Thinking Hats pattern puzzle

Facts And Figures
Can you role-play being a computer?
Just the facts in a neutral and objective manner.
Never mind the interpretation.
What are the facts in this matter?
Facts and figures are often embedded in an
argument. They can never be treated objectively as
part of an argument.
So you aren’t drowned in information, focus your
request to draw forth needed information.
Thinking becomes a discipline encouraging separation
of fact and interpretation or extrapolation.
Positive thinking and assessment.
This color is for sunshine & brightness.
Positive judgment.
Constructive thinking and making things happen.
Positive thinking is a mixture of curiosity, pleasure,
greed, and the desire to “make things happen.”
Assessment of worth & value provides the “positive.”
Has a strong basis in self-interest.
Put on this hat first, and then follow its requirements
to be positive and optimistic.
What Is Wrong With It?
The logical negative.
Why it will not work.
It does not fit our knowledge and experience.
Critical judgment.
The pessimistic view.
It is said that most thinkers feel most comfortable
wearing this hat.
This thinking is logical and negative; it is not
emotional. That is the job of another hat.
The verb “criticize” implies pointing out what’s wrong.
Relieves the thinker of the need to be fair and see
both sides of the situation.
Creative & Lateral Thinking
New ideas, concepts, perceptions.
The deliberate creation of new ideas.
Alternatives and more alternatives.
New approaches to problems.
Escape from old ideas to find better.
The urge to do things in a better way should underpin
all our thinking.
It’s okay to be deliberately illogical.
This hat protects new ideas from the instant frost of
the habits of another hat.
We need this hat because the brain is designed to set
up patterns, to use them, and to condemn anything
that doesn’t fit.
Control Of Thinking
Thinking about thinking.
Instructions for thinking.
The organization of thinking.
Control of the other hats.
With this hat we are no longer thinking about the
subject. We are thinking about the thinking needed to
explore that subject.
This hat conducts the orchestra & choreographs the
Wearing this hat we tell ourselves which of the other
five hats to wear.
Holds up the target & says, "Shoot here."
Focus is the key role of this hat.
Emotions And Feelings
The opposite of neutral, objective information.
Hunches, intuitions, impressions.
No need to justify.
No need to give reasons or the basis.
It’s all about the non-rational aspects of thinking. Is
the channel for bringing these out as a legitimate part
of the map.
If we don’t acknowledge emotions and feelings, they
will lurk in the background and affect all thinking in a
hidden way.