CHALLENGE To build complete series circuits. (Science, ICT and

Year 4 - Spring Term Challenge 2015
‘It’s Electric’
To build complete series circuits.
(Science, ICT and English)
To design and build a working torch using the electric circuits built.
(Science, D&T, English and ICT)
Thinking Hats
Explanation texts
Red Hat—Use instincts to make
initial judgements about a task.
Throughout the topic the children will be expected to
The children will learn to identify
White Hat— Establish prior
explain findings both verbally
common appliances that run on
knowledge and identify questions that
and through written tasks.
electricity and make a simple
will help to complete a task.
This will lead to a final text
where they will explain how
Yellow Hat—Identify strengths and
their finished product (a
They will identify and name the
benefits at each stage of a task, in
torch) works.
basic parts of circuits they make,
order to complete it successfully.
including cells, wires, bulbs,
switches and buzzers.
Black Hat—Identify weaknesses and
Internet research
problems at each stage of a task in
They will learn about electrical
This will be linked to
order to complete it successfully.
and how to identify and
researching and evaluating a
avoid potential hazards.
range of torches available on
Green Hat—Find alternative
the market today.
solutions to help complete a task.
They will recognise some common
conductors and insulators.
They will learn to be confident
Blue Hat— Organise and order the and responsible users of ICT
various stages required to solve a
They will learn that metals can
and the internet.
often be associated with good
Understanding and using electrical systems.
The children will make a torch, using their knowledge of electrical circuits and their understanding of strengthening existing structures.
Blocked Subjects / Daily Lessons
English: Stories from Imaginary worlds, play-scripts and
narrative poetry.
Daily Maths lessons, covering fractions, decimals, calculation strategies for addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division, statistics, geometry.
Computing: Focus on thinking skills and writing simple
programs that are precise and easy to follow.
PE: Gymnastics or net and wall games and swimming.
Geography: Countries of the world.
Music: Singing
French: Numbers to 100, the classroom
RE: Introduction to Sikh beliefs.
PSHE: First Aid, SRE—Changes, Health and Wellbeing.
Art: William Morris: Artist study. Using a clay tile to creThroughout the topic the children ate a print block, that will be used to recreate wallpaper.
will focus on reporting their
Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) findings.
‘Going for Goals’ - setting personal goals and identifying
the necessary steps to achieve them.