Chapter 2: The American Colonies Emerge Section 1: Spain’s Empire in the Americas, pages 38-43 1. 2. 3. 4. W ho were conquistadors? W hat factors allowed them to be successful? Thoroughly identify Hernan Cortes [Summarize pages 38-39+] W hat pattern did the Spanish follow in conquering the New W orld? Identify: a. peninsulares b. mestizo c. encomienda d. Francisco Pizarro 5. W hy did the Spanish make expeditions north of New Spain [Mexico and part of Guatemala]? 6. W hat is the importance of the following? A. Juan Ponce de Leon b. Pedro Menendez de Aviles c. Francisco Vasquez de Coronado 7. W hat role did Spanish priests play in the conquest of the Americas? W hat were congregaciones? 8. W hat achievements were made in New Mexico? 9. W hat did the Spanish do to provoke the Native Americans and cause them to revolt? 10. Identify Popé. Section 2: An English Settlement at Jamestown, pages 44-49 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. W hat was the first attempt at a permanent settlement in the New W orld for the English? W ho funded the English ventures? W hat role did King James I play? W ho, what, where, when, why: establishment of the first permanent English colony. W hy did Jamestown nearly fail? List all of the reasons. Identify John Smith. W hat role did he play at Jamestown? W ho were the Powhatan peoples? Describe their relationship with the English settlersa. W hat happened during the “starving time”? The development of what crop saved Jamestown? Identify the following: a. headright system b. indentured servants 10. How were the first African laborers treated? W hat made this situation change? 11. W hy did relations between the English and the Native Americans change? 12. W hat pattern of conquest did the English follow? 13. W hat did Chief Opechancanough do in 1622? W hat was the response of King James? 14. W hat were the economic and political problems faced by former indentured servants? 15. Summarize Bacon’s Rebellion. Section Assessment: Do Question 4, page 49. Section 3: Puritan New England, pages 52-57 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Identify John W inthrop. W ho were the Puritans? W hat were their religious beliefs? W ho were the Separatists? W here did they migrate? W hy did many Puritans choose to leave England in the 1630s? The royal charter granted to the Massachusetts Bay Colony failed to say where the company’s headquarters would be. W hat was the importance of this omission? 6. Describe the Massachusetts Bay Colony: who settled there and why it was successful. Define the Great Migration. W hat town became the capital of the colony? 7. W hat was the special covenant that Puritans believed they had with God? 8. How did John W inthrop envision his city upon a hill? W ho was allowed to vote there? 9. How did the Puritan church affect the colony? 10. W hat is the “Puritan work ethic”? 11. Describe Puritan families. 12. Identify the following: a. Roger W illiams b. Anne Hutchinson 13. How did Native Americans relate to the New England colonists initially? W hy did that change? 14. Describe the Pequot W ar. 15. W ho was Chief M etacom? W hat were the sources of conflict he had with the English? W hat happened in King Philip’s W ar? W hat were the results? Section 4: Settlement of the Middle Colonies, pages 58-61 1. W hat did the Dutch settle? Initially, upon what was its economy based? 2. W hat types of people settled this colony, i.e., from what countries, races, and religions? 3. W hat relationship did they people have with Native Americans? 4. W ho, how, when, why did the English take over New Netherland? 5. How did W illiam Penn gain Pennsylvania? Delaware? 6. W hat did Quakers believe? 7. Explain Penn’s “holy experiment”. 8. How was Delaware formed? 9. Summarize Penn’s relationship with Native Americans. 10. In addition to Quakers, what people were attracted to Pennsylvania?