o o Regulation Gazette Vol. 455 No. 7663 Regulasiekoerant Pretoria, 16 May 2003 Mel No. 24849 o 24849 I11I1 ~ III 11l1I11I11~ ~II 9771682584003 o cure 00379962-A 24849-1 2 No.24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 CONTENTS No. INHOUD Page Gazette No. No. BJadsy Koerant No. No. No. GOVERNMENT NOTICES GOEWERMENTSKENNISGEWINGS Justice and Constitutional Development, Department of Arbeld, Department van Government Notices Goewermentskennisgewings Justices of the Peace and Commissions of Oaths Act (16/1963): Designation of Commissioners of Oaths......................... R.624 do.: do R. 656 Criminal Procedure Act (51/1977): Requirements and certificate for peace officers..................................................... A. 648 R. 623 7 3 24849 24849 11 24849 11 24849 12 24849 Labour, Department of Government Notices R. 648 Labour Relations Act (66/1995): Cancellation of Government Notices: Furniture Manufacturing Industry, KwaZulu·Natal: Provident Fund and Morality Benefit Association Collective Agreement. R. 649 do.: Bargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing Industry, Kwazulu-Natal: Extension of Provident Fund and Mortality Benefit Association Re-enacting and Amending Collective Agreement to Non-parties.......................................... R. 658 Labour Relations Act (66/1995): Liquor, Catering and Accommodation Trades, South Coast, Kwazulu-Natal: Extension of Main Collective Amending Agreement to Non-parties.......................................... R 659 do.: Bargaining Council for the Furniture Manfacturing Industry, Kwalulu-Natal: Extension of Main Amending Collective Agreement to Non-parties....................... R. 660 do.: co.: Extension of Rural Areas Main Amending Collective Agreement to Non-parties.............................................. Goewermentskennisgewings 15 19 22 24849 24849 24849 R. 623 Wet op Vrederegters en Kommissarisse van Ede (16/1963): Aanwysing van Kommissarisse van Ede . R. 624 do.: do R. 656 Criminal Procedure Act (51/1977): Requirements and certificate for peace officers..................................................... 5 9 24849 24849 11 24849 37 24849 43 24849 75 24849 88 24849 107 24849 Suld-Afrlkaanse Inkomstedlens Goewermentskennisgewings South African Revenue service R. 633 Doeane- Government Notices Customs and Excise Act (91/1964): Amendment of Schedule No. 1 (No. 1/1/1181) R. 634 do.: Amendment of Schedule NO.1 (No. 1/1/1182) '" '" R. 635 do.: Amendment of Schedule NO.1 (No. 1/1/1183) R. 636 do.: Amendment of Schedule NO.1 (No. 1/1/1184) R. 637 do.: Amendment of Schedule NO.1 (No. 1/1/1185) Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge (66/1995): lntrekking van Goewermentskennisgewings: Meubelnywerheid. KwaZuluNatal: Voorsargfonds en Sterftebystandsvereniging Kollektiewe Ooreenkoms....... 11 24849 R. 649 do.: Bedingingsraad vir die Meubelnywerheid, KwaZulu-Natal: Uitbreiding van Voorsorgfonds an Sterffebystandsvereniging Kollektiewe Herbekragtigings- en Wysigingsooreenkoms na Nie-partye 12 24849 A. 658 Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge (66/1995): Drank-, Verversings en Akkommodasiebedryf, Suidkus, KwaZulu-Natal: Uitbrelding van Kollektlewe Wyslgingsooreenkoms na Nie-partye...................... 15 24849 R. 659 do. : Bedingingsraad vir die Meubelnywerh led, KwaZulu-Natal: U itbreiding van Hoof Kollektiewe Wysigingsooreenkoms na Nie-partye...................... 19 24849 R.660 do.: do.: Uitbreiding van Landelike Gebiede Hoof Kollektiewe Wysigingsooreenkoms na Nie-partya...................... 22 24849 Juatlsle en Staatkundige Ontwlkkellng, Departement van R. 633 31 24849 43 24849 71 24849 79 24849 97 24849 en Aksynswet (91/1964): Wysiging van Bylae No. 1 (No. 1/1/1181) R. 634 Customs and Excise Act (91/1964): Amendment of Schedule No. 1 (No. 1/1/1182) ;.......................... R.635 Doeane- en Aksynswet (91/1964): Wysiging van Bylae No. 1 (No. 1/1/1183) R. 636 do.: Wysiging van Bylae No. 1 (No. 1/1/1184) R. 637 do.: Wysiging van Bylae No. 1 (No. 111/1185) STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 No.24849 3 GOVERNMENT NOTICES GOEWERMENTSKENNISGEWINGS DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AND CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT VAN JUSTISIE EN STAATKUNDIGE ONTWIKKELING 16 May 2003 No. R. 623 DESIGNATION OF COMMISSIONERS OF OATHS IN TERMS OF SECTION 6 OF THE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE AND COMMISSIONERS OF OATHS ACT, 1963 (ACT NO. 16 OF 1963) I, Penuel! Mpapa Maduna, Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development, under section 6 of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners of Oaths Act, 1963 (Act No. 16 of 1963), hereby amend Govemment Notice No. 903 of 10 July 1998, as set out in the Schedule. SCHEDULE Definitions 1. In this GovernmentNotice,lethe Notice" meansGovernment Notice No. R. 903of 10 July 1998, as amended by Government Notice Nos. R. 1687 of 24 December 1998, R.950 of 6 August 1999, R. 1317 of 12 November 1999, R. 1510 of 24 December 1999, R. 1511 of 24 December1999, R. 847 of 14 September 2001 and R. 515 of 22 April 2002. Insertion of item after item 15 in the Schedule to the Notice 2. The following item is hereby inserted after item 15 in the Schedule to the Notice: 4 No.24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 "15A. Co-operative incorporated as a companyin termsof section 161A of Co-operatives Act. 1981 (Act No. 91 of 1981), read with section 63 of the CompaniesAct, 1973 (Act No. 61 of 1973): Chief Executive Officer, General Manager and Secretary. Branch Manager and Depot Manager". J2~~~~ Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development STAATSKOERANT. 16 MEl 2003 No~ No.24849 16 Mei 2003 R. 623 AANWYSING VAN KOMMISSARISSE VAN EDE KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 6 VAN DIE WET OP VREDEREGTERS EN KOMMISSARISSE VAN EDE, 1963 (WET NO. 16 VAN 1963) Ek Penuel! Mpapa Maduna, Minister vir Justisie en Staatkundige Ontwikkeling, kragtens artikel 6 van die Wet op Vrederegters en Kommissarisse van Ede, 1963 (Wet No. 16 van 1963), wysig hierby Goewermentskennisgewing No. 903 van 10 Julie 1998 soos in die Bylae uiteengesit. l BYLAE Woordomskrywing 1. In hierdie Goewermentskennisgewing beteken "die Kennisgewing" Goewermentskennisgewing No. R. 903 van 10 Julie 1998, soos gewysig by Goewermentskennisgewings Nos. R. 1687 van 24 Desember 1998, R. 950 van 6 Augustus 1999, R. 1317 van 12 November 1999, R.1510 van 24 Desember 1999, R. 1511 van 24 Desember 1999, R. 847 van 14 September 2001 en R. 515 van 22 April 2002. Invoeglng van item na Item 15 In die Bylae van die Kennisgewig 2. 5 Die volgende item word hierby na item 15 van die Bytae van die Kennisgewing ingevoeg: 6 No. 24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETIE. 16 MAY 2003 -15A. KOOperasie ingelyfas In maatskappy ingevolge artikel161A van die KoOperasiewet, 1981 (Wet No. 91 van 1981), galees saam met artikel 63 van die Maatskappywet, 1973 CNet No. 61 van 1~73): Hoof Uitvoerende Beampte, Hoofbestuurder en Sekretaris. Takbestuurder en Depotbestuurder." ~ . P.~-te.~_ . Minister vir Justisle en Staatkundige Ontwlkkellng STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 No. R. 624 No. 24849 7 16 May 2003 DESIGNATION OF COMMISSIONERS OF OATHS IN TERMS OF SECTION 6 OF THE JUSTICES OF THE PEACE AND COMMISSIONERS OF OATHS ACT, 1963 (ACT NO. 16 OF 1963) I, Penuell Mpapa Maduna, Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development, under section 6 of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners of Oaths Act, 1963 (Act No. 16 of 1963), hereby amend Government Notice No. 903 of 10 July 1998 as set out in the Schedule. SCHEDULE Definitions 1. In this Government Notice, "the Notice" means Government Notice No. R. 903 of 10 July 1998, as amended by Government Notice Nos. R. 1687 of 24 December 1998, R.9S0 of 6 August 1999, R. 1317 of 12 November 1999, R. 1510 of 24 December 1999, R. 1511 of 24 December 1999, R. 847 of 14 September 2001 and R. 515 of 22 April 2002. 2. The Schedule to Government Notice 903 of 10 July 1998 is hereby amended by the insertion of the following item after item 34 in the schedule to the Notice: 8 No.24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 16 MAY 2003 "34A. Medihelp Senior Manager: Internal Audit, Senior Internal Forensic Auditor." L~~ -;lffMADUNA, Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development Auditor and STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 No. R. 624 No.24849 9 16 Mei 2003 AANWYSING VAN KOMMISSARISSE VAN E·DE KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 6 VAN DIE WET OP VREDEREGTERS EN KOMMISSARISSE VAN EDE, 1963 (WET NO. 16 VAN 1963) Ek, Penuel! Mpapa Maduna, Minister vir Justisie en Staatkundige Ontwikkeling, wysig hierby, kragtens artikel 6 van die Wet op Vrederegters en Kommissarisse van Ede, 1963 (Wet No. 16 van 1963), Goewermentskennisgewing No. 903 van 10 Julie 1998, 5005 in die Bylae uiteengesit. BYLAE Woordomskrywings 1. In hierdie Goewermentskennisgewing beteken "die Kennisgewing" Goewermentskennisgewing No. R. 903 van 10 Julie 1998, soos gewysig deur Goewermentskennisgewings Nos. R. 1687 van 24 Desember 1998, R. 950 van 6 Augustus 1999, R. 1317 van 12 November 1999, R. 1510 van 24 Desember 1999, R. 1511 van 24 Desember 1999, R. 847 van 14 September 2001 en R. 515 van 22 April 2002. 2. Die Bylae tot Goewermentskennisgewing No. 9'03 van 10 Julie 1998 word hierby gewysig deur die volgende item na item 34 van die Kennisgewing in te voeg: 00379962-B 10 No.24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 "34A. Medihelp Senior Bestuurder: Interne Oudit, Senior Interne Ouditeur en Forensiese Ouditeur." 4J~1A~ P. M. MADUNA. Minister vir Justisle en Staatkundige Ontwikkeling STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 No. R. 656 NO.24849 11 16 May 2003 REQUIREMENTS AND CERTIFICATE FOR PEACE OFFICERS IN TERMS OF SECTION 334 OF THE CRIMINAL PROCEDURE ACT, 19n (ACT 51 OF 19n) I, Penuel! Mpapa Maduna, Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development acting under and by virtue of the powers vested in me- (1) by section 334 (3) (b) of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977, hereby prescribe that the following shall appear in or on the certificate of appointment referred to in section 334 (2) (a) of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1997 issued to any person falling within a category declared under section 334 of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1997, to be peace officers: (i) The full name of the person appointed; (ii) his/her identity number; (iii) his/her signature; (iv) his/her photograph; (v) a description of the capacity in which he/she was appointed; (vi) the name of the employer who made the appointment; and (vii) the signature and official stamp of the employer or responsible person. Signed at Pretoria on this Second day of May Two Thousand and Three. P.M. MADUNA Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR DEPARTEMENT VAN ARBEID 16 May 2003 No. R. 648 LABOUR RELATIONS ACT, 1995 CANCELLATION OF GOVERNMENT NOTICES FURNITURE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY, KWAZULU-NATAL: PROVIDENT FUND AND MORTALITY BENEFIT ASSOCIATION COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT I, Membathisi Mphumzi Shepherd Mdladlana, Minister of Labour, hereby, in terms of section 32 (7) of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, cancel Government Notices Nos. A. 1174 and R. 1175 of 24 November 2000 and A. 542 of 10 May 2002 with effect from 26 May 2003. M. M. S. MDLADLANA Minister of Labour .No. R. 648 16 Mel 2003 WET OPARBEIDSVERHOUDINGE, 1995 INTREKKING VAN GOEWERMENTSKENNISGEWINGS MEUBELNYWERHEID, KWAZULU~NATAL:VOORSORGFONDS EN STERFTEBYSTANDSVERENIGING KOLLEKTIEWE OOREENKOMS Ek, Membathisi Mphumzi Shepherd Mdladlana, Minister van Arbeid, trek hierby, kragtens artikel 32 (7) van die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge, 1995, Goewermentskennisgewings Nos. R. 1174 en R. 1175 van 24 November 2000 en R. 542 van 10 Mei 2002 in, met ingang van 26 Mei 2003. M. M. S. MDLADLANA Minister van Arbeid 12 No.24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 16 May 2003 No. R. 649 LABOUR RELATIONS ACT, 1995 BARGAINING COUNCIL FOR THE FURNITURE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY, KWAZULU-NATAL: EXTENSION OF PROVIDENT FUND AND MORTALITY BENEFIT ASSOCIATION RE-ENACTING AND AMENDING COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT TO NON-PARTIES I, Membathisi Mphumzi Shepherd Mdladlana, Minister of Labour, hereby, in terms of section 32 (2) of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, declare that the Collective Agreement which appears in the Schedule hereto, which was concluded in the Bargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing Industry, Kwazulu-Natal, and is binding in terms of section 31 of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, on the parties which concluded the Agreement, shall be binding on the other employers and employees in that Industry, with effect from 26 May 2003 and for the period ending 31 July 2003. M. M. S. MDLADLANA Minister of Labour ••• No. R. 649 16 Mel 2003 WET OPARBEIDSVERHOUDINGE, 1995 BEDINGINGSRAAD VIR DIE MEUBELNYWERHEID, KWAZULU-NATAL: UITBREIDING VAN VOORSORGFONDS EN STERFTEBYSTANDSVERENIGING KOLLEKTIEWE HERBEKAAGTIGINGS.. EN WYSIGINGSOOREENKOMS NA NIE-PARTYE Ek, Membathisi Mphumzi Shepherd Mdladlana, Minister van Arbeid, verklaar hierby, kragtens artikel 32 (2) van die Wet op Arbetdsverboudloqs, 1995, dat die Kollektiewe Ooreenkoms wat in die Bylae hiervan verskyn en wat in die Bedingingsraad vir die Meubelnywerheid, Kwazulu-Natal, aangegaan is en kragtens artikel 31 van die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge, 1995, bindend is op die partye wat die Oorsenkoms aangegaan het, bindend is vir die ander werkgewers en werknemers in daardie Nywerheid, met ingang van 26 Mei 2003 en vir die tydperk wat op 31 Julie 2006 eindig. M. M. S. MDLADLANA Minister van Arbeld SCHEDULE BARGAINING COUNCIL FOR THE FURNITURE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY, KWAZULU-NATAL PROVIDENT FUND AND MORTALITY BENEFIT ASSOCIATION COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT in accordance with the provisions of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, made and entered into by and between the Kwazulu-Natal Fumlture Manufacturers' Association (hereinafter referred to as the "employers" or the "employers' organisation"), of the one part, and the National Union of Furniture and Allied Worke,. of South Africa and the Chemical Energy Paper Printing Wood and Allied Workers' Union (hereinafter referred to as the "employees" or the. "trade unions") of the other part, being the parties to the Bargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing Industry, Kwazulu-Natal, to amend the Provident Fund and Mortality Benefit Association Collective Agreement published under Government Notice Nos. A. 749 dated 5 June 1998 and amended by R. 1690 dated 24 December 1998, R. 367 dated 14 April 2000, and extended by R. 1174 dated 24 November 2000 and :amended by R. 542 dated 10 May 2002. AMENDMENTS 1. CLAUSE 1: SCOPE OF APPLICATION OF AGREEMENT Replace the existing clause 1 "Scope of Application of Agreemenf' in its entirety with the following amended clause 1: "1. SCOPE OF APPLICATION OF AGREEMENT (1) The terms of this Agreement shall be observed in the Furniture Manufacturing Industry, KwaZulu-Natal-(a) by all employers who are members of the employers' organisation and by all employees who are members of the trade union and who are engaged or employed therein, respectively; STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 (2) No.24849 13 (b) in Area A, which consists of the Magisterial Districts of Camperdown, Chatsworth, Durban, Inanda, Pietermaritzburg, Pinetown and Mount Currie; (c) in Area B, which consists of the Magisterial Districts of Greytown, Lions River, Port Shepstone, Richmond, Lower Tugela and Umzinto and the municipal areas of Estcourt, Laydsmith and Newcastle; and (d) in Area C, which consists of the remainder of the Province of KwaZulu-Natal. Notwithstanding the provisions of suboause (1), the provisions of this Agreement shaU(a) apply only in respect of employees for whom minimum wages are prescribed in lhe Main Agreement and to working partners. directors or members as defined in this Agreement; (b) apply to learners in so far as the provisions are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Skills Development Act, No. 92 of 1998, or any contracts entered into or any conditions fixed thereunder; (c) not apply to any employee or working partner, director or member who at the date of the coming into operation of this Agreement is, or thereafter becomes, a participant in and member of any other fund providing pension and/or provident benefits, which is in existence on the said date and in which the employer of that employee is on the said date a participant, or to the employer of such employee, during such period only as such other fund continues to operate and both employer and employee are participants therein, if in the opinion of the Council the benefits which the other fund provides are on the whole not less favourable than the benefits provided by the Council's fund. (d) Notwithstanding the provisions of this clause, employers who carry on not more than one business within the scope of application of this Agreement and who employee less than five employees at all times in connection with such business, shall be entitled to the phasing in concessions contained clause 1 (3) of the Main Collec1ive Agreement, provided that for the purpose of giving effect to clause 13 (1) (d) of this Agreement, the contribution shall be based on the wage prescribed for the highest paid employee in Schedule A of the Main Collective Agreement. (e) The provisions of subclause (2) (d) shall not apply where an employer has more than four employees in his employ at the date of the coming into operation of this Agreement, and subsequently reduces this number of employees to fewer than five. (f) The terms of this Agreement shall not apply to non-parties in respect of clause 1 (1) (a)." 2. PERIOD OF OPERATION OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall come into operation on such date as may be fixed by the Minister of Labour in terms of section 32 of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, in respect of non-parties and shall remain in force until 31 July 2006. 3. SPECIAL PROVISIONS The provisions contained in clauses 1 (1) (a) and 2 of the Agreement published under Government Notices Nos. R. 367 of 14 April 2000. R. 1174 of 24 November 2000, R. 1175 of 24 November 2000 and R. 542 of 10 May 2002 (hereinafter referred to as the "Former Agreemenf').shall apply to employers and employees. 4. GENERAL PROVISIONS The provisions contained in clauses 3 to 27 of the Former Agreement shall apply to employers and employees. 5. CLAUSE 3: DEFINITIONS (1) For the definition of "Furniture Manufacturing Industry" in its entirety substitute the following new definition: .. 'FurnHur. Manufacturing Industry' means, without in any way limiting the ordinary meaning of the expression, the manufacture either in whole or in part of all types of furniture, irrespective of the materials used and includes the following operations: Repairing, upholstering, re-upholstering, staining, spraying or polishing and/or re-polishing. making loose covers and/ or cushions and/or curtains; and/or making and/or repairing box-spring mattresses and/or frames for upholstering; wood machining, veneering, woodturning and -carving in connection with the manufacturing and/or repairing of furniture, polishing and/or re-polishing pianos or manufacturing and/or staining, spraying and polishing and/or re-polishing tea-room, office church, school, bar or theatre furniture, and cabinets for musical instruments and radio cabinets, including the manufacturing or processes in the manufacturing of bedding, including all types of mattresses, spring mattresses, overlays, pillows, bolsters and cushions; and including the activities carried out in any premises where wood machining, wood turning and/or carving in connection with the production of furniture is carried on; and including further, the repairing, re-upholstering or re-poflshlnq of furniture in or in connection with establishments in which the production of furniture or any operation associated with the financial preparation of any article of furniture or any operation associated with the financial preparation of any article of furniture for sale, either in whole or in part is carried on, and veneering laminated blackboard or plywood doors used for furniture and all parts of materials used in the construction of furniture, and the manufacturing in a factory of all items listed in (a) to (g) hereunder and/or the parts or components thereof, whether or not such items are intended to be free-standing, built-in or attached to a building; but excluding the manufacturing of articles made principally of wicker. grass and/or cane and the manufacturing of metal fumiture, inclUding the manufacturing of metal bedsteads: 14 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 No.24849 (a) Dressers, cupboards, units for the housing of sinks and appliances, grocery cupboards, shelves, worktops, tables, chairs, benches and pelmets, all of which are for use in kitchens; (b) mum-purpose cabinets-which can be used either singly or in combination with each other for various purposes, including kitchen dressers, kitchen cupboards and kitchen fittings or cupboards-cor cabinets in any other part of a building; (c) headboards and pedestals for beds, dressing tables, bedroom cupboards, wardrobes and wall units; (d) other cabinets and cupboards; (e) counters, shelves and cupboards for use in bars; (f) the assembly in any building, of all types of furniture: (g) (2) the repairing or remedying, in any building, of all types of furniture." Add the following new definition after the existing definitions: " 'working partner, director or member' means a person who himself performs any of the classes of work referred to in Schedule A and who(a) is registered as an employer in terms of clause 17, or is liable to such registration; or (b) is a partner in a partnership that is registered registration; or (c) is a director of registration; or as an employer in terms of clause 17, or is liable to such a company that is registered as an employer in terms of clause 17, or is liable to such is a member of a close corporation that is registered as an employer in terms of clause 17, or is liable for such registration ." (d) 6. CLAUSE 13: CONTRIBUTIONS For the phrase "employer" where it appears in subclause 13 (1) (d) substitute the phrase "worldng partner, director or member". 7. CLAUSE 15: INTEREST AND BONUSES Add the following new subclause "(5)" after the existing subclause "(4}": "(5) The Management Committee shall have the right to ring-fence funds received in terms of clause 17 and 10r the purposes of this clause, every member shall receive interest and bonuses on the ring-fenced amount standing to their credit, as determined by the Management Committee as at 28 February of each year. The Committee's decision in this regard shall be final.". 8. CLAUSE 17: TRANSFER OF BENEFITS (1) Number the existing clause 17 to read subclause "(1)". (2) Add the following additional new subclauses to clause 17 and number same to read subclauses "(2)", "(3)" and "(4)": "(2) (3) (4) Where a member has left the Industry in the area of jurisdiction of another bargaining council and takes up employment within the Industry in Kwazulu-Natal, and such Council administers an approved provident fund scheme, the rules of which provide for the transfer of benefits, such member may exercise the option of having the proceeds standing to his credit transferred to this Fund. The Fund may accept the transfer of benefits from another defined contribution scheme: Provided that(a) prior authorisation be obtained from the Management Committee by the transferor fund for such transfer of benefits; and (b) proof be submitted by the transferor fund to the Management Committee, in the case of a registered fund, that it had complied with the provisions of the Pension Funds Act, No. 24 of 1956, in effecting the transfer. The Management Committee shall as soon as possible, upon receipt of a request for the transfer of benefits from a transferor fund, decide whether the Fund shall accept such transfer of funds as contemplated in terms of this clause: Provided that the Management Committee Shall not approve the transfer of such funds if it has formed the opinion that the members of the transferor fund are not bona fide members in terms of clause 12 of the Fund .: Signed at Durban on this 28th day of November 2002. B. NEETHLING Chairman G.MOONSAMY Vice..Chairman G. J. P. BLiGNAUT secretary STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 No.R.658 No.24849 15 16 May 2003 LABOUR RELATIONS ACT, 1995 LIQUOR, CATERING AND ACCOMMODATION TRADES, SOUTH COAST, KWAZULU-NATAL: EXTENSION OF MAIN COLLECTIVE AMENDING AGREEMENT TO NON-PARTIES I, Membathisi Mphumzi Shepherd Mdladlana, Minister of Labour, hereby in terms of section 32 (2) of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, declare that the Collective Amending Agreement which appears in the Schedule hereto, which was condcluded in the Bargaining Council for the Liquor, Catering and Accommodation Trades, South Coast, KwaZulu-Natal, and is binding in terms of section 31 of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, on the parties which concluded the Amending Agreement, shall be binding on the other employers and employees in those trades with effect from 26 May 2003, and for the period ending 31 December 2003. M. M. S. MDLADLANA Minister of Labour I • • No. R. 658 16 Mel 2003 WET OP ARBEIDSVERHOUDINGE, 1995 DRANK~, VERVERSINGS- EN AKKOMMODASIEBEDRYF, SUIDKUS, KWAZULU·NATAL: UITBREIDING VAN KOLLEKTIEWE WYSIGINGSOOREENKOMS NA NIE-PARTVE Ek, Membathisi Mphumzi Shepherd Mdladlana, MinIster van Arbeid, verklaar hierby, kragtens artikel32 (2) van die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge, 1995, dat die Kollektiewe Ooreenkoms wat in die Engelse Bylae hiervan verskyn en wat in die Bedingingsraad vir die Drank·, Verversings- en Akkommodasiebedryf. Suidkus, Kwalulu-Natal aangegaan is en kragtens artlkel 31 van die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge, 1995, bindend is op die partye wat die ooreenkoms aangegaan net, bindend is vir die ander werkgewers en werknemers in daardie Bedryf, met ingang van 26 Mei 2003, en vir die tydperk wat op 31 Desember 2003 eindlg. M. M. S. MDLADLANA Minister van Arbeid SCHEDULE BARGAINING COUNCIL FOR THE LIQUOR, CATERING AND ACCOMMODATION TRADES, SOUTH COAST, KWAZULU-NATAL MAIN COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT The parties to this Agreement are Natal South Coast Accommodation Association and Hospitality Industries and Allied Workers' Union (HIAWU). This Agreement incorporates two different sectors, being-(1) The Private Hotel and Boarding House Trade consisting of the Natal South Coast Accommodation Association representing the employers and Hospitality Industries and Allied Workers' Union (HIAWU) representing the employees; and (2) the Liquor and Catering Trade consisting of the Natal South Coast Accommodation Association representing the employers and Hospitality Industries and Allied Workers' Union (HIAWU) representing the employees. In accordance with the provisions of the Labour Relations Act, No. 66 of 1995, this Agreement is entered into between the Natal South Coast Accommodation Association, representing the employers in the Private Hotel and Boarding House Trade (hereinafter referred to as "the employers" or the "employers' organisation") and Hospitality Industries and Allied Workers' Union (HIAWU) representing the employees in the Private Hotel and Boarding House Trade (hereinafter referred to as the "employees" or the "trade union") of the first part; and on the second part Natal South Coast Accommodation Association, representing the employers in Jhe Liquor and Catering Trade (hereinafter referred to as ''the employers" or the "employers' organisations") and Hospitality Industries and Allied Workers' Union (HIAWU), representing the employees in the Liquor and Catering Trade (hereinafter referred to as "the employees' or the "trade union") of the second part, being parties of the Bargaining Council for the Liquor, Catering and Accommodation Trades, South Coast, Kwalulu-Natal, to amend the Agreement published under Government Notice No. R. 194 of 19 February 1999 as amended and re-enaeted by Government Notice Nos. R. 870 of 16 July 1999, R. 81 of 4 February 2000, R. 551 of 9 June 2000, R. 1208 of 1 December 2000 and R. 530 of 3 May 2002. No.24849 16 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 18 MAY 2003 1. SCOPE OF APPLICATION, OF AGREEMENT (1) The terms of this Agreement shall'be obserVed'in the Liquor . Boarding House Trade(a) (b) Trade, the Catering Trade and the Private Hotel and by all employers who are memMrI of the emploYers' ~'and by all employees who are members of the trade union; _. in the Magisterial Districts of Durban (excluding the area within a radius of 16 kilometres of the General Post Office, Durban). Port Shepstone and Umzinto. (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subclause 1 (1), the terms of this agreement shall only apply in respect of employees for whom wages are prescribed In the Main ~reement. (3) The terms of clauses 1 (1) (a) and 2. of this Agfeement ahall not apply to employers and employees who are not members of the employers' organisation or the trade union. 2. PERIOD OF OPERATION This Agreement shall come into operation on such date as may be fixed by the Minister of Labour in terms of section 32 of the Labour Relations Act. 1995, and shall remain in force until 31 December 2003. 3. CLAUSEN: REMUNERATION Substitute the following Schedules A and B for the existing Schedules A and B: "BARGAINING COUNCIL FOR THE UQUOR, CATERING AND ACCOMMODATION TRADES, SOUTH COAST. KWAZULIHIATAL Scale of remuneration in the Accommodation Trade in the Magisterial Districls of Umzinto and Port Shepstone with effect from the date of coming into operation of this Agreement and up to 30 June 2003. SCHEDUL.A Assistant manager ...................................................... Caretaker (up to 10 flats) ........................................... Caretaker (more than 10 flats) ................................... Clerical employee: 1st year of experience ........................................ 2nd year of experience ....................................... thereafter ............................................................ Cook: 1st year of experience ........................................ 2nd year of experience ....................................... thereafter ............................................................ General service employee ......................................... Handyman .................................................................. Headwaiter ................................................................. Housekeeper .............................................................. Kitchen supervisor ...................................................... Laundry supervisor..................................................... Manager ..................................................................... Motor vehicle driver .................................................... Porter/Night porter ...................................................... Receptionist ................................................................ Telephone switchboard operator ................................ Waiter: 1st year of experience ........................................ thereafter ............................................................ Watchman .................................................................. Pro rata leave (up to 3 years service) Pro rata leave (over 3 years service) 6.66 18,41 16,88 17,93 25,06 22,98 24,40 6,59 6,70 7,58 17,75 18,06 20,42 24,15 24,58 27,79 6,03 6,46 6,59 5,79 6,03 16,23 17,41 17,75 15,61 16,23 17,93 17,75 15,88 15,88 21,11 16,73 16,73 19,77 15,88 22,09 23,69 24,15 21,25 22,09 24,40 24,15 21,61 21,61 28,73 22.77 22,77 26,90 21,61 15,74 16,39 21,42 22,31 Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly 1302.00 300.69 275,75 292,84 54.67 50.14 53.24 6,83 289.84 294.92 333.49 52,70 53,62 1194,00 1 268,00 1255,00 12n,OO 1444.00 1148,00 1 231,00 1255,00 1104,00 1148,00 1255,00 1123.00 1123.00 1493,00 1183,00 1 183.00 1398.00 1123,00 265,13 284,30 289,84 254,97 265,13 292,84 289,84 259.35 259.35 344.80 273,21 273.21 322.86 259.35 1113,00 1159,00 257,04 267,67 1268.00 Watchmen: 45 hours per week. Others: 44 hours in 5, 5 days or 8 hours in any 5 days and 4 hours on 1 day. 60.63 48,21 51,69 52,70 46,36 48,21 53,24 52,70 47,15 47,15 62,69 49,67 49,67 58,70 47,15 6,27 6,66 6,59 5,89 5,89 7,84 6.21 6,21 7,34 5,89 46,73 5,84 48,67 6,OB 5,00 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 NO.24849 17 BARGAINING COUNCILFOR THE LIQUOR, CATERING'AND ACCOMMODAnON TRADES, SOUTH COAST, KWAZULu-NATAL Scale of remuneration in the Accommodation Trade In the Magisterial District of Durban with effect from the date of coming into operation of this Agreement and up to ~,June 2Q03. SCHEDULE. Assistant manager...................................................... Caretaker (up to 10 flats) ........................................... Caretaker (more than 10 flats) ................................... Clerical employee: 1st year of experience ........................................ 2nd year of experience..............·...............·........... thereafter ............................................................ Cook: 1st year of experience ........................................ 2nd year 01 experience....................................... thereafter ............................................................ General service employee ......................................... Handyman .................................................................. Headwaiter ................................................................. Housekeeper .............................................................. Kitchen supervisor ...................................................... Laundry supervisor ..................................................... Manager ..................................................................... Motor vehicle driver .................................................... Porter/Night porter ...................................................... Receptionist ................................................................ Telephone switchboard operator ................................ Waiter: 1st year of experience ........................................ thereafter ............................................................ Watchman .................................................................. Pro rata leave (up to 3 years service) Pro rata leave (over 3 years service) Monthly' ,'Weekly Daily Hourty 1326,00 306.24 306,24 55,68 6,96 55,68 58,70 6,96 7,34 18,75 18,75 19,77 25,52 25,52 26,90 52,70 53,62 6,59 6,70 7,53 17,75 18,06 20,28 24,15 24,58 27,60 6,03 6,55 6,70 5,95 6,21 6,70 6,83 6,03 6,03 7,94 6,34 6,34 7,34 5,95 16,23 17,65 18,06 16,02 16,73 18,06 18,41 16,23 16,23 21,39 17,08 17,08 19,77 16,03 22,09 24,02 24,58 21,80 22,77 24,58 25,06 22,09 22,09 29,12 23,25 23,25 26,90 21,82 5,96 6,34 5,10 16,06 17,08 21,86 23,25 1326,00 1 398,00 322,86 1255,00 289,84 '·2n,00- . 294,92 331,18 1434,00 60,21 1148,00 : 1248,00 265,13 288,22 48,21 52,40 12n,00 294,92 53,62 1133,00 1183,00 1 277,00 1302,00 1148,00 1 148,00 1 513,00 281,66 273,21 294,92 47,57 49,67 1 208,00 1 208,00 278,98 278,98 300,69 265,13 265,13 349,42 53,62 54,67 48,21 48,21 63,53 1998.00 322,86 1134.00 281,89 50,72 50,72 58,70 47,62 1136,00 1 208,00 262,36 278,98 47,70 50,72 Watchmen: 45 hours per week. Others: 44 hours in 5,5 days or 8 hours in any 5 days and 4 hours on 1 day.". No.24849 18 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 4. CLAUSE 51: REMUNERATION Substitute the following Schedule C for the existing Schedule C: "BARGAINING COUNCIL FOR THE LIQUOR, CATERING AND ACCOMMODATION TRADES, SOUTH COAST, KWAZULU-NATAL Scale of remuneration in the Liquor and Catering Trades with effect from the date of coming into operation of this Agreement and up to 31 August 2003. SCHEDULE C Assistant manager...................................................... Pro rata leave (over 3 years service) Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Pro rata leave (up to 3 years service) 1 259,00 290,76 52,87 6,46 17,80 24,23 1 119,00 258,43 46,99 5,74 15,82 21,54 49,05 5,99 16,52 22,48 Barman: 1st year of experience......................................... 2nd year of experience ....................................... 1 168,00 269,75 3rd year of experience ........................................ 1 245,00 287,53 52,28 6,39 17,60 23,96 302,08 54,92 6,71 18,49 25,17 thereafter ............................................................. 1 308,00 Bookkeeper ................................................................ 1 355,00 312,93 56,90 6,95 19,16 26,08 1134,00 261,89 47,62 5,82 16,03 21,82 1 050,00 242,49 44,09 5,39 14,85 20,21 2nd year of experience ....................................... 1 063,00 245,50 44,64 5,46 15,03 20,46 thereafter ............................................................. 1 158,00 267,44 48,63 5,94 16,37 22,29 1 045,00 241,34 43,88 5,36 14,78 20,11 Cashier ....................................................................... Clerical employee: 1st year 01 experience......................................... Cook: 1st year of experience ......................................... 2nd year of experience ....................................... 1 063,00 245,50 44,64 5,46 15,03 20,46 3rd year of experience ........................................ 1 088,00 251,27 45,69 5,58 15,38 20,94 thereafter ............................................................. 1135,00 262,12 47,66 5,82 16,05 21,84 General service employee ......................................... 1 016,00 234,64 42,66 5,21 14,37 ·19,55 Handyman .................................................................. 1 063,00 245,50 44,64 5,46 15,03 20,46 Head cook .................................................................. 1,286,00 297,00 54,00 6,60 18,18 24,75 Head waiter ................................................................ 1 190,00 274,83 49,97 6,11 16,83 22,90 Hotel trainee: 1st year of experience ......................................... 1 036,00' 239,26 43,50 5,32 14,65 19,94 2nd year of experience ....................................... 1 092,00 252,19 45,85 5,60 15,44 .21,02 thereafter ............................................................. 1 167,00 269,52 49,00 5,99 16,50 22,46 Housekeeper .............................................................. 1 092,00 252,19 45,85 5,60 15,44 21,02 Kitchen supervisor...................................................... 1 105,00 255,20 46,40 5,67 15,62 21,27 Laundry supervisor ..................................................... 1 105,00 255,20 46,40 5,67 15,62 21,27 Manager ..................................................................... 1 510,00 348,73 63,41 7,75 21,35 29,06 Motor vehicle driver .................................................... 1 092,00 252,19 45,85 5,60 15,44 21,02 Night porter................................................................. 1 105,00 255,20 46,40 5,67 15,62 21,27 1 063,00 245,50 44,64 5,46 15,03 20,46 Off-sales attendant: 1st year of experience ......................................... 2nd year of experience ....................................... 1 105,00 255,20 46,40 5,67 15,62 21,27 3rd year of experience ........................................ 1 140,00 263,28 47,87 5,85 16,12 21,94 thereafter ............................................................. 1 343,00 310,16 56,39 6,B9 18,99 25,85 Off-sales manager ...................................................... 1 323,00 305,54 55,55 6,79 18,71 25,46 Porter .......................................................................... 1 070,00 247,11 44,93 5,49 15,13 20,59 Receptionist ................................................................ 1 161,00 268,13 48,75 5,96 16,42 22,34 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 No.24849 19 Monthly Weekly Daily Hourly Pro rata leave (up to 3 years service) Pro rata leave (over 3 years service) Restaurant manager ................................................... 1 395,00 322,17 58,58 7,16 19,72 26,85 Telephone switchboard operator ................................ 1 050,00 242,49 44,09 5,39 14,85 20.21 1st year of experience ......................................... 1 016,00 234,64 42,66 5,21 14,37 19,55 2nd year of experience ....................................... 1 025,00 236,72 43.04 5,26 14,49 19,73 WaiterlWine steward: 3rd year of experience ........................................ 1 067,00 246,42 44,80 5,48 15,09 20,53 thereafter ............................................................. 1 167,00 269,52 49,00 5,99 16,50 22,46 Watchman .................................................................. 1 022,00 236,03 42,91 5,25 14,45 19,67 Hours of work: 45 hours per week for all employees.". Signed at Port Shepstone,for and on behalf of the parties, this 23rd of January 2003. L.REDDY Chairperson of the Council R.BUNN Vice-Chairperson of the Council P. VAN GORKOM Secretary of the Council 16 May 2003 No. R. 659 LABOUR RELATIONS ACT, 1995 BARGAINING COUNCIL FOR THE FURNITURE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY, KWAZULU-NATAL: EXTENSION OF MAIN AMENDING COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT TO NON-PARTIES I, Membathisi Mphumzi Shepherd Mdladlana, Minister of Labour, hereby in terms of section 32 (2) of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, declare that the Collective Agreement which appears in the Schedule hereto, which was concluded in the Bargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing Industry, Kwalulu-Natal, and is binding in terms of section 31 of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, on the parties which concluded the Agreement, shall be binding on the other employers and employees in that Industry, with effect from 26 May 2003, and for the period ending 30 June 2005. M.M.S.MDLADLANA Minister of Labour • :a 16 Mei 2003 No. R. 659 WET OP ARBEIDSVERHOUDINGE, 1995 BEDINGINGSRAAD VIR DIE MEUBELNYWERHEID, KWAZULU-NATAL: UITBREIDING VAN HOOF KOLLEKTIEWE WYSIGINGSOOREENKOMS NA NIE..PARTVE I, Membathisi Mphumzi Shepherd Mdladlana, Minister van Arbeid, verklaar hierby, kragtens artikel 32 (2) van die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge, 1995, dat die Kollektiewe Ooreenkoms wat in die Engelse Bylae hiervan verskyn, en wat in die Meubelnywerheid, KwaZulu-Natal aangegaan is, en kragtens artikel 31 van die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge, KwaZulu-Natal aangegaan is en kragtens artikel 31 van die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge, 1955, binded is op die partye wat die Ooreenkoms aangegaan het, bindend is vir die ander werkgewers en werknemers in daardie Nywerheid, met ingang van 26 Mei 2003, en vir die tydperk wat op 30 Junie 2005 eindig. M.M.S.MDLADLANA Minister van Arbeid 20 No.24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 SCHEDULE BARGAINING COUNCIL FOR THE FURNITURE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY, KWAZULU-NATAL COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT in accordance with the provisions of the Labour Relations Act 1995, made and entered into by and between the KwaZulu-Natal Furniture Manufacturers' Association (hereinafter referred to as the "employers" or the "employers' organisation") of the one part . and the National Union of Furniture and Allied Workers of South Africa and the Chemical Energy Paper Printing Wood and Allied Workers' Union (hereinafter referred to as the "employees" or the "trade unions") of the other part, being the parties for the Bargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing Industry, KwaZulu-Natal, to amend the Collective Agreements published under Government Notices Nos. R. 685 dated 18 May 1998, R. 1661 dated 18 December 1998, R. 312 dated 12 March 1999, and re-enacted by R. 1217 dated 22 October 1999, and amended by R. 369 dated 14 April 2000, R. 1033 dated 27 October 2000, R. 90 dated 1 February 2002, R. 165 dated 7 February 2003, and corrected by Notice R. 264 dated 21 February 2003. 1. SCOPE OF APPLICATION OF AGREEMENT (1) The terms of this Agreement shall be observed in the Furniture Manufacturing Industry. Kwazulu·Natal(a) by all employees who are members of the employers' organisation and by all employees who are members of the trade union and who are engaged or employed therein, respectively; (b) (2) in Area A, which consists of the Magisterial Districts of Camperdown, Chatsworth, Durban, Inanda, Pietermaritzburg, Pinetown and Mount Currie. Notwithstanding the provisions of subclause (1), the provisions of this Agreement shaJJ(a) apply only in respect of-employees for whom minimum wages are prescribed in this Agreement; (b) apply to learners in so far as the provisions are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Skills Development Act, No. 92 of 1998, or any contracts entered into or any conditions fixed thereunder; (c) not apply to professional, technical, administrative, sales and office staff: Provided that such employees are in receipt 01 regular remuneration in excess of the maximum rate prescribed in Schedule A of the Main Agreement excluding paragraph (XXI). plus R35,OO; (d) not appty to managers, submanagers, foremen and supervisory staff If such employees are in rscelptot regular remuneration of not less than R40920 per annum or where the employer of such staff does not provide or maintain a registered pension or registered provident fund and a registered medical aid fund, R48 140 per annum. These limits shall be increased from year to year by the same percentage as the increases granted to employees earning the highest rate set out in Schedule A of the Main Agreement. (3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subclauses (1) and (2), employers who carry on not more than one business within the scope of application of this Agreement and who employ less than five employees at all times in or in connection with such business, shall be entitled to the following phasing-in concessions: Provided that their employees consent thereto: PHASE ONE: First two years of registration During this period, the employer shall exempt from Schedule A and clause 388. Any pro rata holiday pay benefits accrued by employees during the first two years of registration with the Council, shall be paid by the employer ln.terrns of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997, when due. PHASE TWO: Third year of registration During this period, employees shall be remunerated at not less than 60% of the rate of pay prescribed in Schedule A and clause 38B. Any pro rata holiday pay benefits accrued by employees during the third year of registration with the Council, ·shall be paid by the employer in terms of the Basic Conditions of EI~jj!~yment Act, 1997, when due. PHASE THREE: Fourth year of registration During this period, employees shall be remunerated at not less than 75% of the rate of pay prescribed in Schedule A and clause 38B. In addition, the following contributions shall come into effect: (a) Clause 13-Holidays and Holiday Fund. STAATSKOERANT. 16 MEt 2003 No.24849 21 PHASE FOUR: Fifth year of registration During this period, employees shall be remunerated at not less than 90% of the rate of pay prescribed in Schedule A and clause 38B. In addition the following contributions shall come into effect: (a) Clause 13-Holidays and Holiday Fund. (b) Provident Fund and Mortality Benefit contributions prescribed in the Collective Agreement published under Govemment Notice No. R. 749 dated 5 June 1998 as amended and extended from time to time. PHASE FIVE: From sixth year onwards All provisions of the Main Collective Agreement and Provident Fund and Mortality Benefit Association Collective Agreement as well as Schedule A, as amended and extended from time to time shall apply. (4) The provisions of subclause (3) shall not apply where an employer has more than four employees in his employ at the date of the coming into operation of this Agreement, and subsequently reduces his number of employees to fewer than five. (5) The terms of this Agreement shall not apply to non-parties in respect of clause 1 (a). 2. PERIOD OF OPERATION OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall come into operation on such date as may be fixed by the Minister of Labour in terms of section 32 of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, in respect of non-parties and shall remain in force until 30 June 2005. AMENDMENTS 3. CLAUSE 3: DEFINITIONS For the definition of "Furniture Manufacturing Industry" in its entirety substitute the follOWing new definition: .. 'Furniture Manufacturing Industry', means without in any way limiting the ordinary meaning of the expression, the manufacture, either in whole or in part of all types of furniture, irrespective of the materials used and includes the following operations: Repairing, upholstering, re-upholstering, staining, spraying or polishing and/or re-polishing, making loose covers and/or cushions and/or curtains; and/or making and/or repairing box-spring mattresses and/or frames for upholstering; wood machining, veneering, woodturning and carving in connection with the manufacturing and/or repairing of furniture, polishing and/or re-polishing pianos or manufacturing and/or staining, spraying and polishing and/or re-polishing tea-room, office, church, school, bar or theatre furniture, and cabinets for musical instruments and radio cabinets, including the manufacturing or processes in the manufacturing of bedding, including all types of mattresses, spring mattresses, overlays, pillows, bolsters and cushions; and including the activities carried out in any premises where wood maching, wood turning and/or carving in connection with the production of furniture is carried on; and including further, the repairing, re-upholstering or re-polishing of furniture in or in connection with establishments in which the production of furniture or any operation associated with the final preparation of any article of furniture or any operation associated with the final preparation of any article of furniture for sale, either in whole or in part is carried on, and veneering laminated blackboard or plywood doors used for fumFfure and all parts of materials used in the construction of furniture, and the manufacturing in a factory of all items listed in (a) to (g) hereunder and/or the parts or components thereof, whether or not such items are intended to be free-standing, built-in or attached to a building; but excluding the manufacturing of articles made principally of wicker, grass and/or cane and the manufacturing of metal furniture, including the manufacturing of metal bedsteads; (a) Dressers, cupboards, units for the housing of sinks and appliances, grocery cupboards, shelves, worktops, tables, chairs, benches and pelmets, all of which are for use in kitchens; (b) multi-purpose cabinets-wllich can be used either singly or in combination with each other for various purposes, inclUding kitchen dressers, kitchen cupboards and kitchen fittings or cupboards--or cabinets in any other part of a building; (c) headboards and pedestals for beds, dressing tables, bedroom cupboards, wardrobes and wall units; (d) other cabinets and CUpboards; (e) counters, shelves and cupboards for use in bars; (f) the assembly in any building, of all types of furniture" (g) the repairing or remedying, in any building, of all types of furniture.". Signed at Durban on this 28th day of November 2002. B. NEETHLING Chairman G. MOONSAMY Vice-Chairman G. J. P. BLiGNAUT secretary 22 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 No. 24849 16 May 2003 No. R. 660 LABOUR RELATIONS ACT, 1995 BARGAINING COUNCIL FOR THE FURNITURE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY, KWAZULU-NATAL: EXTENSION OF RURAL AREAS MAIN AMENDING COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT TO NON·PARTIES I, Membathisi Mphumzi Shepherd Mdladlana, Minister of Labour, hereby in terms of section 32 (2) of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, declare that the Collective Agreement which appears in the schedule hereto, which was concluded in the Bargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing Industry, Kwazulu-Natal and is binding in terms of section 31 of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, on the parties which concluded the Agreement, shall be binding on the other employers and employees in that Industry, with effect from 26 May 2003, and for the period ending 30 June 2005. M.M.S.MDLADLANA Minister of Labour • • 16 Mei 2003 No. R. 660 WET OP ARBEIDSVERHOUDINGE, 1995 BEDINGINGSRAAD VIR DIE MEUBELNYWERHEID, KWAZULU-NATAL: U1TBREIDING VAN LANDELIKE GEBIEDE HOOF KOLLEKTIEWE WYSIGINGSOOREENKOMS NA NIE-PARTYE Ek, Membathisi Mphumzi Shepherd Mdladlana, Minister van Arbeid, verklaar hierby, kragtens artikel 32 (2) van die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge, 1995, dat die Kollektiewe Ooreenkoms wat in die Bylae hiervan verskyn en wat in die Meubelnywerheid, KwaZuluwNatal aangegaan is en kragtens artikel31 van die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge, 1995, bindend is op die partye wat die Ooreenkoms aangegaan het, bindend is vir die ander werkgewers en werknemers in daardie Nywerheid, met ingang van 26 Mei 2003, en vir die tydperk wat op 30 Junie 2005 eindig. M. M. S. MDLADLANA Minister van Arbeid SCHEDULE BARGAINING COUNCIL FOR THE FURNITURE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY, KWAZULU-NATAL MAIN COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT: RURAL AREAS in accordance with the provisions of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, made and entered into between the Furniture and Wood Products Manufacturers' Association (hereinafter referred to as the "employers" or the "employers' organisation") of the one part, and the National Union of Furniture and Allied Workers of South Africa (NUFAWSA) and the Chemical, Energy, Paper, Printing, Wood and Allied Workers' Union (CEPPWAWU) (hereinafter referred to as the "employees" or the "trade unions") of the other part, being the parties to the Bargaining Council for the Furniture Manufacturing Industry, KwaZulu-Natal, to amend the Main Collective Agreement: Rural Areas published under Government Notice No. R. 1326, dated 25 October 2002. 1. SCOPE OF APPLICATION 1.1 The terms of this Agreement shall be observed in the Furniture Manufacturing Industry, KwaZulu-Natal1.1.1 by all employers who are members of the employers' organisation and by all employees who are members of the trade unions and who are engaged or employed therein, respectively; 1.1.2 in Area B, which consists of the Magisterial Districts of Umvoti (Greytown), Lions River, Port Shepstone, Richmond, Lower Tugela and Umzinto and the municipal areas of Estcourt, Ladysmith and Newcastle; 1.1.3 in Area C, which consists of the remainder of the Province of Kwazulu-Natal, excluding Area A (which consists of the Magisterial Districts of Camperdown, Chatsworth, Durban, Inanda, Pietermaritzburg, Pinetown and Mount Currie). 1.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 1.1, the provisions of this Agreement shall not apply to professionals, technical administrators, sales and office staff and persons as defined in section 6 (1) (c) of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997; or to managers, submanagers, foremen and supervisory staff if such employees are in receipt of regular remuneration. STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 No.24849 23 1.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 6.1, the provisions of this Agreement. excluding those contained in clauses 5,24,44,48, and 50 of the Main Agreement shall not apply to an employer who carries on not more than one business within the scope of application of this Agreement who employs fewer than ten employees at all times in or in connection with such business and who complies with the relevant provisions of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997: Provided that working employers shall not be regarded as employees for the purpose of establishing the number of employees in such business. 1.4 The provisions of clause 1.3 shall not apply where an employer has more than 10 employees in his employ at the date of coming into operation of this Agreement, and subsequently reduces his number of employees to fewer than 10. 1.5 The terms of this Agreement shall not apply to non-parfies in respect of clauses 1.1.1. 2. CLAUSE 3. DEFINmONS Substitute the following new definition for the definition of "Furniture Industry" or "Industry" in its entirety; II 'Furniture IndUstry' means, without in any way limiting the ordinary meaning of the expression, the manufacture either in whole or in part of furniture irrespective of the materials used and includes the following operations: Repairing, upholstering, re-upholstering, staining, spraying or polishing and/or re-polishing, making loose covers and/or cushions and/or curtains; and or making and/or repairing box-spring mattresses and/or frames for upholstering; wood machining, veneering, woodturning and carving in connection with manufacturing and/or repairing furniture, polishing and/or re-polishing pianos or manufacturing and/or staining, spraying and polishing and/or re-polishing tea room, office, church, school, bar or theatre furniture, and cabinets for musica' instruments and radio cabinets; and includes manufacturing or processes in manufacturing bedding, including all types of mattresses, spring mattresses, overlays, pillows, bolsters and cushions; and includes the activities carried on in any premises where wood machining, wood turning and/or carving in connection with the production of furniture is carried on; and includes further, repairing, re-upholstering or re-polishing furniture in or in connection with establishments in which the production of furniture or any operation associated with the final preparation of any article of furniture for sale either in whole or in part is carried on; and veneering laminated blackboard or plywood doors used for furniture, and all parts of materials used in the construction of furniture, and manufacturing in a factory all items listed in (a) to (g) hereunder and/or the parts or components thereof, whether or not such items are intended to be free-standing, built-in or attached to a building; but excll/des manufacturing articles made principally of wicker, grass and/or cane, and manufacturing metal furniture, .including manufacturing metal bedsteads: (a) Manufacturing dressers, cupboards, units for the housing of sinks and appliances, grocery cupboards, shelves, worktops, tables, chairs, benches and pelmets, all of which are for use in kitchens. (b) Manufacturing multi-purpose cabinets-which can be used either singly or in combination with each other for various purposes, including kitchen dressers, kitchen cupboards and kitchen fittings or cupboards-or cabinets in any other part of a building. (c) Manufacturing headboards and pedestals for beds, dressing tables, bedroom cupboards, wardrobes and wall units. (d) Manufacturing other cabinets and cupboards. (e) Manufacturing counters, shelves and cupboards for use in bars. (1) Assembling, in any building, all types of furnrture. {g} Repairing or remedying, in any building, all types of furniture." 3. CLAUSE 28: CALCULATION OF REMUNERATION AND WAGES Insert the following new clause 28.6 after the existing clause 28.5: "28.6 Subject to the provisions of clauses 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28, no employer shall pay and no employee shall accept wages lower than those prescribed in Schedule C, read with Schedule 0". 4. SCHEDULE C Insert the new Schedule C. "SCHEDULE e-WAGES PER WE.EK (PERIOD 2002 TO 2003) PINE AND GENERAL Level Level Level Level Level 1..... 2..................... 3 4 5. R152,50 R160,50 R170,SO R203,50 R243,50 UPHOLSTERY AND MATTRESS AND BEDDING Level 1.................... Level 2.................... R170,OO R179,OO Level 3................................................................. R189,OO Level 4 R225,OO LevelS....................... R268,OO" 24 No.24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 5. SCHEDULE 0 Insert the new Schedule D". "SCHEDULE D-GRADING AND DEFINITIONS UPHOLSTERY Job category 1. Artisan .............................................. Level Description 5 An employee who has served his apprenticeship and/or learnership and who has passed a qualifying trade test in a trade designated or deemed to have been designated under the Manpower Training Act, 1981, or who holds a certificate of proficiency issued to him by the registrar of manpower training and/or has completed a contract of learnership as contemplated by the Skills Development Act, No. 97 of 1998. An employee serving under a written contract of learnership registered under the provisions of the Skills Development Act, No. 97 of 1998. The level of remuneration shall be in terms of Table A as contained within Sectoral Determination NO.5: Learnership, Government Notice No. 519, dated June 2001. 2. Learnership ...................................... 3. Foreman/supervisor ......................... 5 An employee who is in charge of the employees in an establishment, who exercises control over such employees and who is responsible for the efficient performance by them of their duties. 4 4. Assistant foreman/assistant supervisor/charge hand An employee who, under the general supervision of a foreman, performs any of the activities or duties of a foreman and who may act for him during his absence. 5. Maintenance artisan (learner) .......... 3 An employee, other than a learner, who under the direction and supervision of an artisan, assists the latter in the performance of tasks which do not require the skill of or training as an artisan and who has completed at least one year as a fevel 3 employee. 6. Welder .............................................. 3 An employee who is engaged in making minor repairs or adjustments to machinery or equipment, other than machinery or equipment directly used in the manufacture of the products of an establishment, and who may effect minor repairs or renovations to buildings, but who does not do work normally performed by an artisan. 7. Stores c1erklstoreman ...................... 2 An employee who is in charge of stores, materials or finished products, and who is responsible for receiving, checking, unpacking and storing goods, and the maintenance of records concerning same. 8. Fork lift/tractor/motor vehicle driver 3 An employee who is engaged in driving duties and who has a valid drivers' licence. 9. Machine minder and feeder ............. 2 An employee who attends, operates, starts and stops a power-driven machine, and who may feed or take off from such machine, but who does not set up or make adjustments to the machine, employees used for the general duties relating to packing, gluing, stacking, wrapping and other general duties related to fitters other than pre-selected adjustments which form part of the operation of the machine. 10. Clerk ................................................. 4 An employee who is engaged in writing, typing, filing and any other form of clerical work and includes a cashier, a despatch clerk and a telephone switchboard operator, but does not include any other class of employee elsewhere defined in this clause, notwithstanding the fact that the clerical work may form part of such employee's work. 11. Factory clerk .................................... 3 An employee who, under the supervision of a foreman, assistant foreman or clerk, is engaged in general clerical duties. No.24849 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 Job category 25 Level Description 12. Watchman 1 An employee who is engaged in one or more of the following activities: 1. Guarding or protecting premises, bUildings, structures or fixed or movable property, 2. patrolling premises, buildings, structures or fixed or movable property, OR 3. handling dogs in their performance of any or all of the activities specified in (1) or (2) above. 13. Assembler Grade II.... 2 An employee who assembles subassemblies by using jigs and clamps. 14. Assembly supervisor.. 3 An employee who is in charge of a number of assemblers and performs the assembling of operations as part of the team. 15. Machine operator. 2 An employee who attends, operates, starts or stops a power-driven machine and who sets up or makes adjustments to such machine. 16. Machine supervisor 3 An employee who sets up or makes adjustments or minor repairs to more than one power-driven machine and who may, in addition, perform the duties of a machine operator or machine minder. 17. Upholsterers, unskilled..................... 1 An employee used for general duties relating to packing, gluing, sweeping, wrapping, stuffing of cushions with foam or fibre, attaching foam to frames with glue, making buttons and attaching them. 18. Upholsterer, semi-skilled.. 2 Employees who are used to perform semi-skilled operations such as operating a hand staple gun and tracker and who can perform basic upholstery operations such as upholstery of seat platforms, dining-room chairs, upholstered headboards, and springing of fUlly-upholstered lounge suites. 19. Upholsterers, skilled................ 3 An employee who can perform the duties of 17 and 18, inclusive of applying covers to fully-upholstered frames and the arm rests of show wood suites. 20. Seamstress, semi-skilled 2 An employee who can operate a plain flat sewing machine, walking foot and cushion closing machine. 21. Seamstress, skilled 3 Employees who can operate overlockers, filling machines, taping machines, and can sew coat covers for fully upholstered suites with superior skill and efficiency. 22. Furniture upholstery 3 Operations or processes in covering any type of furniture either in whole or in part irrespective of the materials used and includes, inter alia, the cutting of all covers and loose covers, stitching and/or joining by hand or mechanical appliance, webbing which includes the positioning of webbing and substitutes (other than wooden or metal laths and cross bars) filling, cane weaving, buttoning, tacking, stapling, studding and padding, attaching of units to frames. 1 An employee who is engaged in anyone or more of the following: 23 Labourer........................................... 1. Assisting a machinist in handling materials before and after machining. 2. Attending a boiler incinerator and/or even. 3. Attending to dust bags and/or cyclones of sanding machines. 4. Baling and dipping upholstery springs. 5. Beating and/or teasing coir by hand. 6. Cleaning and sweeping premises. 7. Cleaning machinery, plant and tools and utensils. 8. Cleaning and blowing down equipment. 9. Cleaning metal rods. 10. Cutting metal rods, hinges, metal strips, wire hoops, iron or any similar materials. 00379962-e 26 No.24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 Job category Description Level 11. Delivery by manually propelled vehicles. 12. Delivery of letters and parcels. 13. Filling of cushions with substances of material other than spring interior and/or spring units by hand. 14. Gluing of sandpaper disks. 15. Handling materials. 16. Line washing. 17. Loading and unloading vehicles and/or kilns. 18. Making tea and beverages. 19. Oiling, greasing, cleaning machinery and vehicles. 20. Operating presses of any type. 21. Packing articles into cartons and/or cardboard containers and thereafter filling and closing containers. 22. Preparing, mass measuring and mixing glue, spreading glue by hand or machine, removing glue; washing and wiping glue, applying blue hardener by hand, brush or machine. 23. Pushing or pulling a vehicle or handcart. 24. Rivettlng or making threads on iron bolts and rods. 25. Straightening and/or cutting hoop Iron used for webbing. 26. Stripping second-hand upholstery and bedding. 27. Taping of veneers and attending veneer press. 28. The treatment of timber for preservation. 29. Unpacking, baling raw materials, wrapping in paper or cardboard. 30. De-nibbing, sanding and hand sanding. 31. laminating. 32. Any employee involved in the despatch of goods. 33. Filler. MAlTRESS AND BEDDING Job category 1. Artisan .............................................. Level Description 5 An employee who has served his apprenticeship and/or learnership and who has passed a qualifying trade test in a trade designated or deemed to have been designated under the Manpower Training Act, 1981, or who holds a certificate of proficiency issued to him by the registrar of manpower training and/or has completed a contract of learnership as contemplated by the Skills Development Act, No. 97 of 1998. 2. Learnership ...................................... An employee serving under a written contract of learnership registered under the provisions of the Skills Development Act, No. 97 of 1998. The level of remuneration shall be in terms 01 Table A as contained within Sectoral Determination No.5: Learnership, Government Notice No. 519, dated June 2001. 4. Assistant foreman/Assistant supervisor charge hand 4 An employee who, under the general supervision of a foreman performs any of the activities or duties of a foreman and who may act for him during his absence. 5. Maintenance artisan ......................... 3 An employee, other than a learner, who under the direction and supervision of an artisan, assists the latter in the performance of tasks which do not require the skill of or training as an artisan, and who has completed at least one year as a level 3 employee. No. 24849 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 27 Level Description 6. Welder/Handyman ........................... 3 An employee who is engaged in making minor repairs or adjustments to machinery or equipment, other than machinery or equipment directly used in the manufacture of the products of an establishment, and who may effect minor repairs or renovations to buildings, but who does not do work normally performed by an artisan. 7. Fork IiftfTractorlMotor vehicle driver 3 An employee who is engaged in driving duties and who has a valid driver's licence. 8. Machine minder and feeder ............. 2 An employee who attends, operates, starts and stops a power-driven machine and who may feed or take off from such machine, but who does not set up or make adjustments to the machine other than pre-selected adjustments which form part of the operation of the machine. 9. Labourer........................................... 1 An employee who performs all work undertaken in the manufacture of mattresses of all types, but excluding the work of an artisan, learner artisan or a bedding level 1 or level 2 employee. 10. Clerk ................................................. 4 An employee who is engaged in writing, typing, filing and any other form of clerical work and includes a cashier, a storeman, a despatch clerk and a telephone switchboard operator, but does not include any other class of employee elsewhere defined in this clause, notwithstanding the fact that the clerical work may form part of such employee's work. 11. Factory clerk .................................... 3 An employee who, under the supervision of a foreman, assistant foreman or clerk. is engaged in general clerical duties. 12. Watchman ................................. ,...... 1 An employee who is engaged in one or more of the following activities: Job category 1. Guarding or protecting premises, buildings, structures or fixed or movable property, 2. patrolling premises, bUildings, structures or fixed or movable property, OR 3. handling dogs in their performance of any or all of the activities specified in (1) or (2) above. 13. Assembler Grade 1.......................... 3 Employees who assemble subassemblies by using jigs and clamps. 14. Assembler Grade 11 ........................ 4 Employees who assemble subassemblies by using jigs and clamps. 15. Assembler, skilled ............................ 5 Employees who can perform the duties listed in 13 and 14 above, including the use of hand tools such as planers, hand panel saws, filing, rasping, bolting and screwing. 16. Machine operator ............................. 3 An employee who attends, operates, starts or stops a power-driven machine and who sets up or makes adjustments to such machine. 17. Machine supervisor .......................... 2 An employee who sets up or makes adjustments or minor repairs to more than one power-driven machine and who may, in addition, perform the duties of a machine operator or machine minder. 18. Steamstress, semi-skilled ................ 2 An employee who can operate a plain flat sewing machine, walking foot and cushion closing machine and can perform the work of sewing and buttoning. 19. Steamstress skilled ...............,........., 3 An employee who can perform the duties listed in 18 as well as operate overlockers, filling machines, taping machines, and can sew and perform the work of buttoning and has completed at least 18 months in level 2. 28 No.24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 PINE AND GENERAL Job category 1. Artisan ............................................. Level Description 5 An employee who has served his apprenticeship and/or learnership and who has passed a qualifying trade test in a trade designated or deemed to have been designated under the Manpower Training Act, 1981, or who holds a certificate of proficiency issued to him by the registrar of manpower training and/or has completed a contract of leamership as contemplated by the Skills Development Act, No. 97 of 1998. 2. Learnership...................................... An employee serving under a written contract of leamership registered under the provisions of the Skills Development Act, No. 97 of 1998. The level of remuneration shall be in terms of Table A as contained within Sectoral Determination No.5: Learnership, Government Notice No. 519, dated June 2001. 3. Foreman/supervisor......................... 5 An employee who is in charge of the employees in an establishment, who exercises control over such employees and who is responsible for the efficient performance by them of their duties. 4. Assistant forem an/asststant/su pervisor/charge hand 4 An employee who, under the general supervision of a foreman performs any of the activities or duties of a foreman and who may act for him during his absence. 5. Maintenance artisan (learner) ......... 3 An employee, other than a learner, who under the direction and supervision of an artisan, assists the latter in the performance of tasks which do not require the skill of or training as an artisan and who has completed at least one year as a grade III employee. 6. Welder/handyman............................ 3 An employee who is engaged in making minor repairs or adjustments to machinery or equipment, other than machinery or equipment directly used in the manufacture of the products of an establishment and who may effect minor repairs or renovations to buildings, but who does not do work normally performed by an artisan. 7. Fork lift/tractor/motor vehicle driver 3 An employee who is engaged in driving duties and who has a valid driver's licence. 8. Machine minder and feeder............. 2 An employee who attends, operates, starts and stops a powerdriven machine and who may feed or take off from such machine, but who does not set up or make adjustments to the machine other than pre-selected adjustments which form part of the operation of the machine. 9. Clerk ................................................ 4 An employee who is engaged in writing, typing, filing and any other form of clerical work and includes a cashier, a storeman, a despatch clerk and a telephone switchboard operator, but does not include any other class of employee elsewhere defined in this clause, notwithstanding the fact that the clerical work may form part of such employee's work. 10. Factory clerk .................................... 3 An employee who, under the supervision of a foreman, assistant foreman or clerk, is engaged in general derical duties. 11. Watchman ........................................ 1 An employee who is engaged in one or more of the following activities: 1. Guarding or protecting premises, buildings, structures or fixed or movable property, 2. patrolling premises, buildings, structures or fixed or movable property, or 3. handling dogs in their performance of any or all of the activities specified in (1) or (2) above. 12. Assembler Grade I .......................... 3 An employee who uses hand or mechanical tools to assemble cabinet carcasses and perform similar operations. NO.24849 STAATSKOERANT. 16 MEl 2003 29 Level Description 13. Assembler, Grade II......................... 2 An employee who assembles subassemblies by using jigs and clamps, staple guns and brackets, assembles drawers, attaches hinges, locks and handles to doors using drills, screw drivers, assembles mitred moulding, and mouldings. 14. Assembler, skilled ............................ 3 Employees who can perform the duties listed in 12 and 13 above, included fitting drawers and doors and are skilled in the use of hand tools such as planers, hand panel saws, filing, rasping, bolting and screwing. 15. Assembly supervisor ....................... 2 An employee who ls'ln charge of a number of assemblers and performs the assembling operations as part of the team. 16. Fitters, unskilled............................... 1 Employees used for the general duties relating to packing, gluing, stacking, wrapping and other general duties related to fitters. 17. Fitter operator ..........................;....... 3 An employee who assembles various articles and is sufficiently skilled to fit internal hanging doors, use an air screw driver and can screw into pre-positioned holes, can fit handles, knobs and mirrors. 18. -Fitter, Grade II ................................. 3 An employee who assembles various articles and in general is able to fit sideboard tops and external hanging doors, attach locks, hinges, escutcheons, and striker plates. 19. Machine operator............................. 3 An employee who attends, operates, starts or stops a power-driven machine and who sets or makes adjustments to such machine. 20. Machine supervisor ......................... 2 An employee who sets up or makes adjustments or minor repairs to more than one power-driven machine and who may, in addition, perform the duties of a machine operator or machine minder. 21. Spray painter, Grade I ..................... 2 An employee who applies the final coat of enamel, paint primer or lacquer to articles by means of spray paint machine or gun. 22. Spray painter, Grade II .................... 3 An employee who applies the final coat of enamel, paint primer or lacquer to articles by means of spray paint machine or gun. 23. Setter/machinist ............................... 2 Employees who can set a wide range of machines, replace cutter saws and set machines to specifictions to execute an operation to a pre-determined standard. 24. Polisher, unskilled ............................ 2 Employees used for general duties related to pacing, gluing, sweeping, hand-sanding, staining, touch up, minor repairs using stopping and glue, applying sealer by brush and any other duties related to polishing. 25. Polisher, semi-skilled ....................... 3 Employees who can apply sealer coat by use of air spray guns and operate flow coat machines (roller coaster machines). 26. Polisher, skilled ................................ 3 Emloyees who can perform duties listed in 24 and 25 above, inclusive of shading and final coat. 27. Furniture polishing ........................... 4 Operation or process by hand or mechanical appliance in the production of a polished and/or finished surface by means of shellac, paint, duco, lacquer etc. stain or paste which acts as an abrasive, and/or polisher, or both, or similar substances, and includes the graining and matching of colours on all types of furniture. 28. Labourer .......................................... 1 An employee who is engaged in anyone or more of the following: Job category 1. Assisting a machinist in handling materials before and after machining. 2. Attending a boiler, incinerator and/or oven. 3. Attending to dust bags and/or cyclones of sanding machines. 4. Baling and dipping upholstery springs. 5. Beating and/or teasing coir by hand. 30 No.24849 Job category GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 16 MAY 2003 Level Description 6. Cleaning and sweeping premises. 7. Cleaning machinery, plant and tools and utensils. 8. Cleaning and blowing down equipment. 9. Cleaning metal rods. 10. Cutting metal rods, hinges, metal strips, wire hoops, iron, or any similar materlal. 11. Delivery by manually propelled vehicles. 12. Delivery of letters and parcels. 13. Filling of cushions with substances of material other than spring interior and/or spring units by hand. 14. Gluing of sandpaper disks. 15. Handling materials. 16. Line washing. 17. Loading and unloading of vehicles and/or kilns. 18. Making tea and beverages. 19. Oiling, greasing, cleaning machinery and vehicles. 20. Operating presses of any type. 21. Packing articles into cartons and/or cardboard containers and thereafter filling and closing containers. 22. Preparing, mass measuring and mixing glue, spreading glue by hand or machine, removing glue, washing and wiping glue, applying blue hardener by hand, brush or machine. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Pushing or pulling a vehicle or handcart. Rivetting, or making threads on iron bolts and rods. Straightening and/or cutting hoop iron used for webbing. Stripping second-hand upholstery and bedding. Taping of veneers and attending veneer press. The treatment of timber for preservation. Unpacking, baling raw materials, wrapping in paper or cardboard. 30. De-nibbing, sanding and hand sanding. 31. Laminating. 32. Any employee involved in the despatch of goods. 33. Filler. Signed at Durban, on this 21 st day of November 2002. W. R. DOWNS Chairman G.MOONSAMY Vice-Chairman G. J. P. BLiGNAUT Secretary NO.24849 STAATSKOERANT. 16 MEl 2003 31 SOUTH AFRICAN REVENUE SERVICE SUID-AFRIKAANSE INKOMSTEDIENS 16 May 2003 No. R. 633 CUSTOMS AND EXCISE ACI', 1964.· AMENDMENT OF SCHEDULE NO.1 (NO. 1/1/1181) Under section 48 of the Customs and Excise Act, 1964, Part 1 of Schedule No. 1 to the said Act is hereby amended, with retrospective effect to 1 January 2003, to the extent set out in the Schedule hereto. MMPAHLWA DEPUTY MINISTER OF FINANCE SCHEDULE Rate of Duty Bead= Subheading iag C D Article Desaiptioa StatiItlcal Unit EU GeDU8l SADC By the substitution for subheading 8201.10.10 of the following: 82.01 ".10 5 •• Of a maximumblade width of more than 200 mm but not exceeding 320mm kg 20% 20% free" kg 20% 20% free" - - Mattocks; picks kg 20% 20% free .20 1 - - Hoes with a working edge of a width not exceeding 320 mm kg 20% 20% free .40 - - Rakes with not more than 8 prongs kg 20% 20% free" kg 20% 20% free" kg 20% 20% free" kg 21% 21% free" By the substitution for subheading 8201.20.30 of the following: ".30 4 •• Other, with a prong leogth exceediog 150rnm By the substitution for subheadings 8201.30.03, 8201.30.20 and 8201.30.40 of the foUowing: ".03 1 6 By the substitutionfor subheading 8201.40.10 of the following: ".10 9 82.02 • - Hatchets with steel handles By the substitution for subheading 8202.20.30 of the following: ".30 8 - ~ Other, of a width of 4,5 mm or more but not exceeding32 mm By the substitutionfor subheading 8202.39.30 of the following: ".30 9 - - - With a working part of tungsten carbide and a diameter not exceeding 600 mm 32 No. 24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 Rate of Duty Head = iog Subheading Article Detaiptlon C D Statistical Uolt General ED SADC By the substitutionfor subbeading 8202.91 of the followin~ 4 "8202.91 ~ - Straight saw blades, for working metal kg 20% 20% free" By the substitution for subheadings 8203.20.10, 8203.20.20, 8203.20.30 and 8203.20.40 of the following; 82.03 ".10 7 - - Waterpumppliers kg 20% 20% free .20 4 - - Pliers of a length exceeding110 mm but not exceeding 300 mm, the following: Side-altting pliers with serrated jaws (with or without pipe grips), snipe-nose pliers with side cutters and serrated jaws, gas pliers and slip-joint pipe·grip pliers (includingbent-nose type) kg 20% 20% free .30 1 - - Fencing pliers of a length exceeding 110 mm but not exceeding 320 mm; diagonal artting pliers (not lever assisted) of a length exceeding 110 mm but not exceeding 250 mm; circlip pliers (cotter pliers) of a length exceeding 150 nun but not exceeding 2SO DUD leg 20% 20% free .40 9 - - Adjustableself-lockingpliers and grips kg 20% 20% free" kg 20% 20% free kg 20% 20% free" By the substitution for subheadin. 8204.11.15 and 8204.11.40 of the following: 82.04 ".15 3 -- - .40 4 . - - Socket accessories(for example, Double open end spanners of aU si1JCS up to 36 nun; rins spanners of all sizes up to 36 DUn; OJIl'lbination ring and open end spanners of all sizes up to 36 rom extensions, ratchet handles,speed braces, sliding T-handles, universal joints and swivel handles)with a drive of 9 mm or more but not exceeding 21 rom(excluding torque wrenches) No. 24849 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 ..- Rate of Duty Head = ing Subheading Article Descripdoo C D Stadsdcal Uoit EU Geoeral SADC By the substitution for subheadings 8204.12.10 and 8204.12.20 of the following: ".10 9 --- ,20 6 - -- Wrenches with a length of 140 mm or more but not exceeding 310 mm Pipe wrenches (excluding chain pi pe wrenches) kg 20% 20% free kg 20% 20% free" kg 20% 20% free" kg 20% 20% free" (including parts, whether or not worked) By the substitution for subheading 8204.20.40 of the following: ".40 2 - - With a drive of 9 nun or more but not exceeding 21 mm By the substitution for subheading 8205.20.10 of the following: 82.05 ".10 4 - - Steel beaded hammers By the substitution for subheadings 8205.40.10, 8205.40.20 and 8205.40.40 of the following: ".10 3 - - Star-point screwdrivers (excluding ratchet screwdrivers and screwdrivers with screwholding clamps) kg 20% 20% free .20 0 ~ - Flat-point screwdrivers with a width at the point of 3 nun or more but not exceeding 9,5 mm (excluding ratchet screwdrivers and saewdrivers with screwholding clamps) kg 20% 20% free AO 5 ~ - Sets with a variety of saewdrivers leg 20% 20% free" kg 20% 20% free" which contain at least one star-point saewdriver or one flat-point screwdriver witb a width at the point of 3 rom or more but not exceeding 9,5mm By the substitution for subheading 8205.59.05 of the following: ",05 9 -- - Riveting tools for blind riveting; brick bolsters; cold chisels; punches; backing knives; soldering irons 33 34 No. 24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 Rateofnuty Head= Subheading Ing C D Artkle Desaipdoa Statistical Unit EU Geaeral SADC By the substitution for subheadiD8S 8205.70.10,8205.70.20and 8205.70.30 of the following: ".10 7 - - Bench and carpentersvices kg 20% 20% free (excludingtable, leg, pipe and swivel vices, not being bench Vices with detachable swivel bases) .20 4 - - Woodworking clampsand cramps kg 20% 20% free .30 - - Self-locking welding clamps; selflocking"C' clamps kg 20% 20% free" kg 15% 15% free" kg 20% 20% free" kg 20% 20% free" kg 20% 20% free" kg 20% 20% free" kg 20% 20% free" 1 82.07 By the substitutionfor subheading 8207.13.25 of the following: ".25 4 --- Bits (excluding these of a diameter exceeding 100 mm but not exceeding385 mm incorporating hemispherical shaped inserts of tungsten carbid~ those of a kind used for raise boringand chisel blanks for rock drills) By the substitutionfor subheadings 8207.40.10of the following: ".10 0 - - Screwingtaps, of alloy steel or high speed steel By the substitution for subheading 8207.50of the following: "8207.50 8 - Tools for drilling(excludingrock drilling) By the substitution for subheading 8207.60.15 of the following; ".15 0 - - Reamers. tipped with tungsten carbide or of high speed steel By the substitution for subheading 8207.70.15 of the following: ".15 5 - - Millingaltters, tipped with tungsten carbide or of high speed steel By the substitution for subheading 8207.80.10of the following: ".10 9 - - Cutting tools, tipped with tungsten carbide No.24849 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 Rate of Duty Head= iog Subheading ArtIcle Description C D Statistical UBit EO General By the substitution for subheading 8209.00.10 of the following: 82.09 ",10 0 - Tungsten carbide tips for cutting tools for use with machine tools for working metal or metal carbides kg 20% 20% free" kg 20% 20% free" By the substitution for heading 82.10 of the following: 82.10 ''82.10 SADC 2 8210.00 Hand-operated meclumical applJaDces, of a mass of 10 kg or . , U8ed in the preparation, CODditioniog or serving of food or drink By the substitution for subheadings 8211.10.30,8211.10.80 and 8211.10.90 of the following: 82.11 ".30 2 - - Table knives, not plated with precious metal u 20% 20% free .80 9 - - Other, plated with precious metal u 20% 20% free .90 6 - - Other u 15% 15% free" u 15% 15% free" u 20% 20% free" u 20% 20% free u 20% 20% free" kg 20% 20% free" By the substitution for subheading 8211.91.90 of the following: ".90 9 ~ - - Other By the substitution for subheading 8211.92.80 of the following: ".80 8 - - - Other, plated with precious metal By the substitution for subheadings 8211.93.30 and 8211.93.80 of the following: ".30 8 -. - ,80 4 . -- Other, plated with precious metal Other folding knives with one or more blades with a cutting edge of 2S mm or more but not exceeding 100 mm, not plated with precious metal By the substitution for subheading 8211.94.10 of the following: ".10 8 -. - For table knives (excluding bread, carving and similar knives) 35 36 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 No. 24849 Rate of Duty Head= iug Subheading Article Description C D Stadstfcal Unit General EU SADe By the substitution for subheading 8211.95.10 of the following: ".10 6 - - - For other knives, whether or not plated with precious metal kg 20% 20% free" kg 20% 20% free" kg 30% 30% 6% kg 30% 30% 6% By the substitution for subheading 8214.20 of the following: 82.14 1<8214.20 6 - Manicure or pedicure sets and instruments (including nail files) 82.15 By the substitution for heading 82.15 of the following: "82.1S Spoons, forks, ladles, skimmers cakeservers, fish-knives, butter-kDlva, sugar lOIlgsand similar kltcbeD or tableware: 8215.10 - Sets o( assorted articles containing at least one article plated with precious 5 metal 8215.20 1 - Other sets of assorted articles - Other: 8215.9 8215.91 8 - - Plated with precious metal kg 30% 30% 6% 8215.99 9 ~ kg 30% 30% 6%" - Other No. 24849 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 No. R. 633 16 Mel 2003 OOEANE· EN AKSYNSWET, 1964.WYSIGING VAN BYLAE NO.1 (NO. 1/111181) Kragtens artikel 48 van die Doeane- en Aksynswet, 1964. word Deel 1 van Bylae No. 1 by genoemde Wet biermee gcwysig, met tenJgwerkende kng tot 1 Januarie 2003, in die mate in die Bylae hierbyaangetoon. MMPAHLWA ADJUNKMINISrER VAN FINANSIES BYIAE SkaaI van Reg StatU= POI 37 Subpos T S ArtikelBeskrywiDg dele EeDhdd EU Alge...n 82.01 SAOG Deur subpos 8201.10.10deur die volgendc te vervang: ".10 5 • - Met'o maksimumbladwydte van mecr as 200 DUD maar hoogstens320 mm kg 20% 20% vry" kg 20% 20% vry" Deur subpos 8201.20.30 deur die volgeode te vervang: ".30 4 - - Ander, met 'n tandlengte van meer as 1S0mm Deur subposte 8201.30.03,8201.30.20and 8201.30.40 dcur die volgende te vervang: ".03 1 - - Bylpikke; pikke kg 20% 20% vry .20 1 - - Skoffelpikkemet '0 werkdee)met'o wydle van hoogstcns320 mm kg 20% 20% vry .40 6 -. Harke met hoogstens8 tande kg 20% 20% vry" kg 20% 20% vr'/' kg 20% 20% vry" kg 21% 21% vry" Deur subpos 8201.40.10 deur die volgeode te vervang: ".10 9 82.02 - - Handbyle met staalstele Deur subpos 8202.20.30deur die volgende vervang: te ".30 8 '0 wydte van minstens 4.,5 mm maar hoogstens32 nun _. Ander, met Deur subpos 820239.30 deur die volgende te vervang: ".30 9 -. - Met '0 werkdeel van wolframkarbied en 'n deursnee van minstens600 mm 38 No. 24849 Pos GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 T Subpos ArtIkeI BeskrywlDg S Statis= tIese EeJaheid Skaal ftIl Reg Algemeen EU SAOG Deur subpos 8202.91 deur die volgende te vervang: 4 "820291 82.03 •• Reguitsaaglemme, vir die bewerking van metaal kg 20% 20% v:ry" DeuTsubposte 8203.20.10, 8203.20.20, 8203.20.30 en 8203.20.40 deur die volgende vervang; ".10 7 •• Waterpomptange kg 20% 20% vry .20 4 - - Tange met'n lengte van meer as kg 20% 20% vry kg 20% 20% vry kg 20% 20% vry" kg 20% 20% vry kg 20% 20% vry" 110 rom maar hoogstens 300 mm, die volgende: Snylmiptange met getande bekke (met of sonder pypldemme). spitsbektange met syknippe en getande bekke, gestange en skuifkoppeling= pypldemtange (met inbegrip van krombektipe) .30 1 - - Draadtange met ' n lengtevan meer as 110 mm maar hoogstens 320 mm; skuinse kniptange (Die met hefboom= steun nie) met'n lengte van meer as 110 mm maar hoogstens 250 rom; klemringtange (dwarsspytange) met tn lengte van meer as 150 mm maar hoo~tens 250 rom .40 9 - - Verstelbare selfsluittange en -klemme Deur subposte 8204.11.15 en 8204.11.40 deur die volgende te vervang: 82.04 ".15 3 - - - Dubbeloopbeksleutels van aile groottes tot 36 nun; ringsleutels van alle groottes tot 36 mm; kombinasie- ring-en-oopbeksleutels van aUe groottes tot 36 mm .40 4 •• - Sokbybehoorsels (byvoorbeeld, verlengstukke, ratelhandvatsels, spoedomslae, skuif-T-handvatsels, kruiskoppelings en werwelhand= vatsels) met 'n meenemervan minstens 9 mm maar hoogstens 21 mm (uitgesonderd wringsleutels) No.24849 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 Pos Subpos Arttkel BesIaywiDg T S Skaal van Reg Statis:: dese Eeoheid Algemeen EU SAOG Deur subposte 8204.1210 en 8204.1220 deur die volgendete vervang: ".10 9 --- Pypsleutels(uitgesonderdketting kg 20% 20% vry kg 20% 20% vry' kg 20% 20% vry" kg 20% 20% vry' kg 20% 20% vry pypsleutels) .20 6 - - - Sleutels met 'D lengte van minstens 140 mm maar hoogstens310 nun (met inbegripvan onderdele, afgewerk al dan nie) Deur subpos 8204.20.40deur die volgende te vervang: ·'.40 2 - - Met 'n meenemervan miRStens 9 mm maar hoogstens 21 mm Deur subpos 8205.20.10 deur die volgende tevervang: 82.05 ".10 4 - - Staalkophamers Deur subposte 8205.40.10,8205.40.20en 8205.40.40deur die volgendete vervang: ".10 3 - - Sterpuntskroewedraaiers (uitgesooderd ~le~~~ersen~ draaiers met skroefklemtoestelle) .20 0 - - Platpuntskroewedraaiers met 'n breedte by die punt van minstens3 mm maar hoogstens9,5 mm (uitgesonderd ratelskroewedraaiers en skroewe= draaiers met skroefldemtoestelle) kg 20% 20% vry .40 - - Stelle met 'n verskeidenheid skroewe= draaiers wat minstenseen sterpunt= skroewedraaierof ceo platpunt= skroewedraaiermet' n breedte by die punt van minstens 3 rom maar kg 20% 20% vry" kg 20% 20% vry" 5 hoogstens 9~ mm bevat Deur subpos 8205.59.05 deur die volgende tevervang: ".05 9 ~ -- KJirikgereedskap vir blinde klinkwerk;steenbeitels;koubeitels; ponse; kapmesse;soldeerboute 39 40 No. 24849 Pos GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 T S Subpos Artikel Beskrywlng StatiI= tiese Eenbeid Skaal van Reg EU AJgemeen SAoo Deur subposte 8205.70.10, 82OS.70.20en 8205.70.30 deur die volgendete vervang: ",10 7 .20 4 .30 1 82.07 - - Bank- en skrynwerkskroewe (uitgesonderd tafel-, stert-, pyp-en swaaiskroewe, maar nie bankskroewe met verwyderbare swaaivoetstukke me) M - Houtwerkklampe en -krampe - - SelfsluitsweiskJampe; selfsluit "'C" klampe kg 20% 20% vry kg 20% 20% vry kg 20% 20% vry" kg 15% 15% vry' kg 20% 20% vry- kg 20% 20% vry' kg 20% 20% vrr' kg 20% 20% vr'l" kg 20% 20% vr'l" Deur subpos 8207.13.25 deur die volgende te vervang: ".25 4 - - - Bore (uitgesonderd die met '0 deursneevan meer as 300 mm maar hoogstens 320 mm wat halfsferige insetselsvan wolframkarbied inkorporeer, di~ van '0 soortvir optrekboorwerk gebruik en rubeitelJemme vir rotsbore) Deur subpos 8207.40.10 deur die volgende tevervang: <m 0 - - Skroefsnytappe, van legeriog$ta8l of hoespoedstaal Deur subpos tn117 .50 <leur die volgeode te vervang: "8207.50 8 - Gereedskap vir boorwerk (uitgesonderd rotsboorwerk) Deur subpos 8207.60.15 dear die volgende te vervang: ",15 0 - - Ruimers, met wolframkarbiedpunte of van hoespoedstaal Deur subpos 8207.70.15 deur die votgende te vervang: ".15 5 - - Frese, met wolframkarbiedpunte of van hoespoedstaal Deur subpos 8207.80.10 cleurdie volgende te vervang: ".10 9 - - Snygereedskap, met wolframkarbied= punte No.24849 STAATSKO ERANT, 16 MEl 2003 Skaal van Reg Statis= tlele Artikel BeskrywfDg T S Subpos Pos EeDheid EU Algemeen Deur subpos 8209.00.10 deur die volgende te vervang: 82.09 kg 20% 20%' vry" kg 20% 20% vr'!' - - Tafelmesse, nie met edelmetaal geplateer nie u 20% 20% wy .80 9 - - Ander, met edelmetaal gcplateer u 20% 20% vry .90 6 - u 15% 15% vrj u 15% 15% vrY' u 20% 20% vrj u 20% 20% vry u 20% 20% vrY' kg 20% 20% vry ".10 82.10 SAOO 0 2 8210.00 - Wolframkarbiedpunte vir snygereedskap vir gebruik met masjiengereedskap vir die bewerking van rnetaal of metaal: karbiede HandaaDgedrewe meganiese toestelle, met 'n massa van hoogstens 10 kg, by die voorbereidiog, voorbehandellng of bedieniogs van voecIsei of dnmk gebruik Deur subposte 8211.10.30,8211.10.80 en 8211.10.90 deur die volgende te vervang: 82.11 ".30 2 ~ Ander Deur subpos 8211.91.90 denr die volgende tevervang: «.90 9 - - - Ander ; Deur subpos 8211.92.80 deur die volgende te vcrvang: ".80 8 - - - Ander, met edelmetaaJ geplateer Deur poste 8211.93.30 en 8211. 93.Ell deur die volgende te vervang: «.30 8 ~ - - Ander voubare messe met meer as een lem met 'n snykant van minstens 25 nun, maar hoogstens tOO mm, nie met edelmetaal geplateer nie .80 4 - -- Ander, met edelmetaal geplateer Deur subpos 8211.94.10 denr die volgende tevervang: ".10 00379962-0 8 -- - Vir tafelmesse (uitgesonderd brood-, vleis- en dergelikemesse) 41 42 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 No. 24849 Sbal Y8D. Beg StadJz: Pos Snbpos T ArtikeJ Beskl"ywing S dele Eeaheld Alpmeen EU SAOG . Deur subpos 8211.95.10 deur die volgende te vervang: ".10 6 - - - Vir tafelmessemet V8Ste lemmet nie geplateer met edelmetaalDie kg 20% 20% vry" kg 20% 20% vry" Deur subpos 8214.20deur die volgendete 82.14 vervaog: "8214.20 6 - Manikuur-of chiropodiestelle eninstrumente(met inbegripvan naelvyltjies) Deur pol 82.15 deur die volgendete 82.15 vervang: Lepell, vurb, skeplepels, a6keppen, koekspanDen, YlIllIDeIIe, botterme8-, sullrertange en deraeUke kombull- of "82.15 tafehrare: 8215.10 5 • Stelle van 'n vcrskeidcnhcid artiketa wat miostell8 een arti~J bevat WIt met edctmetaalgcplatcer i. kg 30% 30% 6% 8215.20 1 - Anderstelle van 'n vemkeidcnbeid artikets kg 30% 30% 6% - Ander: 8215.9 8215.91 8 - - Met edcJmetaaJ geplatcer kg 30% 30% 6% 8215.99 9 - - Ander k& 30% 30% 6%" NO.24849 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 43 16 May 2003 No. R. 634 CUSTOMS AND EXCISE ACT, 1964 AMENDMENT OF SCHEDULE NO.1 (NO.1I111182) Under section 48(1) and leA) and for the purposes of section 49(1) (a) and (b) of the Customs and Excise Act, 1964, Schedule No. 1 to the said Ad is hereby amended, with retrospective effect to 5 August 2002, as set out in the Schedule hereto. MMPAHLWA DEPU1Y MINISrER OF FINANCE SCHEDULE (a) By the substitution for the existing "LIST OF WORKING OR PROCESSING REQUIRED TO BE CARRIED OUT ON NON-DRIGINATING MATERIAlS IN ORDER THAT THE PRODUcr MANUFACTURED CAN OBTAIN ORIGINATING STATUS" in General Note K under Note 6to Appendix I to Annex I of the SAne PROTOCOL ONTRADE with the attached new List to Appendix I of Annex l (b) By the withdrawal of "Part 3" in respect of the "LIST OF WORKlNG OR PROCFSSlNG CONFERRING ORIGIN ON TEXTll..E GOODS ORIGINATING IN MMTZ STATES AND SUBJECT TO TARIFF QUOTAS" in Article 11 of Part 1 to APPENDIX V to ANNEX I as it is now contained in the list to Appendix I of Annex I to the SAne PROTOCOL ON TRADE. 44 No. 24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 16 MAY 2003 UST TO APPENDIX I OF ANNEX I CONDmONS REGARDING WORKING OR PROCESSING REQUIRED TO BE CARRIED our ON NONORIGINATING MATERIALS IN ORDER TRAT THE PRODUcr MANUFAcruRED CAN OBTAIN ORIGINATING STATUS HSHEADING No. DESCRIP110N OF PRODUCTS WORKING OR PROCESSING CARRIED OUT ON NON· ORIGINATING MATERIALS THAT CONFERS ORIGINATING STATUS (1) (2) (3) Chapter 01 ChBpter02 Live animals Meat and edible meat offal Chapter 03 Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included Chapter 04 Chapter 07 Products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included Live trees and other plants; bulbs, roots and the li.lce; cut flowers and ornamental folia~e Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers Chapter 08 Edible fruit and nuts; peelof citrus fruit or melons ex Chapter 09 Coffee, tea, mate and spices; except for: ex 09.10 Curry and mixtures of spices Chapter 10 Cereals ex Chapter 11 Products ofthe milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat gluten; except for: Cbapter05 Chapter 06 ex 11.01 ex 11.06 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 All tbe animals of Chapter 1 used must be wholly produced Manufacturein which all the materials of Chapters 1 and 2 used muSlbe wholly uroduccd Manufacture in which all the materialsof Chapter 3 used must be wbolly produced Manufacture in wbicll aU the materials of Chapler 4 used IOOst be wholly produced Manufacture in which all the materials of Chapter 5 used must be wholly produced Manutacture in which all the materials of Chapter 6 usedmust be wholly produced Manufacture in which aU the materials of Chapter 7 used must be wholly produced Manufacture in which all the materials of Chapter 8 used must be wholly produced Manufacture in wbich the weight of the materials used does not exceed 40 per cent of the weight of tile product Manufacture from materials of any beading and cloves used must be wholly produced Manufacture in which all the materials of Chapter 10 used must be wholly produced Manufacture in which all the cereals. edible vegetables, roots and tubers of headings 07.08 and 07.14 or fruit usedmust be wholly produced Wheat flour No rule. no preferential duty treatment Durum wheat flour Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading otber tban tbat of the product Flour, meal and powder of the dried, shelled leguminous vegetables of beading 07.13 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains, seeds and fruit; industrial or medical plants; straw and fodder Lac; gums, resins and other vegetable saps and extracts Vegetable plaiting materials; vegetable products not elsewhere specified or included Manu IBdure in which all the materials of beading 0708 used IDl.Ult be wholly nroduced M8nufaeturc in which all the materials of Chapter 12 used must be wholly oroduced MaJWfacturein which all the materials used are classified within II heading other than tbat of the product Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than thai:of the product NO.24849 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 BS BEADING No. DESCRIPTION OF PRODUers WORKING OR PROCESSING CARRIED our ON NON· ORIGINATING MATERIALS THAT CONFERS ORIGINATING srATUS (1) (1) (3) ex Chapter 15 Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible fats; animal or vegetable waxes; except for: 15.01 Pig fat (includinBlard) and poultry fat, (excluding that of heading 02.09 Of 15.03) 15.02 Manufacturein which aUthe materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product MlUlUfacture in which all the materials ofCbapter 2 used must be woolly produced Fats of bovine animals, sheep or goats. (excluding that of heading 15.03): Fats from bones oc waste Other Manufacturefrom materials of any beading except those of heading02.01, 02.02,02.04,02.06 or 02.09 or bones of beading05.06 Manufacturein which all the materials of Chapter 2 used must be wholly produced Manufacturein which all the materialsof Chapters 2 and 3 used must be wholly produced 15.04 Fats and oils and their fractions, offish or marine mammals,whether or not refined, but not chemically modified 15.06 Other animals fillS and oils and their fractions, whether or not refined, but noc chemically modified wholly produced Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated,inter-esterified,re-esterifiedor elaidinised, whether or not refined, but not further prepared Margarine;edible mixtures or preparationsof animal or vegetable fats or oils or of fractions of different fats or oils oftbis Chapter (excludingedible fats or oils or their fiactionsofheading 15.16) Preparations of meat, of fish or of cruSl8ceans, molluscs or otheraquatic invertebrates Cane or beet sugar and chemically pure sucrose, in solid Manufacturein which: all the materialsof Chapter 2 used must be wholly produced; and all the vegetable materials used must be wholly produced Manufacture in which: all the materials of Chapter2 and4 usedmust be wholly produced; and all the vegetable materialsused must be wholly produced Manufacturein which all the materials of Chapters 2 and 3 used must be wholly produced Manufilcturefrom wholly produced su~ cane slaIksaod sugar beel 15.16 15.17 Chapter 16 17.01 Manumcture in which ali the materials ofChapters 2 and 3 used must be form 17.02 Oilier sugars, including chemically pure lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose, in solid form; Sl.I~ syrups not containing added flavouring or colouring matter; artificial honey, whether or not mixed with natural honey; caramel Manufacture in which: all the materialsused are classified within a heading other than that of the product; and all the materials of Chapter 17 used mustalready be originating Molassesresulting from the extmction or refining of sugar Manufacturein which all the materials used must be wholly produced SUgarconfectionery (including white chocolate), not containing cocoa Manufacture in which: • all the material. used ate classified within a beading other than that of the product; and aUthe materials of Chapter 17 used must already be originating Cocoa and oocoa preparations Manufacture;n which: all tbe materialsused are classified within a heading other than that of the product; and all the materialsofCbapter 17 used mustalready be originating 17.03 17.04 Chapter 18 45 46 No.24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 16 MAY 2003 HSHEADING DESCRIP110N OF PRODUcrS WORKING OR PROCESSING CARRIED OUT ON NON. (1) ORIGINATING MATERIALS THAT CONFERS ORIGINATING srA111S (3) No. (1) 19.01 Malt e'lrtract; lOOd prqlIlU'lltions of ftoor, groats, meal Sl8rch or malt extract, not containing cocoa or cootaining less than 40 per cent by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, not elsewhere specified or included; food preparations of goods of headinS 04.01 to 04.04, not containing cocoa or containing less than 5 per cent by weight of cocoa calculated on 8 totally defatted basis, not elsewhere specified or included ex19.02 . No rule, no preferential duty treatment Pasta Illade from durum wheat Maoufacture in which an the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product Pasta madefrom wheal Dour No rute, no preferential duty treatment 19.03 Tapioca and substitutes therefor prepared from starch, in the form of flakes. grains, pearls, siftings or in similar forms Manufacture from materials of any heading except pocato starch of beading 11.08 19.04 Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or cereal products (for example, corn flakes); cereals (excluding maizecorn), in grain form or in the form of flakes or other worked grains (except flour, groatS and meal), pre-cooked, 01 otherwise prepared, not elsewhere specified or included No rule. no preferential duty treatment 19.05 Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers' wares, whether or not containing cocoa; communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, rice paper and similar products No rule, no preferential duty treatment Cbapter20 Preparations of vegetables, fruu, nuts or other parts of plants Manufacture in which all the materials of Chapters 7 and 8 used must be wholly produced Oapter21 Miscellaneous edible preparations Manufacture in which the value of the materiAls used does not exceed 60 per cellt of the ex-worts price of the product Chapter 22 Beverages, spirits and vinegar . Manufacture in which: . - all the materials used are classified within a heading other than tbat of the product; and all the grapes or any material derived from grapes used must be Wholly produced Chapter 23 Residues and waste from the food industries; prepared animal fodder Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product ex Chapter 24 Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes; except fur: Manufacture i.nwhich the weight of tbe unmaDllfaetorcd tobacco or IObae<:o refuse of heading 24.01 used does not exceed 30 per ceot oftbe wcisht of the product 24.01 Unmanufactured tobacco; tobacco refuse Manufacture in which all the materials used must be wholly produced Chapter 25 Salt; sulphur; earths and stone; plastering materials, lime and cement Ores. slag and ash Manufacture in which all the materIals used are classified within a heading other than that of the product Manufacture in which all the materiels used are classified within a heading other than that ofthe product Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product Manufacture in wbich all the materials used are classified within a heading Cbapter26 Chapter 29 Mineral fuels, mint"_~J oils and products of their distillation; bituminous substances; mineral waxes Inorganic cbemicals; organic or inorganic compoundsof procious metals, of rare-earth metals, of radioactive elements or of isotoPeS Organic chemicals Chapter 30 Pharmaceutical products Chapter 31 Fertilisers OIapter27 Cbapter28 other than lbat of the product Manufacture in which all tbe materials used are classified within a heading other thaD that of the product Manufacture in which all tbe materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product Manufacture in which aU the materials lISed are classified within a heading other than that of the product No.24849 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 HSREADING WORKING OR PROCESSING CARRIED OUT ON NON· ORIGINATING MATERIA.IS 'IHAT CONFERS ORIGINATING DESCRIPTION OF PRODUcrS No. STArnS (1) Olapter32 Chapter33 (3) (1) Tanningor dyeing extraet8; tanninsaod their derivatives; dyes, pigmentsand other oolouring matter; paints and varnishes;outty and other mastics;inks Essentialoils and resinoids; perfumery, oosmetic or tonet preparations Manufacture in which aU the materials used are classified withina heading other than tbat of the product Manufacture in -which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the lIl'Odnet Manufacturein which all the materials used are classified withina heading OIher than (hatof the produd Chapter37 Soap,organic surface-activeagents,washingpreparations, lubricatingpreparatioo8, artificialwaxes,preparedwaxes, polishingor scouringpreparations, candlesand similar articles, modellingpastes. "dental waxes"and dental preparationswith a basis of plaster Albuminoidal subatances; modifiedstarches;glues; enzymes Explosives; pyrotechnicproducts;matches;pyrophoric alloys;certain combustibleIlreoarations Photographic or cinematographic goods Chapter38 Miscellaneous chemicalproducts 39.01 to 39.14 Plasticsin primary forms 39.15 Waste, paringsand scrap, of plastica Manufacturein which all the materialsused mast be wbollypmdue&d 39.16 to 39.26 Semi-manufactures and articles of pialtiCS Manufacture in which: all tbe materialaused are clusificd within 8 headins atbel'than that of the produd; the value of tbe materialsof Chapter 39 U8ed does not w:ced 55 per cent of the ex-worb price of the prodac:t; IDd - all the materiaIJ of bCadiaa 39.15 used must be wbolly ~ Manufacturein whichaU the materialJ used are duIlfied within a beadi~ other than thai oftbe product Outpter34 OUlpter35 Chapter36 Manufacturein which all the materials used are clusi.fied withina heading other than that of the oroduct Manufacturein which all the materialsused are classifiedwithin a heading other than that of tbe orodud Manufacture in which all the materialsused are classified witlJina beading otherthan that of the oroduct Manufacture in which all the materialsused arc c1a88l.fied within a beading other than tbat of the oroduct ManufBcture in which: - all the materials,used are classifiedwithina heldlng other than that of the product; and . all the materialsof heading39.15 uaed must be wholly produced - - OKChapter 40 Rubber and articlesthereof; elUlCpt for: 4012.10 Retreadedtyres ell:Chapter 41 Raw hides and skins (excludingfurskins)and leather; eJ(cept for: Manumcture ia wbidl an the materialsused are claai&d withina aubhcadiq other than that of the oroduct Manufacture in which all the materialsWJed are classifiedwithin a headin8 other tban that of the product ex 41.02 Raw skins of sheep or lamb$,withoutwool on Removal of wool from sheep or lamb akins, witb wool on 4114.20 Patentleather and patentlaminatedleather; metalllsed leather Manufacture from leather of heading41.07,41.12 or 41.13 Chapter42 Manufacture in which an the materialsused are classifiedwithin a heading other than that of the product ex Chapter 43 Articlesof leather;saddleryand harness; travel goods, handbagsand similarcontainers;articles of animalgut (excludingsilk worm gut) Furslcins and artificialfur; manufactures thereof; except for: ex 43.02 Tanned or dressed furskios, assembled: - Manufacture in which all the materialsused ale classifiedwithin a heading other than that oftbe product Plates,crossesand similar forms Bleachingor dyeing,in additionto cuttingand assembly of non-assembled tannedor dressed furskins Other Manufacture fromnon-esse ~bled, tanned or dressed furakins 43.03 Articlesof apparel,clotbingaccessoriesand Olher articles Manufacture tiom non-assembled, tanoed m dressed furskinA of heading 43.02 ex Chapter 44 offurskin Wood and articlesof wood; wood charcoal;euepl fur: 44.03 Wood in the rough, whetheror not aripped of bark Of Olapter45 saowood. or roughly SQUared Corkand articlesof cork Olapter46 Chapter 47 Manufactures of straw,of esparto or of other plaiting materials; basket wareand wickerwork Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosicmaterial; recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard Manufacturein which the value of all the materiall used doesDOt exceed 40 per cent of the ex-worts price oftbe product ManufiJcture in which all the maIcriaIs of beading 44.03 U8Cd must be wooDy oroduccd Manufacture in which all the materialsused are classi&d withina headina other than thatof the product Manufacturein which all the materialsused are classifiedwithin. a heading other than that of the txOduca Manufacturein which all the materials used are classifiedwithin a heading other than that of the product 47 48 No.24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 RSBEADING No. DESCRIP110N OF PRonuers (1) (1) (3) ex Chapter 48 Paper and paperboard; articles of peper pulp, ofpapcr or of paperboard; except for. Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other Iban that of the product 48.08 Paper and paperboard, corrupted (with or without aJllCd flat surface sheets). aepcd, c:riDkled. embossed or perfurated, in rolls or sheets (excluding tbat of headiog Manufacture in wbid'l all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of Chapter 48 WORKINGOR PROCESSINGCARRIEDOUT ON NON~ ORIGINATING MATERIALSTHAT CONFERSORIGINATING STAl1JS 48.03) 48.10 Paper and paperboard, coated on one or both sides wilb kaolin (china clay) or other inorganic substanCCSt witb or without a binder, and with no other coating, whether or DOl sarface-coloured, surface-dccorated or printed, in rolls or rectangular (including square) sheets of any size Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of ~ding 48.02 48.11 Paper, paperboard, cellulose Waddingand webs of cellulose fibres, coated, impregnated, covered. surface-coloured, surfaee--decorated OJ primed, in rolls or sheets (excluding goods of heading 48.03, 48.09 or 48.10) Manufitcturein which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of Chapter 48 48.16 Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other copying or transfer papers (excluding those of heading «<1.09), duplicator stencils and offset plates. of paper, whether or nol put up in Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of beading 48.09 boxes 48.18 Toilet paper and similar paper, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres, of a kind used for household or sanitary purposes, in rolls of a width not exceeding 36 em or cut to size or shape; handkerchiefs, cleansing tissues. towel&, tablecloths, servieaes, napkins for babies, tampoll&, bed sheetA and similar household sanitary or hospital articlCSt articles of apparel and clothing aca:ssories, of peper pulp. paper. cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of Chapter 48 48.23 Other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and websof cellulose fibres, all to size or shape; other artictesof paper pulp, paper,paperboard. ceUulose wadding or webs of celluJose fibres Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of Chapter 48 OIapter49 Primed books, newspapers. pictUresand other productsof tbe printina industry; lDlIDUSUiots. . aod plana Manufacture in which aUthe materials used are classified within a heading other tban thai of the orodue:t STAATSKOERANT. 16 MEl 2003 HSHEADING No. DESCRIPTION OF PRODUcr (1) ex Chapter 50 (1) Silk; exceptfor: WORKING OR PROCESSING CARRIED OUT ON NON.()RlGJNATlNG MATERIALS THAT CONFERS ORIGINATING grAmS (41' m Manufacture in whieb all the materials usedare classified within a headins other than that ofthe product ex 50.03 Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable fOr reeling, yam waste and garnened stock), carded or combed CarcfiIl8 or combing of silk waste 50.04 to ex 50.06 Silk yam and yarn spun from silk waste Manufacture from: raw silk or silk waste carded or combed or otherwise prepared foespinning; · other natural fibres DOt carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning; chemical materials or textile pulp; or · · 50.07 pape1'~making materials Woven fabrics of silk: or of silk waste: - Incorporatingrubber thread Manufacture from single yam Other Manufacture from: coiryam; · natural fibres; - man-made staple fibres not carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning; chemical materials or textile pulp; or paper - or Priming accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring., bleaching. meroerisiD& beat setting, raising. calendering. shrink reaistaoceproces&iog, permanent finisbing. decatizin& impregnating. mendiugand boding) where the wlue ohbe unprinted fabric used dDcs not exceed 47.5 per cent of the ex-worts price oftbe product ex Chapter 51 Woo1,. fine or coarse animal hair; horsehair yam and woven fabric; except for: Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product 51.06 to 51.10 Yam of wool, of fine or coarse animal hair or of horsehair Manufacture from: raw silk or silk. waste carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning; - natural fibres DOtcarded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning; chemical materials or textile pulp; or paper-making materials - ~ 51.111051.13 Woven fabrics of wool, of fine or coarse animal hair or of horsehair: - tncoreorarins rubber thread NO.24849 Manufacture from single yam 49 50 No.24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 BSIlEADING WORJaNG OR PItOCESSING CARRIED OUT ON NON-ORlGINAllNG DESCRIP110N OF PROover No. MATERIALS THAT CONFERS ORIGINATING SlATUS (l) (1) Other MllDIlfacture from: . - " (4) coir yarn; natural fibres; man-made saple fibres not carded or combed or otherwise preparedfor spinning; chemical maierlals or textile pulp; or paper or Printing llICCOmpanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operationa (such as scouring. bleaching, mcrceriBing. heat setting, raising, calendering, shrink resisl:ancc proc:caiog. permanent finishing, decatizing. impregnating. mending and hurling) where the value of the unprinted fabric useddoesnot CKCCd 47.5 per cent of the eJ:-workspricE of the product ex Chapter 52 Cotton; except for: 52.04 to 52.07 Yarn and thread of cotton Manuf&ctBre in which aU the materials used are classifiedwithin a headiog olber than tbat of the product Manufacture from: raw aUk or silk wa6tecarded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning; natural fibres not carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning; chemical materialsor textile pulp; or - paper-makingmaterials ManufActure from fibres lncotporating rubber thread MaouftK:turc from singleyarn Manufacturefrom single yam Other Manufacture from: coif yarn; natural fibres; man-made 8laple fibres not carded or combed or otherwiseprepared for spioning; - chemical mat.erials or textile pulp; or paper ManufBcture from single yarn - - 52.08 to 52.12 Woven fabrics of cotton: - - or Printing accollij)llnied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring, bleaching, mercerising, heat setting, raising, calendering, shrink resistana: processing, permanent finishing. decatizing. impregnating, mending and burling) where the value of the unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47.5 per cent of the ex-works price of the product ex Chapter 53 Other vegetable textile fibres; paper yamand woven fabrics of paper yam; except for: Manufacturein whim all the malerials used arc classified within a beadingother than that of the ~d 53.06 to 53.08 Yam of other vegetable te~e fibres; paper yam Manufaetute from: raw silk. or silk waste carded or combed or otherwise prepared fur spinning; natural fibres not carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning; chemical materials 01' textile pulp; or DIlDCl'-makinr materials - - or Printing accompanied by at least two preparatoryor finishing operations (such as IlCOUriOg. bleaching, mercerising, heat setting, raising, calendering, shrink resistance processing, permanent finishing, dccatizing, impregnating, mending and burling) where the value of the unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47.S pet cent of the exworks price of the product STAATSKOERANT. 16 MEl 2003 (J) 53.09lO 53.11 (2) 0) (4) Woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibres; woven fabrics of paperyam: - Incorporating rubber thread Manufacture from siegle yarn - Other Manufacture from: - coir yam; - natural fibres; · man-made staple fibres nOl carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning; · chemical materials or textile pulp; or · \ paper or Printing accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring, bleaching. mere:erising. heat setting, raising. calendering. shrink resistance processing.. permanent finishiog, dccataing, impregnating, mending and burling) where the value of the unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47.5 per cent of the ex-works price ofthe product 54.01 to 54J16 Yam, monofilamentand thread of man-made filaments Manufacture from: raw silk or silk WIUiIIe carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning; · naturallibres not carded 01' combed or otherwise prepared for spinning; - cbemical tnlderials or textile pulp; or - · 54.07 aod 54.08 51 WOlUCING OR PROCF3SING CARRIED our ON NON-ORlGJNATlNG MATERIALS THAT CONFERS ORIGINATING STATUS DESCIUP110N OF PRODUcr HSHEADlNG No. NO.24849 paper-making materials Woven fabrics of man-made filament yam: - Incorporating rubber thread Manufacture from single yarn - Other Manufacturefrom: coif yarn; MlUral fibres; - man·made staple fibres not carded or combed OJ otherwise prepared for spinning; chemical materials or textile pulp; or - paper 01 Printins accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring, bleaching. mercerising, heat setting, raising, calendering, shrink resistance processing. permanent finishing. decatizing. impregnating, mendingand hurling) where the value of the unprinted filbricused does not exceed 47.S per cent of the ex-works price of the oroduet 55.01 to 55.07 Man-lIUlde staple fibres :~anufBeture 55.08 to 55.11 Yam and sewing thread of man-made staple fibres - from chemical materials or textile pulp ':"anufacture from: raw silk or silk waste carded or combed or - otherwise prepared for spinning; natural fibres not carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning; chemical materials or textile pulp; or PIloer-making materials Manu&cture from fibres 52 No.24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 DESCRIP110N OF PRODUcr BSBEADING WORXING OR PROCESSING CARRIED OUT ON NON-C>RIGINATING MATEIUALS THAT CONFERS ORIGINATING STAnIS No. (2) (1) 55.12 to 55.16 G) (4) Wovenfabricsof IDBR--made staple fibres: - lncorporatiog rubberthread Manufacture from single yarn Manufacture from single yarn - Other Manufacture from: coif yam: - natural fibres; man-madestaple fibres not carded or combed or otherwise prepared for spinning; - chemical materials Of textile pulp; or Manufacture from single yarn or ~ - pltper or PriDting accompanied by at least two preparatoryor finishing operations (such as scourins. bleaching, mercerllios. beal settins. raising, calendering, shrink resistanocproeeuing. permanect finishing, decatizing, impregnating, mendingand burUng) where the value of tbe unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47.5 per cent of the ex-works price of the product ex Chapter 56 Wadding. felt llcd non-wovetlSi special yams; twine, cordage, ropes and cables and anicles thereof; except for: Manufacture from: - ~ 56.02 coiryam; natural fibre&; chemical materials or textile pulp; or paper-makina materials Felt, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated: - Needleloom felt Manufacture from: natural fibres; or chemical materials or textile pulp - However: ~ polypropylenefilament of heading54.02; polypropylene fibres oCheading5S.03 or 55.06; or polypropylene filament tow of heading 55.01, of which tbe denominationin all cases of 8 single filament or fibre is less than 9 decitcx may be used provided their value does I10t exceed 40 per cent of the ex-works price of the product - Other Manufacture from: . - 56.04 natural fibres; man-madestaple fibres made from casein; or chemical materialsor textile pulp Rubber thread and cord, textile covered: textile yam. and lllripand the like of heading 54.04 at 54.05, impregnated. coated,covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics: Manufacturefrom rubber thread Of cord, not textile - Rubber thread and cord, textile covered - Other covered Mauufaaure from: DaNral fibres not carded or combed or otherwise processed for spinning; chemic:al materials or textile pulp; or paper-making materials ~ ~ Printing accompanied by at least two preparatory Of finishing operations (such 85 scouring, bleaching. mercerising, heat setting, raising, calendering, shrink resistance processing, permanent finisbing, decatizing, impregnating, mending and burling) where the value of the unprintedfabric used does not exceed 47.5 per cent of the exworks price of the product STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 DESCRIPTION OF PRODUcr &SHEADING No. rn 56.05 with metal 56.06 Cbapter 57 WORKING OR PROCESSING CARRIED OUT ON NON·ORlGINATlNG MATERIALS THAT CONFERS ORIGINATING STATUS (2) MetaDised yam. whether or not gimped, being textile yarn, or strip or the like of beading 54.04 or 54.05, combined with metal in the form of thread, strip or powder or covered Gimped yarn, and strip and the like of heading 54.04 or 54.05. gimped (excluding those of heading 56.05 and gimped horsehair yam); chenille yarn (including Oock chenille yarn); loop wale-yarn " Mauufileturcfrom: · natural fibres; man-made stallie fibres not carded or combed or otherwise processed for spinning; chemicalll18lerials or textile pulp; or - paper-making materials Manufacture from: natural fibres; man-made Slaplefibres not carded or combed or otherwise processed for spinning; · chemical materials or textile pulp; or paper-making materials ~ - carpets and other textile ftoor coverings: . OfncedleJoom felt Manufacture from: oatural fibres; or chemical materials or textile pulp - However: · - - polypropylene filament of heading 54.02; polypropylene fibres of heading 55.03 or 55.06; or polypropylene filament tow ofbcading 55.01, of which the denomination in 1.11 cases of a single filament or fibre is less than 9 decnex may be used provided their value does not exceed 40 per cent of tbe ex-works price of the product Of other felt Manufacturefrom: natural fibres not carded or combed or otherwise processed for spinning; or chemical materials or textile pulp · "' ~ Other No. 24849 Mauufacture from: eelr yarn; synthetic or artificiat filament yarn; · natural fibres; or · man-made staple fibres not carded or combed or Olberwise processed for spinning - (4) 53 54 No.24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 16 MAY 2003 DESCRIPTION OF PRODUer &SHEADING WORKING OR PROCESSING CARRIED our ON NON-ORIGINATJNG MATERIALS mAT CONFERS ORIGINATING STAnJS (4) Gl No. (l) ex Chapter 5& (2) Special woven fabrics; tufted textile fabrics; lace; tapestries; trimmings; embroidery; except for: . Combined with rubber thread Manufacture from single yarn Other Manufacture from: natural fibres; - man-made staple fibres not carded or combed or otherwise processed for spinning; or chemical materials or textile pulp or Printing accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring. bleaching, mereerlsing, heat setting, raising, calendering, shrink resistance processing.permanentfinishing. decatizing, impregnating. mending and burling) where the value of the unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47.5 per cent of the ex-works price of the product 58.05 58.10 Hand-woven tapestries of the types gobelins, flanders, aubusson, beauvais and the like, and needle-worked tapestries (for example, petit point, cross stitch), whether or not made up Embroidery in the piece, in strips or in motifs Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product Manufacture in which: all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product; and the value of all the materials used does not exceed 50 per cent of the ex-works price of tbe product - ! STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 HSHEADING No. DESCRIPTION OFPRODUcr rn (2) Textile fabrics coated with gum or amylaceoUs substances. of a kind used for the outer covers of books or the likc; tracing cloth; prepared printing canvas; buckram and similar stiffened textile fabricsof a kind used for hal foundations 59.01 59.02 WORKING OR PROCESSING CARRIED OUT ON NON-oKIGJNATING MATERIAI..S THAT CONFERS ORIGINATING STATUS 0) Manufacturefrom yam Tyre cord fabric of bigb tenacity yam of nyIon or other polyamides, polyesters or villCOlle rayon: ~ - Containing not morc than 90 per cent by weight of textile materials Manu~re Other Manufacture from chemical materials or textile pulp from yarn Manufacturefrom yarn 59.03 Textile fabrics impregnated,coated. covered or laminated with plastics (excluding those of heading 59.02) or Printing aocompamed by at least two preparatory or finishingoperations (such as scouring, bleaching. mereerising, beat setting, raising, calendering, shrink resistance processing, permanent finishing, decatilling, impregnating. mending and hurling) where the value of the unprinted fabric used doe!> not exceed 47.s per cent of the cx-works price of the product 59.04 Linoleum, whether or not cut to shape; floor coverings consisting of 8 coating or covering applied on a textile backing, whether or not cut Manufacturefrom yarn tollbape 59.05 Textile wall coverings: Manufacture from yarn - Impregnated,coated, covered or laminated with rubber, plastics or other materials - Other . No.24849 Manufacture from: ooir yam; - - naturaJfibres; man-made staple fibres not carded or combed or otherwise processed for spinning; or chemical materials or textile pulp or Printing accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring. bleaching, mercerising, heat setting. raising. calendering, &briitk resistance processing, permanent finishing decetizing, impregnating. mending and hurling) where the value of Ike unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47.5 per cent of the ex-worlulprice of the product (4) 55 56 No. 24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 16 MAY 2003 BSIlEADING No. DESCRIPTION OF PRODUcr 6) (2) (l) 59.06 WORKING OR PROCESSING CARRIED OUT ON NON-oRiGINA'l1NG MATERIALS mAT CONFERS ORIGINATING SCATUS Rubberised textile fabrics (excluding those of beading 59.02): - Knitted or crocheted fabrics Manufacture from: natural fibres; man-made Staplefibres not carded or combed or otherwise processed fur spinning; or chemical materials or textile pulp - - - Other fabrics made of synthetic filament yam containing more than 90 per cent by Manufacture from chemical materials weight of textile materials Other 59.07 Textile fabrica otherwise impregnated. mated or covered; painted c:arwas being theatrical scenery, ammo back-cloths or the like: Manufacture from yam Manufacture from yarn or Printiog accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring, bleaching, mercerising, heat setting, raising, calendering, shrink resistance processing, permanent finishing, dccatiziDg, impresnating, mending and hurling) where tbe value of the unprinted fabric used does not exceed 47.5 per cent of the ex-works price oftbe product 59.08 Textile wicks, woven. plailed or knitted, for lamps, stoves, lighters, candles or the like. incandescent gas mantles and tubular knitted gas mantle fabric therefor. whether or not impregnated: ~ 59.09w59.11 Incandescent gas mantles, impregnated Manufacture from tubular knitted gas mantle fabric Other Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than tbat oftbe product Textile articles of a kind lUitable for industrial use: Polishing discs or rings other than of felt of heading 59.11 - Woven fabrics, of a ltiod commonly used in papermakiog or other technical uses, felted or not, whether or not impregnated or coated, tubular or endless with single or multipl.e warp aDd/or weft, Of flat woven with multiple warp andJ« weft of heading59.11 Manufacture from yarn or waste obrics or rags of beading 63.10 Manufildure from the following materials: eoir yam; - yarn of polytetrafluoroethylene; - yam, multiple, of polyamide, coated impregnated or covered with a phenolic resin; - yarn of synthetic textile fibres of aromatic polyamides. obtained by polycoodensatioo of m-phenyleftediamineand isopbthalic acid; - monofil of polytetrafluorocthylene; - yam of synthetic textile fibres of poly-pphenylene terephtbalamide; glass fibre yam. coated with phenol resin and gimpe<l with acrylic yarn; - copolye8tef monofilaments of a polyester and a resin of terephthalic acid and 1,4 cyclohexanediethanol and iliOphthalic acid; natural fibres; - man-made staple fibres not carded or combed or otherwise processed fur spinning; or chemical materials or textile pulp - (4) No.24849 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 WORKING OR PROCESSING CARRIED OUT ON NON.()RlGlNATlNG MA1ERIALS THAT CON'Ji'ERS ORIGINATING STATUS DESCRIPTION OF PRODUcr BSHEADING No, (1) . Other a.pter60 Knitted or ctocbeted fabrics Chapter 61 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted: - G) (2) Obtained by sewing together or otherwise assembling. two or more pieces of knitted or crocheted fabric whicb have been either cut to form or obtained directly to form . (4) Manufacture from: ooir yam; - natural tibres; - man-made staple fibres not carded or combed or otherwise prooeBSed for spinninz; or . chemical marerials or textile pulp - MllDUfBcture from: natural fibres; - man-made staple fibres not carded or combed or otherwise processed for spinning; or - chemical materials or textile J)Ulp Manufacture from single yam Manufacture from yam Laying out and cutting of uncut fabriC; assembly of cut components by stitching or otber appropriate methods; nocessary finishing. including addition of trim and other flndiop, washing and pressing etc.; and pactasing of finished items - or Knitting of shaped components from single yam, looping and lining of components necessary finishing. including addition of trim and other findings, washing and pressing etc.; and padcagius of finished items . ex Chapter 62 Manufacture &om siogle yarn Other Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not knitted or crocheted; except for: Manufacture from: - natural fibres; - man-made staple fibresnot carded or combed or otberwise processed for spinning; or chemical materials or textile pUlp Manufacture from yarn Laying out and cotting of uncut fabriC; assembly of cut components by stitching or other appropriate methods; necessary fini!lhing, including addition of trim and other findings, washing andpressingetc.; and packaging of fiDished items ex 62.02, ex 62.04, ex 62.06, Women's, girls' and babies' clothing and clothing aceeeaorics for babies, embroidered Manufacture from yam or ex 62.09 and ex 62.11 Manufacture from unembroidered fabric provided the value of the unembroidered fabric used does not exceed 40 per cent of the ex-works price of the product ex 62.10 andex 62.16 Fire-resistant equipment of fabric covered with foil of aluminised polyester Manufacture from yarn or Mannfacture from unooated fabric provided the value of the uncoated fabric used does not exceed 40 per cent ofthe ex-works price of the product Laying 00\ and cutting 0{ uncut fabric; assembly of cut componeDlS by stitcbing or ether appropriate methods; necessary finishing, including addition of trim and other findings, washing and pressing etc.; and paclcaging of finished items Laying out and cutting of uncut fabric; assembly of cut components by stitching or other appropriate methods; necessary finishing, including addition of trim and other findings. washing and pressing etc.; and pack.aging of finished items S7 58 No.24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 (]) fiT 62.13m1 62.14 WORKING OR PROCESSING CARRIED our ON NON..()RlGlNA11NG MATERIALS THAT CONFERS ORiGINA'l1NG srATUS DESCRIPTION OF PRODUcr BSBEADlNG No. l3) (4) Handkerchiefs, sbawl~ &aU"Ye8, mumers, mantillas. veils aod the like: - Embroidered ManuJDcture from unbleached single yarn Of Layins out and cutting of uncut fabriC; assemblyof cut components by stitching or other a~~~emQ~n~~ - Other Manufacture from unembroideredfabric provided the value of the uoembroideredfabric used does not exceed 40 per cent of the ex-works price of the product finilhing, iooluding addition of trim and other findings, washing and pressing ete.; and packaging of finisbed items Manufacture from unbleached single yarn Laying out and cutting of uncut fabriC; aasemblyof cut components by sritching or other appropriate methods; necessary finishing, including addition of trim and other findings, washing and pressing etc.; and packaging offinisbed items or Making up followed by printing accompanied by at least two preparatory or finishing operations (such as scouring. bleaching. mercerisiag, beat setting, raising, calendering, shrink resistance processing, permanent finishing, deeatizing, impregnating, meoding and hurling) where the value of the unprinted goods of beadings62.13 and 62.14 used does not exceed 47.5 per eeer of the ex-works price of the product 62.17 OCher made up clotbins accessories; p8rt6 of garmentsor of clothing accesaories (excluding those of heading 62.12): - Embroidered Manufacture from yarn Manumcture from unembroidered fabric provided the value oftlte unembroideredfabric used does not exceed40 per cent of the ex-works price of the Layins out and rotting ofuocut fabric; assembly of cut components by stitching or other appropriate metbods; necessary finishing. including addition of trim and otber finmDgS, washing and pressing etc.; and packaging produd of finished items Manu&cture from yarn Laying out and cutting of uncut fabric; assembly of cut components by stitching or other appropriate methods; necessary finishing. includingadditionof trim and other findings, waAbing and pressing etc.; and packaging of finished items or - Fire-rtsisbantequipment of fabric covered with foil of aluminised polyester or Manufacture from uncoatedfabric provided the value ofthe uncoated fabric used does not exceed 40 per cent of the ex-works price of the product - Intertininp for collars and cuffs. cut out - Other Manufacture in which: aUthe materials used are classified within a beading other than that of the product; aod - the value of an the materials used does nat exceed 40 pee cent of the ex-works price of the product Laying out and altting of uncut fabric; aucmbly of cot componea18by stitching or other appropriate mctbods; necessary finiabiD& including addition of trim and other findings, washing and pressingetc.; and packaging of finished items Manufacture from yam Laying out and cutting of uncut filbriC; assembly of cut components by stitching or other - appropriate methods; necessary . finishing, including addition of trim and other findings, washing andpressing etc.; and pacbgiDg of finiabcd items No.24849 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 our WORKING OK PROCESSING CABRIED ON NON.()RlGINATlNG MA'l"EIUAU THAT CONFERS ORIGINATING STATUS DESCRIP'DON OF PRODUcr BSHEADING No. Other made-up tOJrtile articles; sets; worn clothing and worn textile articles; ~ except for: 63.01 to 63.04 CI ('2) (l) ex Cbapter63 Laying out and cutting of uncut fabric; assembly of cut components by stitching or other appropriate methods; necessary finishing, including addition of trim and other findings, washing and pressing etc.; and packaging of finished items Manufacture from: natural fibres; or chemical materials or textile pulp Laying out and cutting of uncut fabriC; assembly of cut components by stitching or other appropriate methods; necessary finishing, including addition of trim and other findings, washing and pressing etc.; and packaging of finished iteme Manufacture from unbleached siogtC yarn Laying out and cutting of uncut fabric; assembly of cut components by stitching or other appropriate methods; necessary Blankets, traveUing rugs, bed UDeD dC.; curtains etc.; other fiJrnisbing articles:' - Of felt, of non - WOVCDS ~ ~ Other: Bmbroidered or Manufacture ftom uncmbmidercd fabric (otber tbaD knitted or crocheted) provided the value of the unembroidered fabric used does not exceed 40 per cent of the ex-works price of the product - 63.05 Other Sacks BAd bass. of a kind ased fur tbe packing of goods 63.06 (4) Mamlfactute in wbich all the materials used are classified within a beading other than that of the product fi~~in~ngadditionof trim and other findilJWi, washing and pressing etc.; and packaging of finished items Manufacture from unbleached singk yarn Laying out and cutting of uncut fabric; assembly of cut components by stitching or other appropriate methods; nccclWlry finishing. including addition of trim and other findings, washing and pressing etc.; and packaging of finished items Manufacturefrom; natural fibres; mau~made . .pie fibres not carded or combed or otberwille processed for spinniog or chemical materials or textile pulp Laying out and cutting of uncut fabric; assembly of cut components by stitching Of other appropriate methods; necessary. finishing, including addition of trim and other findings, washing and pressing etc.; and packaging of finished items . Tarpaulins. awninp and sunblinds; tcD1S; salls for boats, sailboarda or Iaodaaft; camping goods: - Of noo-wavena - Other Manufacture from: natural fibres; or - chemical marerials CY textile pulp Laying OI1tand cutting of UDCUt fabriC; assembly of cut componeDt5 by stitching or other appropriate methods; necessary finishing. including addition of trim and other findin8S, washing and pressing etc.; and packaging offinished items Manufaetllte from unbleached single yarn Laying out and cutting of uncut fabric; assembly of cut oomponents by stitching Of other appropriate methods; necessary finishing. including addition of trim and other findings. washing aDd pressing etc.; and packaging of finished items 59 60 GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 16 MAY 2003 NO.24849 BSBEADlNG No. DESCRIPl'ION OF PROOOCl' m 63.07 (1) Other made-up articles, i~cluding dress pauerns 63.08 Sets consisting of woven fabricand yarn. wbclher or DOt with aCCCMOries" Cor mak:iDg up into lUgs,tapesbies. embroidered table cloths . or serviettes, or similar textile articJca. put up in pa.ck.ings for retail sale WORKING OR PROCESSING CARRIED OUT ON NON-oRIGlNATING MATERIALS THAT CONFERS ORIGINATING STATIJS ~ (4) ManufBcture in which the value of all the materials used docs not exceed 40 per cent of the ex-works price of the product Laying out and eurting of uncut fabric; assembly of cut components by stitching or other appropriale methods; necessary finishing. including addition of trim and other findings, washing and pressing etc.; and packaging of finished items Each iacmin the set must satisfy the rule which would apply to it if it were DOtincluded in the set. However, oon-oriPnatina articles may be incorporated provided their total value does DOt exceed 15 per cent ofthe cx·works price of the set Each item in the set must satisfy the rule which would apply to it if it were not included in the set. However, non-originatingarticles may be incorporated provided their total value does not exceed 15 per cent of the ex-works price ofthe set STAATSKOE RANT, 16 MEl 2003 HSREADING No. (1) ex Chapter 64 DESCRIPTION OF PRODUcrs Chapter 65 WORKING OR PROCESSING CARRIED OUT ON NON· ORIGINATING MATERIAlS THAT CONFERS ORJGlNA11NG STArns (2) Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles; except for: 64.06 No.24849 Parts of footwear (including uppers whether or not attached to soles (excluding outer soles)); removable in-solcs, heel cushions and similar articles; gaiters, leggings and similar articles and pans thereof Headgear and parts thereof (3) Manu&cture from materials of any beading except for uppers of heading 64.06 Manufacture in which aU the materials used are clasaified within a headinl other than that of the product Umbrellas, sun umbrellas. walking-sticks, seat«iclcs, whips, ridio.il[-a'ops' and parts thereof Prepared feathers and down and articles made of feathers or of down: artificial t1ow~ articles of human hair Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar materials; except for: Manufacture in which sl! the materials used are classified within a headio2 other than that of the oroduct Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a headina: other than that of the product Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a beadinaother than that of the product Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a beadingother than that of the product ex 68.02 Tiles, cubes and similar articles Manufactuce from materials of any beading ex 68.03 Articles of slate or of agglomerated slate: Manufacture from worked slate 68.09 Articles of plaster or of compositions based on plaster Manufacture in which all the materials used are cJ.assificrl within a subheading other than that of the product 6810.91 Prefabricated structural components for building or civil engineering Manufacture in which aUcbe materials used are classified within a subheading other than that of the product 6810.99 Other articles Manufacture in which all the materials usedare classified within a subbeading other than that of the product 68.11 Articles of asbestos-cemcnt, of cellulose fibre-cemenl or the like Manufacture in which all the materialsused are classified within a subheading other than that of the product ex 68.12 Articles of asbestos; articles of mixtures with a basis of asbestos and magnesium carbonate Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a subbeading other than that of the product ex 68.14 Olapter69 Articles of mica Ceramic products ex Chapter 70 Glass and glassware; except for: Manuf3cture from worked mica Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a beadina other than that of the Droduet Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a headingotber than that oftlle product ex 70.01 GllISSin the mass Manufacture from mate:rials of any heading ex 70.06 Thin dielectric or metallic film coated flat glass Manufacb.lre by coating 70.10 Carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, phials, ampoules and other containers, of glass, of a kiod usedfor the conveyance or packing of goods; preserving jars of glass; stoppers, lids and other closures, of.ltiass Cut glassware; cut and polished glassware Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 30 pet cent of the ex-works price of the product Chapter 66 Chapter 67 ex Chapter 68 ex 70.13 Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a beadiog other than that of the product or Manufacture by substantial cutting and polishing ef'uncat and unpolished glassware biaDksof beading 70.13 ex 70.19 Yam. thin sheets (voiles), webs. mats, mattresses, boards and similar non-woven products; woven mbrics and articles of glass fibres, rovings or yam Manufacture in which all the ma1eria18 usedare classified within a subheading other than that of the product 61 62 NO.24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 DESCRIPTION OF PRODUcrs RSHEADING No. ex Chapter 71 WORKING OR PROCESSING CARRIED OUT ON NON· ORIGINATING MATERIAlS THAT CONFERS ORIGINATING srA]1JS Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precicus metal, and articles thereof; imitation jewellery; coin; except for: Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product Marmfacture from unWOl'ked precious or semi-precious stones ex 71.02, ex Worked precious or semi-precious stones (natural. synthetic 71.03 and ex 71.04 or reconstructed) 71.06, 71.08 and 71.10 Precious. metals: Unwrought Manufacture: - in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product; by purification by electrolytic, thermal or chemical separation of precious metals of heading 71.06, 71.08 or 71.10; by alloying of precious metals of beading 71.06. 71.08 or 71.1 0 with each other or with base metals; or by plating Plated, semi-manufactured (other than plated) or in powder form ex 71.07, Manufacmre from unwrougbt precious metals of headings 71.06, 71.08 or 71.10 Metals clad with precious metals, semi·manumcture<! Manufacture from metals clad witb precious metals, unwroughl 71.17 lmiwion jewellery ex Chapter 72 Iron aod steel; except for: ManufBcture in which the value of all the materiala used doesnot exceed 40 per cent of the ex-works price of the oroduct Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product ex 72.05 Powders of alloy steel and other iron or steel Manufacture in which all the materials used are classiiled within a subheading other than that of the product ex 72.11 F1at-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of less than 600 mm, not clad, plated or coaled. cold-rolled Manufacture by cold rolling from a hot-rolled product of heading 72.11 Angles. shapes and sections of iron or non-alloy steel, furtber workcd than hot-rolled Manufacture by cold-rolling or cladding Semi-finished products of stainless steel Manufacture from ingots or other primary forms of heading 72.18 Flal-rolled products of stainless steel, further worked than Manufacture by ccld-rolling or cladding ex 71.09 and ex 71.11 ex 72.16 ex 72.18 ex 72.19 and ex 72.20 ex 72.22 hot-rolled Bars, rods, angles, shapes and sections of stainless steel, further worked than hot-rolled Manufacture by cold-rolling or cladding Semi-finished products of other aUoy steel Manufacture from ingots or other primary forms of heading 72.24 Flat-rolled products of other alloy steel. furtbct worked than Manufacture by coId-roUing or cladding ex 72.24 ex 72.25 and ex hot-rolled 72.26 Bars, rods, angles, shapes and sections of other alloy steel. ex 72.28 further worked than bot-rolled ex Chapter 73 Articles of iron or steel; except for: ex 73.03 Tubes. pipes and hollow profiles, of cast iron; with a layer of aspbaltlbitumen, reinforcement materials and concrete; coated inside with a layer of polyurethane and outside with a layer of polyuretbaDe or asphaltlbitumen Manufacture by cold-rolling or cladding Manufacture in which all the materials used arc classified within a headinRother than that of tile eroduet Manufacture by coating Armoured steel stranded wire, ropes and cables ex 73.12 ,. Manufacture by armourin~ STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 HSBEADING No. DESCRIPTION OF PRODUcrS No. 24849 WORKING OR PROCESSING CARRIED our ON NON· ORIGINATING MA1'EIUAU THAT CONFERS ORIGINATING STATUS (3) (1) ex Chaprer 74 Copper and articles thcrcot except fur: ManuIactute in which all the materials used are classified within a beadingother than that of the product ex 74.03 Copper alloys Manufacture in which aUthe materials used arc classified within a subbeading other than that of the product ex 74.06 Powders of lamellar structure Manufactnn:from materialsof any heading 74.07 to 74.19 ex Chapter 75 Copper bars, rods and profiles; copper wire; copper plates, sheets and strio; CODDCl' foil: articles of cotIOer Nickeland articles tbereof; except for: Manufacture in which alt the copper materials used must be whot1y produced Manufacture in whicb all tbe materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product 7502.20 Nickel alloys Manufacture from nnwrought niclc.ct. not alloyed ex 75.04 Nickel powders Manufacturefrom materials of any heading 75.05 Nickel bars. rods, profiles and wire ManufaCtll1C in which all the materials used are classified within a subheading other than that of the product ex 75.06 Nickel foil Manufacture from materials of any heading Nickel tubes, pipes and rube or pipe fittings (fur example, Manufacture in which alt the material!l used are classified within a subbeading other than that of the product Manufacture in whicb a\1 the materials used are classified within a beading other than that ofthe product 75.07 couplings, elbows, sleeves) ex Chapter 76 Aluminiumand articles thereof; except for: ex 76.01 Aluminiumalloys Manufitcturefromunwrought aluminium ex 76.03 Powders of lamellar structure ~DUfBctnre ex 76.08 Cold-drawn aluminium tubes and Dioes Manufactureby cold-rollina ex Chapter 78 Reserved far possible future IU#! in HS Lead and articles thereof; exceptfor: 7801.10 Unwrooghtlead. refined Manufacture by refining ex 7801.99 Lead alloys Manufacture from unwrougbt lead, not alloyed ex 78.03 lead wire Manufacture from bars. rods and profiles of headiog No. 7803 78.04 Lead plates. sheets, strip and foit; lead powders and flakes Manufacture from materials of any heading 78.05 ex Chapter 79 Lead tubes, pipes and tube or pipe finiop (for example. couplings, elbows, sleeves) Zinc and articles thereot; except ror: ex 79.01 Zinc alloys Manufacture from unwrought zinc, not alloyed ex 79.03 Zinc powders Manufacture from materials of any heading ex 79.04 ex Chapter 80 Zinc wire Tin and articles thereof; except for: Muwfacture from bars. rods and nrofites of headina 79.04 Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other tban that of the product 8001.20 Tin a\toys MlmuftctuIe from unwroogbt tin, not aUoyed ex 80.03 Tin wire Manufactureftom bars, rods and profiles of heading 80.03 SO.05 Tin roil (whether or not printed or backed with paper, paperboard, plastics or similar backing materials), of a thickness (excluding any baaing) not exceeding O.2mm; tin powders and flakes Manufacture from materials of any heading 80.06 Tin tubes, pipes aod lube or pipe fittinp (for example, aJUpli~ elbows. sleeves) Other base metals; cermets; articles thereof Manufacture from materials of any heading Chapter 81 from materials of any hea.diog MaDufacllue io which all the materials used are clusified within a beading other than that of the product Manufacture from materials of any heading MamlfBcture in which aU the materialsused are classified within a beading other than that of too product Manufacture ftom materiall of any headina 63 64 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 No. 24849 BSIlEADlNG DESCRIP110N OF PRODUcrs No. (1) (I) WORKING OR PROCESSING CARRIED OUT ON NON· ORIGlNA11NG MATERIALS THAT CONFERS ORIGINATING S'l"AnJS rn ex Chapter 82 Tools, implements, cutlery, spoons and forks, of base metal; parts thereof of base metal. e~ for: Manufacture in which an the materials used are classified within a headingother than that of the product 8212..10 Razors Manufacture in which an the materials usedare classified within a 8Ilbheading other than that of lhe product ex 8212.20 Safety razor blades Manufil.cture from materials of any beading ex 82.13 ex ChapterS3 Scissors. tailors' shears and similar shears Miscellaneousarticles of base metal;except for: Manufacture from materials of any headil12 Manufacturein which all the materials used are classified within a beading other rban tbat of tbe product eK 83.06 ex Chapter84 Statuettesand other ornaments. olated with precious metal Nuclear reactors, boilers, macbiocry aDdmechanical Manufactureby platlrut Manufacture in which tbe value of all tbe materialsused does not exceed 60 per cent of the ex-works price oftbe product appliances; parts thereof; except for: 84.15 Air oonditioningmachines. comprising a motor-driven &.n aocl elements for clJansingthe temperature and humidity, includingthose machines in which the humidity cannot be scperalely regulated Manufacturein which the value of all tbe materials used does not exceed 4S per cent of tbe ex-works price of the prodnct 84.18 Refrigerators, freezers and other refrigerating or freezing equipment. electric or other; heat pumps (excluding air conditioning machinesof beading 84.15) Manufacture in which the value of all the materialsused does not exceed 45 per cent of the ex-works price of the product 84.19 Machinc:ty plant of laboratory equipment. whether or DOt e1ectticaJly heated, for the treatment of materials by a process involving a change of temperature sucb as heating. cooking, roasting, distilling. rectifying. sterilising. puteurising, steaming, drying. evaporating, vaporising. condensing or cooling (excluding machinery or plant of a kind used for domestic purposes); in.ntaneoos or storage Manufacture in which the value of all the materialsused does not exceed 4S per cent of the ex-woeksprice ofthe product water healers, DOD-eIedriC 84.21 Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers, filteringor purifying machinery and apperaIDS, for liquids or pses Manufacll1re in which the value of all the materialsused does not exceed 4S pel' cent of the ex-works price of tho product 84.33 HalVesting or threshing machinery, including straw or fudder balCfS; grass or bay mowers; machines for cleaning. sorting or grading ega, fruit or other qricuJturat produce (excluding machinery of heading 84.37) Manufacturein which the value of all the materialsused does not exceed 45 per cent of the ex-works price of the product 84.50 Household or laundry-type washing machines, induding machines which both was and dry Maoufacture in which the value of all the materialsused does 4S per cent of the ex-works price of the product 84.51 Machinery (excludi1l8 macbioes of heading 84.50) tot washing, cleaning, wrinaing. drying, ironing, pressing (including fusing presses) bleaching, dyeing. dressing, fioishins. coating Of imprepating textile YURJ. fabrics or made up textile artides and machioes for applying the paste to the base fabric or other support used in the manufacture of floor coverings such as linoleum; machines reeling, wm:elin& fDtding. cutting or pinking textile fabrics Manufacture in which tbe value of all the materials used does not exceed 45 per cent of the ex-works price of the product 84.81 Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances for pipes, boiler sbeUs, tanks, vats or tbe like, includingpressore-reduciog valves and thermostatically oontrolledvalves Manufacture in which tile value of aIt the materialsused does not exceed 45 per cent of the ex-wotts price of the product Dot exceed No.24849 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 HSBEADING No. DESCIlIPTION OF PRODUcrS WORKING OR PROCESSING CARRIED OUT ON NONORIGINATING MATERIALS THAT CONFERS ORIGINATING STArnS (2) (3) Electrical machinery and equipment and parts tbereof; sound recorders and reproducers. television image and sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles; except for. Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not cEeCd 60 per cent of the ex-worn price of the product 85.01 Electrical motors and generators (excluding generating sets) No rule, no preferential duty treatment 85.03 Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of heading No.. 8501 or 8502 No rule, no preferential duty treatment 85.04 Electrical transformers. static converters (for example. rectifiers) and inductors No rule, no preferential duty treatment (l) ex Cbapter 8S 85 86 No.24849 &SHEADING GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 DF..SCRIPTION OJ' PRODUcrS No. WORDNG OR PROCESSING CARRIED our ON NON· ORIGlNATlNG MATERlALS THAT CONFERS ORIGINATING STATUS 85.09 (]) Electro-mechanical domesticappliances.with self-contained electric motor (3) No rule, no preferential dutytreatment 85.12 Electticallighting or signalling equipment (excluding articles of heading 85.39), wiodscreenwipers, cIefroslcrs and demisters, of the kind used for cycles or motor vcbides No rule, no preferential duty treatment 85.16 Electric instantaneous or storage water beaters and Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does DOt exceed 45 per eent of the ex-works price of the product immersion beaters; electric space beating apparab1S and IOi1 heating apparatus; electro-thermic hair-dressingapparahla (for example, hair dryers, haircurlers. curlins tong heaters) and hand dryers; electric lImoothing irons; other electrothertnicappliances of a kindused for domesticpurpoaea; electric heatir'S t'e8ilitors (excludingthose of beading8SAS) 85.17 Elcdrical apparatusfor line telepbony or telegraphy. includingline telephooe seta with cordless handsets and telecommunieatloo apparatus for carrler-ameotline S)'8tC1DI or for digitalline systems; videophones Norule, no preferential duty treatment 85.28 Reception apparatus for tclevialon, whether or not inCOll'Orating radio-braadca5ting receiversor IOUnd or video recording or reproduciog apparatl1ll video monitors aDd video projectors MllDUfacturc from completelyknockeddown components, which must include the surface mountineof electroniccomponent1 on unpopulated printedclratit boards 85.32 EtCClrlcal capacitors, fixed,variableor adJultabie(pnl-ld) No rule, no prcfcreotial duty treatment 85.35 Blectrical apparahl5 for switching or protoctiD8 c1cctroaic ciraJits. or for makingcoooocllonato or in electrical dl'C8itl (for exampleswitches,mICa, liptniDi ureDr8, voltap lImitera. surge suppressers.plup. juftCtion boICS). for a voltage exceeding 1000V No rule, no preferential duty treatment 85.36 Blectrlca1 apparatusfor swltchinl or ptotectil1lelectronic: circuits, or for maldn. connections to or in electrical clrcuba (for c¥Jnple switches, fu-. lightning arresters, vottaae limiters, $Uraesuppresaers, plup.juddioo. boxes). far a volta. notexoeedins 1000V No rule, no preferentialduty treatment 85.37 Boards, panels, consoles. desb cabinets and atbel' bases., equippedwith two or more apparalUJ of beadingNo. 85.35 or 85.36, for electriccontrol or the dJatribution of electricity, includingthose incorporating instn1mcntsor apparatus of Chapter90, and numericalcontrol apparatus(excluding switching apparatus of heading 85.17) No rule, no prcfcreotial duty treatment Parts suitable for use solely or priocipa11y with the apparahIs No rule, no preferential duty treatment 85.38 of heading or 85.37 85.44 Insu\ated (including enamelled or anodised) wile. cable (including co-axial cable) and other insulated eleetrtc conductors; optical fibre cables, made up of individually sheathedfibres, whetheror not assembledwith electric condectorsor filted with connectors MaDufacture in which: the value of all the materials used docs not exceed 60 per cent of the ex-works price of the product; and • the copperulledmustbe wholly produced ex Chapter 86 Railway or tramway locomotives, rolling-stoekand parts thereof; railway or Iramwaytrack fixtures and fittings and parts thereof; mechanical (indudins eiectro-mechanical) traffic signalliD8equipment of aU kinds; except for: Mal1Ufacture in which all the materials used are,classified within a beading other than that of the product 86.07 Parts of nilway or tramway locomotiws or toOiog-slOCk Manufllctwe from materialsof a.ny beading NO.24849 STAATSKOEAANT, 16 MEl 2003 HSBEADING No. DESCRIPTION OF PRODUcrS WORKING OR PROCESSING CARRIED OUT ON NONORIGINATING MATERIAI.S THAT CONFERS ORIGINATING STATUS (3) (1) (l) ex Chapter 87 Vehicles other tban railway or tramway rolling-slock, and parts and accessories thereof; except for: Manufacture in which tbe value of all the materials used does not exceed 60 per cern of the ex-works price of the product 0.8701.20 Road tractors for semi-trailers of a vebicle mass not exceeding 1600 kg Manufacture in which: the value of all the materials used does not exceed S5 per cent of the ex-works price of the product; - the manufacture or assembly of the vehicle entails that the floor panels, body sides and roof panels must be attached to each other; and the engine, transmission, axles, radiators, suspension components, steering mechanisms, braking or electrical equipment or instrumentation must be fitted to the floor panels or chassis frame of the vehicle ex 8701.20 Road tractors of a vehicle mass exceeding 1600 kg Manufacture in which: . the value of all the materials used does not exceed 60 per cent of the ex-works price of the product; the manufacture or assembly of the vehicle entails that the cab or body must be attached to the chassis frame; and - the engine, transmission, axles. radiators, suspension components, steering mechanisms. braking or electrical equipment or instrumentation must be fitted to the floor panels or chassis frame ofthe vehicle - - ex 8702.10 and ex 8702.90 Motor vehicles for tbe transport of ten or more persons. including the driver. - Of a vehicle mass not exceeding 2000 kg Manufacture in which: the value of all the materials used does not exceed 55 per cent of the ex-works price of the product; - the manufacture or assembly of the vehicle enlails that the floor panels. body sides and roof panels must be attached to each other; - - Of a vehicle mass exceeding 2000 kg and tbe engine, transmission., axles, radiators, suspension components, steering mechanisms, braking or electrical equipment or instrumentation must be fitted to the floor panels or chassis frame of the vehicle Manufacture in which: the value of all the materials used does not exceed 60 per cent of the ex-works price of the product; the manufacture or assembly of the vehicle entails that the body must be attached to the chassis frame; and the engine, transmission, axles, radiators, suspension components. steering mechanisms, braking or electrical equipment or instrumentation must be fitted to the floor panels or chassis frame of the vehicle - 87.03 Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons (excluding those of heading 87.02) including station wagons and racing cars I ex 8704.21, ex 8704.31 and ex 8704.90 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods of a vehicle mass not exceeding 2000 kg or a G.V.M. not exceeding 3500 kg or of a mass not exceeding 1600 kg or a G,V.M. not exceeding 3500 kg per chassis titted with a cab Manufacture in whicb: - the value of all the materials used does not exceed 5S per cent of the ex-works price of the product; the manufacture or assembly oithe vehicle entails thai the floor panels, body sides and roof panels must be attached to each other; and - the engine, transmission. axles, radiators, suspension components, steering mechanisms, braking or electrical equipment or instrumentation must be fitted to the floor panels or chassis frame of the' vehicle Manufacture in which: the value of all the materials used does not exceed 55 per cent of the ex-works price of the product; the manufacture or assembly of the vehicle entails that the floor panels, body sides and roof panels must be attached to each other; ~ . and the engine, transmission, axles, radiators, suspension components, steering mechanisms, braking or electrical equipment or instrumentation must be fitted to the floor panels or chassis frame of the vehicle 67 68 No.24849 HSHEADING GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 DESCRIPTION OF PRODUcrs No. WORKING OR PROCESSING CARRIED our ON NON. ORIGINATING MATERIALS THAT CONFERS ORIGINATING STATUS (2) (l) ex 8704.21, ex 8704.22, ex 8704.23, ex 8704.31, ex 8704.32 and Other of a vehicle mass exceeding 2000 kg or a G.V.M. exceeding3500 kg or of a mass exceeding 1600 kg or a a.V.M. exceeding 3500kg per chassis. fitted with a cab ex 8704.90 ex 87.06 (3) Manufacture in which: the value of all the materials used does not exceed 60 per cent of the ex-works price of the product; • the manufacture or assembly of the vehicle entails that the cab or body must be anached to the chassis frame; and • the eosine, transmission. axles. radiators, suspension components, steering mechanisms, braking or electrical equipment or instJumcntatioomust be fitted to the floor panels or chassis frame of the vehicle Chassis fitted with engines. for the motor vehicles of beadings 87.01 to 87.05: Of a vehicle mass not eu:eeding 1600 kg or of a G.Y.M not exceeding3500 k8 Manufacture in which: the value of all the materials used does not exceed 55 per cent of the ex-works price of the product; the manufactureor assembly of the vehicle entails that tbe floor panels, body sides and roof panels must be attached to each other; and the engine, transmission, axles, radiators, suspension components, IIteerinsmechanisms, braking or electrical equipment or instrumentation must be fined to the floor panels or chassis frame of the vehicle Of a vehicle mass exceeding 1600 kg or of a G.V.M exceeding 3500 kg Manufacture in which: • the value of aUthe materials used does not exceed 60 per cent of the ex-works price of the product; the manufacture or assembly of the vehicle entails that the cab or body must. be attached to the chassis frame; and the engine, transmission, axles, radiators, suspension components, steering mechanisms,braking or electrical equipment or in!ltnlmentation must be fitted to the floor panels or chassis frame of the vehicle 8707.10 Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles of beading 87.03 Manufacturein which: the value of all the materials used does not exceed 55 per cent of the ex-worksprice of the product; and the manufaclUre or assembly entails that the floor panels, body sides and roof panels must be attached to each other 8707.90 Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles of hcadill8l!l 87.01,87.02,87.04 and 81.05 Manufacturein which: the value of all the materials used does not exceed 60 per cent of the ex-worksprice of the product; and the manufacture or assembly ;;:;'z,::':' ~:..:.: ~~e floor panels. body siries and roof panels must be attached to each other 87.08 Parts and accessories of the motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05 Manufacture in which the value of the materials used does not exceed 50 per oem of the ex-works price of the product ex 87.16 Trailers and semi-trailers;other vehicles, not mechanically propelled: parts thereof; except for. Manuflcture in which the value of the materials used does not exceed 40 per cent of the ex-works price of the product 8716.20 Self-loading or self-onloading trailers and semi-trailers for agriculture purposes Manufacturein which the value of the materials used does not exceed 50 per cent of the ex-works price of the product 8716.31 Tanker trailers and tanker semi-trailers Manufacture in which the value of the materials used does not exceed 50 per cent of the ex-works price of the product ex Chapter 88 Aircraft, spacecraft, and par1.lllbereof; except fOr: Manufacturein which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product 88.03 Parts of goodsof heading No. 88.01 or 88.02 Manufacture ftom materials of any heading 88.04 Parachutes (including dirigible par.tebutes and pamgliders) and rotocbutes; parts thereof and ace:cssories IbereCo Manufacturefrom malerials of any beading 88.05 Aircraft launching gear; dec:k-arrestor or similar gear; RroUnd :tlvi~ trainers: Darts oftbe foreaolna artidcs Manufactureftom materialsof anv headina STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 BSBEADING DESCRIPI10N OF PRODUcrs No. (1) (2) No.24849 WORKING Oil PROCJ:SSING CAllIlIED our ON NON· ORIGINATING MA1'EIIIAU mAT CONn:RS ORIGINA11NG nAreS l3\ Manu&cture in which all the mataiala used are clall8ified within a beadina other tban tbat of the product Manufacture in which the value of the materials used does not exceed 60 per cent of the ex-works price of the product ChapterB9 Ships, boats and floating structures ex Chapter 90 Optical. photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessories thereof; except for: 9001.10 Optical fibres. optical fibre bundles and cables No rule, no preferential duty treatment 9018.31 and 9018.32 Syringes, needles. catheters, cannulae and the like; syringes with or without needles; tubular metal needles and needles for sutures No rule, no preferential duty treatment 9032.10 ex Chapter 91 Thermostats Clocks and watches and parts tbereof; except for. No rule, no oreferenlial duty treatmeo& Manufilcture in which aUthe mataiak used are dA8sified within a beading other than that of the product ex 91.11 Walch cases ManufBcture by finishing, claddiDl or platina ex 91.12 Clock cases and cases of a similar type for other goods of this Chapter MAnufacture by finishing, daddiDg or plating ex 91.13 Chapter 92 Watch straps watch bands and watch bracelets Musical instruments; parts and accessories of such articles ex Chapter 93 Arms and ammunition; parts and accessories thereof; except for: ManufBcture by finishina. claddioa or platinA Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a headina other than that of the oroduct Manufilcture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product 93.06 Bombs. grenades, torpedoes, mines, missiles, and similar munitioas of war and parts thereof; cartridges and other ammunition and projectiles and parts thereof, including shot and cartridge wads Furniture; bedding, mattresses, mattress supports, cushions and similar stuffed furnishings; lamps and lighling fittings. not elsewhere specified or included; illuminated signs, illuminated name-plates and the like; prefabricated buildings; except for: ex: Chapter 94 Manufacture from materials of any heading Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 per cent oftbe ex-works price of the product 94.02 Medical. surgical. dental or veterinary furniture (for example, operating tables, examination tables, hospital beds with mechanical fittings, dentists' chairs); barbers' chairs and similar chairs, having rotating as well as both reclining and elevating movements; parts of the foregoing articles Manufacture in which the value of all the mBterials used does not exceed 65 per cent of the e~-works price of the product 9403.10 Metal furniture of a kind used in offices Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 65 per cent of the ex-works price ot the product 9403.20 Other metal furniture Cbapter95 Toys, games and sports requisites; parts and accessories Manufilcture in which the value of all the materials used docs not exceed 65 per cent of the ex-works price of tbe oroduct Manufacture in which aU thematerials used are c:laMified within a bcadina other than that of the product Manu&c1ure in wbiell all the materials usedare claasified within a headiog other than that of the product thereof ex Chapter 96 Miscellaneous manufactured articles; except for: ex 96.01 Articles of worked materials Manufaclure from worked materials of beadiOS 96.01 ex 96.02 Articles of worked vegetable or mineral carving materials Manufacture from worked materials of heading 96.02 96.07 Slide fasteners and parts thereof Manufacture in which the value of all the materials used does not exceed 40 per cent of the exwworks price of the product 96.08 Ball point pens; felt tipped and other pot'ous-tipped pens and markers; fountain pens, stylograph pens and other pens; duplicating styles; propelling or sliding pencils; pen holders, pencil holders and similar holders; parts (including capsand • clips) of the foregoing articles (excluding) those of heading Manufacture in which all the materials ueed are classified within a subheading other than that of the product %.09 9609.10 Pencils and crayons, with leads encased in a rigid sheath Manufacture in which all the materiala usedare c:la.Bficd within a subheading other than that of the Droduct 89 70 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 No. 24849 DESCRIP'I10N OJ' PROnuCl'S HSHEADING No. (2) (1) 96.13 WORKING OR PROCESSING CAIUlIED our ON NON- ORIGlNA11NG MATERIALS TRAT CONPERS ORIGINATING STATUS Cigarette lighters and other I.igbters, whether or DOt mechanical or clectrica4 andparts thereof (excludin&flints (3) Manufacture in which all the ma1eria.Is used arc classified within a mbbcadi.na other than that of tbe product and wicks) ex. 9614.20 ex 9615.90 Pipes and pipe bowls Manufacture from roughly shaped blocks of wood or root Hairpins, curling pins, curling grips, hair-curlers and the Manufacture from materials of any heading like, other tban those of heading No. 85.16 ex 96.17 Vacuum flasks and other vacuum vessels, complete with cases Manufacture from materials of any heading Otapler97 Works of art, collectors' piecea and antiques Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a Chapter 98 OriJrinal CQuipment comoonents beadiuRother than that of the Droduet Norule. nonrefereotial duty treatment NO.24849 STAATSKOERANT. 16 MEl 2003 No. R. 635 16 May 2Q03 CUSTOMS AND EXCISE ACf, 1964.AMENDMENT OF SCHEDULE NO. 1 (NO. l/1I118'J) Under section 48 of the Customs and Excise Act. 1964, Part 1 of Schedule No.1 to the said Act is hereby amended, with retroIpective effect fnm 1 January 2003, to the extent set out in the Schedule hereto. MMPABLWA DEPUTY MINISTER OF FINANCE SCHEDULE RateOtDuty -- Head= 71 SubheadIng C StaUlUcai Valt Article Descriptioo D lug GeMnli 85.03 EU SADC By the substitutionfor subheadings 8503.00.10 and 8503.00.20 of the following: -. 10 3 - Rotors or armatures,with an outside cross-sectionaldimensionexceeding 57 mm but not exceeding 200 mm kg 15% 10,OS'll flee .20 0 - Stators or stator packs. whether or not wound, with an iIUlide cross-sectional dimensionexceeding 57 mm but not kg 15% 10,05% free" u 10% 6.7% free" u 10% 6,7% free" u 10% 6,7% free" u 10% 6.7% free" exceeding 200 mm 8S.OS By the substitution for subheading 8506.10.05of the following: ".05 2 - - Cylindrical,of an external volume exceeding 300 em3 By the substitution for subheading 8506.10.25 of the following; ".25 7 -- Other, cylindrical(excludingthose of a height not exceeding 7 mm), of a diameter exceeding 19 mm By the substitutionfor subheading 8506.80.05 of the following: ".05 4 - - Cylindrical, of an external volume exceeding300 cm3 By the substitution for subheading 8506.80.25 of the following: ".25 9 -- Other, cylindrical(excluding those of a height not exceeding 7 mm), of a diameter exceeding 19 mm 72 No. 24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 16 MAY 2003 Rate 01 Duty Head= Subheading iog C Article Description .s.atIsticai 0 Unit GeIB"III 85.16 En SADC By the substitution for subheading 8516.31.10 of the following: ".10 7 _. - Hand-type u 8% 5,36% free" kg 8% 5,36% free" u 5% 3,35% free" kg 10% 6,7% free" u 10% 6,7% free" kg 10% 6,7% free" kg 10% 6,7% free" kg 10% 6,7% free" u 20% 13,4% free" By the substitution for subheading 8516.90.20 of the following: ",20 5 85.17 - - For hand-type hair dryers By the substitution for subheading 8517.50 of the folJowing: 6 "8517.50 - Other apparatus. for carrier-current line systems or for digital line systems By the substitution for subheading 8517.90.10 of the following: ".10 1 85.30 - - For telephone sets By tbe substitution for subheading 8530.80 of the following: "8530,80 7 - Other equipment By the substitution for subheading 8530.90.90of the followiug: «.90 4 - - Other By the substitution for subheading 8536.30.10 of the following: 85.36 ".10 6 •• Identifiable for use solely or principally with radio, radar, television, radio-telegraphic or radio-tejephonie apparatus By the substitution for subheading 8536.69.10 of the following; ".10 7 " - • -Identifiable for use solely or principally with radio, radar, television, radio-telegraphic or radiotelephonic apparatus By the substitution for subheading 8539.2290 of the following: 85.39 ".90 3 - - - Other STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 No.24849 Rate()[Duty He&d= Subheading Article Description C D lug Stalisdcal Unit General EU SADC By the substitution for subheadings 8539.29.50 and 8539.29.57 of the following: ".50 9 _. - Other, vacuum type, of less than 15W u 20% 13,4% free .57 6 - - - Other, of a power exceeding 200 W but not exceeding 1 000 Wand for a voltage exceeding 100 V but not exceeding 260 V u 20% 13,4% free" u 20% 13,4% free" u 20% 13,4% free" u 20% 13,4% free u 15% 10,05% free - - ~ Fluorescent lamps, linear (excluding mercury vapour lamps) of a length of 600 rnm or more but not exceeding 2 500 nun, of a diameter of 25 mm or more but not exceeding 40 mm and of 20 W or more but not exceeding 105W u 20% 13,4% free - - ~ Other u 15% 10,05% free By the substitution for subheading 8539.29.90 of the following: ".90 8 - & - Other By the substitution for subheading 8539.31.45 of the following: ",45 6 - ~ - Linear (excluding mercury vapour lamps) of a length of 600 mm or more but oot exceeding 2500 mm, of a diameter of 25 rom or more but not exceeding 40 mm and of 20 W or more but not exceeding 105 W By the substitution for subheadings 8539.32, 8539.39, 8539.4 and 8539.90 of the following: -- "8539.32 .45 2 Mercury or sodium vapour lamps; metal halide lamps: - - - Fluorescent lamps, linear (excluding mercury vapour lamps) of a length of 600 mm or more but not exceeding 2500 mm, of a diameter of 2S nun or more but not exceeding 40 m.m and of 20 W or more but not exceeding l05W .90 8 - - Other: 8539.39 r - - - Other .45 7 . .90 2 73 74 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 No.24849 H_= RateotDuty Subbeed'DI AJ1ide DestrlptiOll C D big StadJdaII UDft GeoenI SAne - Ultra-violet or infra-red lamps; arclamps: 8539.4 0 8539.41 u 20% 13,4% free - - - Ultra-violet lamps u 15% 10,(15% free - - - Infra-redlamps u 20% 13,4% free • Puts kg 15% 10,05% free" - - Atclamps • - Other. 8539.49 ..10 9 .20 6 8539.90 EU 7 No. 24849 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 No. R. 635 16 Mei 2003 DOEANE- EN AKSYNSWET, 1964..WYSIGING VAN BYLAE NO.1 (NO. 1/1/1183) Kragtens artikel 48 van die Doeane- en Aksynswet, 1964, word Deel 1 van Bylae NO.1 by genoemde Wet hiermee gewysig, met terugwerkeDde krag tot 1 Januarie 2003, in die mate in die Bylae hierby aangetoon. MMPABLWA ADJUNKMINISTER VAN FINANSIES BYLAE Skaal van Reg Statis: POI 75 T Subpos Artikel BeskrywiDg tiese S Eeoheid Algemeeo 85.03 EU SAOG Deur subposte 8503.00.10 en 8503,00.20 deur die volgendete vervang: ",10 3 - Rotors of ankers, met 40 buitedwarse deursnee-afmetingvan rneeras 57 rom maar hoogstens200 mm kg 15% 10,05% vry .20 0 - St_ors of statorpakke, met wikkelingsal dan Die, met 'n binnedwarsdeursneeafmeting van meer as 57 mm maar hoogstens 200 mm kg 15% 10,05% vry'" e 10% 6,7% vry" e 10% 6,7% vry" e 10% 6,7% VIy" e 10% 6,7% vry" Deur subpos 8506.10.05 deur die volgende te vervang: 85.06 ".05 2 - - SiJindriesmet 'n buitevolume van meer as 300 cm3 Deur subpos 8506.10.25 deur die volgende te vervang: ".25 7 -- Ander, silindries(uitsluitende die met 'n hoogte wat me 7 mrn oorskry nie) met 'n deursnee van meer as 19 m.m Deur subpos 8506.80.05 deur die volgende te vervang: "'.05 4 . - Silindries met 'n buitevolumewat 300 anJ oorskry Deur subpos 8506.80.25 deur die wlgende te vervang: "'.25 9 -- Ander, silindries(uitsluitende die met 'n hoogte wat me 7 mm oorskry nie), met 'n deursnee van rneer as 19 mm 78 No.24849 P08 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 Subpos T S ArtIkei Beskrywbag Skaal van Reg Statis= tiese Eenheid Algemeen EU SAOO Deur subpos 8516.31.10 deur die volgende tevervang: 85.16 "'.10 7 - - - Handtipe e 8% 5.36% vr'i kg 8% 5,36% vri' e 5% 3,35% vry" kg 10% 6,7% vry" e 10% 6,7% vry" kg 10% 6.7% vrj kg 10% 6,7% vrtj kg 10% 6,7% vry" e 20% 13,4% vry" Deur subpos 8516.90.20 deur die volgende te vervang: "'.20 5 85.17 - - Vir handtipe haar~rs Deur subpos 8517.50 deur die volgende te vervang: "8517.50 6 - Ander apparate, vir draaptroomlyn= stelsels of vir syferlynstelsels Deur subpos 8517.90.10 deur die volgende te vervang: ".10 1 - - Vir telefoonstelle Deur subpos 8530.80 deur die volgende te vervang: 85.30 7 "8530.80 • Ander toerosting Deur subpos 8530.90.90 deur die volgende tewrvang: ".90 4 - - Ander Deur subpos 8536.30.10 deur die volgende te vervang: 85.36 ".10 6 - - Uitkenbaar as vir gebruik slegs of hoofsaaklik met radio-, radar-, te)evisie-, radiotelegrafiese of radiotelefoniese apparate Deursubpos 8536.69.10 deur die volgende te vervang: ",10 7 - - - Uitkenbaar as vir gebruik slegs of hoofsaaklik met radio-, radar-, televisie-, radiotelegrafieseof radiotelefonieseapparate 85.39 Deur subpos 8539.22.90 deur die volgende te vervang: ".90 3 - - - Ander No.24849 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 Pos T Snbpos Artikel Beskrywing S Skaal van Reg Sufis:: dese EeDheid Algemeeu EU SAOG Deur subposte 8539.29.50en 8539.29.57 deur die volgendete vervang: ".50 9 - - - Ander, vaknumtipe, van minder as 15W e 20% 13,4% vry .57 6 • - - Ander, met 'n krag van meer as 200 W maar hoogstens1 000 Wen vir 'n spanning van meet as 100 V maar hoogstens260 V e 20% 13,4% vr'!' e 20% 13,4% vry" e 20% 13,4% vr~ Denr subpos 8539.29.90deurdic volgende te vervang: ".90 8 _. - Ander . Deur subpos 8539.31.45 deur die volgende te vervang: ".45 6 - - - Line&- (uitgesonderdkwikdamplampe) met 'n lengte van minstens600 mm maar boogstcns2 500 mm, met 'n deursneevan minstcns25 nun maar hoogstens40 mm en van minstens 20 W maar hoogstens105 W Deur subposte 8539.32,8539.39,8539.4en 8539.90 deur die volgcnde te vervang: - - Kwik of sodinmdamplampe; metaal= baliedlampe: "8539.32 .45 2 - - - Fluoreseerlampe, linear(uitgesoodcrd kwikdamplampe) met 'n lengte van minstens 600 rom maar hoogstens 2 500 mm, met 'n deursneevan minstens25 mm maar hoogstens 40 mm en van minstens20 W maar hoogstens 10S W e 20% 13,4% vry .90 8 - -. Ander e 15% 10,05% vry - -Ander: 8539.39 .45 7 - -, Fluoreseerlampe, lin~r (uitgesonderd kwikdamplampe) met 'n lengte van minstens600 mm maar hoogstens 2 500 mm, met 'n deursneevan minstens25 nun maar hoogstens 40 mm en van minstens 20 W maar hoogstens105 W e 20% 13,4% vry .90 2 - - - Ander e 15% 10,05% vry 77 78 No.24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETIE, 16 MAY 2003 Statis=: Pos T S Subpos Artikel Beskrywlag SkBa)qnReg tlese EeDhad Algemeen EU sxoo - Ultraviolet- of infrarooitampe; 8539.4 booglampe: 8539.41 0 8539.49 8539.90 - - BoogIampe e 20% 13,4% vry - - Ander: .10 9 - - - Ultravioletlampe e 15% 10,05% vry .20 6 - - - InfrarooiJampe e 20% 13,4% vry 7 - OnderdeIe kg 15% 10,05% vri' No.24849 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 16 May 2003 No. R. 636 CUSTOMS AND EXCISE ACT, 1964.AMENDMENT OF SCHEDULE NO.1 (NO. 111l1184) Undersection 48 of the Customs and Excise Act., 1964. Part 1 of Schedule No. 1 to the said Act is hereby amended to the extent set out in the Schedule hereto. MMPAllLWA DEPUTY MlNISTER OF FINANCE SCHEDULE Rttte of duty BeadIDg 79 SubheadlDg Article Description C D Statistical Unit General 03.02, 03.03, 03,(>4, 03.05, 03.06 and 03.07 By the substitution for headings 03.02, 03.03, 03.04, 03.05,03.06 and 03.07 of the following: ~.02 Iii!, fresh or dlUled (exdudlDg fish Oets and other fish meat ofheadIDg 03.04) SADC ... - Salmooidae(excluding livers and roes): 0302.1 0302.11 EU 4 - - Trout (Solmo fruita, Oncorhynchusmyki.u. Oncorhynchusclarki, Oncorhynchusaguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorlrynchua apache and 2S%or 25% or 70clkg free 70cIkg kg 6dkg 6cIkg free kg 25%01" 70c1kg 25% or 70tJkg free kg Oncorhynchuschrysogcutu) 0302.12 0 - - Pacific salmon(OncorhyncJnu nerlra,OoncorhyncJnu goriJtueha. Oncorhynchtu keta, Oncorhynchusuclrawytscha.Ooncodrynchw kiautch. Oncorhynchus mtl30Jl and Oncorlrynchua rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo 3alar)and Danubesalmon (Hucho kucha) 0302.19 5 - -Other - Flat fish (Pleuronectidae. Bothidtze, Cynoglosaidae, Soleidae, ScophthalmidaeaCitharidae) (ex<:luding 0302.2 livers and roes): 0302.21 9 - - Hah1>ut (ReinharrJtiJu hippogJO.f~, HippoglosSJLJ hippoglos3U3, Hippoglomu stdolepia) kg free free free 0302.22 5 - - Plaice (Plnronectes platesaa) kg free free free 0302.23 I - - Sole (SoleD spp.) kg free free free 0302.29 1 - - 0theI' kg free free free 80 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 No.24849 Rate of duty Heading SUbheading Article Description C D Statistical Unit General SADe • Tunas (ofthe genus Thunnus) and skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito (Euthynnus (Katsuwonas) pelamis) (excluding livers and roes): 0302.3 . EU 0302.31 3 • • Albacore or longfinned tunas (Thunnus alalunga) kg free free free 0302.32 3 -. Yellowfintunas (Thunnus albacaresi kg free free free 0302.33 6 - • Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito kg free free free 0302.34 2 •• Bigeye tunas (Thunnus obesus) kg free free free 0302.35 9 - - Bluefin tunas tthunnus thynnus) kg free free free 0302.36 5 - - Southern bluefin tunas (Thwrnus maccoy;i) kg free free free 0302.39 4 • - Other kg free free free 0302.40 1 - • Herrings (Clupea harengus. Clupea pallasii; kg free free free kg free free free (excluding livers and roes) 0302.50 6 - Cod (Gadus morhua.Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) (excluding livers and roes) • Other fish (excluding livers and roes): 0302.6 0302.61 7 - • Sardines (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), Sardinella (Sardine/fa spp.). brisling or sprats (Sprattw sprattus) kg free free free 0302.62 3 •• Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglejinus) kg free free free 0302.63 I - • Coalfish (Pollachius virens) kg free free free 0302.64 6 - - Mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus) kg free free free D302.65 2 - - Dogfish and other sharks kg free free free 0302.66 9 • • Eels (Anguilla spp.) kg free free free 0302.69 8 •• Other kg free free free 0302.70 5 • Livers and roes kg free free free kg 6clkg 6clkg Fisb. frozen (exeludlne fi.h fillets and other fish meat of beading 03.04): 03.03 - • Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuseha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch.Ooncorhynchus mason and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), (excluding fivers and roes): 0303.1 0303.11 8 • - Sockeye salmon (red salmon) (Oncorhynchus nerka} . free No.24849 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 Rate of duty Heading Subheading Article Description C D Sudstle al Unit General 0303.19 9 - - Other EU SADC kg 6clkg 6c1kg free - Other salmonidae (excluding livers and roes): 0303.2 0303.21 2 - - Trout (Saimo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguaboniia. Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogastery kg 25% or 70c1kg 25% or 70clkg free 0303.22 9 - - Atlantic salmon (Sa/mo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) kg 6clkg 6c1kg free 0303.29 3 - - Other kg 25% or 70clkg 25% or 70c1kg free kg free free free kg free free free - Flat fish (Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae. 0303.3 Soleidae, Scophthalmidae and Citharidae) (excluding livers and roes): - - Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis) 0303.31 7 0303.32 3 0303.33 2 _• Sole (Solea spp.) kg free free free 0303.39 8 - Other kg free free free - M Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) - Tunas (of the genus Thunnus) and skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito (Euthynnus (Katsuwonas) pelamis) (excluding livers and roes): 0303.4 0303.41 ) - - Albacore or longfinned tunas (Thunnus alalunga) kg free free free 0303.42 8 _- Yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) kg free free free 0303.43 4 kg free free free 0303.44 0 - - Bigeye tunas (Thunnus obesus) kg free free free 0303.45 7 • - Bluefin tunas (thunnus thynnus) kg free free free 0303.46 3 • • Southernbluefin tunas (Thunnus maccoyii) kg free free free 0303.49 2 - - Other kg free free free 0303.50 2 - - Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) (excluding livers and roes) kg free free free 0303.60 4 • Cod (Gadus morhua,Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) (excluding livers and roes) kg free free free M - Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito 81 82 No.24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 Beading Rate of duty SUbheading Article DescrIpUon C D Statistical Unit General EU SAne - Otha' fish (CKcluding livers androes): 0303.7 0303.71 S ~ 0303.72 I 0303.73 - Sardilla (Sardina Pilchmdu.t. Sardinop.. qlpJ sardineIla (San.IiMllD 8J'PJ, brisling or 9p'8ts (Sprathu qJmttNa) kg free free free - • Haddock (Melanogramnnu tuglefimu) kg free free free 8 - - Coalfish (Po/lacldus lIinma) kg free free free 0303.74 4 ~ kg free free free 0303.75 0 • • DoStish and other sharks kg free free free 0303.76 1 • • Eels (Anguilla spp.) kg free free free 0303.77 3 - • Seabass (Dicenttarc:hus labrax. Dicentrarehus punctatus) kg free free free 0303.78 8 •• Hake (Medl1ccius spp., Urophycis spp.) kg free free free 0303.79 6 -~oo. kg free free free 0303.80 3 - Liven endroes kg free free free 03.1)1 - Mackerel(ScombBr acombnu,ScombBr aJUtrr:Iltuieru, Scombu joponiCtl.S) Pllh tIDeta and other tlJh meat (wbedaer or Dot 1IIlDced). fretb. claWed or frozeD: • Fresh or chilled: 0304.10 .15 3 • - Anchovies(Engraulis spp.); hmrings (Clupea llareogus. Clupea pallasii) kg free free free .90 0 _. Other kg ,25% or 200clkg 25%01' 200c.lkg free • Frozen fillets: 0304.20 .15 8 _. Ancllovies(Engraulis spp.); herrings (Clupea barengus. Clupea paDlSii); blocks. rectangular. of a mass of 1 kg or more but not exceeding 8 kg, free of interleaving plastics(excludiDg blocks containing bones) kg free free free .90 5 - -Other kg 25%01 200clkg 25%01' 200cJkg free No. 24849 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 Rate of duty HeadiDg Subheading Article .Descriptiou C D StatiJtlcal Unit Geben) EU SADC • Other: 0304.90 .15 8 - - Anchovies (Engraulis spp.); herrings (Oupea harengus. Clupea pallasii}; blocks, rectangular, of a mass of 7 kg or more but not exceeding 8 kg, free of interleavingplastics (excluding blocks containing kg free free free kg 25% or 25%01' 200clkg free 200clkg bones) .90 1 - - Other . Fish. dried. salted or in brine; smoked fish, whether or not cooked before or daring the smoking process; ft01l1"lt men and pellets of fish fit for human coDsumption: 03.05 0305.10 9 - Flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption kg free free free 0305.20 3 - Livers and roes of fish, dried, smoked, salted or in kg free free free - - Anchovies (Engraulis spp.) kg free free free - - Other leg 25%01' 200clkg 25%01' 200cJkg free 6cJkg 6c:Ikg free Kg tree free free free free free 25%01' 25%01' 200c1kg free 200clkg free free tree brine - Fish fillets, dried. salted or in brine. but not smoked: 0305.30 .10 5 .90 3 - Smoked fish, including fillets: 0305.4 0305.4] 9 - - Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus ncrb, Oncorhynchus' kg gorbuscha, Oncorh)IDoous kda, Oncorh)'llchus tschawyt:scha, Oncorhynchus kisutch.Ooncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchusrhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) 0305.42 5 - - Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) - - Other: 0305.49 .10 7 • - Anchovies (Engraulis spp.) kg .90 5 - - - Other leg 0305.5 0305.51 - Dried fish, whether or not salted but not smoked: 3 - Cod (Gadus modlUa,Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) (excluding livers and roes) kg 83 84 No.24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 \ Heading SUbheadiDI c ArtIcle DetaipUoD D Rate of duty Sbtistlc al Unit Geoenl . 0305.59 SADC - - Other: .15 2 ~ • - AnchOYies (Engrmdi"W.)" Shmk ~ kg free free free .90 5 • ._()thcr kg 6cIq 6cIkg free kg free free free • FiaI!. sahed but DDtdried or smokedand fish in brine: 0305.6 0305.61 EU 8 - • HariDgs (ChIpea htuwmgu, Clupea pallDaii) (excludinglivers 8Dd roes) 0305.62 4 - Cod (GatIrDIIfOI'IrtIa,Gai:bI.J Dgac, Gadumoc7'OCBpllalv.r ) (excludiDg liven and roes) kg free free free 0305.63 0 - - ADdlovies (EngraJdis .sw.) kg free free free 0305.69 9 - - Other kg 6cJkg 6<:Jkg free Crustaceans, wbedaer msbell or Dot. Uve. fresh, chUled.froze... drted. aaIted or In briDe; crustaceans. bll.h~ cooked by ........ or boIIIDgin ••tar. whetlter or DOtcIdDed. frozea, dried. .a1ted or ID brine; loun, meall and peIIeb of crutKe.... fit for 03.06 hUDUID couumpUon: .', ~ 0306.1 Frozen; 0306.11 9 - - RDCk 1abstfrand otba' sal a1IWfish (ptWmmu &Pp·, Pf11ffdirIu spp.,JQ8fU qlpJ kg free free free 0306.12 5 - • Lobstas (HOIIttD'III 8pp-) kg free free free 0306.13 1 • • Shrimps end prawns kg free free free 0306.14 8 • -Crabs kg free free free 0306.19 9 • • Other, iDcluding floms, meals and pellets of cnuUr.ftlDS" fit for buman c:oosumption kg free free free kg free free free - Not frozen: 0306.2 0306.21 3 - • Rock lobskr and otha'sea crawfish(Palirnmls "pp., PanuJinu 8J'P., JQSJI" SPpJ 0306.22 1 • - Lobstcn (H0IIItI/'IU ~J kg free free free 0306.23 6 - - Shrimps and prawns kg free free free 0306.24 2 - -Crabs kg free free free 0306.29 4 - - Other, including flours, meals and pellets of kg free free free crustace8IIS, fit for humanCODSUIdptiOll STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 NO.24849 Rate of duty Heading Subheading Article Description C Statistita\ Unit D General EU SADC Molluscs, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or In brine: aquatic invertebrates (excluding crustaceans and molluscs), Uve,fresh, cbilled, frozen, dried, safted or in brine: aquatic invertebrates (excluding crustaceans), fit for humaD consumption: 03.07 0307.10 6 • Oysters kg free free free • Scallops, including queen scallops, of the genera Pecten, Chlamys or Placopecten: 0307.2 0307.21 7 - • Live. fresh or chilled kg free free free 0307.29 8 •• Other kg free free free - Mussels (Mytilus spp., Perna spp.): 0307.3 0307.31 1 - - Live, fresh or chilled kg free tree free 0307.39 2 _. Other kg free free free • Cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis.Rossia macrosoma; Sepiola spp.) and squid (Ommastrephes 0307.4 spp., Loligo spp., Nototodarus spp.. Sepioteuthis spp.): 0307.41 6 - - Live, fresh or chilled kg free free free 0307.49 7 - - Other kg free 'free free - Octopus (Octopus spp.) kg free free free 0307.5 0307.51 0 • • Live, fresh or chilled kg free free free 0307.59 1 - - Other kg free free free 0307.60 9 • Snails (excluding sea snails) kg free free free - Other, including flours, meals and pellets of aquatic invertebrates (excluding crustaceans), fit for human consumption: 0307.9 0307.91 9 - - Live, fresh or chilled kg free free free 0307.99 4 - - Other kg free free free" 85 86 No.24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 16 Mei 2003 No. R. 636 DOEANE EN ~SWET. 1964.WYSIGING VAN BYLAX NO.1 (NO. 1/111184) Kragtens artikel48 van die Doeane- en Aks}tlswet. 1964, word Deel 1 van Bylae No. 1 by genoemde Wet hiermee gewysig in die mate in die Bylae hierby aangetoon. MMPABLWA ADJUNKMINISTER VAN FINANSIES BYLAE SbalvanReg Pos Subpos Artikel BeskrywiDg T S Statistiese Eenheid Algemeen EU SAOG Denrposte 03.02,,03.06 en 03.07 deur die volgende te ve:rvang: 03.02, 03.03, 03.04, 03.05. 03.06 en 03.07 Vis. van of verkoel (uitgesonderd vismote en mder "03.02 visvleis van pos No. 03.04): - Salmonidae (uitgesonderd lewers en viskuit): 0302.1 0302.11 4 - - Forelle (S41:mo tnItto. Oncorhynchus PII)IIdu, OncorlryncJnu clarki, OnCOl'hynchzu aguobonilrJ, OncorhyncJnu giJae, 0nc0myncInu apachf! en Oncorlrynchu.Jchrysogaster) kg 25% of 70c1k.g 25% of 70c1kg vry 0302,12 0 - - Stille Oseaan salm (Oncorlrynchw nerka; Oncorhynchus gorbwcha, Oncorhynchua keta; kg 6cIkg 6c1kg vry kg 25% of 70c1kg 250/0 of 70<:1kg vry kg vry vry vry OncorltyncJnu tschowytscho, Oncorhynchuslci.nltch. OncorlJynchru maJOIl en OncorlJyncJws rhodurw). AtJantiesesalin (Salmo aaIar) en Donou S8lm (&cbo hucho) 0302.19 5 - -Ander - Platvisse(Pleuronectidae. Bothidae. Cynoglossidae, 0302.2 Soleidae, ScophthDlmidae andCithan'dae) (uitgesonderdlewers en viskuit): 0302.21 9 - - Heilbotte (Reinhtlrdtiw hippoglossoidu, HippoglOSSlU hippogJoanu. Hippoglo.mu 3tendepis) 0302.22 5 - - Skol (P/eumnectu plo1ena) kg vry vry vry 030223 1 - - Tongvis (SoJea $pp.) kg vry vry vry 0302.29 1 --Ander kg vry vry vry No.24849 STAATSKOERANT. 16 MEl 2003 Skul van Rea Pos Subpos Artikel Beskrywing T Statistlese EenheJd S Algemeen EU SAOG • Tunas(vandie Thunmu 5OOrt) pensstreep-tuna (Euthynnus (Kat9slWonos) Pelamis) (uitgesondcrd lewers en viskuit): 0302.3 0302.31 3 - • Albakoor of langvin-tuna (Thunnus alaJunga) kg vry -vry vry 0302.32 3 _. Gcel1in-tuna (ThulUJus albacores) kg vry vry vry 0302.33 6 • • Pensstreep-tuna kg vry VI)' vry 0302.34 2 - - Grootoog-tuna (T hunmu obems) kg vry vry VTy 0302.35 9 - • Blouvln-tuna (thunnus/hynnus) kg vry vry vry 0302.36 ~ - - Suidelikc blouvin-tuna (Thunnw maccoyil) kg vry vry vry 0302.39 4 _. Ander kg vry vry vry 0302.40 I - - Hanngs C/llpla htutngw, (C/upea paiJaaii) (uitgesonderd Jewcrs en viskuit) leg vry vry vry 0302.50 6 - Kabeljou (Gadus mo,hutl,Gadusogac, Godru macl'ocepholUl) (uitaesonderd Icwers en viskuit) kg vry vry VI}' 0302.6 • Andervis (uitaesonderd lewersen viskuit): 0302.61 7 • - Sardiendies (Sardina Pllchtndus. Sardinops spp.) sardinclla(Sa1'dIne//a spp.) en spro: (Spmttus sprattus) kg vry vry vry 0302.62 3 - - Skelvis(Melanogramrruu c.glefinua) kg vry vI)' VTy 0302.63 t •• Kool\'is (Pollachius virens) kg vry vry vry 0302.64 6 - - Makriele (ScomberIcombrus,Scomber australasicli8.Scomberjaponicus) kg vry vry vry 0302.65 2 - - Hondbaai en anderhaaie kg vry vry vry 0302.66 9 - - Palings (Anguilla Spp.) kg vry VI)' VI)' 0302.69 8 •• Ander: kg vry vry vry 0302.70 5 - Lewers en viskuit kg vry VI)' wy kg 6cIkg 6clkg vry OJ.OJ Vis, bevrare (aqesoaderd viamote en ander vlsvlellvan po. No. 03.04) 0303.1 - ~ StilleOseaansalm(Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha. Oncorhynchus kisuteh. Oncorhynchus masou. Oncorhynchus rhodurus), (uitgesonderd lewers en viskuit): 0303.11 8 - - Kousoog salm(rooi 181m) (Oncorhynchus nerka) 87 88 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 No.24849 Skaal van Rea Pos Subpos Artikel Beskrywing T S Sutisriele Eenheid Algemeen 0303.19 9 - ~ Ander EU SAOG kg 6dkg 6c/kg vry kg 2S%of 25% of 70c1kg vry 70c1kg kg 6c1kg 6cIkg vry kg 2S%of 25% of 70clkg vry 70clkg kg vry vry vry - - Ander salmonidae(uitgesonderd lewersen 0303.2 viskuit): 0303.21 2 - - Forelle iSalmo trutta. Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki. Oncorhynchus aguabonita; Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache en Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) 0303.22 9 ~ 0303.29 3 - - Ander - Atlantiesesalm (Salmo salar} en Donou salm (Nucho hucho) - Plarvisse (Pleuronectidae, Bothidae. Cynoglossidae, 0303.3 Soleidae, Scophtha/midae en Citharidae) (uitgesonderd lewers en viskuit): 0303.31 7 - • Heilbotte (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenoJepis) 0303.32 3 - - Skol (Pleuronectesplatessat kg vry vry vry 0303.33 2 - - Tongvis (Solea spp.) kg vry vry vry 0303.39 8 - - Ander kg vry vry vry - Tunas (van die Thunnus soort) pensstreep-tuna (Euthynnus (Katsuwonas)Pelamis)(uitgesonderd lewers en viskuit): 0303.4 0303.41 I - - Albakoor of langvin-tuna(Thunnus a1alunga) kg vry vry vry 0303.42 8 - - Geelvin..tuna (Thunnus albacares) kg vry vry vry 0303.43 4 - - Pensstreep-tuna kg vry vry vry 0303.44 0 - - Grootoog-tuna(Thunnus obesus) kg vry vry vry 0303.45 7 - - Blouvin-tuna(thunnus thynnus) kg vry vry vry 0303.46 3 - - Suidelike blouvin-tuna(Thunnus maccoyii) kg vry vry vry 0303.49 2 - kg vry vry vry 0303.50 2 - - Harings Clupea harengus, (Clupea pallasii) (uitgesonderd lewers en viskuit) kg vry vry vry 0303.60 4 - Kabeljou (Gadus rnorhua,Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus)(uitgesonderdlewers en viskuit) kg vry vry vry a Ander No.24849 STAATSKO E RANT. 16 MEl 2003 Sllaal van Reg Pos Subpos Artikel Beskrywing T S Statistlese Eenheid Aigemeen EU SAOG Ander vis (uitgesonderd lewers en viskuit): 0303.7 0303.71 5 - - Sardientjies (Sardina Pllchardus, Sardinops spp.) sardinella (SardinelJa spp.) en sprat (SpralJus sprattusi kg VTY vry vry 0303.72 1 - - Skelvis (MeJanogrammus aegJejinus) kg vry vry vry 0303.73 8 - - Koolvis (Po//achius virenss kg vry vry vry 0303.74 4 - • Makriele iScomber scombrus.Scomber kg vry vry vry australasicus.Scomberjaponicus) 0303.75 0 - - Hondhaai en ander haaie kg vry vry vry 0303.76 7 -- - Palings (Anguilla Spp.) kg vry vry vry 0303.77 3 - - Seebars(Dicentrarchus labrax, Dicentrarchus punetatus) kg vry vry vry 0303.78 8 - • Stokvis (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) kg vry vry vry 0303.79 6 - - Ander leg vry vry vry 0303.80 3 - Lewers en viskuit kg vry vry vry kg vry vry vry kg 25% of 200clkg 25% of 200c/kg vry kg vry vry VI)' kg 25% of 200c/kg 25% of vry 200clkg Vlsmote en ander visvleis (hetsy gemaalal dan nie), vars, verkoel of bevrore: 03.04 - Vars of verkoel: 0304.10 .15 3 - - Ansjovisse (Engraulis spp.); Harings (Clupea harengus, Clupea palJasii) .90 0 - - Ander • Bevrore mote: 0304.20 .15 8 - - Ansjovisse (Engraulis spp.); Harings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), blokke, reghoekig, met n masse van 7 kg ofmeer maar hoogstens 8 kg, vry van deurskote van plastieke (uitgesonderd blokke wat bene bevat) .90 5 •• Ander 89 90 No.24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 Skaal van Reg Pos Subpol Artikel Beskrywing T S Statlstiese Eenheid Aigemeen 0304.90 SAOG • Ander: .15 8 • - Ansjovisse (Engraulls spp.); Harings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii); blokke, reghoekig, met 'n masse van 7 kg of meer maar hoogstens 8 kg. VI)' van deurskote van plastleke (uitgesonderd blokke wat bene bevat) kg vry vry vry .90 7 •• Ander kg 25% of 200clkg 2S0/0of vry 200clkg Vii, pdroog, gesout of in pekel. gerookte vis. betsy voor of gedurende die roklng.proses gekook al dan nie; meelblom, meel en pUle van vis, vir menslike verbrulk geskik: 03.05 0305.10 9 • Meelblom, meel en pille van vis, vir menslike verbruik geskik kg vry vry vry 0305.20 3 • Lewers en viskuit, gedroog, gerook, gesout of in peke I kg vry vry vry - Vismote, gedroog, gesout of in pekel, maar nie gerook nie: 0305.30 .10 5 - • Ansjovisse (Engraulis spp.) kg vry vry vry .90 3 - - Ander kg 25% of 200clkg 25% of 200clkg vry • Gerookte vis, met inbegrip van mote: 0305.4 0305.41 9 • • Stille Oseaan salm (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuseha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus rnasou en Oncorhynchus rhodurus), AtIantiese salm (Salmo salar) en Donou salm (Hucho hucho) kg 6c1kg 6c1kg vry 0305.42 5 • • Harings Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii kg vry vry vry •• Ander: 0305.49 .10 7 _. Ansjovlsse [Engraulis spp.) kg vry vry vry .90 5 •• - Ander kg 25% of 200dkg 250/0 of 200clkg vry kg vry vry vry • Gedroogde vis, hetsy gesout 81 dan nie, maar nie gerook nie: 0305.5 0305.51 .' EU 3 - Kabeljou (Gadus rnorhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) (uitgesonderd lewers en viskuit) NO.24849 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 Skaal van Reg Pos Subpos Artikel Beskrywlng T S Statistiese Eenheid Algemeen 0305.59 EU SAOG - Ander: .15 2 - - Ansjovisse (Engrau/is spp.); Haaivinnc kg vry vry vry .90 5 - - Ander kg 6cJkg 6clkg vry - Vis, gesout maar nie gedroog of gerook nie en vis in pekel: 0305.6 0305.61 8 - - Harings Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii kg vry vry vry 0305.62 4 - Kabeljou (Gadus morhua, GadU90g0C. Gadus macrocephalus) (uitgesonderd lewers en viskuit) kg vry vry vry 0305.63 0 - - Ansjovisse (Engraults app.) kg vry vry vry 0305.69 9 - - Ander kg 6c1kg 6dkg vry ." Skaaldiere, betsy in die dop al dan ale, lewend, vars, verkoel, bevrore, gedroog, ge50ut orin pekek skaaldiere, in die dop, onder stoom of In water gekook, betsy verkeel, bevrore, gesout of in pekel al dan nie; meelblom, meel en pille van skaaldiere., vir mensllke verbruik gesldk: 03.06 - Bevrore: 0306.1 0306.11 9 - - Stekelrige rotskrewe en ander seerotskrewe (pa/inurus spp.• Panulirus spp.•jasus spp.) kg vry vry vry 0306.12 5 - - Knyperseekrewe (Homarus spp.) kg Yry vry vry 0306.13 1 - - Garnale en krewels kg vry vry vry 0306.14 8 - - Krappe kg vry vry vry 0306.19 9 •• Ander, met inbegrip van meelblom, meel en pille van skaaldiere, vir menslike verbruik geskik kg vry vry vry 0306.2 - - Nie bevrore nie: 0306.21 3 • - Stekelrige rotskrewe en ander seerotskrewe (pa/inurus spp.• Panulirus spp.. jasus spp.) kg vry vry vry 0306.22 1 - - Knyperseekrewe (Homarus spp.) kg vry VI)' vry 0306.23 6 - - Gamale en krewels kg vry VI)' vry 0306.24 2 - - Krappe kg vry vry vry 0306.29 4 - - Ander, met inbegrip van meelblom, meel en pille, kg vry vry vry van skaaldiere, vir rnenslikeverbruik geskik 91 92 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 No. 24849 Skaal van Reg POI Subpos Artikel Beskrywlng T S Statistiese Eenheid Aigemeen EU SAOG Weekdiere, hetsy in die skulp AI dan nle, lewend, vars, verkoel, bevrore, cedroog. lelout of in pekel; ongewerwelde waterdiere (uitgelOnderd skaal- en weekdiere), leweDd, van, verkoel, bevrore gedroog, lesout of in pekel; meelblom, meel en pille van oagewerwelde waterdiere (uitlesonderd skaaldiere), vir JIIenslike verbrulk gesklk: 03.07 0307.10 6 -Oesters kg vry vry vry - Karnmossels, met inbegrip van koninginkammossels, van die Pecten, Chlamys or Placopecten soort: 0301.2 0307.21 7 - - Lewend, vars ofverkoel kg vry vry vry 0307.29 8 -- Ander kg vry vry vry • Mossels (MytLlus Spp.• PernaSpp.): 0307.3 0307.31 1 • • Lewend, vars of verkoel kg vry vry VI)' 0307.39 2 •• Ander kg vry vry vry - Inkvis (Sepia officina/is. Rossia macrosoma. Sepiola spp.) en pylinkvissc(Ommastrephes spp., Loliog spp., NoIotodDrua spp... Sepioteuthisspp.) 0307.4 0307.41 6 • • Lewend, vars of verkoel kg vry vry vry 0307.49 7 - - Ander kg vry vry vry • Seekatte (Octopus spp.}: 0301.S 0307.51 0 - - Lewend, vars of verkoel kg vry vry vry 0307.S9 1 - - Ander kg vry vry vry 0307.60 9 • Slakke (uitgesonderd seeslakke) kg vry vry vry • Ander, met inbegrip van meelblom, meel en pille van ongewerwelde waterdiere (uitgesonderd skaaldiere), vir menslike verbruikgeskik: 0307.9 0301.9J 9 • - Lewend, vars of verkoel kg vry vry vry 0301.99 4 - - Ander kg vry vry vry" No.24849 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 93 16 May 2003 No. R. 637 CUSTOMSAND EXCISE ACT, 1964.AMENDMENTOF SCHEDULE NO.1 (NO. 111/1185) Under section 48 of the Customs and Excise Act, 1964. Part 1 of Schedule No. 1 to the said Act is hereby amended, with retrospective effect to 1 January 2003, to the extent set out in the Schedule hereto. MMPABLWA DEPUIY MINISI'ER OF FINANCE SCHEDULE Hem= SubheadIng Artide C D big Desai,,- Rate 01. Duty Statistical UBit GeDeraI 02.01 and 02.02 By the substitution for headings 02.01 and 02.02 of the foJlowing; "02.01 Meat of bovine aobnaIs, frelb or chilled: EU SADC . 0201.10 2 - Carcasses and half-carcasses kg 40%0£ 24Oc,Ikg 40%01 24Oc/kg 8% 0201.20 7 - Other rots with bone in kg 40%0£ 40%01 240cJkg 8% 240cIkg 40% or 40%0£ 8% 24Oc/kg 240c/kg 40%0£ 40% or 24Oc/kg 8% 40% or 240c,1kg 8% 240cIkg 40%0£ 24Oc/kg 40% or 8%" 240cIkg 40% or 200cJkg 40% or 200cIkg 0201.30 1 02.02 - Other kg Meat of bovine rmfmaIs, fr'OJlen: 0202.10 6 - Carcasses and half-carcasses kg 240cIkg 020220 020230 0 5 - Other cuts with bone in - Boneless 02.04 By the substitution for heading02.04 of the following: "02.04 Meat of &beep or goats, fresh, tiled or kg kg 40%0£ froD:a: 0204.10 3 - Carcasses and half-carcasses of lamb, fresh or chilled kg 8% 94 No. 24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 16 MAY 2003 Rate of Duty Head= ing Subheading Article Description C D Statistical Unit General 0204.2 EU SADC - Other meat of sheep, fresh or chilled: 0204.21 4 •• Carcasses and half-carcasses kg 40% or 200cIkg 40% or 200c1kg 8% 0204.22 0 - - Other cuts with bone in kg 40% or 200c1kg 40% or 200c/kg 8% 0204.23 7 -. Boneless kg 40% or 40% or 200c1kg 8% 40%0£ 40% or 8% 2OOc/kg 2OOc/kg 200cIkg 2 0204.30 0204.4 - - Carcasses and half-carcasses of lamb, frozen kg - Other meat of sheep, frozen: 3 0204.41 2 0204.42 0204.43 6 - - Carcasses and half-carcasses ~ - Other cuts with bone in _. Boneless 40% or 40% or 200cIkg 2OOcIk.g 40% or 200c/kg 40% or 40% or 40% or 200c/kg 8% 40% or 2OOc/kg 8%" 200cIkg kg 22% or 24Oc1kg 22% or 24Oc/kg 6%" kg 30% or l30c/kg 30% or 6%" 30% or 30%0£ l3Oc/kg l3Oc/kg kg kg kg 200cIkg 1 0204..50 02J)6 - - Meat of goats kg 40% or 8% 8% 200c/kg By the substitution for subheading 0206.10.10 of the following: ".10 8 • - Livers By tile substitution for subheading 0206.22 of the foJIowing: "0206.22 8 - - Livers 130c1kg By the substitution for subheading 0206.41 of the following: "0206.41 0 - - Livers kg 6%" No. 24849 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 Rate of Duty Head= log Subheading Article Description C D Statistical Unit EU GeDel'lll SADC By the substitution for subheading 0207.12 of the following: 02.07 "0207.12 7 - - Not cut in pieces, frozen kg 27% 27% 5%" kg 220cIkg 22Oc1kg 44cIkg" By the substitution for subheading 0207.14.90 of the following; ".90 5 - - - Other By the substitution for subheadings 02.08 0208.30, 0208.40 and 0208.50 of the following: "0208.30 7 - Of primates kg 8c1kg free free 0208.40 1 - Of whales, dolphins and porpoises kg 8c/kg free free kg 8clkg free .free" (mammals of the order CETACEA); of manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order SIRENlA) 0208.50 6 - Of reptiles (including snakes and turtles) By the substitution for beading 02.10 of 02.10 the following: Meat aDdedible meat offal, s&Jtedin brine, dried or smoked; edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal: "02.10 - Meat of swine: 0210.1 0210.11 8 - - Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in kg 15% or l3Oc/kg 15% or 130cIkg 8% 0210.12 4 • ~ Bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof kg 15% or 130c/kg 15% or 13Oc11c:g 8% 0210.19 9 . - Other kg 15% or 15% or 13Oc11c:g 8% 130c/kg kg 40% or 240clkg 40% or 240c1kg 8% kg 40%0£ 24Oc/kg 40% or 8% kg 40% or 240cIIc:g 40% or 240c/kg 8% kg 40% or 240c11c:g 40%0£ 240c/kg 8% 0210.20 6 - - Meat of bovine animals - Other, including edible flours and 0210.9 meals of meat and meat offal: 0210.91 4 - ~ Of primates 0210.92 0 ~ 0210.93 7 - - Of reptiles (including snakes and turtles) ~ - Of whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order CETACEA); of manatees and dngongs (mammals of the order SlRENIA) 24Oc/kg 95 96 No. 24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 RaaeofDuty Head= Sabheadiag lag Article DescrIption C D Statisdcal Unit EU GeDeraI 0210.99 5 07.02 kg 40% or 240cIkg 8%" 240cIkg kg 15% free free 15% free free 325c/kg free free 40%01 By the substitution for beadings07.02 and (fJ.03 of the following: 07.02 and 07.03 It - ~ Other SADC 0702.00 0 07.63 Tomatoes, fresh or chilled 0IIieBs, 8IIaDotB, prIic, leeks aDd ~ alHac.eous ftgetabI~ frab or dUlled: 0703.10 9 - Onions and shallots kg 0703.20 3 - Garlic kg with a maximum of 39% 0703.90 5 kg 15% free free" kg 15% 10,05% free" kg 15% free free" kg 15% free free" kg 15% 10,05% free" kg 15% free free" kg 30% 30% 6%" By the substitution for heading07.07 of the following: 07.07 "07.fY1 - Leeks and other alliaceousvegetables 0707.00 9 Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or c:biIled 07.08 By the substitution for subheading 0708.10 of the following; "0708.10 7 ~ Peas (PISUM SATIVUM) By the substitution for subheading 0709.20 of the following: 07.09 "0709.20 5 • Asparagus By the substitution for subheading 0709.60 Of the following: "0709.60 3 - Fnrits of the genus CAPSICUMor of the genus PIMENTA By the substitution for subheading 0709.90 of the following: "0709.90 7 -Other By the substitution for subheading 0710.10 of the following; 07.10 "0710.10 0 - Potatoes No.24849 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 Rate of Duty Bead= SubheadiDg iug Article Description C D Statistical Unit ED General SADe By the substitution for subheadings 0710.29 and 0710.30 of the following: "0710.29 2 - - Other kg 30% 30% 6% 0710.30 1 - Spinach, New Zealand spinach and orache spinach (garden spinach) kg 20% 20% free" kg 10% free free" By the substitution for subheading 0710.90 • of the following: "0710.90 7 - Mixtures of vegetables By the substitution for heading 07.11 of the 07.11 following: Vegetables pnmslonally preserved (for example, by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine, in sulphur water or ill othu pre=: serva~ solutions), but unmilable in that state for immediate OOIIBUIIlplion: "07.11 0711.20 9 - Olives kg 25% 25% free 0711.30 3 - Capers kg 20% free free 0711.40 8 ~ kg 20% 20% free Cucumbersand gherkins - Mushrooms and truffles: 0711.5 0711.51 9 - - Mushrooms of the genus AGARICUS kg 20% 20% free 0711.59 6 - - Other kg 20% 20% free - - Shallots and leeks kg 20% 20% free - - Fruits of the genus PJMENTA kg free free free - - Other kg 20% 20% free" kg 20% 20% free" - Other vegetables; mixturesof vegetables: 0711.90 .10 8 .30 2 .90 6 By the substitution for subheading 0712.20 of the following: 07.12 2 "0712.20 - Onions By the substitution for subheading 0712.90 of the following: - Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables: "0712.90 .15 2 - - Culinary herbs kg 4clkg free free .90 4 - - Other kg 20% free free" 97 98 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 No.24849 Rate of Duty Head= SobheadlDg Article Descripdoo C D iog Statistical Unit EU Geoeral 07.13 By the substitutionfor heading 07.13 of the following: -07.13 DriecllegumiDOUS vegetabIet, shelled, whether or not skinned or sp6t: SADe - Peas (PISUMSATIVUM): 0713.10 kg 15% 10,05% free - ~ Green peas, skinned or split kg 30% 30% 6% 7 - - Other kg free free free 6 - Chickpeas (garbanzos) kg free free free kg 15% 10,05% free .20 6 ~ .25 7 .90 0713.20 - Green peas, whole - Beaus (VIGNASPP., PHASEOLUS SPP.): 0713.3 7 0713.31 - - Beans of tho speciesVIGNAMUNGO (L.) HEPPERor VIGNARADIATA (L)WD..CZEK 0713.32 3 - '. Small red (Adzuki) beans (pHASED= LUS or VIGNA ANOULARIS) kg 10% 10% free 0713.33 8 • ~ Kidneybeans, includingwhite pea beans (PHASEOLUS VULGARIS) kg 10% 6,7% free 0713.39 8 _. Other kg 10% 6,7% free 0713.40 5 - Lentils kg free free free 0713.50 8 - Broad beans (VICIA FABAVAR. MAJOR) and horse beans (VIeIA FABAVAR. EQUINA,VICIAFABA kg 15% 10,05% free VAR.MINOR) - Other: 0713.90 07.14 .10 5 - - Whole kg 15% 10,05% free .20 2 - - Skinned or split kg 30% 20,1% 6%" kg 5% free free" kg 5% free free" By the substitution for subheading 0714.10.10 of the following: ".10 2 - - Frozen By the substitution for subheading 0714.20.10 of the following: ".10 7 - - Frozen No, 24849 STAATSKOE RANT, 16 MEl 2003 RaterA.Duty Head= ing Subheading C D Article Description Statistical Unit EU General SADC By the substitution fur subheading 0714.90.10 of the following: ".10 9 ,~ Frozen kg 5% free free" kg 25% free free" kg 25% free free" kg 5% free free t_ 08.01 By the substitution for subheading 0801.11.90 of following: ".90 5 - - - Other By the substitution for subheading 0801.19.90 of the following: ".90 6 - - - Other By the substitution for headings OS.03, 08.04, OS.05, 08.06, 08.07,08.08, 08.09, 08.10, 08.11 and 08.12 of the following: 08.03, 08.04, 08.05, 08.06, 08.07, 08.08, 08.09, 08.10, 08.11 and 08.12 "OS.03 0803.00 6 Bananas, induding plantains, fresh or dried Dates. figs, pineapples, avocados, goa= 08.04 vas, maDgOeS and mangosteens, fresh or dried: 0804.10 4 - Dates kg free free free 0804.20 9 - Figs kg free free free 0804.30 3 - Pineapples kg 15% 10,05% free 0804.40 8 - Avocados kg 5% free free 0804.50 2 - Guavas, mangoes and mangosteens kg 35% free free 08.05 Citros fruit, fresh or dried: 0805.10 8 . Oranges kg S% free free 0805.20 2 - Mandarins (including tangerines and satsumas); elementines, wilkings and similar citrus hybrids kg 5% free free 0805.40 1 - Grapefruit kg 5% free free 99 100 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 No.24849 Rate of Duly Head = Subheading Ardde Desc:riptiOIl C D ing StatiJdcal U:ail Geoeral - EU SADC 0805.50 6 - Lemons(CITRUSLIMON, ClI'RUS UMONUM) and limes (CII'RUS AURANTIFOUA, CITR.US LATIFO= UA) kg 5% free free 0805.90 4 - Other kg 5% free free GJ'8~ fresh 08.06 or dried: 0806.10 1 - Fresh kg 5% free free 0806.20 6 - Dried kg 10% free free kg 15% free free k8 15% free free kg 15% free free Me1aa8 (IIICDding~) IIDd 08.07 papaws (p&payaa), fRIh: - Melons (includingwatermelons): 0807.1 0807.11 1 - - Watermelons 0807.19 2 - - Other 0807.20 7 - - Papaws (papayas) , Apples, pears ud quinces, fresh: 08.08 0808.10 9 -Apples kg S% free free 0808.20 3 - Pears and quinces kg 5% free free Apricots, dlenia, peacbes (iDdudiog aectarines), plums aBel ~ frab: 08.09 0809.10 2 - Apricots kg 5% free free 0809.20 7 - Cherries kg 5% free free 0809.30 1 - Peaches.includingnectarines kg 5% free free 0809.40 6 - Plums and sloes kg 5% free free - Strawberries kg 15% free free - Raspberries, blactberries, mulberries kg free free free kg free free free kg free free free Other f.ruil, fresh: 08.10 0810.10 2 0810.20 -, :1 and loganberries B~ white or red amants and gooseberries 0810.30 1 - 0810.40 6 - Cranberries, bilberrie8 and other fruits of the genus VACCINlUM STAATSKOERANT. 16 MEl 2003 No.24849 RateotDuty Bead= Subheading lag C D Article Descripdon Stati8dcal Unit EU GeDenI 0810.50 0 - Kiwifruit kg S% free free 0810.60 5 - Durians kg S% free free 0810.90 - Other: .10 6 - - Granadillas and litchis kg 15% free tree .90 4 - - Other kg S% free free 08.11 Froit and Dutl, uncooked or cooked by straming Or' boiling in water. froan, whelher or not contaiDing addedsugar or other sweeteDiugmatter: 0811.10 6 - Strawberries kg 20% 20% free 0811.20 0 - Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries, loganberries, black, white or red currants and gooseberries kg 20% 20% free - - GranadiUa pulp; litchi pulp kg 5% 3,35% free - - Other kg 20% 20% free kg 20% free free 0811.90 - Other: .15 0 .90 8 08.12 SADC Fmit aDd BUts, provisioaally presened ~ (for euDlple, by sulpbur dioxide gas, ill brine, in sulphur water or iD other preservative solutions), but UDBUitabie in that state for immedi... C'Wwvlllp= tiOll: 0812.10 0 0812.90 - Cherries - Other: .15 4 - - Granadilla pulp; litchi pulp kg 5% free free .90 1 - - Other kg 20% free free" By the substitution for subheadings 0813.30,0813.40 en 0813.50 of the following: 08.13 "0813.30 2 - Apples kg 10% free free 0813.40 7 - Other fruit kg 10% free free 0813.50 1 - Mixtures of nuts or dried fruits of this Chapter k8 10% free free" 101 102 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 16 MAY 2003 No. 24849 Rate of Duty Head= Subheading Artide DetaiptioD C D ing StatiItiaI Uaft General EU SADC By the substitution for subheading; 0901.2 and 0901.90 of the following: 09.01 - Coffee, roasted: "0901.2 0901.21 6 - - Not decaffeinated kg 6c1kg free free 0901.22 2 - - Decaffeinated kg 6c/kg free free - Other: 0901.90 .10 9 - - Coffee husks and skins kg 20% 20% free .20 6 - - Coffee substitutes containingcoffee kg lOc/kg free free" By the substitution for subheadings 0902.30 and 090240 of the following: 09.02 "0902.30 8 - Black tea (fermented) and partly fermented tea, in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 3 kg kg 400cIkg 4OOcI1cg 8(k,Ikg 090240 2 - Other black. tea. (fermented)and other partly fermented tea kg 400tikg 4OOc,Ikg 8OcIkg" kg 25% 25% free" kg 20% 20% free" kg 3% free free" kg 5% free free" 09.04 By the substitution for subheading 0904.20.30 of the following: ".30 2 - - Fruits of the genus CAPSICUM By thesubstitution for subheading 0910.10.20 of the following: 09.10 ".20 9 - - Crushed or ground By the substitution for heading 10.07 of 10.07 the following: "10.07 1007.00 4 Grain lOl"ghum By the substitution for subheading 1008.90 of the following: 10.08 "1008.90 9 - Other cereals No.24849 STAATSKOE RANT, 16 MEl 2003 103 16 Mel 2003 No. R. 637 DOEANE EN AKSYNSWFf, 1964.- WYSIGING VAN BYlAE NO. t (NO. lit/nBS) Kragtens artikel 48 van die Doeane- en Aksynswet, 1964, word Deel 1 van Bylae No. 1 by genoemde Wet hiermee gewysig, met terugwerkende krag tot 1 Januarie 2003, in die mate in die Bylae hierby aangetoon. MMPAHLWA AJ)JlJNDfINISTE VANFINANSIES BYLAE Pas Subpos Artikel Beskrywfq T S SkaaI..... Rea Statis= dese Eenbeid Algemeen 02.02 Deur paste 02.01 en 02.02 deur die volgende te vervang: "02.01 VIeis van beesrudiere, ftI'S of verkoeJ: 02.01 en 0201.10 0201.20 2 7 - Karkasse en haJfkarkassc - Ander snitte met been in 1 02.02- - Ontbeen Vleis 0202.10 020220 020230 6 0 5 02.04 VBD SAoo ks 40% of 240cJkg 40%0£ kg 40% of 40% of 2AOcIkg 8% 8% 24Oc/kg 0201.30 EU kg 8% 240cItg 40% of 40%01 240dkg 24Oc/kg 40% of 240cIkg 40% of beesl'll8diere, bevrore: - Karkasse en halfkarkasse - Ander snitte met been in - Ontbeen kg kg kg 8% 240cJkg 40% of 40%0£ 240cIkg 24OcIk& 40% of 24Oc/kg 40%0£ 40% of 40% of 2OOc/kg 8% 8%" 24OcIk& Deur pos 02.04 deur die volgende te vervang; VIeis QIl skape of bokke, van, verlwel. of bevrore: "02.04 0204.10 3 - Karkasse en halfkarkasse van skaaplarnmers, vars of verkoel kg 200c/kg 8% 104 No.24849 Pos GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 SUbpos T S ArtiJrel BeskrywiDg Statis= tiese Eenheid SkaaI 'Y8D Reg Algemeen EU SAOO - Ander vleis van skape, vars of verkoel. 0204.2 0204.21 4 - • Karkasse en halfkarkasse kg 40% of 200c1kg 0204.22 0 ~ kg - Ander snitte met been in 40% of 200cIkg 8% 40% of 40% of 8% 200cIkg 200c1kg 0204.23 7 - - Ontbeen kg 40% of 200cIkg 40%0£ 200cIkg 8% 0204.30 2 - - Karkasse en halfk.arkasse van skaaplammers, bevrore kg 40% of 200c/kg 40% of 8% 40% of 40%0£ 200CIkg 8% 40% of 40%0£ 8% 2OOc/kg 200cIkg 40% of 40% of 200c1kg 8% 40%0£ 2OOl4'kg 40%0£ 8%" 22% of 22% of 24Oc1kg 6%" 30% of 13Oc1kg 30% of 6%" 30% of 130c1kg 30% of 200cIkg -Ander vleis van skape, bevrore: 0204.4 3 0204.41 ~ - Karkasse en halfkarkasse kg ZOOc/kg 2 0204.42 6 0204.43 - . Ander snitte met been in kg kg -. Ontbeen 200cIkg 1 0204.50 - - Vleis van bokke kg 200cIkg Deur subpos 0206.10.10 deur die volgende te vervang: 02.~ ".10 8 kg - - Lewers 24Oc/kg DeUT subpos 0206.22 deur die voJgende te vervang: "0206.22 8 - - Lewers kg l3Oc/kg subpos 0206.41 deur die volgende te vervang: DeUT "0206.41 0 - - Lewers kg nOc/kg 6%" STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 No.24849 Skaal ftIl Reg POll Subpos T Artllrel Beskrywlag S 02.07 Statis= tiese Eenbeid EU AIgemeen SAOG Deur subpos 0207.12 deur die volgende te vervang: "0207,12 7 - ~ Nie in stukke gesny nie, bevrore kg 27% 27% 5%" kg 22Oc1kg 22Oc/kg 44cIkg" Deur subpos 0207.14.90 deur die volgende te vervang: ",90 5 02.~ - - - Ander Deur subposte 0208.30, 0208.40 en 0208.50 deur die volgende te vervang: "0208.30 7 - Van primate kg 8c/kg vry vry 0208.40 1 - Van walvisse, dolfyne eo seevarke (soogdiere van die spesie SETASBe); van lamantyne en doegonge (soogdiere van die spesie SERENIA) kg 8c/kg vry vry 0208.50 6 - Van reptiele (met inbegrip van slange en kg 8c/kg vry vrf - - Hamme, blame en snitte daarvan, met been in kg 15%0£ 15% of l304'kg 8% 13Oc1kg skilpaaie) 02.10 Deur pos 02.10 deur die volgende te vervang: "01.10 Vleis eo eetbare YIeIsafval, gesout, in pekel, gedroog of gerook; eetbare meelblom ea met:I YaIl YIeis of YleisarYaI: - Vleis van varke: 0210.1 0210.11 8 0210.12 4 - - Uestc (deurwaste) eo snitte daarvan kg 15%0£ l3Oc/kg 15% of l3Oc/kg 8% 0210.19 9 - - Ander kg 15% of l3Oc/kg 15% of l3Oc/kg 8% 0210.20 6 - - Vleis van beesrasdiere kg 40%0£ 40% of 8% 24Oc/kg 240cIkg 40% of 240cIkg ...0% of 40% of 240cIkg 40% of 24Oc/kg - 0210.9 0210.91 0210.92 4 0 Ander, met inbegrip van eetbare meelblom en meel van vleis ofvleisafval: - - Van primate - • Van walvisse, dolfyne en seevarke (soogdiere van die spesie SETASEe); van Jamantyne en doegonge (soogdiere van die spesie SIRENIA) kg kg 8%" 24Oc/kg 8% 105 108 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 16 MAV 2003 No. 24849 POI ~ ... ArtIIrieI BtAt,. . . T Sb8I ftB. Rea dele I'.eIIhIY S EU AIaea-a 0210.93 7 0210.99 5 - - Van I'q)tiele (met inbcgrip YaD sllDlC CD skitpaaie) k8 4O'Jr> m 240cIkg •• Ander kg 40%01 40% of 24OcIk& 2Wc4Ikg lea 15% vry vry 40%01 8% 240cIkB 8%" Dcur postc 07.02 en 07.03 deur die volgende te verY8og: 07.02 en 07.03 "07.t2 SAOG 0702.00 0 T~ an olftl'llDel Vie., saIoUe, IaaofteI, .... _ ..... 07.83 ...... aneme, van 01.....: 0703.10 9 - Vicen salotte kg 15% vry vry 0703.20 3 - Knoft'cl kg 32ScIkg mct'n maksimum vry vry van 39% 0703.90 5 kg 15% vry vry" kg 15% 10,05% vry" q 15% vry vry" ka 15% vry vry" kg 15% 10,05% vry" ka 15% vry vry" q 30% 30% 6%· Deurpas fJ7.07 deW' die ~nde Ie vervaog: 07.07 '117JY1 - Preie eo ander uiagti,e srocote 0707.00 9 KJmaImnunen ell qurIdeI, .an ~ ftI'IweI Dcur subpos 0708.10 deur die voIgeodc Ie 07.08 vervang: "0708.10 7 - Ene (mUM SATIVUM) 07.09 Deur subpos 0709.20 dew die YOlpodeIe ~ "0709.20 5 -Aspersics Dew subpos 0009.60deardie wlgende te vervang: "0709.60 3 ( - Vrugte van die soorte CAPSICUM of PJMENTA Dcur subpot 0709.90 deur die volFDde te vervang: 07.10 "0709.90 7 -Ander Oeur subpos 0710.10 deur die vervang: "0710.10 0 & Aartappels YOI" te NO.24849 STAATSKOERANT. 16 MEl 2003 Staas: POll ArtlkeI Beskrywiog T S Subpos Skaal van Reg tlese EeDheid ED A1gemeen SAOG Deur subposte 0710.29 en 0710.30 deur die volgende te vervang: "0710.29 2 - - Ander kg 30% 30% 6% 0710.30 1 - Spinasie, Nieu-Seeland-spinasieen meld (tuin meld) kg 20% 20% vry" kg 10% vry vry" Deur subpos 0710.90 deur die volgende te vervang: "0710.90 7 - Mengsels van groente 07.11 Deur pos 07.11 deur die volgende te vervang: "07.11 Groente wat voorlopfg gepreseneer ill (byvoorbeeld, deur sWBweidioksiedgas, in pekel, in swawelwater of in ander prellel"Veeropl08l1ings), maar ongesldk in daardie toestand vir onmiddelUke gebndlc 0711.20 9 -Dlywe kg 25% 25% vry 0711.30 3 - Kappertjies kg 20% vry vry 0711.40 8 - Komkommersen agurkies kg 20% 20% vry -Sampioene en truffels: 0711.5 0711.51 9 - - Sampioene van die soort AGARICUS kg 20% 20% vry 0711.59 6 - - Ander kg 20% 20% vry - Ander groente; mengsels van groente: 0711.90 .10 8 - - Salotte en preie kg 20% 20% vry .30 2 - - Vrugte van die soort PIMBNTA kg vry VIy vry .90 6 - - Ander kg 20% 20% vry" kg 20% 20% VIy" Deur subpos 0712.20 deur die volgende te vervang: 07.12 2 "0712.20 - Die Deur subposte 0712.90 deur die volgende te vervang: Ander groente; mengsels van groente: "0712.90 107 .15 2 - - Kruie vir koolcd~leindes kg 4cIkg vry vry .90 4 - - Ander kg 20% vry vry" 108 No.24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 16 MAY 2003 Skaal V8D Reg Stan&:: Pos T S Subpos Artikel Beskrywing tiese Eenbeid AIgemten SAOG Deur subpos 00.13 deur die volgende te vervang: 07.13 It EU 07.13 Gedroogde peulgroente, uitgedop, betsy afgmed of gesplete aI daD Die: - Brte (plSUM SATMJM): 0713.10 - - Groenerte, heel kg 15% 10,05% vry .25 7 - - Groenerte, afgenerf of gesplete kg 30% 30% 6% .90 7 - - Ander kg vry vry vry - Kebererte (garbanges) kg vry vry vry kg 15% 10,05% vry .20 0713.20 6 6 - Bone (VIGNASPP., PHASEOLUS SPP.): 0713.3 0713.31 7 - - Bone van die VIGNAMUNGO (L) HEPPER of VIGNA RADIATA (L) WB.£ZEK-soort 0713.32 3 - - Klein rooi (Adzuki) bone (pHASEO= ins of VlGNA ANOULARIS) kg 10% 10% vry 071.l.33 8 - - Pronkbone, met inbegrip van wit ertbone kg 10% 6,7% vry (PHASEOWS VULGARIS) 0713.39 8 - - Ander kg 10% 6,7% vry 0713.40 5 - Lensies kg vry vry vry 0713.50 8 - Boerbone(VICIAFABA VAR. MAJOR) en perdebone (VICIA FABA VAR. EQUINA, VICIAFABAVAR. MINOR) kg 15% 10,05% vry 0713.90 - Ander. .10 5 - - Heel kg 15% 10,05% vry .20 2 - - Afgened of gesplete kg 30% 20,1% 6%" kg 5% vry vry" kg 5% vry vry" Deur subpos 0714.10.10 deur die volgende te vervang: 07.14 ".10 2 - - Bevrore Deur subpos 0714.20.10 deur die volgende te vervang: ".10 7 - - Bevrore NO.24849 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 Pos Subpos ArtikeI Beskrywiog T S Skaal ftIl Reg Stads= tiese Eeuheid EU Algemeen MOO Deur subpos 0714.90.10 deur die volgende te vervang: ".10 9 - -Bevrore kg 5% vry vry" kg 25% vry vry" kg 25% vry vrylt kg 5% vry vry Deur subpos 0801.11.90 deur die volgende te vervang: 08.01 ".90 5 - - - Ander Deur subpos 0801.19.90 deur die volgende tevervang: ".90 6 - - - Ander paste 08.03, 08.04, 08.05, 08.06, 08.07,08.08,08.09,08.10,08.11 en 08.12 deur die volgende te vervang: 08.03, 08.04, DeUT 08.05, 08.06, 08.07, 08.08, 08.09, 08.10, 08.11 en 08.12 "08.03 0803.00 6 Piesangs, iDsluitend meelpiesangs, van of gedroog Dadels, vye, pynappels, avokados, koejawets, mangos en mangostaDtJ, van ofgedroog: 08.04 0804.10 4 - Dadels kg vry vry vry 0804.20 9 - Vye kg vry vry vry 0804.30 3 - PynappeIs kg 15% 10,05% vry 0804.40 8 - Avokados kg 5% vry vry 0804.50 2 - Koejawels, mangos en mangostans kg 35% vry vry Sitrnsvrugte, van of gedroog: 08.05 109 0805.10 8 - Lemoene kg 5% vry vry 0805.20 2 - Nartjies (met inbegrip van vasskilnartjies en "satsumas"), "clernentines", "wilkings" en dergelike sitrusbasters kg 5% vry vry ·0805.40 1 - Pomelos kg 5% vry vry 110 No.24849 P08 Subpos GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 T S ArtikeI Beslpytring SkaalvoReg Statis= dese Eenheid EU AJgealeen SAOG 0805.50 6 - Suurlemoene (crrRUS LIMON, ClTRUS LIMONUM) en lemmetjies (CITRUS AURANTIFOLIA, CITRUS LATIFOLIA) kg 5% vry vry 0805.90 4 - Ander kg 5% vry vry DrnJwe, VIU'S of gedroog: 08.06 0806.10 1 - Vars kg 5% vry VIy 0806.20 6 - Gedroog kg 10% vry vry 08.07 Meloene (met Inbegrip ftIl waterlemoene) en papQII5, YIIrs: - Meloene (met inbegrip van water: 0807.1 lernoene): 0807.11 1 - - Waterlemoene kg 15% vry vry 0807.19 2 - - Ander kg 15% vry vry 0807.20 7 - - Papajas kg 15% vry vry Appell, pere en kwepen, van: 08.08 0808.10 9 - Appels kg 5% vry vry 0808.20 3 - Pere en kwepers kg 5% vry vry AppeIkose, IrersieI, penka (met ilibeplp van kaalpenkes), pruime en sleepndme. 08.09 van: 0809.10 2 - Appelkose kg 5% vry vry 0809.20 7 - Kersies kg 5% vry vry 0809.30 1 - Perskes, met inbegripvan kaalperskes kg 5% vry vry 0809.40 6 • Pruime en sleepruime kg 5% vry vry Ander vrugte, van: 08.10 0810.10 2 - Aarbeie kg 15% vcy vry 0810.20 7 - Frambose, braambessies, moerbeie en loganbessies ks vry vcy vry 0810.30 1 - Swart, wit of rooi aalbessies en kruisbessies kg vry vry vry 0810.40 6 - Rooibosbessies, bilbessies en ander vrugte van die VACCINIUM-soort kg vry vry vry No.24849 STAATSKOERANT, 16 MEl 2003 POI T Subpos ArtDreI BeUrprfJIg S SbalvuReg Statis= tie&e Eenheld EU AIaemeea MOO 0810.50 0 - Kiwivrug kg 5% vry vry 0810.60 5 - Doerians kg 5% vry vry - - Grenadellasen lietsjies kg 15% vry vry •• Ander kg 5% vry vry -Ander: 0810.90 .10 6 .90 4 Vrugfe en DeIItet oaaeJrook ~ aDder Itoom of iB water pIrook, bemire, beUy dlt bypvoeade talker fA. ..... ftllOetlapmiddeJB bmIt II ... DIe: 08.11 0811.10 6 - Aarbcic kg 20% 20% vry 0811.20 0 - Frambosc, braambelaies, moerbeic, lopnbcasies, swart, wit of rooi aalbessies kg 20% 20% vry en kruisbessics • Ander: 0811.90 .15 0 •• Orenadellapulp;lietljiepulp kg 5% 3,35% vry .90 8 - - Ander kg ~ 2OCJ& vry leg 20% vry vry V...... ea . . . , WIlt 9OOI'IoN ppre:= ltneeril(b'~"'''''''1I: clloIadedps, fa peW, I............ 01. III aader "eaenellc.pkll.-.p), ...... oqeskik I. daardIe taeItaad • onmIddeUlke verbruilc 08.12 0 0812.10 - ~rsies - Ander. 0812.90 .15 4 - - Greoadellapulp;lietsjiepulp kg 5% vry vry .90 1 - - Ander kg 20% vry vry" Deur subpos0813.30deur die volgende te vervang: 08.13 "0813.30 2 - Appels kg 10% vry vry 0813.40 7 - Ander vrugae kg 10% vry vry 0813.50 1 - MengscJs 'V8Il newe of gedroosde vrugte van hierdic Hoofstuk: kg 10% vry vrj" 111 112 No. 24849 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 16 MAY 2003 SkBaI W1l Reg Statis= Pm Subpos ArtikeI Beskrywiag T S tiese Eenheid EU A1gemeea SAoo Deur subpos 0901.2 en 0901.90 deur die volgendete vervang: 09.01 - Koffie. gebrand: "0901.2 0901.21 6 - - Nie gedekafeieneerd me kg 6('/kg vry vry 0901.22 2 :.. - Gedekafei"eneerd kg 6cIkg vry vry 0901.90 - Ander: .10 9 - - Koffiedoppe en -oerwe kg 20% 20% vry .20 - - Koffiesurrogatewat koffie bevat kg 1Oc/kg vry vry" kg 4OOc/kg 400cIkg 8Oc/kg kg 400cIkg 400c1kg 8OcIkg" kg 25% 25% vry" kg 20% 20% vry" kg 3% vry vr'j kg 5% vry vry" 6 09.02 Deur subposte 0902.30 en 0902.40 deur die volgende te vervang: 8 "0902.30 - Swart tee (gefennenteer) en gedeelteJik gefermenteerde tee, in onmiddellike verpakkingsmet 'n inboud van hoogstens 3kg 2 0902.40 09.04 Deur snbpos 0904.20.30 deur die volgende te vervang: ".30 2 - - Vrugte van die 800ft CAPSICUM Deur subpos 0910.10.20 deur die volgcnde te vervang: 09.10 ".20 9 10.07 "10.07 - Ander swart tee (gefermenteer) en ander gedeeltelik gefermenteerde tee - - Oebreek of gemaal Deur subpos 10.07 deur die volgende te vervang: 1007.00 4 10.08 Graauorghum Deur subpos 1008.90 deur die volgende te vervang: "1008.90 9 ~ Ander graansoorte Printed by and obtainable from the Government Printer, Bosman Street, Private Bag X85, Pretoria, 0001 Publications: Tel: (012) 334-4508, 334-4509, 334-4510 Advertisements: Tel: (012) 334-4673, 334-4674, 334-4504 Subscriptions: Tel: (012) 334-4735, 334-4736, 334-4737 Cape Town Branch: Tel: (021) 465-7531 Gedruk deur en verkrygbaar by die Staatsdrukker, Bosmanstraat, Privaatsak X85, Pretoria, 0001 Publikasies: Tel: (012) 334-4508, 334-4509, 334-4510 Advertensies: Tel: (012) 334-4673, 334-4674, 334-4504 Subskripsies: Tel: (012) 334-4735,334-4736,334-4737 Kaapstad-tak: Tel: (021) 465-7531 24849-1