Reed G`s Youville Brochure

Here in Reedville, we value
family very much. We have
family night at the
Familycenter every Sunday
night with steak and lobster
and lots of sweets being
served! There are lots of
games and movies played in
the Theater of The People.
We have family day on May
20. There is a carnival for
children and parents to bond
and everyone goes home
with a free steak cooked
perfectly. Every Thursday
evening all families must be
together from 6:00-8:00.
We always find time for
family here, even on Donut
Day, when everyone goes
wild going from bakery to
bakery in eating all the
donuts they can handle. Yes,
family is of utter importance
to us here in Reedville.
[Company Name]
The Theater of The People is World famous
The museum our biggest tourist attraction!
Here in Reedville, everyone is successful at
everything they do. We have our world famous
Hall of Success, which has the biggest museum
of successful people in the world. Teddy
Roosevelt gives lectures every two hours here
about how to get to the top of whatever you
want to do. Winston Churchill is one of our
famous residents too. You may be able to see
him walking around the hall with a cigar.
Warren Buffet gives speeches about how to
become a billionaire every Saturday. Walt
Disney is here every day. Socrates, Plato, and
Aristotle give philosophical lectures on
Tuesdays. This is the largest tourist attraction
in the world. Watch out for the Pink Panther
who is always stealing, hidden by the crowd.
Do not bring valuable items. Everyone is
wealthy here (in the billion range) and all of us
have solid gold, silver, or platinum mansions.
Everyone plays every sport very well. Success
Day is on March 6. Yes, here in Reedville
everyone is successful.
Reedville is all about education. We
have over 500 schools to choose from.
The world famous Apollo School of the
Arts and World History is renowned for
producing the greatest actors,
philosophers, musicians, and more.
This school is the finest of any in the
world. Confucius is our professor of
philosophy, George Clooney is the head
professor of acting, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart teaches piano, and the
professor of history is Plutarch. Apollo,
God of the Sun, is the head master of
the school. The School of Chocolate
makes the most delicious chocolate
anywhere. We could go on and on
about our schools but there are way too
many. The education we receive here in
Reedville contributes to how successful
we are in life. Education comes first
Why Move Here?
Voted most successful town in the
world by Success Weekly
The Apollo School of the Arts and
World History is voted #1 by
Schools for Cools Magazine
“I’m calling the movers right
now!!!”- Jesus Christ
5 even
Reed G
All of our schools are put into one community.