7|07)&57)!/!5&9!-8&%!66&7}*/&!5-*&5 !$$08/7*/(3&5*0%6/0-0/(&5&;*67605.!<)!9&%&$5&!6&%S68$)5&9&56!-0'*.3!*5.&/7-066*65&$0(/*6&%*/ 7)&7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%066S707)&&;7&/77)&!.08/7:!635&9*086-<$)!5(&%707)&7!7&.&/70'50?7 and Loss. In case of revalued assets such reversal is not recognised. 2.23 855&/77!;*67)&!.08/70'7!;3!<!#-&0/7)&7!;!#-&*/$0.&'057)&<&!5!6%&7&5.*/&%*/!$$05%!/$&:*7) 7)&!33-*$!#-&7!;5!7&6!/%7)&3509*6*0/60'7)&/$0.&!;¨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|*} 066*#-& 0#-*(!7*0/ :)*$) :*-- #& $0/?5.&% 0/-< #< '8785& &9&/76 /07 :)0--<:*7)*/7)&$0/750-0'7)&0.3!/<05|**}5&6&/70#-*(!7*0/6!5*6*/('50.3!67&9&/76:)&5&*7*6/07 350#!#-& 7)!7 !/ 087@0: 0' 5&6085$&6 :*-- #& 5&48*5&% 70 6&77-& 7)& 0#-*(!7*0/ 05 ! 5&-*!#-& &67*.!7& 0' 7)& !.08/7 0' 7)& 0#-*(!7*0/ $!//07 #& .!%&R 0/7*/(&/7 !66&76 !5& /07 5&$0(/*=&% */ 7)& ?/!/$*!- 67!7&.&/76 6*/$&7)*6.!<5&68-7*/7)&5&$0(/*7*0/0'*/$0.&7)!7.!</&9&5#&5&!-*=&%R 2.24 2.25 2.21 ¨--07)&5%&5*9!7*9&$0/75!$76!5&.!5,&%N70N.!5,&7!/%-066&6!5&5&$0(/*6&%*/7)&7!7&.&/70'50?7!/% Loss. Gains arising on the same are not recognised, until realised, on grounds of prudence. 2.26 124 | APOLLO TYRES LTD INSURANCE CLAIMS /685!/$&$-!*.6!5&!$$08/7&%'050/7)&#!6*60'$-!*.6!%.*77&%{&;3&$7&%70#&!%.*77&%!/%707)&&;7&/7 that there is no uncertainty in receiving the claims. 2.27 SERVICE TAX INPUT CREDITS &59*$&7!;*/387$5&%*7*6!$$08/7&%'05*/7)&#00,6*/7)&3&5*0%*/:)*$)7)&8/%&5-<*/(6&59*$&5&$&*9&%*6 accounted and when there is no uncertainty in availing / utilising the credits. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT EXPENSES &9&/8&&;3&/%*785&3&57!*/*/(705&6&!5$)*6$)!5(&%707)&7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%066R&9&-03.&/7$0676 0'350%8$76!5&!-60$)!5(&%707)&7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%0668/-&66!350%8$7a67&$)/0-0(*$!-'&!6*#*-*7<)!6 #&&/&67!#-*6)&%S*/:)*$)$!6&68$)&;3&/%*785&*6$!3*7!-*6&%R)&!.08/7$!3*7!-*6&%$0.35*6&6&;3&/%*785& that can be directly attributed or allocated on a reasonable and consistent basis to creating, producing and DERIVATIVE CONTRACTS )&0.3!/<&/7&56*/70%&5*9!7*9&$0/75!$76*/7)&/!785&0''05&*(/$855&/$<6:!36S$855&/$<037*0/6S'05:!5% $0/75!$76:*7)!/*/7&/7*0/70)&%(&*76&;*67*/(!66&76!/%-*!#*-*7*&6S?5.$0..*7.&/76!/%)*()-<350#!#-& 75!/6!$7*0/6R&5*9!7*9&$0/75!$76:)*$)!5&$-06&-<-*/,&%707)&&;*67*/(!66&76!/%-*!#*-*7*&6!5&!$$08/7&% !63&57)&30-*$<67!7&%'0505&*(/855&/$<5!/6!$7*0/6!/%5!/6-!7*0/6R INTANGIBLE ASSETS /7!/(*#-&!66&76!5&$!55*&%!7$067-&66!$$8.8-!7&%!.057*6!7*0/!/%*.3!*5.&/7-066&6S*'!/<R)&$0670' !/*/7!/(*#-&!66&7$0.35*6&6*76385$)!6&35*$&S*/$-8%*/(!/<*.3057%87*&6!/%07)&57!;&6|07)&57)!/7)06& 68#6&48&/7-< 5&$09&5!#-& '50. 7)& 7!;*/( !87)05*7*&6}S !/% !/< %*5&$7-< !775*#87!#-& &;3&/%*785& 0/ .!,*/( 7)&!66&75&!%<'05*76*/7&/%&%86&!/%/&70'!/<75!%&%*6$08/76!/%5&#!7&6R8#6&48&/7&;3&/%*785&0/!/ */7!/(*#-&!66&7!'7&5*76385$)!6&{$0.3-&7*0/*65&$0(/*6&%!6!/&;3&/6&:)&/*/$855&%8/-&66*7*6350#!#-& 7)!7 68$) &;3&/%*785& :*-- &/!#-& 7)& !66&7 70 (&/&5!7& '8785& &$0/0.*$ #&/&?76 */ &;$&66 0' *76 05*(*/!--< !66&66&%67!/%!5%60'3&5'05.!/$&!/%68$)&;3&/%*785&$!/#&.&!685&%!/%!775*#87&%707)&!66&75&-*!#-<S */:)*$)$!6&68$)&;3&/%*785&*6!%%&%707)&$0670'7)&!66&7R PROVISION FOR SALES RELATED OBLIGATIONS )& &67*.!7&% -*!#*-*7< '05 6!-&6 5&-!7&% 0#-*(!7*0/6 *6 5&$05%&% :)&/ 350%8$76 !5& 60-%R )&6& &67*.!7&6 !5& &67!#-*6)&% 86*/( )*6705*$!- */'05.!7*0/ 0/ 7)& /!785&S '5&48&/$< !/% !9&5!(& $067 0' 0#-*(!7*0/6 !/% .!/!(&.&/7&67*.!7&65&(!5%*/(3066*#-&'8785&*/$*%&/$&R)&7*.*/(0'087@0:6:*--9!5<!6!/%:)&/7)& obligation will arise - being typically upto three years. 855&/7!/%%&'&55&%7!;5&-!7*/(70*7&.6%*5&$7-<5&$0(/*6&%*/5&6&59&6!5&5&$0(/*6&%*/5&6&59&6!/%/07*/ 7)&7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%066R 2.20 PROVISIONS, CONTINGENT LIABILITIES AND CONTINGENT ASSETS ¨ 3509*6*0/ *6 5&$0(/*=&% :)&/ 7)& 0.3!/< )!6 ! 35&6&/7 0#-*(!7*0/ !6 ! 5&68-7 0' 3!67 &9&/76 !/% *7 *6 350#!#-&7)!7!/087@0:0'5&6085$&6:*--#&5&48*5&%706&77-&7)&0#-*(!7*0/S*/5&63&$70':)*$)!5&-*!#-& &67*.!7&$!/#&.!%&R509*6*0/6|&;$-8%*/(5&7*5&.&/7#&/&?76}!5&/07%*6$08/7&%707)&*535&6&/79!-8&!/% !5&%&7&5.*/&%#!6&%0/#&67&67*.!7&65&48*5&%706&77-&7)&0#-*(!7*0/!77)&#!-!/$&6)&&7%!7&R)&6&!5& 5&9*&:&%!7&!$)#!-!/$&6)&&7%!7&!/%!%+867&%705&@&$77)&$855&/7#&67&67*.!7&6R TAXES ON INCOME */*.8.¨-7&5/!7&!;|¨}3!*%*/!$$05%!/$&:*7)7)&7!;-!:6S:)*$)(*9&6'8785&&$0/0.*$#&/&?76*/ 7)&'05.0'!%+867.&/770'8785&*/$0.&7!;-*!#*-*7<S*6$0/6*%&5&%!6!/!66&7*'7)&5&*6$0/9*/$*/(&9*%&/$& 7)!77)&0.3!/<:*--3!</05.!-*/$0.&7!;R¨$$05%*/(-<S¨*65&$0(/*6&%!6!/!66&7*/7)&!-!/$&)&&7 :)&/*7*6350#!#-&7)!7'8785&&$0/0.*$#&/&?7!660$*!7&%:*7)*7:*--@0:707)&0.3!/<R IMPAIRMENT OF ASSETS 2.28 OPERATING CYCLE !6&%0/7)&/!785&0'350%8$76{!$7*9*7*&60'7)&0.3!/<!/%7)&/05.!-7*.&#&7:&&/!$48*6*7*0/0'!66&76 !/%7)&*55&!-*6!7*0/*/$!6)05$!6)&48*9!-&/76S7)&0.3!/<)!6%&7&5.*/&%*7603&5!7*/($<$-&!6.0/7)6 '057)&385306&0'$-!66*?$!7*0/0'*76!66&76!/%-*!#*-*7*&6!6$855&/7!/%/0/N$855&/7R ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 125 B. NOTES FORMING AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ACCOUNTS B 2 RESERVES AND SURPLUS As at March 31, 2015 Million B 1 SHARE CAPITAL As at March 31, 2015 Million (a) AUTHORISED 730,000,000|SS}48*7<)!5&60' &!$) 200,000|S}8.8-!7*9&&%&&.!#-&5&'&5&/$& Shares of &!$) As at !5$)S Million 730.00 R 20.00 R 750.00 (b) (a) Capital Subsidy - Note C 5 (b) Capital Redemption Reserve (c) Securities Premium Account As per last Balance Sheet Add: Received during the year - Note C 7 R ISSUED, SUBSCRIBED, CALLED AND FULLY PAID UP Equity Shares of 1 each: 509,024,770|SS}48*7<)!5&6 509.02 Add: Forfeited Shares : 13,565|S} 0.07 (d) Debenture Redemption Reserve As per last Balance Sheet ¨%%U5!/6'&5'50.853-86*/7!7&.&/70'50?7 066 Less: Utilised during the year R R 509.09 R (c) Reconciliation of the number of equity shares and amount outstanding at the beginning and at the end of the year: As at March 31, 2015 Opening Balance Closing Balance ¨6!7!5$)S No. of Shares Million No. of Shares Million 504,024,770 504.02 SS R 5,000,000 5.00 - - 509,024,770 509.02 504,024,770 504.02 Add: Shares allotted on conversion of Share !55!/76|07&} (d) Details of Shareholders holding more than 5% of the Paid Up Equity Share Capital of the Company with Voting Rights: As at March 31, 2015 S.No. Name of the Shareholder (e) Revaluation Reserve (f) Share Forfeiture 1,375/- | {N} (g) General Reserve As per last Balance Sheet ¨%%U5!/6'&5'50.853-86*/7!7&.&/70'50?7 066 K 6XUSOXVLQ6WDWHPHQWRI3UR¿W/RVV As per last Balance Sheet ¨%%U5!/6'&5'50.&#&/785&&%&.37*0/&6&59& Less: Depreciation on transition to Schedule II of the Companies ¨$7S0/7!/(*#-&?;&%!66&76:*7)/*-5&.!*/*/(86&'8- -*'&|/&70'%&'&55&%7!;0' R*--*0/N07& ¨%%U&750?7'057)&<&!5 Balance available for Appropriation ¨6!7!5$)S No. of Shares %age No. of Shares &&5!+0/68-7!/767% 42,508,142 8.35% SS !(& R Apollo Finance Ltd 36,759,650 7.22% SS R 8/5!<6503&57*&6 /9&67.&/70R977% 35,725,648 7.02% SS R Constructive Finance Pvt Ltd 29,630,857 5.82% SS R ,!(&/0/N*,*&5%*3!3*5'0/% - - SS R 25.50 44.40 As at !5$)S Million 3.00 44.40 5,659.71 426.00 6,085.71 SR SR 1,658.33 300.00 1,000.00 958.33 31.22 - SR R R SR R - 9,006.63 1,000.00 10,006.63 SR SR SR 10,383.03 1,000.00 SR R 258.18 6,450.81 17,575.66 SR SR Closing Balance 1,000.00 300.00 1,018.05 207.25 3.75 0.64 2,529.69 15,045.97 SR R R R SR SR Total Reserves and Surplus 32,197.76 SR Less: Appropriations made during the year: General Reserve Debenture Redemption Reserve Proposed Dividend: 2.00 per share| R3&56)!5&} *9*%&/%!; j*9*%&/%'0535&9*086<&!5 j*9*%&/%!;0/%*9*%&/%'0535&9*086<&!5 (e) The rights, preferences and restrictions attached to equity shares of the Company: )&$0.3!/<)!60/-<0/&$-!660'6)!5&65&'&55&%70!6&48*7<6)!5&6)!9*/(!3!59!-8&0' &!$)R)&)0-%&50' &48*7<6)!5&6!5&&/7*7-&%700/&907&3&56)!5&R (f) /7)&&9&/70'-*48*%!7*0/0'7)&$0.3!/<S7)&)0-%&560'&48*7<6)!5&6:*--#&&/7*7-&%705&$&*9&5&.!*/*/(!66&76 0'7)&$0.3!/<S!'7&5%*675*#87*0/0'!--35&'&5&/7*!-!.08/76R)&%*675*#87*0/:*--#&*/3503057*0/707)&/8.#&50' &48*7<6)!5&6)&-%#<7)&6)!5&)0-%&56R (g) Shares issued towards outstanding share warrants - Note C7. 126 | APOLLO TYRES LTD j *9*%&/% *9*%&/% 7!; '05 35&9*086 <&!5 5&-!7& 70 %*9*%&/% 3!*% 0/ SS &48*7< 6)!5&6 :)*$) :&5& !--077&%0/$0/9&56*0/0'SS:!55!/76!'7&5!5$)S#87#&'05&8-<S|#00,$-0685&%!7&} |07&N}R ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 127 NOTE B 3 (a) B3 NON - CURRENT LIABILITIES As at March 31, 2015 Million LONG - TERM BORROWINGS (a) SECURED : * (i) Debentures SNR0/0/9&57*#-&&#&/785&60' *--*0/&!$) SNR0/0/9&57*#-&&#&/785&60' *--*0/&!$) SNR0/0/9&57*#-&&#&/785&60' *--*0/&!$) (ii) Term Loans From Banks: ;7&5/!-0..&5$*!-#0550:*/(6|} 83&&&5.0!/6 From Others: /7&5/!7*0/!-*/!/$&05305!7*0/N0!/¨ International Finance Corporation - Loan B )!5!7!57).09&567%R|} (iii) Deferred Payment Liabilities: &'&55&%!<.&/75&%*7N07& &'&55&%!<.&/75&%*7N07& As at !5$)S Million DEBENTURES: Nature Particulars ing 1,000.00 SR SR - - 1,000.00 R SR R R 1,076.20 N 1,076.20 R R SR R SR 107.49 8.15 115.64 14.53 54.61 78.43 78.43 Offered Long Term Current Long Term Current Borrow- Maturities of Borrowings Maturities of ings Long Term Long Term Borrowings Borrowings - SR - SR SNR0/ Bullet Repayment on Refer NNR 07&¨ - SR - SR #&-0: R SNR0/ Bullet Repayment on Refer Convertible Debentures NNR 07&¨ - - - SR #&-0: R SNR0/ &3!<.&/7*/ Convertible Debentures &48!-*/67!-.&/760' - R R R R R*--*0/0/ Refer 07&¨ #&-0: NNSNN NN5&63&$7*9&-<R R R R R R 07&¨ #&-0: R SNR0/ Bullet Repayment on Unse- Convertible Debentures NN cured SNR0/ Bullet Repayment on Unse- Convertible Debentures NN cured of *--*0/&!$) - - - SR - - - SR 1,000.00 1,416.67 2,416.67 4,416.67 R R EXTERNAL COMMERCIAL BORROWINGS FROM BANKS: !/, R R R R N &3!<.&/7*/&48!- Refer Note installments of USD ¨ R*--*0/)!-' below yearly started from R Refer Convertible Debentures of *--*0/&!$) SR R SR R R Security Million NN of *--*0/&!$) SR Details of Repayment Bullet repayment on of *--*0/&!$) Terms of Interest SNR0/ of *--*0/&!$) 1,147.55 - 1,147.55 Rate of Convertible Debentures of *--*0/&!$) 69.14 LONG-TERM PROVISIONS: 509*6*0/'050/6758$7*9&*!#*-*7<N07&|$} March 31, 2014 Million Total Debentures Amount outstanding as at March 31, 2015 Borrow- 3,339.39 OTHER LONG - TERM LIABILITIES: Security Deposits Received from Dealers &$85*7<&306*76&$&*9&%'50..3-0<&&6 Amount outstanding as at of NNR !/, - - - R N &3!<.&/7*/)!-'N Refer Note yearly installment of ¨ R*--*0/!/% below 7)&/)!-'N<&!5-< installments of USD j05%&7!*-65&(!5%*/(5&3!<.&/77&5.6S/7&5&67!7&!/%!785&0'&$85*7<0/0/(&5.0550:*/(6N07&|!} R*--*0/67!57&% '50.NNR R R R R N &3!<.&/7*/)!-'N Refer Note yearly installments of ¨ R*--*0/!/% below 7)&/)!-'N<&!5-< installments of USD R*--*0/67!57&% '50.NNR 128 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 129 !/, - R R R N &3!<.&/7*/&48!- Refer Note annual installments ¨ 0'*--*0/ below DEFERRED PAYMENT CREDIT: Others Deferred Payment R R R R N Credit I started from NNR R R R R N R R 99.99 R - R - R N N */%*--6 along with purchased Interest in under the $0/6&$8- scheme. &3!<.&/7*/&48!- Refer Note tive monthly annual installments ¨ installments 0'R*--*0/ below started from started from !/, Repayment NN NNR Deferred Payment &3!<.&/7*/&48!- Refer Note Credit II R R R 7.97 N Repayment /(*/&&5*/( along with materials annual installments ¨ /7&5&67*/ purchased */&48*9!-&/770 below &48!-48!57&5-< under the `*--*0/67!57*/( installments scheme '50.NNR started from &3!<.&/7*/&48!- Refer Note annual installments ¨ 0'R*--*0/ below ¨35*-SR 115.64 56.12 167.43 52.51 starting from DETAILS OF SECURITY OFFERED TO EXISTING LENDERS: NNR !/, R R - R N &3!<.&/7*/&48!- Refer Note annual installments ¨ 0'R*--*0/ below starting from NNR Total External Commercial Borrowings 1,147.55 1,158.44 2,306.00 1,102.22 RUPEE TERM LOANS FROM BANKS: !/, 83&&&5.0!/6 Total Rupee Term Loans - - R R - - 333.33 R Prepaid during this year. TERM LOANS FROM OTHERS: IFC Loan A R R R R N Repayment in &'&507&¨ )!-'N<&!5-< #&-0: installments Note A1 ¨3!5*3!668?567$)!5(&!-0/(:*7)07)&5-&/%&56$5&!7&%#<:!<0'.057(!(&0/7)&0.3!/<a6!/% 5&.*6&6!7*--!(&0%!,!5!*/&5!-!S!7*--!(&*.%!*/8+!5!7S!7/%8675*!-50:7)&/75&!7 5!(!%!. /&!5 )&//!* !/% !7 &!% '?$& */ 85(!0/S !5<!/! 70(&7)&5 :*7) 7)& '!$705< #8*-%*/(6S -!/7 .!$)*/&5< 48*3.&/76S#07)35&6&/7 '8785&R Note A2 ¨3!5*3!668?567$)!5(&!-0/(:*7)07)&5-&/%&56$5&!7&%#<:!<0'.057(!(&0/7)&0.3!/<a6!/% 5&.*6&6 !7 *--!(& 0%!,!5! */ &5!-! !/% !7 *--!(& *.%! */ 8+!5!7 70(&7)&5 :*7) 7)& '!$705< #8*-%*/(6S-!/7 .!$)*/&5< 48*3.&/76S#07)35&6&/7 '8785&R Note A3 ¨3!5*3!668?567$)!5(&!-0/(:*7)07)&5-&/%&56$5&!7&%#<:!<0'.057(!(&0/7)&0.3!/<a6!/% 5&.*6&6!7*--!(&*.%!*/8+!5!770(&7)&5:*7)7)&'!$705<#8*-%*/(6S-!/7 .!$)*/&5< 48*3 .&/76S#07)35&6&/7 '8785&R Note B1 ¨3!5*3!668?567$)!5(&!-0/(:*7)07)&5-&/%&56#<:!<0')<307)&$!7*0/09&57)&.09!#-&!66&760' 7)&$0.3!/<S#07)35&6&/7!/%'8785&|&;$&37670$,6 #00,%&#76}R Note B2 ¨3!5*3!668?567$)!5(&0/7)&.09!#-&!66&76!/%3!5*3!6686&$0/%$)!5(&0/7)&$855&/7!66&760' the company. 0'R Million each started from NN Loan B R R R R N Repayment in &'&507&¨ 9 half-yearly #&-0: installments of R*--*0/ each started from NN 0!/ - - R R R Prepaid during this year. lower than prevailing SBI PLR Total Term Loans from Others 130 | APOLLO TYRES LTD 1,076.20 425.26 1,913.90 507.75 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 131 B 4 CURRENT LIABILITIES (Continued) B 4 CURRENT LIABILITIES As at March 31, 2015 Million SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS Securedj Packing Credit Banks - Cash Credit Unsecured Buyers Credit - RM Packing Credit TRADE PAYABLES !<!#-&70*$50S.!-- &%*8./7&535*6&6N07& Acceptances ¨$$08/76!<!#-&N!:!7&5*!-6 &59*$&6 5&*()7S057)!5(&6S ¨)!5(&6!<!#-& ;3&/6&6!<!#-& .3-0<&&&-!7&%!<!#-&6jj Payable to Related Parties OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES: Current Maturities of Long-Term Debt *** Secured (a) Debentures: SNR0/0/9&57*#-&&#&/785&60' *--*0/&!$) SNR0/0/9&57*#-&&#&/785&60' *--*0/&!$) SNR0/0/9&57*#-&&#&/785&60' *--*0/&!$) (b) Term Loan from Banks: ;7&5/!-0..&5$*!-#0550:*/(6|} 83&&&5.0!/6 (c) Term Loan from Others: International Finance Corporation - Loan A International Finance Corporation - Loan B )!5!7!57).09&567%R|} (d) Finance Lease - Deferred Payment Liabilities: &'&55&%!<.&/75&%*7N07& &'&55&%!<.&/75&%*7N07& Unsecured (e) Debentures: SNR0/0/9&57*#-&&#&/785&60' R*--*0/&!$) SNR0/0/9&57*#-&&#&/785&60' *--*0/&!$) j jj Trade Payables Includes due to Related Parties: |07&N} Subsidiary Companies Companies in which Directors are interested As at !5$)S Million R R - 4,263.04 4,626.60 R SR SR 23.81 187.79 3,607.14 664.56 299.03 1,002.35 837.13 6,621.81 R SR SR R R R R SR R SR SR 1,158.44 - 1,158.44 SR R SR 225.69 199.57 - 425.26 R R R R 47.84 8.28 56.12 R 7.97 R R R 35.91 !<!#-&670*$50S.!-- &%*8./7&535*6&6N!3&; &/%056N07& 7.21 R 10.58 R ¨$$08/76!<!#-&N!3*7!- R R ;$*6&87<0/$-06*/(670$, /7&5&673!<!#-&70*$50S.!-- &%*8./7&535*6&6N07& Other payables: ** R R 7!78705<5&.*77!/$&6|0/75*#87*0/70 S¨S S;$*6&87<S8670.87<S&59*$&7!;!/%07)&56} R R R R !<!#-&70&-!7&%!57*&6 R R &$85*7<&306*76N&/%056 R R R R ¨%9!/$&6&$&*9&%'50.8670.&56 R R Others R ;3057#-*(!7*0/6N¨%9!/$&*$&/$&&/&?7 2,163.54 Gratuity Payable - SR 198.25 2,560.43 SR 5,616.92 SR 509*6*0/'050/6758$7*9&*!#*-*7<N07&|$} 22.88 R 227.69 R 425.00 R 05&*(/;$)!/(&0/75!$76 150.49 R 50306&%*9*%&/%0/48*7<)!5&6 1,018.05 R *9*%&/%!; 207.25 R SR SR Provision for Compensated Absences 509*6*0/'050/7*/(&/$*&6N07&|#} 509*6*0/'0567*.!7&%0660/05:!5% &66U¨%9!/$&!; R SR 304.76 R SR R 509*6*0/'05&!-7)!; 7.00 R 509*6*0/'05!-&65&-!7&%0#-*(!7*0/6N07&|!} 1,669.38 SR 4,032.50 805.46 31.67 837.13 R R R .3-0<&&&-!7&%!<!#-&6*/$-8%&6$0..*66*0/0//&7350?763!<!#-&70:)0-&N7*.&%*5&$7056 490 Million | *--*0/} jjj 05!785&0'&$85*7<0/855&/7!785*7*&60'0/(&5.&#76N07&|!} R SHORT-TERM PROVISIONS: &66U¨5&%*7¨%+867&% SR SR SR SR 509*6*0/'05!;!7*0/ - - 3,056.49 144.94 /$-!*.&%*9*%&/%6j &$85*7<&306*76N&!-&56{.3-0<&&6 416.67 1,000.00 - 1,416.67 As at !5$)S Million OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES (Continued): Interest accrued but not due on borrowings 362.40 1.16 !6)5&%*76S8<&565&%*7'05!:!7&5*!-6!/%!$,*/(5&%*7!5&6&$85&%#<!?567$)!5(&0/!:.!7&5*!-6S 05,N*/N50(5&66S70$,6S705&6!/%00,&#76!/%#<!6&$0/%$)!5(&0/7)&0.3!/<a6-!/%!7*--!(&0%!,!5!*/&5!-!S!75!(!%!.!/%!7)85*--!(&*/!.*-!%8!/%!7 &!%'?$&*/85(!0/S !5<!/!70(&7)&5:*7) 7)&!$705<8*-%*/(6S-!/7 !$)*/&5<!/%48*3.&/76S#07)35&6&/7!/%'8785&R 132 | APOLLO TYRES LTD As at March 31, 2015 Million SR ** Other Payables Includes due to Related Parties: |07&N} Subsidiary Companies Companies in which Directors are interested 4.38 R 43.15 R 47.53 R j/$-8%&6 3.60 Million| R*--*0/}:)*$))!6/07#&&/75!/6'&55&%707)&/9&6705%8$!7*0/!/%507&$7*0/8/% 8/%&5&$7*0/0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7SS!63&57)&05%&56{*/6758$7*0/60'7)&63&$*!-$0857|5*!-0'0''&/$&6 5&-!7*/(7075!/6!$7*0/6*/6&$85*7*&6}S8.#!*R ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 133 134 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 135 SR Furniture & Fixtures 47,983.02 R 47,653.02 R |$} 1,486.94 R 1,467.02 R R |#} R |#} 225.43 SR Furniture & Fixtures 43,774.77 R 43,505.05 R |$} 4,419.61 R 4,359.33 R R |#} R |#} R |#} SR |#} R - - Additions 211.36 - 211.36 R R R - R R - - Deductions GROSS BLOCK 47,983.02 330.00 47,653.02 469.13 38.85 1,194.41 1,419.05 36,332.40 7,851.85 172.19 175.14 391.12 - 391.12 R - R R R R - - 132.01 - 132.01 R R R - R 8.77 - - Deductions 13,061.23 R 12,871.15 R R R R SR SR R - |%} 2,480.46 R 2,454.75 R R R R SR R |!} R - Additions 94.49 - 94.49 R R R - R R - - Deductions 15,447.20 215.79 15.231.41 97.95 15.04 543.30 443.97 12,800.37 1,318.42 12.36 - 32,535.82 114.21 32,421.61 371.18 23.81 651.11 975.08 23,532.03 (e) 6,533.43 159.83 175.14 Million 32,535.82 R 32,421.61 R R R R SR SR R R 30,713.54 R 30,633.90 R R R SR SR SR R R As at March 31, 2013 NET BLOCK 31,070.42 105.15 30,965.27 371.80 19.96 467.96 813.75 22,929.17 (e) 6,029.60 157.89 175.14 As at March 31, 2014 NET BLOCK As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014 18,174.11 244.77 17,929.34 174.90 22.11 740.63 654.92 14,400.98 1,921.50 14.30 - As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014 DEPRECIATION / AMORTIZATION |%} 2,467.80 R 2,438.82 R R R R SR R |!} R - Transferred to Surplus in Statement RI3UR¿WDQG Loss DEPRECIATION / AMORTIZATION Additions As at March 31, 2013 15,447.20 R 15,231.41 R R R R SR SR R - As at March 31, 2014 As at March 31, 2014 49,244.53 349.92 48,894.61 546.70 42.07 1,208.59 1,468.67 37,330.15 7,951.10 172.19 175.14 As at March 31, 2015 Million j&!6&)0-%!/%*6&70' 9.59 Million| R*--*0/}68#-&!6&%70-!66*$¨8708#&67%RS!$0.3!/<*/:)*$)%*5&$7056!5&*/7&5&67&%%85*/(7)&<&!5NR jj-!/7 !$)*/&5<*/$-8%&6*;&%¨66&76 &-%'05!-&:*7)!506600,!-8&0'Nil|Rs.R*-*0/}!/%!&700,!-8&0'Nil|*-}R -!/7 !$)*/&5<*/$-8%&60*/7-<:/&%¨66&76:*7)!506600,!-8&0' 254.87 Million| R*--*0/}!/%!&700,!-8&0' 231.21 Million | R*--*0/}R -!/7 !$)*/&5<*/$-8%&6!66&767!,&/0/*/!/$&&!6&:*7)!506600,!-8&0' 400.00 Million| R*--*0/}!/%!&700,!-8&0' 233.61 Million| R*--*0/} |!}&35&6&/763503057*0/!7&-&!6&35&.*8. 1.94 Million| R*--*0/}!.057*=&%R |#}8*-%*/(6*/$-8%& 90.26 Million| R*--*0/}S-!/7 !$)*/&5<*/$-8%&6 66.43 Million| R*--*0/}S-&$75*$!-/67!--!7*0/6*/$-8%& 2.79 Million | R*--*0/}!/%85/*785& *;785&6*/$-8%& 8.03 Million| R*--*0/}'05$!3*7!-&;3&/%*785&0/&6&!5$) &9&-03.&/7|07&}R |$}/$-8%&6%*5&$7-<!775*#87!#-&&;3&/6&6$!3*7!-*=&%707)&&;7&/70' 27.66 Million| R*--*0/}*/$-8%*/(Nil| R*--*0/}$!3*7!-*=&%'50. 0'35&9*086<&!5|07&}R |%}/$-8%&63509*6*0/'05.3!*5.&/7!.08/7*/(70Nil | RR*--*0/}0/$&57!*/*7&.60'8*-%*/(6 -!/7 !$)*/&5<5&$0(/*=&%*/7)&7!7&.&/70'50?7 066%85*/(7)&<&!5R |&} 8*-%*/(6 */$-8%& 8*-%*/(6 $0/6758$7&% 0/ &!6&)0-% !/% :*7) ! 5066 00, !-8& 0' 6,782.11 Million | SR *--*0/} !/% &7 00, !-8& 0' 5,213.50 Million | SR*--*0/} |'}-!/7 !$)*/&5<*65&%8$&%#< 3.00 Million#&*/(8#6*%<5&$&*9&%'50.7)&09&5/.&/70'!.*-/!%8R TOTAL FIXED ASSETS Computer Software ASSETS B) INTANGIBLE Total Tangible Assets Vehicles R SR Electrical Installation 2I¿FH(TXLSPHQWV SR Plant & Machinery ** SR R Leasehold Land * Buildings R As at March 31, 2013 Freehold Land Land: A) TANGIBLE ASSETS Description of Assets - 225.43 R R R - |'} |#} R R R - - SR |#} R - - Deductions GROSS BLOCK Additions FIXED ASSETS AS AT MARCH 31, 2014 TOTAL FIXED ASSETS Computer Software ASSETS B) INTANGIBLE Total Tangible Assets Vehicles R SR Electrical Installation 2I¿FH(TXLSPHQWV SR Plant & Machinery ** SR R Leasehold Land * Buildings R As at March 31, 2014 Freehold Land Land: A) TANGIBLE ASSETS Description of Assets B5 FIXED ASSETS AS AT MARCH 31, 2015 B 6 NON-CURRENT INVESTMENTS (AT COST) B 7 LONG TERM LOANS & ADVANCES As at March 31, 2015 Million TRADE INVESTMENTS (a) Investment in Equity Instruments (Quoted): * 16,394|S}48*7<)!5&60' {N&!$)*/)!5!7 Gears Ltd. - Fully Paid Up As at !5$)S Million As at March 31, 2015 Million Long-Term Loans & Advances: |/6&$85&%!/%0/6*%&5&%00%} 0.36 R Capital Advances - Others Capital Advances to Related Parties (b) Investment in Equity Instruments (Unquoted): Subsidiary Companies: 125,906,207|SS}48*7<6)!5&60'&!$)*/¨30--0 |!85*7*86} 0-%*/(6977%RN:)0--<0:/&%68#6*%*!5<N8--<!*%3 Other Companies: 312,000|S}48*7<)!5&60' &!$)*/5&&//'5!*/% 0:&550+&$76N8--<3!*%83R 5,500|S}48*7<)!5&60' &!$)*/85<!%&9¨--0<6!/% Power Pvt Ltd. - Fully paid up. (c) Investment in Membership Interest: ¨30--0<5&6|5&&/?&-%}0N03&5!7*&'R¨RN:)0--<0:/&%68#6*%*!5< Doubtful Capital Advances 6,507.97 4.05 - R (b) Others: Investment in 5,000|S}48*7<)!5&60' {N&!$)*/¨30--0<5&6 .3-0<&&6c8-7*385306&0N03&5!7*9&0$*&7<*.*7&% 0.50 R 134.18 R 707.81 R Security Deposits 636.84 R Security Deposits to Related Parties 418.01 R .3-0<&&¨%9!/$&6N!-!5<0!/ 15.05 R 2.57 R 1,780.28 SR j ¨((5&(!7&!.08/70'4807&%/9&67.&/76 0.36 R ¨((5&(!7&.!5,&79!-8&0'-*67&%!/%4807&%*/9&67.&/76 1.19 R ¨((5&(!7&!.08/70'8/4807&%/9&67.&/76 6,518.83 SR Companies in which Directors are interested 09&5/.&/70'!.*-!%8 B 9 CURRENT INVESTMENTS Add: Reinvestment of dividend during the year - 17,736|*-} 0.50 R ¨ No. of units at the end of the year - 2.60 R /9&67.&/7*/878!-8/%6j 5.23 R 360.18 R 360.18 R 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 - * Particulars No. of Units Value ( Million) NAV SBI SS R R ICICI SS R R SS R R Reliance 136 | APOLLO TYRES LTD R Investment promotion Subsidy Receivable from R jjj &385$)!6&35*$&0'8/*76 497.61 B 8 OTHER NON-CURRENT ASSETS 2.10 179,562|S} SR Includes Advances given to Related Parties: |07&N} 6,519.19 R R 7)&50!/6!/%¨%9!/$&6N;$*6&87<&$09&5!#-& 2.60 79.60 841.99 R R R R Less: Provision for Doubtful Advances 3.12 0.59 628.21 134.18 SR OTHER NON CURRENT INVESTMENTS (NON TRADE): (a) Investment in Mutual Funds: ** /*760'b!-!/$&%8/%N*9*%&/%-!/N&*/9&67.&/7bjjj |!$&!-8&0' {N&!$)} jj 0R0'8/*76!77)&#&(*//*/(0'7)&<&!5N161,826|S} As at !5$)S Million *5-!|$)&.&} SS R R *5-!|$)&.&} SS R R 100,000,000 1,000.00 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 137 B 10 CURRENT ASSETS B 11 SHORT TERM LOANS & ADVANCES As at March 31, 2015 Million (a) INVENTORIES: |9!-8&%!7-0:&50'$067!/%/&75&!-*=!#-&9!-8&} (i) Raw Materials: N/ !/% N/5!/6*7 (ii) Work-in-Progress # (iii) Finished Goods: N/ !/% N/5!/6*7 (iv) Stock-in-Trade: N/ !/% N/5!/6*7 2,942.90 94.76 3,037.66 (v) Stores and Spares &66U509*6*0/'0508#7'8-5!%&&$&*9!#-&6 * Trade Receivables Include due from Related Parties: |07&N} Subsidiary Companies Companies in which Directors are interested (c) CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS ** (i) Cash on hand (ii) Cheques on hand (iii) Remittances in Transit (iv) Balances with Banks: Current Accounts Other deposit accounts N05*(*/!-.!785*7<0'.0/7)605-&66 (v) Other Bank Balances: Unpaid Dividend Accounts Unclaimed Deposits Accounts &306*76:*7)!785*7<&;$&&%*/(0/7)6jjj SR R SR 588.67 R 6,078.18 1,129.80 7,207.98 SR R SR 157.10 29.65 186.75 R R R 830.80 11,851.86 (b) TRADE RECEIVABLES - UNSECURED |8767!/%*/('05!3&5*0%&;$&&%*/(6*;.0/7)6'50.7)& %!7&7)&<:&5&%8&'053!<.&/7} Considered Good Considered Doubtful 7)&56N0/6*%&5&%00%j As at !5$)S Million R SR 1.12 24.40 3,198.98 3,224.50 24.40 3,200.10 R R SR SR R SR 993.24 113.49 1,106.73 R R R 1.75 1,180.64 452.55 R R R Year Ended March 31, 2015 Million Short-Term Loans & Advances: |/6&$85&%!/%0/6*%&5&%00%} Advances given to Related Parties - 35.91 1.07 39.94 2,078.40 R 135.77 R Others: 5!%&¨%9!/$&6 709.17 R .3-0<&&¨%9!/$&6 129.42 R ¨&$09&5!#-& 102.93 R ¨&$09&5!#-& 349.18 R &59*$&!;&$09&5!#-& 91.05 R ;3057/$&/7*9&6&$09&5!#-& 85.87 R 5&3!*%;3&/6&6 77.80 R R Others - 1,681.19 Considered Doubtful SR 20.56 1,701.75 Less: Provision for Doubtful Advances ¨5&%*7/7*7-&.&/7!9!*-&% &66U¨5&%*787*-*6&% R |R} Companies in which Directors are interested R SR R - |R} 1,681.19 Advances given to Related Parties: |07&N} Subsidiary Companies R SR 20.56 1,681.19 R SR 90.09 R 45.68 R 135.77 R B 12 OTHER CURRENT ASSETS Investment promotion Subsidy Receivable from 09&5/.&/70'!.*-!%8 Interest accrued on Deposits 366.54 &!5/%&% !5$)S Million 375.00 R 0.96 R 375.96 R R R R R SR jj 870'7)&!#09&#!-!/$&0'!6) !6)48*9!-&/76S7)&#!-!/$&7)!7.&&767)&%&?/*7*0/0'!6) !6) 48*9!-&/76!63&5¨NS!6)-0:7!7&.&/76*6 2,001.48 Million| SR*--*0/} jjj /$-8%&6&306*70' 37.97 Million| R*--*0/}3-&%(&%:*7)!#!/,!(!*/67:)*$):05,*/($!3*7!--0!/)!6 been availed by Apollo Finance Ltd, a company in which directors are interested. Includes deposits of 1.97 Million| R*--*0/}:)*$))!9&!/05*(*/!-.!785*7<0'.05&7)!/.0/7)6R 05,*/50(5&66$0/6*6760'¨870.07*9&<5&60/-<R 138 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 139 B 13 OTHER OPERATING INCOME B 15 MANUFACTURING AND OTHER EXPENSES Year Ended March 31, 2015 Million &!5/%&% !5$)S Million OTHER OPERATING INCOME Investment promotion Subsidy from Government 0'!.*-!%8N07& 521.04 - <5&6&9&-03.&/7&&65&$&*9&%'50.8670.&56 !5-<!<.&/7*6$08/7&$&*9&%'50.!:!7&5*!-833-*&56 R 74.45 R 595.49 R SR B 14 OTHER INCOME (a) Interest earned on Deposits - Bank 43.34 R - Others 13.85 R 57.19 R (b) Dividend Income from Long Term Investments: Bharat Gears Ltd. /*758670'/%*! 0.02 R 0.50 - 0.52 R (c) Dividend Income from Short Term Investments: Mutual Funds 25.78 R 20.00 R 73.83 R 86.65 R 111.49 R (d) Other Non-Operating Income: Unclaimed Credit Balances / Provisions no longer 5&48*5&%:5*77&/#!$, Royalty Income !*/0/05&*(/;$)!/(&-8$78!7*0/|&7} Miscellaneous Receipts 291.97 R 375.46 R Year Ended March 31, 2015 Million Cost of Materials Consumed: !:!7&5*!-60/68.&%N07&|} Less: Scrap Recoveries Purchase of Stock-in-Trade: 85$)!6&0'*/*6)&%00%6N<5&6S8#&6 -!36 (PSOR\HH%HQH¿WV([SHQVH !-!5*&6!/%!(&6 0/75*#87*0/70509*%&/7!/%7)&58/%6N07& &-'!5&&;3&/6&6 .3-0<&&670$,¨335&$*!7*0/*()76N07& Other Expenses: 0/68.37*0/0'6705&6!/%63!5&3!576N07& 0:&5!/%8&-N07& Conversion Charges Repairs and Maintenance - Machinery - Buildings - Others &/7N07& Lease Rent - Factory Insurance !7&6!/%!;&6 *5&$7056c*77*/(&&6 0..*66*0/700/N)0-&7*.&*5&$7056 0660/!-&0'!/(*#-&*;&%¨66&76|&7} 5!9&--*/(S0/9&<!/$&!/%&)*$-&;3&/6&6 067!(&S&-&;S&-&3)0/&!/%7!7*0/&5< 0/'&5&/$&;3&/6&6 Royalty Paid Freight and Forwarding Commission on Sales !-&650.07*0/;3&/6&6 Advertisement and Publicity 05305!7&0$*!-&630/6*#*-*7<;3&/6&6N07& &6&!5$)!/%&9&-03.&/7N07& Bank Charges 7!78705<¨8%*7056&.8/&5!7*0/N07& 08#7'8-&$&*9!#-&6{¨%9!/$&65*77&/0'' &66U5!/6'&55&%'50.509*6*0/ &(!-!/%50'&66*0/!-;3&/6&6 509*6*0/'050/7*/(&/$*&6N07&|#} *6$&--!/&086;3&/6&6 &!5/%&% !5$)S Million 54,302.28 295.14 54,007.14 SR R SR 2,492.19 SR 4,200.67 472.96 774.11 3.58 5,451.32 SR R R R SR 605.88 2,797.04 1,053.25 R SR SR 118.63 25.05 674.39 299.89 400.00 79.33 160.49 6.30 50.00 26.24 956.68 119.11 294.90 8.86 2,615.31 90.00 870.39 564.48 57.37 875.25 36.62 12.45 - - 416.70 - 860.98 14,075.59 76,026.24 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R SR R R R R R R R R |R} R R R SR SR Notes: }705&6 3!5&60/68.&%*/$-8%&66705&6*668&%'055&3!*56 2.63 Million| R*--*0/}R }0:&5!/%8&-*/$-8%&6705&60/68.&% 523.11 Million| R*--*0/}R }&70'&/7&$&*9&% 1.45 Million| R*--*0/}R }&70'5066N)!5(& 1.08 Million| R*--*0/} }05305!7&0$*!-&630/6*#*-*7<;3&/6&6*/$-8%&6 0.55 Million!9!*-!#-&!60/!5$)S:*7)7)& implementation partner to be deployed in due course. 140 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 141 B 16 CHANGES IN INVENTORIES OF FINISHED GOODS, WORK IN PROGRESS & STOCK-IN-TRADE Year Ended March 31, 2015 Million &!5/%&% !5$)S Million R Finished Goods 7,262.25 SR 70$,N*/N5!%& 200.13 R 8,137.80 SR Less: 588.67 R Finished Goods 7,207.98 SR 70$,N*/N5!%& 186.75 R 7,983.40 Decrease / (Increase) ;$*6&87<0//$5&!6&{|&$5&!6&}0'*/*6)&%00%6 2014-15 Million 2013-14 Million 76.17 R 451.30 R -!*.6!(!*/677)&0.3!/</07!$,/0:-&%(&%!6%&#76O.3-0<&&&-!7&% 48.64 R O7)&56 43.00 R PARTICULARS /$0.&!; 675.42 CLOSING STOCK 05,*/50(5&66 1. Contingent Liabilities !-&6!; OPENING STOCK 05,*/50(5&66 C. OTHER NOTES ON ACCOUNTS: SR 154.40 |SR} 42.89 R |07&} 197.29 |SR} 509*6*0/0'&$85*7<|!/,&306*763-&%(&%:*7)!!/,!(!*/67:)*$):05,*/( capital loan has been availed by Apollo Finance Ltd, a Company in which Directors !5&*/7&5&67&%} 37.97 R ;$*6&87<j 57.93 R j;$-8%&6%&.!/%0' 532.12 Million| R*--*0/}5!*6&%0/0/&0'7)&0.3!/<a68/*765&-!7*/(70*668&6 :)*$))!9&#&&/%&$*%&%#<7)&¨33&--!7&¨87)05*7<*/0.3!/<a6'!9085*/!33&!-63&57!*/*/(70!/07)&58/*70'7)& Company. Show-cause notices received from various Government Agencies pending formal demand notices have not been considered as contingent liabilities. ;$-8%&6!.08/70' 441.66 Million| R*--*0/}*/!33&!-6:)*$))!9&#&&/%&$*%&%#<¨33&--!7&!87)05*7*&6 */0.3!/<c6'!9085#870/:)*$)7)&%&3!57.&/7)!6(0/&'05'857)&5!33&!-R In the opinion of the management, no provision is considered necessary for the disputes mentioned above on the ground that there are fair chances of successful outcome of appeals. 2. Commitments PARTICULARS B 17 FINANCE COSTS Year Ended March 31, 2015 Million &!5/%&% !5$)S Million As at March 31, 2014 Million 800.14 1,743.19 800.14 1,743.19 /7&5&670/*;&%N7&5.0!/6 473.02 R Interest on Debenture 536.79 R Other Commitments: 0/N%*6306!-0'*/9&67.&/76*/*/%*5&$768#6*%*!5<S¨30--0<5&6|*%%-&!67} S7)508()¨30--0|!85*7*86} 0-%*/(697R7%R!-8&0'*/9&67.&/7*6 34.14 Million| R*--*0/} )&0.3!/<)!6'857)&5?/!/$*!-6833057$0..*7.&/763509*%&%70$&57!*/ Subsidiaries Interest on Other Loans 694.05 R TOTAL 17.02 R 3. )&0.3!/<)!6*/7&5/!7*0/!-75!/6!$7*0/6:*7)5&-!7&%3!57*&6R057)&$855&/7<&!5S7)&.!/!(&.&/7$0/?5.67)!7 SR *7.!*/7!*/6%0$8.&/76!635&6$5*#&%#<7)&/$0.&7!;¨$7S703509&7)!77)&6&*/7&5/!7*0/!-75!/6!$7*0/6!5& !7!5.a6-&/(7)!/%7)&!'05&6!*%-&(*6-!7*0/:*--/07)!9&!/<*.3!$70/7)&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76S3!57*$8-!5-<0/7)& !.08/70'7!;&;3&/6&!/%7)!70'3509*6*0/'057!;!7*0/R (a) Interest Expense: 67*.!7&%!.08/70'$0/75!$765&.!*/*/(70#&&;&$87&%0/$!3*7!-!$$08/7 and not provided for As at March 31, 2015 Million (b) Other Borrowing Cost 1,720.88 4. Investment Promotion Subsidy From Government Of Tamilnadu )&0.3!/<)!6&67!#-*6)&%5!%*!-7<5&.!/8'!$785*/('!$*-*7<*//%8675*!-!5,S5!(!%!./&!5)&//!* !/% !9!*-&% */$&/7*9&6 '50. 7)& 7!7& 09&5/.&/7 0' !.*- !%8 '05 &67!#-*6)*/( 68$) 350+&$7R )& $0/6758$7*0/ 0' ?567 3)!6& 0' 7)& /&: (5&&/ ?&-% 5!%*!- 7<5& 3-!/7 :!6 $0.3-&7&% !6 3&5 350+&$7 6$)&%8-&S :)*$) $0..&/$&% 03&5!7*0/6'50.!5$)SR)&58$,{865!%*!-6&(.&/7)!6$0..&/$&%03&5!7*0/6'50.!<SR 8568!/7707)&&.05!/%8.0'/%&567!/%*/(|0}%!7&%¨8(867S5&!%!-0/(:*7)!833-&.&/7!5<0 %!7&%!/8!5<S&;&$87&%#&7:&&/7)&09&5/.&/70'!.*-!%8|0}!/%7)&0.3!/<S06!/$7*0/&% !758$785&%!$,!(&0'¨66*67!/$&707)&0.3!/<*/7&5.60'7)&&:/%8675*!-0-*$<SR¨63&57)*6758$785&% !$,!(&0'¨66*67!/$&S7)&0.3!/<*6&/7*7-&%S*/7&5!-*!S'055&'8/%0'!/!.08/7&48!-70&787387¨3!*% #<7)&0.3!/<700*/7)&'05.0'/9&67.&/750.07*0/8#6*%<'05!3&5*0%0'<&!56|:)*$)$!/#&&;7&/%&% #<!/07)&5<&!56}S'50.7)&%!7&0'$0..&/$&.&/70'$0..&5$*!-350%8$7*0/057*--7)&$8.8-!7*9&!9!*-.&/70'7)& 142 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 143 6!*%68#6*%<5&!$)&60'7)&*/9&67.&/7.!%&*/&-*(*#-&?;&%!66&76%85*/(7)&!33509&%*/9&67.&/73&5*0%!6 %&?/%#<7)&0S:)*$)&9&5*6&!5-*&5R)*6&-*(*#-*7<*668#+&$770'8-?--.&/70'$&57!*/0#-*(!7*0/6#<7)&0.3!/<R ¨6 7)& 0.3!/< )!6 '8-?--&% 7)& 5&-&9!/7 0#-*(!7*0/6S 7)& 0.3!/< )!6 5&$0(/*=&% 68#6*%< */$0.& 0' 521.04 Million| R*--*0/}!607)&503&5!7*/(*/$0.&|07&}S#&*/(7)&&-*(*#-&!.08/70'5&'8/%0'&787387¨ 3!*%#<7)&0.3!/<700R8#6*%<5&$05%&%%85*/(7)&35&9*086<&!55&35&6&/7668#6*%<'50.7)&%!7&0' $0..&/$&.&/70'$0..&5$*!-350%8$7*0/7*--!5$)SR!6&%0/7)&-&(!-03*/*0/0#7!*/&%#<7)&0.3!/<S 7)&6!*%68#6*%<*6$0/6*%&5&%/0/N7!;!#-&R 5. Capital Subsidy ¨63&5&:/%8675*!-0-*$<S/&:!/%&;3!/6*0/8/*76*/9&67*/( *--*0/!/%!#09&!/%&.3-0<*/(.05& 7)!/%*5&$7:05,&56:*--#&&-*(*#-&'05!#!$,&/%&%$!3*7!-68#6*%<0' *--*0/R857)&5.!/8'!$785*/(8/*76 -0$!7&% :*7)*/ ! /%8675*!- 3!5, :*-- #& &-*(*#-& '05 !/ !%%*7*0/!- $!3*7!- 68#6*%< 09&5 !/% !#09& 7)& eligible limit. During the year, the Company received the capital subsidy of R*--*0/0/'8-?--*/(7)&&-*(*#*-*7< $0/%*7*0/6:)*$))!6#&&/$5&%*7&%70$!3*7!-68#6*%<%*6$-06&%8/%&5&6&59&6 853-86R 11. Research and development Expenditures: PARTICULARS 2014-15 Million (A) Revenue Expenditure Materials .3-0<&&&/&?7;3&/6&6 5!9&--*/(;3&/6&6 Others SUB - TOTAL (B) Capital Expenditure TOTAL(A+B) 7. Issue Of Shares On Conversion Of Share Warrants )&$0.3!/<)!%!--07&%SS:!55!/76S$0/9&57*#-&*/70SS&48*7<6)!5&60' &!$)70!350.07&5 50830.3!/<0/&$&.#&5SS0/!35&'&5&/7*!-!--07.&/7#!6*638568!/770&$7*0/|¨}0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7SS!7!$0/9&56*0/35*$&0' R3&56)!5&%&7&5.*/&%*/!$$05%!/$&:*7)7)&|668&0'!3*7!- !/%*6$-0685&&48*5&.&/76}&(8-!7*0/6SR¨/!.08/7&48*9!-&/7700'7)&35*$&!((5&(!7*/(70 R Million was received on allotment of the warrants previous year. On receipt of the balance amount of R*--*0/ 0/8/&SS7)&$0.3!/<)!6!--077&%SS&48*7<6)!5&60' &!$)!7!35&.*8.0' R3&56)!5&R 8. Disclosures required under Section 22 of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 PARTICULARS 2014-15 Million 2013-14 Million |*}5*/$*3!-!.08/75&.!*/*/(8/3!*%70!/<6833-*&5!6!77)&&/%0'7)&!$$08/7*/(<&!5 31.02 R |**} /7&5&67 %8& 7)&5&0/ 5&.!*/*/( 8/3!*% 70 !/< 6833-*&5 !6 !7 7)& &/% 0' 7)& accounting year 10.58 R |***} )& !.08/7 0' */7&5&67 3!*% !-0/( :*7) 7)& !.08/76 0' 7)& 3!<.&/7 .!%& 70 7)& supplier beyond the appointed day - - |*9})&!.08/70'*/7&5&67%8&!/%3!<!#-&'057)&<&!5 - - |9})&!.08/70'*/7&5&67!$$58&%!/%5&.!*/*/(8/3!*%!77)&&/%0'7)&!$$08/7*/( year 10.58 R |9*})&!.08/70''857)&5*/7&5&67%8&!/%3!<!#-&&9&/*/7)&68$$&&%*/(<&!5S8/7*- such date when the interest dues as above are actually paid 10.58 R 9. 8&670*$50!/%.!--/7&535*6&6)!9&#&&/%&7&5.*/&%707)&&;7&/768$)3!57*&6)!9&#&&/*%&/7*?&%0/7)& #!6*60'*/'05.!7*0/$0--&$7&%#<7)&!/!(&.&/7R)*6)!6#&&/5&-*&%830/#<7)&!8%*7056R ;$*6& %87< 5&-!7*/( 70 6!-&6 )!6 #&&/ %*6$-06&% !6 ! 5&%8$7*0/ '50. 785/09&5R ;$*6& %87< 5&-!7&% 70 %*''&5&/$& #&7:&&/7)&$-06*/(670$,!/%03&/*/(670$,)!6#&&/%*6$-06&%*/07&b)!/(&6*//9&/705*&60'*/*6)&% 00%6S05,*/50(5&66 70$,N*/N5!%&_R 10. 85*/(7)&<&!5S38568!/7707)&/07*?$!7*0/0'$)&%8-&707)&0.3!/*&6¨$7S:*7)&''&$7'50.¨35*-S S 7)& $0.3!/< 5&9*6&% 7)& &67*.!7&% 86&'8- -*'& 0' *76 !66&76 70 !-*(/ 7)& 86&'8- -*'& :*7) 7)06& 63&$*?&% */ schedule II. 8568!/7707)&75!/6*7*0/3509*6*0/35&6$5*#&%*/$)&%8-&707)&0.3!/*&6¨$7SS7)&$0.3!/<)!6'8--< depreciated the carrying value of assets, net of residual value, where the remaining useful life of the assets is %&7&5.*/&% 70 #& /*- !6 0/ ¨35*- S !/% )!6 !%+867&% !/ !.08/7 0' R *--*0/ |/&7 0' %&'&55&% 7!; 0' R *--*0/} !(!*/67 7)& 03&/*/( 6853-86 #!-!/$& */ 7)& 7!7&.&/7 0' 50?7 !/% 066 8/%&5 &6&59&6 !/% Surplus. )&%&35&$*!7*0/&;3&/6&*/7)&67!7&.&/70'350?7!/%-066'057)&<&!5*6-0:&5#< R*--*0/$0/6&48&/770 the change in the useful life of the assets. 144 | APOLLO TYRES LTD 84.86 135.08 20.11 635.20 875.25 167.51 1,042.76 R R R R R R R 2014-15 Million 2013-14 Million 12. Statutory Auditors’ Remuneration: PARTICULARS 6. Exceptional Items ;$&37*0/!-*7&.%85*/(7)&35&9*086<&!55&35&6&/76&;3&/6&6*/$855&%*/$0//&$7*0/:*7)7)&350306&%!$48*6*7*0/0' 003&5*5& 8##&50.3!/<|003&5}:)*$):!67&5.*/!7&%#<003&50/&$&.#&5SR 2013-14 Million For Audit For Company Law matters 058!57&5-<&9*&: 0/60-*%!7*0/ For Other Services TOTAL 6.00 0.40 2.60 3.45 5.00 0.30 2.20 3.90 12.45 11.40 13. (A) Turnover and stock of Finished goods & Stock-in-Trade PARTICULARS Unit ¨870.0#*-&<5&6S 8#&6!/%-!36 Opening Stock Turnover Closing Stock 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 Million 7,356.09 SR 98,158.55 SR 7,252.83 SR Others Million 106.29 R 614.17 R 141.90 R TOTAL Million 7,462.38 SR 98,772.72 SR 7,394.73 SR (B) Raw Materials Consumed PARTICULARS 2014-15 Million 2013-14 Million Fabric Rubber Chemicals Carbon Black Others 6,743.31 27,926.29 5,052.65 8,037.87 6,542.16 SR SR SR SR SR TOTAL 54,302.28 SR (C) Break-up of Consumption PARTICULARS Raw Materials - Imported - Indigenous 705&6 3!5&6N.3057&% - Indigenous 2014-15 Million % 45.74% 24,838.26 54.26% 29,464.02 100.00% 54,302.28 9.67% 58.58 90.33% 547.30 100.00% 605.88 2013-14 % Million R SR R SR R SR R R R R R R (D) C.I.F. Value of Imports PARTICULARS 2014-15 Million 2013-14 Million Raw Materials 705&6 3!5&6 Capital Goods 24,098.07 64.50 447.93 SR R R ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 145 (E) Expenditure in Foreign Currency (Remitted) : 'H¿QHG%HQH¿W3ODQV Gratuity |;$-8%*/(9!-8&0'*.30576} PARTICULARS 2014-15 Million 2013-14 Million Interest Dividend for the year 2013-14|N}j Royalty 7)&56|*/$-8%*/($5066N$)!5(&0' &;3&/6&6!/%.!/!(&.&/7&;3&/6&63!*%70 05&*(/8#6*%*!5<0.3!/*&6}R 577.07 1.48 6.76 R R R j 1,320.91 SR 8.#&50'/0/N5&6*%&/7)!5&)0-%&56O2|}S8.#&50')!5&6)&-%#<0/5&6*%&/7)!5&)0-%&56N1,978,000 |SS}R 14. Earnings in Foreign Exchange (Gross) PARTICULARS !-8&0';30576 Royalty Received 5066)!5(&0'!/!(&.&/7;3&/6&6 &*.#856&.&/70';3&/6&6&$&*9&% 2014-15 Million 2013-14 Million 9,222.31 73.83 54.74 209.27 SR R R R 15. Directly attributable expenses capitalized / included in capital work in progress during the year: PARTICULARS )&'0--0:*/(7!#-&68..!5*=&67)&$0.30/&/760'/&7#&/&?7&;3&/6&5&$0(/*=&%*/7)&67!7&.&/70'350?7!/% -066!/%7)&'8/%&%67!786!/%!.08/765&$0(/*=&%*/7)&#!-!/$&6)&&7'057)&5&63&$7*9&3-!/U 6WDWHPHQWRI3UR¿WDQG/RVV 1HWHPSOR\HHEHQH¿WH[SHQVHV PARTICULARS 2014-15 Million 2013-14 Million Current service cost /7&5&670670/&/&?7#-*(!7*0/ ;3&$7&%5&785/0/3-!/!66&76 Curtailment Cost Settlement Cost &7¨$78!5*!-|!*/}{0665&$0(/*=&%*/7)&<&!5 ;3&/6&5&$0(/*=&%*/7)&7!7&.&/70'50?7 066 56.39 61.01 (57.95) 138.80 198.25 R R |R} R R 2014-15 Million 48.72 (82.66) 2013-14 Million R |R} $FWXDO&RQWULEXWLRQDQG%HQH¿WSD\PHQWVIRUWKH\HDU 2014-15 Million 2013-14 Million Raw Materials Consumed !-!5*&6S!(&6!/%0/86 Contribution to Provident and Other Funds &-'!5&;3&/6&6 Rent 5!9&--*/(S0/9&<!/$&!/%&)*$-&&;3&/6&6 067!(&S&-&;S&-&3)0/&!/%7!7*0/&5< Power and Fuel &(!- 50'&66*0/!-;3&/6&6 *6$&--!/&086;3&/6&6 10.76 3.35 4.94 1.45 4.04 0.20 1.64 0.55 0.72 R R R R R R R R R R Total 27.65 R (PSOR\HH%HQH¿W3ODQV 'H¿QHG&RQWULEXWLRQ3ODQV a. Superannuation Plan: )& 0.3!/< $0/75*#87&6 ! 68. &48*9!-&/7 70 0' 7)& &-*(*#-& &.3-0<&&6 6!-!5< 70 ! 683&5!//8!7*0/ '8/% !%.*/*67&5&% !/% .!*/7!*/&% #< *'& /685!/$& 05305!7*0/ 0' /%*! |}R )& 0.3!/< )!6 /0 -*!#*-*7< '05 '8785& 683&5!//8!7*0/ '8/% #&/&?76 07)&5 7)!/ *76 !//8!- $0/75*#87*0/ !/% 5&$0(/*=&6 68$) $0/75*#87*0/6!6!/&;3&/6&*/7)&<&!5*/$855&%R)&!.08/70'$0/75*#87*0/3!*%#<7)&$0.3!/<7083&5!//8!7*0/ Fund is 59.83 Million| R*--*0/}R b. Provident Fund:0/75*#87*0/6!5&.!%&707)&0.3!/<a6.3-0<&&6509*%&/78/%5867{&(*0/!-509*%&/7 8/%*/!$$05%!/$&:*7)7)&'8/%58-&6R)&*/7&5&675!7&3!<!#-&707)&#&/&?$*!5*&6&9&5<<&!5*6#&*/(/07*?&%#< the Government. /7)&$!6&0'$0/75*#87*0/707)&5867S7)&0.3!/<)!6!/0#-*(!7*0/70.!,&(00%7)&6)057'!--S*'!/<S#&7:&&/ 7)&5&785/'50.7)&*/9&67.&/760'7)&5867!/%7)&/07*?&%*/7&5&675!7&!/%5&$0(/*=&668$)0#-*(!7*0/!6!/ &;3&/6&R )&!.08/70'$0/75*#87*0/.!%&#<7)&0.3!/<70.3-0<&&6509*%&/78/%5867{&(*0/!-509*%&/78/%*6 215.96 Million| R*--*0/}R 146 | APOLLO TYRES LTD )&0.3!/<)!6!%&?/&%#&/&?7(5!78*7<3-!/R9&5<&.3-0<&&:)0)!6$0.3-&7&%?9&<&!5605.05&0'6&59*$& 5&$&*9&6(5!78*7<0/-&!9*/(7)&0.3!/<!7%!<66!-!5<|-!67%5!:/6!-!5<}'05&!$)$0.3-&7&%<&!50'6&59*$&R )&6$)&.&*6'8/%&%:*7)*'&/685!/$&05305!7*0/0'/%*!R PARTICULARS Actual Contributions ¨$78!-&/&?7!<.&/76 Balance Sheet: Net Asset / (Liability) recognised in the Balance Sheet including experience adjustment impact PARTICULARS 5&6&/79!-8&0'%&?/&%#&/&?70#-*(!7*0/!7 the end of the year Fair value of plan assets at the end of the year ¨66&7{|*!#*-*7<}5&$0(/*=&%*/7)&#!-!/$& sheet ;3&5*&/$&¨%+867.&/70'0#-*(!7*0/ - Loss ;3&5*&/$&¨%+867.&/70'3-!/!66&76 N!*/{|066} 2014-15 Million 2013-14 Million 2012-13 Million 2011-12 Million 2010-11 Million 852.80 R R R R 654.55 R R R R (198.25) |R} |R} |R} |R} 75.99 R R R R (1.85) |R} R R R 2014-15 Million 681.75 61.02 56.39 (82.67) 136.31 852.80 2013-14 Million R R R |R} R R &KDQJHVLQWKHSUHVHQWYDOXHRIWKHGH¿QHGEHQH¿WREOLJDWLRQDUHDVIROORZV PARTICULARS Present value of obligations as at the beginning of the year Interest cost Current service cost &/&?763!*% Actuarial loss on obligation Present value of obligations as at the end of the year ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 147 Changes in the fair value of plan assets are as follows: 17. Employees Stock Appreciation Rights (Employees Phantom Stock Plan 2010) PARTICULARS 2014-15 Million 2013-14 Million Fair value of plan assets as at the beginning of the year ;3&$7&%5&785/0/3-!/!66&76 Contributions &/&?763!*% Actuarial gain on plan assets Fair value of plan assets as at the end of the year 633.32 57.95 48.44 (82.67) (2.49) 654.55 R R R |R} |R} R !} 85*/( 7)& <&!5 NS 7)& $0.3!/< )!% !//08/$&% !6)N6&77-&% .3-0<&& )!5&N#!6&% !<.&/7 -!/ |)!/70.70$,-!/}'057)&&-*(*#-&&.3-0<&&60'7)&$0.3!/<R/%&57)&6$)&.&SSS3)!/70.670$,8/*76 )!9&#&&/(5!/7&%0/¨35*-SSS)!/70.670$,8/*76)!9&#&&/(5!/7&%0/¨35*-S!/%S /*76)!9&#&&/(5!/7&%0/¨35*-S#<7)&#0!5%!330*/7&%$0..*77&&R¨--7)5&&037*0/6:*--#&9&67&%!63&5 the following schedule: Percentage of Grant Vesting Schedule /67!//*9&56!5<0'5&63&$7*9&(5!/7%!7& //%!//*9&56!5<0'5&63&$7*9&(5!/7%!7& /5%!//*9&56!5<0'5&63&$7*9&(5!/7%!7& /7)!//*9&56!5<0'5&63&$7*9&(5!/7%!7& )&0.3!/<a6(5!78*7<'8/%6!5&.!/!(&%#<7)&*'&/685!/$&05305!7*0/0'/%*!!/%7)&5&'05&7)&$0.306*7*0/0' the fund assets in not presently ascertained. Principal actuarial assumptions for Gratuity: PARTICULARS 2014-15 Rate (%) 2013-14 Rate (%) R R R R R R !}*6$08/75!7& #}8785&6!-!5<*/$5&!6&j $};3&$7&%5!7&0'5&785/0/3-!/!66&76 j )& &67*.!7&6 0' '8785& 6!-!5< */$5&!6& 7!,& */70 !$$08/7 */@!7*0/S 6&/*05*7<S 350.07*0/ !/% 07)&5 5&-&9!/7 '!$7056R 67*.!7&%!.08/70'$0/75*#87*0/*/7)&*..&%*!7&/&;7<&!5*6 98.72 Million | R*--*0/}R Demographic Assumptions for Gratuity: PARTICULARS !}&7*5&.&/7¨(&|&!56} #}057!-*7<!#-& $}¨(&6 370&!56 50.70&!56 ¨#09&&!56 2014-15 2013-14 58 IALM (2006-08) ¨|N} Withdrawal Rate (%) *7)%5!:!-!7&|} 3.00 R 2.00 R 1.00 R 8568!/7707)&!#09&6$)&.&S7)&&-*(*#-&&.3-0<&&6!5&&/7*7-&%70(&7$!6)$0.3&/6!7*0/830/&;&5$*6&0'7)& phantom stock unit within seven years of the vesting date #}&7!*-60'7)&&;3&/6&5&$0(/*=&%%85*/(7)&<&!5!/%08767!/%*/(3)!/70.670$,8/*760'7)&$0.3!/<8/%&57)& )!/70.70$,-!/!5&!68/%&5U PARTICULARS Date of Grant Phantom Stock Units Outstanding )!/70.70$,/*76&;&5$*6&% ;&5$*6&5*$&0')!5&| } !5,&75*$&0')!5&| } !*5!-8&0')!5&| } Amount charged to Statement of 50?7 066|/$-8%&%*/07&N N.3-0<&& &/&?76;3&/6&} *!#*-*7<!60/RR|/$-8%&%*/07&N|5!%&!<!#-&6}} As at March 31,2015 As at March 31, 2014 RR SS - RR SS SS R R R RR SS SS R R R RR S R R R - R Million R Million R Million R Million R Million R Million - RR RR S SS SS R R R R R R R Million R Million R Million R Million Phantom Stock outstanding units summary sheet is as follows 2WKHU/RQJ7HUP(PSOR\HH%HQH¿WV PARTICULARS 2014-15 Opening Phantom Stock Units Number of Units issued during the year 8.#&50'/*76&67&%%85*/(7)&<&!5 Closing Phantom Stock units Long Term Compensated Absences Actuarial Assumption for Long term compensated absences: PARTICULARS 2014-15 2013-14 8.00 6.00 R R !}*6$08/75!7& #}8785&6!-!5<*/$5&!6&j j)&&67*.!7&60''8785&6!-!5<*/$5&!6&7!,&*/70!$$08/7*/@!7*0/S6&/*05*7<S350.07*0/!/%07)&55&-&9!/7'!$7056R Demographic Assumptions for Long term compensated absences: PARTICULARS !}&7*5&.&/7¨(&|&!56} #}057!-*7<!#-& $}¨(&6 370&!56 50.70&!56 ¨#09&&!56 148 | APOLLO TYRES LTD 2014-15 2013-14 58 IALM (2006-08) ¨|N} Withdrawal Rate (%) *7)%5!:!-!7&|} 3.00 2.00 1.00 R R R 927,500 561,250 366,250 2013-14 2012-13 SS S S SS S S SS The details of Variables used for Fair Valuation under the Black-Scholes Model are given in the table below: Grant date Remeasurement date March 31, 2015 Variables 70$,5*$&| } 0-!7*-*7< Riskfree Rate ;&5$*6&5*$&| } *.&0!785*7<|/&!56} Dividend yield Fair Value per vest ( ) Vesting Percentage Option Fair Value ( ) Vest1 April 1, 2011 April 1, 2010 Vest 2 Vest 3 April 1, 2012 April 1, 2013 Vest 4 April 1, 2014 )&037*0/6'50.&67S&67S&67!/% &67)!9&#&&/$0.3-&7&-< &;&5$*6&%!/%7)&5&'05&%0/a7 have to be valued ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 149 Grant date Remeasurement date March 31, 2015 Variables 70$,5*$&| } 0-!7*-*7< Riskfree Rate ;&5$*6&5*$&| } *.&0!785*7<|/&!56} Dividend yield Fair Value per vest ( ) Vesting Percentage Option Fair Value ( ) Vest1 April 1, 2012 18(a) The components of Deferred Tax Liability (Net) are as follows: April 1, 2011 Vest 2 Vest 3 April 1, 2013 April 1, 2014 )&037*0/6'50.&67!/%&67 )!9&#&&/$0.3-&7&-<&;&5$*6&%!/% 7)&5&'05&%0/a7)!9&70#&9!-8&% Vest 4 April 1, 2015 R R R R R R 127.40 50% R R R R R R 126.14 50% PARTICULARS Deferred Tax Liability on timing differences arising on: Depreciation Sub Total (A) Deferred Tax Assets on timing differences arising on: !<.&/78/%&50-8/7!5<&7*5&.&/7$)&.& 509*6*0/'055!78*7<!/%&!9&/$!6).&/7 Provision for Doubtful Debts / Advances Others Sub Total (B) 126.77 Net Deferred Tax Liability (A-B) Grant date Remeasurement date March 31, 2015 Variables 70$,5*$&| } 0-!7*-*7< Riskfree Rate ;&5$*6&5*$&| } *.&0!785*7<|/&!56} Dividend yield Fair Value per vest ( ) Vesting Percentage Option Fair Value ( ) Vest1 April 1, 2013 R R R R R R 124.02 25% April 1, 2012 Vest 2 Vest 3 April 1, 2014 April 1, 2015 R R R R R R 125.02 25% Vest 4 April 1, 2016 R R R R R R 126.04 25% R R R R R R 127.96 25% 125.76 !%$0.3&/6!7*0/$067'057)&)!/70.70$,8/*76(5!/7&%8/%&57)&$)&.&#&&/%&7&5.*/&%#!6&%0/'!*59!-8& !3350!$)S 7)& 0.3!/<c6 /&7 350?7 !/% &!5/*/(6 3&5 6)!5& :08-% )!9& #&&/ !6 3&5 7)& 350'05.! !.08/76 */%*$!7&% below: 2014-15 2013-14 6,450.81 SR 3.58 R 49.02 R 6,405.37 SR ,PSDFWRQ1HW3UR¿W` Million) &750?7|¨65&3057&%} ¨%%UN!6)#!6&%&.3-0<&&$0.3&/6!7*0/&;3&/6&*/$-8%&%*//&7350?7 &66UN!6)#!6&%$0.3&/6!7*0/&;3&/6&%&7&5.*/&%8/%&5'!*59!-8&#!6&%.&7)0% |50'05.!} &750?7|50'05.!} 2013-14 Million 4,453.68 SR 4,453.68 SR 2.60 113.87 15.56 199.23 R R R R 331.26 R 4,122.42 SR PARTICULARS Amount Million &'&55&%!;*!#*-*7*&6!6!7!5$)S &66U&9&56!-0'&'&55&%!;*!#*-*7<5&-!7*/(7075!/6*7*0/!%+867.&/70'%&35&$*!7*0/5&$05%&% !(!*/676853-86#!-!/$&*/7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%066 ¨%%U&'&55&%!;*!#*-*7*&6'057)&<&!5N 3,909.45 Deferred Tax Liabilities as at March 31, 2015 4,122.42 132.94 345.91 18(b))&3509*6*0/'057!;'057)&<&!5)!6#&&/%&7&5.*/&%#!6&%0/7)&3509*6*0/607)&57)!/0'7)&/$0.& !;¨$7SR05%&7&5.*/*/(7)&6!*%3509*6*0/S7)&0.3!/<)!6$0/6*%&5&%%&%8$7*0/8/%&56&$7*0/|¨} */5&63&$70'7)&&;3&/%*785&*/$855&%'05*76 !$7*9*7*&6*/7)& &/75&!7)&//!*R¨-7)08()7)&0.3!/<a6 !33-*$!7*0/'057)&!33509!-0'7)*6$&/7&5*63&/%*/(#&'05&S7)&0.3!/<*6$0/?%&/70'0#7!*/*/(7)&!33509!- #&'05&?-*/(7)&5&785/0'*/$0.&'057)&?/!/$*!-<&!5NR 19(a)509*6*0/'056!-&65&-!7&%0#-*(!7*0/65&35&6&/76&67*.!7&6'053!<.&/7670#&.!%&*/'8785&R!+053057*0/0' 7)&6&$0676*6&67*.!7&%70#&3!*%*/7)&/&;7?/!/$*!-<&!505:*--#&3!*%:*7)*/!.!;*.8.0'<&!56'50.7)& balance sheet date Million 3KDQWRP6WRFN6FKHPH3URIRUPD6WDWHPHQWRI3UR¿W/RVVDQG(36 PARTICULARS 2014-15 Million Impact on Earnings per Share ( ) Opening Balance as at April 1, 2014 Additional provision made during the year Incurred against provision during the year Closing Balance as at March 31, 2015 1,507.70 1,745.54 1,583.86 1,669.38 19(b). )& 0.3!/< $!55*&6 ! (&/&5!- 3509*6*0/ '05 $0/7*/(&/$*&6 70:!5%6 9!5*086 $-!*.6 !(!*/67 7)& $0.3!/< /07 acknowledged as debts Million Opening Balance as at April 1, 2014 Additional provision made during the year Incurred against provision during the year Closing Balance as at March 31, 2015 425.00 - - 425.00 19(c) Provision for constructive liability arising on account of lease contracts up to 7 years are as follows Basic Million !6*$!5/*/(63&5)!5&0' !$)|¨65&3057&%} 12.70 8.78 !6*$!5/*/(63&5)!5&0' !$)|50'05.!} 12.61 R Opening Balance as at April 1, 2014 Additional provision made during the year Incurred against provision during the year Closing Balance as at March 31, 2015 *-87&%!5/*/(63&5)!5&0' !$)|¨65&3057&%} 12.69 8.77 82.99 36.36 18.04 101.31 *-87&%!5/*/(63&5)!5&0' !$)|50'05.!} 12.60 8.79 Diluted 150 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 151 20. Expenditure towards Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Activities Nature of Activities Promoting preventive health /685*/(&/9*50/.&/7!-6867!*/!#*-*7< *9&-*)00%&/)!/$&.&/7350+&$76 85!-%&9&-03.&/7350+&$76 Promoting education Promoting preventive health Promoting education 5!%*$!7*0/0')8/(&5S309&57< .!-/875*7*0/ 0/75*#87*0/70053860'!5867$5&!7&%&;$-86*9&-<'05 undertaking CSR activities Million Implementing Agency/ Partner ¨30--0<5&608/%!7*0/ ¨30--0<5&608/%!7*0/ ¨30--0<5&608/%!7*0/ ¨30--0<5&608/%!7*0/ ¨30--0<5&608/%!7*0/ &86)!5*7!#-&08/%!7*0/ &86)!5*7!#-&08/%!7*0/ &86)!5*7!#-&08/%!7*0/ Amount R R R R R R R R R 54.12 R 56.82 84.74 27.92 ¨%%U¨%.*/*675!7*9&067M Total ¨.08/75&48*5&%70#&63&/78{60'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7S Shortfall 21 a)0--0:*/(!5&7)&'05:!5%&;$)!/(&$0/75!$76~#&*/(%&5*9!7*9&*/6758.&/76S:)*$)!5&/07*/7&/%&%'0575!%*/( 0563&$8-!7*9&385306&6#87'05)&%(&385306&670&67!#-*6)7)&!.08/70'5&3057*/($855&/$<5&48*5&%05!9!*-!#-& !77)&6&77-&.&/7%!7&0'$&57!*/3!<!#-&6!/%5&$&*9!#-&6R)&'0--0:*/('05:!5%&;$)!/(&$0/75!$76&/7&5&%*/70 Million #<7)&0.3!/<!5&08767!/%*/(!60/!5$)SU Currency Amount US Dollar 74.00 Buy Rupees 6.00 Sell Rupees R Buy Rupees R Buy Rupees Buy/Sell Cross Currency 22. )& 0.3!/<a6 03&5!7*0/6 $0.35*6& 0' 0/-< 0/& #86*/&66 6&(.&/7 O ¨870.0#*-& <5&6S ¨870.0#*-& 8#&6 ¨870.0#*-& -!36 */ 7)& $0/7&;7 0' 5&3057*/( #86*/&66{(&0(5!3)*$!- 6&(.&/7 !6 5&48*5&% 8/%&5 .!/%!705< !$$08/7*/(67!/%!5%6¨N^&(.&/7&3057*/(^ )& (&0(5!3)*$!- 6&(.&/76 $0/6*%&5&% '05 %*6$-0685& !5& N /%*! !/% &67 0' 7)& :05-%R ¨-- 7)& .!/8'!$785*/( facilities are located in India: PARTICULARS 1. Revenue by Geographical Market India Rest of the world Total 2. Carrying Amount of Segment Assets India &670'7)&:05-%N&;3057&#7056 Total 3. Capital Expenditure incurred during the year India Rest of the world Total 2013-14 Million 80.531.32 9,222.31 SR SR 89,753.63 SR 59,760.32 1,453.74 SR R 61,214.06 SR 2,723.00 - SR - 2,723.00 SR 23. Disclosure of Related Party Transactions in accordance with the mandatory accounting standards AS- 18 “Related Party Disclosures” Name of the Related Parties PARTICULARS N US Dollar 2014-15 Million 2014-15 2013-14 ¨30--0|!85*7*86} 0-%*/(6977%|¨ }S Mauritius ¨30--0|!85*7*86} 0-%*/(6977% |¨ }S!85*7*86 ¨30--0|087)¨'5*$!} 0-%*/(6|7<}7%|¨ } |8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨ }S087)¨'5*$! ¨30--0|087)¨'5*$!} 0-%*/(6|7<}7% |¨ }|8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨ }S South Africa )& .!5, 70 .!5,&7 -066&6 0' 150.49 Million |*-} 5&-!7*/( 70 8/%&6*(/!7&% { */&''&$7*9& '05:!5% $0/75!$76 { %&5*9!7*9&6)!6#&&/5&$0(/*=&%*/7)&7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%066¨$$08/7R N.A. ¨30--0<5&6087)¨'5*$!|7<}7%|¨¨} |8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨ }S087)¨'5*$! b) 0R0'855&/$<6:!36|07)&57)!/'05:!5%&;$)!/(&$0/75!$7667!7&%!#09&}70)&%(&!(!*/67@8$78!7*0/6*/ $)!/(&6*/&;$)!/(&5!7&!5&17|}R ¨30--0<5&6¨'5*$!|7<}7%|8#6*%*!5<7)508() ¨ }N07&|$} ¨30--085#!/|7<}7%|¨}|8#6*%*!5< )508()¨ }S087)¨'5*$! c) The year-end foreign currency exposures that have not been hedged by a derivative instrument or other wise are given below: Million ¨ 0-%*/(67%R|8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨ }S /*7&%*/(%0.N07&|%} ¨ 0-%*/(67%|8#6*%*!5<7)508() ¨ }S/*7&%*/(%0. ¨30--0<5&6*.#!#:&|97}7%R|} |8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨ 0-%*/(67%R}S *.#!#:&|07&N|%} |'}} ¨30--0<5&6|*.#!#:&}|97}7%|} |8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨ 0-%*/(67%R}S *.#!#:& Currency ¨*5)!. As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014 Receivable/ Receivable/ Receivable/ Receivable/ |!<!#-&} |!<!#-&} |!<!#-&} |!<!#-&} INR FC INR FC ¨30--0¨$48*6*7*0/053R|07&N|&}} ¨30--0¨$48*6*7*0/053RN07&|!} !%8//9&67.&/76|97R}7%S*.#!#:& |8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨ 0-%*/(67%R}N07&|%} !%8//9&67.&/76|97}7%S*.#!#:& |8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨ 0-%*/(67%R}S ¨*/*/(|97R}7%RS*.#!#:&|8#6*%*!5< 7)508()¨30--0<5&6*.#!#:&97R7%R} |07&N|%} |'}} ¨*/*/(|97}7%S*.#!#:&|8#6*%*!5< 7)508()¨30--0<5&6*.#!#:&977%}S |R} |R} R R |R} |R} |R} |R} R R R R |R} |R} |R} |R} |R} |R} R R !3!/&6&&/ R R |R} |R} Malaysian Ringgit R R R R Philippine Peso R R R R Swiss Franc British Pound Indonesian Rupiah Singapore Dollar R R R R )!*!)7 |R} |R} |R} |R} US Dollar R R R R R R R R South African Rand 152 | APOLLO TYRES LTD Subsidiaries ¨30--0<5&6|<3586}97R7%|¨}S<3586 ¨30--0<5&6|<3586}977%|¨}S |8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨ } <3586|8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨ } ¨30--0<5&6¨S:*7=&5-!/%|¨¨} |8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨30--0003} ¨30--0<5&6¨S:*7=&5-!/%|¨¨} |8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨}S¨ ¨30--0<5&6 0-%*/(6|*/(!305&}7&R7%S |¨ }S*/(!305&|8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨30--0 003} ¨30--0<5&6 0-%*/(6|*/(!305&}7&7%S |¨ }S*/(!305&|8#6*%*!5<7)508() ¨ } ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 153 ¨30--0<5&6|¨}0R7%S!0S |8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨ }N07&|&} ¨30--0<5&6|¨}0R7%S!0S |8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨ } ¨30--0<5&6|*%%-&!67}=&|¨}S8#!* |8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨30--0003}N07&|#} ¨30--0<5&6|*%%-&!67}=&|¨}S 8#!*|8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨ } ¨30--0<5&60N03&5!7*&'R¨R|¨30--0003}S &7)&5-!/%6|8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨ } ¨30--0<5&60N03&5!7*&'R¨R |¨30--0003}S&7)&5-!/%6|8#6*%*!5< 7)508()¨ } ¨30--0<5&6RR|¨}S&7)&5-!/%6 |8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨30--0003} ¨30--0<5&6RR|¨}S&7)&5-!/%6 |8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨30--0003} ¨30--0<5&6|}97R7%|¨}S/*7&%*/(%0. |8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨30--0003} ¨30--0<5&6|}977%|¨}S/*7&% */(%0.|8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨} ¨30--0<5&6|5!6*-}¨S5!=*|8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨30--0003} ¨30--0<5&6|5!6*-}¨S5!=*- |8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨} Associates ¨30--0<5&6-0#!- RRS&7)&5-!/%6 |8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨30--0003} ¨30--0<5&6-0#!- RRS&7)&5-!/%6 |8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨30--0003} Joint Ventures ¨30--0<5&6|)!*-!/%}*.*7&%S)!*-!/% |8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨30--0003} ¨30--0<5&6|)!*-!/%}*.*7&%S)!*-!/% |8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨30--0003} ¨30--05&%&67&*/RRS&7)&5-!/%6|¨} |8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨} ¨30--05&%&67&*/RRS&7)&5-!/%6|¨} |8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨} ¨30--0<5&6|5&&/?&-%}0R3&5!7*&'R¨RS &7)&5-!/%6N07&|!} N.A. ¨30--0<5&65039&67|}977%S/*7&% */(%0.|8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨}N07&|!} N.A. ¨30--0<5&6| 8/(!5<}'7S 8/(!5< |8#6*%*!5<7)508()¨}N07&|!} N.A. Subsidiaries of Apollo Vredestein B.V (AVBV): Subsidiaries of Apollo Vredestein B.V (AVBV): ¨30--05&%&67&*/.# S&5.!/< ¨30--05&%&67&*/.# S&5.!/<|!5-*&5 ,/0:/!65&%&67&*/.# S&5.!/<} 5&%&67&*/05(&¨RRS05:!< 5&%&67&*/05(&¨RRS05:!< ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR*.*7&%S/*7&%*/(%0. ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR*.*7&%|!5-*&5 ,/0:/!65&%&67&*/RR7%R}S/*7&% Kingdom Subsidiaries ¨30--05&%&67&*/&-8;S&-(*8. ¨30--05&%&67&*/&-8;|!5-*&5,/0:/!6 RR5&%&67&*/¨}S&-(*8. ¨30--05&%&67&*/&6&--6$)!'7.R#R RS¨8675*! ¨30--05&%&67&*/&6.# |!5-*&5,/0:/ !65&%&67&*/&6.# }S¨8675*! ¨30--05&%&67&*/$):&*=¨RRS:*7=&5-!/% ¨30--05&%&67&*/$):&*=¨RRS:*7=&5-!/% 5&%&67&*/05%*$¨RRS:&%&/ 5&%&67&*/05%*$¨RR |!5-*&5,/0:/!65&%&67&*/&$,¨RR}S Sweden RR5&%&6&7*/RR5-S0.!/*! 5&%&6&7*/RR5-S0.!/*! ¨30--05&%&67&*/#&5*$!¨S3!*/ ¨30--05&%&67&*/#&5*$!¨ |!5-*&5,/0:/!65&%&67&*/#&5*$!R¨}S Spain ¨30--05&%&67&*/*5&6/$RS¨ ¨30--05&%&67&*/*5&6/$R|!5-*&5,/0:/ !65&%&67&*/<5&6057)¨.&5*$!/$RS ¨} ¨30--05&%&67&*/'7S 8/(!5< ¨30--05&%&67&*/'7 |!5-*&5,/0:/!65&%&67&*/'7}S 8/(!5< ¨30--05&%&67&*/5-S7!-< ¨30--05&%&67&*/5- |!5-*&5,/0:/!65&%&67&*/7!-*!5-S 7!-<} 154 | APOLLO TYRES LTD Subsidiaries Companies in which Directors are interested Key Management Personnel Relatives of Key Managerial Personnel ¨30--05&%&67&*/30/<0-6,!3R0R0RS0-!/% ¨30--05&%&67&*/30/<0-6,!3R0R0R |!5-*&5,/0:/!65&%&67&*/0-6,!3R 0R0S0-!/%} ¨30--05&%&67&*/¨V5!/$& ¨30--05&%&67&*/¨V5!/$&|!5-*&5 /0:/!6&5%&67&*/5!/$&R¨RS5!/$&} 5&%&67&*/0/68-7*/(RRS&7)&5-!/%6 5&%&67&*/0/68-7*/(RRS&7)&5-!/%6 */-0RRS&7)&5-!/%6 */-0RRS&7)&5-!/%6 5&%&67&*/!5,&7*/(RRS&7)&5-!/%6 5&%&67&*/!5,&7*/(RRS&7)&5-!/%6 5&%&67&*/!5,&7*/(RR 0RS&5.!/< 5&%&67&*/!5,&7*/(¨(&/785 |!5-*&5,/0:/!65&%&67&*/!5,&7*/( ¨(&/785RR $0R}S&5.!/< !7*0/!-<5&&59*$&67%S*.#!#:&|07&N|%} |'}} !7*0/!-<5&&59*$&67%S*.#!#:& 5&6685*7&|7<}7%S087)¨'5*$! 5&6685*7&|7<}7%S087)¨'5*$! PanAridus LLC, USA PanAridus LLC, USA ¨30--0/7&5/!7*0/!-7%|¨} ¨30--0/7&5/!7*0/!-7%|¨} ¨30--0/7&5/!7*0/!-5!%*/(S*%%-&!67 ¨30--0/7&5/!7*0/!-5!%*/(S*%%-& !67 /$053&59*$&67% /$053&59*$&67% 09*&=/%*!7% 09*&=/%*!7% !/%.!5,!5.6 086*/(|}7% !/%.!5,!5.6 086*/(|}7% 8/-*'&5!%&-*/,6|}7% 8/-*'&5!%&-*/,6|}7% 5!9&-5!$,67% 5!9&-5!$,67% &630,&0856 5!9&-67% &630,&0856 5!9&-67% 86,!--&<&$)/0-0(*&67% 86,!--&<&$)/0-0(*&67% -!66*$¨8708#&67% -!66*$¨8708#&67% /7&535*6&67%|} /7&535*6&67%|} Apollo Finance Ltd Apollo Finance Ltd Artemis Medicare Services Ltd Artemis Medicare Services Ltd ¨57&.*6 &!-7)$*&/$&67% ¨57&.*6 &!-7)$*&/$&67% ¨.!5$)!/% !/(!-%!6 85&6)¨)50'' 0R ¨.!5$)!/% !/(!-%!6 85&6)¨)50'' 0R !(!5 ¨66$0$*!7&6 !(!5 ¨66$0$*!7&6 Regent Properties Regent Properties Swaranganga Consultants Pvt. Ltd Swaranganga Consultants Pvt. Ltd <67&.605305!7*0/SRR <67&.605305!7*0/SRR !$5&% &!57/9&67.&/70R97R7% !$5&% &!57/9&67.&/70R97R7% Milers Global Pvt. Ltd Milers Global Pvt. Ltd Apollo Fiege Integrated Logistics Pvt. Ltd Apollo Fiege Integrated Logistics Pvt. Ltd Mr Onkar S Kanwar Mr Onkar S Kanwar 5&&5!+!/:!5 5&&5!+!/:!5 Mr U S Oberoi Mr U S Oberoi Mr Sunam Sarkar Mr Sunam Sarkar 5!!+!!/:!5 5!!+!!/:!5 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 155 NotesU&-!7&%!57*&6!/%7)&*5&-!7*0/6)*36!5&!6*%&/7*?&%#<7)&.!/!(&.&/7!/%5&-*&%830/#<7)&¨8%*7056R |!} /$05305!7&%%85*/(7)&<&!5 |#} ¨6!3!570'(50835&6758$785*/(&;&5$*6&S&/7*5&6)!5&$!3*7!-0'¨¨)!6#&&/75!/6'&55&%#<¨70¨30--0 003S&/7*5&6)!5&$!3*7!-0'¨!/%¨ )!9&#&&/75!/6'&55&%#<¨ 70¨30--0003!/%&/7*5&6)!5& $!3*7!-0'¨ '7)!6#&&/75!/6'&55&%#<¨00370¨R |$} !.&$)!/(&%%85*/(7)&<&!5R |%} 0-%0''%85*/(7)&<&!5R |&} */%*/(83$0.3-&7&%%85*/(7)&<&!5R |'} )&$0670'*/9&67.&/7:!6'8--<*.3!*5&%*/7)&35*05<&!56R Transactions with Related Parties: FY 2014-15 Particulars Description of Transactions: Sales: Finished Goods ¨30--0/7-R5!%*/(S8#!* Apollo International Ltd. ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR ¨30--0<5&6|*%%-&!67}=&R ¨30--0<5&6|)!*-!/%}7%R ¨30--0<5&6¨'5*$!|7<}7%R Sales: Raw Materials -!66*$¨8708#&67%R Sales: Semi Finished Goods ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR ¨30--0<5&6¨'5*$!|7<}7%R Investments Made: ¨30--0<5&6|5&&/?&-%}0N03&5!7*&'R¨R Royalty Income: ¨30--0<5&6|*%%-&!67}=&R ¨30--0<5&6|)!*-!/%}7%R ¨30--0<5&6¨'5*$!|7<}7%R Cross Charge of Management & Other Expenses Received #: ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR ¨30--0<5&6|*%%-&!67}=&R ¨30--0<5&6-0#!- RR ¨30--0<5&6|}97R7%R ¨30--0<5&6|)!*-!/%}7%R /7&535*6&67%R -!66*$¨8708#&67%R ¨30--0<5&6¨'5*$!|7<}7%R Artemis Medicare Services Ltd. Million Subsidiaries SR R SR R SR SR 5,987.15 156 | APOLLO TYRES LTD 1,481.34 R Key Management Personnel Total SR R SR R SR SR 7,468.49 5.18 R R 4.27 R R 4.27 R 4.05 R R R 73.84 R R R 73.84 R 6.83 R R R R R R R R R 61.56 R R R 1.46 R R R 1.46 R R R R R R R R 54.73 Rent Received: /7&535*6&67%R &630,&0856 5!9&-67%R -!66*$¨8708#&67%R Companies in which Directors are interested Reimbursement of Expenses Received: ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR ¨30--0<5&6|*%%-&!67}=&R ¨30--0<5&6-0#!- RR ¨30--0<5&6|)!*-!/%}7%R ¨30--0<5&6|}97R7%R -!66*$¨8708#&67%R ¨30--0<5&6¨'5*$!|7<}7%R /7&535*6&67%R Apollo International Ltd. ¨30--0<5&6| 8/(!5<}'7 Freight & Insurance recovered: Apollo International Ltd. ¨30--0<5&6|*%%-&!67}=&R ¨30--0<5&6|)!*-!/%}7%R ¨30--0<5&6¨'5*$!|7<}7%R ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR Royalty Paid: ¨30--0<5&6¨S:*7=&5-!/% Purchases: ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR -!66*$¨8708#&67%R R R R R R R R R R R 209.28 R R R R R 179.76 R 548.94 R R 670.68 R 39.94 R 53.16 R R 16.20 R R 16.20 R R 671.11 R R R R R R R R R 718.90 R R 11.88 R R 11.88 R R R R R R R 47.79 Payment for Services Received: Artemis Medicare Services Ltd. -!66*$¨8708#&67%R R R R R R 179.78 8.86 R 121.74 Cross Charge of R & D Expenses paid: ¨30--0<5&6-0#!- RR Cross Charge of Other Expenses paid: ¨30--0<5&6|RR}97R7%R Lease Rent paid: /7&535*6&67%R 0.02 R Clearing Charges Paid: Apollo Fiege Integrated Logistics Pvt. Ltd. Warehouse Management Charges Paid: Apollo Fiege Integrated Logistics Pvt. Ltd. Legal and Professional Charges Paid: ¨.!5$)!/% !/(!-%!6 85&6)¨)50'' Co. !(!5 ¨660$*!7&6 Reimbursement of Expenses paid: ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR ¨30--0<5&6|)!*-!/%}7%R ¨30--0<5&6|*%%-&!67}=&R ¨30--0|!85*7*86} 0-%*/(697R7%R ¨30--0<5&6|}97R7%R ¨30--0<5&6-0#!- RR ¨30--05&%&67&*/*5&6/$R /7&535*6&67%R -!66*$¨8708#&67%R 14.44 R R R R R R R R R R 223.72 R 555.65 R 468.27 R 400.00 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 157 Rent Paid: 8/-*'&5!%&-*/,6 !/%!5,!5.6 086*/( Regent Properties -!66*$¨8708#&67%R Milers Global Pvt. Ltd. Conversion charges Paid: -!66*$¨8708#&67%R Mixing Charges Paid: -!66*$¨8708#&67%R Travelling Expenses Paid: &630,&0856 5!9&-67%R Conference Expenses: &630,&0856 5!9&-67%R Commssion on Sales paid: ¨30--0<5&6|)!*-!/%}7%R ¨30--0<5&6|*%%-&!67}=&R R R R R R 72.15 R R R R R 72.15 R 968.20 R 247.56 R R R 220.55 R R 55.83 R R 55.83 Managerial Remuneration: Mr Onkar S Kanwar 5&&5!+!/:!5 Mr U S Oberoi Mr Sunam Sarkar Amount Outstanding: Trade Payable: ¨30--0<5&6¨S:*7=&5-!/% ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR ¨30--0<5&6|}97R7%R ¨30--0<5&6-0#!- ¨30--0<5&6|*%%-&!67}=&R &630,&0856 5!9&-67%R -!66*$¨8708#&67%R ¨30--0|!85*7*86} 0-%*/(697R7%R ¨30--0<5&6|)!*-!/%}7%R Artemis Medicare Services Ltd. ¨.!5$)!/% !/(!-%!6 85&6)¨)50'' 0R R R R R 738.93 Other Current Liabilities: ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR ¨30--05&%&67&*/*5&6/$R -!66*$¨8708#&67%R 158 | APOLLO TYRES LTD R 43.15 R R R 47.53 R R R R R R 497.61 R R R R R R 497.61 R R R R R R 4.38 Long Term Loans & Advances: /7&535*6&67%R 8/-*'&5!%&-*/,6 !/%!5,!5.6 086*/( Regent Properties Milers Global Pvt. Ltd. -!66*$¨8708#&67%R R R 31.67 R R R R R R R R R R R 837.13 R R R R R 805.46 R R R R 738.93 Trade Receivable: ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR ¨30--0<&56¨'5*$!|7<}7%R ¨30--0<5&6|*%%-&!67}=&R -!66*$¨8708#&67%R Apollo International Ltd. ¨30--0<5&6-0#!- ¨30--0<5&6|)!*-!/%}7%R Short Term Loans & Advances: ¨30--0<5&6¨'5*$!|7<}7%R ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR /7&535*6&67%R 5!9&-5!$,67%R -!66*$¨8708#&67%R Apollo Fiege Integrated Logistics Pvt. Ltd. Apollo Finance Ltd. ¨30--0<5&6| 8/(!5<}'7 R R R 7.89 R R R 1,106.73 R R R 7.89 R R R 993.24 113.49 R R R R R R R R 135.77 R R R R R R R R 90.09 45.68 Transactions with Related Parties: FY 2013-14 Particulars Description of Transactions: Sales : Finished Goods ¨30--0/7-R5!%*/(S8#!* ¨30--0<5&6087)¨'5*$!|7<}7%R ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR ¨30--0<5&6|*%%-&!67}=&R ¨30--0<5&6|)!*-!/%}7%R ¨30--085#!/|7<}7%R Sales: Raw Materials -!66*$¨8708#&67% Sales: Semi Finished Goods ¨30--0<5&6087)¨'5*$!|7<}7%R ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR ¨30--085#!/|7<}7%R Investments Made: ¨30--0|!85*7*86} 0-%*/(697R7%R Royalty Income: ¨30--0<5&6087)¨'5*$!|7<}7%R ¨30--0<5&6|*%%-&!67}=&R ¨30--0<5&6|)!*-!/%}7%R ¨30--085#!/|7<}7%R Million Subsidiaries Companies in which Directors are interested SR SR SR R SR R 5,347.95 Key Management Personnel Total 1,311.47 SR SR SR R SR R 6,659.42 R 31.48 R R R 4.58 R R R 4.58 R 383.97 R R R R 57.29 R R R R 57.29 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 159 Cross Charge of Management & Other Expenses Received #: ¨30--0<5&6087)¨'5*$!|7<}7%R ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR ¨30--0<5&6|*%%-&!67}=&R ¨30--0<5&6-0#!- RR ¨30--0<5&6|}97R7%R ¨30--0<5&6|)!*-!/%}7%R /7&535*6&67%R -!66*$¨8708#&67%R ¨30--085#!/|7<}7%R Artemis Medicare Services Ltd. R R R R R R R R R 30.10 7.83 R R R 307.59 R R R 364.17 R 81.38 R 27.10 R R 24.83 R R 24.83 R R 567.45 R R R R R R R R 1,068.14 R 10.52 56.58 R R R R R R 500.69 Payment for Services Received: Artemis Medicare Services Ltd. 160 | APOLLO TYRES LTD 26.73 R R R R R R R R R 56.83 R Clearing Charges Paid: Apollo Fiege Integrated Logistics Pvt. Ltd. Warehouse Management Charges Paid: Apollo Fiege Integrated Logistics Pvt. Ltd. Legal and Professional Charges Paid: ¨.!5$)!/% !/(!-%!6 85&6)¨)50'' Co. !(!5 ¨660$*!7&6 Reimbursement of Expenses paid: ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR ¨30--0<5&6087)¨'5*$!|7<}7%R ¨30--0<5&6|*%%-&!67}=&R ¨30--0|!85*7*86} 0-%*/(697R7%R ¨30--0<5&6|}97R7%R ¨30--0<5&6-0#!- RR /7&535*6&67%R -!66*$¨8708#&67%R R R R 1.46 R Rent Received: /7&535*6&67%R &630,&0856 5!9&-67%R -!66*$¨8708#&67%R Royalty Paid: ¨30--0<5&6¨S:*7=&5-!/% Purchases: ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR /7&535*6&67%R -!66*$¨8708#&67%R R R R 1.46 R R 28.10 Reimbursement of Expenses Received: ¨30--0<5&6087)¨'5*$!|7<}7%R ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR ¨30--0<5&6|*%%-&!67}=&R ¨30--0<5&6RS ¨30--0<5&6-0#!- RR ¨30--0<5&6|)!*-!/%}7%R ¨30--0<5&6|}97R7%R -!66*$¨8708#&67%R ¨30--085#!/|7<}7%R R 5.76 R R R R R R R R R R 33.86 R R R R R R Cross Charge of R & D Expenses paid: ¨30--0<5&6-0#!- RR Cross Charge of Other Expenses paid: ¨30--0<5&6|RR}97R7%R Lease Rent paid: /7&535*6&67%R Rent Paid: 8/-*'&5!%&-*/,6 !/%!5,!5.6 086*/( Regent Properties -!66*$¨8708#&67%R Milers Global Pvt. Ltd. R 438.21 R 281.16 Conversion charges Paid: -!66*$¨8708#&67%R Mixing Charges Paid: -!66*$¨8708#&67%R Travelling Expenses Paid: 5!9&-5!$,67%R &630,&0856 5!9&-67%R Conference Expenses: &630,&0856 5!9&-67%R Security Deposits Given: Milers Global Pvt. Ltd. Refund of Security Deposits: 8/-*'&5!%&-*/,6 !/%!5,!5.6 086*/( Regent Properties R 400.00 R R R R R 72.15 R R R R R 72.15 SR 1,017.61 R 318.41 R R 219.06 R R 219.06 R 202.60 R 0.75 R R R 189.83 R R R 189.83 Managerial Remuneration: Mr Onkar S Kanwar 5&&5!+!/:!5 Mr U S Oberoi Mr Sunam Sarkar Amount Outstanding: Trade Payable: ¨30--0<5&6¨S:*7=&5-!/% ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR ¨30--0<5&6|}97R7%R ¨30--0<5&6-0#!- ¨30--0<5&6|*%%-&!67}=&R 5!9&-5!$,67%R -!66*$¨8708#&67%R ¨30--0|!85*7*86} 0-%*/(697R7%R ¨30--0<5&6|)!*-!/%}7%R Apollo Fiege Integrated Logistics Pvt. Ltd. R R R R 494.98 Other Current Liabilities: ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR Apollo International Ltd. -!66*$¨8708#&67%R R 31.65 R R R R R |R} R R R R 665.67 R R 4.48 R R R 5.68 R R R R R |R} R R R 634.02 R 1.20 R R R R 494.98 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 161 )&6$)&%8-&0''8785&.*/*.8.-&!6&3!<.&/76*/5&63&$70'/0/N$!/$&--!#-&03&5!7*/(-&!6&6*66&7087#&-0:U Long Term Loans & Advances: /7&535*6&67%R 8/-*'&5!%&-*/,6 !/%!5,!5.6 086*/( Regent Properties Milers Global Pvt. Ltd. -!66*$¨8708#&67%R Trade Receivable: ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR ¨30--085#!/|7<}7%R ¨30--0<5&6|*%%-&!67}=&R -!66*$¨8708#&67%R Apollo International Ltd. ¨30--0/7-R5!%*/(S8#!* ¨30--0<5&6|)!*-!/%}7%R Short Term Loans & Advances: ¨30--085#!/|7<}7%R ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR ¨30--0<5&6RR7%R ¨30--0<5&6|)!*-!/%}7%R /7&535*6&67%R &630,&0856 5!9&-67%R -!66*$¨8708#&67%R Artemis Medicare Services Ltd. R R R R R R 541.90 R R R R R R 541.90 158.04 R R R R R R R 917.82 R R R R 80.63 R R R R R R R R 133.23 R R R R R R R 759.78 R R R R 52.60 Amount of Loans/Advances in the nature of loans outstanding from Subsidiaries and Companies in which Directors are interested: Outstanding as at the end of the year Maximum amount Outstanding during the year - N - - R R SR R )& 0.3!/< )!6 &/7&5&% */70 ?/!/$& -&!6& !55!/(&.&/76 '05 $&57!*/ ¨66&76R )& 6$)&%8-& 0' '8785& .*/*.8. lease payments in respect of non-cancelable Finance leases is set out below: Million Total Minimum Lease Payments Present Value of Lease Payments 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 68.31 101.75 45.21 215.27 (43.51) 171.76 R R R R |R} R 56.12 79.67 35.97 171.76 R R R R 27. Interest in Joint Ventures – )&0.3!/<)!6*/7&5&676*/7)&'0--0:*/(0*/70/750--&%/7*7<|}U Name of Joint Venture and Country of Incorporation Pan Aridus LLC. USA As on March 31, 2015 ¨60/!5$)S % of interest 50 Amount of interest based on accounts Assets Liabilities Income Expenditure Contingent liabilities Capital commitments 18.92 R 18.92 R 43.22 R 64.64 R Nil Nil Nil Nil 28. Earnings Per Share (EPS) – The numerator and denominator used to calculate Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share: PARTICULARS 2014-15 Basic & Diluted earnings per share 50?7!775*#87!#-&707)&&48*7<6)!5&)0-%&5686&%!6/8.&5!705 | *--*0/}N|¨} )&:&*()7&%!9&5!(&/8.#&50'&48*7<6)!5&608767!/%*/(%85*/(7)&<&!5'05 !6*$N|} ¨%%U''&$70'!55!/76:)*$)!5&%*-87*9& )&:&*()7&%!9&5!(&/8.#&50'&48*7<6)!5&608767!/%*/(%85*/(7)&<&!5'05 *-87&%N|} !6*$&!5/*/(63&56)!5&| }O|¨}{|}|!$&9!-8&0' &!$)} *-87&%&!5/*/(63&56)!5&| }O|¨}{|}|!$&9!-8&0' &!$)} Apollo (Mauritius) Holdings Pvt. Ltd. (AMHPL) - 400.00 2,000.00 400.00 *7)*/0/&<&!50'7)&#!-!/$&6)&&7%!7& 8&*/!3&5*0%#&7:&&/0/&<&!5!/%?9&<&!56 8&!'7&5*9&&!56 07!Less: Future Finance Charges 5&6&/7!-8&0'*/*.8.&!6&!<.&/76 SUBSIDIARIES - *7)*/0/&<&!50'7)&#!-!/$&6)&&7%!7& 8&*/!3&5*0%#&7:&&/0/&<&!5!/%?9&<&!56 8&!'7&5?9&<&!56 PARTICULARS Investments in shares of the Company 2014-15 2013-14 Million Million PARTICULARS 2014-15 Million 26. Finance Lease - Deferred Payment Credit 5066)!5(&0'!/!(&.&/7;3&/6&6&$&*9&%*/$-8%&65&$09&5<0'6!-!5<!%+867&%*/.3-0<&&&/&?7;3&/6&6 54.73 Million| R*--*0/} 24. Disclosure required by Clause 32 of the listing agreement regarding the related parties: PARTICULARS 2013-14 6,450.81 SR 507,942,578 441,058 SS S 508,383,636 12.70 12.69 SS 8.78 8.77 Companies in which directors are interested 29. PTL Enterprises Ltd. (PTL) 2014-15 (Trade advance) 31.84 31.84 - N|5!%&!%9!/$&} R R - Pre9*086 <&!5a6 ?(85&6 )!9& #&&/ 5&(5083&% { 5&$-!66*?&% :)&5&9&5 /&$&66!5< 70 $055&630/% :*7) 7)& $855&/7 <&!5a6$-!66*?$!7*0/{%*6$-0685&R 25. Operating Lease )&0.3!/<)!6!$48*5&%!66&768/%&57)&03&5!7*/(-&!6&!(5&&.&/767)!7!5&5&/&:!#-&0/!3&5*0%*$#!6*6!7 7)&037*0/0'#07)7)&-&6605!/%-&66&&R&/7!-&;3&/6&68/%&57)06&-&!6&6:&5& 400 Million| *--*0/}R 162 | APOLLO TYRES LTD 85(!0/ !<S ¨¨¨ )!*5.!/ Managing Director ¨¨¨ *$&)!*5.!/ Managing Director ¨¨¨ *5&$705 ¨¨¨ )*&'*/!/$*!-'?$&5 ¨ ¨¨ 0.3!/<&$5&7!5< ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 163 CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF APOLLO TYRES LTD. Report on Consolidated Financial Statements & )!9& !8%*7&% 7)& !$$0.3!/<*/( 0/60-*%!7&% */!/$*!- 7!7&.&/76 0' ¨ R |)&5&*/!'7&5 5&'&55&% 70 !6 ^7)& 0-%*/( 0.3!/<_} !/% *76 68#6*%*!5*&6 |7)& 0-%*/( 0.3!/< !/% *76 68#6*%*!5*&6 70(&7)&5 5&'&55&% 70 !6 ^7)&5083_}!/!660$*!7&!/%!+0*/7-<$0/750--&%&/7*7<S$0.35*6*/(0'7)&0/60-*%!7&%!-!/$&)&&7!6!7!5$)S S7)&0/60-*%!7&%7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%066S7)&0/60-*%!7&%!6)-0:7!7&.&/7'057)&<&!57)&/&/%&%S !/%!68..!5<0'7)&6*(/*?$!/7!$$08/7*/(30-*$*&6!/%07)&5&;3-!/!705<*/'05.!7*0/|)&5&*/!'7&55&'&55&%70!6^7)& 0/60-*%!7&%*/!/$*!-7!7&.&/76_} Management’s Responsibility for the Consolidated Financial Statements )& 0-%*/(0.3!/<a60!5%0'*5&$7056*65&630/6*#-&'057)&35&3!5!7*0/0'7)&6&0/60-*%!7&%*/!/$*!-7!7&.&/76 */ 7&5.6 0' 7)& 5&48*5&.&/76 0' 7)& 0.3!/*&6 ¨$7S |)&5&*/!'7&5 5&'&55&% 70 !6 ^7)& ¨$7_} 7)!7 (*9& ! 758& !/% '!*5 9*&: 0' 7)& $0/60-*%!7&% ?/!/$*!- 306*7*0/S $0/60-*%!7&% ?/!/$*!- 3&5'05.!/$& !/% $0/60-*%!7&% $!6) @0:6 0' 7)& 5083 */$-8%*/( *76 !660$*!7& !/% +0*/7-< $0/750--&% &/7*7< */ !$$05%!/$& :*7) 7)& !$$08/7*/( 35*/$*3-&6 (&/&5!--< !$$&37&%*//%*!S*/$-8%*/(7)&¨$$08/7*/(7!/%!5%6S63&$*?&%8/%&5&$7*0/0'7)&¨$7S5&!%:*7)8-&0'7)& 0.3!/*&6|¨$$08/76}8-&6SR)&5&63&$7*9&0!5%0'*5&$70560'7)&0.3!/*&6*/$-8%&%*/7)&5083!/%0' *76!660$*!7&!/%+0*/7-<$0/750--&%&/7*7<!5&5&630/6*#-&'05.!*/7&/!/$&0'!%&48!7&!$$08/7*/(5&$05%6*/!$$05%!/$& with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding the assets of the Group and for preventing and detecting frauds and other *55&(8-!5*7*&6V7)&6&-&$7*0/!/%!33-*$!7*0/0'!335035*!7&!$$08/7*/(30-*$*&6V.!,*/(+8%(&.&/76!/%&67*.!7&67)!7 !5&5&!60/!#-&!/%358%&/7V!/%7)&%&6*(/S*.3-&.&/7!7*0/!/%.!*/7&/!/$&0'!%&48!7&*/7&5/!-?/!/$*!-$0/750-6S that were operating effectively for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, relevant to 7)&35&3!5!7*0/!/%35&6&/7!7*0/0'7)&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/767)!7(*9&!758&!/%'!*59*&:!/%!5&'5&&'50..!7&5*!- misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, which have been used for the purpose of preparation of the Consolidated */!/$*!-7!7&.&/76#<7)&*5&$70560'7)& 0-%*/(0.3!/<S!6!'05&6!*%R Auditor’s Responsibility 85 5&630/6*#*-*7< *6 70 &;35&66 !/ 03*/*0/ 0/ 7)&6& 0/60-*%!7&% */!/$*!- 7!7&.&/76 #!6&% 0/ 085 !8%*7R )*-& conducting the audit, we have taken into account the provisions of the Act, the accounting and auditing standards !/%.!77&56:)*$)!5&5&48*5&%70#&*/$-8%&%*/7)&!8%*75&30578/%&57)&3509*6*0/60'7)&¨$7!/%7)&8-&6.!%& thereunder. & $0/%8$7&% 085 !8%*7 */ !$$05%!/$& :*7) 7)& 7!/%!5%6 0/ ¨8%*7*/( 63&$*?&% 8/%&5 &$7*0/ |} 0' 7)& ¨$7R )06&67!/%!5%65&48*5&7)!7:&$0.3-<:*7)&7)*$!-5&48*5&.&/76!/%3-!/!/%3&5'05.7)&!8%*7700#7!*/5&!60/!#-& assurance about whether the Consolidated Financial Statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and the disclosures in the 0/60-*%!7&% */!/$*!- 7!7&.&/76R )& 350$&%85&6 6&-&$7&% %&3&/% 0/ 7)& !8%*705a6 +8%(&.&/7S */$-8%*/( 7)& assessment of the risk of material misstatement of the Consolidated Financial Statements, whether due to '5!8% 05 &5505R / .!,*/( 7)06& 5*6, !66&66.&/76S 7)& !8%*705 $0/6*%&56 */7&5/!- ?/!/$*!- $0/750- 5&-&9!/7 70 7)& 0-%*/( 0.3!/<a6 35&3!5!7*0/ 0' 7)& 0/60-*%!7&% */!/$*!- 7!7&.&/76 7)!7 (*9& ! 758& !/% '!*5 9*&: */ 05%&5 70 %&6*(/ !8%*7 350$&%85&6 7)!7 !5& !335035*!7& */ 7)& $*5$8.67!/$&6 #87 /07 '05 7)& 385306& 0' &;35&66*/( !/ 03*/*0/ 0/:)&7)&57)& 0-%*/(0.3!/<)!6!/!%&48!7&*/7&5/!-?/!/$*!-$0/750-66<67&.09&5?/!/$*!-5&3057*/(*/3-!$& and the operating effectiveness of such controls. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of the !$$08/7*/( 30-*$*&6 86&% !/% 7)& 5&!60/!#-&/&66 0' 7)& !$$08/7*/( &67*.!7&6 .!%& #< 7)& 0-%*/( 0.3!/<a6 Board of Directors, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the Consolidated Financial Statements. &#&-*&9&7)!77)&!8%*7&9*%&/$&0#7!*/&%#<86!/%7)&!8%*7&9*%&/$&0#7!*/&%#<7)&07)&5!8%*7056*/7&5.60'7)&*5 5&305765&'&55&%70*/68#N3!5!(5!3)|!}0'7)&07)&5.!77&563!5!(5!3)#&-0:S*668'?$*&/7!/%!335035*!7&703509*%&! basis for our audit opinion on the Consolidated Financial Statements. Opinion /08503*/*0/!/%707)&#&670'085*/'05.!7*0/!/%!$$05%*/(707)&&;3-!/!7*0/6(*9&/7086S7)&!'05&6!*%0/60-*%!7&% */!/$*!-7!7&.&/76(*9&7)&*/'05.!7*0/5&48*5&%#<7)&¨$7*/7)&.!//&5605&48*5&%!/%(*9&!758&!/%'!*59*&:*/ conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India, of the consolidated state of affairs of the Group, 164 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 165 *76!660$*!7&!/%+0*/7-<$0/750--&%&/7*7<!6!7!5$)SS!/%7)&*5$0/60-*%!7&%350?7!/%7)&*5$0/60-*%!7&%$!6) @0:6'057)&<&!5&/%&%0/7)!7%!7&R Other Matters & %*% /07 !8%*7 7)& ?/!/$*!- 67!7&.&/76 0' 68#6*%*!5*&6S :)06& ?/!/$*!- 67!7&.&/76 5&@&$7 707!- !66&76 0' SR *--*0/ !6 !7 !5$) S S 707!- 5&9&/8&6 0' SR *--*0/ !/% /&7 $!6) @0:6 !.08/7*/( 70 SR *--*0/ '05 7)& <&!5 &/%&% 0/ 7)!7 %!7&S !6 $0/6*%&5&% */ 7)& 0/60-*%!7&% */!/$*!- 7!7&.&/76R )& 0/60-*%!7&% */!/$*!- 7!7&.&/76 !-60 */$-8%& 7)& 5083a6 6)!5& 0' /&7 350?7 0' Nil for the year ended March S S !6 $0/6*%&5&% */ 7)& 0/60-*%!7&% */!/$*!- 7!7&.&/76S */ 5&63&$7 0' 0/& !660$*!7&S :)06& ?/!/$*!- 67!7&.&/76 )!9& /07 #&&/ !8%*7&% #< 86R )&6& ?/!/$*!- 67!7&.&/76 )!9& #&&/ !8%*7&% #< 07)&5 !8%*7056 :)06& reports have been furnished to us by the Management and our opinion on the Consolidated Financial Statements, in so far as it relates to the amounts and disclosures included in respect of these subsidiaries and associate, and our 5&3057*/7&5.60'68#N6&$7*0/6|}!/%|}0'&$7*0/0'7)&¨$7S*/60'!5!6*75&-!7&6707)&!'05&6!*%68#6*%*!5*&6 and associate is based solely on the reports of the other auditors. ***})&5&)!6#&&//0%&-!<*/75!/6'&55*/(!.08/76S5&48*5&%70#&75!/6'&55&%S707)&/9&6705%8$!7*0/!/% 507&$7*0/8/%#<7)& 0-%*/(0.3!/<07)&57)!/ R*--*0/|5&9*086&!5 R*--*0/}:)*$))!6 /07 #&&/ 75!/6'&55&% !6 3&5 7)& 05%&56{*/6758$7*0/6 0' 7)& 3&$*!- 0857 |5*!- 0' ''&/$&6 5&-!7*/( 70 5!/6!$7*0/6*/&$85*7*&6}S8.#!*R)& 0-%*/(0.3!/<%0&6/07)!9&!/<68#6*%*!5<$0.3!/*&6S!660$*!7&6!/% +0*/7-<$0/750--&%&/7*7*&6*/$05305!7&%*//%*!R For Deloitte Haskins & Sells Chartered Accountants |*5.6c&(*675!7*0/0R} sd/- )& 5&68-76 0' 68#6*%*!5*&6 #!6&% */ *.#!#:& )!9& /07 #&&/ $0/60-*%!7&% */ !$$05%!/$& :*7) 3!5!(5!3) 0' 7)& ¨$$08/7*/(7!/%!5%|0/60-*%!7&%*/!/$*!-7!7&.&/76}!663&$*?&%8/%&5&$7*0/0'7)&¨$7S5&!%:*7)8-& 0'7)&0.3!/*&6|¨$$08/76}8-&6SR M.K. Ananthanarayanan 8503*/*0/0/7)&0/60-*%!7&%*/!/$*!-7!7&.&/76S!/%0855&30570/07)&5-&(!-!/%5&(8-!705<5&48*5&.&/76#&-0:S *6/07.0%*?&%*/5&63&$70'7)&!#09&.!77&56:*7)5&63&$7700855&-*!/$&0/7)&:05,%0/&!/%7)&5&305760'7)&07)&5 auditors. |&.#&56)*30R} Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements R ¨65&48*5&%#<7)&0.3!/*&6|¨8%*705a6&3057}5%&5S|^7)&5%&5_}S*668&%#<7)&&/75!-09&5/.&/70' /%*!*/7&5.60'68#N6&$7*0/|}0'&$7*0/0'7)&¨$7S#!6&%0/7)&$0..&/76*/7)&!8%*705a65&30570'7)& 0-%*/(0.3!/<S:&(*9&*/7)&¨//&;85&!67!7&.&/70/7)&.!77&5663&$*?&%*/3!5!(5!3)6!/%0'7)&5%&5S 70 7)& &;7&/7 !33-*$!#-&R )& 0-%*/( 0.3!/< %0&6 /07 )!9& !/< 68#6*%*!5< $0.3!/*&6S !660$*!7&6 !/% +0*/7-< controlled entities incorporated in India. 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Ananthanarayanan Partner |&.#&56)*30R} Place of Signature: Gurgaon !7&U!<S 168 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 169 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT & LOSS FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2015 AS AT MARCH 31, 2015 Notes A. EQUITY & LIABILITIES: 1 Shareholders' Funds: |!})!5&!3*7!- |#}&6&59&6!/%853-86 |$}0/&<&$&*9&%¨(!*/67)!5&!55!/76 2 Non-Current Liabilities: |!}0/(N7&5.0550:*/(6 |#}&'&55&%!;*!#*-*7*&6|&7} |$}7)&50/(&5.*!#*-*7*&6 |%}0/(N7&5.509*6*0/6 3 Current Liabilities: |!})057N7&5.0550:*/(6 |#}5!%&!<!#-&6 |$}7)&5855&/7*!#*-*7*&6 |%})057N7&5.509*6*0/6 |#}00%:*--0/0/60-*%!7*0/ |$}0/N855&/7/9&67.&/76 |%}&'&55&%!;¨66&76|&7} |&}0/(N7&5.0!/6 ¨%9!/$&6 |'}7)&50/N855&/7¨66&76 2 Current Assets: |!}855&/7/9&67.&/76 |#}/9&/705*&6 |$}5!%&&$&*9!#-&6 |%}!6) !6)48*9!-&/76 |&})057&5.0!/6 ¨%9!/$&6 |'}7)&5855&/7¨66&76 TOTAL 509.09 49,913.88 - 50,422.97 R SR R SR |!} 3,339.39 5,208.95 72.68 1,259.77 9,880.79 SR SR R SR SR 4,666.36 8,640.17 6,624.66 5,915.89 SR SR SR SR &66U;$*6&87< Net Sales &!5/%&% !5$)S Million 137,247.03 SR 9,990.04 SR 127,256.99 SR 7)&53&5!7*/(/$0.& 595.49 SR 2 Other Income 537.99 R 3 Total Revenue (1 + 2) 128,390.47 SR 4 Expenses |!}0670'!7&5*!-60/68.&% 63,884.39 SR |#}85$)!6&0'70$,N*/N5!%& 5,869.17 SR |$})!/(&6*//9&/705*&60'*/*6)&%00%6S 05,N*/N50(5&66 70$,N*/N5!%& 874.65 |R} SR |%}.3-0<&&&/&?76;3&/6& 16,070.38 SR 86,150.84 SR |&}*/!/$&0676 1,827.90 SR |'}&35&$*!7*0/ ¨.057*=!7*0/;3&/6& 41,588.47 1,096.33 2,182.06 44,866.86 SR R R SR |!} 1,165.13 470.27 296.95 1,907.37 360.18 49,066.76 SR R R SR R SR 1,000.00 17,782.06 9,589.43 5,945.90 2,390.73 375.96 SR SR SR SR R 37,084.08 SR 86,150.84 SR Year Ended March 31, 2015 Million 25,847.08 &&!$$0.3!/<*/(/07&6'05.*/(3!570'7)&$0/60-*%!7&%?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76 In terms of our report attached For DELOITTE HASKINS & SELLS ¨¨¨ ¨¨¨ )!57&5&%¨$$08/7!/76 )!*5.!/ *$&)!*5.!/ Managing Director Managing Director M K ANANTHANARAYANAN Partner ¨¨¨ 85(!0/ )*&'*/!/$*!-'?$&5 !<S 170 | APOLLO TYRES LTD Notes As at !5$)S Million 1 Revenue from Operations Gross Sales TOTAL B. ASSETS 1 Non-Current Assets: |!}*;&%¨66&76 |*}!/(*#-&¨66&76 |**}/7!/(*#-&¨66&76 |***}!3*7!-05,N*/N50(5&66 As at March 31, 2015 Million |(}7)&5;3&/6&6 3,882.88 SR 21,847.93 SR Total Expenses 114,257.30 14,133.17 3UR¿WEHIRUH([FHSWLRQDO,WHPV7D[ 6 Exceptional Items ¨ ¨¨ 0.3!/<&$5&7!5< SR 824.90 R 13,308.27 3UR¿WEHIRUH7D[ SR 8 Tax Expense |!}855&/7!;;3&/6& |#}&'&55&%!;;3&/6& 3,534.99 SR (2.81) R Total Tax Expense 3,532.18 SR 3UR¿WIRUWKH\HDU 9,776.09 SR |!}!6*$ 19.25 R |#}*-87&% 19.23 R 10 Earnings per Share of 1 each: &&!$$0.3!/<*/(/07&6'05.*/(3!570'7)&$0/60-*%!7&%?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76 ¨¨¨ *5&$705 SR In terms of our report attached For DELOITTE HASKINS & SELLS )!57&5&%¨$$08/7!/76 M K ANANTHANARAYANAN Partner 85(!0/ !<S ¨¨¨ )!*5.!/ Managing Director ¨¨¨ *$&)!*5.!/ Managing Director ¨¨¨ *5&$705 ¨¨¨ )*&'*/!/$*!-'?$&5 ¨ ¨¨ 0.3!/<&$5&7!5< ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 171 CONSOLIDATED CASH - FLOW STATEMENT A. NOTES FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2015 Year Ended March 31, 2015 Million A CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES L3UR¿WEHIRUHWD[ ¨%%U¨%+867.&/76'05U &35&$*!7*0/!/%¨.057*=!7*0/;3&/6&6 0660/!-&0'!/(*#-&*;&%¨66&76|&7} |50?7}0/!-&0'/9&67.&/76 ;$&37*0/!-7&. *9*%&/%'50.5!%& 0/5!%&/9&67.&/76 509*6*0/'0508#7'8-5!%&&$&*9!#-&6{¨%9!/$&6:5*77&/#!$, 509*6*0/'050/6758$7*9&*!#*-*7< 509*6*0/'050.3&/6!7&%¨#6&/$&6 509*6*0/'05/9&/705< 509*6*0/'05&67*.!7&%-0660/%&5*9!7*9&6 509*6*0/'050/7*/(&/$*&6 7)&5509*6*0/ /$-!*.&%5&%*7!-!/$&6{509*6*0/6:5*77&/#!$, */!/$&067|&70'/7&5&67!3*7!-*=&%} /7&5&67/$0.& /5&!-*=&%066{|!*/}0/05&*(/;$)!/(&-8$78!7*0/ 067&7*5&.&/7&%*$!-#-*(!7*0/ LL2SHUDWLQJ3UR¿W%HIRUH:RUNLQJ&DSLWDO&KDQJHV )!/(&6*/05,*/(!3*7!- ¨%+867.&/76'05|*/$5&!6&}{%&$5&!6&*/03&5!7*/(!66&76U /9&/705*&6 5!%&&$&*9!#-&6 )057N&5.0!/6!/%¨%9!/$&6 7)&50/N855&/7¨66&76 7)&5855&/7¨66&76 0/(N&5.0!/6!/%¨%9!/$&6 ¨%+867.&/76'05*/$5&!6&{|%&$5&!6&}*/03&5!7*/(-*!#*-*7*&6U 5!%&!<!#-&6 7)&5855&/7*!#*-*7*&6 7)&50/(N&5.*!#*-*7*&6 509*6*0/6 )057N&5.509*6*0/6 (iii) Cash Generated from Operations &66U*5&$7!;&6!*%|&70'&'8/%} &66U;$&37*0/!-7&. Net Cash Flow From Operating Activities (A) B CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES 85$)!6&0'*;&%¨66&76|/$-8%*/(85$)!6&0'/9&67.&/7503&57<!/%/7&5&67!3*7!-*=&%} 50$&&%6'50.!-&0'*;&%¨66&76 &306*760/48*3.&/76 |85$)!6&}{!-&0'/9&67.&/76 0/(&5.*;&%&5.&306*76*7)!/,6!,&/{!785&% *9*%&/%&$&*9&%'50.5!%&!/%0/5!%&/9&67.&/76 !<.&/7'055!%&.!5,6 /7&5&67&$&*9&% Net Cash Used in Investing Activities (B) C CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES 50$&&%6'50.*668&0')!5&!3*7!-*/$-8%*/()!5&5&.*8. 0/(N&5.0550:*/(65&$&*9&% &3!<.&/70'0/(N&5.0550:*/(6 !3*7!-8#6*%<5&$&*9&% 8#6*%<5&$&*9&% !/,9&5%5!'7{)057N&5.0550:*/(6|/&70'5&3!<.&/76} !<.&/70'*9*%&/%6|/$-8%*/(*9*%&/%!;} */!/$&)!5(&6!*%|&70'/7&5&67!3*7!-*=&%} Net Cash Used In Financing Activities (C) Forex Fluctuation difference arising out of Consolidation (D) Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents (A+B+C+D) !6) !6)48*9!-&/76!6!77)&#&(*//*/(0'7)&<&!5 &66U!/,&306*76:*7)5*(*/!-!785*7<09&5)5&&0/7)6 Less: Unpaid Dividends Bank Accounts SR R N R |R} R R R N R N N |R} SR |R} R R SR R R |R} R |R} |SR} |SR} R R |SR} R N |R} R R |R} R R R |SR} R R SR |R} |SR} 0660/&*/67!7&.&/70'05&*(/855&/$<!6) !6)48*9!-&/76|&7} Adjusted Cash & Cash Equivalents as at the beginning of the year !6) !6)48*9!-&/76!6!77)&&/%0'7)&<&!5 &66U!/,&306*76:*7)5*(*/!-!785*7<09&5)5&&0/7)6 Less: Unpaid Dividends Bank Accounts 0660/&*/67!7&.&/70'05&*(/855&/$<!6) !6)48*9!-&/76|&7} Adjusted Cash & Cash Equivalents as at the end of the year In terms of our report attached For DELOITTE HASKINS & SELLS )!57&5&%¨$$08/7!/76 M K ANANTHANARAYANAN Partner 85(!0/ !<S 172 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ¨¨¨ )!*5.!/ Managing Director ¨¨¨ )*&'*/!/$*!-'?$&5 &!5/%&% !5$)S Million 13,308.27 6,577.36 19,885.63 2,867.07 (5,152.65) 17,600.05 (2,954.16) (629.96) 14,015.93 SR R |SR} N |R} N N R R R R R |R} SR |R} |R} |R} |R} R |R} N |R} |R} SR R R R (7,396.45) |SR} R R SR R R |R} R |SR} (6,835.86) (359.28) (575.66) 6,540.50 59.88 32.45 6,448.17 10.10 6,438.07 5,945.90 41.01 35.91 5,868.98 6.57 5,862.41 N R |SR} N N |SR} |R} |SR} |SR} R SR SR R R SR R SR SR R R SR R SR ¨¨¨ *$&)!*5.!/ Managing Director 1. GROUP CORPORATE INFORMATION )& ¨30--0 <5&6 5083 $0/6*676 0' ¨30--0 <5&6 *.*7&%S 7)& 8-7*.!7& )0-%*/( $0.3!/< :*7) 6&9&5!- '05&*(/ 68#6*%*!5*&6R67!#-*6)&%*/S7)&5083*6*/7)&#86*/&660'.!/8'!$785&!/%6!-&0'7<5&6R)&5083)!6*76 )&!%48!57&56*/85(!0/S/%*!!/%03&5!7*0/6*/$0/7*/&/76R)&5083&.3-0<6!3350;*.!7&-<S&.3-0<&&6 #!6&%!$5066/%*!S087)¨'5*$!!/%8503&R/%*!$0/67*787&67)&-!5(&67.!5,&7!$$08/7*/('050'7)&5083`6 5&9&/8&6S'0--0:&%#<8503&:*7)!/%087)¨'5*$!:*7)R )&350%8$73057'0-*00'7)&5083$0/6*6760'3!66&/(&5$!5S63057687*-*7<9&)*$-&S.8-7*87*-*7<9&)*$-&S-*()7758$,S 758$,O#86S!(5*$8-785&S*/%8675*!-S63&$*!-7<S#*$<$-&!/%0'')*():!<7<5&6S5&75&!%*/(.!7&5*!-!/%7<5&6S!/%!--0< wheels. 2. BASIS OF CONSOLIDATION AND SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES SR 2.1 BASIS OF ACCOUNTING AND PREPARATION OF CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS )&$0/60-*%!7&%?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/760'7)&0.3!/<!/%*7668#6*%*!5*&6!/%+0*/7-<$0/750--&%&/7*7*&6|70(&7)&5 7)&c5083c})!9&#&&/35&3!5&%*/!$$05%!/$&:*7)7)&&/&5!--<¨$$&37&%¨$$08/7*/(5*/$*3-&6*//%*!|/%*!/ ¨¨} 70 $0.3-< :*7) 7)& ¨$$08/7*/( 7!/%!5%6 63&$*?&% 8/%&5 &$7*0/ 0' 7)& 0.3!/*&6 ¨$7S S 5&!% :*7)8-&0'7)&0.3!/*&6|¨$$08/76}8-&6S!/%7)&5&-&9!/73509*6*0/60'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7S|b7)& ¨$7b} { 0.3!/*&6 ¨$7S |b7)& ¨$7b}S !6 !33-*$!#-&R )& $0/60-*%!7&% ?/!/$*!- 67!7&.&/76 )!9& #&&/35&3!5&%0/!$$58!-#!6*68/%&57)&)*6705*$!-$067$0/9&/7*0/:*7)7)&&;$&37*0/0'$&57!*/?;&%!66&76S7)!7 !5&$!55*&%!75&9!-8&%!.08/76R)&!$$08/7*/(30-*$*&6!%037&%*/7)&35&3!5!7*0/0'7)&$0/60-*%!7&%?/!/$*!- statements are consistent with those followed in the previous year. SR SR |SR} 2.2 PRINCIPLES OF CONSOLIDATION SR SR |SR} SR )&$0/60-*%!7&%?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/765&-!7&70¨30--0<5&67%|7)&c0.3!/<c}S*7668#6*%*!5<$0.3!/*&6S+0*/7-< $0/750--&%&/7*7*&6!/%7)&5083c66)!5&0'350?7{-066*/*76!660$*!7&6R)&$0/60-*%!7&%?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76)!9& been prepared on the following basis: |*} )& ?/!/$*!- 67!7&.&/76 0' 7)& 68#6*%*!5< $0.3!/*&6S +0*/7-< $0/750--&% &/7*7*&6 !/% !660$*!7&6 86&% */ 7)& $0/60-*%!7*0/!5&%5!:/83707)&6!.&5&3057*/(%!7&!67)!70'7)&0.3!/<*R&RS!5$)SR |**} )&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/760'7)&0.3!/<!/%*7668#6*%*!5<$0.3!/*&6)!9&#&&/$0.#*/&%0/!-*/&N#<N-*/&#!6*6 #< !%%*/( 70(&7)&5 -*,& *7&.6 0' !66&76S -*!#*-*7*&6S */$0.& !/% &;3&/6&6S !'7&5 &-*.*/!7*/( */75!N(5083 #!-!/$&6S */75!N(508375!/6!$7*0/6!/%5&68-7*/(8/5&!-*6&%350?7605-066&6S8/-&66$067$!//07#&5&$09&5&%R ¨¨¨ *5&$705 ¨ ¨¨ 0.3!/<&$5&7!5< |***} )!5&0'350?7{-066S!66&76!/%-*!#*-*7*&6*/7)&+0*/7-<$0/750--&%&/7*7*&6S:)*$)!5&/0768#6*%*!5*&6S)!9&#&&/ consolidated on a line-by-line basis by adding together the book values of like items of assets, liabilities, incomes and &;3&/6&60/!3503057*0/!7&#!6*6707)&&;7&/70'7)&5083c6&48*7<*/7&5&67*/68$)&/7*7<!63&5¨*/!/$*!- &3057*/(0'/7&5&676*/0*/7&/785&6R)&*/75!N(5083#!-!/$&6S*/75!N(508375!/6!$7*0/6!/%8/5&!-*6&%350?76 05-066&6)!9&#&&/&-*.*/!7&%707)&&;7&/70'7)&5083c66)!5&*/7)&&/7*7<R0*/7-<$0/750--&%&/7*7*&67)!7!5& $0/6*%&5&% 68#6*%*!5*&6 8/%&5 ¨ 0/60-*%!7&% */!/$*!- 7!7&.&/76 !5& $0/60-*%!7&% 6*.*-!5 70 7)& .!//&5 0' $0/60-*%!7*/( 68#6*%*!5*&6 |&'&5 |**} !#09&} !/% 7)& 6)!5& 0' */7&5&67 0' 7)& 07)&5 9&/785&56 */ 68$) &/7*7*&6 *6 included as part of minority interest. |*9} )&&;$&660'$067707)&50830'*76*/9&67.&/76*/7)&68#6*%*!5<$0.3!/*&6{+0*/7-<$0/750--&%&/7*7*&609&5*76 6)!5&0'&48*7<0'7)&68#6*%*!5<$0.3!/*&6{+0*/7-<$0/750--&%&/7*7*&6S!77)&%!7&60/:)*$)7)&*/9&67.&/76*/ 7)&68#6*%*!5<$0.3!/*&6{+0*/7-<$0/750--&%&/7*7*&6:&5&.!%&S*65&$0(/*6&%!6c00%:*--c#&*/(!/!66&7*/7)& $0/60-*%!7&%?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76!/%*67&67&%'05*.3!*5.&/70/!//8!-#!6*6R |9} */05*7</7&5&67*/7)&/&7!66&760'7)&$0/60-*%!7&%68#6*%*!5*&6$0/6*670'7)&!.08/70'&48*7<!775*#87!#-&70 the minority shareholders at the date on which investments in the subsidiary companies were made and further .09&.&/76*/7)&*56)!5&*/7)&&48*7<S68#6&48&/7707)&%!7&60'*/9&67.&/76R&7350?7{-066'057)&<&!50'7)& 68#6*%*!5*&6!775*#87!#-&70.*/05*7<*/7&5&67*6*%&/7*?&%!/%!%+867&%!(!*/677)&350?7!'7&57!;0'7)&5083*/ order to arrive at the income attributable to shareholders of the Company. |9*} 00%:*--!5*6*/(0/$0/60-*%!7*0/*6/07!.057*6&%#877&67&%'05*.3!*5.&/7R |9**} / 5&63&$7 0' 7)& '05&*(/ 03&5!7*0/6S 7)& !8%*7&% ?/!/$*!- 67!7&.&/76 '05 7)& <&!5 &/%&% !5$) S :&5& $0/9&57&% */70 /%*!/ $855&/$< !6 3&5 !$$08/7*/( 67!/%!5% |¨ } ^)& &''&$7 0' $)!/(&6 */ 05&*(/ ;$)!/(& !7&6_R ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 173 |9***} )&$0/60-*%!7&%?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76)!9&#&&/35&3!5&%86*/(8/*'05.!$$08/7*/(30-*$*&6'05-*,&75!/6!$7*0/6!/% 07)&5&9&/76*/6*.*-!5$*5$8.67!/$&6:*7)$&57!*/&;$&37*0/6!65&'&55&%*/!5!RR ¨30--05&%&67&*/*5&6/$R Subsidiary USA ¨ ¨30--05&%&67&*/'7 Subsidiary 8/(!5< ¨ |*;} 0--0:*/(68#6*%*!5<$0.3!/*&6S!660$*!7&6!/%+0*/7-<$0/750--&%&/7*7*&6)!9&#&&/$0/6*%&5&%*/7)&35&3!5!7*0/0' 7)&$0/60-*%!7&%?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76U RR5&%&6&7*/RR5- Subsidiary Romania Apollo 5&%&67&*/ Kft ¨30--05&%&67&*/30/< 0-6,!3R0R0R Subsidiary Poland ¨ 5&%&67&*/0/68-7*/(RR Subsidiary Netherlands ¨ */-0RR Subsidiary Netherlands ¨ 5&%&67&*/!5,&7*/(RR Subsidiary Netherlands ¨ PanAridus LLC 0*/7&/785& USA ¨ R R Name of the Company Relationship Country of Incorporation Ownership Held By % of Holding and voting power either directly or indirectly through subsidiary as at 31.03.2015 ¨30--0|!85*7*86} 0-%*/(697 Subsidiary 7%|¨ } Mauritius Apollo <5&67% 5HPDUNV« 31.03.2014 ¨30--0<5&6|5&&/?&-%}0R Operatief U.A. Subsidiary Netherlands Apollo <5&67% NIL ¨30--0|087)¨'5*$!} 0-%*/(6 |7<}7%|¨ } Subsidiary South Africa ¨ ¨30--0<5&6¨'5*$!|7<}7% Subsidiary South Africa ¨ 07&|$} 07&|%} 07&|!} Notes: |!}/$05305!7&%%85*/(7)&<&!5R |#}¨6!3!570'(50835&6758$785*/(&;&5$*6&S&/7*5&6)!5&$!3*7!-0'¨¨)!6#&&/75!/6'&55&%#<¨70¨30--0 003S&/7*5&6)!5&$!3*7!-0'¨!/%¨ )!9&#&&/75!/6'&55&%#<¨ 70¨30--0003!/%&/7*5&6)!5& $!3*7!-0'¨ '7)!6#&&/75!/6'&55&%#<¨30--000370¨R ¨ 0-%*/(6*.*7&% Subsidiary United Kingdom ¨ NIL ¨30--0<5&6|<3586}977% |¨} Subsidiary Cyprus ¨ ¨30--0<5&6¨|¨¨} Subsidiary :*7=&5-!/% Apollo Coop 07&|#} |%}0-%0''%85*/(7)&<&!5 ¨30--0<5&6 0-%*/(6 |*/(!305&}7&7%|¨ } Subsidiary Singapore Apollo Coop 07&|#} |&}*/%*/(83$0.3-&7&%%85*/(7)&<&!5R ¨30--0<5&6|¨}0R7% Subsidiary Lao, PDR ¨ NIL 07&|&} ¨30--0<5&6|*%%-&!67}=& |¨} Subsidiary Dubai Apollo Coop 07&|#} ¨30--0<5&60N03&5!7*&'R¨R |¨30--0003} Subsidiary Netherlands ¨ ¨30--0<5&6|5!6*-}7%! Subsidiary 5!=*- Apollo Coop ¨30--0<5&6-0#!- RR Subsidiary Netherlands Apollo Coop )!*-!/% Apollo Coop |$}!.&$)!/(&%'50.¨30--085#!/|7<}7%70¨30--0<5&6¨'5*$!|7<}7%R |;} 0--0:*/(68#6*%*!5<$0.3!/*&6!/%!660$*!7&6#!6&%*/*.#!#:&)!9&/07#&&/$0/60-*%!7&%{!$$08/7&%8/%&5 7)& &48*7< .&7)0% #87 )!9& #&&/ !$$08/7&% '05 !6 */9&67.&/76 8/%&5 ¨ ¨$$08/7*/( '05 /9&67.&/76 */ 7)& 0/60-*%!7&% */!/$*!- 7!7&.&/76 */ 9*&: 0' 7)& $855&/7 30-*7*$!- 6*78!7*0/ */ *.#!#:& 7)!7 6*(/*?$!/7-< %*.*/*6)&6$0/750-!/%*.306&6-0/(7&5.5&675*$7*0/0/?/!/$*!-5&3!75*!7*0/R Name of the Company ¨30--0<5&6|)!*-!/%}*.*7&% Subsidiary Subsidiary Netherlands Apollo Coop ¨30--0<5&6| 8/(!5<}'7R |¨ '7} Subsidiary 8/(!5< ¨ NIL 07&|#} 07&|&} ¨30--0¨$48*6*7*0/053R Subsidiary USA ¨ NIL Subsidiary United Kingdom Apollo Coop ¨30--0<5&65039&67|} Pvt Ltd Subsidiary United Kingdom ¨ NIL ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR|¨} Subsidiary Netherlands ¨ ¨30--05&%&67&*/.# Subsidiary Germany ¨ 5&%&67&*/!5,&7*/(RR Co. KG Subsidiary Germany Apollo 5&%&67&*/ .# Relationship Country of Incorporation Ownership Held By % of Holding and voting power either directly or indirectly through subsidiary as at 31.03.2015 ¨30--0<5&6RR|¨} ¨30--0<5&6|}977% |¨} 07&|!} 5HPDUNV« 31.03.2014 Radun Investments |5*9!7&}7%|¨} Subsidiary *.#!#:& ¨ 0-%*/(6 Limited NIL 07&|!} ¨30--0<5&6 |*.#!#:&}|5*9!7&} Limited Subsidiary *.#!#:& ¨ 0-%*/(6 Limited NIL 07&|!} 07& |#} ¨*/*/(|97}7% *.#!#:& Subsidiary *.#!#:& ¨30--0<5&6 |*.#!#:&} |5*9!7&} Limited NIL 07&|!} 07& |#} !7*0/!-<5&&59*$&6 Ltd Associate *.#!#:& ¨ 0-%*/(6 Limited NIL R 07&|!} 07& |#} 5&6685*7&|7<}7% Associate R R 07&|$} 5&%&67&*/05%*$¨RR Subsidiary |!5-*&5,/0:/!65&%&67&*/ &$,¨RR} Sweden ¨ 5&%&67&*/05(&¨RR Subsidiary Norway ¨ ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR*.*7&% Subsidiary United Kingdom ¨ ¨30--05&%&67&*/¨ Subsidiary France ¨ ¨30--05&%&67&*/&-8; Subsidiary Belgium ¨ |!}0-%0''%85*/(7)&<&!5R Austria ¨ |#})&$0670'*/9&67.&/7:!6'8--<*.3!*5&%*/7)&35*05<&!56R :*7=&5-!/% ¨ |$})&*/9&67.&/7*/5&6685*7&S!/!660$*!7&0'¨ S)!6#&&/'8--<*.3!*5&%*/7)&35*05<&!56!/%7)&(5083%*6$0/7*/8&% 5&$0(/*=*/( '857)&5 -066&6 */ !$$05%!/$& :*7) !5! 0' ¨$$08/7*/( 7!/%!5% O ^¨$$08/7*/( '05 /9&67.&/76 */ ¨660$*!7&6*/0/60-*%!7&%*/!/$*!-7!7&.&/76_R857)&5S7)&(5083%0&6/07)!9&!/<'857)&50#-*(!7*0/6706!7*6'<:*7) regard to this associate. ¨30--05&%&67&*/&6&--6$)!'7 Subsidiary .R#R R ¨30--05&%&67&*/$):&*=¨ Subsidiary ¨30--05&%&67&*/5- Subsidiary Italy ¨ Subsidiary Spain ¨ ¨30--05&%&67&*/#&5*$!¨ 174 | APOLLO TYRES LTD South Africa ¨30--0|087) ¨'5*$!} 0-%*/(6 |7<}7% ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 175 Additional information, as required under Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013 of entities consolidated S.No Name of the Entity Net Assets As a % of Consolidated Net Assets 6KDUHLQ3UR¿WRU/RVV Million As a % of Consolidated 3UR¿WRU/RVV Million Parent Company ¨30--0<5&6*.*7&% R SR R SR - - - - R R |R} |R} |R} |R} |R} |R} Foreign Subsidiaries ¨30--0<5&6|5&&/?&-%}0R3&5!7*&'R¨R ¨30--0|!85*7*86} 0-%*/(6977%|¨ } ¨30--0<5&6|<3586}977%|¨} Intermediate Subsidiary (Refer Note 1 and 2 below) ¨30--0|087)¨'5*$!} 0-%*/(6|7<}7% |¨ } R SR |R} |R} ¨30--0<5&60N03&5!7*&'R¨R|¨30--0003} R SR R SR Joint Venture 7 PanAridus LLC Total ¨30--0<5&65039&67|}977% R |R} ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR|¨} SR SR ¨30--05&%&67&*/.# SR R 5&%&67&*/!5,&7*/(RR 0R |SR} R 5&%&67&*/05%*$¨RR R R ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR*.*7&% R R ¨30--05&%&67&*/¨ R R ¨30--05&%&67&*/&-8; R R ¨30--05&%&67&*/&6&--6$)!'7.R#R R R R ¨30--05&%&67&*/$):&*=¨ R R ¨30--05&%&67&*/5- R |R} ¨30--05&%&67&*/#&5*$!¨ R R ¨30--05&%&67&*/*5&6/$R |R} |R} ¨30--05&%&67&*/'7 R |R} RR5&%&6&7*/RR5- - - ¨30--05&%&67&*/30/<0-6,!3R0R0R R R 5&%&67&*/05(&¨RR |R} R |R} |R} |R} |R} 5&%&67&*/0/68-7*/(RR R R 100.00 50,422.97 100.00 9,776.09 */-0RR |R} - 5&%&67&*/!5,&7*/(RR ¨%%{|&66}U''&$70'*/7&5$0.3!/<!%+867.&/76{&-*.*/!7*0/6 Notes: Million 1. Apollo (South Africa) Holdings (Pty) Ltd (ASHPL) S.No Name of the Entity Net Assets ¨30--0|087)¨'5*$!} 0-%*/(6|7<}7%|¨ } SR R ¨30--0<5&6¨'5*$!|7<}7% SR |R} ¨%%{|&66}U''&$70'*/7&5$0.3!/<!%+867.&/76{&-*.*/!7*0/6 SR R Total 7,054.08 (625.41) Name of the Entity ¨30--0<5&60N03&5!7*&'R¨R|¨30--0003} ¨30--0<5&6| 8/(!5<}'7 27,160.40 3,985.44 Million Net Assets 6KDUHLQ3UR¿WRU/RVV SR |R} |R} |R} ¨30--0<5&6¨|¨¨} R |R} ¨30--0<5&6 0-%*/(6|*/(!305&}7&7%|¨ } R |R} ¨30--0<5&6|*%%-&!67}=&|¨} R R ¨30--0<5&6|)!*-!/%}*.*7&% R R 7 ¨30--0<5&6|5!6*-}7%! R |R} 8 ¨30--0<5&6-0#!- RR R R 9 ¨30--0<5&6RR|¨} |R} |R} ¨30--0<5&6|}977% |R} R 176 | APOLLO TYRES LTD R 6KDUHLQ3UR¿WRU/RVV 2. Apollo Tyres Co-operatief U.A. (Apollo Coop) S.No Total R |SR} ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 177 2.8 REVENUE RECOGNITION 2.3 USE OF ESTIMATES )&35&3!5!7*0/0'?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/765&48*5&67)&.!/!(&.&/770.!,&&67*.!7&6!/%!668.37*0/6$0/6*%&5&% in the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, including the disclosure of contingent liabilities as of the date of the ?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76!/%7)&5&3057&%*/$0.&!/%&;3&/6&6%85*/(7)&5&3057*/(3&5*0%-*,&3509*6*0/'05&.3-0<&& #&/&?76S3509*6*0/'05%08#7'8-%&#76{!%9!/$&6S!--0:!/$&'056-0:!/%/0/N.09*/(*/9&/705*&6S86&'8--*9&60'?;&% !66&76S 3509*6*0/ '05 6!-&6 5&-!7&% 0#-*(!7*0/6 !/% 3509*6*0/ '05 7!;!7*0/ &7$R )& !/!(&.&/7 #&-*&9&6 7)!7 7)& &67*.!7&686&%*/35&3!5!7*0/0'7)&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76!5&358%&/7!/%5&!60/!#-&R8785&5&68-76$08-%%*''&5 due to these estimates and the differences between the actual results and the estimates are recognised in the periods in which the results are known / materialise. 2.4 INVENTORIES &9&/8&*65&$0(/*=&%:)&/7)&6*(/*?$!/75*6,6!/%5&:!5%60'0:/&56)*30'(00%6)!9&#&&/3!66&%707)&#8<&5 :)*$)(&/&5!--<$0*/$*%&6:*7)7)&%&-*9&5<0'(00%6707)&$8670.&5R50666!-&6!5&*/$-86*9&0'&;$*6&%87<!/% !5&/&70'75!%&%*6$08/76{6!-&65&785/6{¨R !-&60'7)&5083*/$-8%&6!-&670&;7&5/!-$8670.&56!/%/0/N$0/60-*%!7&%68#6*%*!5*&6R 2.9 OTHER INCOME Interest income is accounted on accrual basis. Dividend income on investments is accounted for when the right to receive the payment is established. 2.10 TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS /9&/705*&6!5&9!-8&%!77)&-0:&50'$067!/%&67*.!7&%/&75&!-*=!#-&9!-8&|/&70'!--0:!/$&6}!'7&53509*%*/( '050#60-&6$&/$&!/%07)&5-066&6S:)&5&$0/6*%&5&%/&$&66!5<R)&$067$0.35*6&60'$0670'385$)!6&S$0670' $0/9&56*0/!/%07)&5$0676*/$-8%*/(!335035*!7&350%8$7*0/09&5)&!%6*/7)&$!6&0'?/*6)&%(00%6!/%:05,*/ progress, incurred in bringing such inventories to their present location and condition. |!}*;&%!66&76!5&67!7&%!7$067S!6!%+867&%#<5&9!-8!7*0/0'$&57!*/-!/%S#8*-%*/(6S3-!/7!/%.!$)*/&5*&6#!6&% 0/7)&7)&/5&3-!$&.&/7$067!6%&7&5.*/&%#<!33509&%*/%&3&/%&/79!-8&5*/!/%S-&66%&35&$*!7*0/R |#} ¨-- $0676 5&-!7*/( 70 7)& !$48*6*7*0/ !/% */67!--!7*0/ 0' ?;&% !66&76 |/&7 0' &/9!7 {¨ $5&%*76 :)&5&9&5 !33-*$!#-&}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standard of performance. !:.!7&5*!-6S6705&6 63!5&6!/%75!%&%(00%6$067|/&70'¨{¨$5&%*76:)&5&9&5!33-*$!#-&}*6%&7&5.*/&%0/ !.09*/(:&*()7&%!9&5!(&#!6*6!/%*/$!6&0':05,*/350(5&66!/%?/*6)&%(00%6S$067*6%&7&5.*/&%0/!*567*/*567 87#!6*6R/$!6&0'68#6*%*!5*&6*/8503&S7)&$067*6%&7&5.*/&%0/7)&#!6*60'^*567N*/*567N87_!/%$0/68.!#-& 6705&6!5&67!7&%!7!$78!-$067#<5&'&5&/$&70-!7&67385$)!6&6R)&3503057*0/0'!:.!7&5*!-6!/%6705&6 63!5&6 0'68#6*%*!5*&6*/8503&*60'7)&707!-9!-8&0'!:.!7&5*!-6!/%6705&6 63!5&6)&-%#<7)&(5083R 2.5 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS |$}*;&%!66&767!,&/0/?/!/$&-&!6&!5&$!3*7!-*=&%!/%%&35&$*!7*0/*63509*%&%0/68$)!66&76S:)*-&7)&*/7&5&67 *6$)!5(&%707)&0/60-*%!7&%7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%066R !6)$0.35*6&6$!6)0/)!/%!/%%&.!/%%&306*76:*7)#!/,6R!6)&48*9!-&/76!5&6)057N7&5.#!-!/$&6|:*7) !/05*(*/!-.!785*7<0'7)5&&.0/7)605-&66'50.7)&%!7&0'!$48*6*7*0/}S)*()-<-*48*%*/9&67.&/767)!7!5&5&!%*-< $0/9&57*#-&*/70,/0:/!.08/760'$!6)!/%:)*$)!5&68#+&$770*/6*(/*?$!/75*6,0'$)!/(&6*/9!-8&R |%}*;&%!66&765&7*5&%'50.!$7*9&86&!/%)&-%'056!-&!5&67!7&%!77)&-0:&50'7)&*5/&7#00,9!-8&!/%/&7 realisable value and are disclosed separately in the Balance Sheet. 2.6 CASH FLOW STATEMENT !6) @0:6 !5& 5&3057&% 86*/( 7)& */%*5&$7 .&7)0%S :)&5&#< 350?7 { |-066} #&'05& &;75!05%*/!5< *7&.6 !/% 7!; *6 !%+867&% '05 7)& &''&$76 0' 75!/6!$7*0/6 0' /0/N$!6) /!785& !/% !/< %&'&55!-6 05 !$$58!-6 0' 3!67 05 '8785& $!6) 5&$&*376053!<.&/76R)&$!6)@0:6'50.03&5!7*/(S*/9&67*/(!/%?/!/$*/(!$7*9*7*&60'7)&5083!5&6&(5&(!7&% based on the available information. |&} !3*7!- :05,N*/N350(5&66U 50+&$76 8/%&5 :)*$) !66&76 !5& /07 5&!%< '05 7)&*5 */7&/%&% 86& !/% 07)&5 $!3*7!- :05,N*/N350(5&66!5&$!55*&%!7$067S$0.35*6*/(%*5&$7$067S5&-!7&%*/$*%&/7!-&;3&/6&6!/%!775*#87!#-&*/7&5&67R 2.11 FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSACTIONS AND TRANSLATIONS 05&*(/$855&/$<75!/6!$7*0/6!5&5&$05%&%!75!7&60'&;$)!/(&35&9!*-*/(0/7)&%!7&0'75!/6!$7*0/R0/&7!5< assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies as at the balance sheet date are translated at the rate of &;$)!/(&35&9!*-*/(!77)&<&!5N&/%R;$)!/(&%*''&5&/$&6!5*6*/(0/!$78!-3!<.&/76{5&!-*=!7*0/6!/%<&!5N&/% 5&67!7&.&/76!5&%&!-7:*7)*/7)&0/60-*%!7&%7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%066R )&5083&/7&56*/70'05:!5%&;$)!/(&$0/75!$76!/%07)&5*/6758.&/767)!7!5&*/68#67!/$&!'05:!5%&;$)!/(& $0/75!$770)&%(&*765*6,6!660$*!7&%:*7)'05&*(/$855&/$<@8$78!7*0/6R)&35&.*8.05%*6$08/7!5*6*/(!77)& */$&37*0/0'!'05:!5%&;$)!/(&$0/75!$7|07)&57)!/'05!?5.$0..*7.&/705!)*()-<350#!#-&'05&$!67}056*.*-!5 */6758.&/7S :)*$) !5& /07 */7&/%&% '05 75!%*/( 05 63&$8-!7*0/ 385306&6S *6 !.057*=&% !6 &;3&/6& 05 */$0.& 09&5 7)&-*'&0'7)&$0/75!$7R¨/<350?705-066!5*6*/(0/$!/$&--!7*0/055&/&:!-0'68$)!'05:!5%&;$)!/(&$0/75!$7*6 5&$0(/*6&%!6*/$0.&05!6&;3&/6&*/7)&3&5*0%*/:)*$)68$)$!/$&--!7*0/055&/&:!-*6.!%&R;$)!/(&%*''&5&/$& 0/68$)$0/75!$76*65&$0(/*=&%*/7)&0/60-*%!7&%7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%066*/7)&<&!5*/:)*$)7)&&;$)!/(& rates change. ;$)!/(& %*''&5&/$& !5*6*/( 0/ ! .0/&7!5< *7&. 7)!7S */ 68#67!/$&S '05.6 3!57 0' 7)& 5083c6 /&7 */9&67.&/7 */ ! /0/N*/7&(5!- '05&*(/ 03&5!7*0/ )!6 #&&/ !$$8.8-!7&% */ ! '05&*(/ $855&/$< 75!/6-!7*0/ 5&6&59& */ 7)& 5083c6 ?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/768/7*-7)&%*6306!-0'/&7*/9&67.&/7S!7:)*$)7*.&7)&<:08-%#&5&$0(/*=&%!6*/$0.&05!6 &;3&/6&R )& ?/!/$*!- 67!7&.&/76 0' $0/60-*%!7&% '05&*(/ 68#6*%*!5*&6 !5& 75!/6-!7&% */70 /%*!/ 83&&6S :)*$) *6 7)& functional currency of the Company, as follows: 2.7 DEPRECIATION AND AMORTISATION Tangible Fixed Assets &35&$*!7*0/ 0/ ?;&% !66&76 *6 3509*%&% 86*/( 675!*()7 -*/& .&7)0% 09&5 7)& &67*.!7&% 86&'8- -*'& 0' 7)& !66&76S in whose case the life of the assets has been assessed as under based on technical advice, taking into account the nature of the asset, the estimated usage of the asset, the operating conditions of the asset, past history of replacement, anticipated technological changes, manufacturers warranties and maintenance support, etc: ¨%%*7*0/!-%&35&$*!7*0/$0/6&48&/7707)&&/)!/$&.&/7*/7)&9!-8&0'?;&%!66&760/7)&5&9!-8!7*0/*6!%+867&%*/ 7)&?;&%!66&765&9!-8!7*0/5&6&59&!$$08/7R &!6&)0-%-!/%{.3509&.&/767)&5&0/!5&!.057*=&%09&57)&35*.!5<3&5*0%0'-&!6&R /5&63&$70'?;&%!66&76:)06&86&'8--*'&)!6#&&/5&9*6&%S7)&8/!.057*=&%%&35&$*!#-&!.08/7*6$)!5(&%09&5 the revised remaining useful life. Intangible Assets )& &67*.!7&% 86&'8- -*'& 0' 7)& */7!/(*#-& !66&76 !/% 7)& !.057*6!7*0/ 3&5*0% !5& 5&9*&:&% !7 7)& &/% 0' &!$) ?/!/$*!-<&!5!/%7)&!.057*6!7*0/.&7)0%*65&9*6&%705&@&$77)&$)!/(&%3!77&5/R )&5!7&60'%&35&$*!7*0/$0/6*%&5&%'057)&.!+05!66&76!5&!68/%&5R Assets Class Building -!/7 48*3.&/76 Moulds !7&5*!- !/%-*/(48*3.&/76 0.387&5 !5%:!5& Computer Software 0705&)*$-&6 85/*785& *;785&6!/%'?$&48*3.&/7 Continous Process Plant 178 | APOLLO TYRES LTD Estimated useful life N&!56 N&!56 N&!56 N&!56 N&!56 N&!56 N&!56 N&!56 N&!56 W§ ¨66&76!/%-*!#*-*7*&6!75!7&60'&;$)!/(&58-*/(!7<&!5&/%R W§ /$0.&!/%&;3&/6&*7&.6!77)&!9&5!(&5!7&'057)&<&!5R ;$)!/(&5!7&%*''&5&/$&6!5*6*/(0/7)&75!/6-!7*0/0'$0/60-*%!7&%'05&*(/68#6*%*!5*&6!5&$-!66*?&%!6&48*7<!/% transferred to the foreign currency translation reserve. Hedge Accounting If a fair value hedge meets the conditions for hedge accounting, any gain or loss on the hedged item attributable to 7)&)&%(&%5*6,*6*/$-8%&%*/7)&$!55<*/(!.08/70'7)&)&%(&%*7&.!/%5&$0(/*=&%*/7)&0/60-*%!7&%7!7&.&/7 0'50?7!/%066R ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 179 ' ! $!6) @0: )&%(& .&&76 7)& $0/%*7*0/6 '05 )&%(& !$$08/7*/( 7)& 3057*0/ 0' 7)& (!*/ 05 -066 0/ 7)& )&%(*/( */6758.&/7 7)!7 *6 %&7&5.*/&% 70 #& !/ &''&$7*9& )&%(& *6 5&$0(/*=&% %*5&$7-< */ &%(& &6&59& !$$08/7 8/%&5 )!5&)0-%&56c8/%6!/%7)&*/&''&$7*9&!/%09&5N&''&$7*9&3057*0/6!5&5&$0(/*=&%*/7)&0/60-*%!7&%7!7&.&/7 0'50?7!/%066R¨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¨$78!5*!-(!*/6!/%-066&6!5*6*/('50.&;3&5*&/$&!%+867.&/76!/%&''&$760'$)!/(&6*/!$78!5*!-!668.37*0/6!5& *..&%*!7&-<5&$0(/*=&%*/7)&0/60-*%!7&%7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%066!6*/$0.&05&;3&/6&R )&&.3-0<&5a6-*!#*-*7<'053067&.3-0<.&/7.&%*$!-#&/&?76S*/5&63&$70'3!676&59*$&S*63509*%&%'05!/%!%+867&% in response to actuarial assessments when necessary. ¨75&3057*/(%!7&S&.3-0<&&60'0/&0'7)&8503&!/68#6*%*!5*&63!57*$*3!7&%*/%&?/&%$0/75*#87*0/3&/6*0/3-!/R /%&5 7)*6 3&/6*0/ 3-!/S ?;&% $0/75*#87*0/6 !5& 3!*% 70 7)& 3&/6*0/ '8/%R / !5$) S 7)& $0.3!/< !/% 7)& 3&/6*0/'8/%5&!$)&%!/!(5&&.&/7S:)*$))!65&68-7&%*/$-!5*?$!7*0/0'7)&'!$77)!77)&$0.3!/<)!6/0-&(!- 05$0/6758$7*9&0#-*(!7*0/703!<'857)&5$0/75*#87*0/*'7)&3&/6*0/'8/%%0&6/07)0-%68'?$*&/7!66&76703!<!-- &.3-0<&&#&/&?765&-!7*/(70&.3-0<&&6&59*$&R¨6!5&68-70'7)&!#09&7)&%&?/&%#&/&?7-*!#*-*7<:!6%&5&$0(/*=&% !/%*/$-8%&%*/7)&0/60-*%!7&%7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%066!63!570'7)&&.3-0<&&6&;3&/6&6R#-*(!7*0/6'05 $0/75*#87*0/670%&?/&%$0/75*#87*0/3-!/!5&5&$0(/*=&%*/7)&0/60-*%!7&%7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%066'057)& period in which they arise. If a hedge of a net investment in a foreign entity meets the conditions for hedge accounting, the portion of the gain 05-0660/7)&)&%(*/(*/6758.&/77)!7*6%&7&5.*/&%70#&!/&''&$7*9&)&%(&*65&$0(/*=&%%*5&$7-<*/ &%(&&6&59& !/%7)&*/&''&$7*9&3057*0/*65&$0(/*=&%*/7)&0/60-*%!7&%7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%066R/%*6306!-0'!'05&*(/ &/7*7<S7)&(!*/05-0665&$0(/*=&%*/&48*7<*675!/6'&55&%707)&0/60-*%!7&%7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%066R &%(&!$$08/7*/(*6%*6$0/7*/8&%0/!35063&$7*9&#!6*6:)&/7)&)&%(&/0-0/(&5.&&767)&)&%(&!$$08/7*/( $5*7&5*!|*/$-8%*/(:)&/*7#&$0.&6*/&''&$7*9&}S:)&/7)&)&%(&*/6758.&/7*660-%S7&5.*/!7&%05&;&5$*6&%S:)&/ '05 $!6) @0: )&%(&6 7)& '05&$!67 75!/6!$7*0/ *6 /0 -0/(&5 &;3&$7&% 70 0$$85 05 :)&/ 7)& )&%(& %&6*(/!7*0/ *6 5&90,&%R ¨/< $8.8-!7*9& (!*/ 05 -066 0/ 7)& )&%(*/( */6758.&/7 '05 ! '05&$!67 75!/6!$7*0/ *6 5&7!*/&% */ &%(& &6&59& 8/7*- 7)& 75!/6!$7*0/ 0$$856S 8/-&66 7)& 75!/6!$7*0/ *6 /0 -0/(&5 &;3&$7&% 70 0$$85S */ :)*$) $!6& *7 *6 75!/6'&55&%70350?705-066'057)&3&5*0%R ¨75&3057*/(%!7&&.3-0<&&60'!/07)&58503&!/68#6*%*!5<3!57*$*3!7&%*/%&?/&%#&/&?73&/6*0/3-!/R)*63-!/ augments the pension provided by the state and provides additional support for the employees in the case of early %*6!#*-*7<05'056859*9*/(5&-!7*9&6*/$!6&0'7)&%&!7)0'!/&.3-0<&&R.3-0<&&6!5&&/7*7-&%707)*63&/6*0/3-!/ !'7&5<&!560'&.3-0<.&/7R)&#&/&?760'7)&%&?/&%#&/&?73&/6*0/3-!/*/&5.!/<!5&#!6&%35*.!5*-<0/ <&!560'6&59*$&!/%&.3-0<&&6a$0.3&/6!7*0/R)&.057!-*7<-&9&-:!6!66&66&%*/!$$05%!/$&:*7)7)&&5.!/ 057!-*7<7!#-& &8#&$,R!-8!7*0/0'7)&0#-*(!7*0/8/%&57)&3&/6*0/3-!/*6$!55*&%087#<*/%&3&/%&/7 actuary. /&0'7)&087)¨'5*$!/68#6*%*!5*&63509*%&65&7*5&.&/7#&/&?76'05*76&.3-0<&&67)508()!/8.#&50'%&?/&% $0/75*#87*0/ 3-!/6R 0/75*#87*0/6 #< 7)& $0.3!/< 70 %&?/&% $0/75*#87*0/ 5&7*5&.&/7 3-!/6 !5& 5&$0(/*6&% !6 !/ &;3&/6&*/7)&3&5*0%*/:)*$)7)&5&-!7&%6&59*$&6!5&5&/%&5&%#<&.3-0<&&6R / 5&63&$7 0' &-*(*#-& &.3-0<&&6S 7)& &.3-0<&5c6 -*!#*-*7< '05 3067 &.3-0<.&/7 .&%*$!- #&/&?76 |! $0/75*#87*0/ 0#-*(!7*0/}S*/5&63&$70'3!676&59*$&S*63509*%&%'05!/%!%+867&%*/5&630/6&70*/%&3&/%&/7!$78!5*!-!66&66.&/76 :)&//&$&66!5<R)&$0.3!/<.!,&6!703N833!<.&/7:)*$)*65&$0(/*6&%!6!/&;3&/6&*/7)&5&-!7&%3&5*0%R 2.12 GOVERNMENT GRANTS, SUBSIDIES AND EXPORT INCENTIVES Government grants and subsidies are recognised when there is reasonable assurance that the Group will comply with the conditions attached to them and the grants / subsidy will be received. Government grants whose primary $0/%*7*0/*67)!77)&50836)08-%385$)!6&S$0/6758$70507)&5:*6&!$48*5&$!3*7!-!66&76!5&35&6&/7&%#<%&%8$7*/( 7)&.'50.7)&$!55<*/(9!-8&0'7)&!66&76R)&(5!/7*65&$0(/*6&%!6*/$0.&09&57)&-*'&0'!%&35&$*!#-&!66&7#< way of a reduced depreciation charge. ;3057/$&/7*9&6*/7)&'05.0'!%9!/$&-*$&/$&6{$5&%*76&!5/&%8/%&5%87<&/7*7-&.&/73!66#00,6$)&.&!5& 75&!7&%!6*/$0.&*/7)&<&!50'&;3057!77)&&67*.!7&%5&!-*=!#-&9!-8&{!$78!-$5&%*7&!5/&%0/&;30576.!%& during the year. 09&5/.&/7 (5!/76 */ 7)& /!785& 0' 350.07&56c $0/75*#87*0/ -*,& */9&67.&/7 68#6*%<S :)&5& /0 5&3!<.&/7 *6 05%*/!5*-<&;3&$7&%*/5&63&$77)&5&0'S!5&75&!7&%!6$!3*7!-5&6&59&R Other government grants and subsidies are recognised as income once the periods necessary to match them with the costs for which they are intended to compensate, on a systematic basis. 2.15 EMPLOYEE SHARE BASED PAYMENTS 2.16 BORROWING COSTS 2.13 INVESTMENTS Long term investments are stated at cost and provision for diminution is made if the decline in value is other than temporary in nature. Current investments are stated at lower of cost and fair value determined on the basis of each category of investments. 2.14 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS *!#*-*7<'05(5!78*7<70&.3-0<&&6%&7&5.*/&%0/7)&#!6*60'!$78!5*!-9!-8!7*0/S86*/(350+&$7&%8/*7.&7)0%S!6 0/#!-!/$&6)&&7%!7&*6'8/%&%:*7)7)&*'&/685!/$&05305!7*0/0'/%*!!/%*65&$0(/*=&%!6!/&;3&/6&*/7)& year incurred. *!#*-*7<'056)0577&5.$0.3&/6!7&%!#6&/$&6*65&$0(/*=&%!6&;3&/6&#!6&%0/7)&&67*.!7&%$0670'&-*(*#-& leave to the credit of the employees as at the balance sheet date on undiscounted basis. Liability for long term $0.3&/6!7&% !#6&/$&6 *6 %&7&5.*/&% 0/ 7)& #!6*6 0' !$78!5*!- 9!-8!7*0/S 86*/( 350+&$7&% 8/*7 .&7)0% !6 0/ 7)& balance sheet date. 0/75*#87*0/670%&?/&%$0/75*#87*0/6$)&.&668$)!63509*%&/7'8/%S&.3-0<&&6a3&/6*0/'8/%!/%683&5!//8!7*0/ '8/%!/%$0670'07)&5#&/&?76!5&5&$0(/*=&%!6!/&;3&/6&*/7)&<&!5*/$855&%R/7)&$!6&0'3509*%&/7'8/% $0/75*#87*0/ 70 7)& 0.3!/<c6 .3-0<&&6 509*%&/7 8/% 5867S 7)& 6)057'!--S *' !/<S #&7:&&/ 7)& 5&785/ '50. 7)&*/9&67.&/760'0.3!/<c6.3-0<&&6509*%&/78/%5867!/%7)&/07*?&%*/7&5&675!7&*65&$0(/*=&%!6!/ &;3&/6&*/0/60-*%!7&%7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%066*/7)&<&!5*/:)*$)7)&6)057'!--*6&;3&$7&%70!5*6&R 180 | APOLLO TYRES LTD 0550:*/( $0676 */$-8%& */7&5&67S !.057*6!7*0/ 0' !/$*--!5< $0676 */$855&% !/% &;$)!/(& %*''&5&/$&6 !5*6*/( '50. '05&*(/$855&/$<#0550:*/(6707)&&;7&/77)&<!5&5&(!5%&%!6!/!%+867.&/7707)&*/7&5&67$067R0550:*/($0676 !5&$!3*7!-*=&%!6!3!570'7)&$0670'48!-*'<*/(!66&7:)&/*7*63066*#-&7)!77)&<:*--5&68-7*/'8785&&$0/0.*$ #&/&?76!/%7)&$067$!/#&.&!685&%5&-*!#-<R7)&5#0550:*/($0676!5&5&$0(/*=&%!6!/&;3&/6&*/7)&3&5*0%*/ which they are incurred. 2.17 SEGMENT REPORTING )&5083*%&/7*?&603&5!7*/( (&0(5!3)*$6&(.&/76#!6&%0/7)&%0.*/!/76085$&S/!785&0'5*6,6!/%5&785/6 !/% 7)& */7&5/!- 05(!/*6!7*0/ !/% .!/!(&.&/7 6758$785&R )& 03&5!7*/( 6&(.&/76 !5& 7)& 6&(.&/76 '05 :)*$) 6&3!5!7&?/!/$*!-*/'05.!7*0/*6!9!*-!#-&!/%'05:)*$)03&5!7*/(350?7{-066!.08/76!5&&9!-8!7&%5&(8-!5-<#< 7)&&;&$87*9&!/!(&.&/7*/%&$*%*/()0:70!--0$!7&5&6085$&6!/%*/!66&66*/(3&5'05.!/$&R )&!$$08/7*/(30-*$*&6!%037&%'056&(.&/75&3057*/(!5&*/-*/&:*7)7)&!$$08/7*/(30-*$*&60'7)&5083R&(.&/7 5&9&/8&S6&(.&/7&;3&/6&6S6&(.&/7!66&76!/%6&(.&/7-*!#*-*7*&6)!9&#&&/*%&/7*?&%706&(.&/760/7)&#!6*6 of their relationship to the operating activities of the segment. .3-0<&&#&/&?76*/$-8%&3509*%&/7'8/%S683&5!//8!7*0/'8/%S3&/6*0/'8/%S(5!78*7<'8/%!/%$0.3&/6!7&%!#6&/$&6R 70$, !335&$*!7*0/ 5*()76 |)!/70. 670$, 8/*76} (5!/7&% 70 &.3-0<&&6 8/%&5 7)& !6)N6&77-&% .3-0<&& )!5&N #!6&%!<.&/7-!/|)!/70.70$,-!/}*65&$0(/*=&%#!6&%0/*/75*/6*$9!-8&.&7)0%R/75*/6*$9!-8&0'7)& 3)!/70.670$,8/*7*6%&7&5.*/&%!6&;$&660'$-06*/(.!5,&735*$&0/7)&5&3057*/(%!7&09&57)&&;&5$*6&35*$&0' 7)&8/*7!/%*6$)!5(&%!6&.3-0<&&#&/&?709&57)&9&67*/(3&5*0%*/!$$05%!/$&:*7)^8*%!/$&07&0/¨$$08/7*/( '05.3-0<&&)!5&N#!6&%3!<.&/76_*668&%#</67*787&0')!57&5&%¨$$08/7!/760'/%*!R Inter-segment revenue is accounted on the basis of transactions which are primarily determined based on market / fair value factors. &9&/8&S&;3&/6&6S!66&76!/%-*!#*-*7*&6:)*$)5&-!7&707)&5083!6!:)0-&!/%!5&/07!--0$!#-&706&(.&/760/ 5&!60/!#-&#!6*6)!9&#&&/*/$-8%&%8/%&5c8/!--0$!7&%5&9&/8&{&;3&/6&6{!66&76{-*!#*-*7*&6cR 2.18 LEASES &!6&6:)&5&7)&-&6605&''&$7*9&-<5&7!*/668#67!/7*!--<!--7)&5*6,6!/%#&/&?760'0:/&56)*30'7)&-&!6&%!66&76 !5&5&$0(/*6&%!603&5!7*/(-&!6&6R3&5!7*/(&!6&3!<.&/76!5&5&$0(/*=&%!6!/&;3&/6&*/7)&0/60-*%!7&% 7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%0660/!675!*()7N-*/&#!6*609&57)&-&!6&7&5.R ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 181 Assets leased by the Group in its capacity as lessee where substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership vest */7)&5083!5&$-!66*?&%!6?/!/$&-&!6&6R8$)-&!6&6!5&$!3*7!-*6&%!77)&*/$&37*0/0'7)&-&!6&!77)&-0:&5 0'7)&'!*59!-8&!/%7)&35&6&/79!-8&0'7)&.*/*.8.-&!6&3!<.&/76!/%!-*!#*-*7<*6$5&!7&%'05!/&48*9!-&/7 !.08/7R!$)-&!6&5&/7!-3!*%*6!--0$!7&%#&7:&&/7)&-*!#*-*7<!/%7)&*/7&5&67$06760!6700#7!*/!$0/67!/7 periodic rate of interest on the outstanding liability for each year. 2.19 EARNINGS PER SHARE Basic earnings per share *6 $0.387&% #< %*9*%*/( 7)& 350?7 { |-066} !'7&5 7!; |*/$-8%*/( 7)& 3067 7!; &''&$7 0' &;75!05%*/!5<*7&.6S*'!/<}#<7)&:&*()7&%!9&5!(&/8.#&50'&48*7<6)!5&608767!/%*/(%85*/(7)&<&!5RDiluted earnings per share*6$0.387&%#<%*9*%*/(7)&350?7{|-066}!'7&57!;|*/$-8%*/(7)&30677!;&''&$70'&;75!05%*/!5< *7&.6S*'!/<}!6!%+867&%'05%*9*%&/%S*/7&5&67!/%07)&5$)!5(&670&;3&/6&05*/$0.&|/&70'!/<!775*#87!#-&7!;&6} 5&-!7*/( 70 7)& %*-87*9& 307&/7*!- &48*7< 6)!5&6S #< 7)& :&*()7&% !9&5!(& /8.#&5 0' &48*7< 6)!5&6 $0/6*%&5&% '05 %&5*9*/(#!6*$&!5/*/(63&56)!5&!/%7)&:&*()7&%!9&5!(&/8.#&50'&48*7<6)!5&6:)*$)$08-%)!9&#&&/*668&% 0/7)&$0/9&56*0/0'!--%*-87*9&307&/7*!-&48*7<6)!5&6R07&/7*!-&48*7<6)!5&6!5&%&&.&%70#&%*-87*9&0/-<*'7)&*5 $0/9&56*0/70&48*7<6)!5&6:08-%%&$5&!6&7)&/&7350?73&56)!5&'50.$0/7*/8*/(05%*/!5<03&5!7*0/6R07&/7*!- %*-87*9&&48*7<6)!5&6!5&%&&.&%70#&$0/9&57&%!6!77)&#&(*//*/(0'7)&3&5*0%S8/-&667)&<)!9&#&&/*668&% !7!-!7&5%!7&R)&%*-87*9&307&/7*!-&48*7<6)!5&6!5&!%+867&%'057)&350$&&%65&$&*9!#-&)!%7)&6)!5&6#&&/ !$78!--<*668&%!7'!*59!-8&|*R&R!9&5!(&.!5,&79!-8&0'7)&08767!/%*/(6)!5&6}R*-87*9&307&/7*!-&48*7<6)!5&6!5& %&7&5.*/&%*/%&3&/%&/7-<'05&!$)3&5*0%35&6&/7&%R)&/8.#&50'&48*7<6)!5&6!/%307&/7*!--<%*-87*9&&48*7< 6)!5&6!5&!%+867&%'056)!5&63-*76{5&9&56&6)!5&63-*76!/%#0/866)!5&6S!6!335035*!7&R 2.20 TAXES ON INCOME 855&/77!;*6%&7&5.*/&%*/!$$05%!/$&:*7)7)&!33-*$!#-&*/$0.&7!;-!:60'7)&$08/75<*/:)*$)7)&5&63&$7*9& entities in the group are incorporated. */*.8.¨-7&5/!7&!;|¨}3!*%*/!$$05%!/$&:*7)7)&7!;-!:6S:)*$)(*9&6'8785&&$0/0.*$#&/&?76*/7)& '05.0'!%+867.&/770'8785&*/$0.&7!;-*!#*-*7<S*6$0/6*%&5&%!6!/!66&7*'7)&5&*6$0/9*/$*/(&9*%&/$&7)!77)& &/7*7<:*--3!</05.!-*/$0.&7!;R¨$$05%*/(-<S¨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{$!6)(&/&5!7*/(8/*76!7&!$)#!-!/$&6)&&7%!7&!5&5&9*&:&%'05*.3!*5.&/7*'!/< */%*$!7*0/0'*.3!*5.&/7&;*676R)&'0--0:*/(*/7!/(*#-&!66&76!5&7&67&%'05*.3!*5.&/7&!$)?/!/$*!-<&!5&9&/ if there is no indication that the asset is impaired: |!}!/*/7!/(*#-&!66&77)!7*6/07<&7!9!*-!#-&'0586&V!/%|#}!/*/7!/(*#-&!66&77)!7*6!.057*6&%09&5!3&5*0% &;$&&%*/(7&/<&!56'50.7)&%!7&:)&/7)&!66&7*6!9!*-!#-&'0586&R '7)&$!55<*/(!.08/70'7)&!66&76&;$&&%7)&&67*.!7&%5&$09&5!#-&!.08/7S!/*.3!*5.&/7*65&$0(/*6&%'05 68$)&;$&66!.08/7R)&*.3!*5.&/7-066*65&$0(/*6&%!6!/&;3&/6&*/7)&0/60-*%!7&%7!7&.&/70'50?7!/% Loss, unless the asset is carried at revalued amount, in which case any impairment loss of the revalued asset is 75&!7&%!6!5&9!-8!7*0/%&$5&!6&707)&&;7&/7!5&9!-8!7*0/5&6&59&*6!9!*-!#-&'057)!7!66&7R )&5&$09&5!#-&!.08/7*67)&(5&!7&50'7)&/&76&--*/(35*$&!/%7)&*59!-8&*/86&R!-8&*/86&*6!55*9&%!7#< 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CONTRACTS /7!/(*#-& !66&76 !5& $!55*&% !7 $067 -&66 !$$8.8-!7&% !.057*6!7*0/ !/% *.3!*5.&/7 -066&6S *' !/<R )& $067 0' !/ */7!/(*#-& !66&7 $0.35*6&6 *76 385$)!6& 35*$&S */$-8%*/( !/< *.3057 %87*&6 !/% 07)&5 7!;&6 |07)&5 7)!/ 7)06& 68#6&48&/7-<5&$09&5!#-&'50.7)&7!;*/(!87)05*7*&6}S!/%!/<%*5&$7-<!775*#87!#-&&;3&/%*785&0/.!,*/(7)&!66&7 5&!%< '05 *76 */7&/%&% 86& !/% /&7 0' !/< 75!%& %*6$08/76 !/% 5&#!7&6R 8#6&48&/7 &;3&/%*785& 0/ !/ */7!/(*#-& !66&7!'7&5*76385$)!6&{$0.3-&7*0/*65&$0(/*6&%!6!/&;3&/6&:)&/*/$855&%8/-&66*7*6350#!#-&7)!768$) &;3&/%*785&:*--&/!#-&7)&!66&770(&/&5!7&'8785&&$0/0.*$#&/&?76*/&;$&660'*7605*(*/!--<!66&66&%67!/%!5%6 0' 3&5'05.!/$& !/% 68$) &;3&/%*785& $!/ #& .&!685&% !/% !775*#87&% 70 7)& !66&7 5&-*!#-<S */ :)*$) $!6& 68$) &;3&/%*785&*6!%%&%707)&$0670'7)&!66&7R 855&/7!/%%&'&55&%7!;5&-!7*/(70*7&.6%*5&$7-<5&$0(/*6&%*/5&6&59&6!5&5&$0(/*6&%*/5&6&59&6!/%/07*/7)& 7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%066R 2.22 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT EXPENSES &9&/8&&;3&/%*785&3&57!*/*/(705&6&!5$)*6$)!5(&%707)&0/60-*%!7&%7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%066R&9&-03.&/7 $06760'350%8$76!5&!-60$)!5(&%707)&0/60-*%!7&%7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%0668/-&66!350%8$7a67&$)/0-0(*$!- '&!6*#*-*7<)!6#&&/&67!#-*6)&%S*/:)*$)$!6&68$)&;3&/%*785&*6$!3*7!-*6&%R)&!.08/7$!3*7!-*6&%$0.35*6&6 &;3&/%*785&7)!7$!/#&%*5&$7-<!775*#87&%05!--0$!7&%0/!5&!60/!#-&!/%$0/6*67&/7#!6*670$5&!7*/(S350%8$*/( !/%.!,*/(7)&!66&75&!%<'05*76*/7&/%&%86&R*;&%!66&7687*-*6&%'055&6&!5$)!/%%&9&-03.&/7!5&$!3*7!-*6&% !/%%&35&$*!7&%*/!$$05%!/$&:*7)7)&30-*$*&667!7&%'05!/(*#-&*;&%¨66&76!/%/7!/(*#-&¨66&76R Derivative contracts designated as a hedging instrument for highly probable forecast transactions are accounted as 3&57)&30-*$<67!7&%'05 &%(&¨$$08/7*/(R All other derivative contracts are marked-to-market and losses are recognised in the Consolidated Statement of 50?7!/%066R!*/6!5*6*/(0/7)&6!.&!5&/075&$0(/*6&%S8/7*-5&!-*6&%S0/(508/%60'358%&/$&R 2.27 INSURANCE CLAIMS /685!/$&$-!*.6!5&!$$08/7&%'050/7)&#!6*60'$-!*.6!%.*77&%{&;3&$7&%70#&!%.*77&%!/%707)&&;7&/77)!7 there is no uncertainty in receiving the claims. 2.28 SERVICE TAX INPUT CREDITS &59*$& 7!; */387 $5&%*7 *6 !$$08/7&% '05 */ 7)& #00,6 */ 7)& 3&5*0% */ :)*$) 7)& 8/%&5-<*/( 6&59*$& 5&$&*9&% *6 accounted and when there is no uncertainty in availing / utilising the credits. 2.29 OPERATING CYCLE 182 | APOLLO TYRES LTD )& 5083 &/7&56 */70 %&5*9!7*9& $0/75!$76 */ 7)& /!785& 0' '05&*(/ $855&/$< 6:!36S $855&/$< 037*0/6S '05:!5% $0/75!$76 :*7) !/ */7&/7*0/ 70 )&%(& *76 &;*67*/( !66&76 !/% -*!#*-*7*&6S ?5. $0..*7.&/76 !/% )*()-< 350#!#-& 75!/6!$7*0/6R&5*9!7*9&$0/75!$76:)*$)!5&$-06&-<-*/,&%707)&&;*67*/(!66&76!/%-*!#*-*7*&6!5&!$$08/7&%!63&5 7)&30-*$<67!7&%'0505&*(/855&/$<5!/6!$7*0/6!/%5!/6-!7*0/6R !6&%0/7)&/!785&0'350%8$76{!$7*9*7*&60'7)&5083!/%7)&/05.!-7*.&#&7:&&/!$48*6*7*0/0'!66&76!/%7)&*5 5&!-*6!7*0/*/$!6)05$!6)&48*9!-&/76S7)&5083)!6%&7&5.*/&%*7603&5!7*/($<$-&!6.0/7)6'057)&385306& 0'$-!66*?$!7*0/0'*76!66&76!/%-*!#*-*7*&6!6$855&/7!/%/0/N$855&/7R ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 183 B. NOTES FORMING PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS B 2 RESERVES AND SURPLUS As at March 31, 2015 Million B 1 SHARE CAPITAL As at March 31, 2015 Million (a) AUTHORISED 730,000,000 Nos.|SS06R}48*7<)!5&60' &!$) As at !5$)S Million R 20.00 R (c) Securities Premium Account As per last Balance Sheet R 509.02 Add: Forfeited Shares: 13,565 Nos.|S06R} 0.07 R 509.09 R As at March 31, 2015 Closing Balance R (e) Revaluation Reserve Million No. of Shares Million SS R SS R SS R - - 509,024,770 509.02 504,024,770 504.02 &&5!+0/68-7!/767% No. of Shares SS % As at March 31, 2014 No. of Shares R SS (f) Share Forfeiture 1,375/- ( 1375/-) % (h) Foreign Currency Translation Reserve As per last Balance Sheet - 6,085.71 SR 1,658.33 SR 300.00 R 1,000.00 R Apollo Finance Ltd SS R SS R 8/5!<6503&57*&6 /9&67.&/70R977% SS R SS R Constructive Finance Pvt Ltd SS R SS R ,!(&/0/N*,*&5%*3!3*5'0/% - - SS R - 9,001.43 SR 1,000.00 10,001.43 SR SR 1,819.09 |R} (1.85) |R} ¨%%U''&$7'05&*(/;$)!/(&5!7&9!5*!7*0/6%85*/(7)&<&!5 (3,955.38) SR Closing Balance (2,138.14) SR 26,917.21 SR 1,000.00 R L 6XUSOXVLQ&RQVROLGDWHG6WDWHPHQWRI3UR¿WDQG/RVV As per last Balance Sheet ¨%%U5!/6'&5'50.&#&/785&&%&.37*0/&6&59& Less: Depreciation on transition to Schedule II of the Companies ¨$7S0/7!/(*#-&?;&%!66&76:*7)/*-5&.!*/*/(86&'8--*'& |/&70'%&'&55&%7!;0' R*--*0/}|07&N} ¨%%U&750?7'057)&<&!5 Balance available for Appropriation Less: Appropriations made during the year General Reserve Debenture Redemption Reserve Proposed Dividend: (f) /7)&&9&/70'-*48*%!7*0/0'7)&$0.3!/<S7)&)0-%&560'&48*7<6)!5&6:*--#&&/7*7-&%705&$&*9&5&.!*/*/(!66&76 0'7)&$0.3!/<S!'7&5%*675*#87*0/0'!--35&'&5&/7*!-!.08/76R)&%*675*#87*0/:*--#&*/3503057*0/707)&/8.#&50' &48*7<6)!5&6)&-%#<7)&6)!5&)0-%&56R R ¨%%U)!5&0'+0*/79&/785&6N+0*/7-<$0/750--&%&/7*7*&6 (e) The rights, preferences and restrictions attached to equity shares of the Company: )&$0.3!/<)!60/-<0/&$-!660'6)!5&65&'&55&%70!6&48*7<6)!5&6)!9*/(!3!59!-8&0'`&!$)R)&)0-%&50' &48*7<6)!5&6!5&&/7*7-&%700/&907&3&56)!5&R - SR R ¨%%U5!/6'&55&%'50.6853-86*/0/60-*%!7&%7!7&.&/70' 50?7!/%066 SR 426.00 31.22 (g) General Reserve As per last Balance Sheet No. of Shares Name of the Shareholder 5,659.71 958.33 As at March 31, 2014 As at March 31, 2015 ¨%%U5!/6'&55&%'50.6853-86*/0/60-*%!7&%7!7&.&/70' 50?7!/%066 Less: Utilised during the year (d) Details of Shareholders holding more than 5% of the Paid Up Equity Share Capital of the Company with Voting Rights: S.No. ¨%%U&$&*9&%%85*/(7)&<&!5|07&N} (d) Debenture Redemption Reserve As per last Balance Sheet (c) Reconciliation of the number of equity shares and amount outstanding at the beginning and at the end of the year: Add: Shares allotted on conversion of Share !55!/76|07&N} R R ISSUED, SUBSCRIBED, CALLED AND FULLY PAID UP Equity Shares of 1 each: 509,024,770|SS}48*7<)!5&68767!/%*/( Opening Balance 25.50 44.40 730.00 750.00 (b) (a) Capital Subsidy (Note C-5) (b) Capital Redemption Reserve 200,000 Nos.|S06R}8.8-!7*9&&%&&.!#-&5&'&5&/$& Shares of &!$) As at !5$)S Million 2.00 per share| R3&56)!5&} 258.18 9,776.09 37,435.12 SR SR 1,000.00 SR 300.00 R 1,018.05 R 207.25 R *9*%&/%!; *9*%&/%'0535&9*086<&!5j 3.75 - *9*%&/%!;0/%*9*%&/%'0535&9*086<&!5j 0.64 - (g) )!5&6*668&%70:!5%608767!/%*/(6)!5&:!55!/76N|07&N}R Closing Balance Total Reserves and Surplus 2,529.69 34,905.43 49,913.88 SR SR SR j*9*%&/% *9*%&/%7!;'0535&9*086<&!55&-!7&70%*9*%&/%3!*%0/SS&48*7<6)!5&6:)*$):&5&!--077&% 0/$0/9&56*0/0'SS:!55!/76!'7&5!5$)S#87#&'05&8-<S|#00,$-0685&%!7&}|07&N}R 184 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 185 B 3 NON - CURRENT LIABILITIES As at March 31, 2015 Million As at !5$)S Million NOTE B 3 (A) DEBENTURES: Nature of Borrowing Particulars LONG TERM BORROWINGS Amount outstanding as at March 31, 2015 Million Amount outstanding as at March 31, 2014 Million Long Term Borrowings Long Term Borrowings SECURED* (i) Debentures SNR0/0/9&57*#-&&#&/785&60' *--*0/&!$) SNR0/0/9&57*#-&&#&/785&60' *--*0/&!$) SNR0/0/9&57*#-&&#&/785&60' *--*0/&!$) 1,000.00 - - 1,000.00 SR SR R SR (ii) Term Loans From Banks: ;7&5/!-0..&5$*!-0550:*/(6|} 83&&&5.0!/6 From Others: /7&5/!7*0/!-*/!/$&05305!7*0/N0!/¨ International Finance Corporation - Loan B )!5!7!57).09&567%R|} 1,147.55 - 1,147.55 R R R R 1,076.20 - 1,076.20 SR R SR SR R SR &'&55&%!<.&/75&%*7|07&N} &'&55&%!<.&/75&%*7|07&N} 107.49 8.15 115.64 3,339.39 R R R SR 14.53 54.61 1.59 1.95 72.68 R R R R SR - SR - R Bullet repayment 0/NN 07&¨ SNR0/ Convertible Debentures of *--*0/&!$) - SR SR - R Bullet Repayment 0/NNR 07&¨ SNR0/ Convertible Debentures of *--*0/&!$) - - - SR R Bullet Repayment 0/NNR 07&¨ SNR0/ Convertible Debentures of *--*0/&!$) - R R R R &%&.37*0/*/ &48!-*/67!-.&/76 of `R*--*0/ 0/NNSN N NN respectively. 07&¨ SNR0/ Convertible Debentures of *--*0/&!$) - - - SR R Bullet Repayment 0/NN Unsecured SNR0/ Convertible Debentures of *--*0/&!$) - - - SR R Bullet Repayment 0/NN Unsecured 1,000.00 1,416.67 2,416.67 4,416.67 EXTERNAL COMMERCIAL BORROWINGS FROM BANKS: !/, R R R R N Repayment in 8 &48!-*/67!--.&/76 0'R*--*0/ half yearly started '50.RRR 07&¨ !/, - - - R N &3!<.&/7*/ half-yearly install.&/70'R *--*0/!/%7)&/ half-yearly installments of USD R*--*0/'50. RRR 07&¨ R R R R N &3!<.&/7*/)!-' 07&¨ yearly installments 0'R*--*0/ !/%7)&/)!-' yearly installments 0'R*--*0/ '50.RRR - R R R N &3!<.&/7*/ &48!-!//8!-*/stallments of USD *--*0/67!57&% '50.RRR 07&¨ R R R N Repayment in &48!-!//8!- installments of R*--*0/ started from RRR 07&¨ LONG TERM PROVISIONS 3URYLVLRQIRU(PSOR\HH%HQH¿WV Pension Liability 067&7*5&.&/7&%*$!-&/&?76 8#*-&&&/&?76 509*6*0/'050/6758$7*9&*!#*-*7<|07&N|$}} Others 854.85 129.20 129.08 78.43 68.21 1,259.77 R R R R R SR j05%&7!*-65&(!5%*/(&3!<.&/7&5.6S/7&5&67!7&!/%!785&0'&$85*7<0/0/(&5.0550:*/(6S&'&5 07&|!}R 186 | APOLLO TYRES LTD Details of Security Offered Current Maturities of Long Term Borrowings OTHER LONG TERM LIABILITIES Security Deposits Received from Dealers &$85*7<&306*76&$&*9&%'50..3-0<&&6 &!6&6$!-!7*0/ )!5&0'+0*/79&/785&6N+0*/7-<$0/750--&%&/7*7*&6 Terms of Repayment SNR0/ Convertible Debentures of *--*0/&!$) Total Debentures (iii) Finance Lease - Deferred Payment Liabilities Current Maturities of Long Term Borrowings Rate of Interest !/, R ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 187 !/, !/, R R R R - - R R R - 1,147.55 1,158.44 2,306.00 1,102.22 - - R R - - 333.33 166.67 Total External Commercial Borrowings 99.99 R N N N Repayment in &48!-!//8!- installments in USD &48*9!-&/770 Million starting '50.RRR 07&¨ &3!<.&/7*/ 07&¨ &48!-!//8!-*/ stallments of USD R*--*0/67!57*/( '50.RRR 07&¨ ¨3!5*3!668?567$)!5(&!-0/(:*7)07)&5-&/%&56$5&!7&%#<:!<0'.057(!(&0/7)&0.3!/<a6!/% 5&.*6&6!7*--!(&*.%!*/8+!5!770(&7)&5:*7)7)&'!$705<#8*-%*/(6S-!/7 .!$)*/&5< 48*3.&/76S #07)35&6&/7 '8785&R 07& ¨3!5*3!668?567$)!5(&!-0/(:*7)07)&5-&/%&56#<:!<0')<307)&$!7*0/09&57)&.09!#-&!66&760'7)& $0.3!/<S#07)35&6&/7!/%'8785&|&;$&37670$,6 #00,%&#76}R 07& ¨3!5*3!668?567$)!5(&0/7)&.09!#-&!66&76!/%3!5*3!6686&$0/%$)!5(&0/7)&$855&/7!66&760'7)& company. &3!<.&/7*/ 07&¨ &48!-!//8!-*/ stallments of USD R*--*0/67!57*/( '50.RRR RUPEE TERM LOANS FROM BANKS: !/, 83&&&5.0!/6 Total Rupee Term Loans Prepaid during the year TERM LOANS FROM OTHERS: IFC Loan A R R R R N &3!<.&/7*/ half yearly install.&/760'R Million each started '50.8/&SR 07&¨ Loan B R R R R N Repayment in 9 half yearly install.&/760'R Million each started '50.&$&.#&5S R 07&¨ 0!/ - - R R R lower than prevailing SBI PLR Total Term Loans from Others 1,076.20 Prepaid during the year 425.26 1,913.90 507.75 R R R R N Repayment along with Interest in $0/6&$87*9& monthly installments started from !<SR */%*--6 purchased under the scheme. R R R 7.97 N Repayment along :*7)/7&5&67*/ &48!-48!57&5-< installments started from ¨35*-SR /(/&&5*/( materials purchased under the scheme 115.64 56.12 167.43 52.51 DEFERRED PAYMENT CREDIT: Others Deferred Payment Credit I Deferred Payment Credit II Details of Security Offered to Existing Lenders: 07&¨ ¨ 3!5* 3!668 ?567 $)!5(& !-0/( :*7) 07)&5 -&/%&56 $5&!7&% #< :!< 0' .057(!(& 0/ 7)& 0.3!/<a6 !/% 5&.*6&6!7*--!(&0%!,!5!*/&5!-!S!7*--!(&*.%!*/8+!5!7S!7/%8675*!-50:7)&/75& !7 5!(!%!. /&!5 )&//!*S !/% !7 &!% '?$& */ 85(!0/S !5<!/! 70(&7)&5 :*7) 7)& '!$705< #8*-%*/(6S -!/7 .!$)*/&5< 48*3.&/76S#07)35&6&/7 '8785&R 07&¨ ¨3!5*3!668?567$)!5(&!-0/(:*7)07)&5-&/%&56$5&!7&%#<:!<0'.057(!(&0/7)&0.3!/<a6!/% 5&.*6&6!7*--!(&0%!,!5!*/&5!-!!/%!7*--!(&*.%!*/8+!5!770(&7)&5:*7)7)&'!$705<#8*-%*/(6S -!/7 .!$)*/&5< 48*3.&/76S#07)35&6&/7 '8785&R 188 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 189 B 4 CURRENT LIABILITIES B 4 CURRENT LIABILITIES (Continued) As at March 31, 2015 Million SHORT TERM BORROWINGS Secured* Packing Credit !/,6N!6)5&%*7|&3!<!#-&0/&.!/%} Banks Overdraft )057&5.0!/'50.!/,6 Unsecured 8<&5c65&%*7N!:!7&5*!-6 Banks Overdraft Packing Credit TRADE PAYABLES !<!#-&70*$50S.!-- &%*8./7&535*6&6 Acceptances ¨$$08/76!<!#-&N!:!7&5*!-6 &59*$&6 5&*()7S057)!5(&6S ¨)!5(&6!<!#-& ;3&/6&6!<!#-& .3-0<&&&-!7&%!<!#-&6jj Payable to Related Parties )!5&0'+0*/79&/785&6N+0*/7-<$0/750--&%&/7*7*&6 OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES Current Maturities of Long-Term Debt*** Secured Debentures SNR0/0/9&57*#-&&#&/785&60' *--*0/&!$) NR0/0/9&57*#-&&#&/785&60' *--*0/&!$) NR0/0/9&57*#-&&#&/785&60' *--*0/&!$) Term Loan from Banks ;7&5/!-0..&5$*!-#0550:*/(6|} 83&&&5.0!/6 Term Loan from Others International Finance Corporation - Loan A International Finance Corporation - Loan B )!5!7!57).09&567%R|} Finance Lease - Deferred Payment Liabilities &'&55&%!<.&/75&%*7|07&N} &'&55&%!<.&/75&%*7|07&N} Unsecured Debentures SNR0/0/9&57*#-&&#&/785&60' *--*0/&!$) SNR0/0/9&57*#-&&#&/785&60' *--*0/&!$) Trade Payables Include due to Related Parties (Note C-18) Companies in which Directors are interested As at !5$)S Million As at March 31, 2015 Million OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES (Continued) 362.40 1.16 - - R R R R - 39.76 4,263.04 4,666.36 R R SR SR 23.81 187.79 6,303.68 664.56 303.40 1,118.24 31.67 7.02 8,640.17 R SR SR R R R R R SR Interest accrued but not due on borrowings 1,158.44 - 1,158.44 SR R SR 225.69 199.57 - 425.26 R R R R 47.84 8.28 56.12 R 7.97 R 37.50 R 7.21 R /7&5&673!<!#-&70*$50S.!-- &%*8./7&535*6&6 10.58 R ¨$$08/76!<!#-&N!3*7!- R R ;$*6&87<0/$-06*/(670$, R R R R SR SR R R Other Payables** 7!78705<5&.*77!/$&6|0/75*#87*0/70 S¨S S;$*6&87<S8670.87<S&59*$&!;!/%07)&56} ;3057#-*(!7*0/6N¨%9!/$&*$&/$&&/&?7 &$85*7<&306*76N&/%056 R R &$85*7<&306*76N&!-&56{.3-0<&&6 R R &5*9!7*9&*/!/$*!-*!#*-*7*&6 R R R R R ¨%9!/$&&$&*9&%50.8670.&56 R Gratuity Payable SR SR SR SR 31.67 R jjj05/!785&0'6&$85*7<0/855&/7!785*7*&60'0/(&5.&#76S&'&507&|!}R N R SR R 3,568.17 SR 6,624.66 SR SHORT TERM PROVISIONS 3URYLVLRQIRU(PSOR\HH%HQH¿WV Provision for Compensated Absences 755.25 R Social Premium Payable 454.95 R 1,210.20 SR Others 509*6*0/'050/7*/(&/$*&6|07&N|#}} 425.00 R 50306&%*9*%&/%0/48*7<)!5&6 1,018.05 R 207.25 R *9*%&/%!; 509*6*0/'05!;!7*0/ SR &66U¨%9!/$&!; SR R SR 685.69 R SR R 509*6*0/'05&!-7)!; 7.00 R 509*6*0/'05!-&65&-!7&%0#-*(!7*0/6|07&N|!}} 2,159.01 SR 150.49 R 30.32 R 22.88 R 509*6*0/'05&67*.!7&%-0660/05:!5%05&*(/;$)!/(& Contracts Deferred Revenue 509*6*0/'050/6758$7*9&*!#*-*7<|07&N|$}} jj.3-0<&&&-!7&%!<!#-&6*/$-8%&6$0..*66*0/0//&7350?763!<!#-&70:)0-&N7*.&%*5&$7056 490 Million | *--*0/} 3,163.57 198.25 &66U¨5&%*7¨%+867&% - - 3,056.49 R Others R SR SR !<!#-&70*$50S.!-- &%*8./7&535*6&6N!3&;&/%056 &!6&6$!-!7*0/ 416.67 1,000.00 - 1,416.67 151.06 /$-!*.&%*9*%&/%6j !<!#-&70&-!7&%!57*&6 j!6)5&%*76S8<&565&%*7'05!:!7&5*!-6!/%!$,*/(5&%*7!5&6&$85&%#<!?567$)!5(&0/!:.!7&5*!-6S 05,N*/N50(5&66S70$,6S705&6!/%00,&#76!/%#<!6&$0/%$)!5(&0/7)&0.3!/<a6-!/%!7*--!(&0%!,!5! */&5!-!S!75!(!%!.!/%!7)85*--!(&*/!.*-!%8!/%!7 &!%'?$&*/85(!0/S !5<!/!70(&7)&5:*7)7)& !$705<8*-%*/(6S-!/7 !$)*/&5<!/%48*3.&/76S#07)35&6&/7!/%'8785&R 190 | APOLLO TYRES LTD As at !5$)S Million 4,705.69 SR 5,915.89 SR 43.15 R ** Other Payables Include due to Related Parties (Note C-18) Companies in which Directors are interested j/$-8%&6 3.60 Million| R*--*0/}:)*$))!6/07#&&/75!/6'&55&%707)&/9&6705%8$!7*0/!/%507&$7*0/8/% 8/%&5&$7*0/0'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7SS!63&57)&05%&56{*/6758$7*0/60'7)&63&$*!-$0857|75*!-0'0''&/$&6 5&-!7*/(7075!/6!$7*0/6*/6&$85*7*&6}S8.#!*R ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 191 192 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 193 SR SR SR R R R Plant & Machinery** Electrical Installation Furniture & Fixtures** 2I¿FH(TXLSPHQWV Vehicles** Plantation Development SR 5&9*086&!5 520.46 R R 2.80 R - Deductions SR SR SR Plant & Machinery** Electrical Installation Furniture & Fixtures R R SR 2,527.81 Total Intangible Assets 82,691.06 488.66 R R R |#} 8,081.34 R R INTANGIBLE ASSETS: Computer Software Trademarks Research & Development Total Tangible Assets Share of joint ventures jointly controlled entities 8,069.82 |$} SR |#} SR |#} R |#} R |#} R R - R - Additions 82,678.53 R R R SR Buildings 2I¿FH(TXLSPHQWV Vehicles Plantation Development SR R As at March 31, 2013 TANGIBLE ASSETS: Land Freehold Land Leasehold Land* Description of Assets 327.07 R R - 4,595.09 - 4,595.09 R R - R - SR R R - Deductions 298.11 R |R} R 5,515.93 - 5,515.93 R |R} R R R SR R R R R R 2,987.51 1,099.27 55.13 1,833.11 91,693.24 24.05 1,485.79 R R R 42,040.21 R 42,034.81 R R R 39.17 418.28 59.68 91,669.19 R R SR SR R R 2,548.35 1,419.29 72,932.58 12,008.72 1,846.44 396.68 (5,653.36) SR - (1.79) (5,651.57) R |R} R |R} |R} |SR} |R} |R} R 391.12 - 391.12 R - R R R R - R 2.06 R - 343.39 R R R 3,756.71 R 3,753.72 |%} R R - R R SR R R |!} R Additions 3.14 |R} R - 2,124.25 - 2,124.25 R R - |R} - SR |R} R - Deductions Exchange rate Adjustment (g) 174.67 R |R} R 4,449.87 (0.95) 4,450.82 R R R R R SR R R R SR 1,957.03 801.00 46.21 1,109.82 As at March 31, 2015 SR 46,009.15 9.66 45,999.49 22.12 188.76 - 1,700.11 655.11 39,321.51 3,980.87 117.45 13.56 As at March 31, 2015 R 1,096.33 201.84 5.14 889.35 As at March 31, 2015 Million SR 43,570.70 R 43,554.09 R R - R R SR SR SR R As at March 31, 2014 Million SR 986.80 R R R As at March 31, 2014 NET BLOCK SR 41,588.47 14.26 41,574.21 19.86 313.92 - 715.56 813.76 8,404.05 (e) 29,409.78 1,738.55 158.63 As at March 31, 2015 NET BLOCK 2,000.71 807.66 45.55 1,147.50 48,122.54 7.44 48,115.10 15.36 117.11 59.68 1,671.11 444.20 41,762.27 3,679.19 129.34 236.84 As at March 31, 2014 986.80 291.61 9.58 685.61 43,570.70 16.61 43,554.09 23.81 301.17 - 877.24 975.09 8,329.53 (e) 31,170.31 1,717.10 159.84 As at March 31, 2014 Million 1,042.02 R R R 40,650.85 R 40,643.72 R R - R SR SR |&} SR SR R As at March 31, 2013 NET BLOCK For the Year Ended March 31, 2015 March 31, 2014 SR 3,590.44 R 284.34 R 8.10 3,882.88 SR R (325.96) |R} |R} |R} Exchange rate Adjustment (g) DEPRECIATION / AMORTIZATION R 284.34 R R R Deductions/ Adjustments DEPRECIATION / AMORTIZATION SR 441.59 - R R R R R - R 8.77 R Deductions/ Transferred Exchange rate to surplus Adjustin statement Adjustment (g) of P&L ments DEPRECIATION / AMORTIZATION Additions SR As at March 31, 2013 SR 2,000.71 R R SR As at March 31, 2014 SR 48,122.54 3,590.44 As at March 31, 2014 SR 3,053.36 1,002.84 51.35 1,999.17 As at March 31, 2015 SR 87,597.62 23.92 R R - R R 48,115.10 3,586.43 |%} R R R 42.08 502.68 - R SR 87,573.70 R R |!} R Additions SR SR SR R R As at March 31, 2014 2,415.67 1,468.87 68,731.29 12,384.92 1,856.00 172.19 As at March 31, 2015 Exchange rate Adjustment (g) GROSS BLOCK B 5 - FIXED ASSETS AS AT MARCH 31, 2014 R (513.87) |R} |R} |R} Exchange rate Adjustment (g) GROSS BLOCK SR (7,655.57) (4.75) (7,650.82) R R R |R} |R} |SR} |R} |R} R Exchange rate Adjustment (g) Depreciation and amortisation for the year on tangible assets Depreciation and amortisation for the year on intangible assets Depreciation on investment property Total Particulars 2,987.51 Total Intangible Assets 582.52 SR R R R SR R|#} Additions INTANGIBLE ASSETS: Computer Software Trademarks Research & Development Description of Assets As at March 31, 2014 4,080.41 91,693.24 SR Total Tangible Assets 5&9*086&!5 - 520.46 R R R R R |'} - R R Deductions SR SR R 4,075.79 |$} SR |#} SR |#} R |#} R |#} R R - R - R Share of joint ventures jointly controlled entities SR Buildings** 91,669.19 SR R As at March Additions 31, 2014 TANGIBLE ASSETS: Land Freehold Land** Leasehold Land* Description of Assets GROSS BLOCK B 5 - FIXED ASSETS AS AT MARCH 31, 2015 194 | APOLLO TYRES LTD -!/7 !$)*/&5<S!/%S8*-%*/(6S85/*785& *;785&6!/%&)*$-&6*/$-8%&6*;&%¨66&76 &-%'05!-&:*7)!506600,!-8&0' 2,198.19 Million| R*-*0/}S jj |(} &35&6&/76&;$)!/(&5!7&!%+867.&/7!5*6*/(0/$0/60-*%!7*0/0''05&*(/68#6*%*!5*&6%8&70%*''&5&/$&*/03&/*/(!/%$-06*/($0/9&56*0/5!7&6R |'} -!/7 !$)*/&5<*65&%8$&%#< 3.00 Million#&*/(8#6*%<5&$&*9&%'50.7)&09&5/.&/70'!.*-/!%8R | SR*--*0/}R |&} 8*-%*/(6*/$-8%&8*-%*/(6$0/6758$7&%0/&!6&)0-%!/%:*7)!506600,!-8&0' 6,782.11 Million| SR*--*0/}!/%&700,!-8&0' 5,213.50 Million and Loss during the year. |%} /$-8%&63509*6*0/'05*.3!*5.&/7!.08/7*/(70Nil| R*--*0/}0/$&57!*/*7&.60'8*-%*/(6 -!/7 !$)*/&5<5&$0(/*6&%*/7)&0/60-*%!7&%7!7&.&/70'50?7 |07&N} |$} /$-8%&6%*5&$7-<!775*#87!#-&&;3&/6&6$!3*7!-*=&%707)&&;7&/70' 27.65 Million| R*--*0/}*/$-8%*/(Nil| R*--*0/}$!3*7!-*=&%'50.0'35&9*086<&!5 0/&6&!5$) &9&-03.&/7|07&N}R | R*--*0/}S85/*785& ?77*/(6*/$-8%& 8.03 Million| R*--*0/}!/%&6&!5$)!/%&9&-03.&/7*/$-8%&6 552.99 Million| R*--*0/}'05$!3*7!-&;3&/%*785& |#} 8*-%*/(6*/$-8%& 90.26 Million| R*--*0/}S-!/7 !$)*/&5<*/$-8%&6 66.43 Million| R*--*0/}S-&$75*$!-/67!--!7*0/6*/$-8%& 2.79 Million |!} &35&6&/763503057*0/!7&-&!6&35&.*8. 1.94 Million| R*--*0/}!.057*=&%R | R*--*0/}R -!/7 !$)*/&5<*/$-8%&6!66&767!,&/0/*/!/$&&!6&:*7)!506600,!-8&0' 400.00 Million| R*--*0/}!/%!&700,!-8&0' 233.61 Million -!/7 !$)*/&5<*/$-8%&60*/7-<:/&%¨66&76:*7)!506600,!-8&0' 254.87 Million| R*--*0/}!/%!&700,!-8&0' 231.21 Million| R*--*0/}R Million|*-}S 11.39 Million|*-} 0.19 Million|*-}5&63&$7*9&-<R 115.44 Million|*-}S 365.80 Million|*-}S 68.23 Million|*-} 2.03 Million|*-}!/%!&700,!-8&0' 824.10 Million|*-}S 115.44 Million|*-}S 200.65 &!6&)0-%!/%*6&70' 9.59 Million| R*--*0/}68#-&!6&%70-!66*$¨8708#&67%RS!$0.3!/<*/:)*$)%*5&$7056!5&*/7&5&67&%%85*/(7)&<&!5NR j B 6 NON CURRENT INVESTMENTS (AT COST) As at March 31, 2015 Million 16,394|S}48*7<)!5&60' {N&!$)*/ Bharat Gears Ltd. - Fully paid up Nil|SS}5%*/!5<)!5&6*/!7*0/!-<5&&59*$&S *.#!#:& 312,000|S}48*7<)!5&60' &!$)*/5&&/ /'5!*/%0:&550+&$76N8--<3!*%83 /*760'b!-!/$&%8/%N*9*%&/%-!/N &*/9&67.&/7bjjj|!$&!-8&0' {N&!$)} j¨((5&(!7&!.08/70'4807&%*/9&67.&/76 0.36 R ¨((5&(!7&.!5,&79!-8&0'-*67&%!/%4807&%*/9&67.&/76 1.19 R ¨((5&(!7&!.08/70'8/4807&%/9&67.&/76 6.81 R jj0R0'8/*76!77)&#&(*//*/(0'7)&<&!5N161,826|S} 2.10 R Add: Reinvestment of dividend during the year - 17,736|*-} 0.50 - No. of units at the end of the year - 179,562|S} 2.60 R 5.23 R jjj&385$)!6&35*$&0'8/*76 0.36 5,500|S}48*7<)!5&60' &!$)*/85<!%&9 Alloys and Power Pvt Ltd - Fully paid up |*}/9&67.&/7*/5,000|S}48*7<)!5&60' {N&!$)*/¨30--0<5&6.3-0<&&68-7*385306& Co-operative Society Limited |**}Nil|S}5%*/!5<)!5&6*/¨/9&67.&/7 |5*9!7&}7%S*.#!#:& |***}/9&67.&/7503&57< |&70'!$$8.8-!7&%%&35&$*!7*0/0' 24.64 Million | R*--*0/}} - - 463.10 470.27 As at !5$)S Million TRADE INVESTMENTS (a) Investment in Equity Instruments (Quoted): * R R (b) Investment in Equity Instruments (Unquoted):* OTHER NON CURRENT INVESTMENTS (NON TRADE): (a) Investment in Mutual Funds** (b) Others 0.36 R 3.12 R 0.59 R 2.60 R 0.50 R R R R ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 195 B 7 LONG TERM LOANS & ADVANCES B 10 CURRENT ASSETS As at March 31, 2015 Million As at !5$)S Million As at March 31, 2015 Million As at !5$)S Million Long-Term Loans & Advances: Unsecured, Considered Good Capital Advances - Others 628.21 R 79.60 R Doubtful Capital Advances 134.18 R Less: Provision for Doubtful Advances 134.18 R 707.81 R Security Deposits 636.84 R Security Deposits to Related Parties 418.01 R Other Deposit 126.85 R 15.05 R 7)&50!/6!/%¨%9!/$&6N;$*6&87<&$09&5!#-& 2.57 R )!5&0'+0*/79&/785&6N+0*/7-<$0/750--&%&/7*7*&6 0.24 R Capital Advances to Related Parties .3-0<&&¨%9!/$&6N!-!5<0!/ 1,907.37 497.61 R 360.18 R 09&5/.&/70'!.*-!%8|07&N} 360.18 R B 9 CURRENT INVESTMENTS Non Trade Investment /9&67.&/7*/878!-8/%6j 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 - * Particulars No. of Units SBI SS R R ICICI SS R R SS R R *5-!|$)&.&} SS R R *5-!|$)&.&} SS R R 100,000,000 1,000.00 Reliance |**}05,N*/N50(5&66 |***} */*6)&%00%6U / !/% /5!/6*7 |*9} 08()787!7&5*!-{70$,*/5!%&U / !/% /5!/6*7 |9}705&6!/%3!5&6 (b) TRADE RECEIVABLES - UNSECURED 8767!/%*/('05!3&5*0%&;$&&%*/(6*;.0/7)6'50. the date they were due for payment: Considered Good Considered Doubtful 7)&56N0/6*%&5&%00%j B 8 OTHER NON-CURRENT ASSETS Investment promotion Subsidy Receivable from SR Includes Advances given to Related Parties (Note C-18) Companies in which Directors are interested (a) INVENTORIES: |9!-8&%!7-0:&50'$067!/%/&75&!-*=!#-&9!-8&} |*}!:!7&5*!-6U / !/% /5!/6*7 Value ( Million) NAV &66U509*6*0/'0508#7'8-5!%&&$&*9!#-&6 * Trade Receivables Include due from Related Parties (Note C-18) Companies in which Directors are interested (c) CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS** |*}!6)0/)!/% |**} )&48&60/)!/% |***} &.*77!/$&6*/5!/6*7 |*9} !-!/$&6:*7)!/,6U Current Accounts Other Deposit Accounts N5*(*/!-!785*7<.0/7)605-&66 |9}7)&5!/,!-!/$&6U Unpaid Dividend Accounts Unclaimed Deposits Accounts &306*76:*7)!785*7<&;$&&%*/(0/7)6jjj )!5&0'+0*/79&/785&6N+0*/7-<$0/750--&%&/7*7*&6 3,514.72 94.76 3,609.48 936.04 9,099.19 1,129.80 10,228.99 1,399.96 280.91 1,680.87 1,326.68 17,782.06 SR R SR SR SR R SR SR R SR SR SR 1.12 314.59 9,588.31 9,904.02 314.59 9,589.43 R R SR SR R SR 113.49 R 1.77 1,180.64 452.55 4,037.86 R R R 196.16 35.91 1.07 39.94 - 5,945.90 SR SR R R R R SR jj 870'7)&!#09&#!-!/$&0'!6) !6)48*9!-&/76S7)&#!-!/$&7)!7.&&767)&%&?/*7*0/0'!6) !6) 48*9!-&/76!63&5¨NS!6)-0:7!7&.&/76*6 5,868.98 Million| SR*--*0/}R jjj/$-8%&6&306*70' 37.97 Million| R*--*0/}3-&%(&%:*7)!#!/,!(!*/67:)*$):05,*/($!3*7!--0!/)!6 been availed by Apollo Finance Ltd, a company in which directors are interested. Includes deposits of 1.97 Million| R*--*0/}:)*$))!9&!/05*(*/!-.!785*7<0'.05&7)!/.0/7)6R 05,*/50(5&66$0/6*6760'¨870.07*9&<5&60/-<R 196 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 197 B 11 SHORT TERM LOANS & ADVANCES B 13 OTHER OPERATING INCOME As at March 31, 2015 Million Short-Term Loans & Advances: Unsecured, Considered Good Advances given to Related Parties 45.68 As at !5$)S Million R Others: 5!%&¨%9!/$&6 716.76 SR .3-0<&&¨%9!/$&6 129.42 R ¨&$09&5!#-& 102.93 R ¨&$09&5!#-& 565.83 R &59*$&!;&$09&5!#-& 91.05 R ;3057/$&/7*9&6&$09&5!#-& 167.87 R 5&3!*%;3&/6&6 233.97 R 337.22 R Others 2,390.73 Considered Doubtful 20.56 Less: Provision for Doubtful Advances ¨5&%*7/7*7-&.&/7!9!*-&% &66U¨5&%*787*-*6&% |R} <5&6&9&-03.&/7&&65&$&*9&%'50.$8670.&56 !5-<!<.&/7*6$08/7&$&*9&%'50.!:!7&5*!-833-*&56 20.56 R 2,390.73 R |R} 521.04 - 74.45 595.49 &!5/%&% !5$)S Million R R R SR B 14 OTHER INCOME (a Interest earned on Deposits: - Bank 101.75 R 13.85 R Bharat Gears Ltd. 0.02 R /*758670'/%*! 0.50 - 0.52 R 25.78 R 20.00 R 9.25 R - Others R SR - Investment promotion Subsidy from Government of !.*-!%8|07&N} SR 2,411.29 R Year Ended March 31, 2015 Million SR R 2,390.73 SR 45.68 R (b) Dividend Income from Long Term Investments: (c) Dividend Income from Short Term Investments: Mutual Funds Advances given to Related Parties (Note C-18) Companies in which Directors are interested B 12 OTHER CURRENT ASSETS Derivative Financial Assets Investment promotion Subsidy Receivable from 09&5/.&/70'!.*-/!%8|07&N} Interest Accrued on Deposits - 375.00 R 0.96 R 375.96 198 | APOLLO TYRES LTD R (d) Other Non-Operating Income: Unclaimed Credit Balances / Provisions no longer 5&48*5&%:5*77&/#!$, &$)/*$!-¨*%&&6 !*/0/05&*(/;$)!/(&-8$78!7*0/|&7} 111.01 R Miscellaneous Receipts 255.83 R 396.09 R 537.99 R R ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 199 B 15 MANUFACTURING AND OTHER EXPENSES Cost of Materials Consumed Raw Materials Consumed Less: Scrap Recoveries Purchase of Stock-in-Trade 85$)!6&0'*/*6)&%00%6N<5&6S8#&6 -!36 (PSOR\HH%HQH¿W([SHQVHV !-!5*&6!/%!(&6 0/75*#87*0/70509*%&/7!/%7)&58/%6|07&N} &-'!5&&;3&/6&6 .3-0<&&670$,¨335&$*!7*0/*()76|07&N} ¨%%U)!5&*/0*/7&/785& Other Expenses Consumption of stores and spare parts Power and Fuel Conversion Charges Repairs and Maintenance - Machinery - Buildings - Others Rent &!6&&/7N!$705<{&59*$&)!5(&6|07&N} Insurance !7&6!/%!;&6 *5&$7056c*77*/(&&6 0..*66*0/700/N)0-&7*.&*5&$7056 0660/!-&0'!/(*#-&*;&%¨66&76|&7} 5!9&--*/(S0/9&<!/$&!/%&)*$-&;3&/6&6 067!(&S&-&;S&-&3)0/&!/%7!7*0/&5< 0/'&5&/$&;3&/6&6 Freight and Forwarding Commission on Sales !-&650.07*0/;3&/6&6 Advertisement and Publicity 05305!7&0$*!-&630/6*#*-*7<;3&/6&6|07&N} &6&!5$)!/%&9&-03.&/7|07&N} Bank Charges 7!78705<¨8%*7056&.8/&5!7*0/|07&N} 08#7'8-&$&*9!#-&6{¨%9!/$&65*77&/0'' &66U5!/6'&55&%'50.509*6*0/ &(!-!/%50'&66*0/!-;3&/6&6 509*6*0/'050/7*/(&/$*&6|07&N|#}} *6$&--!/&086;3&/6&6 )!5&0'+0*/79&/785&6N+0*/7-<$0/750--&%&/7*7*&6 B 16 FINANCE COSTS Year Ended March 31, 2015 Million &!5/%&% !5$)S Million 64,186.16 301.77 63,884.39 SR R SR 5,869.17 SR 13,048.75 2,144.31 848.77 3.58 24.97 16,070.38 SR SR R R R SR 1,155.77 3,513.54 1,053.25 SR SR SR 646.00 34.57 964.12 303.12 1,249.95 184.27 197.12 7.42 50.00 23.86 1,329.36 222.64 302.05 4,236.60 60.52 921.47 1,992.48 57.37 1,713.91 63.17 57.05 40.20 - 740.49 - 694.68 32.95 R R R R SR R R R R R SR R R SR R R SR R SR R R R |R} R R R R 21,847.93 Year Ended March 31, 2015 Million &!5/%&% !5$)S Million (a) Interest Expense: /7&5&670/*;&%N&5.0!/6 524.67 R Interest on Debentures 536.79 R Interest on Other Loans 711.33 SR 55.06 R 0.05 R (b) Other Borrowing Costs )!5&0'+0*/79&/785&6N+0*/7-<$0/750--&%&/7*7*&6 1,827.90 SR SR SR 107,671.87 Notes: 705&6 3!5&60/68.&%*/$-8%&66705&6*668&%'055&3!*56 2.63 Million| R*--*0/}R 0:&5!/%8&-*/$-8%&6705&60/68.&% 523.11 Million| R*--*0/}R &70'&/7&$&*9&% 1.45 Million| R*--*0/}R 05305!7&0$*!-&630/6*#*-*7<;3&/6&6*/$-8%&6 0.55 Million!9!*-!#-&!60/!5$)S:*7)7)& implementation partner to be deployed in due course. 200 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 201 C OTHER NOTES ON ACCOUNTS: 1 Contingent Liabilities PARTICULARS !-&6!; /$0.&!; Claims against the Company not acknowledged as debts N.3-0<&&&-!7&% - Others 509*6*0/0'&$85*7<|!/,&306*763-&%(&%:*7)!!/,!(!*/67:)*$):05,*/( capital loan has been availed by Apollo Finance Ltd. , a Company in which %*5&$7056!5&*/7&5&67&%} ;$*6&87<j the eligible limit. During the year, the Company received the capital subsidy of R*--*0/0/'8-?--*/(7)&&-*(*#*-*7<$0/%*7*0/6:)*$))!6#&&/$5&%*7&%70$!3*7!-68#6*%<%*6$-06&%8/%&5&6&59&6 853-86R 2014-15 Million 76.17 451.30 2013-14 Million R R 48.64 92.32 R R 37.97 57.93 R R j;$-8%&6%&.!/%0' 532.12 Million| R*--*0/}5!*6&%0/0/&0'7)&0.3!/<a68/*765&-!7*/(70*668&6 :)*$))!9&#&&/%&$*%&%#<7)&¨33&--!7&¨87)05*7<*/0.3!/<a6'!9085*/!33&!-63&57!*/*/(70!/07)&58/*70'7)& Company. Show-cause notices received from various Government Agencies pending formal demand notices have not been considered as contingent liabilities. ¨.08/7*/9-09&%*/!33&!-6:)*$))!9&#&&/%&$*%&%#<¨33&--!7&!87)05*7*&6*/$0.3!/<c6'!9085#870/:)*$)7)& department has gone on further appeal of 441.66 Million| R*--*0/}R In the opinion of the management, no provision is considered necessary for the disputes mentioned above on the ground that there are fair chances of successful outcome of appeals. 2 Commitments PARTICULARS 67*.!7&%!.08/70'$0/75!$765&.!*/*/(70#&&;&$87&%0/$!3*7!-!$$08/7 /07 provided for TOTAL 3 2014-15 Million 32,864.67 32,864.67 SR SR 85*/(7)&<&!5S¨30--0<5&6¨'5*$!|7<}*.*7&%S!68#6*%*!5<03&5!7*/(*/087)¨'5*$!)!68/%&57!,&/7)&'0--0:ing activities in connection with its restructuring process: !}/*7*!7&%86*/&66&6$8&50$&&%*/(6!/%7)&&6$8&-!/:!6!33509&%0/09&.#&5S!/%7)&3-!/7 :!6$-06&%0/09&.#&5SR¨--%8&670#!/,&56!/%&;7&5/!-6833-*&56)!9&#&&/3!*%*/'8--!63&57)& &6$8&3-!/R¨6&3!5!7&5&75&/$).&/7!(5&&.&/7'05&.3-0<&&6a%8&:!6!-606*(/&%:*7)7)&*55&35&6&/7!7*9&60/ !/8!5<S!/%7)&&/7*5&-*!#*-*7<0' R*--*0/8/%&57)*6!(5&&.&/7)!6#&&/'8--<%*6$)!5(&%R #}*6306&%0''*76*/9&67.&/7*/¨ 0-%*/(6*.*7&%!/%5&$05%&%!350?70' R*--*0/R¨63!570'7)& sale agreement, the Company has agreed not to have any claim against receivables from one of its subsidiary Apollo <5&6*.#!#:&!/%)!6S!$$05%*/(-<S:5*77&/0''%&#76!.08/7*/(70 R*--*0/R $}7)!6&9!-8!7&%.!5,&7!#*-*7<0'*/9&/705<!/%:5*77&/0''0'/9&/705<:057) R*--*0/*/7)&#00,6R ;$&37*0/!- *7&. 0' R *--*0/ %85*/( 7)& 35&9*086 <&!5 5&35&6&/76 &;3&/6&6 !((5&(!7*/( 70 2,326.30 Million */ $0//&$7*0/ :*7) 7)& 350306&% !$48*6*7*0/ 0' 003&5 *5& 8##&5 0.3!/< |003&5} :)*$) :!6 7&5.*/!7&%#<003&50/&$&.#&5S/&70'50?70/6!-&0'!%<6.*7)3-!/7*/087)¨'5*$!!.08/7*/(70 SR*--*0/R 7 Issue of Shares on Conversion of Share Warrants: )&$0.3!/<)!%!--07&%SS:!55!/76S$0/9&57*#-&*/70SS&48*7<6)!5&60' &!$)70!350.07&5 5083 0.3!/< 0/ 67 &$&.#&5 S 0/ ! 35&'&5&/7*!- !--07.&/7 #!6*6S 38568!/7 70 &$7*0/ |¨} 0' 7)& 0.3!/*&6¨$7SS!7!$0/9&56*0/35*$&0' R3&56)!5&%&7&5.*/&%*/!$$05%!/$&:*7)7)&|668&0' !3*7!-!/%*6$-8685&&48*5&.&/76}&(8-!7*0/6SR¨/!.08/7&48*9!-&/7700'7)&35*$&!((5&(!7*/(70 R*--*0/:!65&$&*9&%0/!--07.&/70'7)&:!55!/76*/7)&35&9*086<&!5R/5&$&*370'7)&#!-!/$&!.08/70' R*--*0/0/8/&SS7)&$0.3!/<)!6!--077&%SS&48*7<6)!5&60' &!$)!6!35&.*8.0' R3&56)!5&R 8 85*/(7)&<&!5S38568!/7707)&/07*?$!7*0/0'$)&%8-&707)&0.3!/*&6¨$7S:*7)&''&$7'50.¨35*-S S 7)& $0.3!/< 5&9*6&% 7)& &67*.!7&% 86&'8- -*'& 0' *76 !66&76 70 !-*(/ 7)& 86&'8- -*'& :*7) 7)06& 63&$*?&% */ schedule II. )&0.3!/<)!6*/7&5/!7*0/!-75!/6!$7*0/6:*7)5&-!7&%3!57*&6R057)&$855&/7<&!5S7)&.!/!(&.&/7$0/?5.6 7)!7*7.!*/7!*/6%0$8.&/76!635&6$5*#&%#<7)&/$0.&7!;¨$7S703509&7)!77)&6&*/7&5/!7*0/!- 75!/6!$7*0/6!5&!7!5.a6-&/(7)!/%7)&!'05&6!*%-&(*6-!7*0/:*--/07)!9&!/<*.3!$70/7)&?/!/$*!-67!7&.&/76S 3!57*$8-!5-<0/7)&!.08/70'7!;&;3&/6&!/%7)!70'3509*6*0/'057!;!7*0/R Investment Promotion Subsidy from Government of Tamilnadu )&0.3!/<)!6&67!#-*6)&%5!%*!-7<5&.!/8'!$785*/('!$*-*7<*//%8675*!-!5,S5!(!%!./&!5)&//!*!/%!9!*-&%*/$&/7*9&6'50.7)&7!7&09&5/.&/70'!.*-!%8'05&67!#-*6)*/(68$)350+&$7R)&$0/6758$7*0/ 0'?5673)!6&0'7)&/&:(5&&/?&-%5!%*!-7<5&3-!/7:!6$0.3-&7&%!63&5350+&$76$)&%8-&S:)*$)$0..&/$&% 03&5!7*0/6'50.!5$)SR)&58$,{865!%*!-6&(.&/7)!6$0..&/$&%03&5!7*0/6'50.!<SR Exceptional Items 2013-14 Million 4 6 8568!/7 70 7)& &.05!/%8. 0' /%&567!/%*/( |0} %!7&% ¨8(867 S 5&!% !-0/( :*7) ! 833-&.&/7!5< %!7&%!/8!5<SS&;&$87&%#&7:&&/7)&09&5/.&/70'!.*-!%8|0}!/%7)&0.3!/<S0 6!/$7*0/&%!758$785&%!$,!(&0'¨66*67!/$&707)&0.3!/<*/7&5.60'7)&&:/%8675*!-0-*$<SR¨6 3&57)*6758$785&%!$,!(&0'¨66*67!/$&S7)&0.3!/<*6&/7*7-&%S*/7&5!-*!S'055&'8/%0'!/!.08/7&48!-70&7 87387¨3!*%#<7)&0.3!/<700*/7)&'05.0'/9&67.&/750.07*0/8#6*%<'05!3&5*0%0' <&!56|:)*$)$!/#&&;7&/%&%#<!/07)&5<&!56}S'50.7)&%!7&0'$0..&/$&.&/70'$0..&5$*!-350%8$7*0/05 7*--7)&$8.8-!7*9&!9!*-.&/70'7)&6!*%68#6*%<5&!$)&60'7)&*/9&67.&/7.!%&*/&-*(*#-&?;&%!66&76%85*/( 7)&!33509&%*/9&67.&/73&5*0%!6%&?/&%#<7)&0S:)*$)&9&5*6&!5-*&5R)*6&-*(*#-*7<*668#+&$770'8-?--.&/7 of certain obligations by the Company. )&0.3!/<'8-?--&%7)&5&-&9!/70#-*(!7*0/6%85*/(7)&35&9*086<&!5!/%7)&0.3!/<)!65&$0(/*=&%68#6*%< income of 521.04 Million| R*--*0/}!607)&503&5!7*/(*/$0.&|5&'&5/07&}S#&*/(7)&&-*(*#-&!.08/7 0'5&'8/%0'&787387¨3!*%#<7)&0.3!/<700R8#6*%<5&$05%&%%85*/(7)&35&9*086<&!55&35&6&/7668#6*%<'50.7)&%!7&0'$0..&/$&.&/70'$0..&5$*!-350%8$7*0/7*--!5$)SR!6&%0/7)&-&(!- 03*/*0/0#7!*/&%#<7)&0.3!/<S7)&6!*%68#6*%<*6$0/6*%&5&%/0/N7!;!#-&$!3*7!-5&$&*37R 5 Capital Subsidy ¨63&5&:/%8675*!-0-*$<S/&:!/%&;3!/6*0/8/*76*/9&67*/( S*--*0/!/%!#09&!/%&.3-0<*/( .05&7)!/%*5&$7:05,&56:*--#&&-*(*#-&'05!#!$,&/%&%$!3*7!-68#6*%<0' *--*0/R857)&5.!/8'!$785*/( 8/*76-0$!7&%:*7)*/!/%8675*!-3!5,:*--#&&-*(*#-&'05!/!%%*7*0/!-$!3*7!-68#6*%<09&5!/%!#09& 202 | APOLLO TYRES LTD 8568!/7 70 7)& 75!/6*7*0/ 3509*6*0/ 35&6$5*#&% */ $)&%8-& 70 7)& 0.3!/*&6 ¨$7S S 7)& $0.3!/< )!6 '8--< depreciated the carrying value of assets, net of residual value, where the remaining useful life of the assets is %&7&5.*/&% 70 #& /*- !6 0/ ¨35*- S !/% )!6 !%+867&% !/ !.08/7 0' 258.18 Million |/&7 0' %&'&55&% 7!; 0' R*--*0/}!(!*/677)&03&/*/(6853-86#!-!/$&*/7)&0/%0-*%!7&%7!7&.&/70'50?7 0668/%&5&6&59&6 853-86R )&%&35&$*!7*0/&;3&/6&*/7)&0/%0-*%!7&%7!7&.&/70'50?7 066'057)&<&!5*6-0:&5#< R*--*0/ $0/6&48&/7707)&$)!/(&*/7)&86&'8--*'&0'7)&!66&76R 9 Research and Development comprises of the following: PARTICULARS (A) Revenue Expenditure Materials .3-0<&&&/&?7;3&/6&6 5!9&--*/(;3&/6&6 Others SUB - TOTAL (B) Capital Expenditure TOTAL (A+B) 10 Statutory Auditors’ Remuneration: PARTICULARS For Audit For Company Law matters For Other Services 058!57&5-<&9*&:!/%&57*?$!7*0/ TOTAL 2014-15 Million 2013-14 Million 84.86 903.51 85.21 640.33 1,713.91 720.50 2,434.41 R R R R SR R SR 2014-15 Million 50.20 0.40 2.60 3.85 57.05 2013-14 Million R R R R R ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 203 11 Directly attributable expenses capitalised / included in capital work in progress during the year: PARTICULARS 2014-15 2013-14 Million Million R 10.76 Raw Materials Consumed R 3.35 !-!5*&6S!(&6!/%0/86 R Contribution to Provident and Other Funds R 4.94 &-'!5&;3&/6&6 R 1.45 Rent R 4.04 5!9&--*/(S0/9&<!/$&!/%&)*$-&&;3&/6&6 R 0.20 067!(&S&-&;&-&3)0/&!/%7!7*0/&5< R 1.64 0:&5;3&/6&6 R 0.55 &(!- 50'&66*0/!-;3&/6&6 R 0.72 *6$&--!/&086;3&/6&6 Total 27.65 R $FWXDO&RQWULEXWLRQDQG%HQH¿WSD\PHQWVIRUWKH\HDU PARTICULARS Actual Contributions ¨$78!-&/&?7!<.&/76 A. Indian Operations 'H¿QHG&RQWULEXWLRQ3ODQV a. Superannuation Plan:)&0.3!/<$0/75*#87&6!68.&48*9!-&/7700'7)&&-*(*#-&&.3-0<&&66!-!5<70! 683&5!//8!7*0/'8/%!%.*/*67&5&%!/%.!*/7!*/&%#<*'&/685!/$&05305!7*0/0'/%*!|}R)&0.3!/<)!6 /0-*!#*-*7<'05'8785&683&5!//8!7*0/'8/%#&/&?7607)&57)!/*76!//8!-$0/75*#87*0/!/%5&$0(/*=&668$)$0/75*#87*0/6!6!/&;3&/6&*/7)&<&!5*/$855&%R)&!.08/70'$0/75*#87*0/3!*%#<7)&$0.3!/<7083&5!//8!7*0/8/% is 59.83 Million| R*--*0/}R &KDQJHVLQWKHSUHVHQWYDOXHRIWKHGH¿QHGEHQH¿WREOLJDWLRQDUHDVIROORZV b. Provident Fund:0/75*#87*0/6!5&.!%&707)&$0.3!/<a6.3-0<&&6509*%&/78/%5867{&(*0/!-509*%&/7 8/%*/!$$05%!/$&:*7)7)&'8/%58-&6R)&*/7&5&675!7&3!<!#-&707)&#&/&?$*!5*&6&9&5<<&!5*6#&*/(/07*?&%#< the Government. /7)&$!6&0'$0/75*#87*0/707)&5867S7)&0.3!/<)!6!/0#-*(!7*0/70.!,&(00%7)&6)057'!--S*'!/<S#&7:&&/ 7)&5&785/'50.7)&*/9&67.&/760'7)&5867!/%7)&/07*?&%*/7&5&675!7&!/%5&$0(/*=&668$)0#-*(!7*0/!6!/ &;3&/6&R )&!.08/70'$0/75*#87*0/.!%&#<7)&0.3!/<70.3-0<&&6509*%&/78/%5867{&(*0/!-509*%&/78/%*6 215.96 million| R.*--*0/} 'H¿QHG%HQH¿W3ODQV Gratuity )&Company)!6!%&?/&%#&/&?7(5!78*7<3-!/R9&5<&.3-0<&&:)0)!6$0.3-&7&%?9&<&!5605.05&0'6&59*$& 5&$&*9&6(5!78*7<0/-&!9*/(7)&0.3!/<!7%!<66!-!5<|-!67%5!:/6!-!5<}'05&!$)$0.3-&7&%<&!50'6&59*$&R )&6$)&.&*6'8/%&%:*7)*'&/685!/$&05305!7*0/0'/%*!R )&'0--0:*/(7!#-&68..!5*=&67)&$0.30/&/760'/&7#&/&?7&;3&/6&5&$0(/*=&%*/7)&$0/60-*%!7&%67!7&.&/7 0'350?7!/%-066!/%7)&'8/%&%67!786!/%!.08/765&$0(/*=&%*/7)&$0/60-*%!7&%#!-!/$&6)&&7'057)& respective plan: 1HWHPSOR\HHEHQH¿WH[SHQVHV PARTICULARS 2014-15 Million 2013-14 Million Current service cost /7&5&67$0670/#&/&?70#-*(!7*0/ ;3&$7&%5&785/0/3-!/!66&76 857!*-.&/7067{|5&%*7} &77-&.&/7067{|5&%*7} &7!$78!5*!--0665&$0(/*=&%*/7)&<&!5 ;3&/6&5&$0(/*=&%*/7)&0/60-*%!7&%7!7&.&/70'50?7!/%066 56.39 61.01 (57.95) 138.80 198.25 R R |R} R R 204 | APOLLO TYRES LTD PARTICULARS 2014-15 Million 2013-14 Million Present value of obligations as at the beginning of the year Interest cost Current service cost &/&?763!*% Actuarial loss on obligation 681.75 61.02 56.39 (82.67) 136.31 R R R |R} R Present value of obligations as at the end of the year 852.80 R PARTICULARS 2014-15 Million 2013-14 Million Fair value of plan assets at beginning of the year ;3&$7&%5&785/0/3-!/!66&76 Contributions &/&?763!*% Actuarial gain on plan assets 633.32 57.95 48.44 (82.67) (2.49) R R R |R} |R} Fair value of plan assets as at the end of the year 654.55 R Changes in the fair value of plan assets are as follows: &RQVROLGDWHG6WDWHPHQWRI3UR¿WDQG/RVV 2013-14 Million R |R} Consolidated Balance Sheet: Net Asset / (Liability) recognised in the Consolidated Balance Sheet including experience adjustment impact PARTICULARS 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 Million Million Million Million Million 5&6&/79!-8&0'%&?/&%#&/&?7 R R R R 852.80 obligation at the end of the year Fair value of plan assets at the end of R R R R 654.55 the year ¨66&7{|*!#*-*7<}5&$0(/*=&%*/7)& |R} |R} |R} |R} (198.25) consolidated balance sheet ;3&5*&/$&¨%+867.&/70' R R R R 75.99 0#-*(!7*0/N|!*/}{066 ;3&5*&/$&¨%+867.&/70'3-!/ R R R |R} (1.85) !66&76N!*/{|066} (PSOR\HH%HQH¿WV 2014-15 Million 48.72 (82.66) )&5083a6(5!78*7<'8/%6!5&.!/!(&%#<7)&*'&/685!/$&05305!7*0/0'/%*!!/%7)&5&'05&7)&$0.306*7*0/ of the fund assets is not presently ascertained. Principal actuarial assumptions for Gratuity: PARTICULARS !}*6$08/75!7& #}8785&6!-!5<*/$5&!6&j $};3&$7&%5!7&0'5&785/0/3-!/!66&76 2014-15 Rate (%) 2013-14 Rate (%) 8.00 6.00 9.15 R R R j)&&67*.!7&60''8785&6!-!5<*/$5&!6&7!,&*/70!$$08/7*/@!7*0/S6&/*05*7<S350.07*0/!/%07)&55&-&9!/7'!$7056R 67*.!7&%!.08/70'$0/75*#87*0/*/7)&*..&%*!7&/&;7<&!5*6 98.72 Million ( R*--*0/). ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 205 Demographic Assumptions for Gratuity: #} PARTICULARS !}&7*5&.&/7¨(&|&!56} #}057!-*7<!#-& $}¨(&6 370&!56 50.70&!56 ¨#09&&!56 2WKHU/RQJ7HUP(PSOR\HH%HQH¿WV 2014-15 2013-14 58 IALM (200608) Withdrawal Rate (%) ¨|N } *7)%5!:!- !7&|} 3.00 2.00 1.00 R R R PARTICULARS Actuarial Assumptions for Long term compensated absences: 2014-15 Rate (%) 2013-14 Rate (%) 8.00 6.00 R R !}*6$08/75!7& #}8785&6!-!5<*/$5&!6&j 2014-15 Rate (%) 370&!56 50.70&!56 ¨#09&&!56 3.00 2.00 1.00 R R R Employees Phantom Stock Plan 2010 !} 85*/(7)&<&!5NS7)&$0.3!/<)!%!//08/$&%!6)N6&77-&%.3-0<&&)!5&N#!6&%!<.&/7-!/|)!/70. 70$,-!/}'057)&&-*(*#-&&.3-0<&&60'7)&$0.3!/<R/%&57)&6$)&.&SSS3)!/70.670$,8/*76)!9&#&&/ (5!/7&%0/67¨35*-SS)!/70.670$,8/*76)!9&#&&/(5!/7&%0/67¨35*-!/%!/07)&5S /*76)!9&#&&/(5!/7&%0/67¨35*-#<7)&#0!5%!330*/7&%$0..*77&&R¨--7)5&&037*0/6:*--#&9&67&%!63&5 the following schedule: Percentage of Grant Vesting Schedule /67!//*9&56!5<0'5&63&$7*9&(5!/7%!7& //%!//*9&56!5<0'5&63&$7*9&(5!/7%!7& /5%!//*9&56!5<0'5&63&$7*9&(5!/7%!7& /7)!//*9&56!5<0'5&63&$7*9&(5!/7%!7& 8568!/7707)&!#09&6$)&.&S7)&&-*(*#-&&.3-0<&&6!5&&/7*7-&%70(&7$!6)$0.3&/6!7*0/830/&;&5$*6&0'7)& phantom stock unit within seven years of the vesting date. RR S S S S R R R R Million R R R R Million S R R R R Million S R R R R Million R R R R Million R Million R Million R Million R Million R Million 2014-15 927,500 561,250 366,250 2013-14 2012-13 SS S S SS S S SS )&%&7!*-60'!5*!#-&686&%'05!*5!-8!7*0/!5&(*9&/*/7)&7!#-&#&-0:U Grant date April 1, 2010 Remeasurement date Vest 1 Vest 2 Vest 3 Vest 4 March 31, 2015 April 1, 2011 April 1, 2012 April 1, 2013 April 1, 2014 Variables 70$,5*$&| } 0-!7*-*7< Risk-Free Rate )&037*0/6'50.&67S&67S&67 &67)!9&#&&/$0.3-&7&-< ;&5$*6&5*$&| } &;&5$*6&%!/%7)&5&'05&%0/a7)!9&70#&9!-8&% *.&0!785*7<|/&!56} Dividend yield Fair Value per vest ( ) &67*/( Option Fair Value ( ) Grant date Remeasurement date March 31, 2015 Variables 70$,5*$&| } 0-!7*-*7< Risk-Free Rate ;&5$*6&5*$&| } *.&0!785*7<|/&!56} Dividend yield Vest 1 April 1, 2012 April 1, 2011 Vest 2 Vest 3 April 1, 2013 April 1, 2014 Vest 4 April 1, 2015 R R R R R R R R R R R R Fair Value per vest ( ) 127.40 126.14 &67*/( R Option Fair Value ( ) 206 | APOLLO TYRES LTD RR S Opening Phantom Stock Units Number of Units issued during the year 8.#&50'/*76&67&%%85*/(7)&<&!5 Closing Phantom Stock units 2013-14 Rate (%) 58 IALM (2006-08) ¨|N} *7)%5!:!- Withdrawal !7&|} Rate (%) RR RR S PARTICULARS Demographic Assumptions for Long term compensated absences: !}&7*5&.&/7¨(&|&!56} #}057!-*7<!#-& $}¨(&6 RR As at March 31, 2014 Phantom Stock outstanding units summary sheet is as follows - j)&&67*.!7&60''8785&6!-!5<*/$5&!6&7!,&*/70!$$08/7*/@!7*0/S6&/*05*7<S350.07*0/!/%07)&55&-&9!/7'!$7056R PARTICULARS As at March 31,2015 RR Date of Grant Phantom Stock Units Outstanding Phantom Stock Units SS &;&5$*6&% ;&5$*6&5*$&0')!5&| } !5,&75*$&0')!5&| } !*5!-8&0')!5&| } Amount charged to Consolidated Statement of 50?7 066|/$-8%&%*/ 07&NN.3-0<&&&/&?76;3&/6&} *!#*-*7<!60/RR |/$-8%&%*/07&N|5!%& !<!#-&6}} Long Term Compensated Absences PARTICULARS &7!*-60'7)&&;3&/6&5&$0(/*=&%%85*/(7)&<&!5!/%08767!/%*/(3)!/70.670$,8/*760'7)&0.3!/<8/%&57)& )!/70.70$,-!/!5&!68/%&5U )&37*0/6'50.&67 &67 )!9&#&&/$0.3-&7&-<&;&5$*6&%!/% 7)&5&'05&%0/c7)!9&70#&9!-8&% R 126.77 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 207 &«««««(XURSHDQ2SHUDWLRQV Grant date Remeasurement date March 31, 2015 Variables 70$,5*$&| } 0-!7*-*7< Risk-Free Rate ;&5$*6&5*$&| } *.&0!785*7<|/&!56} Dividend yield Fair Value per vest ( ) &67*/( Option Fair Value Vest 1 April 1, 2013 April 1, 2012 Vest 2 Vest 3 April 1, 2014 April 1, 2015 Vest 4 April 1, 2016 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 124.02 R 125.02 R 126.04 R 127.96 R ¨ 30--0 <5&6 003&5!7*&' R¨R )!6 !6 !7 !5$) S 0/& %&?/&% #&/&?7 3-!/R )& 3&/6*0/ -*!#*-*7< !6 5&$05%&% */ 7)& $0/60-*%!7&% #!-!/$& 6)&&7 5&-!7&6 70 7)& %&?/&% #&/&?7 3-!/ 0' ¨30---0 5&%&67&*/ .# !/% 7)& $0/75*#87*0/6 5&-!7&% 70 7)& %&?/&% $0/75*#87*0/ 3-!/ 0' ¨30--0 5&%&67&*/ */ 7)& RR &7)&5-!/%6R 05 7)& %&?/&%#&/&?73-!/0'¨30--05&%&67&*/.#)!/!$78!5*!-$!-$8-!7*0/:!63&5'05.&%#<!/!$78!5<0'!$&57*?&% !$78!5*!-?5.R ;75!$760'-!7&67#!-!/$&6)&&70'7)&'8/%6!5&!6'0--0:6U PARTICULARS Pension liabilities &?/&%#&/&?73-!/ &?/&%$0/75*#87*0/3-!/ At end of the year 2014-15 Million 582.79 272.07 854.85 2013-14 Million R R R 125.76 3KDQWRP6WRFN6FKHPH3URIRUPD6WDWHPHQWRI&RQVROLGDWHG6WDWHPHQWRI3UR¿WDQG/RVVDQG(36 !%$0.3&/6!7*0/$067'057)&)!/70.70$,8/*76(5!/7&%8/%&57)&$)&.&#&&/%&7&5.*/&%#!6&%0/'!*59!-8& !3350!$)S7)&0.3!/<a6/&7350?7!/%&!5/*/(63&56)!5&:08-%)!9&#&&/!63&57)&350'05.!!.08/76*/%*$!7&% below: PARTICULARS ,PSDFWRQ1HW3UR¿W Million) &750?7|¨65&3057&%} ¨%%UN!6)#!6&%&.3-0<&&$0.3&/6!7*0/&;3&/6&*/$-8%&%*//&7350?7 &66UN!6)#!6&%$0.3&/6!7*0/&;3&/6&%&7&5.*/&%8/%&5'!*59!-8&#!6&% .&7)0%|50'05.!} &750?7|50'05.!} Impact on Earnings per Share ( ) !6*$!5/*/(63&5)!5&0' !$)|¨65&3057&%} !6*$!5/*/(63&5)!5&0' !$)|50'05.!} Diluted *-87&%!5/*/(63&5)!5&0' !$)|¨65&3057&%} *-87&%!5/*/(63&5)!5&0' !$)|50'05.!} 2014-15 2013-14 9,776.09 3.58 49.02 SR R R 9,730.65 SR 19.25 19.16 R R 19.23 19.14 R R )&!*5!-8&0'37*0/686&%70$0.387&350'05.!/&7350?7!/%&!5/*/(63&548*7<)!5&)!9&#&&/&67*.!7&% on the date of the grants using Black-Scholes model by an independent consultant. B. South Africa Operations PARTICULARS Assumptions Apollo Vredestein GMBH Active employee members Number Average age Average future service /@!7*0/ /%&;!7*0//0/N!$7*9&.&.#&56 Mortality table /%*9*%8!-!-!5</$5&!6&|%&3&/%&/70/!(&} Discount rate 2014-15 2013-14 § « R 46.6 R§ « R 1.75% R 1.75% Heubeck 2005G &8#&$, 3% R 3.10% &RQVROLGDWHG6WDWHPHQWRI3UR¿WDQG/RVV PARTICULARS 1HWHPSOR\HHEHQH¿WH[SHQVHVUHFRJQL]HGLQHPSOR\HHFRVW Current service cost /7&5&67$0670/#&/&?70#-*(!7*0/ ;3&$7&%5&785/0/3-!/!66&76 &7!$78!5*!--0665&$0(/*=&%*/7)&<&!5 Administration Cost &7#&/&?7&;3&/6& 2014-15 Million 2013-14 Million 12.34 15.44 148.33 176.11 R R SR SR 2014-15 Million 2013-14 Million Apollo Durban (Pty) Ltd Post-employment medical obligation )& 5083c6 -*!#*-*7< */ 5&63&$7 0' 7)& 3067N&.3-0<.&/7 .&%*$!- 0#-*(!7*0/ )!6 #&&/ !$78!5*!--< 9!-8&% !7 129.20 Million| R*--*0/}!7!5$)SR)&!$78!5*!-9!-8!7*0/3&5'05.&%)!6#&&/#!6&%0/7)& following assumptions: ! }!)&!-7)$!5&$067*/@!7*0/5!7&0'7.60 %3R!R|R3R!} #}!%*6$08/75!7&0'8.60 %3R!R|R3R!} PARTICULARS Opening Balance /7&5&67$0675&$0(/*=&%*/*/$0.&67!7&.&/7*/$855&/73&5*0% &!-7)$!5&$067*/@!7*0/ &/&?7!<.&/76 ¨$78!5*!--066|(!*/}5&$0(/*=&%*/$0/60-*%!7&%67!7&.&/70'350?7!/%-066*/ current period *6$&--!/&086|*/$-8%*/(#!6*6!/%%!7!$)!/(&6} Closing balance 2014-15 Million 2013-14 Million 141.01 8.47 (10.57) R R |R} 2.16 (11.87) 129.20 R |R} R Sensitivity of healthcare cost 05&9&5<{675&/(7)&/*/({:&!,/&660'*/9&67.&/75&785/6S5&-!7*9&70.&%*$!-!*%*/@!7*0/S7)&-*!#*-*7<*6$!-$8lated to decrease/increase by 4.67/5.08 Million| R{R*--*0/}'50.7)&5&3057&%-&9&-0' 129.20 Million | R*--*0/}R*.*-!5-<'05&9&5<*/$5&!6&{%&$5&!6&*/.&%*$!-!*%*/@!7*0/S5&-!7*9&70*/9&67.&/75&785/6S7)& liability is calculated to increase/decrease by 8.82/8.30 Million| R{R*--*0/}R 208 | APOLLO TYRES LTD Consolidated Balance Sheet: PARTICULARS Reconciliation of present value of the obligation and the fair value of plan assets Present value of funded obligation at the end of the year Fair value of plan assets at the end of the year ¨66&7{|*!#*-*7<}5&$0(/*=&%*/7)&$0/60-*%!7&%#!-!/$&6)&&7 ;3&5*&/$&¨%+867.&/70'0#-*(!7*0/N|!*/}{066 ;3&5*&/$&¨%+867.&/70'3-!/!66&76N!*/{|066} (582.75) (582.75) - |R} R - 2014-15 Million 538.36 15.44 12.34 (18.70) 148.33 (113.02) 582.75 2013-14 Million R R R |R} R R R &KDQJHVLQWKHSUHVHQWYDOXHRIWKHGH¿QHGEHQH¿WREOLJDWLRQDUHDVIROORZV PARTICULARS Present value of obligations as at the beginning of the year Interest cost Current service cost Contribution by employees &/&?763!*% ¨$78!5*!-|(!*/}{-0660/0#-*(!7*0/ Settlement of the obligation Present value of obligations as at the end of the year ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 209 13(a) The components of Deferred Tax Liabilities (Net) are as follows: 2014-15 Million 2013-14 Million Deferred Tax Liabilities on timing differences arising on: Depreciation Others 5,215.10 325.11 SR R Sub Total (A) 5,540.21 SR Deferred Tax Assets on timing differences arising on: !<.&/78/%&50-8/7!5<&7*5&.&/7$)&.& 509*6*0/'055!78*7<!/%&!9&/$!6).&/7 Provision for Doubtful Debts / Advances Other Provisions Assessed loss Others 2.60 113.87 15.56 199.23 R R R R R R Sub Total (B) 331.26 R 5,208.95 SR 2014-15 Million 2013-14 Million Deferred Tax Assets on timing differences arising on: Assessed loss Others 217.05 252.53 R R Sub Total (A) 469.58 R PARTICULARS Net Deferred Tax Liabilities (A-B) The components of Deferred Tax Assets (Net) are as follows: PARTICULARS 14 $} 509*6*0/ '05 $0/6758$7*9& -*!#*-*7< !5*6*/( 0/ !$$08/7 0' -&!6& $0/75!$76 :)*$) !5& 3!<#-& 09&5 7)& 3&5*0% of 7 years are as follows. Million 15 Opening Balance as at 01.04.2014 Additional provision made during the year Incurred against provision during the year Closing Balance as at 31.03.2015 82.99 36.36 18.04 101.31 Expenditure towards Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Activities: Million Nature of Activities Implementing Agency/ Partner 50.07*/(5&9&/7*9& &!-7) ¨30--0<5&608/%!7*0/ /685*/(&/9*50/.&/7!-6867!*/!#*-*7< ¨30--0<5&608/%!7*0/ *9&-*)00%&/)!/$&.&/7350+&$76 ¨30--0<5&608/%!7*0/ 85!-&9&-03.&/7350+&$76 ¨30--0<5&608/%!7*0/ 50.07*/(%8$!7*0/ ¨30--0<5&608/%!7*0/ 50.07*/(5&9&/7*9& &!-7) &86)!5*7!#-&08/%!7*0/ 50.07*/(%8$!7*0/ &86)!5*7!#-&08/%!7*0/ 5!%*$!7*0/)8/(&5S309&57< .!-/875*7*0/ &86)!5*7!#-&08/%!7*0/ 0/75*#87*0/70053860'!75867$5&!7&%&;$-86*9&-<'058/%&57!,*/(!$7*9*7*&6 ¨%%U¨%.*/*675!7*9&067M Total ¨.08/75&48*5&%70#&63&/78{60'7)&0.3!/*&6¨$7S Deferred Tax Liabilities on timing differences arising on: !/(*#-&*;&%¨66&76 Others 144.94 27.69 - Sub Total (B) 172.63 - Net Deferred Tax Assets (A-B) 296.95 R 13(b) )&3509*6*0/'057!;'057)&<&!5)!6#&&/%&7&5.*/&%#!6&%0/7)&3509*6*0/60'07)&57)!/0'7)&/$0.& !;¨$7SR05%&7&5.*/*/(7)&6!*%3509*6*0/S7)&0.3!/<)!6$0/6*%&5&%%&%8$7*0/8/%&56&$7*0/|¨} */5&63&$70'7)&&;3&/%*785&*/$855&%'05*76 !$7*9*7*&6*/7)& &/75&!7)&//!*S!-7)08()7)&0.3!/<a6 !33-*$!7*0/'057)&!33509!-0'7)*6$&/7&5*63&/%*/(#&'05&S!67)&0.3!/<*6$0/?%&/70'0#7!*/*/(7)&!33509!-#&'05&?-*/(7)&5&785/0'*/$0.&'057)&?/!/$*!-<&!5NR 14 !}509*6*0/'05!-&6&-!7&%#-*(!7*0/5&35&6&/76&67*.!7&6'053!<.&/7670#&.!%&*/'8785&R!+053057*0/ 0' 7)&6& $0676 *6 &67*.!7&% 70 #& 3!*% */ 7)& /&;7 ?/!/$*!- <&!5 !/% :*-- #& 3!*% :*7)*/ !.!;*.8.0'<&!56'50.7)&#!-!/$&6)&&7%!7&R Million Opening Balance as at 01.04.2014 Additional provision made during the year Incurred against provision during the year Closing Balance as at 31.03.2015 2,017.35 4,065.47 3,923.80 2,159.01 Shortfall in spend Amount R R R R R R R R R 54.12 R 56.82 84.74 27.92 16 !}0--0:*/(!5&7)&'05:!5%&;$)!/(&$0/75!$76~#&*/(%&5*9!7*9&*/6758.&/76S:)*$)!5&/07*/7&/%&%'0575!%*/( 0563&$8-!7*9&385306&6#87'05)&%(&385306&670&67!#-*6)7)&!.08/70'5&3057*/($855&/$<5&48*5&%05!9!*-!#-& !77)&6&77-&.&/7%!7&0'$&57!*/3!<!#-&6!/%5&$&*9!#-&6R)&'0--0:*/('05:!5%&;$)!/(&$0/75!$76&/7&5&%*/70 #<7)&5083!5&08767!/%*/(!60/!5$)SU Million 2014-15 Currency United States Dollar SUBSIDIARIES United States Dollar Great British Sterling Swedish Krona Swiss Francs Norwegian Kroner 0-*6)-07<$) 8/(!5*!/05*/7 Buy/Sell Cross Currency USD Amount R R Buy Sell INR INR USD GBP NOK R R R R R R R Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 14 #} )& 0.3!/< $!55*&6 ! (&/&5!- 3509*6*0/ '05 $0/7*/(&/$*&6 70:!5%6 9!5*086 $-!*.6 !(!*/67 7)& 0.3!/< /07 recognised as debt. Million Opening Balance as at 01.04.2014 Additional provision made during the year Incurred against provision during the year Closing Balance as at 31.03.2015 425.00 - - 425.00 210 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 211 2013-14 Million Currency Amount United States Dollar SUBSIDIARIES United States Dollar United States Dollar Great British Sterling Swedish Krona Swiss Francs Norwegian Kroner 0-*6)-07<$) 8/(!5*!/05*/7 Buy/Sell Cross Currency USD R R Buy Buy INR INR USD USD GBP NOK R R R R R R R R Sell Sell Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy Buy ¨ 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 c. Segmental assets includes all operating assets used by respective segment and consists principally of operating $!6)S %&#7056S */9&/705*&6 !/% ?;&% !66&76 /&7 0' !--0:!/$&6 !/% 3509*6*0/6R &(.&/7!- -*!#*-*7*&6 */$-8%& !-- operating liabilities and consist primarily of creditors and accrued liabilities. Segment assets and liabilities do not */$-8%&*/$0.&7!;!66&76!/%-*!#*-*7*&6R Million Particulars #}0R0'855&/$<6:!36|07)&57)!/'05:!5%&;$)!/(&$0/75!$7667!7&%!#09&}70)&%(&!(!*/67@8$78!7*0/6*/ $)!/(&6*/&;$)!/(&5!7&!5&18|}R $})&<&!5N&/%'05&*(/$855&/$<&;30685&67)!7)!9&/07#&&/)&%(&%#<!%&5*9!7*9&*/6758.&/70507)&5:*6&!5& given below: Million As at March 31, 2015 As at March 31, 2014 Receivable/ (Payable) INR E««««%XVLQHVV6HJPHQWV )& 0.3!/< )!6 $0/6*%&5&% #86*/&66 6&(.&/7 !6 7)& 6&$0/%!5< 6&(.&/7 '05 %*6$-0685&R )& 0.3!/<c6 03&5!7*0/6 $0.35*6& 0' 0/-< 0/& 6&(.&/7 N <5&6S 8#&6 -!36 !/% 7)&5&'05&S 7)&5& !5& /0 07)&5 #86*/&66 6&(.&/7670#&5&3057&%!65&48*5&%8/%&5!$$08/7*/(67!/%!5%|¨N}N^&(.&/7&3057*/(_R Receivable/ (Payable) FC India South Africa Europe Others Other Corp Eliminations Total 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 1. REVENUE 07!-&9&/8& Inter segment Revenue 89,753.63 (6,067.19) SR |SR} 4,727.42 - SR |R} 36,376.54 (1,018.41) SR |R} 5,156.43 (554.82) SR |R} 808.94 (792.07) R |R} (8,432.49) 8,432.49 |SR} SR External Revenue 83,686.44 SR 4,727.42 SR 35,358.13 SR 4,601.61 SR 16.87 R - 2. RESULT Segment result /7&5&67&;3&/6& /$0.&!;&6 ;$&37*0/!-*7&. 11,062.30 (1,720.88) (2,890.61) - SR |SR} |SR} |R} (148.16) (10.03) 357.68 (824.90) R |R} |R} SR 4,973.37 (88.95) 943.93 - SR |R} |R} |SR} (46.13) (10.25) (38.19) - R |R} |R} - 786.09 (0.47) (17.13) - R |R} - 6,450.81 SR (625.41) SR 3,940.49 SR (94.57) R 768.49 61,214.06 24,080.03 2,435.22 2,467.80 SR SR SR SR 2,413.44 895.34 45.79 126.29 SR SR R R 27,573.57 6,220.45 3,779.02 1,253.03 SR SR SR SR 2,998.69 738.68 106.09 32.68 SR SR R R 146.02 R 28.83 |R} 11.43 R 7.52 R 1HWSUR¿W 3. OTHER INFORMATION Segment assets Segment liabilities !3*7!-;3&/%*785& Depreciation 7)&5*(/*?$!/70/!6) ;3&/6&6 2014-15 2013-14 128,390.47 - SR - - 128,390.47 SR (666.40) 2.68 - |R} R - 15,961.07 (1,827.90) (3,532.18) (824.90) SR |SR} |SR} |R} R (663.72) |R} 9,776.09 SR 9,298.15 6,065.02 14.09 3.08 SR SR R R (17,347.07) (2,271.65) - |SR} |SR} - 86,150.84 35,727.87 6,380.21 3,882.88 SR SR SR SR (14.09) R - - 179.71 R Receivable/ (Payable) INR Receivable/ (Payable) FC ¨*5)!. (57.01) (3.31) Swiss Franc 142.95 2.20 R R 261.02 3.67 R R Particulars 2014-15 2013-14 Companies in which Directors are interested ¨30--0/7&5/!7*0/!-7%|¨} ¨30--0/7&5/!7*0/!-5!%*/(S*%%-&!67 /$053&59*$&67% 09*&=/%*!7% !/%.!5,!5.6 086*/(|}7% 8/-*'&5!%&-*/,6|}7% 5!9&-5!$,67% &630,&0856 5!9&-67% 86,!--&<&$)/0-0(*&67% -!66*$¨8708#&67% /7&535*6&67%|} Apollo Finance Ltd Artemis Medicare Services Ltd ¨57&.*6 &!-7)$*&/$&67% Regent Properties Swaranganga Consultants Pvt Ltd <67&.605305!7*0/SRR !$5&% &!57/9&67.&/70R977% Milers Global Pvt Ltd ¨.!5$)!/% !/(!-%!6 85&6)¨)50'' 0R !(!5 ¨660$*!7&6 Apollo Fiege Integrated Logistics Pvt Ltd ¨30--0/7&5/!7*0/!-7%|¨} ¨30--0/7&5/!7*0/!-5!%*/(S*%%-&!67 /$053&59*$&67% 09*&=/%*!7% !/%.!5,!5.6 086*/(|}7% 8/-*'&5!%&-*/,6|}7% 5!9&-5!$,67% &630,&0856 5!9&-67% 86,!--&<&$)/0-0(*&67% -!66*$¨8708#&67% /7&535*6&67%|} Apollo Finance Ltd Artemis Medicare Services Ltd ¨57&.*6 &!-7)$*&/$&67% Regent Properties Swaranganga Consultants Pvt Ltd <67&.605305!7*0/SRR !$5&% &!57/9&67.&/70R977% Milers Global Pvt Ltd ¨.!5$)!/% !/(!-%!6 85&6)¨)50'' 0R !(!5 ¨660$*!7&6 Apollo Fiege Integrated Logistics Pvt Ltd Associates 5&6685*7&|7<}7% !7*0/!-<5&&59*$&67% 5&6685*7&|7<}7% !7*0/!-<5&&59*$&67% Key Management Personnel Mr Onkar S Kanwar 5&&5!+!/:!5 Mr U S Oberoi Mr Sunam Sarkar Mr Onkar S Kanwar 5&&5!+!/:!5 Mr U S Oberoi Mr Sunam Sarkar Relatives of Key Managerial Personnel 5!!+!!/:!5 5!!+!!/:!5 Currency British Pound R R 116.05 1.27 R R (0.04) (7.25) R R !3!/&6&&/ 0.05 0.09 |R} |R} Malaysian Ringgit 0.17 0.01 R R Philippine Peso 0.23 0.21 R R Singapore Dollar 0.23 0.01 R R )!*!)7 (0.20) (0.11) |R} |R} US Dollar 1,925.05 30.60 |R} |R} 8.25 1.55 R R Norway Crown 56.28 7.20 R R Swedish Crown 161.16 22.17 R R Polish Sloty 115.59 6.98 R R 35.59 157.33 R R Indonesian Rupiah South African Rand 8/(!5*!/05*/7 17 Segmental Reporting a. Geographical Segments )& 0.3!/< )!6 $0/6*%&5&% (&0(5!3)*$ 6&(.&/76 !6 7)& 35*.!5< 6&(.&/76 '05 %*6$-0685&R )& &0(5!3)*$ &(.&/76!5&/%*!S087)¨'5*$!S8503&0/7)&#!6*60'5(!/*6!7*0/758$785&!/%3&5!7*/(0$!7*0/6R/%*!/ 6&(.&/7*/$-8%&6.!/8'!$785*/(!/%6!-&603&5!7*0/67)508()/%*!S087)¨'5*$!!/%8503&6&(.&/76*/$-8%& .!/8'!$785*/(!/%6!-&603&5!7*0/67)508()087)¨'5*$!!/%8503&!-0/(:*7)*7668#6*%*!5*&6-0$!7&%*/087) ¨'5*$!!/%8503&5&63&$7*9&-<R 212 | APOLLO TYRES LTD 18 *6$-0685& 0' &-!7&% !57< 5!/6!$7*0/6 */ !$$05%!/$& :*7) 7)& .!/%!705< ¨$$08/7*/( 7!/%!5%6 ¨N ^&-!7&%!57<*6$-0685&6_U Name of the Related Parties 1RWH5HODWHG3DUWLHVDQGWKHLUUHODWLRQVKLSVDUHDVLGHQWL¿HGE\WKHPDQDJHPHQWDQGUHOLHGXSRQE\WKH$XGLWRUV ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 213 Transactions with Related Parties: Million FY 2014-15 Particulars Description of Transactions: Sales: ¨30--0/7-R5!%*/(S8#!* Apollo International Ltd Sales: Raw Materials -!66*$¨8708#&67% Cross Charge of Management & Other Expenses Received: /7&535*6&67% -!66*$¨8708#&67% Artemis Medicare Services Ltd Rent Received: /7&535*6&67% &630,&0856 5!9&-67% -!66*$¨8708#&67% Reimbursement of Expenses Received: -!66*$¨8708#&67% /7&535*6&67% Apollo International Ltd Freight & Insurance recovered: Apollo International Ltd Purchases: -!66*$¨8708#&67% Clearing Charges Paid: Apollo Fiege Integrated Logistics Pvt Ltd Warehouse Management Charges Paid: Apollo Fiege Integrated Logistics Pvt Ltd Legal and Professional Charges Paid: ¨.!5$)!/% !/(!-%!6 85&6)¨)50'' 0R !(!5 ¨660$*!7&6 Reimbursement of Expenses paid: /7&535*6&67% -!66*$¨8708#&67% Payment for Services Received: Artemis Medicare Services Ltd -!66*$¨8708#&67% Lease Rent Paid: /7&535*6&67% 214 | APOLLO TYRES LTD Companies in which Directors are interested Key Management Personnel Total SR R 1,481.34 SR R 1,481.34 R R R R R 6.83 R R R 6.83 R R R 1.46 R R R 1.46 R R R 14.44 R R R 14.44 R R R R R R R R R R 16.20 R R 16.20 R R 671.11 R R 671.11 R R 11.88 R R 11.88 R R Rent Paid: 8/-*'&5!%&-*/,6 !/%!5,!5.6 086*/( Regent Properties -!66*$¨8708#&67% Milers Global Pvt Ltd Conversion Charges Paid: -!66*$¨8708#&67% Mixing Charges Paid: -!66*$¨8708#&67% Travelling Expenses Paid: &630,&0856 5!9&-67% Conference Expenses: &630,&0856 5!9&-67% Commision received: Apollo Finance Ltd Managerial Remuneration: Mr Onkar S Kanwar 5&&5!+!/:!5 Mr U S Oberoi Mr Sunam Sarkar Amount Outstanding Trade Payable: &630,&0856 5!9&-67% -!66*$¨8708#&67% Artemis Medicare Services Ltd ¨.!5$)!/% !/(!-%!6 85&6)¨ )50'' 0R Other Current Liabilities: -!66*$¨8708#&67% Long Term Loans & Advances: /7&535*6&67% 8/-*'&5!%&-*/,6 !/%!5,!5.6 086*/( Regent Properties Milers Global Pvt Ltd -!66*$¨8708#&67% Trade Receivable: -!66*$¨8708#&67% Apollo International Ltd Short Term Loans & Advances: /7&535*6&67% 5!9&-5!$,67% -!66*$¨8708#&67% Apollo Fiege Integrated Logistics Pvt Ltd Apollo Finance Ltd R R R R R 72.15 R R R R R 72.15 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R 738.93 R R R R 738.93 R R R R R R R 31.67 R 31.67 R 43.15 R 43.15 R R R R R R 497.61 R R R R R R 497.61 7.89 R 113.49 7.89 R 113.49 R R R R R 45.68 R R R R R 45.68 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 215 Transactions with Related Parties: Million FY 2013-14 Particulars Description of Transactions: Sales: ¨30--0/7-R5!%*/(S8#!* Sales: Raw Materials -!66*$¨8708#&67% Cross Charge of Management & Other Expenses Received: /7&535*6&67% -!66*$¨8708#&67% Artemis Medicare Services Ltd Rent Received: /7&535*6&67% &630,&0856 5!9&-67% -!66*$¨8708#&67% Reimbursement of Expenses Received: -!66*$¨8708#&67% Purchases: /7&535*6&67% -!66*$¨8708#&67% Clearing Charges Paid: Apollo Fiege Integrated Logistics Pvt Ltd Warehouse Management Charges Paid: Apollo Fiege Integrated Logistics Pvt Ltd Legal and Professional Charges Paid: ¨.!5$)!/% !/(!-%!6 85&6)¨)50'' 0R !(!5 ¨660$*!7&6 Reimbursement of Expenses paid: /7&535*6&67% -!66*$¨8708#&67% Payment for Services Received: Artemis Medicare Services Ltd Lease Rent Paid: /7&535*6&67% Rent Paid: 8/-*'&5!%&-*/,6 !/%!5,!5.6 086*/( Regent Properties -!66*$¨8708#&67% Milers Global Pvt Ltd Conversion Charges Paid: -!66*$¨8708#&67% Mixing Charges Paid: -!66*$¨8708#&67% 216 | APOLLO TYRES LTD Companies in which Directors are interested Key Management Personnel Total SR SR R R R R R 5.76 R R R 5.76 R R R 1.46 R R R 1.46 R R R R 307.59 R R 307.59 R R R R R R 24.83 R R 24.83 R R 567.45 R R 567.45 R R R R R R R R R 72.15 R R R R R 72.15 SR SR R R Travelling Expenses Paid: 5!9&-5!$,67% &630,&0856 5!9&-67% Conference Expenses: &630,&0856 5!9&-67% Security Deposits Given: Milers Global Pvt Ltd Refund of Security Deposits: 8/-*'&5!%&-*/,6 !/%!5,!5.6 086*/( Regent Properties R R 219.06 R R 219.06 R R R R R R R 189.83 R R R 189.83 Managerial Remuneration: Mr Onkar S Kanwar 5&&5!+!/:!5 Mr U S Oberoi Mr Sunam Sarkar Amount Outstanding Trade Payable: 5!9&-5!$,67% -!66*$¨8708#&67% Apollo Fiege Integrated Logistics Pvt Ltd Other Current Liabilities: Apollo International Ltd -!66*$¨8708#&67% Long Term Loans & Advances: /7&535*6&67% 8/-*'&5!%&-*/,6 !/%!5,!5.6 086*/( Regent Properties Milers Global Pvt Ltd -!66*$¨8708#&67% Trade Receivable: -!66*$¨8708#&67% Apollo International Ltd ¨30--0/7-R5!%*/(S8#!* Short Term Loans & Advances: /7&535*6&67% &630,&0856 5!9&-67% -!66*$¨8708#&67% Artemis Medicare Services Ltd R R R R 494.98 R R R R 494.98 |R} R R 31.65 |R} R R 31.65 R R 4.48 R R 4.48 R R R R R R 541.90 R R R R R R 541.90 R R R 158.04 R R R 158.04 R R R R 80.63 R R R R 80.63 ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 217 19 Operating Lease 20 Finance Lease - Deferred Payment Credit A. Indian Operations )& 0.3!/< )!6 &/7&5&% */70 ?/!/$& -&!6& !55!/(&.&/76 '05 $&57!*/ ¨66&76R )&6$)&%8-& 0' '8785& .*/*.8. lease payments in respect of non-cancellable Finance leases is set out below: )&0.3!/<)!6!$48*5&%!66&768/%&57)&03&5!7*/(-&!6&!(5&&.&/767)!7!5&5&/&:!#-&0/!3&5*0%*$#!6*6!7 7)&037*0/0'#07)7)&-&6605!/%-&66&&R&/7!-&;3&/6&68/%&57)06&-&!6&6:&5& 400 Million| *--*0/} )&6$)&%8-&0''8785&.*/*.8.-&!6&3!<.&/76*/5&63&$70'/0/N$!/$&--!#-&03&5!7*/(-&!6&6*66&7087#&-0:U 2014-15 2013-14 PARTICULARS Million Million *7)*//&<&!50'7)&!-!/$&)&&7%!7& Due in a period between One year and Five years Due after Five years 400.00 2,000.00 400.00 Million R SR R *7)*//&<&!50'7)&!-!/$&)&&7%!7& Due in a period between One year and Five years 8&!'7&5*9&&!56 Total Less: Future Finance Charges Present Value of Minimum Lease Payment Apollo Durban (Pty) Ltd )&6$)&%8-&0''8785&.*/*.8.-&!6&3!<.&/76*/5&63&$70'/0/N$!/$&--!#-&03&5!7*/(-&!6&6*66&7087#&-0:U 2014-15 2013-14 PARTICULARS Million Million *7)*/0/&<&!50'7)&!-!/$&)&&7%!7& Due in a period between One year and Five years Due after Five years Payments 2014-15 2013-14 2014-15 2013-14 68.31 101.75 45.21 215.27 (43.51) 171.76 R R R R |R} R 56.12 79.67 35.97 171.76 - R R R R - PARTICULARS 2014-15 a) Basic & Diluted (Before Exceptional Items) 50?7!775*#87!#-&707)&&48*7<6)!5&)0-%&5686&%!6/8.&5!705 | *--*0/}N|¨} )&:&*()7&%!9&5!(&/8.#&50'&48*7<6)!5&608767!/%*/(%85*/(7)& <&!586&%!6%&/0.*/!70505!6*$N|} ¨%%U''&$70'!55!/76:)*$)!5&%*-87*9& )&:&*()7&%!9&5!(&/8.#&50'&48*7<6)!5&608767!/%*/(%85*/(7)& <&!586&%!6%&/0.*/!705'05*-87&%N|} - C. European Operations Basic Earnings Per Share ( ) – (A) / (B) (Face Value of )&6$)&%8-&0''8785&.*/*.8.-&!6&3!<.&/76*/5&63&$70'/0/N$!/$&--!#-&03&5!7*/(-&!6&6*66&7087#&-0:U 2014-15 2013-14 PARTICULARS Million Million Diluted Earnings Per Share ( ) – (A) / (C) (Face Value of *7)*/0/&<&!50'7)&!-!/$&)&&7!7& 8&*/!3&5*0%#&7:&&/0/&<&!5!/%?9&<&!56 8&!'7&5?9&<&!56 1.59 0.10 1.69 Payments 21 !5/*/(6 &5 )!5& |} O )& /8.&5!705 !/% %&/0.*/!705 86&% 70 $!-$8-!7& !6*$ !/% *-87&% !5/*/(6 &5 Share: R - )& -&!6& &6$!-!7*0/ -*!#*-*7< 5&-!7&6 70 5&/7!- !/% -&!6& $0/75!$76 :*7) ?;&% &6$!-!7*0/ $-!86&R &/7!- 3!<!#-&6 8/%&57)&$0/75!$76!5&$)!5(&%700/60-*%!7&%7!7&.&/70'50?7 0660/!675!*()7N-*/&#!6*609&57)&7&5.0' the relevant lease. 2014-15 2013-14 PARTICULARS Million Million Long term )0577&5.|%8&:*7)*/!<&!5} 07!--&!6&&6$!-!7*0/ 23.91 32.75 - Present Value of Lease PARTICULARS B. South African Operations Total Minimum Lease 375.05 795.57 19.53 R SR R 2013-14 9,776.09 SR 507,942,578 441,058.00 SS SR 508,383,636 SS 19.25 R 19.23 R 1 each) 1 each) 22 5&9*086<&!5a6?(85&6)!9&#&&/5&(5083&%{5&$-!66*?&%:)&5&9&5/&$&66!5<70$055&630/%:*7)7)&$855&/7<&!5a6 $-!66*?$!7*0/{%*6$-0685&R )&0.3!/<)!603&5!7*0/!--&!6&$0/75!$76'05$!56!/%)!5%:!5&R&/7!-0#-*(!7*0/65&-!7&709!5*086:!5&)086&6!/%0'?$&#8*-%*/(6:*7)$0/75!$768370<&!56R)&5&/7!-!55!/(&.&/76*/$-8%&!%+867.&/76%&3&/%*/( 830/#&/$).!5,*/@!7*0/*/%*$&6R D. Others )&6$)&%8-&0''8785&.*/*.8.-&!6&3!<.&/76*/5&63&$70'/0/N$!/$&--!#-&03&5!7*/(-&!6&6*66&7087#&-0:U 2014-15 2013-14 PARTICULARS Million Million *7)*/0/&<&!50'7)&!-!/$&)&&7!7& 8&*/!3&5*0%#&7:&&/0/&<&!5!/%?9&<&!56 8&!'7&5?9&<&!56 26.54 47.08 - - )&$0.3!/<)!603&5!7*0/!--&!6&$0/75!$76'050'?$&63!$&R&/7!-0#-*(!7*0/65&-!7&709!5*086:!5&)086&6!/% 0'?$&#8*-%*/(6:*7)$0/75!$768370<&!56R 85(!0/ !<S 218 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ¨¨¨ )!*5.!/ Managing Director ¨¨¨ *$&)!*5.!/ Managing Director ¨¨¨ *5&$705 ¨¨¨ )*&'*/!/$*!-'?$&5 ¨ ¨¨ 0.3!/<&$5&7!5< ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 219 220 | APOLLO TYRES LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 221 */-0RR 5&%&67&*/!5,&7*/(RR j7*6!/0/N03&5!7*/(&/7*7<R 5&%&67&*/0/68-7*/(RR RR5&%&6&7*/RR5-j ¨30--05&%&67&*/'7 5&%&67&*/05(&¨RR ¨30--05&%&67&*/*5&6/$R ¨30--05&%&67&*/#&5*$!¨ ¨30--05&%&67&*/30/< 0-6,!3R0R0R ¨30--05&%&67&*/5- ¨30--05&%&67&*/$):&*= AG Name of the Subsidiary S.No ¨30--05&%&67&*/ &6&--6$)!'7.R#R R ¨30--0<5&65039&67|} Pvt Ltd ¨30--0<5&6|}977% ¨30--05&%&67&*/&-8; ¨30--0<5&6RR|¨} ¨30--0<5&6-0#!- RR ¨30--05&%&67&*/¨ ¨30--0<5&6|5!6*-}7%! ¨30--0<5&6|)!*-!/%} Limited ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR Limited ¨30--0<5&6|*%%-&!67} =&|¨} ¨30--0<5&6 0-%*/(6 |*/(!305&}7&7%|¨ } 9 5&%&67&*/05%*$¨RR ¨30--0<5&6¨|¨¨} 8 ¨30--0<5&60N03&5!7*&' R¨R|¨30--0003} 7 5&%&67&*/!5,&7*/(RR Co. KG ¨30--0<5&6|<3586}97 7%|¨} ¨30--0<5&6¨'5*$!|7<}7% ¨30--05&%&67&*/.# ¨30--0|087)¨'5*$!} 0-%*/(6|7<}7%|¨ } ¨30--0<5&6| 8/(!5<}'7 ¨30--05&%&67&*/RR |¨} ¨30--0<5&6|5&&/?&-%}0R Operatief U.A. ¨30--0|!85*7*86} 0-%*/(6 977%|¨ } Name of the Subsidiary S.No Part A: Subsidiaries R GBP ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) R R R R NOK R R PLN ¨35*-70 !5$) R R USD ¨35*-70 !5$) R R R R R R R GBP R R R R Exchange Rate as on 31.03.2015 R GBP Reporting Currency R R R BRL ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) Reporting Period ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) R R R R R R |R} R - R |R} R R R R - - |R} R R R R R R R R R R R SR SR R R R R R R SR SR Total Assets R SR SR SR Total Liabilities R SR SR SR R R R R R R SR SR R SR SR SR R SR Total Liabilities - |R} R |R} R - R R R R R R R R R R - |R} R |R} R - R R R R R R R R R R |SR} |SR} |SR} SR SR Reserves & Surplus |R} |R} |R} R |R} R R |R} |R} SR R R R R R R R R R R R - R R Share Capital R R R R R R R R R SR R |R} SR - SR R |R} SR Total Assets SR Reserves & Surplus R R SR Share Capital R SR R R ¨ ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) SGD ¨ ¨ R R USD Exchange Rate as on 31.03.2015 Reporting Currency ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) ¨35*-70 !5$) Reporting Period SR R - R SR SR - - - - R - - - R - - - - R SR - - SR - R SR - - SR - SR - SR - |R} SR - - Turnover (including other income) - Investment (Other than Subsidiary) - SR R SR - SR - R R R R - R |R} - R 3UR¿W before taxation - - R R R - |R} |R} R R R R R R R R R R SR 3UR¿W before taxation |R} R |R} R |R} R R |R} |R} |R} R SR |SR} R - - - - - |R} - - R Turnover (including other income) - - Investment (Other than Subsidiary) - - R - R - R R R R R R R - 8.77 |R} R R R Provision for taxation - R |R} R R R - - R |R} - |R} R - - R Provision for taxation - - R R R - |R} |R} R |R} R R R R R R R R SR 3UR¿W after taxation |R} R |R} R |R} R R |R} |R} |R} R |R} R |R} - R 3UR¿W after taxation - - - - - - - - - % of Shareholding % of Shareholding Million - - - - - - - - - Proposed Dividend - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Proposed Dividend (PURSUANT TO FIRST PROVISO TO SUB SECTION (3) OF SECTION 129 READ WITH RULE 5 OF COMPANIES (ACCOUNTS) RULES, 2014) STATEMENT CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF SUBSIDIARIES/ ASSOCIATE COMPANIES/ JOINT VENTURES FORM AOC-1 Note 1 Name of subsidiaries which are yet to commence operations Nil Note 2 Name of subsidiaries which have been liquidated or sold during the year Part B: NOTES a ¨30--0¨$48*6*7*0/053R */%*/(83$0.3-&7&%%85*/(7)&<&!5 b !%8//9&67.&/7|5*9!7&}7%|¨} Sold during the year c ¨30--0<5&6|*.#!#:&}|5*9!7&}7% Sold during the year d ¨*/*/(|97}7%*.#!#:& Sold during the year e ¨ 0-%*/(6*.*7&% Sold during the year f ¨30--0<5&6|¨}0R7%R */%*/(83$0.3-&7&%%85*/(7)&<&!5 Associates and Joint Venture Million S.No. Name of Associates/ Joint Venture Latest audited Balance Sheet date Shares of Associate/ Joint Ventures held by the company on the year end PanAridus LLC (Joint Venture) RR No. SR ¨.08/70'/9&67.&/7*/¨660$*!7&6{0*/7&/785& R ;7&/70' 0-%*/( Note 1 'HVFULSWLRQRIKRZWKHUHLVVLJQL¿FDQWLQÀXHQFH ;7&/70' 0-%*/(&48!-670 Reason why the associate/ joint venture is not consolidated Net worth attributable to Shareholding as per latest Balance Sheet 3UR¿W/RVVIRUWKH\HDU |R} i. Considered in Consolidation |R} i. Not Considered in Consolidation |R} Name of associates or joint ventures which are yet to commence operations Nil Note 2 Name of associates or joint ventures which have been liquidated or sold during the year !7*0/!-<5&&59*$&67% 85(!0/ !<S 222 | APOLLO TYRES LTD 0-%%85*/(7)&<&!5 ¨¨¨ )!*5.!/ Managing Director ¨¨¨ *$&)!*5.!/ Managing Director ¨¨¨ *5&$705 ¨¨¨ )*&'*/!/$*!-'?$&5 ¨ ¨¨ 0.3!/<&$5&7!5< ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 | 223 NOTES 224 | APOLLO TYRES LTD Apollo Tyres Ltd Apollo House, 7 Institutional Area, Sector 32, Gurgaon 122001, India T: +91 124 2383002 F: +91 124 2383021 www.apollotyres.com Registered Office: Apollo Tyres Ltd, 6th Floor, Cherupushpam Building, Shanmugham Road, Kochi 682031, India T: +91 484 2372767 F: +91 484 2370351 Email : investors@apollotyres.com CIN: L25111KL1972PLC002449 Apollo tyres Ltd ANNEXURE - A Information as per Section 197 of the Companies Act,2013, read with rule 5 of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel ) Rules,2014, and forming part of the Directors Report for the Year ended March 31, 2015 Name Designation Qualification D.O.J. Age Exp. Remuneration Previous Employment Last Designation (` Million) Employed throughout the year 1 Mr Anil Chopra Group Head, Corporate Accounts B Com, A C A 18-Aug-92 60 34 16.53 Altos India Ltd Manager, Finance 2 Mr Ajay Vaid Group Manager, International sales B Com ( H) 03-Jul-95 41 20 6.67 - Manager, Technical 3 Mr Chandrasekhar Velagapudi Head, IT M B A, M Sc 08-Nov-04 49 26 8.03 Pepsi Food P.Ltd 4 Mr Davendra Mittal Head, Finance B E, M B A 21-Mar-13 46 21 7.28 Lanco Infratech Sr. Vice President 5 Mr Dheeraj Prasad Sinha Group Head, Corprate Management Services BE 09-Feb-04 44 22 12.31 Infovergix Technologies Ltd G.M, Ebusiness Services 6 Mr Gaurav Kumar Group Head, Corporate Strategy & Finance B Tech, M B A 01-Mar-04 45 22 22.76 HCL Technologies Ltd AVP, Mergers & Acquisitions 7 Mr Harish Bahadur Head, Corporate Investments B Com (H) 02-Feb-75 63 40 17.69 - - 8 Mr John Devadason Unit Head, Chennai Plant M Sc(Eng), B E 08-Nov-10 51 30 6.41 TVS Sundram Fasteners Ltd General Manager & Profit Centre Head 9 Mr K Sunil Head, Corporate Engineering B Tech 01-Jul-87 51 28 6.84 - - 10 Mr Neeraj Kanwar Vice Chairman & Managing Director B Sc, ACMS 24-Feb-97 43 20 273.00 Apollo Finance Ltd Joint President 11 Mr O S Kanwar Chairman & Managing Director B Sc, Bach of Admn 01-Feb-88 72 54 417.10 Bst Manufacturing Ltd Managing Director 12 Mr Piush Bansal Unit Head, Limda Plant B E (Mech), PGDBM 20-Aug-13 49 29 8.82 Moser Bear India Vice President 13 Mr P K Mohamed Chief Advisor, Research & Development B Sc, LPRI 19-Feb-01 74 51 29.08 Ceat Ltd Executive Director, Technical Company secretary 14 Mr P N Wahal Head, Secretarial & Legal and Company Secretary B Com (H), FCA, FCS 01-Apr-90 65 43 14.23 Apollo Tubes Ltd 15 Mr Pravin Tripathi Head, Global Purchase MBA, ICWA 15-Oct-90 45 25 6.57 - - 16 Mr Prem Prakash Sharma Head HR, Limda Plant B A, PDBA, PGDBM 30-Jul-13 51 29 6.34 India Yamaha Motors Group Head HR Business Executive 17 Mr Rajesh Dahiya Group Head, Sales (APMEA) B Com , MBA 20-Aug-90 49 26 17.15 Indian Express 18 Mr S Chockalingam Head, Special Projects B E (Mech), M B A 28-Jun-07 53 29 6.87 Hinduja Group President, Project 19 Mr Satish Sharma President, APMEA BE, PGDBM 15-Oct-97 47 26 44.82 JK Industries Ltd Manager 20 Mr Sunam Sarkar President & Chief Business Officer B Com (H), IMPM 01-Jul-99 49 28 41.82 Modi Xerox Ltd G.M 21 Mr Tapan Mitra Chief Advisor B Sc (H), MA Sociology 01-Feb-05 60 39 27.21 Ballarpur Industries Ltd VP, People Development & communications 22 Mr T R Gopalakrishnan Group Head, Corporate Technology (TBR) B Sc, BE 16-Jun-80 61 34 19.21 JK Industries Ltd Asstt. Technical Officer 23 Mr U S Oberoi Chief Corporate Affairs B Com (H) 15-Jul-80 71 52 10.38 JK Industries Ltd Sr.District Manager, Sales Director Employed part of the year 1 Mr Atulya Sharma Chief Legal Counsel LLB, LLM 18-Feb-15 45 25 4.08 Deutsche Bank 2 Mr C Krishna Kumar Group Head, Projects M Tech, ME 15-Mar-90 48 25 8.59 - - 3 Mr Deepak Gupta Head, Business Quality PGDBM, BE 22-Jul-14 46 23 4.66 Frigoglass India Pvt Ltd Head, Quality & Product Integrity 4 Mr K Prabhakar Chief, Projects B Tech, PGD Ind. Engg. ICWA 06-Nov-89 59 37 24.15 SRF Ltd. Deputy Mgr (IE) & EA to Sr.GM 5 Mr Pepijn Kappen Brand Manager B Com 01-May-12 35 11 2.28 Rabobank Enschede Deputy Manager 6 Mr Pramesh Arya Group Head, Marketing PGDBM, B Sc (Engg) 15-Dec-14 48 24 3.44 Kohler India Director, Marketing 7 Ms Sonia Kochhar Head, Customer Service (APMEA) MBA, B A (H) 30-Jun-14 45 19 2.66 Bharti Airtel Limited Vice President 8 Mr Sunil Ranjhan Group Head, HR (APMEA) MMS 31-Jul-14 50 28 7.18 Honda Cars India Ltd Sr. Vice President 9 Mr Teera Makanontchai Head,Fleet Marketing & Sales Training MBA, BA 24-Nov-14 42 14 3.92 Michelin Siam Co. Ltd Norm & Regulation Coordinator Country Manager, Australia & New Zealand GCSE 01-Aug-12 61 39 1.77 Tyretactix PTE LTD. Australia Managing Director 10 Mr Tim Sander Note : (1) None of the above is related to any Director of the Company except Mr Onkar S Kanwar & Mr Neeraj Kanwar being father and son. For and on behalf of the Board of Directors (2) All appointments are contractual. Sd/- Date : May 12, 2015 Onkar S Kanwar Place : Gurgaon (Chairman & Managing Director) APOLLO TYRES LTD APOLLO TYRES LTD (CIN-L25111KL1972PLC002449) (CIN-L25111KL1972PLC002449) Regd.Office: 6th Floor, Cherupushpam Building, Shanmugham Road, Kochi-682 031 (Kerala) Regd.Office: 6th Floor, Cherupushpam Building, Shanmugham Road, Kochi-682 031 (Kerala) 42 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING- AUGUST 11, 2015 [Pursuant to section 105(6) of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule 19(3) of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014] Tel: +91 484 2372767, Fax: +91 484 2370351, Email : investors@apollotyres.com, Web: apollotyres.com Tel: +91 484 2372767, Fax: +91 484 2370351, Email : investors@apollotyres.com, Web: apollotyres.com PROXY FORM nd 42nd ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING- AUGUST 11, 2015 ATTENDANCE SLIP Folio/DP ID - Client ID No.* No. of Shares held: Folio/DP ID - Client ID No.* Name of the member(s) & Registered address: Name of the member(s) & Registered address: E-mail Id: * Applicable for the member(s) holding shares in Electronic Form. I/We, being the member(s) of ..................................................... shares of Apollo Tyres Ltd, hereby appoint: 1)Name: ............................................................................................. Address: ...................................................................................................................... * Applicable for the member(s) holding shares in Electronic Form. E-mail Id: ...................................................................................... Signature:..........................................................................................,or failing him I being a member/ proxy for the member of the Company, hereby record my presence at the 42nd Annual General Meeting of the Company at Kerala Fine Arts Theatre, Fine Arts Avenue, Foreshore Road, Ernakulam, Kochi (Kerala) on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at 10.00 am. 2)Name: ............................................................................................. Address: ...................................................................................................................... E-mail Id: ...................................................................................... Signature:..........................................................................................,or failing him 3)Name: ............................................................................................. Address: ...................................................................................................................... Name of the Member/Proxy # Signature of the Member/Proxy # E-mail Id: ...................................................................................... Signature:..................................................................................................................... as my/our proxy to attend and vote (on a poll) for me/us and on my/our behalf at the 42nd Annual General Meeting of the Company, to be held on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at 10:00 am at Kerala Fine Arts Theatre, Fine Arts Avenue, Foreshore Road, Ernakulam, Kochi (Kerala) and at any adjournment thereof in respect of such resolutions as are indicated below: S.No. # Strikeout whichever is not applicable. 11 Resolutions To Consider and adopt: 1. Please hand over the attendance slip at the entrance of the meeting venue. (a) The audited financial statement of the Company for the financial year ended March 31, 2015, the reports of the Board of Directors and Auditors thereon; and 2. This attendance is valid only in case shares are held on the date of meeting. (b) The audited consolidated financial statement of the Company for the financial year ended March 31, 2015. 3. As per section 118(10) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with the Secretarial Standards for General Meeting issued by Institute of Company Secretaries of India “No gifts, gift coupons or cash in lieu of gifts shall be be distributed distributed to to members members at at or or in in connection connection with with the the meeting”. meeting”. E-VOTING PARTICULARS E-Voting Even Number USER ID PASSWORD 2 2 To declare dividend on equity shares. 3 3 To appoint a Director in place of Mr. Sunam Sarkar (DIN - 00058859), who retires by rotation, and being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment. 4 4 To ratify the appointment of the Auditors and fix their remuneration. 5 5 To ratify the payment of the remuneration to the Cost Auditor for the financial year 2015-16. 6 6 To pay commission to the Non-Executive Directors. Signed this……….......... day of …...........…. 2015. Affix Revenue Stamp of not Signature of the Member ..................................................... Signature of the Proxy holder(s) .............................................. less than Re. 1/- Notes: Note: Please read instructions given out at Note no. 12 of the Notice of the 42nd Annual General Meeting of the Company before casting your vote through e-voting. 1. This form of proxy in order to be effective should be duly completed and deposited at the Registered Office of the Company, not less than 48 hours before the commencement of the meeting. 2. This Form of Proxy shall be signed by the member or his duly authorised attorney, or if the member is a body corporate, it shall be duly sealed and signed by an officer or an attorney. The Proxy Form which is unstamped or inadequately stamped or where the stamp has not been cancelled or is undated or which does not state the name of the Proxy shall not be considered valid. 3. Proxy need not be a member of the Company. Pursuant to the provisions of section 105 of the Companies Act, 2013, a person can act as proxy on behalf of not more than fifty members and holding in aggregate not more than ten percent of the total share capital of the Company. Members holding more than ten percent of the total share capital of the Company may appoint a single person as proxy, who shall not act as proxy for any other member. 4 The submission by a member of this form of proxy will not preclude such member from attending in person and voting at the meeting. If both member and proxy attend the meeting, the proxy shall stand automatically revoked.